Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Jun 1930, p. 7

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ea gag Gd | © Interesting Pen Impres: sions of the Coming I. YAttractionfion . ,. Sn SA ------ TT 1. Mp. to his pellation of "The Bying Cowboy" his latest Universal action comedy, rulligg 'Lrouble," goming to the wn of the New Martin Theaire -dny, Although a licensed pilot, Hoot keops away from the controls in this pleture. In order to go in for an a riskice lege of business, He Jecomes a stowaway fn ah ulrplane, und drops off for a parachute jump, order to make the business more intricate, he does the Jump with a small dog snuggled inside of hiy shire, "Hoot, can't. keep awiy irom aie Janes while not working, and he n't Weep away from them long hile nt work, He insists, however, ut his modern attachment hay not re Title 5 + + New Gibson Thriller imerfered in the least with his liking for horses, "There is plenty of room in west art for both airplanes and horses,' Hoot. says, "Both yuake lor excit ii scenes, Bod "am using both Horses 'find girplunes in "Trailing Trouble," In this picture Hoot plays the part of a cowboy who takes a shipment of hoses to Kausas! City, where a wung of crooks "tries torrob him of the proceeds of the sale, The ple- ture Is optked with aceon, fomnnce and. comedy from. start to finish Chieming Margiret Quimby plays opposite Gibson" The exceptional cast also includes Pete. Morrison, Olive Young and William MeCall "Uenthhme Trouble" was difected ' by Arthur Rosson tad habia 4 A i STAY OF EXECUTION AT ELEVENTH HOUR ---- Eddyville, - Ky, June 14=Three men who had wat through the Tong wight awaiting death in the electric £hnlr were granted stays of exceus ton "Here vesterdiy ulter thivy hd heard the deadly whit of an electric motor that sent two others to death, 14 L. Hughestt, stute pardon cone mission, read Governor Skmpson's in. definite' stay of execution for the three negroes, Lloyd, Willinms, 24, John Kelle, 27, und James Grigsby, "alter Ballard 'E, Pateliffe 35, # white man und Richard Fdmonds, 36, & negro had been executed, Of. fe witnesses and newspapermen at Western Stite Penitentiary were paiting to re-assemble for Grigshy's ecution when the order was read, 1 The two met death calmly, ANTED THREE MEN HEALTH RULES i, First you should ent, what you find on your plate, Don't _nihble, as people do now! Nor search the whole table for ghemieal Inhel, Just ont because it is chow. Rule o'er your temper, while dine ing you sit, Absorbing a ronst or a ple; Don't. think of the Inck of grafius lar fat, Or the vitamines that ave shy, But carefully chew, and don't bolt your food Or seurry or worry for fonrs, Of your health being hurt by a : fancy dessert, And you'll Jive for one hundred years, Andrew McGovern IR. RB 'Woodstook: Cilbron An ig Tr Jo'* which starts at the New Martin Theatre next Mons NY, NAVAL TRAINING FOR RC. CADETS Maximum of Ten May Be Attached 'to Navy in + Each Year eth ' Ottawa, June 14,=~Naval trang ing for gentlemen cadely of the Ioyal Military College, Kingston, In provided for in amendments to the regulations governing the Royal Canadian Naval Volupteer Rowerve, published in the current Issun of the Canada Gazette, The nitmber of gentlemen chdets who may attend tirst-year naval train- ing annually shall not exceed 10, the regulations state, To be eligible to nttend navil training a gentleman cadet must: (a) Be a British-born subject domiciled In Canadp, ; (b) Be recommended by the commandant of the Royal Military Collage as likely to become an ef ficlont naval officer, (e) Be physieally fit necording to the physical standards Iald down for cadets of the Royal Canndinn Navy, (d) Be over 17 and not over 20 yours of ange on the 1st September of the year in which he is first en~ fered, (0) Obtnin the written consent of hig parent or guardian for his entry, Noval teaining, as provided in thewe regulations, shall comprise such Inatruction® as shall be deter- mined by the Minister and shall ental an appointment to the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Re- serve as temporary naval eadet (special service), temporary mid- I Tod Browning his found it advisable to make a number of changes In transforming "Outside the Law" to a talking script, One of them in. volves the change of names of the principal characters, Mary Nolan will play the role of Connie Erward CG, Robinson that of Cobra; the Juvenile' lead, "Fingers" O'Dell has not as yet been selected, Edward Sturgis and John George play Jake and Humpy, "Holiday" will offer Ann Harding, Mary Astor, Edward Everett Horton, Robert Ames and Hedda Hopper in one of last season's out- standing stage successes produced by Arthur Hopkins from Philip Barry's spatkling pen, In the large supporting cast are Monroe Owsley, Audrey Forrester, Mabel Forrest, Creighton Hale, Hallam Cooley. Hor- ace Jachaon did the adaptation and ¥, H, Griffith will direct. A Pathe production, PE CIR ' Richiatd Thorpe, director ot Tiffany's "Border Romance," "Under Montana Skies" and "So This is Mexico," Is busy casting for "His Last Race" He was assigned by Phil Goldstone, chief studio executice, Glenn Hunter, famous us "Merton of the Movies" both on the screen and the New York stage, has returned to the motion picture field and will make his first talking picture at the Tiffany Studios Phil Goldstone, chief studio executive, has signed Hunter for the leading masculine role in "Why Marry," a farce melodrama, Frank Strayer will direct, Vera Reynolds, one of the screen's most popular stars, has been signed to play the leading feminine role. Others in the cast include Nita Martan and Paul Hurst, ee Otto Lang and Carl Stockdale are the added to the cast of Columbia's. fourth roadshow production of the "Prosperity Group" entitled "Hell's Island" The drama brings together again the pals of "Submarine" and "Flight," Jack Holt and Ralph Graves, in & tense narrative of life in the French Foreign Legion at Algiers and on the Island penal colony in Guiana, Dorothy Sebastian has the leading feminine role with Harry Allen and' Lionel Belmore prominent in the support, rection, » LJ . . Universal has purchased the popular "Strange As It Seems" car toons and drawings from John Hix, author and originator, They will be made into & series of single reel color comedies for firgtzrun dis- tribution, oe» shipman (special service), tempor. ary aeting sub<Jieutenant (spoeia! norviee), for a period not exceed- Ing two months in each of three vonsecutiva: yours, and wuch train. ing shall be carried out at R.C.N, Barracks, Halitax, or in H. M, Ships or W.M.C, ships for a period notr exceeding the tenure of two months' appointment' In each year ax 'stated, ai ------ FARM CHEMISTRY A yonr's work In the Division of Chemistry ofthe Department - of Agriculture at Ottawas included the examination of 4,263 samples of wolln}, manures and fertilizers; for age plants; fodders and feeding sluffe; waters; samples of meat and onnned foads; and misosllaneous sithjeuts, Tholuding dairy products and Insecticides. These samples were forwarded to the Dominien Chemist trom all parts of Canada, In addition to the regular werk of the Division a chemical service to farmers Is maintained which during the period of the latest report handled 617 Individual samples, Thin 1s a service which has been maintained since the early days of the Experimental Farms, T! minstrel Don Juan who has set aflame the romantic heart of the world, comes to enthrall you in a glorious festival of songs and romance 4 Daphne Pollard returns to the talking screen again in a forthcoms~ ing Educational-Mack Sennett Talking Comedy, which has been titled, "Goodbye Legs" She is featufed together with Nick Stuart, Andy Clyde and Ann Christy, Miss Pollard plays a typical light comedienne role in this new Sennett which also is graced by a group of unusually r Sennett girls, pretty Ser g " . . ' Billy Kent, Efnest Wood and Alice: Lake are the featured players in a Vitaphone Varieties one reel slapstick 'situation comedy entitled "Dining Out" directed by Del Lord from a story by Clarence Hennecke, Ca ot ele Dorothy Matthews, an unknown bit player, has just been signed by 1, 1. Warner, viee-president in charge of production for Warner Bros, to play the lead in the same production in which she was formerly an extra, She was chosen right on the lot when it was learned that the acfress assigned to the leading role would be unable to complete the picture, The production is atin untied Barbara Stanwyck will be starred in the title role of "The Miracle Woman," one of the Columbia "Superior Twenty," for next season, It will represent her first work under the new four year contract she won for the excellent performance given in "Ladies of Leisure, " I'he Miracle. Woman" is a screen adaption of the famous stage play, Bless Your Sister," in which Alice Brady. scored a tremendous success on Broadway, . most recent members to he Edward Sloman is responsible fory the di- | CANADA REFUSES FSHTS TO MANE PONER. PROECT U. S. Experts Believe, How- ever, That Dam Will Interfere With Fishing Eastport, Me <The Dexter P, Cooper water power project is now being looked upon more and more by Authorities ag a means of fn for the industnial life of th torn island eity, y port's growth in the past has beon built almost entirely around the sardine industry, which, in all ramifications, offered almost year round enployment for its men and women, Times have changed considerably in recent years and to- day the season consists of no more than three months of extensive packing, The loeal fishermen are finding it increasingly dfficult to extend the earnings of this short season over A whole year and the younger members of the families are turning from the fishing game toward industtial life in towns and vitiey elsewhere, Sardine herring, of course, are Pnot the only fish to frequent the waters of Passamaguaddy Bay. fs fine pollock fishing and some- times late in the fall there is a cod rum, but the Quoddy Ashermen somehow have not taken yery kind« ly to trawling or gill-netting and without the long' sardine season they feel themselves lost, Canada Ky wer project, now temps | orarily held up by the refusal of, the Canadian Government to gratt the required Canadian rights, seem to be the solution te the problem. in the opinion of the natives, They feel that without some great enter. prise to attract industry and furn. ish ambloymant to large numbers, local fishermen cannot hold out very. much longer in thelr chosen calling, ® younger men fee that three months' employment and nine months of odd } a very lit tle to build a future upon, : The Canadian opposition, an it fa understood here, » based upon the te of Dr, A.C, Huntsman, 0 station at ®t, Andrews, NB, Dr Huntsman olaims that the interrup. tion 'of the tidal ourrent by a dam would end the great natural mixing howl, which mixes & brand: of men food, that attracts he herring and. other fish, We predicts a severe bo nfs Theory pople pdy the theory oF Madfiock; of Roothbey Harbour, st of the Canadian hiologient ||! ROWE an tig degn of dgine LA water fisheries, to counteract Dr. Huntsman's theory, Maddock is inclined to discount the statement that the dam would be harmful to the herring fishing of Quoddy, "Herring will go any- where," he says. "Look at the ale- wives at Damariscotta and New- castle, They are the same family and they even olimb up hill to get whers they want to go. "I have seen enormous schools of herring crowd into the narrowest and most seemingly impossible es- tuaries and coves, They will swarm through any opening, however nar: row, if they take a fancy. And the Cooper Dam provides plenty of gates where they may swim through on the right tides, IT don't believe the dam would affect the Rerring fishing on Quoddy a par. ticle." Fish Outside Dam There ix still another side of the question which would seem to add a point to Maine's side of the controversy, Contrary to the sare dine packers with their supplies lie outsidé the proposed dam and would not be affected in any way. UnofMolal Agures compiled last year showed that thers were not more than 125 herring weirs Inside Pass. amaquoddy Bay as compared with more than 400 outside, Of the weirs inside all but about a dozen were located in Canadian waters and it is understood that more op- position will be forthcoming from the ownery of these weirs, ------------------------ Not Before? (Border Oitles Star) No doubt, you too, have observed that practically all the hammering is done after the political parties have eracted ther platform, A scene from 'The Vi Tov. or," featuring Rudy Vallee and his Connecticut Yankees, WESTERN WHEAT 90 P.C. OF NORMAL SAYS CROP REPORT Ontario Seeding Ten Days Earlier and Growth Ahead of Average ---- Montreal, Que, June 14,~The con dition of the wheat crop in the prairie provinces is estimated at a- round 90 per cent of normal, with Munitoba better than Saskatchewan and Alberta, according to'the Bank of Montreal's crop report, issued yes- terday, The advantage gained in ear- lier seeding has been counteracted by cool weather and damage from soll drifting. Rain over large areas will be needed very shortly. In Quebec province seeding of grain and roots has been carried out under favorable conditions. In On. tario cool weather and lack of rain enabled seeding to be completed throughout the province ten days ear lier than usual. All growth is ahead of the average, New meadows and fall wheat suffered severely from winter killing and their acrdage is re- duced In the Maritime provinces planting and selding have been, practically completed under almost ideal condi- tions, © In British Columbia' general conditions are satisfactory and pros. péets for nearly all crops are prom- Ising, LYRIC To roam at will across a hill, Tree-clad in deepening green: To watch a cloud: supremely proud Above 'ita sun-edged screen; To sense a breeze adrift to tease Long grass to ripples: gay; To hear a bird with heart beatirred Pour torth its Hiting Ia To find a trail through vale Whose peace is deeply blest; To pause content, 'neath Heaven's ton bees Bo Nature treats her guest! EDNA ALICE BOYD. shadowed Who's Who & What's What in the Amuse ment World RE Time hangs heavily on Rudy Val. Tee's hands, After he went to Hollywood to star inl Radi Pictures' extravagant wiusi- cal production, "The Vagabond Lov- er,' now at the Regent Theatre, he had nothing: ta do, except work every day and many nights in the pictures keep, up a fast social pace, fill many reduests from theatres, night \glubs, and civic affairs! So he decided to write a book a story of Rudy Vallee's life] Did he not have that "in between scenes" time~nvaluable 10 a busy man? For many months a well-known publishing house in' New Yofk had urged Wind to write * his © autobiog~ raphy--and the 'trip to Hollywood gave him his opportunity, "Prop Is Office Throughout the day as the cam- era halted and the tuneful strains of his Connecticut Yankees band were followed by the clamor of a new setup, Rudy released his clinch on Radio Pictures' baby starlet, Sally Blane and dictated to a stenographér His office was any sort of "prop" that would serve as a seat, Vallee Begins' Autobiography In RKO Studio "I malored In English st" Yale,~ he explained when questioned about the book, "so 1 might: ss well use that | knowledge to straighten' out many absurd impressions of me "that have gotten into print, "For instance, | am often' called' a song writer, 1 did write 'The Vag: abond Lover' and "Deep Night, but' I do fot expect to write another--1 am essentially a musician, ' Much Exsggorated "It also came to my ears that my fan mail reached the total of 20,000 a day, and that 8,000 girls proposed marriage to me. Welt, "should say that 200 letters a day is more like the truth, and; as-for the propossl they are things we shouldn't discuss." So that was it]. Rudy Vallee wants the public to haye an Meccusate pice tore of~himself, oweyer, he ad~ mitted 'later that he Was principally interested in transmitting to music' Jovers many of the things he has} discovered in his several years' study! of 'jazz effects and orchestration, many of which he demonstrates in Radio Pictures' ,"The Vagabond Lover." 14 Hi STATE ATTORNEY COMPARES CAPONE TO. A RATTLESNAKE Miami, Fla, June 14.---Al Car pone, the Chicago beer baron, owner of a palatial home on Palm Island here, was pictured by the state as a bad influence both so- cially and economically, at a hearing in the court fight 'to pad- lock Capone's residence, Counsel for the defence vigor- ously demurred, insisting Capone "may be the greatest criminal in the. world, bug so long as his ae tions here are faultless, he can remain and live where he chooses." 4 The state countered with the, equally emphasized ssseption: that A rattlesnake Js '& menace in anybody's back yard, and 'it doghn't inlter the annoyance to come into court and prove later: that ifs fangs have been pulled!" ¥ \ Testimony bearing on alleged} liquor parties in the Capope home' tontured the hearing, sud' 4 'state' witness admitted He attended and: saw drinking, he was Bart Riely, who sald 200 were there, drink ing 'all' 'sorts of drinks." Other testimony Included +thél assertion of state counsel that suck a reign of terror had been created' by' Capone's presence that; nf hour watch around his home bee instituted by Miami Beek police, bi vod Opens Campaign The Right Honourable : W. L. MACKENZIE KING will open the campaign : the Liberal Party in Brantford, 1 Ont., on Monday, June 16th g for The address of the Prime Minister will be broadcast over a nations Lo Siw Fenty The summer (8 the sea: son bright When folks would. dress exactly tight, E can assist you W to dress right this summer, That summer silk dress that faded, It'll look Uke a new one it we dye it, You need to have a couple of blouses dry cleaned, do you not? Let us attend your wants, THE NEW SERVICE CLEANERS E.DYER PHON | SHAW w TRY 41y BOWMANYILL MCot - ~ v TH Aeroplane Flights | THIS WEEK-END | See Oshawa from the air, Government licensed pilot, New thise phasenges lane. - Flights made from d. South (near the highway). | LEAVENS' Alr Fly with ekperienced West of Park wide hook-up, ] Stations CNRO, Ottawa; CFRE, | from 9 to 11 Hear him over T CKGW, T CHML, Hamilton "i see London. y LISTEN, IN. FAR a PM Eastern Standard Time ' NEW MARTIN | 3 Days STARTS SATURDAY. But you HOOT'S HERE AGAIN" This time in a thriller. The story takes us to Chinatey Across the Rockies, and the Canyons of Col Of course, there is a girl and a matter know Hoel. of $5,000 at stake. SAFE AND SANE FLYING

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