Oshawa Daily Times, 22 May 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1930 PAGE SEVEN inland Produce Exchanges he|0"ts, 44 . | rye, nomini $1.11; No. 2 do ern, 3 No. oy 3 $1.05%; No. oh ii 0, 95%c; No. 6, 76%c; feed, 69%¢ <e.lif, Goderich bo | Bay ports). Manitoba oats--No, 1 , feed, $2%c¢; No, 2 do., Boe. American corn--No, 92%e¢; No. 8 do, 9lc. Millfeed, delivered Montreal frelghts, bags included-~Bran, per ton, $38.25; shorts, per 'ton, Thin ervey Woe > Would you like to quickly add unds of firm, attractive flesh--ban- ish nervousness and irritability--fill that tired out body of Jous with am- ano, Strength and 'you want to br A your snot and clear skin bright eyes reflecting your glorious hea in Then take McCoy's Cod Liver Ex- tract La ds chock full of powr er ing, creating, rejuvenating and rea cle- ments. Who'd' 'ever think the livers of lowly Codfish would yield such vital health essentials yet they do and for years doctors and world's greatest medical authorities have prescribed them for underweight, rundown men, women and children, You can get McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets at Jury & Lovell, T. B. Mitchell, W. H. Karn, 2 yellow, th with- | 26¢. i 26; middlings, $36.25, Ontario grain--Wheat, $1.10; 46c; barley, 60 to 52e: nal; buckwheat, 80¢, TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Wholesale dealers in: hay and straw are quoting shippers the fol lowing prices for carload lots, de- livered on track, Toronto i= No, 2 timothy ...e0v... $1550 No. 3 timothy ieee is Jal $14.00 Wheat straw .ooeeive.s 11.00 Oat straw '... 11.00 mp ------------ TORONTO PROVISION PRICES she beann Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting the following prices to the trade, Smoked meats--Hams, medium, 28 to 36c; cookd loins, 48 to 62¢; sthoked rolls, 28¢; breakfast bacon, 30 to 40c; backs, pea-mealed, 34c: do. smoked, 46 to bbe. Pork 'loins, 20jc: shoulders, 19%c; butts, 24c; hams, 264c, Cured meats--Long clean bacon, 650 £0.70 bs, 24c; 70 to. 90 lbs, 22¢; 90 to 110 Ibs, 210, Heavy- weight rolls, 40¢; Jghtweight oie, Lard--DPure, tlerces, 15¢; tubs, A6c; pails, 17¢; prints, 17 to 174c. Lorn ng Tienes, 13¢; tubs, c; Special pastry shortening--"Tierc- es, 16¢c; tubs, 164c; palls, 16c, TORONIO FARMERS MARKET following are quotations, re- al y effect on the St. Lawrence Marea Toronto: Eggs, extras, per dozen... Do,, firsts, per dozen. ... Butter, dairy, per pound,. Do., creamery, per 1b... 0.35 0.32 0.30 0.35 0.40 i= New Rooms to Your Home with Gyproc WORK-ROOM for you oR play toon for the the basemen Oshawa, Ont. Oshawa, Ont. Oshawa, Ont. Oshawa, Ont. A, | ment "| Brussels sprouts, qt. 'No, .2 CH Stock Close Br, A. Oil 18% Braz, ,. 48% Can, 1st 93 Cty, Dry, 69 Dis, Sgrm, 11 Ford "A" 36 Gypsum 22% Hr. Wal. 118% Int. Nki. 32% Int. Pet, 208% Ind. Alch. 7% Imp, Ol 24% Lob. "A" 15 Mt, Pwr. 123 Pg. Hr, 25 Shaw, 76% Standard Mining bet 70 207 80 55 §90 340 92 976 22560 2860 186 230 670 168 197 High = Low 18% 47% 93 59 10% 36% 22% 11% 31% 20% 7% 2% 15 123 26 6% / 20% % 24% 16 123 06 76% 72 . 214 Amulet 80 Big Miss. 55 De. Mus, 890 Falcon. 360 Hy, Gold 93 Hd. Bay 985 Lk. Sh, 2250 Nrnda. 2850 Sh, Grd, 185 Sd. Bs, 245 Tk. Hg. 676 Ventures 169 Wr, Hrg. 199 Abana Ajax Fruits and Vegetables -- Asparagus, | Ib, bunch ..., Carrots, bus. .....0000s Do, 6qt. ....u00 228 eteene 0.50 Green peas, 6 Gt. veevvees seve O30 "| Allis Amn, Inter, Amn, Smel, Stock ' Alleghany Chal, Ama, Tel, Anaconda Baldwin Borden ... Borg War, Beth, Steel Can. Dry .. Can, Pac, Com, Solv. Chrysler Dav, Chem, Fox «/¢:: Gen, Klec, Gen, Mot, Goodyear '| Grt. North, Ken. Copper Liq. Carb. Mt, Ward Pen, Rafl Rade .... Rem. Rand Sim, Bed Sin, Oli ... St. of N.J. srr High 20% 61% 42% 70% 42% 68% 27 87 4% 4% 635 208 30% J4% 34% . 49 80 60% 87 92 6% 5% 42% 78% 48% 34% 36% 21% 76 Tk, Rl, Bear 70 U.S, Steel 169 U.8. Rubber 24 row Close 20% 61% + 21% 2424 68% 26% 80% 34% PN 68 % 208 30% 34% HT} 0% 70% 60% 835 92 40% 5% 42% 8% 43% 33% 36% 27% 9% 70 168% 28 12% 78 47 33% 35% 27 4% 70 166% 28 Two market receipts--Butter today 27,466; last year, 25937, Eggs today, 70,154; last year, 70,548 Chicago spot market- tras, 33 1-2c; standards, 33 1- Eggs, fresh gathered steady. Butler, ex. 2¢; tone firsts, 21 1-2¢c to 22c; tone stead yto firm New York spot market--Butter, ex- 5 ! at a gies Digger, oA PAE hr" 6W 501. Lgrs, wet 71,020; fust year, 54946 , Closing prices=Butfer, May, 35 §-8¢; June 34cy November, 37 5-8¢; Eras, May, 23 34¢s November, 27 3-8, TORONTO LIVESTOCK Toronto, May 22,~-Caitle 1o- ceipts 16, Left overs totalleq 300 head, Cattle ow the Toronto Livestock Exchange were selling slowly at prices 50 to 76¢ lower for "the week on butchers. A fair clean-up fh expected, Gadd, receipts totalled 63, Calves closed firm et $8.00 to in, $12.00 cwt,, according to quality. y. Hog receipts 90. Hogs closed steady at $11.00 1, o.h. for bacon or $12,256 off car. Sheep receipts 156, Spring lambs sold at $5.00 to £13.00, There were no sheep of- fered. FOREIGN EXCHANGE New York, N.Y, May 22.-~For- eign exchange stundy; demand rates (Great Britain in dollars, other In cents), Great Dritain 4.85 15-16, Canadian dollars ut % per cent, dis¢ount, EAST BU FF. ALO LIVESTOCK East Buffalo, N.Y,, May 22, Hogs 800, holdovers 200, active, steady to 10 higher, all interests buying. 2560-300 lbs, 10.00; 200- 260 bs. 10.656-10.75; 160-200 lbs, 10,75; A30-160 Ibs, 10.656-10.76; 90-130 1bs, 10.00-10.,756; packing sows, Cattle 3250, mostly cows, steady to strong, steers 11.00-12,00 Ibs, 11,00-12.25; 960-1100 lbs, 11,00- 11,256; yearling steers good 10,706 '1 good to chelee 12,60-13.00; 12,00; heifers good 10,25-11,60; cows good 9,00; gutter grades 8,00. 6,00; bylls beef 7,60+8,65, Calves 300, slow, largely steady, med- fum 9.60-12,00;, common 7, 009,50, Sheep 200, market steady," ro tops shown, good Lo chcize 9.70- "10.00; owes 4.20-5,60. WINNIPEG GRAIN OPENING "Winnipeg, May 22.--Wheat, fo ay %e bigher at 10815; July % 10 Ye higher at 109% to 100%: Cet, %e to %e higher at 111% to 111%. Oats! July Ye higher at 150%, Oct,, unchanged at 46% CHICAGO GRALN OPENING Ohleago, 111s, May 22,--Opening grain prices; wheat, May 108%, duly "304%, Sept, 1071; corn, May 79, duly 79%, Sept, 80%; ont, May 42, 0 July 39%, 8ept, 087%. ' WINNIPEG GRAIN Winnipeg, May 2i.~~The wheat market could not shake off its quiet state today hut prices ad- vanced fractionally out of sym. pathy with strength at Liverpool, All three wheat lelivery months were quoted . slightly higher, At $1.08%, May was up % cent a bushel, July moved up % to '4 cont at $1,09% to 8%. October was up % to 9% cent at $1.11% io %. KITCHENER MAN DENIES POISONING (Continued from Page 1) Girl Died From strychnine With Reta Gardner of Kitchener, Redfern registered in a Montreal hotel a weok ago Saturdad, signing his name A. C, Rowland of Toronto, |. They were allotted separate rooms, but took their meal's in the man's room, Monday, after Redfern had told the hotel clerk not to disturb the woman, whom he sald was sick in bis room, Reta Gardner wap found dead in the bed fully clothed, Rodfern disappeared, Misy Ourdners father identified the body at Mon- tral morgue and then came the dis. eovery of Dr, Derome, who made the autopsy, that the girl had died of strychnine poisoning, The inquest was adjourned by Coroner Lorenzo Prince until Redfern could be found. Nedfoern had a wife and children in Kitchener, where police wanted him on charges of forgery and non- support, 1'olice in various cities, of Can ods and the United States have heen on the hunt for Redfern, Last Tuesday it was reported Redfern's relatives had received word from him that he contemplat- od comitting suicide by going aver Niarara Falls, Bomeone answering the description of 'Redfern had stopped at a Niagara Yalls, N.Y. hotel, but there was no trace of n suicide, BUSINESS 18 GOOD Approved hatehery men. find business good this 'year, the field staf of the Poultry Division of the Dominion Department of Agricul ture report, They #lgo report thal the sale of hatchery ehieks follows the weather very ¢losely----when the weather is good sales are good. "Approval" is making rapid head: way and Increased egg production Tor the big winter market predicts It is not the amount of rain that falls, but the amount wiich fs stor. ed in the soll as moisture - that counts, In some years despite heyy rainfalls crop yields are light because of the small amount of moisture stored in the soll, There 18 no way yet by which the amount of rainfall for a come ing season can be forecast with any degreo of certainty, Insulation representative aboutit, - « « . INTERNATIONAL FIBRE BOARD LIMITED 111) Beaver Hell Hill Meonireal, Que, Keep your home cool this summer, warm next winter, by Insulating now with TEN/TEST, Save meney on your fuel bills. Ask your architect, contractor or nearest TEN/TEST fm an IN a Ba BN INSULATING BUILDING sO0ARD Hold vy - - Oshawa Lumber Co. Ltd. OSHAWA, ONT. Tomatoes, 1b, v.ivrievenrves 125 Pineapples, each ..vvvvve.ie 0.25 0.35 Rhubarb, bunch ..ce0eee o0ee 0.10 Radishes, bunches .. 0.10 New car-ots three bufiches 025 New beets, bunch . 0.10 TORONTO PRODUCE QUOTATIONS (Buymmg) Toronto wholesale dealers are buying produce at the following prices: Eggs--Ungraded, cases returned, fresh extras, 29c; fresh firsts, 2%} seconds, 24c. Butter--No. 1 creamery, solids, 30% to%®le; No. 2, 29 to 80c, Churning cream--Special, 34c¢; No. 1, 88¢; No, 8, 80¢. Do. 6 qt. sstsassisnerey 0.60 sess sees 0.38 ts «ves 0. Onions, dry, 11-gt Do., 6-ct, basket Cabbage "ase Cauliflower . Endive, dozen Spinach, peck .. Mushrooms, per pound Leaf © a*fuce, three for + «4 Head lettuce, two for vv vere 028 Parsley, per bunch .......0 Cress, three for ....cvev os. on Qelery, dozen Barres 12 3 ranges, per doz. ..ieeve Honeydew melons, each .., 075 10 Strawbergies pt. cov veines Grapefruit, each ..ovives A on Potatoes, Dag «ous eeveerese 235 2.50 Cucumbers, aeevsass 025 0:30 8, per Bas sviee sees 083 Bananas, per wissen 025 O00 Qvples, 6-qt. eee wees pi Cal, bt 190 Por 1 at. Apples but, bus. Hens, over § 1beis i Do,, over 4 to § bs. 24 26 Do, under 4 Ibs. 22 24 Spring broilers 2% to 8 lbs. 300, + Do... 2% to 2% lbs. 28¢c. ou roosters, over § lbs, 19 23 Do, over 4to 5 1bs. .. 16 19 (Selling) Toronto wholesale dealers are offering produce to retail dealers at the following prices: : Eg resh extras in cartoons, 36c; fresh extras, loose, 34c; firsts, 82¢; seconds 28 to 20c, Butter --- No. 1 prints, 86¢; No. 2, large, 18 1-2¢; twi Che ew, lar) c; twin 18% ¢; triplets, he: stiltons, : 51 O14, large, 28c; twins 20c; triplets | and cuts, 30c; old stiltons, dic; tons, 81¢, Poultrye- Chickens, 8 Ibs. up +o 4s to b hb aeenns Do, 8% to 4 1b8, wove Do, 8to 3% 108 «vine Do., 3 Verne anes Hons, over 6 18, +e iva. Brollors ev iierwnnnne Creamery creamery, TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on - the Toronto Board of Trade are 'making tha, fol. lowing Suettipns for car lots: Manito gat---No. 1 i, sorthent 0. ¥ yo $1.01 3.4; No. 3, $i 3-4; No. § 9lc; No erich and Bay ports). Manitoba Srrid oc 1 feed, Sle do, 49¢. 1 metlcan corn=No, 2 yellow, 9? 0, 3 do, 9lc. fed: Thontreal sigh delivered, included--Bran, per 5: shorts, per ton, $3035 "graine--Whieat, $110; oats, | 17:2" eo 19% o{ hh eat, 80c, PROD FUTURES May ce, URES wer May. ! 31: June 1; November, Al ol Ch hyde 80 1-2¢; feed; 7d yi We BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT FOUR EXAMPLES OF MOTORING. ECONOMY T in which four motor car owners O illustrate the big cash saving you can make by adopting Castrol, we show four examples different makes of cars and living in widely separated parts of Canada have slashed their oil bills. An ordinary motor oil at 35¢ a quart ive « + » it gives only 500 miles before a change is necessary. Castrol at 50c a quart owner, using Castrol at 50¢ oil at 35¢ per gquert, Cran EXAMPLE 1. Showing comparative Annual saving made by Chrysler 70 quart instead of an ordinary case capacity--G quarts. 60 changes ofa an oedigiey oil '15 changes of Castrol If out as any other oil! LEE BRE SE LE MONTREAL Showin Showing comparative seving made by Studebaker Com. pi i a, sing Carls at 30¢ per y Ia 4 instead ordinary oil at 35¢ 1h ord ie Crank case ca, 5 Me. R. H. M. of Tartu Ot, drives a eld guar ri wep His Saving. = FE How Much Can YOU Save? your car is not listed in either chart shown here, get out CS You A en hci tas in 8 Yeats rf ue You ih yous Sas BOT REMEMBER how much 1 only half as --_-- Produced by © C WAKERISLD & CO. LIMITED Head Offiee | Loudon, Englend 'WAKEFIELD using Castrol at 50¢ 35¢ per quart, C REGINA VANCOUVER EXAMPLE 3. comparative soving made by pon Srl gist ml yA case capacity--mi quarts, is expensive is Economy! Castrol gives not just 500 miles . . . but 2,000 MILES WITHOUT CHANGE, It is a lubricant that talks dollars and cents and makes no bones about it, i £ ein ik eta astrol fo oso) ; a; =z E; Ed % 4 5 : I tf £ : H 2% ip i . i] i }) 8 at a EHH he, 3 ass skins 8 33333 1 as Ay tak

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