Oshawa Daily Times, 25 May 1930, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1930 PAGE THREE, d 0. Fil RAE, Ton ton ment bond flotations in thiz market is expected by investment brokers hin the next six i weeld, Increas- : ian cities and been indicat- of important s of Toronto, i for sally, vispolts sre sow being ore on i pepsin this regard, " bankers in on toch ¥ with the authorizations will cates to bid on the issues at a time tha ure = pro-| ann ored ¢| moting in. he 'fav modification, HAMILTON LIFE PAR VALUE RAISED Teranto seems propitious for public distribue nS Ay pote the bonds quickly} 8 bid, and the bus! mmated in a sem I that po Tg? all the ue of. the stock from. $ dog by by the Dominion ns oration altogether un- and. all real, time to come, as the revenues are more than sufficient to take care of all requirements, The Dominion finances are in such excel- lent shape that repayment out of sur- f maturities 000,000 in February, ear, and this item Banking and Commerce thee y, the of the changed the par val- Iso iv he i A proval was a siven } 5 z "of the Industrial Loan of Mon- Pickering.:) 'May fay 21m Mrs. Austin] " Pent spent Sunday with Arthur and y is $45,000,000 on Deginber wi Bevan ! 'young' son, of Port , J, Bog oh and Mr, Harvey its, Baa in and attended ces there, iA Sop ©. of the Women's Assoel- met ot the home of Mrs, C. y on Tuesday afternoon Croskem and then A "dnd Mrs, Powers, vs, yee guests of Mr, and Mrs, 'A, D, Van Dyke, Mr. and Mrs. D, 1. Hill, Oshawa, have moved to the farm, which y recently purchased from Mr, "Tho. Bayi Yoluntee Gl (] untger and rl's dott "e Class met at the home of Mr. W. N, Hoskin for their bik meeting on Friday t, Mr. Leslie Hancock has purchas. a ne Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Crossman '| and Irene were recent guests of Mr. J. Naylor, Solina. Mr. and Mrs. I. Hancock and family, and Miss Beatrice Mount- joy recently visited at My. nt, Beath's, Brooklin, Anglican Church a heautiful memors ial window was dedicated to the menjory, of the late Harry Shepham Smith, Mr, Smith was a teachér in our school for three years a number of years ago and was well known in their neighborhood, Baseball practice has begun for the summer Jeague - games, We wish them the best of luck. Mr amd Mrs, Ashburn, of Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs. Reardon, of Osh- awa, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Sully. Dr, and Mrs, Forsythe had as Sun day guests Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Pierson and family visited Mrs. Piefson's sister, in Claremont, on Sunday. Mrs, Le Roy. Sr., of Toronto, spent the week-end with her son, Frank Le Rov and Mrs, Le Roy. 4 Mrs, G. H. Robinson visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sully, while in Toronto, last week, Mr. Henry Perryman, of Orillia, is a guest of his. son, W, H. Perry- man and Mrs, 'Perryman, a Sunday guest of Mrs. I. Huggins, Master. Walter Scott entertained a large number of his friends at a birthday party, on Saturday, May 17, The ~ afternoon was spent. playing games then followed .a bounteous tea. The .young folk enjoyed a pleasant afternoon, HARMONY SCHOOL HELD CONCERT TO PAY FOR VICTROLA Harmony, May 21.-The Har- mony Public School, and Homa and School Club held a successful concert, on Tuesday evening 'I'he proceeds were to help pay for a Orthophonie Victrola, which: sas been placed in the school for the scholars use. The following pro- gram was throughly enjoyed. by everyone present: Opening Chorus, "Men of the North," hy the gchool, Recitation of "Welcome," Raph Dafoe, Piano solo, Mrs, Howard Michael, Instrumental Bunico "Bugle Horn" and "Gliding through thé Meadows," Reading Mrs, Clymer, Drill Twelve girls of integmediate room, Chorus by In- "Welcome to and "Echo", An onrelso bl ug little boys, Plano solo «Isabella Cook, peas on neck, Ah Higher yy rs Sh eb Chorus by x | AY i l ES 1% 0 Band Mrs, Law, and Mins : - Overlooking and without Wornifred of Masisham, & called on THORNT. 9 Mrs, Levington, Jr, has for her( Chipp, "Junior Red C gent," Hote 9 ; Pickering friends on ay. ON'S CORNERS guest, her sister, Mrs. Reynolds, of Ban or ag Cion ph igs 4 A / Distinctively Different Miss Laura. Andrew, of 'Tofonto, . Utica, New York, who is 'here for| Grant Lynde, Recitation Viola «JY ps COMPL LPTED IN ATLANTIC CITY' spent Sunday with her parents, Jas.| Thornton's Corners, May 20.--All| about six weeks, Goyne, Violin solo Miss. Marion NEXCELLED COLONIAL SPITALITY and Mrs. Andrew, were sorry to hear of the heavy loss| The many friends of Mr. Joseph| Cassleman, Chorus by seven junior ow Read for Yi u/ Mr. Louis Lawsony of Toronto, | suffered by Mr. William Garrard, | Baxter wil be sorry i hear that he | pupils, 'A Charming Little Lady yio { daily, Eu EuropeanPlan | , American Plan p ! ol warded to the Bl het bidder, Canadian munic and railway spent the week-end at his home here, when a brooder house, chicken house | is ill in the Oshawa Hospital," Only | and Happiness" Bolo 2ir. Paul FETTER GHOLLINGER, Src. 7EUOENE C. FETIER, Ang. Dip: : pal 3 Powerful syndicates com guaranty finance was fairly heavy in Florence Gibson, of Toronto,| and pigpen were destroyéd by fire| a few weeks ago Mr. Baxter lost| Verland, Recitation Eddie Saund- Canadian and American inveriment this Market in the three months from i week-end with: her. aunt, ig ot It is estimated the | his wife by death, All will wish him | ers, Duet Misses Ly Revita. rom $7.29 dai banker ry werg ormed. to bid, on- these 11929 to February 22.) Mrs, L. Squires snd family. Toss will amount to about $1000. a speody, recovery tion Norris Dafoe, Solo Mrs. items. Favorable e tenders were receiv-1 19 HHotations of the period] A number from the village are at-| Or Sunday, May 18, in St. George's| ~ Miss Alice Smith, of Whithy, wasArthur = Lynde, Chorus Senior od; as municipals: provide | were close to $100,000,000, and the tending the Standard Teacher Train- a good: yield with impeccable securi-| yransfers thus occasioned were of | ing School, which is' being held each r ration of vable financial adminiy vied Rreat Sup htance > beinging the evening at + Brcugham, under the iy rr gi bis Sr ar incet is axiomatic among mun Canadian Tt os" 1 a | tices of the Pickering Township 3:5. , ipal with the American dollar. In the Mr. Nelson Chapman, has been . rs, and a fine market 1s| distorted financial markets of last THROUGH heavy city traffic--across fertile valleys and desert a a TT --_--_--_--_---- i a -- I thi Always amured for these abli- year Canadian dollars dropped at| confined. to his bed for' the ast week Rations, ed an Tn fer. times to a discount of more than 2} through illness. His ey driends tions of all Nad re tae in Can. | per cent, placing a correspondingly hope fora speedy recovery. pi gh Pgh an hi Ate Saker Aa heavy burden on Dominion trade and| My, Thomas Law, is another resi- darh: niarkets also frequently appl industry. After reaching par early| dent of the village, who is under the Deion of vues quently apPIY| this year Canadian dollars. again| doctor's care, We hope he may soon | Provincial ! oa IR definitely In lumped to their present discount off be around again. Go prospect include also approximately about % of 1 per cent. The Public. and Continuation $10,000,000 of Manitoba Ln and Flotations of the last two months} Schools adopted * day-light saving about $4,000,000 of Alberta iy have been relatively small. The chief | time on Monday morning. The trus- These loans may appear very shortly items were issues of $4,061,485 City| tee board had decided to have the if conditions of marketing remain of Vancouver 5s on March 25;| institutes of learning remain on stan- favorable, but as there is no immedi- | 33000000 Province of British Colum dard, but later. saw fit to rescind the ate, pressure for the funds a'delay of bip 47s on April 1 and $4.250,000{ order, owing to the dissatisfaction sorfie' months is also possible, Mani-| Frovince of New Brunswick 4%s on which it had caused, J toba officials are now considering the | April 11. These issues were offered | 'Thirty-two members of the U. ¥ refiinding of $10,000,000 of outstand- in both the Canadian and the United| P, S, went to Oshawa by special bus ing obligations, mainly = short-term, States markets. Total city and pros} on Monday 'evening' to attend the due this year. Alberta asked for| Yineial issues during the first quart-| Young People's Rally held in St. An- bids on $2,900,000 bonds on April 30,] €F of the year amounted to $35,045.000f drew's Church, under the auspices of hut postponed the sale owing to mars| OF: 98, percent, of all Canadian bond| the Oshawa Presbytery. They re- ket conditions. fiotutions of any. Sac tiptign, Thia tumed feeling satisfied pith their sbmpares: wi 00 in the first} standing in the contest having come wits Hu pi De ane Si quarter of 1929 and with $16,732,000 second in the attendance contest, and |. otis an men: possi. | iw the first quarter of 1928. bringing home with them one of the bility, Such financing has been fait- prists siven_for the Jritividysl Ye ly extensive in the fast year, as large MARCUS' COOLIDGE laihink he on San She SLPROIOML Spm varpotes SEEKS NOMINATION sidered the evening well worth-while. About half the Canadian railways are g Miss Eva Pickley is visiting friends , My 23.--Mareus A Cool- | in Brougham this week. sands--to the top of snow-capped mountains--wherever the long trail leads--you will find the Ford car and cheery words about it. Its flashing beauty gives it distinction at the Country Club, yet it is no stranger to deeply rutted roads and hard daily usage in the ownedvby the Dot ion, ich guar- ". ug AC f i I : : ant "a the re onded of ations | 1dg ormer mayor of' Fitchburg, aap ---------- . rs: CR I SIE Be (alr SOLINA NEWS ar-off places. Its sturdy strength, reliability and capable per- ink e + a ft ta aud purposes {he a jioitatie nomination for the s of Gm fan. govern. | Unite antes Senate at the prim. - on and the pi of the issues are| aries on September 16, oe en ts jufe yeport. correspondingly favorable, Coolidge's announcement con. 'trees 'are loaded with blossom. Authorizations for shiva, when ne rumors Prevalent itis the | "Mes G Leask and Mrs, Carl wer usted ear fy n | first o year, that he would seek Wd ho ¢ $1800 000 ana dian Na-1 to 8 the place of the incumbent Wilbur were the guess of the Ly ies om Sie sue of Senator Frederick H, Gillett, Elmer Ha Taunton. « $9, In declaring his candidacy, Cools | ™ 3 ery lost his miost Ah Pah a Ai re BL St 0 | ie 3 ional, fupds. vl re-| stity amendmen ve the - quired, and | gage t au-| President power to veto separate poy Yite res 'thorizations' for further Cody es schedules' in the tariff bills and | Thyesda eveing. guests in« : cluding Mr, -and-Mrs, Clarence Turk, and Kathleen, Solina, Mr, and Mrs, Ivan Law, Maple Grove; My. Jacks, Mr. and Mrs, Lorenzo Tuell and son, Mr. and Mrs. A. Johns and family, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs, R. Mr. and Mrs. Rolston, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs, Beriing and Margaret, Mr, and Mrs. A. Ayike, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Zion, Miss 'V. Baker, and Mr. S. Dewell, Solina. '} Messrs Roy and Norman Heddon, Toronto, were recent guests of Mr. J. W. Yellowlees, Mrs. John Reynolds is staying with Mrs, Halfaire, at Lyvone, for a while. It the Sundav School session, at Eldad, on Sunday, the C. G. I. T. group had charge of the dona jrcatain, Mitses Hol tn ad Muriel A sses Eve. Excess acld is the common cause 'action is quick. You will never Jakes Sank a ®Dewell gave of indigestion. It results in pain | rely on crude methods, never con- | readings and. a trio, was given by and sourness about two hours after | tinue to suffer, "when you learn | Misses Jessie. and Norma Yellowlees eating. The quick corrective is an | how quickly, how: pleasantly this and: Miss Bessie Patterson. The alkali which neutralizes acid, The | premier method acts, Please lot x. nducted: with Milk of it show you---now. church se RB Bick aS Con So Bo sure to ® genuine Phil. Rian Vi Vers Baker and ) Mr. Sam De- n lps" Mlk OB Muknosta. Droncribed | uch sok son with Miss Elva Orchard Saris BA of 'Phillips ilk of by physicians for 50 years.in cor-| and attended anniversary at Ennis. "Magnes instant atly recting excess acids. Each bottle |killen '| contains ull . diregtions--any | | Mr and Mrs. Clarence Tink and EI its | drugstore Miss Kathleen and Mr, and Mrs. Hil : 4 ton Tink, of Salem, were - Sunday gg evening visitors with Mr, H. E, Tink. Mr. and Mrs: C. Hansam and Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Mardy and Doreen | spent Sunday in Toronto. Mrs, WillLT, Baker spent Tuesday pith | het Mother, Mr, Joh Pen- foul xin tree Mr. and Mts, Elmer Walter, Tor- nd Miss Hattie and rtice, visited Mr. formance, at all times and under all conditions, reflect the care and enduring quality that have been built into it. « tional Raia ol ,000 By its constant, faithful service through many months and years you will know that it is a "value far above the price." « Outstanding Features of the New Ford New streamline bodies. o Choice of colors, ® Adjustable front seats in most bodies. ¢ Shatterless glass windshield. o Four Hou. daille double:acting hydraulio shock absorbers, ¢ Bright, endur. ing Rustless Steel for many exterior metal parts, ¢ Fully enclosed four wheel brakes. ¢ Steelspoke wheels, ¢ Aluminum pistons, © Chrome silicon alloy valves, » Torque-tube drive. » Three. quarter floating rear axle. More than twenty ball and roller bearings. * Extensive use of steel forgiugs: * 55 to 65 miles an hour, * Quick acceleration. Ease of control. Low first cost. * Low cost of operation. * Res lability and long life, * Good dealer service, | "THE CANADIAN CAR NOTE THESE LOW PRICES onto, Mrs. Eli and EI and Mo rs, John re RR Jotonto, spent Sunday Mr, ind were' the ts of Ba cs sen me om All prices §. 0. b. East Windsor, Ontario. ys pure tire and taxes extra, Easy time payments can be Srpaged *" through your Ford dogler. and Mrs, Roy Hepburn and family, t tors with Mr. sad Sea | und Mrs. Clarence Fring Wm. and Robert visited on Sunday with

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