Oshawa Daily Times, 14 May 1930, p. 9

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1930 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, Al Py figehe Didace Morrisette, Mrs, D. Morrisette, his wife, and Al- hert Morrisette,' 12, their son, Near Roblin: Agnes Evans, 14, and) | Esther Evans, 9, Didice 'Morrisette 'went to ' his death because he sought to save the life of his invalid wife and a young son. Dong the chores out at the barn 1] ON THE ns carly in the morning, he saw' smoke 4 issuing from the house, He raced to -- tie' front door, which he battered Father, Mother and Son Per-| down when it was found to be locked, Perish in One, Two Girls And entered the flamihg, smoke-filled 'dwelling, Didace died with his wife in Another And ebil, and' ehil Winnipeg, May 14=Farmhouse Too frightened to leave their bed, the Evans girls of Roblin were burn- fires, lashed by prairic winds, yester- day elai e lives. Trapped in a ed to death as their mother, father and brother looked on helpless, blazing upper-story as parents look- ed on, two young girls were burned Decrees of Miracles to death near Roblin in Northwest Manitoba, and the father and mother For Martyrs Read | 550 of a country family at Lafleche, in J iE IVES 107 Mr, and Mew, J Wright ary are shown uy, oh ready tor y from which Joseph expects to return once agatn with. the Hamonds; Mrs, Joseph Wright (nee Martha Norelfu ), the famous winner of the 19290 Wrigley swim, nccording to experts, has de. " i veloped a better style with the oars than the champion himself. Southwest 'Saskatchewan, died - with| . Viatioan City, May. 1d--In the their son as their home blazed, presence of Pope Plus decrees of The dead are: the miracles proposed for the can- anliatiod hi) the eight Sadia esuit ma were read in the | Consistorinl Ha under the direc- tion of the vice-perfect of cete- monies, Monsignor Capotosti, Am- ong those present were 'Cardinals Laurent! Veros, Granfto and Ehrle, Following t! roading 'of. the de- croes, His Hollhess, the Pope, made a short address' extolling the vir- [oer of the candidates for' canon. fzation, The eight Canadian martyrs who were missionary viefims of the In- dians nearly 300 years ago, will be canonized June 20, ARGENTINE WHEAT FLOODING BRITAIN Other Foreign Produce Iim- HI" ports Show Alarming ' Inceases London, May 14---The yemark- able increase in agricultural im- ports from the Argentine was stressed by Rt. Hon, Noel Buxton, Minister of Agriculture, when he produced his department estimates in the House of Commons, From 700,000 tons in 1925 they had in- creased to 1,150,000 tons in the first five of 1929. This colossal ine mainly in wheat, had been the governing factor In the domestic situation, he added. The Minister declared that the canning industry was undergoing great expansion and it was hoped that national mark would soon be applied to canned fruit, Sir A. Sinclair (Lib, Caithness ond Sutherland) called attention to hte enormous increase in the amount of oats Imported from Germany, where oat 'growers ro- celved a Government bpunty, He said the amount of 'dumped wheat" was negligible. Rt. Hon. David Lloyd George nppealed to the Government to call » general consultation of the threa politionl parties with a view to saving British agriculture from ruin and decay. DEPARTURES FROM AUSTRALIA EXCEED TOTAL OF ARRIVALS (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Syduey, Australis, May 14-=For the first time in the history of Aus- tralia, except during the war years, the number of departures from tho commonwealth have exceeded the number of arrivals, In the first three months of this year 22,004 persons left Australia and only 10,453 persons entered. Eighty per cent, of the arrivals were from the British Isles, Oldest Lumberman in Canada Dies df Frederickton; N.B, May ld Robert Ludlow Young, of Tay- mouth, York County, recognized for several years as Canada's ald- ost Jumberman, and one of the out- nding operators in central New nawick, is dead at his home + | bere, Mr. Young celebrated his 88th birthday at his home last New Year's Day in the enjoyment of good health, Attempt to Blow Up Constables' Homes (By Canadian Press baud Wire) Salsburg, England, 14 What appeared to nt een An attempt to blow up a group of houses occupled by membors of the JATiahig constabulary occurred here day. A golignite placed on the Ch of one house exploded and caused considerable damage. Two constables and thelr families had narrow escapes from flying bricks and atone work. All pletures in the house were smashed, as were the windows of a nearby '| piace. Newspaper Plant Is Destroyed by Fire J B. a Canadien Press Leased Wire) Que, May 14<-The hullding h houses the news- per, progies 'du Saguenay," was terday. The five, Lr MgB was laser b by the | watchman shortly after three o'clock this morning, tarted in the press room on the first floor and, in a short time the whole build. | Ing was nine, ruins, WIFE OF DIRIGIBLE COMMANDER HERE Pu S-- Proms Leased Wire) Montrea Git May 18,--Mra, G. Soott, wife of the comman- or of the British dirigible Re100 A An Montreal last night '| trom New York to awalt her hus: band, whom phe hopes to greet at OCEAN TRAVEL THAT is A JOY] No matter how you elect to cross con to rep Canadian il ships, service, sk our ur tipo joy, Fimt rd be ph a" vei eit todd the CT Bor Syven. z Your passage nd Bud XE ite gph he "M Ri gol Ruch ee ay v Monbeal nd Geee ist Third Cabin Return F: Suis Thid Goin. Return oy 'Ask your local agent for literature or J. Be MacKay, General Agent Canadian Pacific Bldgs, Toronto ALL a 7 ad OF TOURS TO SUIT EVERY PURSE MORE TOURS -- BETTER TOURS Canadian Pacific Steamships \J "Always Carry Gonadian Pace Exprost Compa '» Travellers Comfortable Miles~ ~--let us fie your car with a set of Cable Cord Tires. There's the srenith J tires--and a : Si i : : mse met. y MERCURY SERVICE LIMITED ein fe & Official Depot Sa lo {trie | that | decreased, | odin have not St, Hubert airport when he brings the hig dirigible to rest after her flight from Great Britain, Mrs. Scott, reluctant to be in terviewed, evaded reporters, and in company with commander A. R. Pressey, departed for Chambly Basin, a few miles from Bt, Hu- berg airport, Mr; Scott will be the guest 'of Commander and Mrs, Pressey at thelr Chambly home, cotati i -------- COLLEEN MOORE OBTAINS DIVORCE (By Canadian "Prem. Tossed Wire) Los Angeles, Cal, May 14---Col- leen Moore, of the films, was grant. ed a divorce in superior court from John BE, McCormick, film produced whom she charged with cruelty, McCormick, whom 'the ac- trons married in August 1928, did not appear to contest the suit, Ds ------------------ NEGOTIATING TO PURCHASE LABRADOR (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Montreal, Mdy 14 -- The Star publishes the following despatch from St, John's Newfoundland: "It is said of good authority that @ representative English, Canadian and United States group is nego- tinting to purchase Labrador for $100,000,000 and is expected to submit to the government here at an early dato n proposal to purchase Newfoundland's Interest in timber, mineral, water power, fisheries and other rights on inland and steam- ors." SEVERE DROUGHT IN NEW ZEALAND (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Wellington, New Zealand, May 14-~The driest autumn months in many years are causing great trou- ble and affliction in many parts of New Zealand, there has been no sustained rain- fall since January. Citigens of Dunedin have been spacinlly requested to economize in the use of electricity. level is so low in the waipor! elec- works dam, supply Dunedin, power production is greatly Street lights In Dun- been lighted for weeks, DIES IN WOODSTOCK many AFTER AUTO CRASH (By Canadian Press Leased Wins) Woodstock, May 14 -- Edward Bowen, London, died in hospital yesterday from injuries sulered in an auto smash three miles west o fthe city on No. 2 highway Mon, evening. Bowen and several other members of the Canadian Corps of Signals, London, were on thelr way to Woodstock to attend the an nual ball of the Oxford Rifles sig- nal section and were forced off the road by a cut-in driver. The car crashed into a tele:raph pole. Thos, Willlamson and W, Y, Mathews, both of London, are also in hospital here but are not-seriously injured. An inquest has been ordered, -- UNEMPLOYMENT AS ELECTION ISSUE IS SEEN BY LABOR Toronto, May 14-=Appealing to labor to throw ity forces into politics Yor the furtherance of the ideals of the workers of North America, was made by J. 8, Woodsworth, labor M.P, of Winnipeg North Centre, in welcoming delegates to the ninth biennial convention of the Amalgam. atd Clothing Workers of America, here. He predicted the forthcoming general election in Canada would turn evenly balanced parties Nd y gain for the labor and farm group. "Unemployment will be one of the foremost problems before the peo- ple," said Mr. Woadsworth, "Our program Is Socialist," he declared, 'our aim is the setting up of a cosop- erative commonwealth." First sub-colloctor of A. B, RICE customs and excise, outport of West Toronto, who retires on May 17, . In some districts The water BRITISH WELCOME Are in Accord With Propos- ed Amendment to League Covenant ---- Geneva, May 14.-- Before the Counell of the League of Nations, Rt. Hon. Arthur Henderson, Bri- tish Foreign Secretary, welcomed the report of the special committee which sought to bring the League Covenant into line with the Kellogg Peace Pact. "I am, gratified that the commits tee's proposals 'seem to achieve the object which our government had in view in its proposal at the last assembly of the League," Mr, Henderson sald. The difference between the two disarmament and peace agreements which the British Government peeks to eliminate is that the Leas gue Covenant récognizes 'private war," under certain clircumstasces when a nation is determined to be an aggressor--whereas the Kel- logg Pact outlaws war estirely, The committee's report will come oefore the next assembly of the League when decision will be made on the action to he taken, she was missing. NEW PEACE ACTION GODERICH WOMAN DROWNS IN RIVER S---- Goodrich, May 14-=The body of Mrs, George Dunlop, was found floating in the Maitland River after an all-night search for her. Mrs, Dunlop had been in 111 health for some time, and was taken to Alex- andra Marine and General Hospital here. When her husband went to her room there he ascertained that Search revealed her body in the river. Broker Arrested on Bucket Shop, Charge -- 4 Calgary, May 14,~W, H. Wolfe, manager. of the Calgary Branch of H. 8, Shannon and 'Company, Lim~ ited, wad arrested Detsotive Thomas Westlake, Symons .of the Alberta Provincial Police on 8 war- rant issued by the at! nay-ganer. al's department, alleging the.opera- tion of 8 bucket shop: ors from the Department closed the offices of the Company aud prohibited transactions on the Ca doi Stock Exchange, Saturday; BRIDGE CO o TRAFFIC UPTED Midland, May. 14.-4The- steel pridge over the Wye River near the martyr's shrine collapsed under a steam shovel weighing about 18 by coming from Port MeNicoll on its way to another road construc- tion job. The driver escaped unhurt but trafic between Midland, Port Mec- Nicoll and points beyond is cut off from direct communieation on (his highway, all trafic being routed through Wyebridge, Quick-Witted Boy Saves His Brother Sarnia, May 14---Georgle White- foot, aged 4 years, son of Mrs, ¥ Whitefoot of Bridgen, narrowly esorped drowning yesterday, when he feel into a deep well near his home. He was removed from the water and Is recovoring, The boy accompaniéd an clder brother across the road to a neighbor's property on which n well was ait- uated. The younger boy got there first, and as his oluer brother .ar- '| rived at the well, ue sow Georgle falling in, and summoned afd, REINDEER TREK IS STOPPED FOR FAWNING SEASON -- Nome, Alaska, May 14.--Three thousand reindeer being driven across "the top of the world," into Canada on order of the Dominion Govern- ment, have halted their long march in the Hunt and Colville river sec tion until the end of the fawning season, The herd will wait there until the new born deer are strong enough to join the drive which follows a route north of the Aretic circle across laska to the MacKenzie River basin of the Canadian Arctic, The reindeer will be used in Can- ada as the basis of a herd which, it is hoped, will solve the food problem of wandering Eskimo tribes in dis- tricts where game has been depleted by aboriginal huntsmen and where the struggle for survival would have become intense within a few. years, ---------------------- ALERT OFFICER EFFECTS ARREST Peterboro Man Held After Quick Action by Toronto Constable Toronto, May 14,--Alert obger- vation and quick action brought about the. arrest of Walter Light owler, 26, of Peterboro, on a charge of carrying a concealed weapon, Constable White, of the - East Dundas street police station was walking his beat at Cypress and Eastern avenues, Suddenly he saw a motor car hurrying south on Cy- press avenue, Quickly he looked around and saw another car coming along Eastern avenue, He stopped the second car and jumping on the run. ning board started after the Yirst CAr, At Sherbourne street the second car pulled in front of the first car which contained four men, The constable ordered the occupants PRESIDES AT NHL. MEETING Frank y president of the Na- tional Hockey League was in the chair Saturday at annual meet dng of that otganisation, which wae Edward Hotel, in Calder has ng oan the leader of professional hockey in Canada for many years and of interastionst hockey since the N.H.L. was enlarged. fhe isa . class executive officer and the best hockey man in America today, out of the car and searched three of them while one of them walked over to the sidewalk with his right hand in his pocket, "I want you, too," demanded the constable, The man came towards him still with his hand in his pocke ot, When the constable pulled his hand out he alleges that it clenched a .22 revolver tightly and that the weapon was fully loaded, Investigation into the recent pop ularity of the doll factory ju the, prison at Budapest, Hungary, pris. on, revealed that prisoners -had found it a good place to keep their fingers nimble for their 'regular profession," A fight In a tax! between Willie Smith, the English billiards profes- sional, and Clark MeConachy, the New Zealand champion, in Man« chester, England, rocently, resulted in the New Zealander being bound over to koey. the peace, THE SHELL Takes the hills without a murmur TEE eran pa You'll find no complaining "knock=knock-knock" on every little hill when "SUPER-SHELL" supplies the power... no back talk from the motot at every sudden get-a-way. , "SUPER-SHELL" is a we ante sat knock gasoline, made entirely from peteoleum.' That's why you'll find such eager power in every drop . . . why it provides high compression for the modern automobile quicker starting, faster picks "up, more miles per gallon, * v + In "SUPER-SHELL", you will get performance unmatched by any pre mium fuel you can buy. A tank full will prove this. + + Fill up with "SUPER-SHELL" today! STOP AT THE SIGN «OF THB SHELL! Shell Motor Oil - suited to the dee mands of the modern high-compression engine. * Ha low carbon Hy af olor and an aw NEW ANTIFKNOCK COMPANY. ' OF CANADA + LIMITED -

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