Oshawa Daily Times, 14 May 1930, p. 5

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PAGE FIVE ., SHORTER HOURS FOR TRUCK DRIVER URGED BY HENRY Urles Owners Take Action, May Force Limit to Houn of Driving route, May 14.Logimation to vent truck operators having to drive thelr vebicles an uns rengonable number of hours, to the detriment of thelr faculties through Jows of. sloup, was hinted At by Hon, George §. Henry, Min ister of Highways and Publie Works, in the course of an ad: dress to members of the Ontariy Motor Truck Owners' Association ast night, : "Many serious highway nceldents are due to truck drivers having had insufficient rest," declared Mr, Hevry, "In the nturests of publie safuty truck owners should see to it that thelr drivers are not forced th work. an unreasonable numbe of hours fn the 24, I have had sev: aral conferences with the Attorney- General about this matter, and I 8 been decided (hat some loge iMiation along. this line will be needed if nvcidents arising from thip onus ocour as' frequently in the future as they have in the phat, " Road-hogging by truck drivers wns commented upon by the Min. inter, "There Is no excose for round hogging," he asporied, "Drivers of heavy equipment perhaps feel that drivers of lighter equipment' would Bot _out of thelr way in any dis. pute as to right-of-way on the road Many complaints nome into my of fico from motorists, apd a large number of theso dom plaints ure ested at the road hog." A eros of wood, "whith stood at Roehincourt Cemetery, France, to the memory of British soldiers who foll at the battle of Oppy Wood in 1017, bins Just been added to the interior decorations of §t, Andrew's Church, Stockwell, England, A -------- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1930 The photogeaphs hove show lawis der, _Torunty, and the the mouth of the Humber river. | st over fifty pounds, | lurge snapping turtle he caught at -- This crusty old boy tips the scales U.S, GOVERNMENT T0 STOP MAKING OF HOME BREW BEER Court Order Asked to Per- mit Destruction of Seized Supplies Washingtey, May 4-The Cov- ernment's first blow at homebrew und hootleg Bupply stores under the Danovits Supreme Court decls slon was struck yesterday when UB, Attorney Leb Rover msked for A tout order for destriction of n Inrge quantity of such material, Justioo Jennings Batley in Dis triet of Columbia Supreme Court orderad a solzure and issued a cits tion oalling on the owner to show cnune, why the kegs, bottles, malt and hops, flavoring extracts and other things taken from the store In a rald In Fedruary should not bo destroyed A oanvass of local stores dealing in the materials usable for liquor making, outlawed by the Hupreme Court In enng they ure offered far sale In such a way as to Indleate they are designed for illegal pure Gifts are Yours with Quaker Corn Flakes Coupons A Jotiain Jomibats that Md the coupons which you gift, fousan got find in Quaker Corn Flak: the finishing onl to your would weloome either the pon or the th with thet 4 natluee bog with puree snd mirror ot a 3 eky bo & Rl i pocket And at METRE rl FA Eee 5 a LI van 16 wht HERE a S. 3 you prefer, voured boars our offer To refund that Quaker have over ad i id an flavour are pid Book, It Doauty, i the poses, disclosed that sales were continuing, One merchant said hig lawyer han advised him not to make displays of the bottles, malt and other materials, but that sale was lawful, Just one issued a card pleds ging customers not to use maters wis unlawfully, The Government in its petition yesterday wot forth that the Vols wtond Act npocinlly forbids display of articles designed for use in Hguor-making, The store from which the paras phornalin was seized, In still selling such axle los, inquiry showed, PASSENGERS USING NEW C.N.R. TRAIN TELEPHONE SERVICE Yontreal, May rye Hines the 1a- stallation of telephone service on the Canadian National trains, thers haw been an average of six cally an trip, between Montreal and Top onto and in the other direction, ne gording to W, D, Robb, vice. presi dent, In whose department the seps vice comes, Most' of them have been from the train to Montreal, Toronto, Kingston, Oshawa, Ham. fiton, London, and other points, ote holng to Ashville, New York, Sever. al have heen made to the moving train from outside points, PRINCE MAY CLAIM TRIBUTE ON NEXT VISIT TO CANADA Presentation of Two Beaver and Two Elks Awaits Him » Ottawe, May 14--1f the govern mont, acting on the suggestion of Hudson's Bay Company, in duces the Prince of Wales to come to Canada to officiate at the open ing of the Mudson Bay Rallway, tribute will be levied personally by royalty for the first time In the history of this continent, Officials here have discovered in the charter granted by Charles 11 to the company of gentlemen nd veuturers, a olause, providing that tribute of two black beaver und two elks bo paid as token of wov ovelgnty aL any time royalty visited the domains on the bay, Royalty has never visited the bay, In 1031 the tirst opportunity to fulfil the charter pledge may come, Black beaver are now more rare than In the days when beaver rep. resented the wealth. of the north, To the king who exacted promise of the tribute, a black beaver poverlet for his canopled bed, was presented in the early years of the company's history, To his brother, the Duke of York and to Churphill, for whom Canada's new Avctio port was named, were given at the ime time two pairs of black boaver stockings, opera length, What (he Prince of Wales will do with his black beaver skins now that heaver stockings ' and beaver coverlets are out of style, Ottawa, immersed In politics, does not eare, iatn---------------- Hootmon who ives In Chicago, was standing in front or his auto giving his chauffeur directions when fn shot rang out and struck the | chauffeur in the leg, "Highland {impa, ejaculated the Scotohman, that was a narrow escape, It might have punctured a tire" A had IMPROVEMENT IN ONTARIO CROPS Fruit Districts Ahead of Time | ~Winter Wheat Better Toronto, Muy 14,~Move or lus eral improvement, in the wheat, als fulfa and clover crops In Ontarls, with the fruit districts away head 50 that orchard men are finding it difficult to keep apace with thelr work, Is noted in the weekly crop report of the Ontarip department of agriculture Severn) districts report that. the past two weeks of good growling wea ther hus cunsed a great improvement in the winter wheat situntion, Spring grain is showing through and begins to show the need of some warm rain, Some farmers have already plant ed corn though advised not to do so by ecorn-borer inspectors, 'Tobacco growers ure working on their fields and In some cases farmers.are finding the ground pretty hard. for plowing Generally speaking all crops are in a favorable condition though benefi cial rains would now bring much more satisfaction to the farmers, the need is not yet urgent, NAUSEA BRINGS PROOF OF MERCURY IN NORTHERN ORE Since Mercury in Gas Form | Is Poison Hines Indi. cated Find v | Sudbury, May 114 Bellet In the | presence of mercury in its native | wtate In rocks of Trill Township gained support In a peculay manner when W CC, Davis of the Sudbury Assay office and Barry Endleman, A prospector, became suddenly nauseated and threatened with violent illness while working over some samplos which had been brought in for assaying. Rosults of the axsay were not particularly satisfactory and fall od to show anything like the spec taoular quantities of mereury that were previously extracted hy din tillation, but Mr: Davis explaing this by the fact that mercury, being highly volatile, may have escaped while the rock was being powdered, Mereury In lguid form or an a gas ts a violent polson and the sudden feoling of iliness which attacked the mon at the same time may have bean oaused by this contact, it Ja mid, Whether the discovery proves to be commercially important, accord Ing to Mr, Beath, further work will be done on the claims, as there are alwo evidences of other Important minerals, including nicked and cops per, The maroury discovery, In fact, Jay within halt a mile and on the same break as a promising outs erop of copper-nickel mineralira- tion, A Booteh traveling "snloAman, hold up in the Orkney Islands by atorm, {olegruphed to Nis firm i Aberdeon, Maroondd hove by storm. Wira Instructions, The reply came; Start summeor vacation as from yesterday, NOTICE | Residents of Oshawa 'GROWING OF CORN The Corn Borer Act corn. Under the act a growing corn to AT ONCE thoroughly destroy, 'by burning, all corn stocks, roots, cobs, leaves or any remnants of corn, grown on the land in the past year including weeds among or near the corn plot, The object of this Act is to eradis cate the Corn Borer or Corn Caterpillar, which has been found a very destructive element in the $10.00 to $50.00 may be imposed through failure to carry out the requirements of the Act. D: A. HUBBELL Inspector Under Corn Borer Act. requires .all .persons penalty ranging from 7 Bankrupt SALE! D. LoL. FAILS, WE, the LEADER OUTFITTERS BUY the Remainder of the Stock known as Murray's Clothes Shop. This Stock mixed in with our own will be put on Sale Thursday, May 15th, at Prices never heard of in Oshawa--Every- thing in Men's, Ladies', and Children's wear will go on Sale--Now is your chance to Buy Real Merchandise at a very Low Cost and Big Saving--Why Pay More?--Don't forget our Address- va. 7 'The Leader-Outfitters 32 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH anit PHONE 740 le MEN'S COLLARS, Rubber, Linen or Soft Regular 25¢ . . ; 15 ONLY, MEN'S SUITS, Navy Blue and Tweeds. Reg. up to $20.00 Sale Price $12.95 MEN'S FANCY HOSE, Reg. 19¢ Pair Sale Price, Per Pair . . MEN'S SPRING TOP COATS. Reg. $12.95---Sale Price MEN'S BOW TIES, Regular 25¢ Sale Price, each $2.69 MEN'S DRESS SHOES, Solid Leather Regular $4.50--Sale Price . . ; MEN'S COMBINATIONS, Balbriggan Sizes 34.46. Reg, 98¢c~--Sale Price 9c LADIES' SILK FUGI DRESSES Regular $5.95--Sale Price BOYS' COMBINATIONS, Balbriggan, Sizes 24-32. Regular 75¢--Sale Price . . 39¢ LADIES' CELANESE DRESSES Reg. up to $12,50---Sale Price $3.98 BOYS' BLOUSES, English Brandelogh Regular 98¢--Sale Price .... .. ie LADIES' CREPE DRESSES, Silk Printed Regular $8.50--Sale Price 39¢c BOYS' SAMPLE WASH SUITS, Broadcloth 69¢ and Print, Reg. up to $1,85--Sale Price y $4.95 LADIES' TWEED SPORT COATS Regular $15.00--Sale Price . $8.50 CHILDREN'S PLAY OVERALLS Reg. 88¢ 49¢ Sale Price BOYS' ALL-WOOL JERSEY PULLOVERS 89¢ Regular $1.49--Sale Price . BOYS' COTTON JERSEYS. Reg. 50c. Sale Price GIRLS' BLOOMERS, Dimity and Brosdsloth Regular 80¢c---Sale Price MEN'S COTTONADE TROUSERS Regular $1.49--Sale Price MEN'S WORK PANTS, Strong Moleskin. Regular $2.50--Sale Price . . . MEN'S FLANNEL DRESS PANTS Regular $3.580-Sale Price MEN'S KHAKI TROUSERS, Reg. Sale Price .......... MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS, Fine English Broadcloth, Regular $1,.80---Sale Price WORK SHIRTS. Sale Price . .,. MEN'S NEW SPRING TWEED CAPS Regular $1.50--Sale Price | . Qs 29 mn 29 $1.89 0 83¢ 89c 49¢ 89c CHILDREN'S LEATHERETTE COATS -- Green, Red or Brown. Reg. a 50 Sizes 2.8 $1 08 Sale Price . $3.49 LADIES' LEATHERETTE COATS. Regular 95--Sale Price $2.79 25¢ CR RN RE IE I SCS I SE SR SY .e LADIES' SILK HOSE, Reg'5 50¢ Sale Price AS EATER COMT=: 3143 Sale Price MEN'S ALL WOOL SWEATER COATS. $1.49 LADIES' AND MEN S TRENCH COATS Regular $4.50--Sale Price ..... 19¢ Regular $2.95--Sale Price $1.69 MEN'S AND BOYS' RUNNING SHOES BOYS SWEATER COATS AND Fancy Pullovers . ..... LADIES! HOUSE PRESSES, Gloom ve "49¢ CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS, All Sizes Regular 25¢ pair--Salé Price 2 Pairs for | LADIES' SLEEVELESS SWEATERS Regular $1.50--Sale Price .,,..oo0in 89c¢ MEN'S PURE SILK TIES, Res, up to 78¢ 29¢ Sale Price BOYS' LONG TWEED AND SERGE | $1 39 PANTS. Reg. $2.50=Sale Price ..,. . The Leader-Outfitters 32 Simcoe St. 8S. Phone 740

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