Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Jun 1930, p. 11

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where; | Seller N w h) CONANT & AUNIS, BARRISTERS Sotichors, Nomen Pan STERS veya, y f Kan Oltions tof Birmoon ot South, Dub Shore G. D, Consnt, ' fg B. 3 Aww, B.A. W, E N. 1 SOC KC Bank JOSEPH 2, MANGAN, B.A.~BAR- « rivter, Solicitor; Notary Pvhiic, Con Office 14 VTraser, Barristers, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, ete. Of or Standard py , K.Gu w No. CO EY v AT lossy A. tte. Money to loan, Alger Bldg, op- posite Post Office. Phone 1614, FFRANK 8, EBBS.--BARRISTER, este. Alger Bldg. Phone 2006 PRE, THAZLEWOOD w HARPER, Distey Block." Phone "050, Office hours 9 a.m, to 8.40 p.m. Dr, B. J. Jazlowood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray, Jr. B. H. Har- per, special attention to children's Diseased 'and Obsteirics. Sunday and night calls "416 or 128, DR. MecKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR geon, cher. Office an § dence, % St. Esst, corner oria St, Oshawa, Phone 94, po i: DK. GRANT BZRRY, PHYSICIAN a Obstetrician, diseases of I. 'ants "an dren. . Office an residen nd East. Phone 1155. R, M.D, CM, , "and" S." Edinburgh, Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician. imeoe St. N. Phone vont w 'Caatiiac Ave, North, Phone 3150. DR. C.'W. CARE, PHYBICIAN,| Office and Yi rielan. 144 street north. Obstet: rasidence, 512 Simcoe Phone 2415. = DR. 1. ARCHER BROWN, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon and Obstetrician, office and residen:e, 185 Simcoe Street; North, phone 3107, ' "Veterinary Surgeon" . ' A Specialist Diseases Domestic Ani- mals. os: Rin dog hospital, 203 King W. Tel. 629. (June 2-1 mo) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist|%, DR. FT. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street 'West, Toronto, will be at his office aver Jury & i Store each Saturday, p.m., for consultation a of diseases of 'ear, nose. only. Appointments mav be mad» at drug store, Phone 97... DR. EF. over Mitchell's 10 to 12 A. : appoin il ee Fie R. Al" R..E ou ¥ Bank of Commerce, Simcoe, and . King, . Eye, -ear, nose. and throat, Hoy to 11.30, 2 to. 5, 7 to 180. 'Phones, office, 7; resis dence, 596. (June 13-1 mo.) Dini =» & Lk RST. HILLS, OVER BAS- atts ca Sid R. S."). ¥ vs USpeci to, X-ray work, hkl a Nourse in at tt cya! to Kine 8 BT aon hove. 48 ORIZRSON, CREIGHTON AND S d| city. Eagle Cartage, C. H. TUCK, OPTOMETRIST, specialist In masele anomalies, Sresight and glasses, Author of e Care snd Eye Strain, Chile and Its Development, Dis ney Block opposite Post Office, Phone i616, (June 15-1 mo) - Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN A ITH, O . io Land S Du Arh co. G ST. ad 67: , Kotfdence; 0 Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE. CE, 19 Ki lia The did: tcf Br, Sn, 7 A ie Fire J bd consult R. N. Johos, 80 Simcoe porth, Your Insurance wants tended to acd. your Rtorents' OPO: Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE, COLE- man's, 85 Bond West, Specialists in furniture moviag, StOrage ware house kad moving van equipment. Phone 82, CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL d ard cind Local and | Wisance hauling, Smith & Cok Phone 924, 10 Bond St. West. OSHAWA'S OLDEST _ ESTAB- lishel furn'ture movers. rk Road car ave. Local and long = distance, 65 Park RI Fran Pro Soult, Phone 218 © (May 19-1 mo) cn 210W. | PARKHILL, BARRISTER. tected. All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Fic, STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense snd lose arising from handling a large number of small accounts of this nature, For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient io come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisemen "and collect for same "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Work Wanted n and garage floors, sidewalks and el, cinders. roadways, sand, gr Chris Grabam, Phone 2021M, (May 29-1 mo) SHARPENINO--SCISSORS, KNIV- es, Lawn Mowers, Saws. Phone 421W, We call and deliver, 130 Celina Bt. E. Bottan, {June 9-1 mo) FIRST CLASS LAUNDRY DONE, Phone 1234M, (May 81-1 mo) Articles For Sale IT PAYS TO MOVE---SUDBURY, Toronto, Hamilton, Trenton, Belle. ville, anvwhers cheapest in the hone 290. (May 29-1 mo) 90c AN HOUR, MAN AND TRUCK, moving, express, cinders and grave! hauled, long distance = moving. Cheap. Phone 874W, : June 11-1 mo) ; Beauty "Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop, Special.sts in permanent, finger and marcel waving, Ver. manent wave prices $6, $7.60, $10 and $15. All other lines of Beauty Yulture., Phone 2008, Apply sb Himcoe street iorti. 4 RT MARCELLING BY Bot' ard at Betty Lou Permian. ent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham. poo $1, Beauty Shon. Celina St. We to gauty ina St. e spe. cialize in ladies' hair cutting, mar. facials. Marcel fiments phone ay 16-1 mo) J » Boe, MRS. K. Clurke, 14% Agnes street. rhone 640. A (May 20-1 mp) IN OF THE IA visions Beauty Parlour announ- 'the price of marcelling, 60c, nger Waving 76c, during the summer months. Commencing from June first. 'Phone. 71. (May 21-1 mo.) *6.) | HERBERT ©. "TRENEER, OR: anlst and choir master of King Street United Church will accept pupils iv plano, organ and vocal musie. © For particulars apply 60 William street east. Phone 238986, (June 2-31) OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE, AG cossorles for sale, repairs on elec tric and battery seth, tubes and batteries . tested, ttories re berry rental supplied. $1. Fadne '3360J, 'Charles Wales, 146 East, ve ' (June 9-1 mo) cnarged, 760 called for and de livered, Radio service, airials erect. "ed. Platt. Phone 15b6J. (May 21-1 mo! |g ' [) hy with rental $1.00, Repaired and|h rebuilt, Called for and elivered, ex service, Stan Bligdon, %0 1'8t Phone 18 2 (Ma, 19-1 mo) 5.1 ed. Prices reasonable, batteries re- charged B0e, rentals 25c delivered Phone 2806W. Geo. Burroughs, Certitied 'Radiotriclin, «Hu og "June 18+) mo) | Sao MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOULD labia $3.50 ker load. Also bope dry wood, Waterous Meek Limited Phone 1 (Apr. 2601) fon SALN-~HEINTZMAN CO, Ltd., pianos, new and used planos, also radios, ate, mdals; ho Tran) 1 . Trull. 0 ar Analy (111-40) FOR SALE == PAINTS, VARN: {shes. We have the largest assorts ment of palots, varpishes, etc, in in the city, The Paint Store, 80 King street west. (Apr, 36 °tf SAND GRLVEL, STONE, CIN ders, black loam. $1.60 per yard. For quality and service phone Es scry Bros, 833 r 11, (May 8-1) ALL KINDS OF USED FURNI- ture, beds, dressers, tables, chairs, oll stoves, coal stoves, bicycles, ete, 174 Ritson road south, {May 20-1 mo) TRY RITSON AUTO WRECKEKS, at 12 Athol street west, for your suto parts and tives, Phone 3476W, Residence 2183, (May 80-1 mo) DIAMOND RINGS, WATCHES, all kinds of jewelry on easy pay. ments, Terms from B60 cents per week. . 0, Hu Dell, agent for Peo- ples' Credit Jewelers, 264 Simcos South, Osha (May 31-1 mo.) NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR- niture bought apd sold, 186 B St, BE, Phone 1817M, ' S80 (June 4-1 mo) SPECIAL SALE -- SLIGHTLY {ised bioyeles $12 up, New and easy terms, C.CM. joycycles and fish- ing tackle, 12 Richmond East. Phone 2774. (June 12-1 mo) sale, almost new, Apply R, I. Luks, Park road north and Buena Vista, (141c) AN 4 "" used three days, Apply Beaton's Dairy. (1 iL) MeGLARY COAL RANGE FOR sale, nearly new, reasonable price, Apply 175 Mill Street, (141h) YLR R SALE~ . haby carriage in good condition. "Phone 2446), (1420) MADAME HENDRIE'S SCHOLL of 'dancing and physical culture. 169, Church Street. Lessofis given each evening from 6 p.m. and on rda m M80 pm. For phone §74M . Way 21 W i aim awnings, veran curtains, canopy tops installed. T. Taylor, hawa phone 1053. (A all kinds of canvas goofs Come fete camp equipment for rent. ox Hardware, hone 26 or $6. Agenls for J. J. Turner and Son, Peter boro, "ntario. (May 301 mn) erhanger, painting Prices right, work Pine Ave, phone stop Y Y Vista. A CRN, 350, Whitby. Ju d For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD ern suites including electric retrig- eration, stove, (aundry, convenl. erces, etc, continu' sv bot water supplied. Apply Supt, 'phone 2671, or The Trusts und Guarantee Lo. Ltd, manage: for owner, Toronto. (270 APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conyeniences, hardwood Hoors Apply Bradley. bros. (§6LL) 1) BRIGHT APARTMENT, CEN- tral, tour rooms, bath, electric stove, newly decorated, hardwood floors. Possession immediately. Apply Box 6566 Times, (11211) TO RENT-~ONE LARGE FRONT room, suitable for business man, Also one small room, $2 per week, 94 William street cast, (May 23-1 mo) 14 Ty RICK HOUST, newly decorated, all conveniences, large garden and garage, Bloor street west, Apply Rutherford, 134 Celinn street. Phone 639J. (13881) FOR RENT -- THREE ROOM fiat, 'with hathroom, kitchen, gas Yange.. 83 Park road south, or phone 1142M, (1400) VE 0, HAR TUR- nished suite," George Apts, will rublet for 6 weeks while on vacn- tion, Reng reasonable, Phone J306M. 1-6" p.m, (1891) NICE LARGE FRONT ROOM with board. Suit two friends. Ladies or gentlemen, Reasonable rates, Central, Phoue 2862, i. ' (140c) TO RENT--FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping, Modern conveniences, also garage, 323 FEl- kin St, East (14le) TATHROOM ~ FLAT TO RENT. Nicely furnished, private, gas ani use of phone, Apply 204 Halg street off Alice, ' (1410) " NT--PL TA . ment, centrally located, furnished or unfurnished, reasonable rent. Phone 2648W, (141¢) F -- Nt try, 7 room house at 105 Albert street. Very central. Newly re conditioned. Phone 971W, (141c) FOR RENT--THREW -- UNFUR- nished rooms, private entrance, newly decorated, No children, 108 Bond east, Phone 284. oh (141b FOR RENT---2 OR § ROOM BATH flat partly furnished, Garage if de- sired. No objectioh to school age child. Phone 158508. (141) OUST, all conveniences, rent reasonable io nelect tennants, 527 Mary ptrect or phone 1421F, (142h) Llewellyn Apartments, comprising of living room with Murphy bed, kitchen with built-in cupboards, electric stove and refrigeration, dining room and hedroom, four large' closets. Immediate posses- salon. Phone. 1550, . (142e) Rates for | Bl DN " | | Classified Ads, | | ER LV -- . [| Firet tnsertion=--1 3 cents i por 'word, i Minimom charge $0. "Each subsequent consecu- tive insertion 1e pet Three consecutive inser tions for thy price of 3¥ ) ! t first y iY cents a 'Minfmum charge for three insertions, 60 cents, Box aumber 10a additional Profes pial Buatness v 0 per month tor 80 w or less; 10 Agents a word per wonth 9 each udditional word. "er double bed sitting room, indlyid- usl beds, every conven! 8, Ap- ply 178 Céntre St. Phone AA ' 1] ' room brick house, ali conveniences, good location, bardwood floors, rewly decorated, hotwater heating, Vacant, 456 Simcoe street south, Phoue 30K or 300. (142¢) AL A Weds. 3 nicely furnished roomy on round floor, newly decorated, 97 olborne St, Bast, (141e) "Real Estate For Sale cash ment, balance easy terms, buys house and nine acres, Earden plot, Close to Oshawa. Apply 14v nes St, ' (189d) Fernhill Blvd, off King stroel west, (1408) ATX ROOM HOUSE, WITH ACRE of garden, Apply Lycett Realty, . (i119 house on paved street, overlooking Alexandria Park, All modern conveniences and. wired' for elece tric stove Cement gide drive and garage. Apply owner, 69 Bucking ham Ave. (M-W-8, ALE~ ) v Splendid business ofi highway near thriving town, See Lycett, (1420) For Exchange FOR EXCHANGE--I12 splendid loam, sixty acres grain crop, thirty acres hay, good build- ings, all stock and machinery, ete, Priced low, See Lycett, (142¢) Motor Cars HAVE YOUR CAR OR TRUCR repaired at 49 Bond St. West, Body and fender work done at shortest notice, also repairs to motor boats' anG general wood work, Phone W. Fry 3305. (May 23-1 mo) Sedan, Priced right. Phone 2704W. (141) FORD SEDAN Ti2. GOOD Running Order. Good Tires. 219 Ritson Rd., South, (141¢) GET YOUR CAR WASHED AT Dominion Garage, §8 Bond strect west, Phone 3108. All cars at oue price $1.00, (May 15-1 mo) HALF TON TRUCK FOR SALE, $16, good condition. Apply 100 William street east, (142h) Daa Sa a Help Wanted--Male WANTED--SMART MAN. FOR position. of trust, neat appearance and fair education essential, good pay and every opportunity for advancement, Apply 230 Dearborn Ave, (140¢) A once. $50. A AT Apply 164 William 8t., East, (141c) ANTED--- BE 00D BALES- men, only those who are capablp of earning $5,000, a year need apply, Theronold of Oshawa, 1566 William Street, East, Ask for W, C, Hutche- son, Eastern sales manager, (141¢) Aviation 0 1 . ent employed, to study aviation, Write Box 786, Times, (14%¢) Situations Wanted A "" no home, wants general house: work, Some experivnce. Box Til Times. (1410) f H CL. . titicate wants work, Phone 3268W, (141¢) Nursing al and surgical nursing, reasonable Phone Whitby 506. (May 23-1mo.) ity or general nireing. For infor. mation phone 320W, (June 3-1 mo) -- Ia Baby Chicks BABY CHICKS -- FROM HIGH class breeding pens, backed by males from dams o! 223 egg rec: ord, Immediate shipment. Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, $17 per hundred; White Leghorns, $18. 100 per cent, live arrival guaran teed, Modern Hatchery, 3205 Dan. forth Ave, Toronto, (June 4-1'mo) CHICKS F MMEDIA delivery from Canada's oldest and groatest laying strains now offers Wyandottes, 18¢c each, White Leg- horns, 160 each, any quantity, Ex- press prepaid on 300 and more. We were first in Canada to adver- tise and ship chicks, All stock bloodtested and under government inspection. Large catalogue fr Fisher Poultry Farm, Box N-83, , Ontario, '(136-189-142.145) 4 by the WL; week, month or season at s Point, Lake Scugog. Ap- ply to 'A. Wi Pickard; sowmanville, Phone 486, _____..- (138) wt " ot Sugden, ed at greatly reduced prices, White | Room and Board yy gentlemen in private home, Ap: ply . 61 Warren Ave, Phone 3468W, (140¢) with hoard, Suit two /.lends ladies or gentlemen, Reasonable rates, Central, Phone 2862. (142b) Lost and Found LOST-WTI found a Hudson wrist watch, yes- terday, kindly return same to 330 Albert St, and avold trouble as they are known. (1420) gravel for sale--T0o insure prompt delivery, place srdevs in advance of delivery date, W. Borrowdale, Phone 1618, Auctioneer PHONE 7165 Ww. J SULLEY AUC. tioneer, 346' Simcoe St. S, Oshawa, Ont. Special attention given to household furniture sales and Farm. stock and Implements. Your Patron. age solicited, la Notice All accounts due the Ars cade Ltd, Oshawa, are to be paid to Henry Barber Mapp & Mapp, 28 Beott St, Toronto, personaly I have nothing to do with the above store since June 9th. Ace cept this as final notice. y 8. D. GILKERSON (140¢) ~ Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR BOARD CEILING for Whitby Baptist Church will be received up to Wednesday, June 25, Detticulars Fog specificationy may ® obtaine rom Chas. B Whitby, Ont. "er, TENDERS FOR COAL WESTMOUNT SCHQOU Tenders will be received nay undersigned up to Monday, June 16th, for supplying approximately 100 tons No. 1 Buckwheat Coal, same to be weighed on city scales Weighing to be paid for by dealer. 8. Vi YOUNG, Secretary, 8, 8. No. 10, East Whitby, (135¢) Harmony, June 16.--The . many School held a oem Ay nie' on Friday afternoon, June 13. A good number of the. parents Were present and everyone had a real enjoyable afternoon, ' Races and games were heartily entered into by all the pupils, after which, A good supper was served, The followed races were run off before supper, Girls 5 and 6 years.--Margaret Reesor, Viola Goyne, Eileen Rod- Bera, y Boys 5°and & years. --Stanley Hollman, George Jackson, Ross Allman, Girls 7 and 8 years.----Audrey Terwillegar, Joyce Powell, Jean Gardner. Boys 7 and 8 years--Floyd Sut- ton, Kenneth Conlin, 'Alvin Seott, Boys, 7 and 8 years--Bruce Fer. guson, Donald Sugden, Edward Baunders, Girls 9 and 10 years--Vivienne Hern, Margaret Sugden, Constance Peters. Boys § and 10 years--Clifford Rodgers, Raymond Grills, Cecil Cooke. Girls 10 and 12 years --Irene Fleming, Eileen Trull, Ruth Trool- oy. Boys 10 and 12 years--OCletys Dyer, Ross Edwards, Ross Winter, Girls, 12 and 13 years.--Edith Edwards, Laura Trimm, Isabelle Cooke, Poys 18 'and 13 years --Earl Wakely, Joe Grills, Carlson Etcher. Girls 14 anid -ovér.-- Louise Pol: lard, Bertha Hern, Myrtle Best, Boyne 14 and over--Gordon Trimm, Roy 'Fleming, Stewart Mackie, Girls three logged race, 12 and under---Greta Hunking and Gladys Sugden, Vivienne Hern and Margar- Efleen Trull and Bea Hazell, Boys three legged race under 12 yoars.--Cletys Dyer and Ross Ed- |. dards, Warren Peters and Raymond Grills. Morley Ktcher and Cecll ki Cc x "Birla three logged race 12 years and over--Grace Grills and Laura j, Trimm, Irene Fleming and Isabelle oor three legged race 12 and over--Stewart Mackie and Gordon Teimm, Roy 'Fleming and Harold Winter, Barl Wakely and Joe lls, 3 Oris Jiumbled Shoe race--Laura Trimm, Helen Wilson, Irene Fem: ing. Wheelbarrow race.--Ross Aris and Roy fleming, Gordon Trimm, Irene Mgmin Land Isabella and: Joe Grills, ; Wa Relhy Race--3 teams--Roy Fleming, Earl Wakely and Ross Edwards, Gordon Trimm, Stewart 4 | Mackie and Raymond Grills, Clotya Dyer, Warren Peter and Clifford Ron supper the boys and sirls i playéd ball, - i *. BROUGHAM Brougham, Jule 14 ~The June meting a the Woman's Institute was held at the home of Mrs, W. White, on Tuesday afternoon, Al though the day Was very threaten- Jy re Was a splendid attendance. re. Holtby, ident, occupied the chair A the transaction of general business, Mrs. Brown | gave a report of the Kinsdalg Dis. triot eoting., Mrs, Shepherd re- served her report for next meeting, Mrs. Cassie read a report of some of the work accomplished by the League of Nations. As It was Temperance day, all the members responded to roll call with the name of a pominent Temperance worker, - Mrs, Holtby giving a short sketelr of 'The Life 'of Francis Willard." The members enjoyed a sing-song after which Mrs, White and Young' Lady helpers served dainty refreshments and a very pleasant time was spent over the teacups, Mr, and Mrs, W, Bates, of Tor- onfo, spent Sunday with Miss Bate, Mr, ;and Mrs. Jermyn and the Gannron family spent the week-end in Haliburton, The W, Cameronfamily, af Osh- awa, called on old friends on Sat- urday, . Mrs, Walter Bennett was a re- cont visitor of Mrs, R, D. Miller, and hér aunt Mrs, Patterson, Mrs. Barcley and son were frec- ent visitors of the Haywobd family, at Dunnville. Miss Lois Haywood accompanying them back, Professor Burton and his mother visited the Barclays this week. R, Harvey and family, A, Harvey and friend spent Sunday with thelr people, The Wilson family, of Toronto were with Mr, and Mrs, Beer on Sunday. The P., Brown and Love families, of Toronto, were with the Perry. man families on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Higgins and Miss Ruth Gamble were recent visitors with Mrs. Gamble, Mr, and Mrs, Baldson, of Picker- ing, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Hamilton, T. C. Brown spent several days === {in the oity this week, Miss Phyllis Gerow has returned home after a weeks visit in Toron- to, The Empringham family, of Tor- onto, were week-end visitors at the Mathew"s home. The sympathy of the community go out to Mr, and Mrs, John Lin- ton, of Winnipeg, and relatives here, in the sudden passing of Dor- othy, only daughter and child of Mr, and Mrs, Linton, J. Gerow spent the week-end at his home here, Many tourists. passing through find thes Brougham House a fine place for rest and refreshment. THREE KILLED WHEN RIVAL BEER MEN MEET (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ravenna, O.," June ' 18--Thre2 men dead and a fourth was at the point of death here as the result of a shooting affair in an alleged bootleg joint, The bullets were fired by one man, allegedly a rival bootlegger, who turned the revolver on himselt when 'he feared capture by police, ALL EFFORTS TO FIND PILOT FAIL (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Buenos Aires, June 18.---=All ef- forts to find the French airmail pilot, Henri 'Guillaumet, who has been lost since June 13 when he attempted to cross the Andes be- tween Santiago, Chile and Menk. oz have failed, All possible routes have been searched thoroughly and planes ot the Aero-Postal company crossed the Andes five times with no trace of the flyer. The search has been hindered by snow storms' which have fallen in the Cordilleras re- cently. DYNAMITE FOR USE OF STRIKERS FOUND (By Canadian Press Leaded Wire) Cordoba, Argentina, June 18.-- A barrel of dynamite was confis- cated by palice here in a raid on headquarters of the Tramwaymen's Labor Syndicate. Tt wag believed the explosive was to have been used in a reign of terror intended to ald thelr strike which has bden in progress several days and has assumed an especial- ly violent .character. Thirty-five strikers were arrested, WHITE 1S NOMINATED, 'WETS' SNOWED UNDER : ra -- (By Conadian Press Leased Wire) Portland, Me, June 18.---Con- gressman Wallace H. White Jr, re. resentative in the national house for 13 years, in the Republican nominee: for United States senator to succeed Arthur R, Gould, ; With all. but 70 of the state's 632 percinats ried the vot as; White 42,197; former gover. ar. Ralph O. Brewster 35,877. A total of 6,064 votes was received by Douglas B. Dewar, who ran on a "wet" platform, "For peace' and brotherhood, With all who strive to clear the wi To aniveresl good; Nor let your footsteps turn aside To\ join the ranks of empty pride. Fall in with those who 'march on : d - ot dled ana tant, y Those social elstoms, deep inbred, * Which' serve the arregant, And ever let thrown In tavour of the.poor and lone, Along [life's common road, © And ease some heavy load. JAny so'secure, when night de I scende, 3 The benisons of unknown friends. Tit-Bits=-A.B.C. Nv ERR eg IVE Ca iy They strolled in the twilight to- gether The heavens were blossomed with with stars; ' #he paused for a moment in silence As he lowered for her the bars, She cast her soft eyeg upon him, But he spoke no loving vow=-- For he was just a yvetic laddie And she was a Jersey cow, TO RENT Summer Cottages, All conveniences Bonniebrae Point, Oshawa. Apply to G. D. CONANT, OSHAWA HARDWOON FLOORS Laid by expert mechanics. Old 'loor finished like new. Ge. 21 ' Contracturs, B. W. HAYNES 161 King St. West Phone 481 - Residence 3073W . ai ---- RANKS OF PEACE Fall in with all that makes today your 'weight be | Fall in with fellow-men who move |. And do each day some deed of love : ROYAL YORK 0 re: Tea "he 28¢ At all Superior Stores Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 800 Carnegie Ave. Phone 1618 Ye CAREW LumBER (© 4 ATHOL Fw OSHAWA 1 DURANT COUPE 1928 Model Price $450.00 Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 99 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always I | 1 1 ON: SIMCOE NORTH For $6,600.00 --~ Real home, brick, 7 rooms and bath, gar age, shrubbery, lawns ete. $1,600 down, balanced are rapged, . The good ones are nearly all gone, Why not ask about this? DISNEY, '20 'King East Weds Su. Speci 19€ Dominion Clothing Co. | | 08 King St. W. Phone 2141 | «Do not lose your cares Let me finance adi.

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