Oshawa Daily Times, 14 May 1930, p. 1

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ude Washington, --A Placing im. migration Muote restrictions upon Mexico was by the Henate without a record vols and sent Lo the House. Mexican immigration fo this country, which is now un- limited, would be ' restricted to about 1,200 to 1,000 annually, + 1] LJ Cornwall F| L] red Cornwall,--=fought by Comet] police since Oct, 1027, Peter A. Leclaire was arrested by provine cial police at Ottawa on a charge of false prentences involving 81,600, He will be brought to Cornwall to face trial, Police allege that Leclaire secured sums rang: ing from $500 to $5,000 from several Cornwall persons, . » Two Bodies Found Niagara Falls, Ont=The waters of the Niagara River yesterday BAYe up the bodies of two men 'which had been in the water for such a long time that identiticn~ tion will be difticult. The authori ties are trying to discover if they Are the two duck-hunters drowned Inst November or the victims of rum-rusners' warfare on the upper river, ' i » LJ LJ] $1,000,000 ¥ire Byracuse, N.Y Damage mated at $1,000,000 has caused by a fire which swept through the main plant of the Plerce, Butler & Plerce Manufag. turing Company here last night, * J LJ ' Child Caused Fire Grimsby =A child playing with matches in believed to have caused un fire which totally destroyed the home of Arrin Cosby fn North Grimsby Township, Mr, Cosby rush. od home when he saw the house in flames and rescued the child, oo,» LJ] Ald Employees Sault, Ste. Marie, Ont,.~=An of- fort fs being made by the Abitibi Power and Paper Company to place ns many of its employees at Aspan- ola at other mills during the shut- down of the Espanola plant whick is for an indefinite period, LE New Nridge Opened Montreal ~The new Montreal harbor bridge' spanning the 8t, Lawrence river is open for traffic today, It is the firat time the gen eral public has access to the big structure, 4 ok onti- been wi . L "Think of Canada' Halitax, NB, =="Think of Can- nda, think in terms of Canada, tle up your life In her Interests, for the measure of Canoda's greatness will be largely dependent on the measure of the people who live iu this country," This was the advice given a Dalhousie graduating class of more than 160 students at tho raduating exercises yesterday by vr. H, Marshall Tory, president of the National Research Couneil, v . LJ Injured Dynamite Chicoutimi, wer~=What are probably fatal injuries were re- oelved by a workman yesterday when the dynamite cap he was pre. paring exploded in his teeth as he Was preparing to blow. a log jam of the Shipshaw river; The shook of the exploding cap set off '» stick of dynamite and the vietim was thrown some distance away. his face torn to shreds, INVESTIGATE THREAT TO BURN BUILDINGS (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Sherman, Texas, May 1d--1¢- forts to discover the authors of warnings threatening to burn negro b 3§y today temporarily halted other activities of & military court of Inquiry seeking information re- Jative to last Friday's anti-negro vio Patrols in weotions affected by the threats were doubled ti last night, Orders to 'shoot' to kill" in 'cane anyone qnoukl attempt to start a five, were I'l i. PROLIFIC FOXES (By Canadion Press Leased Wire) Saskatoon, Sask, May Ltn bide local Srusgist - Yalsos ° that, two of Bin Alaskan blues had given is abo birth CI TAR or Se The average litter lx, 1a bigh in the a ain pital, A he Os DS ARE td OSHAWA, ONTARIO, 'W " ucceeding The Oshdvia Daily 'Reformer Ee AY, MAY 14, 1930 Serious Street Warfare in Winnipeg 'Chinatown MANYHURT | -ORIENTALS STAGE RIOT Three Chinese Seriously In. jured and Taken to Hos pital, While Many Others Are Hurt UNDER ARREST Police, Arriving. When Riot Is in Full Swing, Speedily Disperse Battlers, Arras ing Some as They Ran (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winuipeg, Mon, May 14,.---Axes and baseball bats were wielded In Winnipeg Chinatown: late last night as two Oriental factions clashed in riotous street warfare, Three Chinese were so seriously injured they were taken to hos- pital, while numerous others were being attended at their homes, Bevan Orientals are under arvest, Rioting broke out with two~ soore members of opposing politi cal factions milling in the fray which began when two Orientals engaged in combat, From stores ond residences in the surrounding area, within a block or two of the city hall, Chinese poured forth armed with axes, sticks and basa ball bats, Several wers knooked unconscious in the mob-clash, Pollo arrived while the riot was in full swing and the battlers dis- persed within n few moments, dav. Ing injured men an the road and 'In the mutter, Fleeing combatanty ware arrested and the more grave. ly "hurt were 'Hurfind to the Dos. Cendition of the three was reported today Os showing émprovement, Sa ------ SIGNAL HONOR FOR DR. F. H. GISBORNE Ottawa, May 14==Dr, I, H, Gis borne, K.C,, D.8,O,, han boen ap~ pinted a vice-president of the ritish and Forelgn Nibley Boctety whose headquarters are In London, England. This signal honor has been conferred upon Dr, Glsborne in recognition of his many years of service for the Canadinn Bible Soolety both as a member of Ita general executive and as president of the society's Ottawa auxiliary, North Bay-~Charies John Bris son, 81, employed 'nu viver driver by the George Gordon Lumber Company, at thelr operations on the Sturgeon river, McBeth town. ship, was killed Monday when orushed in a group of logs released from a skidway, An inquest wes held here last evening and a ver diet of accidental death was res turned, POLICE DISSOLVE . STUDENT MEETING Chicago, May 14.University of Chicago students, holding a 'prov test: meeting" ngainst what they termed "dry snooping' at the unk varsity, were dispersed late last night by police riot squads and firemen, Not until the officers fired their revolvers into the air did the stur dent, numbering 0600, abandon the fight which was waged in the glare of a huge bonfire on the univeraity campus, \ BOY KILLED NEAR KINGSTON WHEN GUN DISCHARGED Lawrence Hudson Dies Ine stantly in Aceis dent Kingston, May 14-Lawrence udeon, 19, employed by Stan or, Newboro, wan instantly. kil od when hin gun aceldently diss *hakite on Sunday afternoon aoe bv HA " alormat on which reach 0 today, The young lad was going to shoot oad Shuoka on Sunday after and It ia believed that in getting over a rail fence hin Jun got caught and war acoldently discharged, the bullet ning through hin heart, When the boy did not appear at HR TR ; 0 that the body waa found oaly a short distance from the house, The boy was a resident of Morton, and the vome FRR {| sent to that Ny at plage. Young Farmer Slays Woman and Wounds Relatipe WORKERS SHOULD TAKE INDEPENDENT + POLITICAL ACTION (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, May 14-=The time has come when the workers of Cnnuda must take independent political ne- tion in order to improve thelr own position, believes A. A. Heaps, la bor member of parliament from Winnipeg, Addressing the Building Trades Council of Ottawa last night, Mr, Heaps sald the Labor party in the Dominion was advocating adjust ment of the people to prevailing conditions, Tt was essential to have a shorter working week in order to absorb the large number of unemployed, he maintained, Wm, Topp, young farmer of Woodburn district, near Hamilton, and wiower with two children, aftqr shooting Miss Mary Tweedie, 07, Who Js dead, and wounded Emery Tweodle, B1, her cousin, turned the gun on himself in the bush nearby where the body was found following a lengthy search. The photography here ghowr (1) Tweedle home, near /oodbur, showing window at left, where Emily Tweedlo went through and was shot by Topp. (8) Provincial Oftiver W. A. Embleton of Grimes. by, with shotgun Topp used. (¥) Wm. Topp's dog "Pat" which found the body. (4) Mitchell, a neighbor of Topp's, and (5) J. A, Digman who was in house when the shooting occurred, 8.5. MAPLECOURT IS RELEASED FROM REEF (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Sault Ste, Marie, Ont,, May 14, The steamer Maplocourt of the Canada Steumship Line, which went on the roake of Magnetic Neat 80 miles oft Detrour, while upbound light last fall, has been rolensed from the rocks by the steamer Neoebing, of the Sinma¢ lines, it is reported by Capt, Char- Jes Moore, of the Neebing. It took Neobing, eight days to release the vessel, The Maplecourt, which is report- od to he not badly damaged, was taken to Meldrum Bay, where she is now at anchor, Hhe is now the property of Sinmae lines and will be converted into a lighter by that company. Public School Burned Flinton,--The public school at Kaladar was destroyed by fire last night, Tho cause of the fire is un« known, i JWELVE PAGES GOVERNMENT MOVES FAST IN SUPPRESSING GANDHI FOLLOWERS' ACTIVITIES MOTHER SAID TO BE GIRL'S MURDERER Held After Little Daughter Found Burned to Death (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Holifax, NH, May 14--A charge of murder was laid today against Mrs, Gertrude Drake, who was held yesterday when the charred body of her five-year-old daughter, (ioldie, was found in the wopds at the outskirts of this eity. Mra, Drake was taken to a maternity hospital here, Arriving at the home of her fa- ther in a distraught condition, Monday ovening, Mrs, Drake sald that while she was in a fainting fit near the road, her child had dis- appeared. Efforts of searchers were unavailing until yesterday after. noon, when the body, covered with moss, was found in a hollow near the Geiser's. moutain road. A bot tle, containing disinfectant fluid lay nearby, Fire Damages Plant Galt.--H, J, Bassett, manager, places the damage done by the fire to the plant of the Galt Malleable Tron Company yesterday at $20, 000, In addition to the pattern and earpentor shops being destroy od, the power plant was erippled, causing a suspension of work for a fow days, Bush Fires in Canada Halted ---- Reports From Ontario And Quebec Show Blazes Are Well Under Control (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) North Bay, May 14,.«The ef- forts of the fire rangers and auxitl- ary fire fighters coupled with re- cont rains have complately checked the fire menace in the pouthern part of the North Bay inapectora.e of the . Ontario Forestry Branch, This. morning Chief Ranger D. J, Kennedy reported . his area con pletely rid of fire. All but five or six of the auxiliary force despatch: od to that region during the Int. ter. part (of last week are being brought in, today, It is alsp report: od the damaging fives In the west ern fringe of the Pembroke In. speotorate have also been. checked, These blazes seriously threatened the timber lands and saw will plant of the Fassett Lumber Co u- pany at Foss Hill, Under Control In Quobec Chietutimi, Que, May 14.The forest. fires wifoh liave been ravags ing this distript for the past fow days ate now thought to be under contred, The Price Company has sent out many fire fighting. groups fato the fire aren, and some 300 men were mobilived here in na tional park. Froni all attected arous comes word that the fire is practioally ' 'ended. 'Though no homes were destroyed or no lives lost, losses are considerable. be. ouuse the areas burned embraced fine stands of good trees of first olans type, trees that were planted some yours ago and carefully tond- FRANCE AND TTALY ARE NEGOTIATING Naval Conversations Reach Withdrawing 'Hambleton, : radian Geneva, May 14-=France and Maly continued thelr naval conver satlonn, through M, Aristide Briand and, Dino Grandl, respective for n ministers, over the tea.cups this afternoon, negotiations have reached the direct » between the two countries, Mt, Hon, Arthur Hender son, Rritish Foreign Minister why (By I om Ta he withdraw: N Commons at High Pitch as Budget Division Nears (By Cantdian Press Lonsed Wire) Ottawa, May 14-Pariament Hill today is keyed up in anticipation an the end of the hudget debate draws near. 1t is probable a div! mon will ba veached tomorrow af tornoon, making the debate one of the shortest in many years, Only because of the Impending election and the desire of all parties to ex pedite proceedings, has it been out down, Vielng with the House of Com mons, In Interest today will be the Sonate whera the government bill to 'prohibit the clearance of liquor to United States will be sent up for third roading. Hon, A, C, Hardy, last night was lostalled speaker of the senate and, at the same time, publio tribute was pald to Hon, Hewitt Bostook, the late speaker and Mon, G, ©, Densnullew, both of whom died during the Eas ter recess, Nine members of the Commons yosterdny took part in the debate, the same number as the day before, The government put up man for (Continued on Page 2) Opium Traffic Is Appalling League of Nations to Take Steps to Limit Manufacture By GRORGE HAMBLETON (Canadian Pross Staff Correspons dont), CGoneva, May 14-<The tale of a whip now on the high' seas with 2.300 canes of opium, or approxi mately a quarter of a nildon pounds of {this drug, all destined or the fllleit trae, waa told to the couneil of the League of Na. tiona today by Rt, Hon, Arthur Hendermon, British foreign necro- ary, The lougue vounecll had received the report of its apecial opium coms mittee, which showed the traMo oontinues to aweep through the orient, The committee in diplomatie terma expressed ita dedp concern with the situation in the far east, partionlarly in China. It was une able to record any substantial ims provement in China but hoped that moainges taken by the Chinese gov. ernment would prove effective, A Big Cw Rt, Hon, Mr, Hongerson « had more 'specifie information, He told the council that only today he had been advised from London that the Rritiah government had informas tion of a steamship which had left an oplumsmanufacturing country hound a destination in the far | oast with 3,800 eases of opium, tah Our ntatiation. the Bri delegate added, "leaves no doubt that this shipment, amounting (o the appaling quantity of a quarter ta million pon of opium, is all dentine For he the ilievit trafic. We | Seek Woman in Case of Slain Lindsay Native Police Unraveling Mystery of Murder of Dr. Alfred Seully (By Canacian Press Leased Wire) OMleveland, Ohfe, May 14.= Search for a woman sald to have threatened * Dr, Alfred O, Seully with death if he married another woman, was begun in Chicago aud California today by private ine vestigators retained by friends of the slain phyrician, Dy, Soully was no geadunte of MoGill University, Montreal, and 'a native of Lindsay, Ont, - At the same time detectives seoking to unravel tile mysterious slaying. of the prominent Cleveland doctor March J, planned to ques. tion Mea, Eunice Rockwell, 52, who has arrived here from Miami, Fla, It was she who told of the "other woman", investigators sald, Friends of Dr, Scully revealed the story of the clandestine love affair in the life of the supposed bachelor after she arrived here seeking recognition of het 13 year old boy who she claims fis Dr. Soully's son, and a share of Dr, Hoully's estate, Mra Rockwell, who announced ulin used the, name at the. sugges tion of Dry Scully, sald she married him ay the age of 17, while w student at legd, Beran, Ohlo, bout to them = a year liter, she sald, Dry. Beully. was found beaten tn death in his combined office and ltving quarters' here, All efforts to find a clio or motive to the slay. Jug proved unavailing. INQUIRE INTO BiG 'GRUISER CLAUSES United States Senate Cone siders Affect on Amer. ican Naval Policies * (By Canadian Prose Lonsed Wire) Washington, D. C; May 14 «A seavching inquiry. into the Lig oruiss or 6a of the London treaty as they may affect 'established Ameri oan pollelon of naval construction wat instituted today by the Senate navy committee, Sypplementing the general hear lugs on all phases of the pact pre. viously begun hy the mittea on ign relations, the new invest gation was intended to determine |® whether Any departure from acoopts ed naval building principles would be . invalved 'in the ratifigation of he treaty, y ldwin-Wallace ool: |. The won' was| ' Crazed Farmer Suicides After Hamilton Murder (By Canadian Press' Losbed ' Wine) Hamilton, May 14-Lying behind the sbarn. on. his father's farm hidden from wight by a fence, 1 body of 30-yewe-old William Topp, farmer and slayer. of Mary Ann Tweedle, his neighbor, was found yes terday, ' Emery Tweedie, cousin of the first victim to die at. the hands of the crazed farmer, les in a serous con. dition in Hamilton General Hospi: al. An operation preformed eas alas report resulted in the extraction from his body of threcshullets and surg. gons say that he 'has a' fair ghancg of recovery Discovery of Topp's body complet od the tragedy which began early esterday morning when hoa slew iss Tweedle, wounded Emery A'weedle andifled from their farm near the Jdittle, hamlet of Woodburn, eight miles from this city, The young farmer had held a 12-gange shotgun to, his body and pulled the trigger, the discharge shattering his right breast. He had died, physicians stat. od, almost instantly and must have killed himself a felv minutes after he slew the 60-year-old .woman, Hunt for Large Rum. Steamer Freighter Reported Loaded 'to Gunwales With Liquor For. U.S: (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Chicago, JIL, May 14.~The Trl Dune says coast guard crows along A 200-mile' const lina 'have begul the hunt for a tramp steamer, load. od te: the gunwales with: choice Canadian Nquors and beer, Capt. John A. Anderson, of thé gentral coast, guard station, re. golved a tip on the rum ship late terday from a person telephon- trom Detroit, The informant dotlined 'to identify himself, but later investigation by Capt. Ander fon verified the mun's statement, the Tribune says, ! Tho story was that the freighter, ramingo, repainted and renamed the A18, wins stocked with liquor Goderich, Ont., last woek, that leared the Canadian customs at 1t 'Sto. Marie and' then started ¢ lower Lake Michigan--Chicago or some hoarby petit, Exoldo officers at Goderich verls fla the departure of the ship, and police sergeant Ross therd recalled that lquor and beer trucks frow Londen, Ont; had rumbled /fnto Wodetich last Thursday night, The Aramingo wan caught in the ram traftlo once betore, and libel. lod in a Canada port, Last summer, ® Tribune said, the boat quietly out ot the. Canad port ndor its 'own steam and. and h ih 0 ALS 1a a boat tong and 20 bt os EE fc EERE Es ot volt 3] ¥ iil Tribute. Paid "To Dr. Nansen League of Nations and Ger- many Join Norway in Condolences Ogle, Norway, May 14-~Norway paid official tribute to Dr, Fridtjof Nansen whose sudden death oc curred yesterday, The Sporting, or legislature, held an extraordinary meeting at which President Ham- bro voiced the country's praise of She great explorer and humanitar- an, 1 President Hambro said Dr, Nan- son's life was so many, sided and rie it is difMoult to judge his real work, 'Science led him to deeds and deeds led him back to science under Norway's banner the president "In difoult times he had occasion to do his country invaluable ser. vice. His name was identified with great funds which bore his name at home, Abroad there was 'a Nan- son passport' which was the shel tor of many homeless and unfor- tunate persons.' The Sporting's offer to pay the oxplorer's funeral costs was ace copted by the Nansen family, Praised Ny Mage Genova, May 14--The council otf the League of Nations opened its sossions (today with praise of Dr, Fridtjot, Nansen, who in the latter years of life served the league of- ton and well, Tribute 'From Germany Borlin, May l4=Forelgn miunls- tor Qurtiua' today sent an expres. slon of tribute to the late Dr, Fridt. Jot Nansen from Geneva to a Bor. In corespondent, He says: "At the bler of the groat states. man noble character and explorer, Feidtjot Nankon, whom all humanity mourns, Germany bows her head in voneration and grati- ude, GIRL WINS ACTION AGAINST FIANCE, STILL ENGAGED (By Canadian: Press: Leased Wire) . London, May 14A girl. of 2 vears today secured judgment for das mages of £1,375 (about $7,700) against her Hance, for injuries sustaiiied when the motor 'car driven by her fiance, in which she was riding, crashed intg a 'lampepost on the Thames embankment, The parties, however, are still engaged to be mar: ried, ' "The fiancee quite rightly brings the action," the judge remarked, "and the vonug man quite properly defends. it, Ruauk ess th ae till ie on ribs vo ow ro RS to "her, . 3 Jo UR RA with Ro rg but if may $0 say without impertinence he. iy still. very. comely, tireless | Martial Law Clamped Tight Over Sholapur and Over 200 Arrested, Including Two Murderers of Police SALT DEPOT RAID STOPPED BY POLICE 158 More Hindus Arrested at Shiroda -- Elaborate Steps Taken to Prevent Raids on Salt Works s¢ Dharsaana ol o-- ' ! (Py Canadian Press Leased Wire) Bombay, May 14---The governe ment moved fust today in suppress ing nctivities of the Hindu nation- alists, The strong Insurgents had gained control for a brief time. Hundreds of arrests were carried out at various points, A raid on the Shiroda salt dopot was stopped and precautions wore taken against the threatened raid on the Dharsaana salt depot, Troops of the Royal Ulster Rifles. were combing the city of Sholapur today More that 200 natives were arrested under the curfow order and other ordinances, Suspected ringleaders were detained and among thése the autherities thought they had two men Impli« caed In the murder of policemen last week, Native "self-govern~ ment melted in the face of reinfore~ ed authority and with full martial law in foree the city took on a dee sorted appearance, many inhabl« tants leaving, Sixteen Injured Two hundred Nationalists tried a raid on the Shiroda salt depot and after a clash with the poles 168 were arrested. Sixteen were in- Jured, While Mrs, Sarojinl Naidu, Tead- or of the reristance moment, plan ned her rald on the Dharsaann depot for tomorrow, the govern ment put inte force an order pro- hibiting carrying of weapons and assembly of more than four persons in the Dharsaana and nearby vile lagon, There were Indicattons that the Nationalists were turning from thelr attempts at Breaches of tha sult laws to a campaign against land taxes, Nationalist congress loaders asserted that farmers in the Bardoll district were setting up their own courts and would not pay ®| land revenues, CHESTER CUP WON BY MOUNTAIN LAD: (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Chestér, England, May 14, Mountain Lad, owned by Chest H. Sutton, won the Chester Cu today. Mountain Lod 1s by Al Breck-Maid of the Mountains, CHINESE REBELS ROUTED BY GO (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Shanghal, May 14.--The Nati alist. government armies tod captured 10,000 northern . reb and hurled the invading forces of Anhwel province, governm Tapptehes announced, CUSTOMS OFFICER" IS BATTERED IN HOLDUP AT SAULT: Two Assailants Escape With $65 After Beating . Victim (By Canadian Press Lensed Wire) Sault Ste. Marie, Ont,, May 14-< William Latham, customs officer, stationed at the ferry dook, is in hospital in a rather badly battered RESTED IN INDIA > condition as the result of a ho gi last night, when he was assau by unknown men and #45 of customs money taken from him. The first intimation the local po- lice had of the case was the eal from some unknown person as te Latham's condition. "The found him at the corner of Bay and Bruce streets, The loft side of his face was covered with blood and hg false teeth had boon kicked from his mouth by his assailants, Ho'told police he was'on his way' home when he was set upon by twe men, who hurled him to the un and proceaded to kiok him viel y ly. One of them went through As pockets and removed $65 ou \ 'money after whieh they doonmpet The sate in the customs office af the RY Jock Wad room he apen by thieves, who got only a few re got only a wR od a 4 3 police

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