Oshawa Daily Times, 14 May 1930, p. 8

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Ba io. bi _ mers of the Scottish Cup last seu- . of the present Rugby Park in 1800, The pts to the first division THE OSHAWA DAILY .IMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1930 N LACROSSE DATES ARE ANNOUNCED arnock Soccer Team #, The Kilmarnock soccer team of the Scottish first division and win. son are on the high seas, bound for Canada and Ontario in particu far, The bringing across the Atlan. tie at this time of the famous Scot- tish club is truly a missionary ef- fort towards establishing soccer more firmly throughdut Ontario and to give the sports-loving fra- ternity an opportunity, of seeing how the game Is played in the Motherland, Several teams have come over from Britain in recent years but there exhibitions were confined to the larger centres in Canada, Hut Kilmarnock will con- fine thelr missionary effort to On. tario, and districts that hitherto have not seen famous soccer teams in action will be favoured this month, Places as far north ss Kjrk- jand Lake and Timins will be visit.' od and games staged in Oshaws, don Guelph, Kitchener, St 4 8 efinnes, Brantford, not forgetting Toronto and Hamilton, It is a costs ly business taking a first-class soc- gor team over so wide a territory but the promotors are willing to take the risk in the hope the tour will give soccer a higher standing among sports throughout the pro- vince than it enjoys today, : The Kilmarnock Club may not have reached the high . pinnacle attained by Glasgow Rangers, the Seottish champions also en-route to Canada, or the also famous Glas gow Celtic, but the team of the blue and white hoops have been a strong force in Bcottish sotcer since the club was formed in 1869, The ori. gin of the chub is Interesting, A number of youths ettending the old Kilmarnock Academy in Lon don road determined to adopt the game of football as a recreation, and selected the title of Kilmar- nock Football Club, They began practice on Barbadoes Gireen, now the Howard Park, but the code of rules was similar to that of the Rugby Union today, In 1871 be- cause of the increased number of rg, And the attrac jon the afforded the public the firat yenture in club form Was rtaken but still under R.UJ ru and that is how Rugby Park got its name, Two seasons later the ¢lub adopted association rules, The subsequent ups-and-downs of the olub form an interesting chapter tn Scottish soccer history, Sometimes therp was imposing disaster but the club weathered all storms, and today is one of the best established in Scotland, Kilmarnock have won the Ayre shire Cup about a doesen times, the Scottish alifying Cup in 1897, dotesting Motherwell in the final 4-1, The ""Killles" eleven on that Afiiioon prised Ralston, Rushie, Brown, Johnston, Paterson, MoPherson, McLean, Richmond, Campbell; McAvoy, and Watson, One year later Kilmarnock reached 'the sora Cup final but were beaton by Rangers, The team was # follows: --= MeAllan, Busble, rown, Mec n, Anderson, Johnston, Mulr now secre- ry of the Football Amsoel- 'ation, Maitland, Campbell, Read nd Findlay. The club's share of the te amounted to #1,410, poor com red with present day gates, Sandy ralg now in Toronto kept goal or "Killiea" when Celtic figured in the game at the official opening b was admitted to th of the Scottish League that A Story of Rio Grande ANS sree FOX NEWS A Light Opera yon Their Way to Canada year and in the first game with Ht, Mirren at Paisley lost 1-0 but the ball' went In through the side net. and the unfortunate referee heard about it, A year ago Kil- they" dotontd. #0L, revenge when d gers in the te ish Cup final, = : "Killles"' are bringing With them thelr full Cup team of the season just, closed, Fhe players in the party ars 8, Clemie, souls 7, Rob= ortson, right-back; J, lee, left- back, and international; Irvine, right-halt; J, Stowart, centre-halt; J, MeEwan, left-balf; Wales, Mott, Smith, H, 6 J. Williamson, J. Ajtken, Leslie T. Smith, Clark sud Walters, for- wards, President McCullough, Vice-president Dick: Hugh Spence, secrotary-manager and Trainer Me. Whinnle are accompanying the team, Dates already fixed for games in Ontario are as follows; --Oshawa May 22, Toronto May 24, London May 26, Guelph May 20, Hamilton May 34, Kitchener June 4, Toronto June 7, St, Catherines June 10, Brantford June 18, Hamilton June 14, Toronto June 23, Pigeon Racing The Oshawa Homing Society held their first pigeon race of the 1080 Old Birds Series on Saturday las from Streetsville, Ontario, : Considering this. wag the first race of the season and the birds are not quite np to form yet the race was fast with all birds homing in good time, , One hundred and sixty five birds were released by the Agent at Streetaville at 12.30. a.m, and the leading birds started to arrive In Oshawa at about ten minutes to 2.00 o'clock, having coverad the forty eight miles in one hour and twenty minutes, 'They also had a bead wind to fly against all the way which made the race mere jn- teresting. The following are the positions of each fancier and the yards per minute, including the decimal flown by their birds, 1, J. Askew 084.43, 4 J, Askew 080.29, 8. V. Whiteley*980.26, 4. R, Arkwright 970.80, 6, Wi Cowle 076.69, 8, V, Whiteley 975.76, 7, Bramley Bros, 969.07, 8, R, Ark- wright 963.80, 9, CC, Sparrow 066.69, 10. Bramley Bros, 930.16, 11, G. Moore 933.561, 12, G. Moore 857.46, 13, A, Webster 826.23, 14, Av Webster 807.20, American League driving Li 18 ATHLETICS iN Philadelphia, May 14.~The Athle- ties held their Witting hee yehters day by defeating the Chicago White h i ° % ins slugging match that opened their three-game series, Each team had to call on three pits chers and the Athletics hammered the Chicago trio for 17 hits, The world champions hit the peak of their attack in the sixth inning, when they slammed the offerings of Young Ed, Walsh and Bob Weiland for six runs, The So' xhit Bill Shores and Jack Quinn for 15 hits before Walberg stopped. them, YANKEES REACH 500 MARK New York, May M.~After an ups hill struggle from the start of the season, the Yankees reached the S500 mark for the Amt time yesterday by defeating the Sf. Louis Browns 4 to 1. The victory gave the Yankees their longest winning streak of the year, four games. Waite Hoyt, had a shaky start, but 'orm; holding the Browns to five hits, Kress drove in their only run with w single in the first inning. RELIEF HURLERS BEST Wasihngton, May 14.--The Cleve: fand Indians took the first of a three game series here with 'the Senators, 1 to 6. All the scoring was done in the first. three. innings--Cleveland d Brown from the box in the first with five runs, and sending Thomas to the showers in the third after scoring six more, Wasington scored its runs in the second and third innings, pounding Mill t' the box, Harder, for lang} and Moore for the Se. nators, pitched god ball as relief hurl ers, / TIGERS BEAT RED SOX . Boston, May 14.=Detroit hit Rus: sell hard in the second, fifth and sev- | enth inings here yesterday and beat the Red Sox, 4 to 1, Arthur Herr. ing did mound duty for the Tigers, and humbled the Bostonians, Clean hits chased the deciding runs across the plate for Detroit." Funk Ted the Tigers both at bat and in the ¢ wp SCHMELING WILL " GET HIS LICENSE New York, May 14-=The license controversy between Max Schmeling and the New York State Athletic Commission developed a Hew for ---------------- Nine-tenths of the diamonds mine in the world last year were tak. ! South Africas 3 unningham, J, Ramsay,' KILMARNOCK SCOTTISH: SOCCER TEAM WILL PLAY IN OSHAWA at Montreal on May 19th, ttied down to piteh in his old-time} cp tangle | h At 'hi Sonnenberg a PRs B.C. Ruggers Play Last Game of Tour In Toronto' Tonight Toronto, May 14.British Colum bia University rugger tourists, who gave such a sterling display of the British game here two weeks play the last game of their eastern series this evening ut Oakwood Sta dium against a side representing l'o ronto. The play of the Far Western ers has been a revelation, and al though they won by a wide margin here before, the crowd was treated to a brilhant exhibition, with action every (minute Toronto will have a much stronger team than oppose the on their Jast visit here, and prospects ure of u close Kame, as i system has been found to halt the tourists iton kept the Westerners well check, while Montreal held them to a tie, and both games were consider ed high class, With the lessons learn ed about the Western game, to should force them to thelr best tonight BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE wt Po 630 Buffalo Baltimore Rochester vivviine Torontg ws, Montreat. , 4 "ee ol) eee d it Roading 107 Newark |... , TUESDAY'S SCORES jrriey City ....5 Toronto", ve, achester +.....% Newark Buffalo ........8 Reading . Baltimore... .11 Montreal ,.... GAMES TO-DAY Baltimore at Toronto (3.30 pm) Jersey City at Buffalo Newark. at, Montreal Reading ut, Rochester NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost New York ..., 4 Chicago .. PU Ho S50, S22 322 520 | | | St. Louis woven sn 2 Pittsburg «sooyv0 00 BOMOR vs. avis, Philadelphia ovoid V7 UESDAY'S SCORES * Fhilad phia ig Ritter Saves of CARO hia I a St. Louis... 6 New ¥ Only thvee games played. . oC w---- GAMES TODAY Boston at € 30. SI Brooklyn at Clncliafl. New York at St Lous, Philadelphia at Pittsburg, AMERICAN LEAGUE J on Lest Pu, Philadelphia... 17 7 oy Washington ....v0 16 9 od) Cleveland IL] O00 New York L.oiviavs 1 S00 Boston... 1 Ju Chicago: &. {iv vod vi v8 A09 St. Louis viviivi 10 40 Detrolt "viv usanvrs. 1 Y W121 ' PUESDAY'S SCORES New York ......4 St, Louis .,.... Detroit i. 4 Boston ..iovaii, Philadelphia 14 &'hicago (11s Cleveland .,... 11 Washington .. GAMES TO-DAY St. Louis at New York, Chicago at Philadelphia, Detroit at Boston, Cleveland at Washington NRERG BEATS GANSON | FAMOUS FLYING TACKLE "May 14.--Gus Sonnen: berg, eluimint to the world wrest): Ing championship, ended his bout ore last night with Jack Ganson, ith his famous flying tackle, his plexus and daring him momentar head crashing Int solar 4 Jol § Ty ERR) 1 | M "wi Nl) of 5 i times," Wi ently in a baa a squarely into and Was tloored, Amplifiers have been installed in Cologne Cathedral, in Germany, to carry the voloe of the preacher to ovary corner of the vast bullding. Ham | "n i Jersey City ...... 458 | S00 | Jig! Kilmarnock have long cut a big figure in Beottish soccer, H.. Alexander, X. Kobertson, 8, Clemie, 4, Nibloe, Robert Thomson, 'Thomas Wylle, John 1, Morison, 4. Walker, WwW. Connell, H, Cunningham, 4. Welr, M, Smith, J. Ramsay, 4. Williamson, J, Aitken, », Morton, H. Mclaren, J. Dunlop, J, McEwan, J, McWhinnle, trainer, | | [ | Westerners | | Foron«| | | | The photog PORT SNAPSHOT She Kilmarnock team of the Seottish League first division, and winners of the Scottish Cup In season 1020, will commence a tour of Ont Centres as far north us Timmine and Kirkignd Lake are included in the itinerary, and three games will " played in 'Toropte, ph sho we: Back rows-Hugh MBpence, secretary; Middle r MceCulloth, president, By Guo. Camrsma, Sports Bditer On Their Way Fhe "Killigs," Kilmarnock soccer ada and in less than a week's time deal of known team and already there Ht is fully Sc a5¢ for ladies interest has been aroused has expected that there will and LJ . International Series I'he States, w International Lacrosse serie ill be held on Friday and § day's game will be played in the are be played in the Both ga Lead cvening Stadium, Toronto special column entitled Star, that I'his Cieneral in a Doddemend in entirely erroneous Motors, "Doddy draw would likely would ¢ Senior sche meeting to up the ronto I'he schedule will likely ». Aarabs P Sarabs will hold a practices Par} 0.30 o'cloc) " held tomorrow night instead, sam I'he Alexandra at be asked to on Ma on time, still a long . he ow Fo and to be and they are . Double Header Tomorrow Night here ood crowd « Stadivm tomorrow: night to seq the mediate Industrial League, In the firs Ontario Regiment, In the with Phillips, The fans and the Columbiay hould be a second re in jor ar ment take Cats" will be and Od Gold, On the pady for fight. sweater LJ . At La Here We Are! The Oshawa Cit tion's Junior Softball League will get first game will be between the Parts Hoya heen a little slow in getting going, | they will, no doubt, make up forsar 1} LJ Parts and Ser A practice has been called for | of the Parts and Service, th be hel night, at 6.30 pm, Both teams will note. If the weather does not pern The game is called for 645 a will hold a practice at Alexandra Park tomorrow night at 6.30 sharp The 1ollowing players are asked to Badd, Drinkle, Gay, Daniels, Lor Campbell, Little, Norris, Bates, Bell termediates | Rowden, Webster, Hubl W. Little, Smith, Gray, Trotter, Atkinson, "Lefty" Thomson, Hughes wl MeCalltn The P, and 8. juniors play their first league game on Monday night. All players must ha they can play, In last night's issue "Doddy" to the SOON IN snappy sweater Is J Birth certificates arc also necessary, has not vet turned in his playing certificate and birth certificate, is asked to bring them to the practicg on their way to Can A great this well demund for ticket The team, ure they will be in Oshawa locally "in the visit of been a large admission | be a sellout . i 5, between Canada and the United saturday, June 13th and 14th, Fri rnoon and the Satirday game will played at the Maple of The Toronto Dally | Chatter," it was stated Montreal AAA | iu. cerbhcate tor th | he left A | ight in To | mes will be 'Lacrosm laying with the has signed rtainly be missed il dule is being held to published in tomorrow's | » ue | N ractice tonight (weather ut the will time and place, All players are The Aarabs open their sehedul permitting) rain nterieres, practice ways from being read KO . + Motor City Intex the clash of softball fans at the first double header of the t game the tilt, the Parts and Service eal treat of colour when the Regi field I'he "Mack of Regiment colours, two blues Black Cat, back humped, Columbias meet Regiment v large . . st! y and Industrial Athletic Associa under way on Monday night, The and Service juniors and the Duco t. Cowan's Park. This league has wt they are ready to and RO Now vw delays . Ll vice Teams yoth the Juniors and intermediates d at the Motor City Stadium tos practice at the Stadium, juniors iit a practice tonight, the juniors be on hand, Juniors: Whitely, tie, Toppings, Banker, Guiltinan, , Peterson, Boyce and Neil. In sell, C. Elliott, 'T, Eliott, Gummow, ve their certificates passed befoe Any player who Last Game of Goes to * Prudhomme Gets Pounded in First Frame and Poor Support Allows Skeeters to Grab Off an Early Lead Toronto, May =Those pesky Jersey City Skeeters made it three out of four by taking the final game of the series with the Leafs at the Stadium yesterday afternoon, "Army Bill" Henderson, who handed the O'Neillmen a sl tin the opening ite oo Smaiduy last, toiled on bes nd restricted the i opposed Fa had « iy fle to an error hy : i i With a onble play wht, Burke foouled a grounder by Veach and paved the way for a quartet of markers which the Skeeters scored before the side was retired, The final score was § to 3 It was Henderson's second victory mn the series, 1 he did all his pitehs ing at the local stadium what a great Sasnrtine done, With two out and {| on. \ third hy Rika double along th and brought in the runs, Davis ed front Series Jersey City 5-3 scuson he would have. He porforms at his best here always. Although Johuny Prudhomme was nicked for aleven hits, he pitched a fairly good brand of, baseball after that terrible first, It was good enough to win a majority of games if his teammates had been able to supply any punch. The deplorable hitting of the O'Neill: men is something that will have te be remedied soon if the team is to got very far in the present pennant pursuit, There isn't an. outstanding stick artist in the whole team and with the kind of pitching the Leafs ure getting, one or two good hitters could win a lot of ball games for the local _eraw, rdaon's Timely Double | hit supplied by the v was a double hy No- son, It came at 'a. most The on Ls ian, Richa and first in the rdson smacked a left field foul line SCOP J rst on the hit i The Leafs didn't have a great deal Front vows1, | Rodwings' strengthened shoek killed him almost instantly, Arlo, beginning George KE, Nell, Robert WH, 'Thomson, ow==Dougins ¢, Dick, vige«presidont; Wallace, masistant trainer; M, Glen. Collett Wins From Br. Champ. Formby, England, May 14.-Glenna Collett, American champion, defeat ed Molly Gourlay, British champion in an extra hole this morning, enter the fifth round of the British Women's Championship Muureen Orcutt, U.S, won hgr way into the fifth round of the ehampion« ship by deveating Miss C, KE, €, Rub- gard, three up and two to play, vw International League (By the Associnted Press) The poor showin® of the Newark Boars hus been one of the big sur. prises of the first month of the in ternational league season, BEARS LONE The Hears' derteat by Rochester 0-0, yesterday marked their Afth successive roverse and thelr 11th in In thelr last thirteen games, The victory was Rochester's four th In a row from Newark and the fifth in as many days. AL same time the Redwings move od Into sdeond plach along with Baltimore as Toronto dropped a decision to Jersey City, BIRDS TRIVMPH Stuart Bolen pitched Baltimore to an 114 triumph over the Mont. renal Royals to give the 'Orioles an oven break in the four-game series, SKEKTHRN WIN Jorsoy Ofty took advantage of & fielding error to score four runs in the first inning and huat Torons to 6-3, NISONN WIN AGAIN Thanks to home runs by Tucker, Moore and Sax the Buffalo Bisons their hold on first 8:5 victory over place with an Reading, MONTREAL AAA, OFFICERS Montreal, Que, May 14. Toe election of new directors, amends ment to the bylaws abolishing Ife membership in the casociation and allowing professionals te become members, along 'with the forty ninth annual financial report, festured the annuul meeting ot the Montreal Amateur Athletio Awe sociation Held here Monday, The financial statement showed a de. tioft of $2,610.61 for all depart ments, 'it wan stated The new directors elected were: .M. Atkinson, W. H, R, Denman, R..H, Guan, B, 8 Hamilton, Joho Kerry. G, C, Macnum, G,.G, Mau goin, and. J, T, Stevens, Those who will continue 1p office as di veotors are: J, A, de Lalanne, Vice: Presidant of the Assaeciation; GQ, W. Brown, Paul W! Earl, W, K Kearns and J. N. McGoun; leaving one directorship open, T of luck. Joe Rabbitt started the Yourth inning with a single to right, General Klectrie, of Toronto, their first home game of the season, a Lakeview CRICKET NOTES -- Bt, Georges entertain Canadian in Park, on Saturday next, the 17th Inst, at 2.80, The team selected to do duty In un follows:--F, €, Larmouth, (Capt. ), G, Dewberry, H, Howarth, L, Phillips, N, Merrick, W, Adams, ¥. Prosser, B, Anthoney, R, Drum- mond, J, Chappell, and W, Sargent, Reserves ~~ K, Chappell and A, Prat, Will all players present them- solves at the grounds not later than 2 o'clock, Edmonton Grads. Receive Rewards Edmonton, Alberta, May 14,~Ed- monton paid tribute on Monday eve ning ta the Commercial Grads, girly' basketball team, recently secrowned world's champions, und to Captain W. R. "Wop" May and C, H, Dick ens, winners of the McKee Aviation Trophy for the 1929 and 1928, respect: ively, In one of the biggest civie cel ebrations ever held in this city. At least 20000 citizens turned out to form a solid living cheering wall wlong the route of the parade which escorted the city's idols from a civie banquet to the Parlisment Bulldings, 'where presentations were made to the uirmen, the Grads and Percy Page, couch, by Lieut.-Governor Dr Egbert, Through donations, funds were ral sod to present each of the Grads with 'a case containing a 50-picce set of silverware and a wardrobe travel ling bag. Conch Percy Page was pre sented with: a radio set, while "Pouch" Dickens was given an ens geaved wrist watch, and "Wop" May was presented with a magnificent clock. YOUNG CORBETT OPPONES WELTERWEIGHT CRAMPION San Francisco, May 14,--Larry White, manager of Young Corbett yesterday tha! Third, announced signed to hox Cor ¢.t has been Jack Thompson for the welter- weight title In Detroit Aug. 27 The bout, promoted by R, Dunn, will be in the Olympia Stadium, International Lacrosse Series Games Will be Played on June 13-14 General Motors Senior La- crosse Team, Champions of Canada, Will Meet U.S, Team at Maple Leaf Stad- ium on June 13th "and 14th to Decide Interna tional Championship The International Lacrosse Champs bonship will he decided on Friday and Saturday evenings, the 13th and 14th of June, The Canadian Lacrosse Association were unable to get the Varsity Sta~ dium and as a result the both games will be played ut the Maple Leaf Stadium, The General Motors La- crosse Club were officially notified of this early this week The Friday game is scheduled for. the afternoon, but if rain prevents the holding of the track and field meet on Thursday, it will be held on Friday afternoon and the lucrossd game will be played in. the evening, I'he Saturday game iy scheduled for the evening The teams, the General Motors of Canada, Canadian champions, #nd Laurie Cox's All-Star American team, will battle for a trophy which is. being ddnated by Joseph "Jos" , Tha Same Team Oshaws,, will in all probability, field much the same team us the one which won the Maon Cup, with the excep. Lion that "Ly" Silk, who will replacd Shey" Shepley, who has gone buck to Walluceburg. The locals Ure praca Hsing diligently Jor this coming ser. les and judging from the workouts they will make a gallant bid to give Canady, the International Lacrosse team, 'the Maple Leaf Stadium will hold a large vollowing of fans and tis expected that & large number of supporters will go up from Oshawa: to cheer the team on to vigtor y. June 14 sees the end of the Shriners' Con vention and the Lacrosse game will be practically the elimax of the con vention, There is no doubt that the US, team will have plenty of sup- porters among the Shriners, Schedule Moeting Tonight A meeting is being held in To- ronto tonight for: thep urpose of drawing up u schedule, This will be published in tomorrow's paper, It is expected that the Je augue will get une National League GIANTS LOSE ' St, Louis, May 14,~Jim Ling. soy, a right-handed recruit pitcher from Houston, saved the day fur the Cardinals yesterday and en abled them to run thelr winning streak to seven games by defeating the New York Giants 6 to 4, Lindsoy stepped Into the box after Sherde! had weakened in the sixth funing and bed filled the bases after one run had been scored, He checked the Glant rally, allowing two more counters in the pixth and none in the next thrge innings, to score hin first victory of the season, OUBS WIN CLOSK ONE Chicago, May 14,~he Cubs frittered away an elght=run lead vesterday, but managed to squeess out a § to § deolsion over the Hoa ton Braves in the opening game of the series, Assaults on Ben Cantwell and Cunningham gave the Cybs an § to 0 margin at the end of the fourth, but the Braves put on an uprising in the fifth to score six runs, They added anotier pair in thelr half of the eighth, but the Nationa! League champlona soored the win: ning run In thelr section of the inning. PIRATES DROI® REHIND Pittsburg, Pa, May 14,--=An 18 hit offensive, including three home rune yesterday carried Philadel phia to a 14 to 8 viotory aver Pitts burg and shoved (le Plrates inte the second division, Klein, Whitney and Davis hit for the oircuit, Klein's home run belug his eighth of the season , Benge went the route far the Phillies, while four Pirate hurlers, ineluding the startar, Petty, 'were hit hard, J der way on the 24th of May Jack Guest Given Farewell Banquet Toronto, May 14--There feeling of coufidence In the lL camp and among Jack Guest's friends that the handsome oarsman Will pull his trail shell to the front Iw the world classic on the Thames waters next July, Jack Guest leaves to-night tor England ana last night his friends gave him Party at Reed's tea rooms, Unlike former farewells to Guest before his trips overseas for the Diamond Sculls races there wes a feeling of confidence expressed last night that Guest would return to his native land winner of the famous soulls, Guest has gained in experience, strength and style wince he first went away in quest of the soulls three years ago and although Joe Wright, Jr, Ws considered better than gver it was predicted by veter- an oarsmen that the race was be- tween the two Toronto boys and that Guest on recent form should be favorite, All agreed that it was the luck of the draw and with any favors from the goddess of fortune, Jack Guest has a royal chance to return with the coveted honor, Th hrs ---------- Dwnars of radio recelving adts in Stuttgart, Germany, ave being tax. od 47 cents. a month to provide furids to operate the local broad- oasting station and to subsidize a south Germany broadcasting com- PARY, 5 v/a A W LUMBIR (0 Burke took a toe hold and sla a line drive that ordinarily would reason of Rabbitt's presence at first, have been good for a single, but by Outen was holding the bag and the hall was driven right into his mitt, Ho merely stepped on first to come plete the double play, Sheedy follows ed with a single to right, The Leafs gave signs of knocking Henderson out of the box at that time, but the fouble play saved him, He pers mitted only one hit after that, The Leafs "third run came in the sixth, Shortstop Shannon was respon sible. Ruble had walked after Riche ardson: had been thrown out. Rab- bitt got (his second hit, a single to right, and Ruble got as tar as third with a great slide just ahead of the throw, Rirkes best was a short fly 10 Veaeh, which held the runners on the bases. Sheedy grounded to Shans not and the latter lost the ball in his shirt, Me tried to reach" second aliead of Rabbitt, but Jog slid in first, while, Ruble scored, Cote lined one into Henderson's glove to end the last sgoring chance the - Leafs had, They went out in onestwosthrec order In the final three frames. Seater avo ---------- During a gale In Glasgow, Scot land, recently, Hugh Moleod, a butcher boy, waa blown againat w street ear with such foree that the Anthracite Coke Pocahontas Phonen: §71.931.687W Cone Lei Cod Most Heat "for the Co. Ltd SHR LUE +

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