Oshawa Daily Times, 14 May 1930, p. 6

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Ee aa En cera nt a THE OSHAWA DAILY. TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1930 3 PAGE SIX 'omen's Interests in the Home >-- and the Community |SOCIAL and '| PERSONAL My, Robert Eigie, Travelling a ht Agent of the Canadian Nn. Ey Bont Ratlway Company, was a vis- ¢ in town yesterday. The Oshawa Girly' Work Board suet last evening in fit, Andrew's Church parlours for the purpose of / ye the possibilitiees of the LLY, Nummer camp for Oshawa wirls + 's Church A.Y.P.A, en. tained 1 ildren dof tha Saher evening in the form o on itn games wore § Vm, which ga » Ay Two coons and one clown ormed to the great delight of children, Before leaving each was remembered by & gift the fish pond, The evening wes to's close with » dance for the girls and boys who assisted in "the evening a success, Hed hy his Mav. orie XK. A vote of thanks was by the president on behalf of the association to Miss Ceelly Hancock, convenor of the evening and her oc-workers, including Mrs, Hawley, lunch committee, Clarence Keith, onald Smith and Harold Armstrong, the entertainers, SPECIAL ORDERS TAKEN FOR BRIDAL OUTFITS AL the THE FASHION SHOPPE LAWN GRASS SEED Lawn Fertilisers HOGG & LYTLE, Limited Phone 203 Vil Bs 9 ----------E STE ssa Tady Diana Cooper with her son John Julius. She was former!) Tady Diana Manners, sister of the Duke of Rutland, and married Als | fred Duff Cooper In 1019, , The Oshawa Welsh male choir will make their first appearance in Osh awa on Thursday cvening, May 15, when they will' présent a concert at Knox Presbyterian Church, under the auspices of a group of the Women's Asgogiation of that church, ENGAGEMENTS Mr, and Mrs. William Train, of Cobourg, announce the engagement of thelr daughter, Mildred Honny- lin, to Robert Lorne MacGregor, son of the late My, and Mrs. Robert MacGregor, of Oshawa, The mare riage to take place quietly in Oshe awa, the end of May, Mr, and Mra, George Puckett ane elder daughter, Alice Emily, to William Paul Whittington, Kitohs oner, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs, William J, Whittington, Oshawa, The marviage will take place ou June 11th, Weddings HOGARTH « READER A quiet wedding took place vu saturday afternoon at the Centre street United OGhureh parsonage when Lydia M, Reader, daughter of MY, and Mrs, Albert BE, Reader, of Nowmanville, was united In mar riage to Frederick W, Hogarth, son of the late Walter Hogarth and Mea. Mokarth of Jarvis street, Osh I sings n song of crispness! YOU CAN'T imagine a more tempting cereal! So crisp it actually crackles when you pour on milk or cream, And how these nourishing doe bubbles do taste! Crisp with toasted goodness, rich with flavor, Children welcome milk Serve this crunchy cereal for your own midday v, With for breakfast, lunch or dinner. And the kiddies' supper=--so casy to digest, Good to munch right out of the package. Sprinkle into soups. Use in candies, macaroons, in place of nutmeats, Order Rice Krispies at hotels, cafeterias, on dining-cars. At all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. Always ovenjresh in the waxtite inner seal wrapper. pounce the engagement of their awa, "The bridal couple were at Ep tended hy Miss Ndythe Reader, sin. ter of the bride and Douglas Knapp of North Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, Hogarth will reside in Oshawa, OFFICERS ELECTED ATH. ANDS, CLUB Mrs. George Norris Re-elect. od President of King St. Home and School Club King Street Home and School Club met Tuesday evening, The presisent Mes, George Norris was in the chair, Mrs, J, C. Young and Mrs, Johnston were appointed to look after taking the entrance clans to visit the museum in To- ronte, Arrangements were made for the school plenie to be held early in June, It was alsy planned to distribute seeds for the children to grow for exhibition at the Fall Fair, The prize of one dollar for the class having the most mothers present went to Miss Cruse, A very tine report of the 0, KE, A, Convention, at Toronto, was given by Mes, Pipher, assisted hy Mrs J, €, Youns. A hearty vote of thanks was extended to these ihdies for preparing the report, Fifty dollars was set aside to buy hooks for the school, With the business thus disposed of, Mra, J, CO, Young took the chalr for the Folection of officers which consist 'off of the voting on the report sub. mitted by the nominating commit. toe, A The ofticera for (he coming year nre as follows: Won, President, Mrs, E, Myers; President, Mm, George Norris; iat Vice-President, Mrs, J. Marks, 8nd Vice-President, Miss Holmes: Recording Seoretary, Mra, Murray Miller; Treasurer, Mra, Harper; Corresponding See. retary, Miss Mlitehell; Press Ree porter, Mra,' A, Pipher; Executive, Mra, Rogers, Mrs, Shaw, Mrs, Rom- bough, Mrs, Robson, Mra, Mechin, Mra, Stalter, Mra, H, Luke, Mts, MeGarth, Mrs, Michael, Mrs, Fos ter, Mre, Goodman, Mrs, Jacebl, Mra, Forester, Mra, Ledger, Mra, MoGiIl, Mrs, Sheridan, Mrs, Irwin, Mins Lyons, Miss Oruse, Misa ¥, Hawkes, Misa Kaiser, Misa Hills, Medland, and Mra, Committee, Mra, Counel), Mrs, Marks, Flower George Stalter, It was announced that the next weeting would take the fprm of a plente at the Cream of Barley Cangy, Bowmanville, Before the meeting was. brought to a eloan dainty refreshments were served hy Mra, Harper and Mra, Stalter, WOMENS MEETINGS | HARVEY:HUNT MISRION lug of the Har Was held at the reh - un N Ec eat N on Ah Ladies ole y Whitby, gave a very instructive talk en Miss Hendeyson of the college rend. ered two solos, The evening was brought to w-olose after refveshs ments were served by Miss Ruth Lander'y group, of 'Miss Adale, Representative to the|' Parsonage, | n Ching, which every one enjoyed. | tired LITTLE THEATRE CLOSES SEASON A Mack lines and' Fancy Dress Party Wind-up of Season or Officers and workers of the Osh: awa Little Theatre made merry last night at a delightful "Hard Times Frolic" In the Rotary Hall, It was more than & mere frolic, for, with the majority of the guests nttived in quaint, comie, ov fantastic costumes, the hall was a scene of colorful 'revs elry from the time the grand parades was staged to open the progeedings until the last dance sent the merry: ninkers home theroughly satisfied with the manner an which the Lit tle Theatre officinls had brought their 1929-1930 season to a close, About two hundred guests were present and while dancing formed the ehiel mode of entertainment, there were comedy sketches and individual num bers on & well-arranged program, and these added to the enjoyment of the evening, The range of costumes was very wide, and considerable ingenuity had been displayed by many of those who appeared at the party "en masquer- ade" The judges of the costumes, Mrs, RS, Mel aughlin, George Hart and A, K. O'Neill, had considerable difficulty in selecting those entitled te: the prizes, In some instances, i was necessary to draw before the pri ges could be finally awarded, Mr, and Mrs, C. M, Mundy won first prize in the classes for old-time and fancy costymes, Mrs, Mundy appearing as an old-fashioned girl, with her doll and doll's carriage, and Mr, Mundy being a typleal old country squire Mrs, A: E O'Neill as a beautifully garbed Spanish senorita, was awarded first prize: for Indies' fancy costume, and Mrs, H, Bull, in the guise of a negro woman, had the best ladies' comic costume, R, Newton Johns, as a badly crippled hospital patient, with crutches and bandages, was given first prize for originality, while H Sullivan, as "The King of the Pearl ies" in a typical coster regalia, had the best male costume, An interesting feature of the eve ning was the pregentation to the Lit. tle Theatre producer, John Craig, and Mrs. Cralg, of handsome suit cases, as a token of the affection and esteem of their friends of the Lit tle Theatre, Mr, and Mrs, Cralg are leaving in the near future for Win. nipeg and Mrs, GD, Conant, the president of Little Theatre, in a neat speech, expressed the appreciation of © people of Oshawa to them for their untiring efforts and splendid work in the production of the many Little Theatre plays; Mrs, Conant al vo referred to the development of the movement, and expressed the hope that the Little Theatre would continue under voluntary direction, and would remain an important fae. tor in the lite of the community, Mr Cralg, in making response, thanked the Little: Theatre workers sincere ly for their fine co-operation, and voiced the opinion thgs, with the start it had made, there was ne reas son why the Little Theatre move- ment should not go on to even bet. ter things in the future Stanley Bennett, the original "Ar. chibald" of Dumbells fame, was pre. sent, and delighted the audience with his characteristic impersonation of a "Vere de Vere" A delightful sketeh, taken from the comedy, "Mrs Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch," was admirab. ly presented by Mrs, Frank Chap pell and Mrs, EC. Hodgins, while George Walsh entertained in his own intimitable way with song and story, Dancing to delightful and snappy music, tasty refreshments served in the intermission hour, a typical poem on the work of Little Theatre, and particularly on Mr, and Mrs, Craig, written and read by Col. Frank Chap pell, and the general spirit of good fellowship, friendship and camarada- rie, all combinkd with the other ev- ents of the evening to make the party an outstanding event, and a fitting conclusion to a season of hard work and successful endeavour on the part of the Little Theatre work or GIRL IS BURNED TO DEATH, MOTHER HELD | Halifax, May 14---Charred al most beyond recognition, and with handa and feet completely, burned Away, the liteless body of Goldie Drake was found yesterday after noon, covered with moas, in & na. tural depreasion near the Geiser's Mountain: Road, Mra, Gerturde Drake, the mother, who arrived at the home of her father on the Mountain Road without the child, in being held by county authorities, An excellent way to keep the hands soft and white ad to pres vent them from chapping In to take equal quantities of lemon Juice, eal-de-Cologne and gliyeerine, Mix well and keep in an air-tight battle, After shaking the bottle a ittle of the mixture should be well rubbed into the hands just before retiring, and gloves should be wora during pleep, This almple treatment will soften the roughest hands th & HE HATES TO COME HOME--- WIFE 30 CROSS "My man hated to come home when I had ochange-ofslife, I was so crosn 1 began taking Vinol and feel lke 2 new person new."==Mrs, K nek, Doctors have long known the value of mineral elements frown, cal olum with god liver peptone, an con. tained ta Vinel, ervous, ohally people are surprised how Vinol gives new strength, sound' aloap and & BIG appetite, Gives you more PEP to enjoy lite! Vinol SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE Y&& L 982 More than anything else just now ----You are interested in SUMMER THINGS You can look with confidence to this store to offer you the newest in Draperies and House Furnishings, In smart summer Apparel and all the Accessories that go to make an outfit complete Modern competition forces stores to sell as economically as they can in order to get their share of the business, But don't think that force is the only thing that enters into it so far as this store fs concerned, We are perfect. ly satisfied with a fair profit and are genuinely anxious to serve you as you want to be served, ORIENT AND SUPERSILK FULL FASHIONED Substandards of our $1.50 and $1.95 qualities On Sale for 98¢ Pair EXTRA LARGE Colored KRINKLE BEDSPREADS $1.95 Special. 80 x 100 inches, This is a Special Value direct from a New York manufacturer, Comes in blue, rose or gold striped patterns, and usually sells at $2.95 100 PAIRS FRILLED Marquisette Curtains Regular $1.95 and $2.50 Qualities On Sale for $1.39 Pair There's Spot and Check Marquisettes for Summer Curtains With plain or frilled edge. Spots are in either colors or white, Checks are in all white with ruf. fles edged in colors Reg. 39¢ and 49¢ 29¢ qualities, Spec, yd 30 inch STRIPED AWNING DUCK Specially Priced at 44c Yard striped patterns in blue, tan, green and brown. A good time to buy if you are going te have new awnings this summer, exceptional value Beautiful fine quality and Check patterns with ruffles here, Woven Marquisette in Spot and | valance color desired, in Any 28 x 24 yards, TT ----_--_.. man i Bs A -------- single night In a way the most ex | bination before in sport shoes, hut pensive hought preparation can [the new model is an all-green loa: not equal ther hrogue of box calf | TANTY DUOR The next time you rosst a duck, {try stuffing it with sagerkraut, It In one of the tastiest and most sue- cessful of dishes, 1 Ss -- PICTRUE HANGING ---- Pairs of: pletures are extremely Candles used for decorative pur. Dull holsery in the newest thing | good now, hung over each other | poses often become dingy, To make Emearld green shoes for golf for along side each other, over a|them look like new, sponge with a are displayed In Paris, Paria has [table, hook cane, or any other bjg|niece of absorbent cotton dampens seen white and colored leather coms 'plece of furniture, od with aleohel, Berets are very popular in Parl this spring TA SL Lh EH AL A ak tanten delicious, Jury and Lovell thd Danas, 1'I'd gladly sit next it weren't for 'B.O 10 yous=if Yel, to be polite, SHE SAID: ""Thaiks, but I really prefer 8 straight chair," \ Another polite snub--now she knows the reason.. "B, 0." h Depts 319 HE WAS & newcomer in the neighbors hood==eager to make friends, But in site of her cordial pleasant ways, she couldn't! | A few polite calls at first---=a fow polite invita ons, J Thon --dr ! She was distrossed=bewildered. y It wasn't the firat time this had happened, What could be the reason? Then one day she found out.\'B.O."\=~body odour. . Now she haa many invitations--scores of fiends.? She knows the eany way to keep perspiration odourloss, *& Who can say 'not guilty?" If we always knew when we were guilty of "B,0.", of course we'd correct it at once. But it's so easy to offend and never suspeot it.) Everyone perapives, Pores give off a quart of odourscausing waste @ LIFEBUOY 4 SHAVING CREAM amt No nh No fithon, No . w heat shave WN tn fh a Tovents, Ont, even on cool days, dootors say," Acouss tomed tothigever-present odour, we don't notice it in ourselves, But others do! Don't risk offs , Play safo--wash and bathe with' Lifebuoy. Its gentle, searching, antiseptic lather purifies pores ~=deatroys rep trace ores loaves fooling gloriously fresh and clean, "Phe toilet soap for mol" ay) millions of particular men and womens Complexions stay young Lifrhuoy's gentle yot Shorot h deat ngs clogged all impuritios va fresh, radiant, healthy Beat 10} dull, sallow skin, Its pleasant everascloan soent-~that vanishes as you rinse--tolls you Lifebuoy purifies, , Adopt Lifebuoy febuoy 8 HEALTH SOAP stops body odour-- 5

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