Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Jun 1930, p. 12

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i DAILY TIMES, - THURSDAY, JUNE 5; 1930. "a How Sharp Eyes Were Fooled By Thornton W. Burgess Ben hose ih Hoven ; X simple t s are often Fooled : ' --Carol 'the Meadow Lark. "+ Roddy Fox knew that Carol the Meadow Lark and Mrs. Meadow "Lark had a nest on' the Green « Meadows, Mrs, Reddy knew it, Dld 'Man Coyote, knew it. Redta 'the Hawk knew it.. Whitetajl the Marsh Hawk knew its Yon see it was no segret. Any one just 'listening to Carql as he poured {out the joy of hig heart would have known just what it wag that . made him so joyous. So, as I said before, it was no secret. But the Tocation 'of that nest was a secret. Yes, sir, that 'was a secret and a well-kept secret... @ i ! "I don't suppose it is of much use to look for Carol's nest," but "just the same I am going to tiy * it," said Reddy Fox to Mrs. Reddy. "There ig nothing gained without i trying. © A nestful of young Maad: . ow. Larks would taste as good as anything I could think of," Mrs. Reddy grinned. "I wish you luck, my dear," said she, "I have already searched the Green Meadows several times for that 'nest. Perliaps Your eyes are sharper than mine, Anyway, I wish you huek. se ' "Reddy: hid, on the edge of.the 01d. Pasture. where: he could look across: the Green Meadows. He saw Carol mount up in the air singing, for Carol does this some- times... Then Carol dropped. back in: the grass.. Reddy .took careful note of just where that place was. He didn't go over there then, how- ever. He remained in hiding. Pre- 'gently Carol flew over to a post----a fence post--and for some time he sat pn. this, telling all the world how Jhappy he was. When finally he w, he dropped down in the "wrasd very near the place where "he had dropped down before: Red- » dy grinned. "Of course," said Reddy to him- self, "that "nest isn't there. I know Carol well enough to know { that he never would make the mis- take of flying directly to his nest. But I also know 'that that nest 1s not a great distance from that spot. It is near enough for Carol to walk to./ The thing. to do is to search dn a_ circle around that spot." . p So Reddy rame out of his hid- ing place" and started #cross the Green Meadows. As he drew near i+ the place where Carol had disap- peared in the grass he began 7o |' move very carefully. He would take a step or iwo and then stop to look and listen. Presently fhe i very thing that he expected hap- # pened; Carol took to his wings and eame out of dhe zries at 2 point some little distance from where he had dropneéd down into the srass. Reddy grinned trium- phantly, . "PHONE 22 © For Your Drug Needs { THOMPSON'S 0 Slices St. 7S: == We Deliver » 1 . Ld 3 Machinery Repairing: NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL aise JachseXar, ---- ait : r Bastett's COAL LP GANT Ptreet % ast | J 4 'there "An 1] 4 ip he fest "18' right over some here," "said Reddy] iI need do now is to hunt very care- fully around that place where Car-| ol left the ground." f So Reddy \made right straight for that spot: As he approached it he moved very cautiously fin. deed. Yes, sir, he moved very coutiously, He looked to right; he looked to Jett. With every step or two he stoppdd to look. listen and smell. He knew when he reached the spot where Carol had been squatting in the grass. Carol had left a feather or iwo there, From that spot Reddy be- =zan working out in all directions. He was positive that Carol's i.esr, with Mrs. Carol on it, was not far away. In this Reddy was »'-"' Aen matter of fact, twice Reddy pass. ed within easy jumping distance of Mrs, Meadow Lark, Twice he looked straight at her and didn't see her. Yes, sir. Reddv looked straight at. her and didn't see her. The reason wis that she kept per- fectly still and her feathers were sn nearly the color of the dead grass that it was difficult to tell =rase from feathers. So in. the ead Reddy had to give up. When he got home Mrs. Reddy said noth- ing at all. She merely grinned. (Copyright, 1930; T. W, Burgess) The mext story: 'Peter Rabbit Is Startled," MAKES MAN BLIND i. }(By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Buffalo, N.Y., June 3--Frank Ir- win, 30, of Cleveland, Ohio, clean- cut And neatly groomed was a pa- thetic figure when arraigned in city court: yesterday after having been picked up in the stroet blind and unable to find his way about. ofeefrdederfrdeotiidrleote Sod rd ried ddd i... TIME TABLES PPP PPPP TEPER SRI C. P. R. TIME TABLE 9.50 a.m. Daily 3.05 p.m, Daily A 8.20 p.m. Daly (Except Sunday) 1.40'pum, Daily 12.05 a.m. Daily 'CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Change in Time, effective April th, (Standard Time) Eastbound a.m. Daily, Extept Sunday a.m. Sunday only .55 a.m. Daily ily, Except Sunday y wiv ow AR ta = a * --- 3 pon. Lal nm, bai m. Lary ay Daily, Except' Sanday 9.38 p.m. Daily 11.07 pon. Daily, Except Saturday 11.46 pa. Daily 12.01 a.m. Daily ' Wi SNES = Om = nS = Jam, Daily ¥ Daily, Excépt Sunday .20 a.m. Daily. r 03 a.m, Daily, Except Sunday 202.p.m. Daily, Except Sunday 4.00 pom, Daily 702 p.m, Daily 7.4% p.m. Stihnday only 2.20 p.m. Daily 8.23 p.m. Daily, Except Sanday Whitby, Oshawa, : Bowmanville BUS LINE > WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective od after April 27, 1900.) (Daylight Saving Time) A 3 Leave Oshawa Leave Bowmanville wn --- coon aWNTS, : PE LETRY PPPOE PE Tees BIFERRAIRRIRE PD iSeonge § Shawsae Basesasases PEG AWN w of't eg "of division 4, epartment,- Am- Federatio 49-hour ss THE OSHAWA. penitentiary sen- nts from ihe But. a be 'emergency was voted "attending the eighth | ja me yesterday | 1 | 4 Croydon. to make preparation for. a d States. - {ment of Scandinavian Winnipeg, June - 5--Prominent members of western Canadian Ice- landic communities numbering 150, deft here last night bound for the "I millenial celebration of the Althing to be held in Reykjavik, Iceland, A tiris 'month. x eh © "At the station, hundreds of friends and 'representatives of local organizations and government in- cluding Premier John Bracken and Mayor Ralph H, Webb, gathered to | farewell the party which includes [| Prot.' R. Bee k, head of the depart languages, university of North Dakota, and H. Westergaard, Norwegian vice-couy- pel at Estevan, Sask, ' N a pwn THANKS TO CANADA oN cy oll ; i : Ottawa, June '6~Replying to a message of congratulation sent: on behalf of : the Government and 'peo- ple 'of Canada, "His Majesty King George cabled Premier Mackenzie King as follows: "I sincerely thank you. the Government and people of Canada for your greetings and good wishes 'on' this anniversiry of my birthday. 1 much appreciate the loy- al sentiments to which your message gives expression." SENTENCE UPHEL IN PETERBORO CASE Tornnto, Juno 5--Frank Brown- son, auto salesman of Toronto vain- ly appealed to second divisional court at Osoode Hall this morniug aainst sentence of one' year's im- prisonment imposed upon him by Judge Hoyfke at Peterboro efter he had been convicted on a: charge of criminal negligence, Brownson on March 20 'last was driving an auto owned by H. J. Hodgins from Toronto to: Peterboro. In the car, besides Hodgins and Brownson was oi R. 'Smith who was fatally injure ed. ESCAPED GUELPH PRISONERS CAUGHT, Guelph, June G5---Captuveéd ie Brampton Wednesday by. _provins cial police, Percy Grist, John Vene duin, and Jean Maurice, who eScapi- ed from the Ontario. réformatore Monday, were brought back to the institution by Guards yesterdays They had walked from here to Brampton, and were drrested' by officers on the report of a eftizem who became suspicious, 3 tendent of the National'T A Dinwiddie in 1904 apart projected trans-Atlantic flight to Unite HA FRIEND IN GENERALLY A BEAT 1T, BLACKIE, UNTIL YOU HEAR FROM ME! THE NEXT NEED (1S LITTLE BROTHER!) em AMONG ALL EARLY PEOPLES THE SUN WAS WORSHIPED AS A GOD, TOMMY. I THE EVEMING THE GOD LEFT THE PEOPLE AMD THEY PRAYED FOR HIS RETURN, IN THE MORMING/HE CAME BACK SMILING. - + THE DRUIDS SUNRISE STONE - STONEHENGE | THE INCAS, OF PERU BUILT A TEMPLE 10 THE SUN. ¥ oP YAS THE CENTER OF EXTRA ORDINARY FORMS OF SUM-ORSHIP 100L5 REPRESENTING THE GOD OF DAY YYERE GIVEN THE MOST FANCIFUL THE '« SHAPES. If EGYPT THE WALLS OF POWER OF THE SUN GOD. THE RUINS OF STONE- HENGE I ENGLAND ARE SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN + CONNECTED WITH THE HORSHIP OF THE SUN. I= 1 THE NE HORLD,THE INCAS OF PERU BUI A TEMPLE > LL THE SUN ASTONISHING IY ITS MAGMIFICENCE.T ~ @ 1990, King Veatures Syndicate, Inc, Grost Reitain rights reserved. OF Sul BETTY ? 3 WHAT DO YOU THINK WORSHIP, GH, TLL BET ITS JUST SOME MORE DAYLIGHT SAVING _ store! SO BRINGING UP FATHER By Geo. McManus K., 3 HO HUM: | GUESS FLLIFIX OP ME OWN BREAKFAST 'M TIRED OF EXTIN' IN RESTAURANTS - NOW: LETS SEE: VL COOK SOME HAM AN EGGS FER MESELF. L THINK | FOLLOWED 'THE DIRECTIONS RIGHT- BUT | THINK | HAD BETTER READ | ~~ EM AGIN TO MAKE SURE - ADAM AN) EVE ON A RAFT. 18s | SEVEN GREEN BIRDS | WOULD COME JAWHTE BIRD = WITH A GOLDEN CROWN Lie wR BIR ps 8 3 ' THE MASTER OF BLACK ARTS GAVE CLAUS A DOLLAR: AND HE GAVE HM A BOTTLE FULL OF YELLOW WATER-IF CLAUS WOULD POUR THE WATER OVER THE STUMP WHERE HE CUT THE HAZE, STARE, THERE WOULD COME OUT SEVEN UTTLE GREEN BIRDS =» AETER THE ON 15 NEAD- NOW, IF CLAUS, DOLLY BOBBY AND COMRY COULD CATCH WN THE YELLOW WATER, THEY SHOULD HAVE A WHOLE SILVER DOLLAR APIECE © 139, King Fostires Syndicate, Toe, Great Bete righta soserovd. PIII Y ce PITY 4 bh 4 YY Pe WHEN THEY CAME TO THE BUSH WHERE Took ouT cade Lo CLAUS CUT HIS STAFF FROM= THE BOTTLE OF YELLOW WA --By Grace G. 00-0-0~ LOOK AT \T WIGGLE NOW THIS WHITE BIRD FOLKS CALL ATOMT BIRD WHOEVER EATS. BROTHIMADE OF IT CAN WAS WHAT § EVERYTHING HAPPENED AS THE MASTER OF BLACK ARTS HAD SAD. THEN CLAUS CAUGHT THE WHITE BIRD AND BUT IT INTO THE BOTTLE AND CORKED. ng UR Tut hy UNDERSTAND THE LANGUAGE or ALL THE BIRDS AND BEASTSSO NQ WONDER. THE MASTER OF BLACK ARTS WAS ELAD TO HAVE HIS WHITE BIRD SAFE AND SOUND OF HIS: POCKET a" TALE THE TOILER "Breaking, Bad News: ~ J LY '¢ AL POST: I= DEAR, TILE <7. WIE You" KN IT. ALL lay NOW , BUT 11, Iwas REALLY YOUR FALLY FOR. + ; Li INTRODUC (NG ME: Il gis J 9 SON, J : WN YOURS By Russ Westover pe --

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