Oshawa Daily Times, 28 May 1930, p. 8

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5 THE OSHAWA DAILY IMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1930 MOTORS JUNIOR LACR d SE TEAM TONIGHT A doubleheader was played in che Plant Softball uri in which In the first game the teams were even for the first three innings, then 1 fon forged ahead and were leading 4 to 2 In the fifth, In the 6th the Office scored 8 runs, of 'which were homers, They ad 8 more runs in the last two innings while Inspection could on- 1y get one man across the plate, 'In the second game the good 'folding of the Mill and Trim play- ed an important part in their vie- tory. Standards, on the other hand besides not having Webster, thelr regular pitcher, were out lucked throughout the game. St. John Is With Boston League 'Boston, Mass, ge 28. --A baseball team from Saint John, N.B,, was ad- mitted into the Boston Twillght Lea- ue at & recent meeting of the league executives, The application of the New Brunswick city for a fran. chise came as a distinct surprise and was made by William MeMahon, pro- minent Saint John sportsman, No in« dication that there would be an addi- tion to the circuit had been made and the proposal was the most radical step taken in New England baseball circles in many years, Ever since the fallure of Saint John to be admitted to the New Eng- land League, former Maritime Prov- ince owe, ie now living here, who are enthusiastic sport fellows, have been clamoring for representation from Down East, and with the idea in view that a Maritime team would be a big gate ar traction locally, President Frank Tanner of the league started nego- tiations which culminated in the ap~ pearance of McMahon at the meet- ing, Saint John was selected becuuse it is the easiest of access of any large Maritime city, The Boston Twilight Lemague is made up of teams from Dorchester, Quincy, Roslindale, Malden, Elco Ci- gar and Boston Market Terminal and its roster contains the best known semis=pro and college players in New England, The admission of Saint John will mean a revision of the schedule, with ench team visiting the Loyalist City twice a vear for a week's stay, Saint John will make a tour of the airs enit cach time it visits Massachuss _ ett, under present plans, Local } ball tans believe that Saint John will fare much better in 'the Twi. League than it would have in the New Engs land as the calibre of ball will per mit the use of more hon and the expense of 'ope team will be less, team propose to sign ers from Halifax a to lure fans to the games formerly lived in these season in Twi League ball food test of whet of not ohn is' ready for and if a successful season there is no doubt that the city be represented in the Davidson cuit in 1931, The announcement' of the entry of 'Saint Tohn into the league is ane other indication of the Increasing importance of the Maritime Provin. ces ; New England sports and will rovide voung athleties from Down provid a& much better Shrortunity to prove their ability, Eddie Carr, form- . or big league player, will managé the Sine Tohn team. t i Reds Sian pA Cine : ances in yoy Nations ps, i an nee: hotagh made public a8 two sep- arate ee Capawation the. trade involves andes of Larry ford naa veter- ford, ng hangs Baseman Crite, fr Ean Al EE "olde May 26-=Whitby vs. North Oshava 26~~Thornton's Corners vH, Tannery, 26-~Bell Telephone ve, Chosen Friends, Duco Boys, b 28~North A "oe Thorn. ton's Corhers, 28-="Tannery vs, Whithy, 28~Chosm Friends vs, Duco Boy Boll Teleplione, bye, June 2-=Thornton's Corners Bell Telephone, 4--Whithy ve, Friends, 2-~Duco Boys vs, Tannery, North Oshawa, bye. p-=Bell Telephone vs, Boys, §~Chosen ¥riends vs, Thorn. ton's Corners, Tannery vs. North Osh- AWA, Whitby, bye. 10-~Duco Boys vs, Whitby, 9~=Chosen Friends vs, Tan: LO Chosen Duco nery, North Oshawa vs. Bell Telephone. Thornton's Corners, bye, 13-=-Whithy vs, Thornton's Corners, 12--Bell Telephone Tan: vi. nery, 18-=North Oshawa: vs. Duco Boyw, Chosen Friends, bye, 18-Whitby vs. Bell Telephone 16~~Puco Boys v4, Thornton's « Corners, 18~«N, Oshdwa Friends, Tannery, bye. 20--North Oshawa vs Whitby 19---Tannery vs Thornton's Corners, 10,~Chosen Friends vs. Telephone, Duco Boys bye. 23~="Thornton's Corners North Oshawa, 23. ~Whitby vs, Tannery. 23~Duco Boys vs. Chosen Friends, Bell Telephone, bye, 26--Bell Telephone vs, Thoru ton's Corners, 26-Chosen Friends vs, Whit. vs. Chosen Bell ve, Y, 26---Tannery vs, Duco Boys, North Oshawa, bye. 30---Duco Poyx vs. Bell Tele: phone, July 2--Thornton's ' Corner Chosen Friends, June'30~North Oshawa vs, AL Tans July 3-~Whitby 've, Duco Boys. 4-=Tannery wo Chowen ds, |} Teléphone ws, North hawa, Chosen Friends, hye. 8-~Thornton's Corners hit: a 4 Bell Sew vs. nnery vs, hone,» peiDuco Bovs | Vs. North Osh. awa, § Chosen TF C 1st Tamers Wiithy tx, Torhton FA 10-=Chossn rionds ", North | bye 16 ornt ne "corners ™ 14--Rell Telephone va, Dueo 14 Choken Friends va, TA: nery. North Oshawa, bye. 17+-Whithy va, Bell | Tlaptons 17-=Duco Boys vi, Norn Onhy awa, ° br Friends y ve, Thorn, Tole: The Oshawe Homing Society held thelr third O)d Bird pigeon race of 1930 on Saturday last from Drum- bo, Qntario, an sir line distance of 06 miles, This race like the two previcus races was fast and close, e following is the result of the race; , Sparrow, 1241.76; 2 R, Arkwright, 1240.14; §, J, Askew, 1239.84; 4, C, Sparrow, 1247.85; 6, Bramley Bros, 1204.10; 6, V Whiteley, 1288.68; 7, Bramley Brow, 1204.80; 8, V. Whiteley, 1201.42; 0, J, Askew, 1828.81; 10, R, Arkwright, 1212.20; 11, OG, Moore, 120441; '12, A, Webster, 1180,10; 18, G. Moore, 1167.75; 14, W. Cowle, 1121.80; 15, W, Cowle, 1118.84, This was the final race for the Bramley Cup which was won by J. Askew for the best average in the first three races, The next race will be from Thamesford, Ontario, a distance of 121 miles, Draw Announced For President's Trophy Games Out of a very large entry tho following. were the #2 best scores turned in for the Qualifying Round of the President's Prophy; H. Milllehamp ,.,4.. A, I, Morison , C, Cattean .. . AJ Trick .. D, B Carlyle ... Ne Ar Hurst ....o. R., L. Wiginton ... A, M, Phillips ., D, M, Hale . P. Travers J. Holden H. J, Begg . R.. M¢Nab ,, G. W. Planer , A.W, Bmith .... Dr, Cartwright D, M. Morison ....... FP. B, Potrer .., N. Millman A Il HJ, Benumgll s00,00 H, Pounder Dr, Bascom .,.. F. Bunting P, Canning EK. A. Dixon D; Fowler KE. W. Dixon . N. H. Danlel «ovvs.s ALE, Barton caves, iP Precious , .. H: KE. Smith D. Binelalr , Hi KE, Smith and D. Sinclair are tied and 2411 play off for 32nd place, The draw resulted ag fol Jown ie A. Barton vs, Dr, Cartwright H. J. Begg vw F, Bunting H. Pounder vs, . A. Dixon RR. MeNab vs Hi Millichamp C. Cattran vu, F./8, Potter A N FREER] GT OTe ae Se II CT AS 3 =) =F =F =F =F a) =F "J =F =F =I ~3 =F =F «3 a «Tu = «3 = ot =a -i- « Halt vs. P. Travers « Millman ve, E.'W., Dixon Dr, Bancom vs, A, W. Bmith D. B, Carlyle vs. D. Fowler A. I, Morison wa, R. L, Wiginten PF. Canning va, G. W, Pinner D, M, Hall vs; A, Phillips J. Holden vs, A. J. Trick FH. 1. Smith or D, Sinclair vu, N. Daniel N, Hurst ve, 8, J, Scammell G, Garner vs, D. M, Morison The first round must be played by "June 14th and players will greatly assist the committees by Playing off their ties according tu schedule, H. , International League BIRDS NP SKBETERS Baltimore, Md, May 28--Tho Jersey Clty Bkeatars left here yes. torday with a record of four | straight loswes, when the Birds nip ou i TR te, Sore hue hy 28-~Whitby va, arin ly Chosen I'rlends, bye, = | 81-=Duco Boys ys, Whitby, 11-=North Oshawa vs, Tannery 31---~Chosen Friends vs, Bell Tolepnane, ornton's Corne hv §-~Whithy vs. " howe Thovaten L] B==Tannery va. Corners, §--Bell Telephone vs, North Oshawa, Duco Boys, hye, The the bom Ontario tutle Sutthan Loa. Pari for Che no north diamond at Al exandra Park for Monday, Wed day and Thursday. 4 neg: Aug. to glk: "mad do dy Aas Nisa Athletes aviators 4, bowlers 1 i Sofie "The § ARitane » will Jeane for ' pi tr Can dl outs will be managed |: o Co was in charge at Amsterdam 0 vat Pave bes heen named, the i beh 'ped them by & to 6; Henry Werts tolled for the flock, ond although (he was "nicked for 11 hits, kept them' scattered. Errors alloweu two of the visitors to score, Bream and Henderson pitéhed y(t he Linney raeyiten and. among the in fo hits were home runs by Weriz and Sand, Selkirk and Werk hit home runs for the Skeet ------ BS, : BEATS, ¥ ay 2 <-Reading Lr of of "Letty" (Macher, portdide flinger, for ten Wife hits in a victo over b hore Jo : oot to 8, a: oko 'had: the upper hand out the, niahan A, Wer. _--. was the vietim of a pair of Bruin home runa for their only sedring, Layne and Shinnevs Witting olrouit glouts with none on base, CLOSE AT ROCHESTER Rochester, May 28-~Ruffalo took the third game of the serfds with Rochester yestorday putting extra bake hits into the pastime with men on bases for a 4 to 8 verdict, nters; Manag or Hota wos Moped at the tried to score from second on Toporcor's slngle, Tucker making a perfect throw to the home station, sou THOR AO po 1 um, president of the Tn ternational Bow Aunoclation an head of vane owling Clubs, hak heen active among howlers for 56 years. He began in Germany 'when 18 years old, Now 5 Roblas Tt was only PORT SNAPSHOT crosse team, this year, 7.30 o'clock, . * week, ranged. LJ Ld * » Another intermediate morrow night at th meet the Columbias and The this record. . [J number of the "Roaring course, a large mentbers of the Game" At the opening Park on Monday night, mer the Oshawa City players, problem umpires and spectators, winning' the championship, without having to act as a policeman, something should be done about this By Gno. Caursmu, Sports Bditer General Motors Junior Lacrosse Team A meeting will be held tonight in the Industrial Relations Build. ing on William 'street gant, for all boys under the age of twenty, who 'are interested in turning out with the General Motors junior la- Last. season, the GMC, juniors made a very creditable showing and practically every member of the team will be back again All members of last year's team and all members of last year's Oshawa juvenile team, as well as any other newcomers to 'the elty who want to play lacrosse, are asked to b& on hand tonight at » ', Mit and Mat Show Postponed "The Mit and Mat show, which was scheduled to take place at the Oshawa Arena tomorrow, Thursday night, has been postponed for one The show will be held on Thursday, for the postponement is that several of the 'bouts have yet to be. ars June 5. The reason given * * Duco Boys Practice The Duco Boyy' junior softball team will hold a practice at Alex andra Park tonight, starting at 645 pm, sharp, All players who are turning out with this team are asked to be out and to be on time, An important announcement iy to be made, * » 'Intermediate Doubleheader Tomorrow Night softball doubleheader is scheduled for to- Motor City Stadium, when the Parts and Service Daily Times play the Black Cats. Vlimes have vet to lose a game and the Black Cats threaten to bregk The * " Curlers to Visit Lawn Bowlers } The Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club has extended an invitation to the members of the Oshawa Curling Club, to be their guests at the Bowling Greens, on Friday evening of this week, at 7.30 p.m, members of the bowling club are club, but it would be interesting to Of also see the outcome of a friendly mateh between the curlers and bowlers LJ * » How About It? game of the Junior Softball League at Cowan's we could not help but notice a crying need for adequate protection for both the players and the spectators, ers cannot show their best softball when spectators are standing prac- tically on the diamond and it is quite certain that umpires cannot give positive decisions when they cannot see the base lines, and Industrial League stakes with which to rope off the diamond. kept at least ten feet from the base be allowed to stand in front of the screen, on Monday pight but an umpire has all he can do to handle the game Play- Last sume. purchased rope and The spectators should be and no spectator should The umpire did his best lines For the sake of all concerned, » LJ Red Aces in Whitby Tonight Red Aces will play Whitby Tuxis in Whitby tonight (weather per mitting) in the second scheduled game 6f the juvenile Teague. Aces have a strong team (hid season and should Have no trouble in The Leafs-Royals Rained Out For 3rd. Time Montreal, May 28--Oklahoma Sam, Imported colored head groundsman at the Royals stadium, fought a vaillant battle with the mud yesterday in an effort to put the diamond in shape for the Royaly and Leafs to play a game after 72 hour to play a game after 72 hours of almost continual rain but to no avail, At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Oklahoma Sam admitted defeat, and the third straight postpone ment was declared, The series will close with a double-hehder this afternoon, providing another storm does not blow up in the meantime, National League CARDS ARE STOPPED Pittsburg, May 28. ~The Pittsburg Pirates stopped fhe winning streak of the league-leading St. Louis Cards als 'yesterday when they prevented a ninth straight triumph for the in- | vaders by taking the game, 8 to 5 Larry French pitched on two days' rest to defeut the Red Birds, The Move was necessary on account of illness in the Pittsbugg hurling squad. French helped his own team to a big extent in the second when he teipled with the bases filled, The in- ning brought four runs, The Cardinals 'went to work be Hind AY Grabowski, but Blades batted and tripled for him in the sixth, Haid and Bell finisihng the contest, WALKER IN GOOD FORM Brooklyn, May 28.-Bill Walker, New York southpaw, ended the Gi. ants' losing streak of fiv Aang 04~ by pitching effe ely 'to rk a 3 tol Yietory over! raecond this vide that the Giants ive en Brooklyn, X : Walker was effective in the pinche es and hurled shutout a for the first See | : the etl on elder 'the ut n in fh successive bles be Whsons and B Bressler, wot po of trouble in the ninth by fanning Babe Herman with the tying runs on base. He struck out seven Robins altogether Jim Elliott started for Brooklyn, and vielded three straight hits in the first inning, and again in the fourth, for all the Giants runs, Moss pitehs ¥y ¥ ed the last two innings, 'in oe firsts of he American League SENATORS WIN IN SEVENTH New York, May 28.-Sad Sam Jo- nes turned in another great. pitching performance yesterday as he won his sixth successive victory of the season, He let the New York Yan. kees down with four hits as Wash- ington won its seventh game in a row, 7 to 2, Jones held all the Yankees but Babe Ruth in complete subjugatioh, Ruth made three of the hits and drove in one run, Joe Judge 'ed the enator sluggers with four of thely fourteen bits, including a triple and two doubles, Waite Hoyt pitched a fair . game for the Yankces but he was driven to cover in the eighth. McEvoy and Wells followed him, THEY ALL BEAT BOSTON Philadelphia, May 28.<The Phila. delphin- Athletics took their second straight game from the Boston Red Sox before a small crowd by 7 to § yesterday, It was Boston's tenth straight defeat, The champions wiped out a 2 to 0 deficit in the fourth ining apd in the sixth forged ahead for the bal. ance of the game when Bing Miller tripled with on base. George Earnshaw was pummelled as hard as MacFayden and also had to be relieved in the eighth stanza, but received credit for the victory, Max Bishop hit MacFayden for his fifth home run of the season with none on in the fourth, TWO MORE FOR INDIANS Cleveland, Muy 28.The Cleveland Indians took thelr second doubleheas der in two days from Chicago yes terday, winning in the first game 3 to 2, and the second 9 to 8 The first" 'was* a pitching duel between Harder and Henry, Both the Sox runs were on home runs by Jolley and Harris. In the second, the Indiuns held a three-ruy lead in the eighth, but the Sox went ahead by scoring he ie rans the Ca ng of the bi eh it ekg 5 eo ¥ y charted with his defeat, and Wes Ferrell, the ourth Cleves land, was credited with his seventh victory of the season, uh Et on te fa THIRTY-FOUR HITS St, Louis, May 28«The Detroit Dery. " iglouly Mera to de feat the § Erowns, 16 to 11, and make ie 3 straight for the series, Funk, Hargrave and Rice of the visitors hit home runs, The Tigers' hits' also included two triples and tour doubles, ; BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost P.C. Torontd .......0.22 Buffalo ..oene000420 Daltimore .vssvs iif Montreal ,.,.s000418 Rochester ....v.. 19 Rounding 1600s. 17 Nowark , 0000000410 dorsey CIty ...4..10 Yesterday's Results Buffalo ,.,..4 Rochester Baltimore ...9 Jersey City .. Roading .,,..8 Newark Toronto at Montreal---Rain, Games Today Buffalo at Rochester, Toronto at Montreal, Jersey City at Newark, Dalitmore at Reading. AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost Washington .....,27 10 Philadelphia 14 Cleveland 16 New York 17 Detroit ...e00000.18 22 Chicago ...vveeve dd 21 St. Louis ....o000s14 22 reese 12 24 Yesterday's MHesults Philadelphia \ 7 Boston Cleveland ..3-9 Chicago ... Washington ,.7 New York ... Dettoit .... 16 St, Louls .... Games Today Washington at New York Boston at Philadelphia Detroit 'at St, Louls Chic .go at Cleveland NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost n 4 vonvalld, RYREEL veeve dB P.C 622 611 b43 B00 AS AB AND 367 St, Louis Lrooklyn Pittsburg Chicago New York Boston ...440 Cineinnat! 14 Philadelphia +31 Yesterday's Results Pittsburg ....8 St. Louis ....Hh New York ,..3 Brooklyn .....1 Philadelphia at Boston-----rain, Cincinnat! at Chicago--rain Games Today Philadelphia at Boston Cincinnati at Chicago St, Louis at Pitpburg New York at Brocklyn, ONTARIO LEAGUE Won Lon PC. 876 I 1 . 3 auelph ...ovevveee.s83 B Hamilton .... a gt. Thcmas 7 Yesterday's Results St. Catharines 7 T.ndom ,eee..f Brantford ..11 Guelph .. 4 Ham!lton ./..4 8§t, Thomas ... Games Today $t, Catharines at St. Thomas Guelph at Brantford London at Hamilton 8-CUSHION EXPERT 7| Well-balanced fields Belle of Govans Wins Feature Race of Opening Day at Thorncliffe Park Toronto, May 21 25 ~= Thornciiffe opened yesterday, while racing cont ditions were ideal both as regards weather and tracks conditions, went to the post in a majority of the events and keen contests were in order, The program was made up. of » series of seven races, with the Lea~ side Purse, a dash of seven' fur« longs, provided as a feature, John J, Farrell, the Maryland sportsman, furnished the winner in the four- year-old Campfire filly, Belle of Govans, which beat the Palm Wood Stable's Gerard out half a length, W. L, Brodie's Wellet was third, A fleld of nine went to the post and it wag a good betiing affalr, When Starter Cassidy sent them Men's Doubles Tennis Title Goes to France Auteull, France, May 28.--The men's doubles ehamplonship of the French hard court tennis tourna- ment goes to France through the efforts of Henry Cochet and his partner, Jacques Brugnon, who yesterday defeated the Australian pair, Harry Hopman and Jim Wil- Inrd, by scores of 6-3, 9-7, 6-3, In his battle with the Australian stars Cochet unczrtook a varied nnd deceptive plan of campaign, and the result was uncanny tennis, He was ably assisted by Brugnon, The French Davis Cup pair rang the changes from soft drop shots and lobs to rast drives and smashes, which tactics baffled the Austral. lans., In the semi-finals of the mixed doubles, Big Bill Tilden and nis Germun partner, Cecilie Aussem, swamped the Franco-American pair, Jonn Borotra and Miss Ellza- beth Ryan, in a straight set vic- tory at 6.1, 6-2 In his play today Cochet could do nothing wrong. He brought off the most amazingly hazardous shots with ease, Tilden also played at top form, The old rivals meet in mixed doubles tomorrow with the title at stake as Cochet, paired. with Mrs, Elleen Bennott Whittingstall of England, also 'reached :the ' final round, defeating Mrs. Phoebe Wat- son and J, Colin Gregory of Eng- lund, 62, 4-6,' 6-4, Cochet and Mrs, Whittingstall are the defend- ing champions, Sport Program For Shriners Johnny Layton has been cham- plon of the three-cushion billiard world eight times in his 20 years of competition, never finishing below second in championship play dur- ing this period, IX. THE BACKHAND The backhand shot is the mirror image of the forehand, Everything should be carried out to conform to laws of the forehand. Reverse pros portions are the measure, The grip most easily taken is to place the thumb up the handle of the racket, pointing towards the trademark. This will ow the racket to be swung easily parellel to the ground and also allow the face of the racket to be erpendicular to the ground, The Bal is net sl ory in front of the body, on the r The aight foot is forward and the weight starts from the left foot and travels forward onto the right. Tha body must be facing in a direction parellel to the net and never directly facing the net. This point: commonest cause of fauls ! d strokes, when the play= fails 40 turn far enough around to his Stroke, You must get that fodt 'in front and face in a dis rection parellel to the net. The rules of follow through are distinctly those of the forehand, Let your racket continue until the tull swing is completed and never let your op- ponunt sce the back side of your racket, The two strokes to cultivate on the back hand are the crosscourt and straight down the sideline shots. The first into area No. 3 and the latter in area No. 1 on the opponents forehand corner, Always swing freely and confidently, Do not let the usual inferiority complex develop concerning y.ur hackhand, Cons centrate' with confidence Toronto, May 28 --The schedule ot cvents on the Shriners' sports pro- gram follows: Monday, June $--At Maple Leal Stadium, starting at 6.30 p.m.~Girls' international softball game, Cleveland v. Parksides, Atiletict-w Internationa! girls' relay, Milrose A.C. All-Star Canadian team; 60-metre Y invitation girly' race} running high jump; 1004 metre senior girls' race; tenior club relay; junior club relay; 220-metre in vitation race: hurdle race. Tuesday, Jung 10=Acquatic cvents --Seaflea races, from 4 p.m, to 6 p.m, races in Classes B, C and D (a speec- ial match race will be held at 9.15); canoeing and rowing from 6 pm. to 8 pm, ; canoeing, war canoe (open), junior four, junior tandem, junior singles, double blade 4; rowing (op- en eights), 150-pound Junior eight, 150 pound junior four, junior singles Boxing show at the Coliseum at ohm t Sw ednesday, June 11.-No program, Thursday, June 12--\Women's sports at the Maple Leaf Stadium the same as on Monday, Friday, a. 13=Qualitying round of the Shriners' golf tourney at the Royal York Golf Course with the 48 to qualify, First game of International lacrosse series between General Motors and U.S. team at Maple Leaf Stadium, turday, June 14=Colf final in 3 flights, Second game of International la- crosse series, away, Gerard showed in front and McGinnis drew away into a lend of half a length the first furlopg. Gos ing to the half-mile pole, Gerard ine creased his advantage to a length and a half, Talky was how runne ing -second and French Lass wae third. Mars was fourth and Wels let, who was as good as left at the post, was last, Making the turn into the home stretch, the fleld began to bumeh up, Belle of Govans had moved ine to second position and was charge ing on the leader, Passero was ride ing a strong finish and Bello of Gov vany caught and persed Gorard and at the end was going away, Wellet, closing with a great burst of speed and bumping his way through the last sixteenth, was up in time te beat the tiring Talky out a length for third place, Martis was eased up to finigh last, and Panuco, ane other well-backed horse, was sixth, The conditions of the first race called for malden two-year-olds, bred in Canada, There were eight programmed and all went to the post. J, C. Fletcher furnished the winner in Gimme Girl, a bay filly by Old Koenig--Fairbank, Gimme Girl was ridden by Dude Foden, went to the front soon after the break, and opened up a lead of a length and a half, Fess was second and Nancy Crest third, Foden let Gimme Girl. step along and she was still a' length and a half to the good entering the home stretch, Hayloft, very slow to begin, was back in the rear with the tallend- ers, At the top of the stretch he had moved up into fifth position and, when Wall went to a drive, he responded full of courage, In the final furlong, Hayloft wore the 1éad- ers down and at the finish was beat- en out a scant length by Gimme Girl, Candy Man was a tiring third, Fens, favorite over her opposition, proved a disappointment. She show- ed a flash of speed in the early stages, but when put to a drive dropped out of it, The time was very slow, They ran the first quar- ter in ,24 2-5, the halt mile in .50 3-5, and finished out the four and a half furlongs in .58. This was the slowest time for the dige tance shown here this Spring. Large Entry for Monarch A. C. Marathon Race Toronto, May 28~With a Cana- dian: championship (and to the Cana- dian entrants a place on the British Empire team) at stake, the Monarch Marathon, which will be conducted at U. of T. Stadium on Saturday, June 7, has aroused unusual interest among distance runners, both here and across the line, and with several days vet before it closes, the entry list already exceeds that of last year. The feat of Fred Ward of - New York in winning the Canadian cham- plonship last year has evidently fired the United States runners with a like ambition, there being no fewer than a dozen entered to date, outstanding of whom are Hans Oldag, of Buffalo, who led the famous DeMar for 18 miles in his record-breaking run in this vear's Boston classic, only to sue cumb to an attack of cramps while in first place: Charles Dolomon of Brooklyn Harriers, a consistent win- ner of ten and fifteen mile events in the metropolitan area, and George Roland, 'an all-round athlete from New York, who mixes his running with boxing and wrestling, ------------------ TRIO RONORED Three billiard players have ap- peardd before the President of the United States to give exhibitions, Willle Hoppe, Frank Taberski and Johnny yton. Ye CARI UMBER (0 Gaynor and Charles Farrell in "HIGH SOCIETY BLUES" | /

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