Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Jun 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1930 PACE SEVEN 'Stock Markets, Grain and Produce Exchanges Proditice Prices in the "1 Commercial Markets PRODUCE, QUOTATIONS ' ly Toronto wholesale dealers are buying produce at the following prices: A Yiggw--~Ungraded, caves returned, . fresh extras, 28¢ fresh firsts, 26¢; . seconds, 23c, Butter: No. 1-Ontario Creams ory, solids, 27 to 27%e; No, 2, 26 to 26%, ial 28 to Mushrooms, per pound Leat lettuce, 8 for ... Head lettuce, 2 for ,. Parsley, per hunch .. Cress, three for . .... Celery, dozen ve Oranges, per dozen ... 0.78 Honeydew melons, each 0,60 Strawbereles, pint .... Grapefruit, each .,... 0.10 Potatoeg, bag..." .... 2.85 Cucumbers, each ,.... 0.26 ree re IS { Churning Cream~--8p 30¢; No. 1, 27 to 28¢c; No. 2, 24 to "be, Cheesa~No, 1 large, colored, paratie and government graded, 40, ! Poult Alive Hens, over 5 Ibs, ,,iivssannis Do, 4 BIDS, cosvmprnnne sD Dos 4 SH 0,, UN hn o's 2 vie oil er Ly 2% to 3 lbs, 27 Do; 1% to 2% Ibs, +......20 Old roosters, over 6 1bs, + .ese 15 Dosover 4 to B Ibs «vvvviuy 12 (Belling) 'I'oronto wholesale dealers are offering produce to retail dealers at the following prices: Eggs--~Fresh extras, in cartons, 86c: fresh extgas, loose, . 33c; firsts, 31c; wecolids, 27c, Butter--No, 1 erdamery, prints, 82¢; No, 2, creamery prints, d0¢, Cheese~~New, Inrge 18¢c; iwing, 18%; triples, 18c; stil~ tons, 208 ¢c; Old, large, 28¢; Awins, A2 | Green peppers, six for Lemons per dozen ,.. ... Bananas, per dozen ... 0.30 Cal, green peas, 6-qt, basket . ., iv iis Eggplant, each ...... Green beans, 6 qt, ,.. a alae PIV INO SWE SAI IAI CS DT ras eT | MO OMD DRO ONTMS CMC TONDTOSSTOMNESD "re Turnips, bus, ...../ Parsnipspdl at, «voi v0' 1g Apples, Dus «+. vee, 1.60 Giveen poss, 6. gt, .... .. i Tomatoes, Ib, « ~ ....i 4 Pineapples, each ..... 0.25 Rhubarb, three bunches .. Radishes, 3 bunches ...... New Carrots, 3 bunehes ... New beets, bunch . .. Green onfons 4 bunches Green peppers, 2 for .. TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesalers are quoting the following prices to the trade; Smoked Meats--~Hams, medium, 28 to 3bc; cooked loins, 48 to 63¢; smoked rolls, 28¢; breakiast bacon, 30 to 40¢; backs pea-mealed, 84c; Prawn coco odoonnNDHeS straw are quoting shippers the fol lowing prices for carload lots, de- livered on track, Toronto. No, 3 Limothy., ..., 1200 $18.00 Wheat Straw.,.,.. 11.00 Ost SLFRW. vs0000 11,00 heavier receipts "in Chicago have served to check an upturn that might otherwise have come about on loca! cash) tone to-day and yesterday has been no more than steady. interest manifested so far as the Junes were concerned and but little on the Novembers, without change this morning in a Session character! th of bidding, ns down to 86 this day, Hl to-day, 68,015; last year, 69, extras, tone steady, 23% to 23¢c; tons weak, oxiras, firsts, 28 to 23%e¢; tone steady, CANADIAN GIRL TORONLO HAY AND HTRAW Wholesale dealers In hay and 2 timoth, , . $14,00 thre vies PRODUCE VUTURKS CHICAGO June 17,--Relatively Chicago, market, The under. Trade on utures was extremely Hght with no The spot butter was steady and arings and phi 0B ing, Novembers Hght were morning. Open commitmients--~ November eggs, 1,175; June butter, 11; July 'butter, 1; November butter, 1,084," Two market receipts Butter to. 46,065; last year, 45,488, Chicago spot 32%e¢e; market--Butter, standards, 32%e¢; Eggs, graded firsts, New York spot markgt-- Butter, 43%¢c; no tone, Eggs, EXONERATED BY JURY IN ENGLAND COLLEGIATE COACH T. H. MeLELLAND, member of the Cobourg Collegiate Institut's Ypaching staff and physi cal instructor, To his or in after school hours is ascribed the lion's shara of credit for the Co- bourg Collegiate Track Team's splendid show at the resent Secondary S¢ ! Track Mest at Alésandrs Park, Oshawa, BROWNS WIN SERIES St, Louls, June 18.~The &t, Louis Browns won from the Washington Senators, 12 to 0, here pein The Menators answered the chal lenge by scoring five runs in the ninth, just three short of a tie, Cronin also hit for the clyeuit, RED 0X MAKE CLEAN SWEEP Chicago, June 18,~The Beston Red Hox defeated the White Sox, 8 to 5 here yesterday and swept the three-game series, Three Chicago pitchers were in effective In the first two innings, during which Boston scored nix of its runs, Caraway worked the rost of the day, In all, Boston got fifteen hits, The White Sox touched Milton Gas. ton for eleven, The game ended the White Box first home stand against the Eastern clubs, with only four victories in twelve games, BAD ACTORS BARRED Blue Bonnets, June 18,-~At the the Canadian Racing Avsociat on Monday the fol lowing horses were declared in- eligible to run on C.R.A, courses: Hobeaw, Koscluscke, Asahi, Vio« iota, Breeze Home and Fair Folly, This ruling Is a stage in the poliey of eliminating from récing horses that are unmanageable or dangerous at the barrier, or sre the cause of unremsonable delay in starting the races, 3 MANDELL STOPS KLINE Lansing, June 18, Sammy Mandell, world's lightweight cham. pion, knocked out Corporal lgsy Kline 1ast. night In the third round of & scheduled ten-round bout, Kline aroused the champion in the first round vhen he stune hi" twice with hard right swings, Thereaftes the Rockford whirl wind took charge of the fight, HOOVER URGED T0 MAKE CONCESSIONS (Continued from Fage 1) glan cabinet has disctissed the new United States tariff policy fully but announces that it he- Heves safeguarding nna retaliatory measures sfionld await conferences with other Kuropean countries, Comments on King's Speech Now York, NY, June 18.» "Here wo have the first and prompt indication that our besol- ted protectionists are of the kind that cut off thelr noses to spile thelr faces', the New Y:rk Times declares editorially today, in com menting on Premier ,Mackeusie King's speech at Brantford, Ont, Monday night. The Times adds; "Canudn haw for some time been the 'best customer of the United States, Our exports, now admitted by everyone, even hy a protection: ist president of the United States, to, be vital to our Industry and ossontinl to our prosperity, have stendily been going to the Domin- fon In a larger share than to any other countfy, American business shrewdness, Ameritan shopkeeping sense, must certainly appear to have fallen Into stupidity, thus to alienate neighbors who have been the Inrgest purchasers of our wares, Prime Minister King 1s for the most friendly relations with ths country and, as & Liberal and former free trader, Is himself de- ternational ecommerce except upon A reciprocal basis, "President Hoover has ex pressed confidence that through the tariff commission he will ne Wie to meet the protests of other nations, He should lose no time in taking up the case of Canadas, Toe Dominion makes no protest; but slates Its own position in a way to klve pause to all ol Washington Who made ight of the warnings of American economists and manus facturers, to the effect that the higher (arift was certain to cut deeply Into our foreign commerce,' LIBERAL EMPIRE TRADE PLAN SAID 'BAD BUSINESS' (Continued from Page 1) Winnipeg, 1 said, as a sign of als fection ana goodwill, as an oxXpres- slon of the hope we all have that Wome day a closer economic alliance of empire states may, find boing, 1 commend the measure for British preference which the governent has Introduced, As an exposition of the principles on which may be built an enduring structure of empire trade alliance I cannot glye them support. A wound partnership is founded on mutuslity of interests, Good bugil ness Is predicated upon reciprocal benefits, Mr, MacKenzie King talks of elementary principals of busi Hoss, "He had no knowledge apparent. of W-will sand misunderstanding, The &mpire cannot prevail over such wanton fool-hardiness. PROVINCES HOLD UP SEAWAY PLAN (Continued from Page 1) od that, in the speech from the throne, the government had fores cast the holding of a dominion provincial conference to deal with unemployment, This conference would he called by the dominion, Certain figures to show what the dominion government had done for the provinces, and notably for On. tario, by way of financial ald, were quoted by Mr, King in discussing Prethier Ferguson's declaration that he would throw his weight, and members of his government, into the campaign against the ad ministration hecause of the prime minister's five cent speech, Direct grants to the province of Ontarle since this governent had come inta power totalled $31,281,805, sald Mr, King, while Indirectly the gove ernment had contributed by way of war pensions, unemployment relief, ete, a further $06,865,940, Mr, King asked his listeners if, in view of these facts they thought the gov ernments should quarrel over a five cent-plece, It will cost $2,000,000 to record 4,000 votes In the forthcoming federal elec tion, And then cost more than that If the voters show poor judgment = Hamilton Spectator, Tt is sald that the directors of the yesterday in a game which develop od into a free-hitting, free-scoring contest in the final innings, The victory gave the Browns the series, three games out of four, The Browns went into the eighth inning with a 6 to 4 lead as a re- sult of "Goose" Goslin's first homer since changing over to Bt. Louis any piled six more runs atop their lead, sirous of putting ne check upon the free flow of commodities be- tween the gwo countries, From it both stand to gain, just as both are likely to lose from any artiti- cial restrictions' upon trade, a ever; the final word of the Cana. dian government is that it f& un. able ot consider questions of in. Wheat Pool are applying "farmer hours" to the operation of their eles vators at the Head of the Lakes -- Port Arthur News-Chronicle, An Englishman has won the golf. ing championship of Ireland, It's about time to hear again from De Valera Ottawa Journal, 20c; triplets and cuts, 30c; old stiltons, Ble. Prstsed Poultry Chickens, 6 Ibs. up ....v. Do, to B61b8 .ovvvvrves Do, 8% to 4 Ibs, v.00. Dos 3 to 3% 108, wvsiee Do, B1b8, ....: Hens, over 5 Ibs, Broflers . i ¢iiiiviannin Ducks 4.4 sv dvnrvinnis _ Turkeys . . .. FARMERS' MARKEY The following are the quofa- tions, retail, in effect on the St. Ia Market, Toronto: eemrm-------- Dorothy Dix fan writes to ask how a girl should receive "an un- expected kiss" Well, that all de. pends on how long she has been ex- pecting it. --~Border Cities Star, ly of this most elementary one when he attempted (if he seriously meant. to attempt) to develop em- pire trade In this way, 'To grant trade preference to an- other state of empire without founding those preferences on a mutually helpful treaty Is unsound business, profitless and productive do, smoked, 46 to Bbc, Pork loins, 20¢; shoulders, 20¢; butts, 26c; hams ,26%e¢. Cured meats--Long clean bacon, 60 to 70 lbs, 24c; 70 to 90 Ibs 22¢; 90 to 110 Ths, 210, Heavy. weight rolls 40c: lightweight rolls, London, June 18.--Patricla, the 19-year-old daughter of Lt. Col. and Mrs, Grant Morden, was ex- onerated by a coroner's jury from any blame In connection with the death of a man aged 23, struck by a motor car she ;was driving, Miss Morden testified the steering. gear on her car went wrong, "I shouted to the poor man but though he looked around he was not quite quick enough," she said, Lt, Col. Morden, a native of Prince Edward County, Ontario, Was the founder of the Canada Steamsh', Lines and he served with the Canadian troops in the war, He has been a Consorvative member of the British' House of Commons since 1018. His wife was formerly Doris Henshaw, of Vancouver, DANISH KING GOES : TO ICELAND'S FETE Copenhagen, June 18, -- King Christian and Queen Alexandrine have loft Copenhagen aboard the Danish cruiser Neils Juul, to attend the 1,000th anniversary pelebration of the Icelandic Parliament, As the royal salute of 31 guns boomed out. over the water, the Re- | sul party was followed hy the cruiser Fylla as an pgoort, ---- MUST PROVE OWNERSHIP Montreal, \ June 18.~The fol. lowing ruling «was made by the Canadian Racing Associations mo- guia Monday. The application of osse Burke for a trainer's license he refused and entries of all horses in his charge to be refused unit! he proves to the satisfaction of the pr I IL 0 Owne of Thistl Coot as of May 20-30," . Absence makes the landlord pon. der~Chicage Daily News 26e, Lard---Pure tlerces, 15¢; tubs, 160; pails, 17¢; prints, 17 to 17 %e. Shortening~Tierces, 13¢; tubs, 13%c; palls, 14e, Special pastry shortening----Tler- ces 1Bc; tubs, 16%c; palls, 16. TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronlo Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitoba wheat---Np. 1 Northern, $1.07; No. 2 do, do, $1.02% No, 4, § 5, 00%¢c; No, 6, 75%c; feed 6bc | (elf, Goderich and Bay ports), =» Manitoba onts--No, 1 feed, 49¢; | No, 2 do, 48¢ American corn--No, 2 yellow, 90%: No. 8 do, 80%, Militeed, delivered Montreal freights, bags included-~Bran, per ton, 8.25; shorts, por ton, $30.25; middlings $32.25, 0| Ontario grain-~Wheat, $1.08; wats, 4c: barley, 50 to Bie; rye) minal: buck \ Bede P Eggs, extras, per doz, Doi, firsts, per dos. .. Butter, dairy per pound .,.. Do, creamery, per 1b, 0.35 Fruits and ables Asparagus, bunch 'eu Carrots, 3 bunches ,.. Beets, bunch ,...0049 INTERNATIONAL PAPER and POWER COMPANY Owned, including subsidiaries, by 79,000 shareholders in Canada, Great Britain and the United States. The Company's securities are listed and traded in on the Montreal and New York Stock Exchanges. wes sen fers he Do... 6+at. basket Ld pr RO a-- Cabb ne # Cauliflower .. ., ,... 025 Endive, dozen.» iiv 40 Spinach, peck . . POL a feisninom ParEn AnD Powsn Com. PANY has built its financial stractare on the principle of widely distributed public owner. ship. More than 79,000 people, including' many thousands of Canadians, now hold shares of the Company and its subsidiaries In fifteen of the public offerings of Inter: national's securities; Canadian investors have subscribed $54,808,200, or one Cana. dian dollar for each three subecribed in Great Britain, the United States sad else: nternational believes In the industrial future of Canada, The total assets of its various Canadian en aggregate, in | 'round figures, $264,000,000, of which $136, 000,000 represent power and utility assets,' and $128,000,000 paper and pulp assets and other properties. ------------------ Did you hear about the New York trafic cop who apprehended the mayor for bein, + Walker? ~=Kingston Whig-Standard, It straw votes concerning jrobi- bition continue 'wo may have to have a law concerning prohibition of straw votes. Pathfinder, It is risky to iif keep on using old tubes: The cost of a new UNLOP pres. sure-cured joint tube is far less than the dam. age a single Thi invastinant hss boss fade 34 § ARE, of good business. Canada secks sound in. dustrial development through proper utili. sation of her natural resources, Inter. national is concerned with the sound investment of funds entrusted to it by constantly increasing numbers of investors, In the development of the forest and the waterfall, International serves the interests of both the Dominion and the Company's cause, We the right * ha pi the right price. Cal tod for new own MaTeury Bervies Limises Gasoline, Oil, Tires, Storage Phone 994 : Official Depot * | Ni ' DUNLOP Whit Iiiteruational Piper and Power Company li; who-owns ft, what its policies and where and of what nature its undertakings, is be told In a series of advertisements, of which this is the INTERNATIONAL PAPER and POWER COMPANY CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL PAPER COMPANY CANADIAN HYDROELECTRIC CORPORATION LIMITED NEW BRUNSWICK INTERNATIONAL PAPER COMPANY - GATINEAU ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY LIMITED CONTINENTAL PAPER PRODUCTS LIMITED a | BUILDING BOAR he. sinc a -- Pa

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