Oshawa Daily Times, 15 May 1930, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1930 0644" where. meets pan, gory | y a Gl it fn | LL ) 4 a Bs PAD oanat: Sncer Mansy Notary (Jublie nics" ancer. io foun, ' HY f nk. op Third AN, BA ~ ficitor, Notary Pihlig, Mice 14 Fraser, isters, Conveyancers, Notaries "Hants aS io over Siandard a Bt. is, J. Pm ariemon, K.0. oon Fhion, Ba, N LOU 5 EVRA PARRICTER, LOUIS 8 HYMAN, DARRISTEN. ) Slicer, No Sot. Y(t Bi Sands t_north, 4 0 lho 67, Residence | EE fg, 7 a 3 ALEX U, BALL, B.A, tor, Conveyanein, LL hone $381, » § St Bast x i PARKHILL, BARKISPER. te, oy 16 loan, Alger Bids. op. So Por Office, Phone 1614, i, ok. Rhoae %080, Office 9 a.m, to 8.0 pm, Dr, B. J. Haslawood, special attention to surgery and X-Ray, Jv, B, H, Hare per, special attention to children's Dissafes and Obstetrics, Sunday and night calls "410 or 138, HYSICIAN, SUR. oon hrcouthar. OMce ard res: bi hone ¥ thor of Tos ek iy oardopmont bi 0 Phone 3616, a (Apr, 14-1 mo) i ' i b, moscle anomalies bs Vines, AT Eo t| PONEVAN AND SMIT NTAR. Land s and aif i ne 4 King Higaen on Sim: Celina street, NTANY Bisse street. Am! rl Fhroes Insurance AND ' SON, INSURANCE, wa, The old: Oshawa, 30 Re UKE BURIAL CO Sam, mbulance, rent north, DAYS 9 King consult R, N. Jobos, 80 Simcoe north, Your {nsurance wants at tended to sad your interests pro- automobile, fre, acgident, Bee Holden 03 Blmecos N, (May B-1mo) man's, 86 West, Specialists in furniture moviag, storage ware heute snd moving van equipment, he TAGE, MOVING, ahAYIL long $ind and (luders. Local & \6sance auling, Enith 3 Cox, Phone ba, 10 Bond Bt, West, OSHAWA'S OLDEST _ BETAD: lished furn'ture movers, Park Road CAT age, al and dons distance, Frank Cowle, {1 lad Park Rd South, Phone (Apr, 19-1 mo) Beauty Parlors nd | BETTY LOU PERMANKNG WAVE and (res dente, North, phone 90 Veterinary pary Surgeon RT nonses Domestio Anis hope A Ald dos hoapital, 203 King W, Tel, 629, (May 1-1 mo) PRTW. DFO specialize lameness, perience,, Fees moderate, 2002 17 years' ox: Phone Street 'West, office over Jury Store 'each Si r con sen only, Appel drug tore, Slate itchell's 12 am. 2 al over 10 ~UON GUNTER. EX? th . P a ih in Watt, Your oats (May 13-1 mo) | Ear, Nove, Throor Special See Gi eH "rav] Id HH TYR fanee wants 18 ag ae dinnt 8 fu Shop, Bpedial.ats In permanent, finger and marcel waving, Jer manent wave prices $5, $7.60, S10 aud 810, All other lines of Heauty fluiture, Fhene 2008, Apply Wb Simeoe street north atty Ward at Permane § » x 5 ent EE ve Sh and hn 4 Bb ARatk AND 9 Celina St. We spes nie hale cutting, mars mpaoine, facials, Marcel anpdidimants phone rl 161 mo oe eo, MIs, K, Clarke, 14% Agnes street. y'bope 20400, Apr, 80-1 mo) TABI ren's hair cutting 860, Crogby Bare ber Shop, 10 Athol St, West, (1140) #ERBERT ©. "RENEE, OR nist and oholr m of King ++ United Obureh wi paoest Rubks in Dar paktin Hot mel Cg rh Bor tle east, hon (May 6 to Oshawa Col : Ky 0 Bios he hg OSHAWA R RADIO LM VICE, vat tele tiaties Re sets, hn ) | ted 2 on 4 Big May 8-1 me) Td Nod : delle Jurroyghs, RADY: 16+) mo) 260 called for and: de It Radio sorvive, alriale erect. ed. Platt. Phone 13004, (Apr, 20-1 mo) ee | fain o'Bul, Shon hlren's wea (AD wan CSE hon, 2644 Slo awa, one Golborne Nant. north west and south oast districts, 106 #rede streets: Ph 2180M, Apr, ; lanta for nale, pire to A and > Osh ' Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of ex; lose arising from handling a large number of sma of this nature, For the convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who and collect for same. All Classified Advertising "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35... ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT will yecelve the advertisement ------- wh fe BATIERIFS CHA] GED, C/ L.ED for and dol) versed, 75 cents. fans wl supplied $1, Jtteties {vps Bian ligdon, # oo gr no) 1885W 'CONCRETE "WORK, CELLAR and garage tloors, sidewalks and roadways, sand, gravel cinders, Chris Graham, Phone 2021M, (Apr, 20-1 mo) EXPERT UPHOLSTERING ON automobiles and furniture, The best in workmanship at the lowest. prices, Note new sidrom, ¢ Mime cue South, G, A, Conta ble. s488W (May 13-1 mo) FHANPENTNO=NOIARORE, XNIV: es, Lawn Mowers, Saws. Fhone 421W, We call and deliver, 180 Celina St, EK, Bolten, (May §-1mo.) Fhone 1384M, (11) TT Dressmaking WANTED DRESSMAKING, : LA~ lo's dpesses. Husemble suilh, children's clothes, os Iterations, Mrs, Connolly, | 8 hmond, East, Bhone $08) tApr. 33mg.) For M KER HARD ANE AND SOFT Wo D i Watereus fire Tn imi ol { Ltd,, pianos, new and used plancs, also . % q Waterous. «1 mo) RN: We have the assorts juts, varnishes, etc, fn The Palpt Store, 80 (Apr, 20 tf driveways, Clips Lg "¥ or ek Phone 1 Meek Limived, } [1shes. ment of in the eity. street west, bips and bia ok lokm, Phone signee / Forrester, 210 Allee street, (Abr. 80s1 ma) devs, biack loam. $4.50 per yard, Por quale. and Aft vite phone Ks wer ros, 343 ra y (May 8-1) ANHAT (113¢) iNG and tirewood by plle or load. Also fresh cow. A py Pete Witotthl keview Garde 11h) " "FO ly 174 Avthyr street, fay . (118b) HIERTY PIANO = UPRIGHT oon. os fo ava ton iy L) 1178, oy ne | #8 per month, John eager, 23 Simcoe nortan, Phon f 1 plage with Balloon tires; perfect gondition, Cheap for quick sale also baby's Ivory bed on wheels, er, Iy 75 Oshawa arnt. go © smu ness, Phone 303 p 4. / ™ or Dog Rad io MY for' immediate sale, Phone 1900W. : t.. Vit Grand, good condit on, Apply 29 eng Street (1140) néver heen Tu Oshawa. The outs standing fevtillder for rose bushes, terns, or, eqvers Eros. Sound ander Blvd, FINE CLARE LAUNDRY DONE; | 2 0 tion to one child, bag ops | bs ne. 30s Jr hr bag, "n Ala For Rent AND T CUNTD MOD orn suites including electric refrig- eration, stove, laundry, oonveni. erces, ete, CcoUtBY: '8 hot water supplied. Apply Supe: 'phone ¥67., or The Trusty uid Goarantes Uo Ltd.,, manage; tor owper, TOroDLO| 81 Alo 7 v d conyeniences, d Apply Mradiey bros. woo (avers FURNTRARD TWO ROONE TON Heht housekeeping, suitable for young couple. Phone 5338, : (1100) INT, EN: tral, Bour rooms, bath, eleetriq stove, newly decorated, hardwood floors, Padsession June 1. Apply Box 656 Times, (1381) 1 WENT, BU In or gentlemen. Board op+ tiannl, 255 Celina street, Phone 87, (1111) OUSITAT T88 ATM: coe Btrogt South, hot water heating, two tollets, weparate bath, bard. wood Noors, newly decorated, two sun rdoms, Iarge yard, sultable for Lar or rgoming house, rent rea« sonable. Fhone 308 or 4! -- 11%0) 3) 0 FOR RENT = oRIEK [ug tro Balson's Farm, od oN a Gunten, North of 6, (1181) FOR i TOR hungaiw, 08 Gladstone. Avenue, Hardwood throughout, § piece bath, laundry tubs, codple only, Apply 143 Patrieln Avenue, (118¢) bath flat, heat, water, Jigbt, telephone and electri washer! Phone 1080), Y (1180) Aliting room. and..kitchenette, Gas or electric, All conveniences, Phone deusw, a FOR RENT=IRTOR HOURE. rooms; AI} conveniences, Apply 196 Albert St, (1180) FOR TENT = PRICK WO UNI, 4 rooms, conveniences, central, Elgh« teen dollars a month, Horton and French, Times Rdg. 1130) n D all eonveniances, $80.00 per month, nt 190 Allee street, Aris iw Oshawa Blvd, (113b) $17.00 -- 3 LARGE "GONE IN new brick bub alow, private' ens trance, large verandah, No objecs Phoue 34447, Corner Laufer Road and Jarvis street, (118b) FOR RENT == SMALL HOUR with garage, Possession at once, Apply 88 Wentmoreland Ave, 1106) Ol: ner Colhorne and Mary, fine gars den, rent veasonable. Apply 10) Bond street west, (1140) fy Sarage. 150 Agnes atreet, Appl Bond: street went, * (1 Ah and two furnished YOO, All von venlences. Phone' B881, (114c) Rates for = Classified Ads. Each *ubesausnt, "so ooneects 1 -- 10 " (three i LE Ed " nmin a nr hat | Box nuwber 100 i The CLASSIFIED © * TTL A MAN MUO Th AMPHONE WD An for (Thanitied Ad i Department WN i; |W wood (loors, French doors, fun J 0 vaason for welling, Prong; $1", 1] 241 Quabeo atreet, (1130) For Rent TO RENT--THRET, UNFURNIBH- ed rooms, ground floor, three blocks from four corners, All con~ venioncus, 43 McMillan id 7 ) 6 ROOMS AND BATH, ALL CON- veniences, garage, mchard, garden spuce, #20, Lease, Apply 4m0 Nassau street, (1181) 4 sirest, mood condfiion, conveni- ences, immediate possession, Roas- onable rent, Phone 1400, (114¢c) TOR HHENT -- REVEN" {00M brick house, All conveniences, Very central, Apply 133 Church SLtest, (114p) oN ' ™ Board optional, 110 (114e) VARY, COT- LAEPH $100, rooms $40 for season, Apply W, H, Barnhart, the lake, (1140) ) cor tages In Westmount, reasonable: Apply Gene Goodell, phone 382. » HLH (114¢) For, Sale or Rent #1, Of RENT, #10 COTTAGE, 2 bedrooms," parior, kitchen, pan- try, cement bellay, driveway, $000 or $500 cdsh, DPalahes #5 per month, 87 Alexander Blvd, (1140) " a ,"pik° Wanted To Buy WANTED "70 BUY TVOUR™ ON five room Nome-~1038 Chevrolet Conch and' fot first payment, Ap- ply 186 Albert Street, 18) WA 0Y- y room house, All modern" conveni- ences, In good locality, possession June first, Apply Box 673 (1150) e "Real Estate For Sele FORTS ALE--ORNWURAT WIONE with large foe cream trade, Loeateq st intersection of two county high- ways, Property iucludes three quarter acres of gavden land. Six room house, ice cream booth, barn and. fee house, Gond location for gasoline station, Immediate sale required to close an estate, Fur- ther particulars, N. J. Holmes, 124 Nassau St, Oshawa, (3100) WERWATA REAL GOOD BUT, Feven roomed modern home, Hard- wood floors, (larage, Paved street, Coantral," $4600, Phone Holden Mw (118h) Palmist NADA T WENA, PALME, 50 Bouna Vista, APpointuepty, Phone Huw, Apr, 1-1 no) -- -- Motor Care Dond St. West, work done at ones or two, Athol, Phone 186), repaired at 49 Body and fender shortest notice, also repairs to motor hoats ani general wood work, Phone W. Fry 3400, : (Apr 28-1 mo) VOR WALE=T03% "TFONTIAG WE: dan In Al condition. Cheap tor cash sale, Apply Box 671 Times, (1130) 88 Bond Btreet All oars at one (May 16-1 mo.) ant emale OR SINGLE LADY Apply 44 (113¢) n Dominion Garage, 4 West, Phone 3108, price $1.00, Help MARRIED ¢ wanted Immediately, Bond street east, al Housework. A Apply Box 674 Timon, (1 14a) WANTH=YOUNG™ slat fn bake shop and general ¥e work, pne with a, few months ex perience preferred, lox 42, Port Tope, (118%) a -- ving G svolngn. ve ver surtaon, Canopy Si Tayler, Teron al kinds of CANVES { ode. Com? plate camp equipment rent, Fox ardware, phone 23 or 36, Agente 6] tor a Juror ana. n, Pater ibero, Ontar (Apr, 29:1 mo! from arora avleoted large heavy layers, after May 1st. All niales from _ reglitered stock, Hatoh! it welcome, ng Geo, Rovooite, ATE T F female (Ik for Sale oheap, ay CIROULATING | go Horary You will enjoy readiag the \atest IMotlom at mintmum cost, hole 1473, 37 Nimeoe & North. Painting and econ \orliatger, painting und rices right,"worv guaran ea, . Plue Ave, phone 3005w or LH east, painting, paperhanging, orating, sign writing, Kstimater! given on work, Phone 1367), (May 81 mo), Loan Wanted PRIVATE PARTY WISHES® Loa}, of $1200 on pwn home, Arg brick, | cottage, chestnut trim, quarter out oak floors, five place, bwit In _cupbburds, thive plece bath, furnace. No vompanied. Box 87) Times, won Ey i RL Good soll, Near Oshawa, Vor. sale or exchange for OsLawa property, Boo Holden, 92 Simcoe North, (118h) uto POTCWALE™ = TTRER, #0 FT $3.00; 29 x 4,40, 86.96; Ford Rud- intors, $10, Also auto parts at reasonable prices, Motor Accessory Co, 81 King west, Phone 004), (Apr, £8<1mo.) |] RICRLY FUNNEL FRONT bedroom, suit business man, Near Four Corners, 'Board it desired, 75 Bond street west, (1180) "Rugs HUGE -- SMYRNA REVERBIBLE fuss, 600 to 81. downy She per week, For samples phone 18185W, (Apr. 29 1 mo) vice station, morth; on mew high- way, Best business loghtion, Easy terms. Apply Box 670 Times, (1140) 8 "Mill Ends" Yactory stock gaod "MUL Ends" Roofing. apd. Asphalt | Shingles clearing nt sacrifice prices. Satie: faction guaranteed, Kastern factor. ios. United Limited, Box £12, Ham- iiton, Ont. (108-111-104-117-120-122-126) - NOTICE--ON AND AFTER THIB date I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my namé by my wife, Mrs, Fern Bell, signed, Everette W, Hell, Dated Oshawa, May 15, 1930, (114-116-118) Notice prmm---- Bylaw Number 1944 of the Cor poration of the City of Oshawa onacty as follows: That no person shall allow a dog to run at large within the lime ita of the City of Oshawa between the hours of § o'clock P.M, and 7 AM, during the months of May, June, July and August, Apy dog found running at large an afore. weld may be ohptured and killed or otherwise disposed of by the police or other persons appointed to enforce 'his bylaw after having Leon kept In pound three days. No dog shall bed permitted or allowed by its owner to become » NUISANOS OF CAURS Annoyance or damage to ang -porwen by running over and damaging or injuring the property of such person within the City of Oshawa, For any. violation of the bylaw the person se offending, shall be liable to au fine hot exceedihy $350 And costs, OWEN D, FRIEND, Chief Constable, (102-108-114-120) Notice to Creditors ---- In the matter 'of the state of Douglas Powless, late of the Clty of Oshawa, in the County and I'rovinee of Ontario, Carpenter, de- conned, Notico' in hepéby given that al persons having elnims against the estate of the skid Douglas Powless who ydied on "of about the Sixth day of Deoemb , 1080, At the City of' Detroit, In' the State Michi. AR, are pe an b before the Kinin lt iA "undersigned Solieitor for he estate of the sald deceased, With thelr full names and addfesnes' and full particulars in writing 'of theif claims, And take notice that after much mentioned date the Administrator will proceed to distribute the as: wots of the shld deceased among the partieh entitjed thereto, and will ndt po Tiabla for the sald ansets of 'any part thereot to any person of whose. glaim' notice shall not hava been" received at the time of such distribution, Dated at Oshawa, this 15th day of May, AD, 30, JOSEPH P, MANGAN, Barrister &ec. Oshawa, Ont, Solicitor for Francis Osborne Pows lean, administrator, (114-120-128) A -------- ----_--------_-- I, ENGLISH INCOME TAX (Ottawa Citizen) It you wish to realize how well off you are in Canada, think of the fact that a married Eoglishman with no children and $5,000 a year sland pays $627 in income 'tax red with $40 a Canadian simi arly situated has to pay, "Quick Pile Relief No Salves or Cutting Pile sufferers can a tun only get quick, sate and Jting relief by removing] el cause=bad blood circulation in 'lower en) Cutting and salves internal remedy can't do thise-an OID, the pre- ust be used. HEMSR seviption of De. J, 8. Leonhardt, sues fd because it removes this blood feaiofe an strengthens the af He Roip tablets as wold by sta everywhere, hate such a wonderful record for ke and lasts {ng velief, that Jury kt Lovell Ltd, always sell thet with guarantee of money-back if they do not end all ie suffering. D., 1080, to] Noes to Créditars In .the m ar of tho Entate of omas dn a: "hte of 'the City Oshawa, In the County and Bh of Ontario, Mechanic, do- weaned, Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the ostato of the sald Thomas Graham, who died on or ahout the second day of May, A.D, 1930, at the City of Oshawa, in the County of On. tario, are required on or before the Ninth day of June, A, 1080, to send notices to the undersigned Mollcitor for the estate of the sald deceased, with thelr full names and addresses and full particulars ip writing of thelr claims, And take notice that after such mentioned date the Administratris will proceed to distribute the ase sols of the sald deconsed among the parties entitled thereto, and will not be lable for the said ase nets or any part thercof to any pers won of whose claim notles shall not have been received wt the time of such distribution, Dated nt Oshawe, this 15th day of May, A.D, 1940 JOBEPH P, MANGAN, Barrister, &e Oshawa, Ont, Bolieitor for Mary Levina Graham, Administratrix (114-120-125) a =] NEW COLLEGE FOR ASPIRING M.P.'§ Institution Is Tribute to Memory of Bonar lew London-"Tha Donar Law college, Ashbridge Park, has reopened as A training centre for students of polities, The college, with some 70 meres of land, was & gift 10 the Consor- vative party from the late Mr, [y ban Broughton in memory of his felond, Bonar Law, His son, the on nt Lord Fairhaven, formally anded the title dends to Mr, Bald win last July, and. there was a short session last year from August to October Ashridge stands high up on the Chiltern Hills about three miles from the town of Herkhamsted, In the Middle Ages It was a monastery and the orypt, the monks' garden, and parts of the splendid old barn remains an thoy wore in those days, The lectures are mainly on ec- onomios and on imperial and eon stitutional history, But time {is found for moro toploal subjects, Ike trade unionism and the growth of Industry, There are also debates and publie she aking clansén for those students ho desire them, CONDITIONS IN MARITIMES ARE ¢ SATISFACTORY Dunning Budget Received With Favor in Coast Provinces Montreal, May 15- 15. Conditions in the Maritime provinces, though now relatively quiet, are satisfactory and show chances of improvement, stated H, Woods, President of the Cane adian Chamber of Commerce and edis tor of the Calgary Herald, in an in. terview here, © Mr. Woods. has Just returned rom a presidential visit to boards of trade unl Chambers of ecommerce in the cast, "Before the Dunean report was made the Maritimes were not in nes cord with the other provinces," he continued. "Now however, their ats titude towards the balance of the Dominion is most cordial and they seem. more prosperous" "The Dunning budget was natural- ly, received with favor in the Mari. thins in view of its favorable prel- [efence to the steel and coal indus- teles, However I did not remain in any one place long enough to study the attitude of the ee lp. towards its political Mpscly, Voods sald, Accompanied by Mrs. Woods, the western editor' will sail Yor England | 110 attend the 12th congress of the Federated Chambers of Commerce of the' Empire and later the Imperial Press Conference, 'Folks Past 40 ~ Should Read This V If you are troubled with a burning |} sansation,' ljtctional bladder weak=|} ness, freguent. annoyance, gots HBg-up-nights, daly pains fn back, lower abdomen and 'down through groing=you should try the amaeiv i value of Dr, Southworth's "Uratab: dren and see what a wonderful difference they make! If this grand formula of 'a well known phys rh brings you tho swift and sate isfying com G4 it has brought to doss es othe rh surely "will be thankful an oll pleased, If does not tal 0 drug Li that of Eis with "Urataby' is authe etuen owe, ny on the This RIVOs you a full 0 isha ied, "Uratabs" with» out Rk 'of pin unless pleased with resulta 1f you would know the joys eaceful, seittul sleep and norms! oalthy Bladder action, start this test ---- Any good druggist can supply you, or # wt 85 BOND 81, WENT a --. a i 2 Pant Suits LC Eseh ive. $25 Scotland Woollen Mills | 8. HOTINH, Manager Before placing Automobile Insurance got my special rates, Bargain prices for lots in Dearborn Park, subdivision west of Mimcoe St. North J. HI LUKE ftegent Theatre Bldg. JURY & LOVELL'S OPTIOAL PARLORS J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. Eyesight Npecialist Phone 8215 FOR RENT 100 Nassau St. 0. $20.00 207 Fronch Ht. ,....H35.00 fi 228 Verdun Rd, ,..,.925,00 045 Carnogle Ave, ,. $80.00 Office in Disney Block, hot | | and cold water, basin, suits | able for hairdrossing, Rent | #85 per month, Immediate posscéssion can be had on all, DISNEY PHONE 1530 | GOOD USED CARS Are Sold by THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Simcoe St. 8. "hone #00 Thousands Now pe A Delightful Breakfas) Food SYRSIGHT | JEECIALLST onclusivel muscle " J nd a wl 1) Disney Block Spesinlining Good Weather | Ahead! w=D0 NOL 1080 your car Let me Hnance you==Addh tional Cash Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS Roun 6, 14 1 King St East ------------------------ Oshawa Burial Co. successor to Nianey-Cott AMBULANCE $7 Colina St. Phouve 1082 heat] Lumber Co Phones 18-1111

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