Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Jun 1930, p. 13

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PAGE THIRTEEN 3 tor, Koes Money. to St.. Baste Cislawa. Phon ¢ Eye Strain, Development. Dis- 4 opposite Post Office. {May 15-1 mo) ey oF Sr Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING. § 0. | East, Ambulance. Residence, 542 LOUIS'S., SIRIAN BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store.) 'Money to loan, 16 Simeoe graet er hone 67. Residence solicitors. fc. = 24% Siricoe | Phone 3160. Money 0 loan. LOL 'HALL, B.A. BARRIS "Conveyanéing and genera) H'ng St Bast ARRISP. x ja. HAZLEWOOD. «HARPER, "Plswey Block. Phone "050. Office hours: 9 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. Dr. B. J. Jszlewood, special atiention to Surgefy &nd X-Ray. Jr. B. H. Har- per, special attenticn to children's Diseases and: Obstetrics. Sunday and night calls 2416 or 122.71 AY, PIIYSICIAN, SUR- cher.' Office and' resi- St, East, comer Vigoria Phone 94. "BERRY, PHYSIC AN: sri Dice - 1153. RCHER. M.D, CM. DR AY, x and S. Edinburgh. Physician, Surgeon and Qbate tetrician. a le nea 47 alia Ase,' He ib: tie An dog 0 203 King Ww. Tel. 629. ! . June 2-1 mo) a DR. Fi. BR Streets . $38 ron gorth, Paone 210J Fl rg ' DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE. " King St. zat, Oshawa, The old. t Fire Osbawa. 30 Re: ble nies, R. N. Johos, '80 Simcoe Bory. Your insurasce wants at tended to acd your interests pro- i N automobile, fire, accident. See Holden 92 Simcoe N. bs : (May §~1nio) 88 R AND 8 A man's, 85 Bond" West, Special in furniture moviag, storage Ware. house und moving van-equipment. Phone" 52 CARTROE i MOVING, , GRAVEL sand ard cinders, Local and long disiance hauling. Smith & Cox, Phone 924, 10 Bond St. West. OSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTAS. lished furniture moters. Park Road car ame. Local and long distance. Crank iF, Faome. Hd 65 Park Ki { (May 19-1 mo) } ATT Frew To MOVE--SUDBURY, Toronto, Hamilton, Trenton, Belle- ville, anywhere, cheapest in the city. Eagle Cartage,' phone 290, (May 29-1 mio) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop. 'Specialists "in 'permanent, finger and marcel waving. Fer. t wave prices $6, $7.60, $10 (and $15. All other lines ot Beauty fulture. Phone 29GS., Apply 8b Simcoe street ilorti. BY Lou: Perman- arcel and sham- AND Wa ER =f Beauty. S| 9 Calla 50. We spe- = ciatize on hair- cutting mar. celling, shampooing: facials: "Marca Hui tn For Abo May 16-1 mo) Ce (¥] % K. Clarke, 147 Agnes street. Yhone 2640J. 7 (May 20-1 mm» MISS URTON TA d ins Beauty Parlour apnoun- ice of 'marcelling, 60¢, dln aving 76c¢, during, the summer months, Commencing from June first. Phone. 71. ; i May 21-1 mo.) usic TRENEER, OR- "muster of King ch will accept oh ele and vocal apply 50 : Phone 2896. (June 2-31) D R olle late Str (May 6-1 mv) USHAWA RADIO SERVICE, AC ries for repairs on elec- k pecial dir 4.4 to fa $ xtsachion. Nurse. in ate? 5 " 1312. er N D dr exiraction. Phone 54. DENTIST] . -- GENERAL k. floor, ne 1496.) ] {tric and a! oth, <teated, \ a rl 1 tion 2189M. ubes and . rents] by ,. Charles Wales, 146 Elgin 3 36 May 8-1 mo) mn B0e, rentals 25¢., delivered Certified Radicts el Certified soi Ly A om 2 Phone 4885 chy (Ma; 19-1 mo) {TOR SA All Classified. Advertising of this nature. For shy convenience of Gasoudre whe Rnd iE inbhavenions to come personally to The Times'. office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement and Sollett for same. "Times" Classified. Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED. AD DEPARTMENT Coming Events, Ete. STRICTLY CASH 1 IN ADVANCE Foie sus abot vamtemary Bach of acpeui cid loss arising from handling a large number of emall arcounts DOWNSTAIRS 3 he rooms and summer Ki Shen, acre of land partly jlanted, ge pasture and barn, rent $20 sl 24356J. (131a) "Wanted To Rent WANTED--THREB OR FOUR room house, or unfurnished rooms. Close to Box 718 Times. (1800) Real Estate For Sale 8 SA 50. FO! Ferahill Blvd., oft King Street West. (129e) FOR SALE,--5 ROOMED BRICK bungalo, All conveniences.. North end. Price $3400. Small down pay~- ment. Phone 16588W. "(130b) NEW 7 ROOMS BUNGALOW FOI sale. Would take good car as part payment. Apply Ave. 2L Li ¥O at Oshawa, 34 x 169, Ideal loca tion. Price $12 per ft. Apply Box 713 Times. (130d) For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--SIX room house for smaller house out- pide city. Apply 44 McLaughlin Blvd, (131¢» (130d) Work Wanted (¢] and garage floors, sidewalks apd roadways, sand, 'gravel - cinders. Chris Graham. Phone 2621M,. (May 29-1 mo) EXPERT OPHOLSTERING ON automobiles and - furniture, The best in workmanship at the lowest prices. Note rew address, 451 Sim- coe South. G. A. Constable. Phone 3432W. (May 13-1 mo) SHARPENING--BSCISSORS, KNIV- es, Lawn Mowers, Baws. ' Phone 421W. We call and deliver. 130 Celina St. E. Bottan, (May 8-1mo.) FIR! CLASS LA R Phone 1234M, (May 81-1 mo) Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOF1 WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone d body wood. Waterous Meek "Phone 1288 FUR SALu--HBIN Ltd., pianos, ncw and used. planos; Also radios, latest rue Phone wodels Hagel. Apply O. Trull. 166 A atid (11342) FOR SALE -- PAINTS, VARN- fshes. We have the largest assort~ ment of paints, varnishes, ete, in in 'the city. The Paint 80 hie street west. (Apr. gt) SAND, GRZV STONE, ders, black loam, $1.50 per yara. For quality and -service-phone He gery Bros. 332 r 11. (May 3-tf) ALL KINDS. OF USED. FURNK ture, beds, dressers, tables, chairs, oil stoves, 'coal stoves, bicycles, etc. 174 Ritson road south. (May 29-1 mo) Y RITSON AUTO: ERS, at 12 Athol street west, for your auto parts and tires. Phone 3475W, Residence 21833, (May 30-1 mo) DIAMOND RINGS, . WATCHES, all kinds of jewelry on eagy, pay- ments. Terms from 50 cents per week. . O. H. Dell, agent for. Peo- ples' Credit Jewelers, 263 Shmcoe South, Oshawa. * (May Lime) HOUSEHOLD NITUR. sale, 'first' class ition. "Apply 126 Rosedale Avenue. (129¢) SINGER SEWING =~ MACHINE, nearly new, gramaphone, also four tube Radio. Phene 238J, Oshawa. 0 A ANO, - chen stove! rel 746+ AASB St. 'Phone 1639), (129¢) LANTS (0) ALE--CAULI- flowe* brussels sprouts. All kinds of cabbage. 110 William St. W.. Phone 25827. y (129¢) WI stroller, baby walker, Al condition, car battery and few other articles. 1111. Bond street east. (129¢) | steel, spring and mattress, $5. Also' laundry stove; $5. Phone 2046W, ~ (129¢) ' n carriage, nearly new. Will sell at reagonable price, Apply Box 714 Times; (13 130¢) A trola with records, Tnsoavlp. ol soo 123 Huron St Phone Su. SECOND HAND FUR- niture Sotient and sold, 186 Bloor St. E. Phone 1617M. (June 41 mo) | GAS BTOVE FOR SALE--THREE burners. and oven. Algo new ven- tilation pipes. $8.00. Avptf 130 Colborne Bast, © 31b) ng : ADAME HENDRIE'S IW 'of dancing and physical "euiture. r D. ) Foal erst é Ug 'at above 8. May 21-1 mo) ~~ Leto iii, -- PORCH ed. Feri, Fistor Treanta 1053 LAG Jags For Rent: ~~ 1 = [V) ern suites including eleetric refrig- eration, stove; laundry, conveni. ences, etc.,, doptinu- § hot water supplied. Apply Supt. 'phone 3671, or The Trusts und Guarantee Co. Ltd.,, manage: for owner, Toronto. (27t1) APARTMENT 10 LET, CENTRAL All: conyenienc: hardwood floors, Apply Bradley Bros. (sees) tral, four rooms, bath. . electric stove, newly di ated, hardwood floors. Possession Immediately. Apply Box 655 Times. (112tr) TO RENT--ONE LARGE PRONT room, suitable'. for business man. Also one small:reom; $2 per week. 4 William street east, (May 23-1 mo) THREE ROOM; APARTMENIT newly 'decorated, one block from Motors; 'fully tufnished, conveni- ences. 97 Colborne Street East. (129¢) CASA LOMA APTS. OSHAWA, 161 Kiug east, 5 fooms and bath Immediate possession. Prices reas- (4) ble, (1292) Apply 72 Ritson (129¢) APARTMENTS AND stores at exceeding low. rental, in Whitby. Phone Kingsdale 7111, Toronto, or Jackson's Real Estate, Whitby. (1129¢) FOR "RENT--FIVE T"NFURNISH- ed rooms, All conveniences. Rent reasonable. Apply 124 Agnes St. Phony 19327. (12%¢) FOR RENT--- FU J) 0 unfurnished apartment and bed- room, also garage. Apply 165 Rit. eon Rd. South. (1291) APARTMENT = TO RENT, 4 rooms, 3 piece bath, slectric stove, separate entrance, : possession im- mediately. Phone 1024W, © (139¢) FOR RENT--FOUR OR FIVE room apartments. wes conveniences. Phone 1502W, (1301) ; 'FURNISHED OR nighied rooms for - light house: keeping or will fdrnish for bed nitag room, Phone 2607J. (130¢) NG REDUC- tion " 3 and 4 room apartment suites, newly decorated, electric shoves, -3 piece bathroom, $20 up. Phone 117), M. #Hennick, bathroom. flats. eB. (130¢) --T7 R USE. ALL es alo AApyiy, 482 Albert St., or phone 2612W., as} LA R kitchen with sink, wired for dnd trio stove, separate meter, few min- utes from Motors. Apply 67 Pat- ricla avenue. Phone' 2490W. (130¢} CEL rooms to rent. All conveniences. 133 Clarke bial (130c) 0 FO Dey to rent, 'with os 8 7 Simcoe St. North. hone. 1234. | Rates for | Classified Ads. ! Piree tnsertion--11% cents per word, coin charge 30c. Pine lion To. ou ian a thy price of ares cents a bore 4h ipa e Box Si oy | did commission. Wanted To 'Buy WILL "PAY CASH ~ FOR BRICK bungalow in north: end of city not exceeding $3000. Apply Box; 715 Times. (130b) " Help Wanted--Female WANTED AT ONCE--WAITRESS with experience for dining room. Apply during - morning Oshawa General Hospital, (129¢) WANTED--GOOD WOMAN COOK. Must be good general cook. Apply Cream of Barley Camp, Bowman: ville. (180¢) Motor Cars AR R T repaired at 49 Bond St. West. Body and fender work done at shortest notice, also repairs to 'motor boats an general wood work. Phone W. Fry 3305. (May '23-1 mo) GET YOUR CAR ASHED AT Dominion Garage, 88 Bond Streat West. Phone 3198. price $1.00, (May 15-1 mo.) FOR SALE--CHEV. ROADSTER, $25. Also bicycle. Apply 66 Lloyd St. Evenings. (130¢) FOR SALE--1929 CHEVROLET Coach, in Al condition. Smail mileage $500. Phone 421 Whitby. (180¢) Situations Wanted TWO EXPERIENCED YOUNG men wish to secure work on farm. Will go any place. Apply 634 Osh- awa St, Oshawa, Ontario, ve - (129) Theronoid ALL SUFFERERS OF CHRONIC ailments should take advantage of the special free *reatments offered by Sheronoid of Oshawa, 156 Wil- lam St. Bast. Phone 269. t (May: 22-1 mo) Help Wanted--I E WILL PAY ARDS $20.00 a week to a good man at present employed who will give two or three hours each evening helping in a special siles: campaign Box 712, Oshawa Times. (129¢) salesmen, Yor local and outside territory. Must have references and be bonded. Apply George Seymour, 239 Dearborne Ave. Nursing DIC A . M - al and surgical nursing, reasonable Phone Whitby 505. RACTICAL NU Al ity or general nursing. For infors mation phone 320W (June 3-1 mo) Notice formerly of 20 Albert street, Osh- awa, or anyone! knowing of his present whereabouts, communicate with The Hstate Service Bureau, 8§ Richmond street. west, Toronto 2. : , PIANO 4 Good cadre, private bome. No child: Ten. Xen. 380 C Celina St. (130¢) "Business. Opportunities ANT T ONCE--A 0 Appliances. Widély advertised. Big opportunities for right man, Splen- References re- Apply Harmony Electro tie Appliances No. 8, Dundas St. East, T 'and locality. Apply mes , stating location, rate and. possible accommodation. to Motors. Apply stating reat | 644 Somerville, for well known organization. This is not a door to door canvass. Pros- pects are supplied, Send replies to REAL SILK -- WANTED TWO (May 23-1mo.)« N- (1800) | handle Harmony Electro Magnstic h (131b) | ings and best wis! Box 718 OR SAL, EC G and f-esh, part Jersey. Phone 68 r 1, Whitby. WANTH mer running through Balson' s Farm, Courtice. Apply F.' A. VanGunten; Tooley's Hil © (1301) Painting and Decorating R. GUTSO0L4, FIRST CLASS PA- perhanger, painting «nd graining. Prices right, work guaranteed. 340 Pine Ave, phone 30656w or 2067w. (72th) PJ. BRADY, 61 BROCK STREET east, painting, paperhanging, dec- orating, sign writing, Estimates given on work. Phone 1367J. (May 6-1 mo) "Loan Wanted ONEY WA RIVAT, 'funds for one $1500 and one $2500 first mortgage. fu excellent resi- dential property. Phone 169. (130¢) $800., LOAN. WANTED ON GOOD property, excelent. security, Ap- ply Box 719 Times, (131c) Baby Chicks BABY CHICKS --~ FROM HIGH class breeding pens, ' backed by males from dams o' 225 egg rec- crd. Immediate shipment: Barrea Rocks, Rhode Island"Rede, $17 per hundred; White Leghorns, $16. 100 pef cent. live arrival guara9- teal. Modern Hatehery, 8295 Dan- forth Ave., Toronto, (June 4-1 mo) and' first 'master of the Orange As- sociation of British America. The celebration was held on the same ground that saw the birth of the institution in Canada 100 years ago. COMMISSION NAMED FOR VETERANS' ACT Cormichael, Woods and Garneau Appointed to New Board Ottawa, June 5.--Hon, Dugald Carmichael, D.8.0. and Bar, M.C. and Bar, former Minister without portfolio and Government repre- sentative on the Hydro 'Commis- sion during the days of the Drury Administration, is to be one of the Commissioners administering the new War Veterans' Allowance Act. According to the official Gov- ernment annoupcement Walter Woods, Calgary, who served ten years as Superintendent of the Soldiers' Settlement Board of Al- berta, is to be the Chairman. He is Vice-President of the Alberta Legion. The third member of the Com- mission is to be F, J. G. Garneau, son of the late Hon, E. B. Garneau of Quebec. He served , with the Twenty-second Battalion overseas, and is now Assistant Secretary of the Department of Pensions and National Health. =5 Auction Sale AUCTION SALE--HAWING RE- ceived instructions to sell for Mrs. Finney, 8rd house south of Cross- man's Garage, Simcoe street north, North Oshawa, on' Saturday, June 7, 1930, at 1. 30 p.m. sharp, 4 tube radio, gramaphone, table, chairs, cuphoard, sideboard, Quebec cook stove, heater, beds, dressers, car- pets, linoleums, sewing machine, sanitary closet, camera, a quantity of tools. Other things too numer- ous to mention. Terms cash. W, J. Sulley, Auctioneer. (131b) GHILDREN CAUSE All cars at one | ANXIETY-IN FIRE NEAR LINDSAY Sérious Blaze. Threatens Janetville and -Destroys Two Residences Lindsay, June 5---Janetville Vil- lage,. in Manvers Township, 13 miles south of Lindsay, was threa- tened with destruction by fire yes- terday when two frame rsidences Were razed by flames. Other dwel- lings were in danger, including the United Church parsonage, Mervin Armstrong's home was the first to go, the fire originating from an over-heated stovepipe. Mrs, Arm- sfrong was resting upstairs and was awakened by the cries of the peo- ple outside. For a time she wag al- most frantic, believing that her 38-year-old son, Billy, might be in- side the burning house, The babe was' found playing near by. The frame home of Percy Crawford, a short distance away, wag next to be destroyed. Little furniture was saved in the Crawford home, and everything was lost "in the Arm- strong house. William Sarrel, a 15-year-old farm boy, fell off a near-by roof, a distance of 25 feet, and for some time was thought to be seriously hurt, but when a phystcan arrived he was not in sight. He was stun- ned for a time, Obe hundred farmers responded to the telephone calls, and a call was sent for a pumper from Lind- say. The near-by stables and roofs of dwelings were. dotted 'with hapd-working: men. while the bue- kel brigade pumped from three wells. Only their efforts saved the church ' and parsonage, Which caught fire several times. GREETINGS FROM K. OF C. RECEIVED BY ORANG ORDER Much Comment Aroused by «Exchange of Bouquets at Convantions (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Brockville, June 5--At the open- ing of the annual session of the Orange association of British Am- ca here a bouquet was received at lodge headquarters with a tag bearing the inscription: '"Greet- ies for a success. ul convention," signed 'from the 'Knights of Columbus. ad 'Display of the bouquet aroused Sensiiarabie comment amongst the mhbers Last week the knights of Colum- bus ire received from Lie . Gray, provincial grand Orange Order for 3 maser ot a bouquet of flowers bea tag with the in- from Grand ada dnd to honor the memory of , Lieut Col. O. R. Gowan, founder A PUNISHED FOR CATCHING CROOKS Chicago Detectives Reduced in, Rank and Hoodlums Rejoice Chicago, Juné b5.--Sergeants William Drury. and John Howe, who have rounded up prabably more "big shot" hoodlums in the downtown district in recent months than all other detective squads combined have been disciplined following the arrest of Harry Gu- sick and Hymie Levine, They were taken off their cruis- ing, where they were attached to the pick-pocket detail, and ordered to do "messenger boy' service at the bureau, Gusick and Levine resumed their uiial business of selling Caponé liquor and beer in the Loop and collecting for it, and other hood- lums were emerging from their hiding-places on hearing that the watchsogs of the Loop had been muzzled. PARLEY IN AUGUST ON UNEMPLOYMENT Will Be Held Annually as Long as Liberals Are in Power Ottawa, June 6.~The Dominion unemployment conference, with Provincial Premiers and captains of industry from the Provinces ai- tending, is to be held In Ottawa in August, it fs announced, and it is to be an annual conclave. Each year hereafter, so long as the Mac: kenzie King Government is in power, there is to be this.gather- ing "of political and industrial heads, and it constitutes the first national effort to grapple with Canada's problem of seasonal un- employment, Ten thousand dollars was voted in this year's estimates for the Au- gust conference, and the Govérn- ment believes that a similar amount spent each year in prepar- ing 10 head off the always-threat- ening seasonal unemployment would be money well spent, When the Federal, Provincial and indus. trial powers come together in this and' succeeding fall cenferences the objective will be the outlining of a program of necessary works where work will be needed. SETTLEMENT NEAR (By Cansdish Press Press Leased Wire) Bradford, Eng., . June 5--The signs and portents seem to indicate a settlement of the great woollen and temtHe strike which has for months been paralyzing the indus- try in the north of England. Today a meeting here of the National As- sociation of Textile Unions heard the admission that a large number 'of 'woollen - eperatives in certain sections have returned to work. "The meeting authorized individual Slop to negotiate wage settle< in cases where such agrees ont: when concluded, were more acceptable' to. the operatives than employers, URGE CONSTRUCTION OF HUDSON. CAN (By Cenadisn Press Presa: Rented Wire) 4 Albany, N.Y., June 5--Declafing no appreciable progress has been a e toward a joint American adian ship canal and that the mid-west was insistent in its de- mands for a deep seaway from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic, the 'Great' Lakes-Hidson Fateruaye Association hag adopte a 'resoly- and measures which will give work |! IN TEXTILE STRIKE | ae tion urging immediate 'construction of a ship canal across New York State. The resolution, adopted at the convention of the association, was supported by 300 delegates. The action was taken despite the: in- ception of moves on the part of the federal government to take over operation of the state-owiied barge canal between Oswego, on Lake Ontario and the Hudson river at the héad of tidewater. ON SIMCOE NORTH For $6,600.00 -- Real home, brick, 7 rooms and bath, gar- age, shrubbery, lawns ete. $1,600 down, balanced ar- ranged. The good ones are nearly all gone. Why not ask about this? DISNEY, 29 King East Boys' Broadcloth I | Wash "Suits. Special 9c Dominion Clothing Co. | 68 8 King 8 St. | Ww. Phone 2141 || 85 BOND ST. WEST Wanted car worth $500.00 in exchange for a good six room fra.ae house, west part of th: city. Buyer to assume mortgage of $1500.00. J. H. R. LUKE, Phone 871 or 687W JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 3215 New Seven Room House Corner of Richmond and Cadillac, sellisig/aticast, It' uh real home and & real bard ain, 'Phone 2354 1 | GOOD USED CARS Are Nod by THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Simcoe S¢. 8. Phone 900 -- Specializing exclusively in wuscle anomalies eyesight and glasses. 1518 Disney Block - Opposite Bart Offa Good Weather Ahead! $ "| ==Do not dose' pm Let me finance you--Addis tional Cash Given. ie wera the, original terms "Oftered by

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