Oshawa Daily Times, 14 May 1930, p. 11

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1 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIVES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 19% CIASSI ED SECTION, 4 N\~~ meets eller ERAT fs ym Gh Hi ol he" Dy BL tL % bpd "Aun, yw Phone 81s, Sollchs, Ancer, ics Phone mai revancer. M Kin, t East, dh Vraser) Notaries Standa St. Ph sor, ahs, Notary Publ A or Balin ¢ op ird yr |B ns Wo Wecenewcva i © tvter, yh Ton Oe ts Ba, ba Jn snd Au re and Eye Strain, be Chita and Its Development, Dis opposite 'Post Office. ' (Apr. 14<1 mo) Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AN y o Land D i vad Clo, Bos se or di King ------ EUk KE Ambelaer. 05 KING DT. Tri ay Folenen, Celina street, : rce street. wa. Corn lance, go LOUIS §. liclton Satara, , N, a Ho otigh hone #337, I AR ste. Money to loan, Alger Bids, ope posite Post Office. Phone 1614, AN ot RISTE 0 iy ove Resta TH, _ ro 07. g brid GREER AND fo He, 301 Sis BAR/| rn wr Ti eyancing and general St. Bast yw Medical DRS, HAZLEWOOD w HARPER, Disnsy Block, Phone "050, Oftice hours § a.m. to 8.0 p.m. Dr, B, J, Hazlowood, special Sentiog to Surgery and; X«Ray. Jr. B, H per, special attention to children' (] Diseases and Obstetrics, and night calls 2416. or 22%: table : | eonsulg ~ N. Jolie, 80 Simcoe north, Your f(nsuramce wants ot. janaty to' aad your interests pro- i _-- hm to ont Fire Acne | n automobile,' fire, : accident. Bee Holden 02 Bimcos N (May 8-1mo) Srp : ee as CAWFAGE AND FTONAGH, COLE man's, §6 Bond West, Specialists in turniture moviag, storage ware Phase oh 'moving van equipment. SARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL iri | Bite Sadiine. AMA" don Phone 934, 10 Bond Bt, West, DR. MeKAY, PHYSICIAN i. suR-1¢ eon, r dence, St. Osliawa, Phone 94 w. TRICK. PH {S1. BRP Obstctricinn, Special references to Matern ty work an h experience, Tes and resi: ade 06 Simeoe oe N. (cor. Brock) s of women. phone 308 nx St. ri, corner Victoria DK. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN J Surgeon, infants _¢ Ss. Es obs v Ratio Ave, vor art Fie 142 once Fiona 8150, DR. 0. W. OAR H 0 i Per one Sie0e Phone 2418 1). BR. I. A FROWN, PHYSI- clan, Surgson snd Obptetriclan, gofice | } andr | North, hang 107. Veterinary Surgeon Specialist Diseases Domestic Anis mals, Cat and ig hospital, King W. Tel 6 apocialize Jamonees, "eos moderate, {Muy 12-1 mo) perience, 203 » 2. ce over Store Oh Fue LI WATSON OSHAWA'S OLDEy BY ho i she! furniture movers or Com Donn i pe Srank Fe. 1 ar (Apr: 10-1 mo) Wal Beauty Parlors : BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE shop. Special.sts in 'pearman floger..and marcel waving, Fer uent wave prides $5, 37.60, ¥10 and $10. All other 'hanes of Beauty ffuiture, Phone 2008, Simcoe street vorth, A BY tty Ward at Betty Lou Permun. ent Wave arcel and sham: [caus Shop: 9 Celina-84, W n o spe clalize in ladies ale" cutting mar: celling, ne, facials. Marcel 50 cents. For anpointmenis phone (April 15-1 mo) UOUNRL, Be. MS. NAR 5 Clarke, 147 Agnes strest hone 264 Apr. 20-1 mo) Fr i 2 an d throat FERWERT O. TRENEER, OR Shulst and choir master of King Street United Church will sccept | susie in plano, or and vocal For rs apply 80 William ob A east. Phone 2808, (May to 31) 1 of NAR ic Ro Hd Public St Hy Studs Gil 5 Patng Tn (May 6- no) {| cua RADIO SERVICE. A tor sale, re) n on elees there bay ad at 3350J. Charles Vales. 146. ALL MAKES OR SETS Nami: ed, prices reason he RH EE I pr. a mo) ouarged,' 76¢ called for and de Titergd. Radio service, airials erect. tt. Phone 20060, Apr, 30-1 mo) vard, Pleated . Skirts from one ; dollar up, Stugtital embroidery work, The A wy, hon 4s all-on sale. South. a 0 1856, «1 mo) tor invalid or convalescent pa- tient, 120 NH St. B. Osh- awa, yRhoue, 19 tion So ., Jr Sn, a funiture ae ig Bann, Apply sb AND| = "| siven 'on. work. Fan wei b SoioRE Tio Wo J. SULLEY AUC: All Classified Advertising Coming, Events, Ftc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and lose arising from handling a large number of small arcounts of this nature, For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to some personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring 8 messenger who will receive the advertisement ond collect for same. "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT ---- EE Work Wanted BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered, 75 cents. If ren. ml supplied $). Batteries repaired Sian Nason, 20 Mill Bt. Phone 1886W Apr 161 mo) C ' and garage floors, sidewalks and rondways, sand, gravel, cinders. Ohris Graham. Phove 2621M, (Apr, 29-1 mo) T 5 ON automobiles and fupmiture, The best in workmanship at the lowest prices, Note rew address, 461 Sim- ET DESTAD-| oan 6. A Costa ble. Phir 43 0 "3 Wks) H INING SGOT, KNIV- on; Lawn 'Mowers, Saws. Phone 421W, We call and deliver, 130 Celina St, K. Bottan, (May 8-1mo.) FET YOUR LAWN -- MOWERS sharpened, Phone 1466W, We call for and deliver, Price reasonable. (11le) FIRST CLASS LAUNDRY DONE, lone 1224M, (1110) For Rent APARTVNENT="MOVLWAN, BONE like suites. Some furnished, laun- dry, conveniences, elec dryer, ete, elec stoves, elec refrigeration, bot water year round, Phone 1660 or 2U4TW ($111) FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MUD orn suites including electric retrig- eration, stove, laundry, eouvens ofces, etc, continu' '8 hot water supplied. Apply Supt. 'phone 2671, or The Trusts und Guarantee Co, Ltd.,, manage: for ownor, Toronto, (47L0) OR NENT - FIVE ROOMED brick house, convenfences, hard. wood floors, mewly decorated, paved street. Possession May first. Apply 31 Elgin ehst, phone 16864. (11le) APARTMENT TO LET CENTRAL LJ i Bear lrg rdwood faars FURNISHED WB TOOT Fol light housekeeping, suitable for young couple. Phone 3338. Dressmaking A " die's dresses. Ensemble suits, children's clothes, and alterations, Mrs, Connolly, 287 Richmond, East. Phone«8085J (Apr, 23-1mo.) Astticles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body y Waterous Meek Limited Tr, A Ltd, planes, new and used planos, Also radios, latest wodels; ue arranged. Apply O. Truil 856J, Tie FOR SALE--CRUSHED STONE Clips for driveways, Waterous- Meek Limited, Phone 1288. SA pr. 49-1 mo) AN- shes. * We have a largest assort- ment of paints, varnishos, eto, Int in the city. The Paint Store, 80 King streot west, (Apr. 35 tf) stone-chips and black loam. Phone 17983, J. Forrester, 210 Alice street, a. 30-1 mo fort: fonts black loam. ot, 50 per yard. Ality and service phone Es- gery Bros. 382 r 11, (May 3-tf) K A nearly new. A bargain. Apply 840 Olive Ave, after alx, (11le) ible baby carriago and stroller, voarly new, Apply ox 703 Satawa Dally Times. 10) for sale, Phone 21187, 574 Bimcoe Street, (113b) North, AN ness; Phone 208 r 3. (112¢) BER, BUILDING and firewood by pile or load. Also trosh cow. Apply Pete Wysotski, Lakeview Gardens, 113b) QUANTITY OF BEALURS FOR stle. Apply 174 Arthur street, 113b) DOHERT ANO -- 1 grand, mahogany, in splendid eon- dition, Cost $476. Will take $175. Torms $10 down and $8 per month, John p, 03 Simcoe nortan, Phone 371W.. 1138¢) Large size grass 30¢ (1130). ban 1 physical culture. Street. Lessons given hs re are rhanger, pal LL] rices Nahe Plae Ave, hone 3508w or 30 w or etm inting, paperhan does sign Re 1 atv oust, 8:1 mo) RUGH -- SMYRNA rug. 50 to 81 down, ne For ples phone 1818 Lape, 201 mo) und sraininn | (110e) FOR RENT-- SEVEN ROOM brick house, all conveniences, Very central. Apply 182 Church street. (1110) VOR RENT---TWO LARGE DED: rooms in private home, close to G, N.C. Apply 281 Jarvis Street, corner of Alice or phone 1531M, (111¢) ulshod or unfurnished. Immediate possossion, two bedrooms, dining room, living room, iitchen, break- fast nook, Kelvinator, Apply Suite 8, Simroe Manor, (111e) tral, four rooms, bath, ' eloctrie stove, newly decorated, hardwood floors, Possession June 1. Apply Box 055. Times, (1121) THREES UNFURNISHED ROOMS, Phone 1226W, » (111e) 0 J) RENT, SUIT ladies ar sentiomen, Board op- tional. 255 Celina street. Phons 657) (1111) LL ---- coo Street South, hot water heating, two toilets, separate bath, hard. wood floors, nowly decoratbd, two sun rooms, large yard, suitable for Doctor or roaming house, rent reas sonable. Phone 308 or 309, (112) PASTURE FOR RENT, --CREEK running through Balson's Farm, Apply I A, Von Gunten, North of Tollay (} Foy HL FOR RE Livy Gladstone " Avenue, Hardwood throughout, 8 plece bath, Jaundry tubs, couple only, Apply 143 Patricia Avenue, (113¢) on 'bath flat, heat, telephone and Phone 1689J. Water, electric washer, (112¢) OMS, BED sitting room and kitchenette, Gas or electric. All conveniences, Phone 3432W, (112) TOR RENT rooms, -) conveniences, Apply 196 Albert St (112) Rates for Clagsified Ads. Minimam charge $06. Each subsequent consecu: tive insertion 10 per word, Three copssoutive inser: . tions tor thy price of two first . (nsertians (three cents a word). © Minimum charge Yor three + insertions, 60 cents, + Box muwber 10a additional Professional or Business and, pa 80 per month i lg Rl tor each wdditlona) 'word, TIMKS CLASSIFIED Abn OONT TM AG "OUMPLIRH WM TELRIHONE 88 Ask Closnified AG Depmrtinem light, For Rent PV T =~ BR rooms, conveniences, central, Bibs teen dollars a month, Horton snd French, Times EL fide) FOR R 6 Ri OUSE, all conveniences, $30.00 per month, at 126 Alice street, Apply 14» Oshawa Blvd, (113b) §17.00 -- 2 LARGE ROOMS new brick bungalow, private eu~ trance, large verandsh, No objec tion to one child, Phone 34447. Corner Lauder Road with garage, Possession at once, Apply od Westmoreland Ave 1%) c ner Colborne - and Mary, fine gar- den, rent reasonable, "Apply 16 Bond street west. (11%¢) TO - wood tloors, French doors, double garage. 169 Agnes street, Apply 16 Bond strect west, (113¢) 70 Jet TNFURNISW. ed rooms, ground 'floor, three blocks from four corners, All cone veniencos, 43 McMillan Drive, (1134) Wanted To Buy _ WANTED ~T0 BUY FOUR OR five room home---1928 Chevrolet Coach and lot first payment, Ap- ply 1856 Albert Street, (112¢) WANTED TO BUY--PIVE OR SIX room house, all modern conveni- ences, In good locality, possession June first. Apply Box 673 Times. (112¢) WANTED---1027 MODRL CAR, substantial cash payment, Apply Box 675 Times, (1120) Ba A Rea) Estate For Sale FOR SALIW--GENERAL, STORE with large ice cream trade. Locatey at Intersection of two county high- ways, Property includes three quarter acres of garden land. Bix room house, ice cream booth, barn and Ice house, Gond location for gasoline ' station, Immediate sale required to close an estate, Fur ther particulars. N. J, Holmes, 124 Nassau St, Oshawa (1100) FOR WALE--RIGHT ROOMED house with sun room, hardwood floors, all modern conveniences, in select residential section, Immedi- ate possession. Box 667 Times. (111e) WERWE A REAL GOOD BUY, Seven roomed modern home, Hard wood floors. Garage. Paved street. Contra!, $4000, Phone Holden 3711W, (113d) Palmist MADAME RENA, PALMIST, 378 Beuna Vista. Appolniments. s4aw, (Apr. 21-1 mo) ond 8 work done at repaired at Body and fender shortest notice, also repairs to motor boats and general wood work, Phone W. Fry 3300. i (Apr 22-1 m9) » --e9 CHEV, C ' Must be seen to ve appreciated, Phone 717J. (1120) FOR BALE--1038 PONTIAG SH: dan In Al condition, Cheap for cash sale, Apply Box 671 Times, (112¢) Help Wanted--Female MARRIED OR SINGLE LADY wanted immediately, Phone 2229 or apply 44 Bond street east, (113¢) GIRL" WANTED FOR OENERAL housework, references. . Apply 485 Simcoe street north, (112h) Help Wanted---Male WANTED TWO SALESMEN WITH references, willing to be bonded, Apply between 5.30 and 7 p.m. at 331 Centre street, Ask for Mr, Seymour, (1120) OAS. sist in bake shop and general work, one with a fow months ex- perience preferred. Box 42, Port Hobe, (113h) ------ factory oN ty Oshawa and nearby counties, No experience necessary. Unusual ope portunity for advancement, Must be willing to start at reasonable basis, Syncro Motors Company, Battle Creek, Michigan, Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED FARM HAND wahts work on farm. Avply ik Conant street, (111 wants position, Times. ; Awnings WwW A NGS = awnings, verandah curtains, canopy tops installed. T, Taylor, Toronto. Oshawa phone 1053. (Apr, 10-11) all kinds of canvas ods, Coun Dae camp equipment for rent, ox ardware, phone 25 or 26, Agents for J, J. Turner and Son, Peter J (Apr, 20-1 mo! and Live Apply Box 668 (1110) | 'trom carefully selected large heavy layers, after May 1st. All Diales from reglrtered: stock. Hatching © a Vigitors weleome. Geo, Reynolds, Coustles. Apr. 26-1 mo.) EN BRUDE female doug: for sale cheap, Good reason for welling. Phone 2785F. 241 Quebeo street: (113) IR TRE Nave and-air forges will be the most affected by Australia's reduce: 'tion of national defense expendi tures, . Phone |}, SHORT SKIRTS For Sale or Exchange 4 | ATTRACTIVE VARM, 75 ACRES Good soll, Near Oshawd, For sale or exchange for Oshawa property. See Molden, 92 Simcoe North, (118b) uto FOR BALD -- TIRWS, 30 % 8%, $8,065; 29 x 4.40, $6.95; Ford Rad- fators, $10. Also auto parts at reasonable prices, Motor Accessory Co., 81 King west. Phones20566J. (Apr, 26-1mo.), NICELY PURN bedroom, suit business man, Near Four Corners. Duird, it desired, 78 Bond street west, (113¢) CORT -- BATURDAY EVENING, Toy Pom with white breast, Find- er please phone General Motors 09. {1 12h) ) 8 K GLOVE on Brock and Mary or Simcoe Thursday night, Return to 64 Brock street east (118a) "Building Supplies ; 8, 'Yo insure prompt deilwery, place orders ir. advance of delivery date. W. Borrowdsle. Phone 161% Male or o¢ Female Help WANTED --LADY OR GENTLE- man with some spare time to solicit advance orders for an exclusive and high grade line of Personal Christnuas Greeting Cards, Excol- lent commission opportunity for the summer and full months, High- ost references necessary. Box 648 Times. (M-W-J') Sheriff's Sale of Lands County of Ontario To Wit: On Sa. day, the "7th day of May, A.D, 1930, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, | will offer tor sale by public aus tion, at my office |. the Court House in the Town of Whitby, al) the right, title and intérest of the defendant n the under-mentioned lands and tenement; seized by me v.der ant 'y virtue of a Writ ol Execut! n issued out of the First Divisien Court of the County of Ontario, and to me directed, in which William Elzuk is the Plait. ff and Sam Sebt 4 is the Do f= 'ant, The sald "ads and tene- ments being, all and singular that qriain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, being part otf ot No. 9, ju the Broken Front Concession described as follows: Commencing at the distance ot 7 chains 80 links easterly from the north-west angle of sald Lot on the southerly limit of the Base Line Road, and being 80 links easterly from the north-east angle of a part of said Lot No. 9, deed- ed to one Robert Rugg, by one Thomas Conant, thence south 14 degrees east, six chains and 37 Ih more or less to tha land of the, Grank Trunk Railway thence, easterly along the lands of the Grand Trunk Railway 80 links, thence north sixteen degreos west parallel with the westerly bound- ary thereof 6 chains ana 37 links more or less to" the Base Line Road; 'hen westerly along the Base Line Road on its southerly boundary 80 links more or less to the piace. of beginning, containing by MmasuIement balf an acre. 3. I. PAXTON Sheriff, County of Ontario, Sheritt's Office, Whitby, Nts 6th, 1930, (95-101-107-1138) Sheriff's Sale of Lands County of Ontario To Wit: On Saturday May, AD, 1930, at the hour of eloven o'clock in the forenoon, 1 will ofter for sale by Public Aue- tion at my office in the Court House in the Town of Whitby, all 3] the tight, title and Interest of the defendant in the under-mentioned lands and tenements seized by me under and by virtue of a Writ ut xecution, issued out of the First vision Court of Ontario, and to me directed in which William Elisuk is the Pliinutt and Georye the 31st day of Drogomatx is the Dofendant. The sald lands and tenements being, all and singular that certain par: col or tract of land and premises situate, lying and leing in the City of Oshawa, in ithe County of Ontario, and being composed of lots 488, 489, and 440 according to plan 148. This Property is site uated at the south-east corner of Fourth Avenue and Drew Streets in the City of Oshawa, OR one {ot 8 Situned a frame (wo-storey six roomed house. Bheritt's Office, i Whitby, February 29th, 1980, J. I. PAXTON, Sherif? C.0, T107:128-119-12¢) Dt -- SOCIETY STARTED Liverpool.--Womon of the north are in dadellion against a slaves like submission to the whimg of the dress designers, and Mrs, Bes. aolluiter of Stuart avenue, Hunt's Cross, Liverpool, is taking up their onuse a forming a short ski society She has juvited a.number of Ine palgn committee, the first purpose of which will be to urge the large shops and stores to stock short skirts. . sle Harris, the wife of a Liverpool | fluential persons to join her cam. | NEW BRUNSWICK T0 HAVE PROVINCIAL ELECTION . SHORTLY Province Will Face Both Federal and Local Con- tests This Summer Halifax, N.8.~~Not in five years have political strategists on the Atlantic frontier had opportunities to compare with the events of the coming summer, Not since 1925, when two provinelal general elec- tions and one federal contest kept Maritime party fences in a constant stage of construction or re- pair from June November, has there been anything to equal the present indications of activity. Al- though this year's conguestd of the polling booth will number one less than in "25, the surety of a feder- al vote and of a general election on the merits of the Baxter govern- ment fn New Brunswick are already having their repercussions in head- quarteds offices of both parties. From 1926 to 1928 there was no lack of political interest along this "Maritime front, The 1926 Federal election, the provincial turnover to the Liberal fold in Prince Edward Is'and in the fol- lowing year, and the Rhodes ad- ministration's second victory In Nova Scotia provided an annual battle. But the past two years, with the exception of a by-election in Halifax, have constituted what amounts to a closed season on the ballot, . New Liberal Leader Clood-bye to all that, The party flags are up, Already in New Brunswick the Liberal party has chosen a new leader, in preparation for the provincial contest, and in succession to A, A. Dysart, who declines to accept re-appointment to the post, The new leader, Wen- dell P, Jones, K.C., of Woodstock, is a veteran in the fleld, having served from 1903 to 1908 in the Legislative Assembly of his pro- vince. At one time he was solicitor general, Nominations for the New Bruns wick election, are already stream- ing in, In Nova Scotia, too, although no provincial election is impending, the Liberal opposition will assem- ble under new leadership at the next session of the House., After thirty-five years of public life, in the course of which he has success- fully contested three elections for the Federal House and four for the Nova Scotia Assembly, Hon. William Chisholm, his health no longer robust, will Jeave the affairs of the party to a leader who will be named at a provincial convention in June, To Oppose Rolston Up to the present, one nomina. tion only for the Federal contest had been mado in the Maritimes, when J, M, Wallace, Mayor of Yar- mouth, was endorsed to contest that constituency, at present repre- sented by the Hon, J. L. Ralston, Minister of National Defense, A survey of the situation shows that of the twenty-nine Federal representatives from the Maritimes, olghteen are of the Conservative faith, eleven professing Liberal be- Hefs, The division Is: Nova Beotia 11 3 New Brunswick : i P.E I BAIT SHORTAGE INNEW ENGLAND Fisherman May May Suffer, as Re: sult of Shortage in } Frozen Bait Portland, Me.~With the sword fishing scason drawing near New England fishermen face the possibili- ty of a curtailment of the industry due to lack of bait, Local markets hbre and at Glou- cester and Boston, Mass, report that not a single pound of frozen bait is left and the seining season, when a supply of fresh a ring will come in, is a long way The Ying bs the famine in bait will be in force the finishing schoon- ers to remain tied up at the wharves in idleness until the swordfishing sea son opens in May. ' Fishermen say that this condition is rare in the an« nals of the industry, From the viewpoint of the whole sale fish dealers, there is only one ray of hope. The beam trawlers and draggers, who require no bait, are obtaining excellent catches "of fish wily are able to keep the market sup- plied Jute harship tor the trawl fishermen, who outnumber all others at this port. The past winter has been a particularly hard one for them as a combination of bad weather and lack of fish has materially reduced the This famine in bait is an abso [Hi Gorman broadcasting stations are improving and lengthening their dally programs, FOR RENT 199 Nassau St. .....$20.00 || 207 French St. .....925.00 223 Verdun Rd, .....925.00 0645 Carnegie Ave. ...9$80,00 Office in Disney Block, hos Ji snd cold water, basin, suit able for hairdressing. Rent $25 per month, Immediate possession can be had on all, | DISNEY PHONE 1550 | HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid by expert wechanics, old Soar finished like new, 21 ' Contractors. ve W. HAYNES 101 King St. West Phone 481 - Resideiice 8078W -- USED CARS Arr mold by THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 900 | GOOD yl | Boys' Broadcloth fi | Wash Suits. Special Superior Chain Stores A Delightful Breakfast Feed cre euclubively to muscle, anpmalis WibmPhoneitié Disney Bleck . Qpossite Bart Off eal Good Weather 1 Ahead! =O NOt 1088 JOUPr CAN Let we tinance you--Addi tiobal Unsh Glven, G. R. Holden MOTUR LOANS Roow 0, 14} King St, East EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop * Oshawa Burial Co. successor to Nisney-Cott AMBULANCE 87 Oclina St. hone 1088 Jarning wer of the mien engaged in the olde st industry on the coast. The supply of bait here has been further depleted by several of the larger schooners from Boston and Gloucester which have come to oPrts and recently for supplies of frozen ait . Fresh alewives at Edgartown, Mass. and a small supply of fresh; small herring at Rockland and other rts | castern Maine ports are only supe plies of bait obtainable, Bug competition nas business of. the Lubeck-Segebere railway line in Germany that it may suspend operations unless the com: munes subsidize it, 80 affected I 74 Athol St. W., Oshawa Phones 181111

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