Oshawa Daily Times, 20 May 1930, p. 5

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. HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1930 PAGE FIVE I OMe r»r»- and the Community bk Women's Interest SOCIAL and PERSONAL Mr, and Mrs, Milton Werry of this city are spending a few days with relatives in Enniskillen and Tyrone, Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Hall of Lindsay, Ontario, were week-end' guests of Mrs, Chase, Colborne St, Miss Thirsa Wright of St. Catl- arf Ontario spent the week-end with in Oshawa, ged Dorothy Cockburn ot Tor- onto spent the week-end with Miss Evelyn Andison, Fairbank Street, 'Miss Irene Verooman of Tdronto, spent the week-end visiting Mr, and Mrs, Johno Stacey, Bimcoe Street Sout, and other relatives in the eity. Many friends of Mrs, Claud Wil. son, Bruce Street, will regres to hear that she is confined to her bed, through {liness, SPECIAL ORDERS TAKEN FOR BRIDAL OUTFITS at the THE FASHION SHOPPE ffon Pull Fashioned LAWN GRASS SEED Lawn Fertilizers HOGG & LYTLE, Limited Phone 203 THATS theway Rice Krispies sound when you pour on milk or cream. The crispiest cereal ever made! Rice Krispies are toasted rics grains. Goldensbrown, Delicious for: breakfast, lunch or supper. Add fruits or honey, Oven-fresh in the reds package. At all grocers. CL Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. | RICE KRISPIES Oshawa, | Young People's Meetings | The Knox Church Young People held thelr regular meeting ou Mou. dey evening at § p.m, wita Mr, Me- Kenzie presiding. After the discus slon it wes decided that ss next Monday will be the last meeting of the season it would be closed with 4 wocial evening, and all members are luvited to be present, ------------ CHRIST CHURCH AY.P.A, The monthly business meeting of Christ church A.Y.P,A,, was held on Monday evening May 19, Officers elected for the coming semson of 1080-81 are: Hon, President, Rev, R. B. Patterson; first Hon, Vice. President, C, EK, Bweet; secona Hon, Vice-President, W, G, Carben; President, Arthur Colborne; first vice-president, Miss G, Pawson; second vice president, Mr, H, Cope- land; secretary, Miss 8, Stacey; Treasurer, Miss G, Pennell, The following conveners were also elected: programme convenor, Mrs, Metealfe; social convenor, Mrs, Clifton; look-out eonvenor, Miss ¥', Cowan; publicity secretary, Miss D, Bweet, ' Plans were also made for. the annual 24th of May plenic, FIRST BAPTISY CHURCH BY PU The B.Y.P.U, of the Pirst Bap- {ist Church met last evening, There were about twenty-flve members rresent, A new form of entertain- ment was the playiet presented by Don Wright, Elsie Small and Rev, A, Small, Jt was entitled "Choos- ing Your Friendships", All parts were admirably taken, A contest "Bible Baseball" in which the con- testants were required to answer questions from the 21st and 22ud c'aiptors of Matthew, provided a great deal of amusement, Don Wright was appointed delegate to the conference to be held in Brant. ford on May 22, 23, 24 and 26th, The commissioner for the Fellow- ship Commission was choren as Bob Lowry. ENGAGEMENTS Mr, and Mrs, T, Herbert MeMur- try. announce the engagement of thelr youngest daughter, Stella Tean to Eldon John Stacey, son of {r, and Mrs, John Stacey, both of The marriage to take place fn June, Germany's foreign trade contin- | ues near the record marks, \ -- Alrplanes are being used in bat- és against insect posts in Peru, Bleyeles In many colors are ap- pearing In London, SEASON CLOSED "AT MUSIC CLUB Annual Election of Officers and Business Meeting Bring Oshawa Music Study Club Year to a Close Oshawa fusic Study Club held the closing meeting of its present Huson in Rotary Hall, last even- ng. A The occasion was the annual business meeting of the society and besides the routine of electing ot- ficers and accepling reports, a very attractive program was presented, The president, Mrs, Andison, oc~ cupled the chair and called for the reading of minutes, There followed a report from the treasurer, show- ing total receipts of $169.20, total disbursoments of $132.02 and a bank balance of $37.18, Mrs, Andison expressed her ap- preciation of the co-operation throughout the season's work, of the members of the executive, She expressed thanks as well for the splendid work of the program coin- mittee, The musical part of the even. ing's meeting was introduced in the singing of the National an- them, The following vocal and instru~ mental numbers were then pre. 'sented: "Elegy", Massenet, "When Rong is Sweet", Vernon Evilie, sung by Mrs, A, C, Cameron, Solo for violin, played br Mrs, N, Kin. der, Planoforte solc by Mrs, 8, G, Carnell, "Like to a Damask Rowe', Elgar, by Mrs, H, W, Nieoll, "To the Sun", Pearl Curran, 'Dane Durden", Liza Lehmann, Mrs, J, L. Beaton. Piano Duo (a) "Min- uet L'Arlessionne", (100. Bizet, (b) "Un Giorno in Venesia', K, Nevin op, 26, No, 3. (¢) "Danse Maca bre", Saint Sseno op, 40, Miss Margaret Luke, Miss Lillian Rit tenhouse, Following * this very interesting musical progrdm, Mrs, Renwick vioved n vote of thanks to those participating and to Mrs, Leo Gray who convened, Mrs. W. A, Hare seconded the motfon which re- velved hearty applause from the members. Mrs, Hallitt added a fow words of appreciation of the pro- eram committee's work during the YEAr, Klection of officers took place under the leadership of Mrs, Bate- Han, ahly assisted by Mrs, Tod and Mra. Elis, Results of the election were as follows: Mrs, Roy Bennett; President, Vice-President, Mrs, W. A, Hare; A very pleasant surprise was given Miss Mae Harper at the home of her pister, Mrs, N, Whinfleld, 28 Royal Street, last evening on the octaglon of her birthday, About 205 friends and relatives were present, A most enjoyable time was spent, playing euchre, Miss Norma Glas- poll won the first prize and R, H, Noyig the consolation, Miss Harper was presented with a beautiful tra- volling cane and an emerald birth. day ring, A short address was read by Mrs, W, Loyne ind the presvnta~ tion was made by R. H. Davis, Daln- ty refreshments wore served at the close of the evening, tis KH SUNSET ovis H Hygienic Service ssured Comfort and As too. Fits like a gar on absolutely. Brings security RE) Bt 3 f RL J } HE A VR a BSE OTE X ~ Sanitary Naphins LRT ps ELE . i © soem 3 'mow adjourn &nd. Vice-Prosidont, Mrs, Andison; lecording Becretarv, Mis, Joseph Wilkins; Corresponding Secretary, 7ivd, Kvelyn Bateman; Treasurer, Miss Mary MeBrady; Execufive Committee, Mrs, . Hallitt, Mrs, Beaton, Mrs, Fleming, Mrs, McGirr, Mrs, Farrow, Appreciation of the work of the retiring president, . Mrs, Andison, was voiced by the fneoming presi dent, Mrs, Bennett and was heart. {ly supported By the club, Mrs, Andison responded hriefly, " Bateman asked that members sub- mit suggestions for the work of the 1050-31 season and it was sug: gosted that a junior club - be evolved and that students studying locally ba brought betofe the club at ts programs, It was thought this would tond to develop the 'younger talent of our city, The music and srt ovement WAS also mentioned, whereby tal. ont is sought out and instruction provided for 'those who could otherwise not receive musical training, The meetings of the musie club until' September, VETERAN 3 WAS ENTHUSED OVER "I went through the war in South Africa and two campaigns in In- dia without a scrateh, but I didn't ronto, be obtained in Osh. n's Drug 8 s in the H CHILDREN'S HELP When fixing up the house for summer, let the children help, But to encourage them, let them do some of the interesting thingy, such as painting chairs and tables bright colors, sewing on pretty gay chiniz curtains, stencilling the pattern on the pantry walls, DRESSING. TABLE LIGHTS Lamps for dressing tables are most satisfactory when they are on a level with your face and on a line with the mirror, You can get half- shades so that they cast light on your face, and not in the mirror, which is what you want, CLEAN SHADES If your window shades are of the washable variety, and many are, lay them flat on a table and scrub with a brush and suds, using a eireular motion, If they are not washable, take them off the roller at, the top, make hems at that end, ond turn them upside down for the next year's wear, They will look like new because the end near the roller is seldom soiled, DRYING CURTAINS When you wash your glass cur- tains this year, try this method of ironing them while they dry, Wash, rinse thoroughly and then ruyw on' their hems, run a heavy rod that will hold them down, Spread them out nlong the lower rod and they will be straight and look as If they have been stretched on stretchers, HERB GARDEN Why not plant a little herb gar- den in your back yard this sums mer? You can grow mint, fennel, thyme, Jamon verbena and other flavorings that give the tang to your cooking and beverages, | RECIPES ORIENTAL TEA (6 glasses) 8 lemons, 6 whole cloves, 14 cup Sugar, 2 cups freshly made hot tea, 8 cups orange juice, 2 cups grape juice, Slice the lemons through rina and pulp. Put with cloves and su- gar in pitcher or bow! and pour hot tea over them, Cover and wet aside until thoroughly chilled, Add or- ange juice and grape juice and nerve, SAVORY SPINACH SALAD 1 package lemon-flavored gelatin 8% cup boiling water % cup spinach juice or water, 4 tablespoons vinegar, 1% teaspoon malt, 1% cups cooked spinach, chop- ped and drained, % tablespoon grated onion, Dissolve gelatin in boiling water, Add spinach julee, vinegar and welt, Chil, When slightly thickened, add spinach and onion juice, Turn inte mold. Chill until firm, Un- mold on crisp lettuce, Garnish with mayonnaise and slices of hard. cooked eogs, Serves six, MACEDOINE OF FRUIT (Serves 6) 1 cup diced pineapple, 3% cup grapefruit cut in pleces, onion juice or NOISE AFFECTS EFFICIENCY OF OFFICE WORKER Tests Show Girls Do Ten Per Cent. More Work in Quiet Room "New York,~~Cirlg lose nearly 10 per cent of their efMclency in a noisy ofce, The sturdier male appears just about as susceptible, but scientists have not tested him as fully, These findings were re- ported to the Ameriegn Acoustical Society at a symposium on noise, John 8, Parkinson, of Johns-Man-~ ville, gave reports of two concerns that the eMelency of their clerks increased respectively 10.4 per cent and 8 per cent by reducing the noise in thelr ofMces, was about the same as the differ- ence between listening to sireet sounds with the head thrust out of a living room window, and while standing far back from the win- dow, The clerks did more jobs per day and made 42 per cent less mistakes, They were mostly girls, The noises were of the ordinary oMce variety, Including typewrit- ars, There are places of comparative quiet in the midst of all the noise of the skyscrapers sections of New York and Chicago, The very best of these are the hottom floors of the setback portions of skyscrapers, Next best are the floors higher than the tops of surrounding buildings, The. reason for the partial quiet in both cases is the same, and is the Iatest discovery in noise 1a vestigation, The parallel walls of buildings facing on opposite sides of the street, ike the sides of canyons, carry the surface sound almost un- diminished clear to thelr tops, For example, Mr, Parkinson sald, the tenth floor hy actual test in such streets is no quieter than the street level, But the moment a floor rises above this canyon top, the street sounds muffle abruptly, In thelr place there is a blanket of sound, the rumble of the whole city near- by, but subdued, This carpet of sound, Mes uniformly everywhere close above the roofs, No one knows how high above the offy it extends, Mr, Parkinson sald that its top Is not anywhere near reached at the 41st floor of the New York Life Building here, the highest point yot tested, Therd are now at least two meth ods of shutting out street noise without closing the window, One Is with peculiar boxes which are wet in an open window, and permit air and sound to pass through tortu- ous passages lined with sound ah- sorbing material, Mr, Parkinson sald this method is equivalent in noise reduction to shutting the win. dow entirely, 'The other method, which he said Is two-thirds as ef. ficlent as closing the window, In a baffle, a board somewhat like the familianr ventilator across the bot. tom will, except that the baffle is curved, The noisiest vehicles, in order of their racket making prop- one decibel being the amount of change in noise that a human ear can Just recognize, Aeroplane 115 14 cup apple cut in pieces, 1 cup orange sections, 14 cup confectioners' sugar, Orange lee, Combine the frults and add sug ar, Mix and chill thoroughly, When ready te serve put some of | the fruit and syrup in an individual | serving dish and place op it a ball of orange ice, Railroads in the Phillipines are starting bus services A Chinese. firm ha started » bookstore chain in British Malaya. One shipyard in Glasgow, Secot- land, now is employing 7,000 men. when the second Monday Will seo itn activities resumed at its opening meeting of the new season, New nsmbers will be welcomed and should esmmunicate with any of the above named officers, "| not tolarate beggars, decibels, subway 96, elevated 83, street ear 70, except at crossings where it ranks 76.5, and so just | noses out motor trucks which rate 76 fiat, Will those gentlemen who In January advised us to keep the house temperature lower now come forward and tell us how. to do It in July? ~~ Port Arthur News: Chronicle. NANKING DOES NOT Nanking. ~Nanking is the most unusual city in all China, It does Here one oan walk through the streets with. out heing stopped every few minut. en by a ragged mendicant sobbing for alms, To the tourist who has visited other cities in the country, the 'experience in a decided novelty, Now and then such a creature does manage to slip by the city gates but onee his presence is discovered he in forcibly ejected, or, if he is de- formed in any way or incapable of work, he is sent to a home main. tained on the outskirts of town by a generous public, The absence of beggars in Non. king does not mean that the peopla of the city are well off, Quite the contrary, most of them are poor, but thoy detest begging, $150,000 PICTURE 1S SOLD FOR $400 Detroit,~A painting purchased by the Detroit Institute of Arts at the recent sale of he Havemeyer ool leotion ih New York for §400, han been revealed as a maaterplece by Titian, Its value {x estimated con. adrvatively at #150,000 and other appraisals range as high as $300, The original ploture, painted The amount of noise reduction | erties, were shown in decimel units, | ' TOLERATE BEGGARS SIMCOE ST. SOUTH { The only yardstick by which any store is justified in measuring its right to wucceed, is its ability to give values, merchandise and service of a type which Ic acceptable to the public, It 1s only because we are convinced that you ean shop here as Advantageously as anywhere else, and for no other reason that we invite your patronage, MANY STRIKING EXAMPLES OF THIS STORE'S ABILITY TO GIVE VALUES ARE DEMONSTRATED THIS WEEK 200 Summer Dresses in a Great One Day Sale on Wednesday Printed Artsilks « Printed Cray- shenes " Plain Crayshenes. Tin Type Prints in sizes 14 to 44, at $2.89 SEE WINDOWS FOR HOLIDAY WEEK SALE ATTRACTIONS SATURDAY BEING A HOLIDAY THE STORE WILL RE: MAIN OPEN ON WEDNESDAY ALL DAY BR -- IN A a ---- ri: by Titian in about 15605, emerged | he was hitching to a wagon bolted in excellent condition when overs [throwing him underneath the painting, believed to have been ap- | wheels, He died in a hospital u | plied about 50 years ago, was re- | few hours later, moved, An unidentified employee of A. Frederickhouse Lumbering Com- pany, was the other vietim, He was drowned when the boat in | which he and three other men were returning .to shore was swhmped, CANON FERGUSON, iy PORT HOPE NATIVE, DIES IN HAMILTON TWO FATALITIES IN COBALT DISTRICT Cobalt, May 17.-Two more fatalities have occurred in this dis- ; trict, James Palmer, 68, was fatal- | Greece's current crop last year ly Injured when a team of horses weighed 260,000,000 pounds, Hamilton, May 20,~Rev. Canon Nobert Henry Ferguson, M.A, B. D., of 83 High Street, secretary~ treasurer of the Diocese of Niagara and one of the best-known Angli- can clergymen In the district, died In General Hospital here, Deceased was born In Port Hope and was in his 56th year, His tirat parish was at Hagersville; haing named rector there 24 years ago, Later he served at Port Dal« housie, Bt, Luke's, Hamilton and Bt, James' Church, Guelph, Over four years ago he was named pei retarvy-treasurer of the diocese and had capably filled the office untii his rocent linens, WHAT NEW YORK IS WEARING By Annebelle Worthington Mustrated Dressmaking Lesson Furnished with Every Pattern A new Princes type that is de- lightfully exclusive, It reveals clover handling of horizontal tucks at waist which breaks the width tw give the figure slim line, The pointed treatment of vestee and of the elrenlar flounce of skirt adds further to the effect of slenderness, It combines navy and acquamas rine blue crepe silk, Style No, 8414 comes in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 82, 04, 36, 38 and 40 inches bust, Printed and plain crepe silk, chiffon, georgette and crepe maro- | wala Sule up atiractiverr. . | for thisweek Ladie's to fill in size of pattern. Address Pattern Department, Our Spring ||! Tricotine and Tweeds Fashion Magazine is '10 cents, but $11.95 you may order a pattern and a Fashion Magazine together for 25 $19.95 cents, We are Open all day Wednesday and Friday evening The Fashion Shoppe | | | No, 3414, Sige. CER RR RR EERE) Name "Street A ddress ' ' Province PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON The Osh Dall Timed Pal be Department, rn t any flalmed 00 sors nnienianinnons SORIA lease send patterns listed below: BE FATTY Name worsen ninnn rere Address sersnirnisnsinssnrasnsnsiinniieng Town Provinge sorvssnenamunininsnnesnnisionin Price, cents each, Send stamps or -| soln, Wrap coln carefully, Tea Biscuits unusually good when made with Magie Baking Powder 2 aut of every 4 Canadian housewives ® whe ae i eabin Powder be ™ cause the a ves better results. Kaxt timo you bake biscuits, try Magic anit o for yourself how re Sagic dnl teaspoon salt : LEER EOC pa orb TR A SR EY *This fuot war revealed in a recent Dominionwide investigation STANDARD BRANDS LITER. 0A KING POWDER Montreal the principal cities of Canada -- Toronto ond offices in oll Wer ry

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