Oshawa Daily Times, 15 May 1930, p. 12

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* THE OSHAWA DAILY. TIMES; THURSDAY; MAY 13, 1930 By Thornton W. Burgess Appearances sometimes deceive, ,, ., And things are not as you believe. ~Blaring the Ehrew, Peter Rabbit was Leing ealled names, He was being called names mn avery thin squrzaky voices But Peter wasn't at all disturbed, Ie simply looked down at the little fel- low who was calling him names and grinned, It was Blarina the Shrew who was scolding. in u very fine squeaky voice, You sce, Peter had almaest stepped on Blarinia and Blar- ing was telling Peter just what he thought about it "I'm sey, Blarina," "Truly, 1 am, | didn't al" "What's that got 10 do with it?" squeaked Blarina, "1 didn't see you, but | know where all shout you," "Honestly, don't you all?" demanded Petey "No, | don't," squeaked "But 1 hear you and | smell you and that is cnough for me." Peter shook his head, "It seems to me," said he, "that it must be dread ful not to have better eyes than you Moles have" ' "Moles! Moles!" exclaimed Blarina, "What have Moles got to do with it?" Peter, you at said see you are and [144 me at "Well, you kind of Mole aren't you?" said Peter, ' At this Blarina flew into a great rage. He has a very peppery temp. er and it takes almost nothing at afl to put him in a rage. "Who says I am a sort of Mole?" he squeaked angrily, "Who says that?" "Oh, a lot of people," replied Pet er. "I have heard vou called a Mole many «times, Yon certainly look enough like one to be one, You must at least be a cousin of Mince the Mole Blarina . fairly danced with anger "I'd have you understand that I am not a Mole, nor am | related to the Moles, 1 am a Shrew, Peter Rab- bit, and proud. of,it. | am a Shrew, anda Shrew is no more a Mole than # Mouse is. lt is a wonder that you "don't think T am a Mouse." "Well, you are rather mouse-like," retorted Peter, chuckling. "You are sort of haliway between a Mouse and a Mole, and it wouldn't have sur. prised me any to learn that you were related to both families," "Well, I'm not," retorted Blarina "The Mole family and the Shrew family both belong to the order of in sect caters: while the Mguse family belongs to the order of gnawing ani mals, and that a very different 2 matter," Peter thought this over for a few minutes, "Well," said he, "I've learn ed something, Still, if you and Miner the Mole belong to the same order it seems to me that you are related" "Huh!" exclaimed Blapma. "Ii that's the way you feel about it, you are a 5 PHONE 22, For Your Dtug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Shmcoo St, 8, We Deliver EE Machizery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARUE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St, W, "hone 1214 Diamonds ! Bassett"s Blarina, | On Oshawa's Man Corner | mad COAL COAL Uhone 193 W. J. SARGANT ai Uloor Ftreet B. Ovtiers romptly Delivered ATCHES OUR SPECIALTY 1 your watch fa uot giving satisfaction we can repair aud ake it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JUWELER pA 3 h or : i to and Osbe awa HKallroads {| W, hone Felt Bros. Leading Jeweler The . Fatablished (M80 12 SIMCOE ST: SOUTH must consider yoursell related to Robber the Kat" J Peter's cars stood straight up with indignation, "Certainly not)" he eried, "nen I don't suppose you will ad. wit that you are related to Prickly Porky the Porcupine?" exclaimed Blarina, "Of course I'm not!" retorted Pet- er, "It would be silly to think of such a thing." / "No more silly than to think that 1 am related to Miner the Mole be- cause | belong to the same order," retorted Blarina, "You belong to the order of gnawing animals, So do Robber the Rat and Prickly Porky and Paddy the Beaver and Happ) Jack Squirrel and a!l the members of the Mouse family and Johnny Chuck and some others, They ull belong to different families, but. they all be long to the same order. No there you are! I'm not a Mole and | don" want to be called a Mole" Peter seratched a long ear with a long hindleg, "Perhaps you're right," said he, "I know I'm right," retorted Blar, ma (Copyright, 1930, 'F, WV. Burgess) The next story: "Nanny Meadow Mouse Grows Lonesome." $10,000 SPARE FOR DIRIGIBLE ARRIVES * Montreal, May 15--A spare én glop for the giant Dritish dirigible R-100 has preceded the airship to Montreal, and stands today in a big shed, waiting transfer to the gov. shed, waiting transfere to the gov- ernment airport at St, Hubert, The engine is a Rolls-Royce Con- dor 111-A of 650 horsepower and is valued at $10,000, We are none of us infallible, not even the youngest of us.--Gerald, the new Lord Balfour, tan bad I" TIME TABLES Ey PE AA Aaanaassas asda Cc, PR, AME TA Effective s 3 *(Svandard Time) Going West. Daily Daily Daily (Escept Sunday), Daily Daily n Going Last pot daily Daily (Except Sunday) 5A7 am 6.28 am, 825 am, 38am, 6.35 pom, 0.50 a.m, 3.05 nom, 8,20 pa, 11.00 pom, Daily 12.05 am, Daily LWAYS CANADIAN NATIONAL RAJ nan in Time, efestive yp Th (Standard Time) 8.2) am, Dally, Except Sunday 5.58 um, Sunday enly 0.55 am, Daily Ll pan, Daily, Except Sunday 2,00 pone Daily 440 pom, Lally $42. pm, Balt 8.38 p.m, Daily 10.09 nom, Daily, Except Saturday 41.46 p.m, Daly 1201 am, Ny Westbound 4.26 am, Natty 5.04 am, Dally 5.28 a.m. Daily, Except Sunday 3 m, Daly" 0.03 a.m, Daily, Except Sunday 2,02 pom. Daily, Eacept Sunday 4,00 p.m, Daly 7.02 pom, Daily 7.42 pon, Sunday enly £20 pm, Daly 8.23 p.m, Daily, Except Susday Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE \ alter April 27, 1900.) (Efevtive ) and le oh Weat Except Sunday Leave |! Bowmanville 6.15 am, 70am, 0am x > ~ S 3923 asses ? od 2» a 333 am, h m, = 2 soos $333323:: 3333333: "a 5090 CEE E 2 Smeal FoovpmansiSons BRA=5E82 Ed | SH a ~--. 3 POW £38355 88502 x: Sas srodwsss #3333333 BasR33sss £ £_ 5 > - > » - 2) - bd > i Swe MH Fy as 358 PA 33:3:2 3 EET a 23333 E82 2 283% $331! Waters & SONI naw 2BE2338! PIO TP Pooeee. 333332 ------ DOW Ima W 823823538 3 SBE 83 3 - ra Ll 0 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Arrive Hoapital =. =8 t=3 = nm 9 fc 2. 33 "z3' [£11 rrive 9 yp x 11.00 pe. 1018 p.m, Time marked * Vo A . A EXHUNE BODY T0 IDENTIFY BROW Canadians Will - Journey - to Mexico City to Satisfy Police and Trustee Toronto, May 10-~Clothed with the proper authority from Jobn B, Robertson, Trustee in Bankruptey, bandling the estate of Tom Brown, former Mayor of Hiratford, buried last 'Saturday at Moxifo City, one resident of Stratfo*d and one resis dent of Toronto are 10 be went to Woxieo City' to estabiish identity of fairs of deceased in Mexico, the remains and settle up the af who kuews Brown in hip lifetime, and' the Toronto men. will be on skilled in handling the affairs of » person declared a bunkrupt, The insurance companies carrying poli clés fo: $70,000 on the ifs of Tous Brown desire very (cfinite evid- ence of identification before the procoeds will be paid over for the benefit of the creditors, This means that the body will have te he ex humed and viewed by the Stratford man, ' Claims against Tom Drown amount to about. $300,000, but pome of them e¢annct be allowed The assets ave chief'y the proceeds of the insurance policies, although there 1s in dispute $20,000 in bonds In the hands of banks and brokers, and alleged to be' stolen from parties who did husipess with | TILLIE THE TOILER--Two Minds With a Single Tho Stratford mon will pe ous Tom Brown in Stratford, TEXTILE STRIKE : STILL CONTINUES Owners ond Men - Both Adamant and Families Are Suffering Bradford, England, May 10, The sun stil} bides the clouds of gloom remain unbroken over the north of England, Smokeless fac. tories seem to grow more gaunt and bleak In outline as thousands of woolen and textile workers plod the streets, paylows, The strike continues, and men are adamant, "Wages must he cul," the employers re- peat time and again, "lo place the Owners Industry upon a paying basis," "We won't, accept' reductions," 1s. still the answer of the men, So the tris) of sirength goes ou, ' But families are hoginning to feel it, Bradford's public assistance co- mittee is working overtime, ¥row early morning until late night » Jing of men and women wait before the relief oMee a larger siaff and extra promises have been engaged, EC ------------------------ GERMAN "LUGGIES" IRE SCOTS -------- Loyal Scols are perturbed over the importation of "luggles" min- fature milking pails used for por. ridge dishes for ehildren, The "lug. gle" haw been distinctly a Beoteh institution until the death in Cume- berland recoutly of the last luggle maker of the country, Bince then Germany has heen . shipping into the country clieap imitations of the unique bow, ESCAPE FOREST | FIRES AFTER AN ALL NIGHT FIGHT Six Detroit Men Have Thrill. ing Time at Lake Genese iit Powassan, May 165-~Four Detrolt | anglerd, thelr guide and a moving | pleture photographer staggered in| to the New Windsor Hote! here yer terday tell a thrilling tale of thelr | escape from forest fires sweeping | the shores of ake Genese The men lost al) thelr haggnage and barely escaped with thelr lives after attempting to fight the flames, Thelr eyebrows were singed snd they were worn out from an all night combat, They only reached here after a 40-mile trek through the smoke-flled hush The party consisted of Dr, Delze! CV, Leach, Vred Hiscocks and Frank Many, all of pDetrojt, Paul Wemmer, motion pletura photor grapher and Tom Johnston, guide | of Bundridge The Detroit group pre bullding un large club house on Lake Geness and had arrived early in the sess son on a fishing trip, Included in the baggage lost was on $6560 mos tion pleture guint, SAID NOTHING Mother--"What did your fathey nay when he saw hig broken pipe?'* Innocent--"ghall I leave out the gwenr words, mother?" Mother-"Certainly, my dear," Innocent" hen 1 don't thin? ha sald anything." Or, Mi. VOU MIND HOLDING G\GGLES FOR. ME TELLING TOMMY bo THE ONLY TEXTBOOK OF ASTROMOMY FOR ABOUT 1400 YEARS WAS "SYNTAXIS BY CLADIUS PYOLEMY (SECOND CONTURY AD) TOMMY. PTOLEMY AS THE FIRST SOBNTIFK ASTRONOMER OF EGYPT, A A (EET ET SELL YA MY, LIKE HEARLY ALL THE ANCIENTS, OUGHT THE EARTH YAS THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE, WITH THE SUN, MOON, STARS, AND PLANETS REVOLVING AROUNDYY, 1543 COPERMICUS THE FOUNDER OF MODERN ASTROMOMY, PUBLISHLD HIS THEORY THAT THE SUN AMO HOT THE EARTH 1S THE CEMTER OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM, COPERMICUS DID MOT WORK OUT HIS THEORY EXACTLY AS IT STAMOS TODAY BUT NE PLACED THE SUM MEAR THE CENTER GALILEO AMD OTHERS CORRECTED IT, ® 1090, King Peatures Syndicate, Ine, (rent Britain rights reserved THE HARDEST HEART (3 SORT CLAY (N A BAEY'S HANDS, A FRONN (S BRINGING UP FATHER D0 YOU KNOW WHAT AN ASTRONOMER CERTAINLY | A HIGHT WATCHMAN FOR THE p STAR AND PLANET | COMPANY, fll By Geo, McManus FARDON ME SIR: BUT WOLLD WOU MIND LENDING 1E 'YOUR OVERCOAT TO RUN DVER "TO MY CLUB? | FORGET MINE AND T'S A LITTLE SHILLY mann, IY COONS THERE'S MY pd IN HD NEW COAT GOING INTO THAT SWELL £LLS --- © 1990, Int. Feature Service, ney, Creat Mritain righis reserved THANKS A THOVSAND INCONVENIENCED TIMES: | HOPE | HAVEN'T NOT AT AL BY Your C | HAW YOU GOING INTO THAT SAWRLL CLLB TO DRY AND IT MADE ME PROVO OF WOW + | KNEW You OAT: ) ( A hurt (Es! rl " {4-H RL A ny ; n " \ \ i MOLLY. BOBBY AND COMRY WERE Sonav | FOR, THE BEAR, BLT THEN 8 MigHT HAVEL BATTEN THEM UD i! bi BO THEY WALKED AWAY, WHISTLING A MERRY TLINE AL Rp WHEN THRY REA FOREST, "THEY BAW 4A BG GIANT SITTING ON A ROCK, OVERLOOKING "TE VALLEY. 4 a oF ™e | [oan main n Hii i 1 \ [AS s AND BORAY NEARLY DIED OF FRIGHT, BUT COMEY WALKED RAOLDLY WRITE THE GIANT. Sve \ ih vod. ze Thought? WS ATENAVE WAY WHIPPLE AND TILLER ARR UE TNE THER BUSINESS dO 0 THE. DOGS + Tey HAVEN'T | ANY MONEY (A THE BAN Kk, To PAY "rue DEBTS AMD vp THEY SPEND ONE ALL MRS JONES 1S REALLY "THE | FEEL SORRY FOR - SHE BUT HER MONEY In) THE NERY AND BHE DOESN'T NOW Nh ABOLT = I'D BETTER DROP re MONEY ON THEM SE LVRS {NOM MR, BMP) RINSE AnD WHAT tg La Say MIRY, MAC wha RN OW ON BART ARE YOu Dane LP Her plat ovanr AY SIMPring ouR LOOKING For' A TO BR IN wou Y) JOB WHEN You | OF = (CH RN Rh [CONT INVED \ ST SUPPOSE \J IT'S NONE OF MY BUSINESS, BUT WHAT ARE You bane HERE

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