Oshawa Daily Times, 15 May 1930, p. 8

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Bl --------a-- ' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1930 E OPENS AT OSHAWA ON WED. MAY 21 | Only Three Teams Enter Senior O.A.L.A. St. Simons Visit Osh (ui-hit Visit Oshawa For. Opener | Brampton, St. Simons and A Toronto, May 15~Only three teams will go to the post in senior lacrosse, the smallest entry for major honors in many years hut what the top series 10st in competitors the new Senior B section gained, Teams that id not figure their chances good in the first class dropped back to the second grade to form one of the strongest divisions assembled for group honors in a long time, Oakwood Grads, Torontos, Mimico, Hamilton, Fergus und Weston were Srouped in the Senior B section, with shaves, Brampton and St. Simon's left to battle it out in the major sec- tion St, Simon's will play one of their home games at the Maple Lear Sta- dium und the others at Varsity, The schedules are. as follows: Senior B Section ' May 30-Onkwood Grads v. Torontos 4 dt=Mimico v, Hamilton, June 2-=Fergus v. Weston, 7==Hamilton v. Weston, Tor« ranto y, Mimico, Onkwoods Gb wv, Fergus, 11=+Weston v. Torontos, MOnkwood G, v. Hamilton, " Mimico v. Fergus: 18=Torontos v. Weston, 21--=Fergus v. Hamilton, Oakwood v, Mimico, p 27-=Hawilton v, Oakwood _G. 23-Oukwood G. v. Mimico. ' cory, Weston, July's 4-Mimico v. Oakwood. 5--Waeston v. Fergus, ton v, Toronto, 9 Fergus v. Oakwood G., Mi- mice v. Torontos, 1 12-<Weston v, Hamilton, 18=Weston v. Oakwood G, Hamil. SIMONS #, own II 19~Fergus v. Mimico, Torontos Vv; ton, Torontos, Hamil 2=Fergus v. | ton v, Mimico, Oakwood G, v. Weston, Aug, 1-"Lorontos v. Onkwood G. Aug. 2=Hamilton v. Fergus, Mimi- co v, eWston, Teams finishing second and third play-off in & sudden-death game, the team finishing second 10 have choice of field, and the winner plays team finishing first home and home games, goals to count, May 21==St, Simons at Oshawa, Sl==8t, Simon's at Brampton, June 4=Oshawa at St. Simons, Balance to be drawn up at a la- ser date, ---------------- LS ---------- Last Minute Rally Wins For B.C. Team Toronto, May 16---On a rain soaked fleld in the eyening msit of Wednesday Britislk Columbia University staged a last period rush to defeat a selected Toronto side in the last game of their eastern rug- gor tour at Oakwood Stadium, The cold and damp made it uncomfort- able for the tow spectators but they were rewarded by a close struggle that ended 9 to 8 in favor of the visitors from the Pacific Const! The single score represents about the difference between the teams with the B.C, advantage in condition and experienge the deciding factor, With the ball wet and field slip- pery B.C. could not handle it in the brillant manner of the last game here, while thelr sensational speed was lost. Toronto resorted to » kicking game and with steady tack- Hug and strong defensive measures the Westerners were kept in check, Toronto set the pace most of the game leading by two points at the halt time and five scores in the initial period but a try in the final frame with only a few minutes to £0 gave British Columbia victory. British Columbia was below the strength of its first game hore with Locke, the captain out through in. juries while the regular formation was revised, Despite the absence of their leader and the weather conditions the Westerners put up a good display and concluded thelr tour of Eastern Canada in glory, The play of the B.C, Varsity has been a great boost for British rug- gor in the east and they ean return with the the satisfaction of work well done, INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost P.C, Hua HLH HH H60 Ab N11) ALT Ril) Buffalo .... timore oohester .... Toronto . Montreal .,.cssns 11 Jersey City ieee dl wv 8 Reading Newark ...vii: Yesterday's Results Newark ....:7 Montreal .. Other games postponed Rain, 'Games Baltimore at Torunts (2), Jersey Oity at' Buffalo, Reading at Rochester, Newark at Montreal, AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost I.Q, Philadelphia ... 7 4108 Washington L} 840 Cleveland ... 400 New York . 600 Doston iv vigenall 440 ORICARO + vovinnns 409 Ht, Louis i.e ii 10 A400 DOtrofd (ivi avs A210 Yesterday's. Results AN games postponed----Rain cold, Games Today Chicago at Philadelphia, Detroit at Boston #t, Louis at New York, Cleveland at Washington, NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost New York .......14 S0y Choago vor nss 18 Nik) Brooklyn .,..e00013 | a048 Hus S00 WH00 and rc, Cinoluuati Pittaburg «ove 13 . POMOR «yin 8 Wey Philadelphia .\\,\ 7 (ily Yestorday's Brooklyn «. 1 pee wo 4 St, Louis ,,,.7 New York ....% Other games postiontd=Rain. Boston at Chicago, Brooklyn at Cincinnati, New York at St. Louis Philadelphia at Pittsburg, AMERICAN ASNOCIATION Won Lost P.C, Lomiavile '«.\. vv yd TIERS Columbus «uy. vs 18 8 7 BV) TOO .. svi nn 18 9 HEN Bt. 1] SRP, © | "B00 indianapolis ivi 21 10 B24 naan City vey 13 11 500 Sanaa' 15 B18 ads va 19 20 \ 's All games postponed---Rain, © Games Nd Indianapolis at Kunaas City, Louisville at Milwaukes, Hy Quam : un whet doot hen he went to him to small swelling on hia head & Only two scheduled. oa % "irre doctor a oti | next week or In the near future at leant, 1} o Lindbergh and wa shall begin to him not to w ry gid "No Hit, No Run Game" Jor Jimmy Zion mento, May 10--=A oun, , the first of the Pacific 0 Heals this year from the Cleveland Indians, stopped the leagues loading Sacramento Senntors with his wt performance and the Heals, wom, 8 to 0, AARABS TO PRACTICE The Asarabs, Oshawa's Intermed} dte Baseball team, will hold a prac- tice at Alexandra Park tonight (weather permitting) and tomor- row night, The practices are eall- ed for 6.50 p.m, sharp, A full turnout is requested. All-American Lacrosse Team Prepares for Series ---- Philadeiphia, May 15,~An all American lac: 2sso team will bo picked by the United States La- crosse Associution and the Amat- our Lacrosse Aw olation to play Oshawa, the foremost team in the world, June 14, at the Toronto University Stadium, Toronto, This wus anvounced yesterday by Lewis J. Yorn of this city, President of the Intercollege Lncrosse Associa tion, The all-American team was asl- ed to compete in place of the North of England team, Cunada's repre- sentatives have beep in this coun- try looking over the various college twelves, s Oshawa is the present champion of Canade, having de- fented Now Westminster, the team that represented Canada In the Olympics, This contest will be the forerunner of an annual series be. tween Canada and the United States, Kern announced, F rench Davis Cu Team n Hard it Christian Bous- Paris, May 106- most promis. nus, France's with a torn ligament in his left leg and may be out of tennis all sum- mer, Ranked number five, immediately behind the "Four Musketenrs,' Henri Cochet, Rene Lacoste, Jean Borotrs and Jacques Brugnon, Boussus had been looked upon as the likeliest prospect to jump into the courts, fill their shoes and wield thelr racquets, His severe injury, coming on top of the announcement of Lacoste's roetiroment from tennis; the poor form displayed by both Cochet and Borotra recently defeated by play- ors to whom they, when working smoothly, could give a handicap of 15 and a boating: the fast-aging of Brugnon, never a top notcher in the singles hithough probably one of the best doubles players in the world, has rendered French tennis fans somewhat anxious as to the tate of the Davis Cup this summer, n------------ ------------ St. Louis Cards Win 8th Straight St, Louls, May 16-+The Cardinals scored: their eighth successive vic. tory yesterday and climbed into the division of the National League, as they defeated the New York Glanis 7 to 3 in the second game of thelr series, Led by Frank Frisch the Cards staged a slx-run rally against Fred Fitssimmons in the fourth inning, while Herman ell did a great job as relief pitcher to hold the lead, An error by Eddie Matshall started the rally, and 'doubles hy Douthit and Adams and a home run' by Frisch followed to complete it, Grabowsk] started for the Cards, but was taken out for a pinch-hit. ter In the fourth, after giving three ing young tennis player, is Iaid up | 1 hits and as many runs, Bell finish- od, holding the Giants to one hit in five Innings and was credited with 'his first victory of the season, Luque Defeats His Former Teammates Cincinnati, May 106-Adolfo Lu- que, the veteran Cuban who piteh- od for Cincinnati, for 14 seasons, wont against hin old mates yester- dav and hurled the Brooklyn Rob. ins Into: third place in the National League standing with a 7 to 4 vies tory over the Reds, Luque pitched a good game, al. lowing the Reds only nine hits and keeping them well scattered, ox. oopt In the first Inning. We receiv. od a large amount of assistance from Glenn Wright, who hit a home run, two triples and a single in four times at bat, scored two runs ana drove in another, ZVONKIN TO PHILADELPHIA Hamfiiton, May 106,~~Abe Zyon- kin, star Delta Collegiate Institute athlete, Toft this city last night en dite for Philadelphia, where he will compete in the U8 Nationa) Interscholastic track and fleld championships on® Saturday, Zvon- 'kin fs on in the shot put, and the discuss and Javelin throws The meet will be Weld at Franklin Tield, home's sity of Pennsylvania, No deaths, no births, no mars viages this week. However, we ar expouting to he able to do better r News, One or two more crossings by wonder what has become of oup continent of magnificent distances. «Buffalo Courter Express, \ \ dium of the Univers [fi PORT SNAPSHOT 3S Oshawa Opens Lacrosse The General Motors Seniors, champions of Canada, will open the Senior O.ALA. season of 1930 at Alexandra Park at 600 o'clock on Wednesday evening next, when they meet the St, Simon's team of At the meeting held last night, only three teams signified Toronto, thelr wish to remain in the major league, battle for the Senior honors are Brampton, St. Simon's and General Motors, hi Senior "B" Series There will he a strong Senior "B" Group in the OA LA, Ham- ion, Weston and Torontos all had intentions of playing in company but they have decided to play in the "B" group, along with Fergus, Oakwood Grads. and Mimico, This will be a very keenly con- tested group and there will, no doubt, he many lively battles before the winner is decided, LJ LJ] Weather is Rough on Schedules I've schedules of the different buscball angd softball leagues have been getting rough handling lately the season, cold weather played havoc with a number of games and now just as the leagues have got going nicely, rain has taken a hand, , Games Tonight If the weather clears up this afternoon, the intermediate softball games scheduled for tonight at the Motor City Stadium 'will very likely be played, The grounds at the Stadium are seldom effected a great deal by a hard rain and unless there is another heavy down pour later on in the day, the diamond will be in almost Al condition, ¥ * P. and 8. Jr. Softball Practice Juniors The Parts und Service at Alexandra Park tomorrow night whose names appeared in this column yesterday are requested to be A re reminded to turn in their on hand and to be on time ised, Players are tificates, LJ \d Red Aces The Red Ace juveniles will hold a practice at Alexandra Park to- morrow night, starting at 645 pm, trying out for the team is requested, Junior Girls' Softball League Owing to the unfavourable weather conditions, the proposed gath- ering. at Rotary Park, for discussing a Girls' Junior Softball League, which was to have been held on Tuesday evening last, was not held. This gathering has been enlled for 700 o'clock, All girls of the age of this proposed league and all men who are Interested in looking after one of these junior teams, are asked to be present, ROYALS WINNING STREAK BROKEN BY NEWARK, 7-2| Montreal, May 15-~Newark broke 4 five-game losing streak when they eaptured a 7-2 victory from the Royals in the opening game of the sories here. Carl Fischer, Bear southpaw, was wild, and was hit hard in the bargain, but the Royais were feeble in the pinches, Marty Griffin twirled the first seven inne ings, and besides being hit often in the sixth and seventh, the Royals gommitted two bad errors in these frames to practically toss the game Mito the laps of the visitors, Gaud- otte was put on third hase today by Manager Holly, but the move wad not a great sucess, He went hit. less and was feeble around the sack, Three runnevs stole third on him, James was the hitter of the. afternoon with two triples Frazier, Windle and Cohen also clouted three-baggers, V. STROKE EQUIPMENT Review thoroughly your court archy into which you play your chos- en shots, The next important step is to determine the stroke equipment necessary to meet the various mo: ments of play, The big weapons ol the game are the forehand and back- hand drives, On the offensive at tack, they pound against the oppo nent's defense and are the imple. ments wsed to move him around to yout desired end, They open up his court so you may finish your point. On the defense they ure weapons which keep the ball consistently in play until you have weathered the storm und can turn again to the at tack, The use of the forehand and backhand chop in attack and defense is at times necessary, It is an' ad. dition or wecessory to the drive, The use of pace, speed, and spin of the ball in their proper place is ighly desirable, he next Important implement in your Kit is Service, 'It is the be: ining of every point and theres ore of the utinost importance for "Well begun is half done!" Pu that ball in po, and don't waste even one ball, Try to make both rst aml second services the same using simple standard delivery, Rely more on outguessing your opponcii thun beating him down, Put yom ball in play and'rely on the rest of your game to win the point, The net attaek requires a volley once you have reached the net, The tasent al 1s to know when to go te the net so it may be used to greatest advantage. The Lob and "smash" of the Tob constitute complete equin. nt necessary for the success of the Tennis bie, | TL Gr Sate " vot By Guo, Oaxeema, Sports Bditer These are needed right away. | wane novels which their father took The three clubs who will Nq 14 Senior L] ' by the weather, At the first of * L] will hold their softball practice at 6.30 o'clock sharp, All players al peppy practice has been prom playing and birth cer . . Practice A full turnout of all who are . . Friday night at the same place at 15 and under who wish to play in The death of Deadwood Dick re- minds many grown-up men of the from them when they were boys and then proceeded to read in the secrecy of their own studies --Ot- Walker Cup Golf Matches Start Today Sandwich, Eng, May 16~-8ixteecn crack amateur golfers of Groat Bri tain and the United States go out early this morning to start the bien- nial competition for. the Walker Cup, emblematic' of internationa) team supremacy, Today will be de. voted to the foursomes, In which two men on each side play alter. vate strokes with the same ball, the matches being decided over 76 holes and' each counting ore point, Eight singles matehes Friday, also at 36 holes, will conclude the com- petition, Only Two U.S. Players Remain In Running Formby, England, May '15--8ix British and two United States play- ors remained in' the contest fof the British women's golf erown when the smoke of battle had oleared away yesterday, The chief British cosunity yostorday was Miss Molly Gourlay, the British champion, who had béen.acrosy the Atlantie," Five American. contenders' were eMmin- ated yesterday, leaving Mins Glen- na Collett and Miss Helen Hicks ny the only. remaining members of the United Rtates contingent to ocon- tinue the struggle. The pairings. for 'the sixth quarter flual, rount today follow: Miss Collett v, Miss Cameron, Miss Hicks v. Miss Wilson, Miss Diana Fiskwick v, Miss Fer- guson, Miss Bailey, Both Miss Collett and Miss Hicks had to play courageous golf to re- main in the competition, Molly Gourlay forced the United States champion to the 21st hole before she surrendered . in the (fourth round, and hard-hitting "Billy" Hicks needed 19 holes to dispose of Mrs, Perey Garon in the same round, Maureen Orcutt reached the fifth round without Incident, but there encountered Enid Wilson, the golf ing glantoss of Nottingham and In the face of a shower of fours from her opponent was eliminated, Virginia Van Wie, Edith Quier and Mrs, Stewart Hanley were oll- minated in the fourth round, leav- ing the United States without repre- sentation in the lower bracket of the draw, or Macdonald v, Miss Sylvie DALLAS BUYS CATCHER TESMER St, Paul, Minn, May 1§.The St. Paul American Association baseball club has spld Bernie Tes mer, catcher, to the Dallas club of the Texas League, it was an- nounced yosterda awa Journal, Ui. Yesterday's Game Rained Out So Teams Will Play Twice Today -- O'Neill and His Stelwarts Face Busy Week--Birds Are Heavy Hitters Toronto, May 15.~~With yester- day's scheduled game at the Stag- lum between the Leafs and Balt) more reined out, the two teams face nu doubleheader today and ose on Saturday, The Leafs will also lake part in two games tomorrov, They will play tho Orioles at two o'clock and afterwards will take on the Detroit Tigers, and all the former Toronto players, including Dale Alexander, Charlie Gehringer, Johnny Stone, Red Hargrave, Georg Reva, Hay Hayworth, Phi) Page, Owen Carroll and Vie Sore vell, are slated to be in uniform Many of those favorites will take part in the game, On top of the busy time Steve O'Nelll and his men will put .n the next three afternons, they will Jump to Newark Saturday night for a game with the Dears on Sun- day, Then jump beck home again for further engagements, beginniag Monday, with the Tris Speaker ath letes Sam Gibson and Kyle Grah- am are due to work on the mound ugar the Oriclos today and Joe Harris will play t' - outfield in one of the games, probably in both, It Is a slugging team that Fri Maisel, manager of the Orioles, phHoted into town yesterday morn- ing. Only two of Maisel's regulars are hitting below the .300 mark, which is in striking contrast to the spotty way our Leafs are meeting the old onion these days. At every position hut one Maise! has & player clouting the ball at a high- er figure than has Steve O'Neill, Jimmy Stroner, the Baltimore htird-baseman; according to the Toronto Leafs and Orioles Play Double Header Today last published averages, is hitting ot a 421 op, and ieads the team in a batting way, Next comes Gili, the right fielder, with ,384; Frank McGowan, who putrols centre, 470; Hienle Band, the shortstop, 406; The Danning, catcher, 347; Joé Hauser, first baseman, 328; Jerry Bolters, left field, .283; and Btuffy Fiewart, sccond-baseman, 271, Les Burke, the Leafs key~ stene sacker, Is hitting, 284, and is the only Toronto regular who boasts u better average than g rival in the Oriole line-up, Vince Barton, Eddie Mooers and Linton, three of the Baltimore pubstitute men, have averages of 838, 818 and 200, respectively, Heinle Sand has driven fin more than 20 runs, and in addition the Orioles as a team have hit mors than 30 home-runs An 1llinols man put the laugh on gangsters who he feared would kill him. He killed himself, Galt Re- porter, AND FRIDAY . JOHN BOLES { "Song ol the West" | Added Attractions NEILL'S The store of better values. SPECIALS 'in all R. NEILL, For the last two days, Friday and Saturday of our Anniversary Sale we have EXTRA 12 SIMCOE STREET NORTH lines of Footwear. LIMITED Announcing TOGGERY SHOP OPENING At 22 King Street, East FRIDAY, SATURDAY With the Following Specials: Opening Special $1.00 Reg. $1.45 value Men's Sox Opening Special, 35¢ pair Faney Silk and Lisle Men's Sox and black. 35¢c pair 3 Pair for $1.00 All wool cashmere, grey, {awn Opening Special '1 Broadcloth Shirts Collar attached and separate collar styles. Plain white, blues and Fancies Opening Special Men's. Athletic Buttonless Combinations Naincheck ! Opening Special, 69¢ Men's Combinations Cream Balbriggan, all styles. Opening Special 89¢ 00 collar Men's Shirts Forsyth with 2 hard collars or attached. $2.50 value. Opening Special 195 BOYS' BLOUSES 79¢ BOYS SHIRTS 95¢ + SPECIAL! MEN 'S TIES. B5¢ We take this opportunity to extend to vo Quality and Price predominate. where Drop in 2 for $1,00 : GARTERS SPECIAL 19¢ MEN'S - BRACES 39¢ 22 KING STREET, EAST u a Gordial invitation to visit dur toggery, 'shop: BO so Say. shop turday and see us at

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