Oshawa Daily Times, 15 May 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1930 PAGE SEVEN Produce. Prices in the atest News of tice Exchanges { ~ Commercial Markets TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are g Wicking the following prices to the Anoked meats--Hams, medium, 28 to 2be; cookd loins, 48 to B2c; smoked rolls, 28¢; breakfast bacon, 80 to 40c; backs, pea-mealed, 4c; fo, smoked, 46 to Bbc, Pork loins, 204c; shoulders, Tlie. butts, ai 11 hams, Joie ured meats--Long clean on 50 10 70 be, 24c; 10 to 90. Ibs. 22¢; 00 to 110 Ibs, 21c, Heavy. io rolls, 40¢; lightweight rolls, e, | Lard---Pure, tierces, 15e; tubs, Lée; pals, 17¢; prints, 17 to 174, Bhortening--Tierces, 18¢; tubs, 134c: pails, 14¢, Special pastry shortening-- Tiere. ws, 16¢; tubs, 158¢; pails, 16c, TORONTO PRODUCK, QUOTATIONS (Buymg) Toronto wholesale dealers are » ing produce at the following 0 Eggnssi) returned, fresh. ext! BOTAind, cases, rib Tre; seconds, '3 A Butters. 1. creamery, solids, oi to 830; No, 8, #9 to 300, Churning: cream~-Special, S4¢; No. 1, 43e; No, 2, 800, Cheese-=No, 1, large, ' colored, parafined and government graded, 17 te 17%¢ Poultrym Hens, over § Ibs, ,...20 Do,, over 4 to 5 Ibs, 2 26 Do, under 4 lbs, 32 24 Bpring brollers 2% to. 8 Vhs, 0c, Do., 2% to 2% Ibs, 26e. Old roosters, over 6 Ibs. Do., over 4 to 6 Ibs, .. (Selling) Toronto, wholesale" dealers are offering produce to retall dealers at the following prices: Eggs~Vresh extras in cartoons, 'Boe; fresh extras, loose, d4e; firsts, 820; mpeconds 28 to 20c, Butter «= No, J, prints, 806e; No, 2, prints, Sic, Alive Dressed 2% 1 16 28 0 Crenmery creamery, Cheese~New, large, 18 1:2¢; twins, 18% ¢;" triplets, 10¢; stiltons, 21¢ Od, large, 28c; twins 20c; triplets end cuts, 30¢; old stiltons, 31¢, tons, dle, Dressed us HL) HH] 0 20 ne Poultrye Chickens, 5 Ibs, up vers Do, 4 to B 1b8, ,,004e Do, #% to 4 Ibs, +svs: Do, 8to 8% bs, ,\.0, DO, 8 IB. ooviriinnee Hens, over LIDS, svi uvs Hhed0 di-30 Broilers Ducks EEE EEE EEN) EEE EE ERE RENE) RD Modem Third Class accome modetion Is thoroughly comfortable and uptodate, There is every possible cone venience, Well ventiloted staterooms, with soft hair mattresses, feather pillows, warm blankets, . , large mirrors and washstends, Excellent bathing and toilet errangements, spotlessly clean. Fine, speciousDining Seloons, Smoking Rooms, TO THE OLD COUNTRY in Comfort. ..and Cheaply! - Ladies' Rooms ,, . wide deck spaces for sports + + + childs ren's Play Rooms, Splendid accommodation, good food, excellent service oo, and only $155 RETURN (lo British Ports) Book through The Cunard Line, Corner of Bay and Wallington Sirens, Toronte, (Tel, Elgin S471) or any steamship agent ** "CUNARD ANCHOR DONALDSON LINES. ..canADIAN SERVICE ,, wuily aaltings to Plymouth, Havre, London, Liverpool, Belfast, Glasgow, from Montreal (and Quebec) Stock M arkets, Grain and Pr TORONTO FARMEPS MARKET The following are. quotations, rer till, in effet on the Bt, Lawrence Market, Lorontos kgs, extras, per dozen, ... Do, fiests, per dozen, Butter, dairy, per pound, . Deo, creamery, per Ib, .. ruits and Vegetables ~ Asparagus, | 1b, bunch ,.., Carrots, Dus: covrvireerinre Do, 6.gt corvrvrnnnrinns yg Beets, bus, sorveversnrennne 275 Do, 6 ate sivvnrervnnrnr | 0.60 Brussels sprouts, gb s000 0000 035 Qxlons, dry, 11=qt, basket, ,..0 0.00 Do, 6. basket iii 2400 0.38 CabbRBS ++: /10ssrsrrsrinine 0.20 Cauliflower ooviveririini#s 0.25 0.50 Endive, duken sos enrrie aris bi Spinach, NECK sun srersvisise 0.35 Mushrooms, per pound ov 410s 000 Leaf " ottue, three foro 400s 0,10 Hend lettuce, two for 1 4100 0.25 Parsley, ner bunch 000000 0.10 Cress, three for .ovoveeee 1000 OM Celery, dosen .ciivivriranie 1,48 200 Oranges, per dos, +, 00000 0.25 0,00 Honeydew melons, each ,., 075 1.00 Strawberries pt oiiiiiiine 0.20 Grapefruit, each verses 007 012 Potatoes, bag . 235 2.50 Cucumbers, each vovinger U28 O30 Lemons, per dozen yivsvire e200 0.2) Bananas, per dagen ...0000 025 O00 Apples, 6-gt. basket ,..0 4000 0.25 Cal, green peas, G-qt, bkt, ,. 090 Eggplant, eagh covivinire 1000 0.25 Green beans, 6 qt: 4.000000 1,25 Green peppers, six fou ,.v¢ 0.25 Turnips, bus. RITE. Parsnips, 11 qt, , ' 1.00 Apples, bus, 1.50 2.50 Green pens, 6 qt, ve ene O30 Tomatoes, Ib, ....ves " 0.25 Pineapples, each ,..vvvivi,, 0.25 0.33 Rhubarb, bunch reanenen aeee 0.30 Radishes, three bunches ,, 0,10 New carots three bunches 0.25 New beets, bunch ..,,..., v0.10 I -------------- TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Wholesale dealers in hay ang straw are quoting shippers the rol. lowing prices for carload lots, der livered on track, Toronto je No, 2 timothy ,.vvvvs.. $15.50 No, 3 timothy vvveeess 12.50 $14.00 Wheat straw ,, 11,00 Oat, straw ,,,,, 11,00 0,35 0.42 0.30 0.35 040 0.25 2.25 0.50 " terrae TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for ear lotw; Manitoba wheat--No, 1 north. ern, $1,11; No, 2 do, $1,08% ; No. 4, $1,00%; No, 4, $1.01%; No, b, B6%e; No, 6, 70%ec; teed, 60% ¢ (elif, Goderich and Bay perts), Manitoba oats--No, 1 feed, 62%¢; No. 8 do, B0¢, American corn--No, 02%e0; No, § do, dle, yellow, Millteed, delivered Montreal freights, bags included-~Rran, per ton, $48.20; whorls, per $64.264 middlngs, $46.26, Ontario grein-=Wheat, $1.10; ots, 44 to 4bcy barley, bo te 62¢; rye, nominal; buckwheat, soc, CHICAGO PRODUCE VUTUREN Chicago, May Ab, urther de. clines were recorded In the spot ekg market this morning and the undertone was decidedly weak, Buyers are satisfying only immedi-* ute requirements, making for a generally wenk position, New low points were reached on the futuro enll rallying later to close at % to be nbove the lowest sale, The spot butter market was low or with offerings only moderate but with practically no interest on the part of huyers, Futures de- clined again in the face of only limited buying power, Open commitmenis==May ogg», 11; Nov, eggs, 1,000; May butter, 16; June butter, 1; Nov, butter, 408, Two market receipts dny, 10,260; last yoar, eggs today, 15,000; last 67,405, Chicago spot extras, 88%; tone woenk; eggs, ears, 21e¢; lens cars, weak, New York spot market---Bulter, extras, 44%; no tone; egen, fires, 28% tone unsettled, Btreet stocks--Butter, 00,183; Butter tor 19,847; Your, market Butter, standards, 83%; graded firsts 20¢; tone Dis, Bgrm, Lap A ¥ lu Stock! Toronto Stock Exchange flock High Br, A, Ol 19% Brag, hoy Can, Com, 21% Can, Bed, 1H Cockshutt 18% Cty, Dry, 62 110% M% 28% 11% HER 21% 2h HY 28 14 Close 10% TA 21% 1h 184 hl% 114 24k FEL 117% a8 % 21 20 Ve i" ER 126, Thi, 4 7 Ls Tow 19 0% 21% 1h 18% #1 11% 21% 22% 11% 8% 21% 26% aM 28% 126% TH% 11% Dm, Wires, Gypsum Hr, Wal, Int, Nk, Int, Pal Imp, OH Ms, Hr, Me, Fit, Mt, Pwr, 127 Bhaw, TH No Btation 48 Standard Mining Exchange | (J I'L] (RJ Ahann 74 Inst year, 80,448; eggs today, 130, S08; last year, 108,081, Movement at ten markets----But. ter, net in, 620,830; last year, net In 486,301; eggs net in, 70,486; lust year," net in, 60,076, Four markets. on hand 11,626,476; ogen, 2,750,069, Bix cities Dutter, 5,606,871; egpy, 1,080,089, IMPERIAL TOBACCO 10 TAKE CONTROL OF TUCKETT FIRM Action Will Acquire Owner- ship of Firm From American Interests Butter, following statement has heen issued by the Imperial Tobacco Com pany of Canada Ltd: For several years an American cor poration has held edntrol of the or. dinary shares of The Tuckett Tabac: eco Company Limited he In August, 1929, The Imperial To ROGERS BRUSH- ING LACQUER Dries while you weit--~for Furniture and Brica-bras,: ROGERS POLISH A high grade Polish for oll swrfaces, QUICKOTE Four Hour Enamel for any Interior finish. ---- , NEU.VAR A Pour Meur Varnish for general vie, Medium Gloss, Quick Drying - MARBLE-ITE Ina class by inelf "eo MONSTRATION GOQD Paint, Yarnish or Lacquer, if properly applied, will pros duce a beautiful finish on any surface ® You need net hesitate fo attempt any painting or varnishing Jeb, providing you obtain the proper product and know how it is fo be used ® You are desirous ot times of doing over some article of furniture, your woodwork or your floors, but you hesitate, not being sure of your ability to bring about the finish wanted, IMPROVED SERVICE IN OUR PAINT DEPARTMENT We have been careful in selecting the MARTIN-SENOUR 100% PURE line of Paints, Varnishes and Lacquers, and are convinced we can pass on to our customers the best obtainable ® The Martin-Senour Co, is just as anxious as we are that you become fully acquainted with their various preducts, and have arranged for their representative to be at our store on the following dates to demonstrate and give complete instructions on the application of any ene of their products ® Be sure and bring in your painting problems at this time ® We are assured that advice of any nature will be gladly given, To further advertise Martin-Senour Products in eur locality, we offer you the.Coupen below. ® Wa do this, believing that these of you who have not been in the habit of ving these high grade goods will be so well satised after your purchase thet you will become a regular paint customer, MARTIN-SENOUR 100% PURE PAINT ~SPEAKS FOR ITSELF | REMEMBER THE DATES | ° COU"ON™ IE Mito Amr . May 16th & 17th y Coupon Redeemable On De: ON THE PRICE OF ANY MARTIN.SENQUR PRODUCT . -_ i --- TE CENTS NAM wien § monstré¥ion Dates Only. | ' £ © OSHAWA Address ! "Fred Flintoff & Sons 172 AK h7 hh L1H) ako aho 15K Ll) ha hab K6o hho 40 700 i p76 28845 2986 2080 NTH 186 1h5 226 22h 67h ho 146 154 100 106 167 LL] hi hab LLL] neo Aho 700 i Ro 2225 ano 185 226 A7h 194 100 Ajax Amulet Big Mis, Ch, Nes, De, Mus, aleon, Holl, He, OI 700 Hy, Gold 03 Hd, Bay 0K0 Lk, 8h, Nrndan, Bh, Grd Wl, Nx Tk, Hg Vantures Wr, Hr Market Prices Marke, Summary by Cansdian {ress Toronto sud New York Wock Quotations Supplied by Biggar aug Cpawiord, Algor Bullding, Oshaws rl New York Exchange High Clow 27% Low 21% 03% 43% 69% MHT% 60% 20% KO% Block Alleghany 28 Allis Chak Amn, Inter, Amn, Smel, Amn, Pol, " Anaconda Baldwin +. Borden ... 640% LL] 70 250% Beth, Weel Can, Dry ,., Com, Kolv, Chrysler ,, 1 Day, Chem, Fox A Gen, ¥leo, Gen, Mot, Goodyear Grt, North, Ken, Copper Mt, Ward Nt, Ch, Rg, Pen, Rail Radio ,.... Item, Nand Sim, Ded Rin, ON) ,,, 1 Bt, of N.J, Ftudebuker Th, RI, Bear 76 U8, Weel 174 1,8, Rubber 204% Fam. Ply, 70% Money 3 per cent, PY 6% ALN 4% 36% ha LER 48% 20 11] 40% A414 ne 8% 9% Mu 41% 84 70% Be 6 172% LLL LER the the First Spectator couch take game?" Second "The camera man claimed that he didn't photograph well." "Why did O'Leary out of bacco Company of Canada Limited a quired an option to buy these shares from the American corporation on terms considered favourable to our Company, We ure now offering to the rer maining shareholders of The Tuck ott Tobacco Company Limited, who are practically all Canadians, an ex« change of shares in the Imperial Tos bacco Company of Canada Limited, on a basis more favourable thah the terms of our gption and whieh the Directors of hoth Companies consids er hoveficlal to thelr shareholders and of national interest, in that ucquires and conserves Canadian cons trol of The Tuekett Tobacco Como pany Limited The following notice to sharehold ers wan sent out by the Tuckett To haceo Company Limited, Hamilton, Ont I'he Tuckett Company Limited, President's Office, Hamilton, Canada, May 10, 1930, To the Shares holders of The Tuckett Tobacco Company Limited=At a meeting © your Board of Directors, held to-day, an offer from the Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada Limited, to purs chase all the outstanding ordinary shares of The Tuckett Tobacco Com pany Limited was submitted: Arter giving the matter serious consider. ation, your Directors unhesitatingly recommend acceptance of this offer, Which is on a basis of exchange of ordinary shares of the Tuckett Tos haceo Company Limited for ordinary shares of the Tmperial Tobacco Come pany of Canada Limited, in the fol: lowing ratio} For each ordinary share of the I'uckett Tobacco Company Limited duly endorséd and delivered to the Capadian Bank * of © Commerce at Montreal, Toronto or Hamilton, on or hefore the 12th, June 1930, will be exchanged 30 shares of the ardine ary stock of the Tmerpial. Tobacco Company of Canada Limited, While the shires of The Tuckett l'obacco Company Limited have a par value of $100.00 each; the shares of the Tmperial Tobacco Company of Canada Limited have a par value of $5.00 per share, but as the $500 shares of the Imperial Tobacco Como pany of Canada Limited; are selling on the market at approximately $1000 per share, the offer ia equive alent to a value of approximately $300.00 for each ordinary share of The Tuckett Tobacco Company Lim. ited offered for exchange The Imperial Tobatco Company of Canada Ltd, ordinary stock ia now upon a 9 pers cent, basis which is Acids In Stomach Cause Indigestion Create Sourness, Gas and Pain How te Treat, Medical authorities state that nears ly ninestenths of the cases of stoms ach troubld, indigestion, sourness, burning, gas, bloating, nausea, ete, are due to an excess of fydrochlonis acid in the stomach, The delicate stomach lining is irritated, digestion in delayed and food sours, causing the disagrecable symptoms which evs ory stomach sufferer knows so well, Artificial digestants are not need: od in such cases and may do real harm, Try laying aside all digestive aids and instead get from any drugs gist some Bisurated oer a and Tobacco take a teaspoonful of powder or four tablets in water vight after eating, This sweetens the stomach, prevents the formation of excess acid and there is no sourness, gas or paim Risurated Maghesia (in powder or tablet forme=never liquid or milk) is harmless to the stomach, inexpensive to take and is the most efficient form of magnesia for stomach pur poses, It is used by thousands af people wha enjoy their: meals with 80 Born eps of ngiggation - * ro-- payable in quarterly dividends of 1)4 per cent, together with a final dive idend of 2 per cent, afte rihe close of each fiscal year, and it has been arranged that shares of The Imper ial Tobacco Company of Canada Lim ited issued in exchange tor the or dinary shares of The Tuckett Toba co Company Limited, duly endorsed and deposited with the Canadian Hank of Commerce at Montreal, To» ronte or Hamilten on or before the 12th June 1930, will rank for the quarterly dividend to be declared by the Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada Lad, payable June 30, 1930, The Directors and Management of your Company and a number of the largest shareholders have agreed to accept this offer to exchange their shares on the aforementioned hasly Your Board considers that all share holders would be well advised to take advantage of the offer and send their certificates' duly endorsed with the enclosed form duly signed, to the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Montreal, Toronto or Hamilton at the earliest possible date Yours faithfully, Howard S, Ambrose, Presi- dent DOMINION IRON CO, BONDHOLDERS ARE IN FAVOR OF PLAN Montreal, Que, May 15-~Bond: holders of the Dominion Iren and Steel Company at a meeting here yesterday, approved the plan whereby their holdings will be exchanged for honds of the new. Dominion Steel Coal Corporation The meeting wag the first of a series in which' the various investors in British Empire Steel Corporation and its subsidiaries will be asked to approve the recently announced reor- ganization plan of the directors, Under this plan the British Empire Steel. Corporation will become the Dominion Steel Coal Corporation and the various classes. of stocks and bonds outstanding will be exchanged for thosg of the new company, TORONTO LIVESTOCK Taronte, May 18«Cattlp receipts totalled & Left overs on the Teronta Livestock Exchange from Wednes: day totalled 200 head, All supplies were sold at steady prices, Calf receipts were 22, Calves were very slow with no sales up to Il o'clock, Hog receipts totalled 98, Hoga sold steady at $1075 fob, for bacon or $12.00 off car, There were no lambs, WINNIPEG GRAIN Winnipeg, May 15~Strength in Liverpool grain quotations occasions od apening advances on the Winnipeg Wheat Exchange today, Trading, how ever, was dull' May wheat was 1.2 cont higher at $1.06 1:4, July advan: cod 1:8 to §-8 cente at $1.08 to $1.08 1:2. October was 14 cont down at $1.10 3.4 to 38 Thin Sickly Child Backward in School Help the pale, funy, delicate young: ster who hasn't Sheth energy to gO out and play like other children, It is your solemn duty, mother, to give your boys and girls the flesh, adding, onergyscroating, strength building benefit of MeCoy's Cod Lis ver Extract Tablets==you van't start 100 soon, Children love these sugar coated tablets and you yourself wen't be able to praise them enough once your Kiddies grow well and strong ah «once they start to add good soli flesh-=nervousness disappears==their hanpy laughter, sunn: dlapouitions and healthy little bodies will warm Tury & Lovell, T\ B, Mitchell, W, i your heart, 60 tablets, 60 cents 3 oF AD 8 rr | \ Keep FIRE This at Bay with GYPROC IRE seldom visits houses having Gyproc Wallboat ceilings, partitions, walls and sheathing, On the contrary Gyproc has saved many homes, pioneer Canadian fire-shfe gypsum board has a new Ivory coloured finish othls year that makes decora- tion unnecessary (when pan- clled). use for mak I¢ is just the thing to ou extra LOOMS in the cellar or attic, Quickly erected, inex pensive, structurally strong, " yproc Wallboard gives pete manent fire protection, Your dealer's name is listed below, Ask him today for full information or write for Gvesesting free book, R "Building anc with Gyproe." GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE, CANADA, Pasls emodelling LIMITED . Ontatlo TheNEW IVORY For Male hy Waterous-Meek Limited . McLaughlin Coal & Supplies, Ltd, Oshawa Lumber Company Ltd. The Carew Lumber Company, Ltd. W. J. Trick Company, Ltd, a LL ie Oshawa, Ont. Oshawa, Ont, Oshawa, Ont. Oshawa, Ont, Oshawa, Ont. 14 JASPER [) NATIONAL oC PACIFIC COAST and ALASKA TOURIST FARES Pran a trip to the Pacific Coast this sums mer, Enjoy the mighty deur of Rational Park and the the hospitality of Jasper Park Lodge. goth See Mou onderful nt Edith avell, Take saddle trips to Athabask a Valleyand' Maligne Canyon, Pla tenn 8 Swim in a hea pools Climb with Swiss uides, You'll meet new thrills and experiences at Jasper, ero are two o rom Jasper to couver and Victoria = routes present a cent v Robson, enthralling teip ¢ hr Ed \ i the! w of Mount nan --p dot the Midnight! fowering glaciers as the on N Ny dike, ouriet Department re Vi 0 Routes, tions and fu ETRE | anadian ational To Everywhere in Canada )

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