Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Jun 1930, p. 8

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_ they do. not succeed in overcoming hurt soon aft ond period for the title and the THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1930 J AN A RN TWO-GOAL LEAD IN FIRST GAME 1 Stages Dazzling Speed and Plenty _ of Condition Prove Big ~Asvet to American Irivad- ers -- Dominion Champs Are Taken Off Their Guard and Lose First Game by Two Goal Mar. to Make Gallant Bid for Title This Afternoon----Crowd Was Not Large The United States All-Btars stag- 84 a brilliant spirited rally in the nal 'period of the first game of the International Lacrosse series, yesterday and scored three goals to their opponents nil, to overcome #-'one-gonl lend and win the game by the score 1 to b. Oshawa General Motors wers Subjected to one of the fastest and hardest games they have ever had Lo play. The Americans always seemed to have the better of the Pp with the exception of possibly the second period, but for the first three stanzas, the Dominion Oham- pions had the game well in hand And although they were extended, they were to keep their lead, The final quitter told a different thle. The Americans came out de- termined to win the game and by their grip and dazzling speed suc- eosdod In» doing just that' little Ehing, by Ane mindgin of two goals The teams presented mn very col ourful appearance when they took the! Neld 'mangl 'thelr areiyal was greplon by; Joud cheers from the disappointing crowd of about two thousand people. The Americans re #had in shdppy uniforms of iF pad 1Punks, and Blue and White sweaters, The stripes in the sweat. ors continued right up to the shoul ery and across, Hvery ] the team wore Heavy hefm d the players wore studded shoes, THe Oshawa team appeared in their Togular snappy Blus and White uniforms. The Ameri college boys gave "oné of 'the fastest exhibitions of the "Same which has been aden for & 'ong time. They played 4 style of which 'was very familiar bers of the "old school" prasent. Their speed was Jemarkable. Every man on the team ay be called a big man and each and sovery player showed. clearly the had plenty of speed. Their lever, lightning fast, shifting plays An front of the opposing goal, had d tence bawildared. Oshaw! nee 18 very Mealy nit thet Japltual (oalm_ was ruffed yesterday in no uncertain manner. 'The American nvaders kept going at a terrific | Pace, jo the entire g and thelr on: fon enabled thém to PD! ol : Smen were not near thoy effective as the home men but hi firm and cont oy knew how 'to hand out: stiff yehecks and they did. The U.S, tun played a brilliant quick pass # and although they scored the t goal, they were never "again in the lead until the middle of the last period hut they finished iptronger than Oshawa and when game ended, they had a two: the second game to- not games, count Will hay x ahead ham 111 have & real task A bt them this afternoon. They be- "lleve that they ean do it and they are determined to make n gallant 'effort, 'THe Oshawa team has built "up a repiitation as strong Anishers and fighters and although the "Amerks finished yesterday's game ronger, the .G M.C. boys intend 'to finish the series stronger and if "the two-gont lead, it will not be 'because of lack of trying. + 'Degray was the most effective Oshawa {Dlayer on the Joid. he orked hard and accoun rt ot the five goals, Davidson, Gold. sen an Staphe marksmen tr r United States Team : Fine Rally to 1 Win 1st Game of Series were the x da oh ts fans on 'hand. About a third of yesterday's crowd of 2,000 were Oshawa fans. © THE GAME ¥irst Quarter The Amerks' goal tender trotied out in evicket shin packs but was minus a chest protector. The men in front of him donned helmets for the battle, White and Golden tried A fun in play from the face-off but Golden dropped. the pass; 'The Amerks relieved smartly and Gould satled around his check for a hard shot. The play opened the eyes of the Joeal fans, On their next attack Paige of Colgate worked around neatly for a hard drive that beat Wilson for the first goal United States 1, Oshawa 0, Oshawa e¢ame right back and "Ohue" Davidson spun around his check for a beautiful goal. The visitors' defence backed in badly on the play, Oshawa 1; United States The Americans staged a long at- tack without going anywhere in particular but éach time they pass- ed wide es quick fielding reteley- ed it, Arron finally. intercepted and big Boh Stevenson ducked arouhd' the yt to score number two for the Canucks. Stevens of Yale sped around Ty Silk but Wii- son saved sensationally, The same Stevens took a high pass to score prettily for the collegiate, Kelly, the American' goal keeper, pleked off a hard shot from DeGray who ducked tight under Ni, check': stick for his opening. The period was fast and full of snappy lacrosse and the Americans with a big; though awkward defence and a fine home seemed good enough to make the Canadian. champions go the limit for vietory, First quarter over, Oshawa 8: Uunited States 2. Second Quarter Oshawa took a hand in foreing the play, but the Americans soon brought it back to the Oshawa net and continued to worry the motor men with thelr pussling home play. Hostllities wera helfl tp for a fima when Smithson was injured. Paige tésted Wilson with a bullet-itke ghot and on play reverting to the other end Stephenson returned the compliment and gave Kelly a shot to 'worry about. Stephenson was cracked on the nose on the play and had to retire, A little diffi. culty arose and the Canadian rules in respect to interference and the changing of players were explained to the Americans at a hurriedly called conference, Davidson and Golden combined Aleely for a threatening play And which it didn't materialise Chuek Batron and Kelly Degray combingd 16 score with Dogray on the finish ing end of the play. Oshawa hogan to solve the pussl- ing style of the Americans and got their share of the play. Barron came mighty close to scoring on & nicely timed 'play while Paige and Evans made a nice attempt but Coulter's bodycheck on the latter ruined it, Halt time seore=-Oshawa 4, All Americans 2. rd Quarter Paige beat his check down the centre to take & high pass, but Wil son came out to save, Jennison broke up & hot Oshawa attack and Tvans hotehed the third, goal for the States on a pretty play, On their next rush, Paige was body- checked' heavily and came out of the game with a damaged shoulder. Little 'Chuck' Davidson staged n great rush to a flerce attack on the Americans. Their big de- fence battered their way out with it and on the following All Star rush. the ball missed Wilson's net by inches. The visitors continued 0. press, With their great speed and good ing being spolled at the goal month hy"wild shooting. The hig college boys amazed the crowds with their perpetual motie style. Finnigan tied the score tar a furious attack during which Wilson saved three times before be: ing beaten. Oshawa stirred into fife after that and Golden criss: crossed in for a perfect shot that put the Canucks one up. Kearney the big point man for $e Americans broke up the [haze : lly an osen a RAYS, a through the ed " J tH An Hig to test Wilson, It battle all the way with wy having the ball' for iy Part of the time. "Third quartér--=Score Oshawa §, os 4 i Is Quarter "For the few minutes play \ rather tépid with both teams I sr a ------------ a. ---- OSHAWA OHAMPIONS SHOW SMAI PLAY IN FIRST PERIOD OF FIRST GAME. WITH AMERICAN VISITORS 1+The photographs above show feature scenes from yesterday's lacrosse game at the Maple Leaf Stadium, when the American All« Stars defeated Oshiwa General Motors by 7 to 5, Left to right. Bill Coulter, Captain of the local squad, Charlie Querrie, referee and John Paige, captain of the U. SA. team, who was hurt during the game. (2) Some of the All. Ntars just before the game got un der way, (8) Just after Bob Steph enson scored Oshawa's second goal, by coming from behind the net, He is shown on his knees and the goalie can be sen taking the ball from the net. (4) A face-off, note the action of the Ameren player in the centre, Although no was not a "pink tea, pennitios were issued, the game Bakery Boys Grab. Off an Early Lead and Hold It Successfully<<Duco Boys Fail to Score Until Sixth --Winning Hurler Weak. ens Towards End of Game Oshawa Bakery were a little too good for the Duco Boys in a soft« ball fixture at Cowan's Park last night, taking a deserva 10-8 decl« sion after a fairly close game. Bakery piled up their lead in the opning stanza, scoring enough runs to win the game before the Duco' Boys made an entry in the run column. Only toward the close of the struggle did the losers uns leash their artillery, and their rally came too late to overhaul the Bakers' load, Oshawa Bakery wtarted off on the wight foot with a threesrun splurge in the first half . of the first inning. Hurst, the first man at bat, was out on a hit to right field, but the next three men up all made first anfely, and com leted the ociroult before Ginger anned for the third out, Bturgess of the Duco outfit 'wak the leading hitter of the affair, connecting safely three times in his quintette of appearances at the plate, Bakers added another in tho second, and & trlo of runs again in thelr' halt of 'the fifth gave them enoligh 'to win the game. Not until the sixth inning did A Duco runner eross the home making his second the game, ronched first, and finished the journey with the i Cooper, as ....1 Oshawa Bakery Win Junior Game From Duco Boys 10-6 ald of blows by Major and Wilson. Ducos staged their only really ef fective batting spree in the eighth, when they trotted four runs in. Sturgess once more started the firoworks with a ringing single, but was. forced at second on a play through' short. Major, Wil son, Price and Rorabeck followed with solid blows and Godfrey earned a life on a bobble by the pitcher, Goodall ended the parade when he threw. out Dove at first. Faced with a five run deficit when they entered the last half of the ninth, Ducos' could only reduce it by one before Goodall threw Price out at the initial sack to end the game, Oshawn Bakery AB Hurst, rf .;.. Cornish, as Trott, It ,.. Hall, on» Seyden, 1b Hamilton, Goodall, Ginger, Newitt, R 1 ef 2h [ » Eat oh HOTS Map n 26 10 12 Duce Boys > = = = Sturgess, If ,.. Major, ab ,... Wilson, et ,.. Price, 1b. ... Rorabeckd, 2b Godfrey, » .. Lovelock, of Dove, © Higgine, rf ,. EE DWDOHSIWSD Ql emu ac=s PN ae 3 = 88 0 10 26 Oshawa Bakery 3100232300 0-10 Duco Boys 0000010416 0 jonreful lacrosse, but . yon an individual effort Wilson again to knot the score Gould Wilson in a n lipped | ia Jo Chale with minute Smithson and Am 1 td ame, ho s i utes before the cl t A tow mig ant, tier f the Oshawa } anoeuvring outs the A a nee for another American goal it them two to the 0 and ast ai pall of gloom over ti 'Oshawa on, AY CE arr, ng on his hip and collapue E+ The rH He was Fd tl be assisted from Centre, Degray; { Huck" Welch To Play With Montreal A.A.A. ! Hamilton, June 14.<Hamilton Tig- ers, Canadian football champions, will ¢ Without "the seevices of "Huck" el the back division this com- ing fall. He has accepted a position' in Montreal and willuplay with the Winged Wheelers' team this year, 'The transfer has been under consid eration for a time and a decision was announced yesterday afternoon, (Dartmouth); Inside, Rvans (Maryland); Alternates, Kvanston (Rutgers), Utz (Princeton), Brop- hy, Linrvand) and Champion (Cor Oshawa--Gonl, Wilson; Point, Hubbel: Cover, Coulter; Defente, Silk; Smith and. Spencer; Home, Dodde- meade Davidson and Golden; Out. side, Stephenson; Inside, White; son Alternates, Barron, Fox, Hall and Bond, ; ; Refereo--~Charlle Querrie, Tor. 0 onto. Umpire--1L. more U, Even when a woman has knock od seven pounds off her weight, you tre; P ~(Oolgate) ; Home, - Xp © Dartmouth) ! Fo no. refer. to her ont Pictures Show SchmelingH it Low New York, June 14.-With a grow. ing convietion manitest yesterday that the Sharkey-Schmeling fight had struck another blow at boxing, these developments featured the aftermath of the latest heavyweight bout: That Max Schmeling, on the evid- ence furnished by & first showing of motion pictures, unquestionably was hit low in the closing moments of the fourth round and therefore entitled to the verdict he received after the con- fusing and disorderly fininh, That the state athletic commission would "stand by" the decision of Rel eree Jimmy Crowley, who acted sole- ly on the testimony of one of the Judges, Harold Barnes, the only of- foiat haying a elear view of the fin- sh. § ; PORT SNAPSHOT US. Team Wins First Game The Oshawa General Motors were given their first defeat of the season yesterday argrnoon when they lost the first game of the ternational Lacrosse series to the U. This gives the Amerks a two-gonl adyantage on the round. The locals are determined to wipe out this lead this afternoon, and win North American title, but whether they will be equal to the task re- They will certal . mains to be seen, Speed and Condition Speed, speed 'and more speed, plus all kinds of condition, proved the deciding factors in yesterday's game. These College boys are all ideal athletes wid every member of 'the te ough, the American player who was of a Canadian victory today and the tendance was rather disappointing. - Ll As was predicted, th 8A fo see the ladies' softball RA be tw The Chevs. won a very elose game Smart fielding plays by both teams L Ld Stadium, starting at 7.00 pm. They 1929 intermediate champions of Tor General Motors, The men's team a who was seriously hurt while playihg "i Junior Game Cowan's Park will be the scene ¢ in the first game of the second half, has not been decided upon yet! Alexandra Patk on Monday night, iors will be a smaft team. , erybady else a big surprise, when t INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE . J. Korn, Swarth: |e EE H "1ady, [ne KE IT FOUR Baltimore, June 14--The Orioles made it four straight over the Buf- falo Hisans here yvestérday by an- leading the league, undefeated, By Guo, Castes, Sports Bditer the date had anything to do with it is not known, buf strangely. en- ter the game there was a great deal of discussion as to the chances takers, There should be a good crowd on hand today. Yesterday's ate Chevgls. Defeat O.M.I. were certitinly given thelr money's worth, The crowd will be bigger and better than ever when these teams meet again, Exhibition Game Tonight The Chev. will play an exhibition game tonight at the Motor City On Tuesday night, at Alexandra Park, there will be another interests ing game between the Chev, ladies and a picked men's team from the and play d benefit game, The proceeds are to assist Norm. Merrick, again, when the Oshawa Bakery and the Parts and Service hook up a real battle and the softball fans of the city are beginning to realize that junior sotthafl 4s just as fast as intermediate, The fans of the city are going to have a chatice of seeing these two teams in action at the Motor City Stadium, in the very ncar future. is going to be played to decide the winner of the first half. The date Junior Lacrosse Practice The General Motors junior lacrosse team will hold a practice at with the team are asked to be at the Industrial Relations Bldg: by 6.30 o'clock, About twenty boys were out to the initial practice on Thurs. day and judging from the material on hand, the General Motors june LJ A YMC. Defeated Northminster church league softball team gave themselves In. 8. All-Stars by a score of 7 to 5. the nly make a desperate fight, . L am ean run like a deer, Whether injured, possessed number 13° Af American backers found plenty of record crowd on hand lapt night een the Chevs. and the Malleable. by the small margin of 13 to 11, featured the game and the crowd LJ] . are going to play Glen Stewarts, onto, 'This will be a good game. nd the Chevs. will trade batteries' ont he G.M.C. Inter-Dept. games. . 0. Monday : of a large crowd on Monday night These two teams always put up A -sudden-death game All persons who are turning out - * and ov- hey defeated AY. MC, who were of the Bird runs were homers, three of these blasts coming in sicossion in the seventh and all going over. the rightfield fence, Stroner led the attack with twow four-base pokes, while Hauser bit hig elghtoonth of the oseason and 3: contest that was X wy - * arton and Gill hit the other two. Tucker hit 'one for RSMO. ,.._. 5 BE of Shen The Baw tind 2 "WINGS BEAT ARS Newark, N.J., June 14=<Rocheat- or Red Wngs defeated the Newark Bears 7 to 2 here yesterday. The Red Wings scored a pair of runs in the first inning on three hits and un bage on balls, Layne of the Bears pounded out his eighth hom- British Tennis Team ing day's Sonnenberg was much too smart, and | the score in the last of fthe~aixth ; bie by scored two more in ninth to put the Chevs. Win Close, Fast Takes Eqrly Lead from U.S. Wimbledon, Eng, une 14~The United States' hopes of retaining the Wightman Cup, won from England in 1929, received a setback yesterday when British women stars took two-mateh-to-one lead for the opens play, ; The final four matches, will be played Saturday with England néed- ing only an even break to win the series, and even the record for all time Wightman Cup competition at four series 'each, Leafs Take Another Game From Jerseys Jersey City N.J. June 14-~If Nick Harrison and Joe Rabbitt were in- terviewed on the subject as to what parks they prefer to play in when on the road each would prob. ably name the capacious local or« chard, When the Leafs made a hurried trip from Toronto to Jer- sey City on Sunday May 11, Harri. son pitched and hit them to a 3-2 victory over the Pests, stealing some of Rubbtt's stuff. Yesterday Joe was the batting hero and Nick was a pitching relief hero, and the O'Neilimen, with Clayton Bheedy playing left for them and sawing off three blows, came from behind to take the second game of the weres b to 4 and to get back at the 50-50 mark im the league standing, Rabbitt, in the third inning, with Graham on base, hit a home run into the bleacher seats in right to put his ball team out in tront 2 to 0 and when Graham later blew this lead he was the first clubbeér in a rally that brought three runs and victory. Harrison's part in the proceed- ings of Friday the thirteenth was to come in after Kyle Graham had let a two-run advantage vanish and pitch pretty nearly airtight ball a gainst the locals, who have shown to better advantage this year against Toronto than any other team, The Skesters got only one hit and one pass from Nick in the four full innings he pitched, the safety being made by the first man he fac. ed and the gitt being received by an understudy hitter in the ninth, Moore Goes the Route Possibly Jersey City fans' would not be raving tonight if Nick Allen had done what Steve O'Neill did changed pitehers., Nick let William Austin 00re;, a Brooklyn farm hand, go the route, this tel) right. hander being very good following the Rabbitt four-bagger up to the eighth when five hits and two sac- rifices brought three Leafs over the plate and evened the Toronto vie toies and defeats of the current campaign, Sonnenberg Wins From Dan. Koloff Toronto, June 14.-Gus Sonnen- burg, again proved to a Toronto crowd why he is. champion of the wrestling world when he dropped Dan Koloff for the third and decid- ing fall of the main bout at the Ar- ena Gardens last night. The former football star used his famed flying tackle to accomplish both falls after one of them was instrumental in cau sing his own downfall but before the winning chatges Sonnenberg gave a brilliant exhibition of wrestling, the best he ever has show ring, The bout, while it Incked the spec. tacular daredevil thrills of the first meeting between the pair, and 'even the excitement of the last time Son nenberg appeared here against Joe DeVito, was a clever exhibition of wrestling by the king of the flying tackle, for he exhibited inside defen sive tactics and an offensive which he did not have to show in'former bouts here, Koloff crowded the champion and made it most dificult for him to met in his devastating dive, but n in a local although he was in serious danger several times of losing a fall he had the initiative and ability to keep on top, The main bout was a fitting climax to a great show, and 'all the advance notices' were lived up to, George Vas sel started the evening' with a sensa- tional fall over Gene Bruce, while Wiadeck Zbyszko earned the decision over J. Schevencko, in the second bout, and Henri Deglane, witha sen. sational display of speed, 'toppled fhe giant Jim Maloney in the semis at after 20: minutes and 41. sec- oh 8, 4 . ' Game from O. M. 1. 13-11 Strong Malleable Team Meet Their Match in Snappy Chevs..--M. Elliott ane M. Kay Produce Fielding Features--E. Pipher Hurls Nice Game But Costly Errors Lose Game for OQ, ML. Chevrolets took a tidy battle from the Malleable hy a two-run margin in an Oshawa Ladies soft- ball fixture at the Stadium last night, Tho game was close through- out, but Chevs. were a little bet- ter on the evening's play, and de- served the victory. The score was 13-11, M. Elliott, who officiated at the. middle sack for the Chevrolets pro- vided the fielding sensation of the gamé when she made a miraculous one hand catch of a line drive which was headed In a hurry for distant regions, Mer fine play nip. ped in the bud what looked like a two bagger, Eileen Pipher, in the box for the losers, pitched an excellent game, Bhe accounted for seven putouts by the 'waving route and had strikes on practically every batter that came to the plate, Her fast ball was cutting the corners regularly, and with a little more support in the field she might easily have pit ched her team to victory, M, Kal, bereted shortstop of the Malleable team, had a perfect day at the bat, She appeared at the plate four times, collecting two walks, and connected for two clean hits, one of them good for a pair of bases, Hard luck prevented her crossing the plate more than onee. Efleen Pipher forcing her at second twice during the game. Miss Kay also executed a neat, unassisted double play which re tired the Chevs 1h the first inning, With a runner on second base, she snagged a fly between second amd third, and tagged the runner before she could get back to the sabtk. Malleables had the big inning of the game scoring five runs in the second to assume a temporary lead, In a Ait of generosity V, Biliott fs- sued four free tickets to first, three of them coming in succession which assisted them materially in the ral. y. Malleables lost thelr lead in the third when Ohevs. put together a walk, two clean hits to the out- fleld dy E. Elliott and M. Elliott, a pAlr of stolen bases, and an er- ror, and from the collection afore- mentioned manufactured four ryns before V, Fulton whiffed for the final bout. The Chevrolets added steadily to thelr lead thereafter, Miss Blair opened the fourth inning with a scorching grass-cutter which skidded past the outer gardeners for an honest to. goodness home run. Before the side was retired, her mates had added another coun~ ter on an error by the pitcher which gave I, Gould a life to first and a couple of passed balls which sent her the rest of the way aronnd. The Afth inning brought another run across the plate, the sixth add- ed & brace to the winners' total, and a single counter in each of the last two 'nnings provided the mar- gin of victory, Malleablcs made a desperate bid in the final half of the ninth, but entering upon their final bat three runs down, they only succeeded in gotting one run In before a fly ball spelt the end of the game, H. McDonald opened the last of the ninth with & clean hit to cen- tre fleld, A passed ball sent her on to second, she took third when D. Atterly hit a long fly to tight, and scored on a perfect sacrifice by M. Spencer, A pop fly to the pitcher ded the game abruptly. > =3 = He oOwHM Ow 1, Gould; 1b . D. Kennedy, 8 C. Blllott, ss . M. Billott, 2b, V. Blliott, p. .. A. Walker, If , H. Holmes, of , § V. Fulton, 'e , § B. Blair, vf... 4 = NMBA DED rd OF SBD +4 0D l waS-wannad WOO WIVORN = M. Spencer, of I. MoDouald, 3b 8 C, Larson, 2b . 6 H, McLean, 1b 4 M, Kay, ss .,. 2 E. Pipher, p «. § A. Blair, rt .. § | H, McDonald, If 4 D. Attersley, 0 4 Eg | HMO OND oo} Sodom ID al SOO OWD=uEDSH na A 1D 0 es pd OD alcernonosonn - 2] Be" DOD a8 9 2 Stolen Bases:---C. Elliott, 2, Walker, H. Holmes, M. Kay, A. Blair 2; sacrifice hits=V. Elliott, B, Blair, M, Spencer; two base hits »=V, Fulton, I. McDonald, M. Kay; home run--B, Blair; base on > Zitsmann and a dous on a single The Red Wings out----by Pipher, 7; by Elliott, 5, out---by Pipher 7, by Elilott, 6. Chevrolets .. « 084 213 011-wld Malleables , , . 060 800 201-11 game on for the visitors. Parm- lee on the mound for the Bears was wild and gave seven on balls, Collins te. Red hit a home run in the ninth inning with Torvoroer: and Sonthworth on the PAthS, : ROYALS T. JCOND FOR * Reading, Pa, June 1é---Mont- veal scored its second straight win over Reading here yesterday whwen to eight scattered hits to cop by & to 2. Clagett shut out the Revs tor six inni ut. was 8c on he Savench 'When Haines erred. ats ter Jorgen's single. 8 hit a home "run In the ninth,' Johnny Welch dueldd with Clanett for eight or fo TRE V Gowell Clasett held the Keystones OTTAWA = : i FOR SANITARY WEEPING I --_h,pp £ "D. B. KLEENUP (Cleaning Paste) . Dustbane Products Ltd & ¥ :

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