Oshawa Daily Times, 28 May 1930, p. 1

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Lucteeding The Oshawa Dajly Reformer. -OSHAW 40s ire we 15 Cents » Week; 3 Cents a Copy FOURTEEN PAGES as Try Detroit.--Packard .. Motor Car Company last might announced a unifornt price neh) of $400. on all straight eight mod: EL $2,005. Other companies, it is pre- dicted, will make similar reduce tions to meet the competitive. price. * sw | Heenan Renominated - Fort Frances, Ont.-- One of the most 'enthusiastic 'Liberal conven- tions ever held in this district, with strong support from the Labor Party and with delegates present {from all parts of the-riding, nomi. nated Hon. Peter, un, Minister ot Labor, as candidate for (the forthcoming election. - Ww . Highest Building ns New York.--The tallest strac- ture. in the world----the Chrysler Buflding--was opened formally yesterday. Its burnisLed, rustless setyl 'spire scrapes the clouds 1,020 feet 'above Forty-second Street and Lexington Avenue, 46 feet higher than the Eiffel Towcr and 75 feet above the Bank of Manhattan Building, in the financial district. . .» . 78 Mill Tax. Rate Cobalt.~Thx rates were struck by the Town Council at 78 mills for public. school supporters and, 116 neills for adherents of the separate school system, Corresponding fig- ures in 1929 were 72 mills and 118 mills. * LJ] Oh Inspection Tour Toronto.--Hon, William Finlay- son; minister of lands and forests, in the Ontario government has left for a tour of inspection in Ontario. Roads in- the northern section of the province will be particularly examined, . . » Forty 111 From Bada Mik"/ Essegg, J ugoslavia.--Farty per- sons here have contra hydro- phobia through consuming milk and butter from a cow which had heen bitten by a mad dog. A King Is Godfather ' Naples, Italy --With King Vic- tor Emanuel as god-father, littie Princess Margherita, daughter of thq Duke and Duchess of 'Apulia, wap baptized today hers dn the voyal chapel at Capo Di Mante by Cardinal Ascalesi, archbishop of Naples. * : 2 - g 2 Comm : Southampton, Eng. eo Wi the liner Majestic and co of the White Star here today, Yh FA Tt 4 ~ . Touring Rugbyi in North Phim, Nie toe touring English rugby team con< tinued its successes here . today when they 'defeited Marawhenua by 34 points to 8. °° b PU A Nfld, Assembly ns St. John's, <r 3: second session. of the' eventh ger eral ly of mony this a oo ] - Te ienty ib Govemors dio Middleton. «an - } Shamroc's V. Defeated Hyde, England--8ir Thomas Lipton'd Shamtock V-suffered her first 'defeat today iu a race over 34 sea miles, the LiflWorth Timisk- ing 26 seconds ahead-of the Am- erca's Cup challenger. This was the |' first race in whieh the' Shamrock sta against bigger boats with- out the advantage of a time sllow- | ance, p x» Gibby is President St, John's, Nfld--Hon, M. ©. Gibbs, member of the legislative council §ince 1909, has been ap- pointed president of tha council filling the vacancy caused by the death cf Sir Patrisk 'McGrath. CITIZENS RIOT FOR RA EU (By Capadian Press Leased Wire) San Sobastinn, May Ria By cayan eity, w Spanish monare! have aOR Tor cen turies, today was under extraor- dinary police guard to prom nt fure "ther rioting growing out of the citi. © gens' desire to re-establish com: ' mercial gambling here, & The oy ¥ dusiig ihe night largely regal om «appearance after g day of sotlons intermittent hich several Flight a standing." dustry, with & Moulti 1 aid naling the way more | war 1 ght. of R100 GIANT BRITISH DIRIGIBLE WILL NOT SPAN ATLANTIC UNTIL ABOUT JULY FIRST 4 4 Big Airship Laid Up for Re- pair 'of Damages Occas- ioned.in Test Flight Over England DELAY IN GETTING MATERIAL I3 CAUSE Canadian - 'Minister of Na- tional Defense Asks That| Invitations in Connection With Visit Remain Out- standing (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, May 28--~The projected flight of the new British dirigible R- 100 to Canada has. been. postponed until the end of June or the begin- ning of July. Frederick Montague, ,under-secre- tary of 'state for air, informed the House of Commons of the postpone ment this-afternoon stating that re- pairs were régtiired by the huge ship. Damaged in Test Flight While in a recent 24-hour test flight 'over. England, .the R-100 lrad a section of covering torn from one of her fins and later it was found that she had suffered other . minor damage. It 'hadbeen expected that the R- 100 would make the flight to Canada abolst the beginning of June. Ottawa, May 28 Cable advices re- éeived here to the cffect that the British: aigship R-100 will not leave Eugland on her flight to Canada un- til- the end of June, point out the delay is occasioned through the diffi- culty of securing material to repair |, the giant bag.' The cable, which came to Col. J. L.. 'Ralston, minister of national de- fefise, from' the British aie ministry, described the damage suffered by the airship during recent trial flights as slight. The lengthy delay in her de- partlire from Cardington for the St, Hubert mooring mast near Mon- treal. was due to the repair having 10 be manufactured. An announcement. from the office of Col. Ralston: says."the minister regrets the inconvenience cansed by this postponement of the. flight and wishes that all invitations issued in connection with the visit to Montreal of the R100: should remain out- AMY JOHNSON WAS LOST IN AUSTRALIA Sydney, Australia, May 28-~Amy Johnson, the intrepid British girl fly- er, reached Charleville, Queensland, torfight. Motorists grouped their cars to "Tight "the flying field with "their headlights. Sydney, 'N.S.W., 'May 28.~-Miss Amy Johnson, British girl aviatrix who has flown from Croydon, Eng- land, to Australia, lost her way to- day flying from Longreach to Charleville, enroute here, and land- 'finally at Quilberre. BUSINESS MEN AT 'PARLEY IN FAVOR "OF EMPIRE TRADE English and Canadian Dele- _ gates Confer on Situation Between Countries (By GEORGE HAMBLETON, n Press Staff Correspondent) "London, May 28~THe congress of ctipire business men today breathed the spirit of ~~ e | trade. . 'The twelfth meeting of the Empire Pam bers: of Commerce had! before it the 8 Hh a re. ria Fre oF praises it four . resolyt «calling for erted and' determined imme: effort on the part of His Ma Jésty's goyernment ta formulate an } _} €conoriic policy for the empire" and "Pealling at the same time, for the ap- | ntment by the next impetial con. rence of a commission to formulate a scheme which would lead ultimate. nie 'union, ; i nearly three hours of ch 'will be continued the ominant © note closer | between | 5 of the empire family 'become an urgent need, As the main . | body of delegates is holding its digs 1 Cassie certain of the English and ? dian. members are holding se arate conferences in which the whole situation between the two tries. $ being consid industr out: and caused an explogion, killing one workman and. injuring : 29, ground, killing Cather CONSERVATIVES WIN NOTTINGHAM, Labor Candidate Defeated on Platform of Lower Tariffs (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Nottinghaw, England, May 28.-~ The . Conservative party by a greatly increased plurality today retained their hold on the central division of Nottingham at a by- election necessitated by retire- ment of A. J. Bennett, The Conservative T. J. O'Con- nor, was elected hy 14,946, votes against the Labor candidate, A, C. Paterson, who received 7,920 votes, and the Liberal candidate, R. C. Berkeley, who received 4,643 votes, The election was fought largeiy on the government's decision to drop the saleguardng duties, which brought considerable opposition m this l.ce-making center. The Conservative plurality at the previous election was 2,998. Serious Explosion Bucharest, Rumania.-- While at- tempts to € ish a burning of! gushes 'ati Moreni were. proceeding today, gas from the well ignited TEN-YEAR:OLD GIRL VICTIM OF ACCIDENT 10, 142 Booth Ave, Toronto, H are shown: (1) Catherihe Nicholson, victim. of the accident, who is dead the | (2) pole, after the aceid mgypole, rusted at the base, a- which 'seme half domen chil to Canada Is Again Postponed POLICE FIRE ON MOSLENS WHO HAVE JOINED HINDUS IN DEFYING BRITISH RULE parks department will net bo respon- sible for persons using . the play. ground, and (4) corroded base of pole. A . CHINESE REBELS CLAIM VICTORIES Nationalists Retreating, Leaving 50,000 Prison- _ ers Behind (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Shanghai, May 28--Smashing victories over the military forces of the Nationalist government in Northern Honan province were elaimed today in advices originat- ing within the Northern Alliance a group of mititary chieftains who have declared their independence. The dispatches sald the north- erners had captured 50,000 Ngtion- alist prisoners'in the fighting along the Halehow-Tangkwan ra®vai The prisoners ggere said to be arriv- ing at the Northern Alliance head- quarters in Chengchow in such numbers that accomodations were avertaxed and emergency prison camps were being established. The northerners also asserted that their forces in northwestern Shantung had crossed the Yellow river and were aapproaching Tsi- nanfu, capital of Shantung. . Nationalist forces were said to be in full retreat along both the Halchow-Tungkwan and the Peipig Hankow railway. CABINET SHUFFLE, PREMIER RESIGNS (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Wellington, New Zealand, May 28 The Hon. G, W. Forbes, minister of lands and agriculture in the cabinet of Sir Joseph Ward, who has resignod the premiership, has been called upon by Lord Bledisloe, the governor-general, to recon- struct the cabinet. Five Boys Hurt ut $100,000, The c-ugo for the.outbreak has not Louisiana' gnawed t dividing line 'of bossier and Red river parishes, to Coushatta, thus far has received the brunt of the Red river overflow with stretches inundated for. 15 miles on both sides of the river, In Red river and that a hundred thousand ' acres Three Thousand Strikers Riot, Storm Jail in Bradford, England | Nirte Injured. and: Many Ar- rested When Police Break Up Attempt to Rescue In College Fire (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) ventist institution of the kind .in western Canada, were destroyed. | mother," exclaimed the . speaker. Efforts of fire fighters prevented | This set the crowd off with a rush. the flames from reuching the girls' dormitory, last rémaining building on the site. The structures Wee |g e 0 erected some 20 years ago. nN Those who' were injured were ive in ire Victor Studley, ' Robert Steinke, recovery was deemed improbable, Halga. Hogsftist, Folke Hoggfist '. 1 and Walter Str . None was uo seriously hurt' OF burned that | er dar : Large. Auditorium Destroy ed With $300,000 Loss 6,000 HOMELESS i fire investigators today delved into \ reports. that a liquor party was re- sponsible for a fire which yesterday i JL destroyed the Coliseum, 8 ey audyorium, iil Joss of $300,000 fs . m S : 00k a toll of at. least fi n in Souther i g ve lives F ap! s wu jof. additional persons © Claimed Life | "| caught under tailing walls in the Y esterday . | 8pnex of the structure, where new -- uotop cars erg housed, lay ahead Of rescue parties. Tons af brick and (By Capadian Press Wire) "1 l\twisted metal oD be cleared be- New Orleans; ' La., * May 28-- | fore' the workmen can reach parti. Having wt their first life, | ally standing walls where addition. been established. The territory lying bétween the New E Act Is Passed Two Enumerators Instead of One for Urban Polling Bradt » oa ly 4h iri ord, England, May 27--A Subdivisions . sounds like a page from the Indian 200 Students of Junior Ad- disturbances broke out last night ventist School Escape when -a crowd of 3,000 rushed the town hall attempting Blaze seven persons arrested d rioting. a Eheers and boos and cties 1 mwo | of "murder the police" the mob : Lacombe, Alta. May 38.--TWO | 1 @ hundred constables. The po- hundred boys in night gowns and | yp 0 oq sna pa trpel pylamas escaped from the Cana-|y..q6 many pili ¥ Ht 10 nd dian Junior College Here early to- Fk day as the building flamed up sud-y denly in'a blaze that broke out tWo | 44a ¢ ; hours before dawn, . Five youths, gsiey oh 4 Comutunigh masting suffering from burns, were taken 8 bik to Lacombe hospital. Damage in | seven persons arrested earlier for the contlagration was estimated | demonstrations ,| where wool combers were working The main building and the boys' | in defiance of the woollen and tex- dormitory of the collége, only Ad- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, May 28--The new Dem- inion Election Act was finally pass- od to-day by the House of Commons amendment by J, North Centre) had been accepted, The amendment repeals a sec tion prohibiting contributions from Mr, 'Woedsworth claimed that this provision worked a_ hardship on la- bor unions desirous of making. con tributions while large corporations had been able to contribute despite (Continued on Page 7) and one constable were injured. The charge on the town accents, said, his wife was among R-100 COMMANDER tile strike. "My children are crying for their The city was quiet today. New York Police Seize Over Oklamomg City, May 38--State { the value of stolen jewelry recover- ours of probing for the bodies Er CAPT. RALPH BOOTH in rag thal flight, from E Capt. Booth's neler | Striking swiftly after their | gelzug of $300,000 Worth of jewelr, d to Montreal and the capture of a nga: an L wife is. now. in "sortourdnen in a mid-town l day, police raided thi upstate flood hen al ay at levees and emer- | crushed to death, gency dykes and threatened to | partitions themselv: ! 'wided the area covered by the over- or flow. pension of toil late last night. Stas Fire Marshal C, R wag ¢lecting an investigaton of a rumo: nd north «end 'of "the -building shortly the flames were discovered 'CANDIDATES. NOMINATED £5,000 pieceg of jewelry, including hazard 'which brought al ol B ft, who di North (Oitario) ow. HL, selt a x bicker, and who held the Robertson,' Liberal, \ iver (Ontario) Kenara-Rainy RI «Hon, Peter Heonan, M.P., Lib- bec) ~Samuel Go- Regina "(Baskatohe bhi K.C., Conse! Mrs. Ida McNeil, farme befo onan 1 h sou 'to learn the ident - Natchitoches parishes alone, more ho gopdptal to have Shoateq* ot a car out and you can have it'"--a Lave been covered by water with believed to 'another. hundred thousand lyi ot : Tan aars under receding muddy water fu - Bossier, Caddo and Desoto. parish- o the annex death trap where walls wére seen to topple on : groups of men. enga EET Ese rk dng ther automobiles. . "Tariff Changes All Adopted, House May Prorogue Tomorrow May Reduce Soldier Settlers' | Debt -- Halibut Tréaty Ratified -- Senate ~~ Ap- proves London Naval Pact | Ottawa, . May 28 ~With' the WIE resolutions announced in the budget completed in committee stage, the House of Commons today engaged odds and ends of legislation' and the remaining cstimates, Prorogation 1s considered possible tomorrow. After a long debate, one that had extended . intermittently for almost a week, the Commons yesterday appro- ved the budget resolutions increasing the tariff in respect to the iron wnd steel .industry. This was not donc, however, without many members tak- ing part in the debate and' without Premier King making: a definite as» sertion, on the part. of the. govern. ment, A. A. Heaps (Lab, Winnipeg North), E, J. Garland, (U.F.A, Bow River) and other speakers suggested that the increases "comesinto effect it'and when the industry gave assur. ances that fair wages were Deir Strike at Gang Jewel Thieves $1,300,000 Worth of Stolen "Jewels (By Canadian Press Leased Wire)' New. York, N.Y., May 28---The appraisal' of a huge quantity ap- 'proximately $1,000,000 today ' to ed by police in their drive against an international gang of -. jewel thieves. 1 Mons ee safoty de- posit boxes in Bro n banks and confiscated their contents which consisted of pearl necklaces, | watches and othe Robert C. Nelso "safety deposit boxes in his own aud 'his wife's name, was arrested ona charge of receiving stolen property, Hg said he asquired tho jewelry at race tracks by purchase and ag pledges. for loins, He -denied t charge celviug stolen p rig t hat 'some of the might "have been stolen as he did not inquire-of those from whom he; obtained it how it came into their |} possession, sui | scotited: in early investi King Slightly Better Today Definite Iraprovement in Rheumatism Reported by Physicians (By Canadian Préss Leased Wire) London, May 28--An official Buckingham Palace statement to- day said that King George's rheum- atism, which is preventing his at- tendance at the last two courts of the season, shows a definite im- provement, His. Majesty's aedical _attend- ants, Lord Dawson of Penn and Sir Stanley Hewett, both visited the palace this morning, The statement fssued after they left indicated he was making progress and wag. con- sidered Mkely that he would make a speedy recovery from the inflam- matory. rheumatic affection of his hip which has forced cancellation of his engagements. It was believed to be too eanvly vet, however, to say just how Soon he would be able to resume' his normal mode of living. 4 FIRES RERN ASL EXPERIMENT WITH CHLORGFORM 15 ~ FATALTO YOUTH Chatles Adams of Toronto Found Dead in 'Attic "Room of Home (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) 'Toronto, May 28---Charlés Ad- anm, 47 Constance Street, 18-year- old student of Western Technical School, was found dead ata late hour last night, thought to be the victim of a boyish scientific experi- ment with chloroform. The bey was found prone on the floor of his little attic room, where he had spent many hours at stuay. His mother had become worried by the 'lad's continued absence and herself made the gruesome dis- covery. Charles' handsome face was enclosed in a rubber bathing cap, On a table close by was discovered and empty bottle labelled "Chloro- form." ; J ; The possibility of suichie was which wevealed a happy home lite. a. good school record, and wn gener k of pea whieh might tead icted death, ; TS Defiance of Authorities a$ Bombay and Lucknow, and Communal Rioting at Dacca, Are Disquieting SERIOUS TROUBLE IN RANGOON CONTINUES Two Killed and Many Injurs ed When Moslems Riot ing With Burmans Are Fired Upon by Police (By Canadian ¥ress Leased Wire) Rangoon, Burma, India, May. 28, --Two persons were killed when the military police opened fire this evening on a party of Indian Mos«~ lems during a new flare-up of yes+ terday's disorders, The Moslems held up a tram car and assaulted Burman passen« gers, As the military police appeared on the scene they were met with volleys of stones. Many were injured on both sides in the encounter, The disorders followed a conflict which waged for many hours yester- day and cost several score of lives and injury to more than 700 pers sons. Observers Alarmed London, May 28--Although cas« ualty totals were less, events of the past two days at Bombay and Luck- now alarmed Indian observers today, more than rioting at Dacca, and at, Rangoon, where more than 60 pers sons have been killed and 740 in jured, The Rangoon disorder is only re motely connected with the Indian civil disobedience campaign, which the disturbance at Dacca has been communal and mnon<ationalist ix nature, But at Bombay and Luck« now the roiting bas been, directed agalosct British authority, and has not laced effectiveness, Moslems. Join in Defiance At Bombay particularly did the situation inspire apprehension. Hitherto one of thd government's strong points has been that the moslems have either abstained from civil disobedience or denounced it, but the roiting Monday and Tues« day was in Bhendi Bazaar, Mos- lem quarters, with crowds of Mos lems making direct attack. onithe police. Four persons were killed and 53 badly injured. / Four persons were killed and 3¢ infiived ut Lucknow', and latest ad« vices cated an ugly situati still existed there, y on Communal riots. which ' began last Thursday ut Dacca have thus far brought 14 deaths and injuries to 40, Looting and stabbing, sequels to the rioting, continued yesterday, Business was at.a stand« still, and both Moswmin and Hindus generally remained indoors. V ------ py ---------- INFORMATION. LEAK T0 SINCLAIR 1S CHARGED IN HOUSE Bennett and Euler Thrash If | . Out With No Con- ; clusion : N (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, May 28,--~Where did Wy E, N: Sinclair,' K.C., Ontario. Lili« etal leader, get the Information on which to base his "disclosures'™ on tho Ontario brokerage situation ' in a speech at Waterloo last Wins tere i, . Several. days' eontroversy at' tha time batween 'Hon. W. H. Price, Ontario Attorney-General, .. Dominion authorities failed roluate : tle the question, It still.remained & mystery yesterday alter Hon, R. I Hon. W. D. Euler, Minister of Na+ ticnal Revenue, had threshed it out again in the House of Co 1 mons. oC : L Mr. Bennett charged that 5 tuitous "leak of information the ered from brokers by tie National Revenue Department had res in Mr, Sinclair disclosing ce Toronte brokerage conditions exactly the same terms as the sa thing was stated in a letter ceived from Ottawa on the follow dng day by the Ontario Attorneys General's Department, { The fnformation had been geived by the National Revenue Department, said Mr. Euler, and transmitted to the Justice Depart« tario authorities, SLUNe information went from gations; te My: Sinclair," asserted Euler. "I had nothing to do Hi; and Mv, Sinelaiy says publieiy that he did not roceive it from ge department," , Bennett, Opposition leader, and ° tent which passed it on to the Op-

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