Oshawa Daily Times, 13 May 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TEMES, TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1930 PAGE SEVEN t News of Stock Matkets, ain and Prodvice Exchanges Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets Cheese, 50,045,000; Inst year, 43, 082,000, Open commitmente--May, eggs, OHICAGQ PRODUCE FUTURE» Chicago, May 12--~Values were lower on the egg spot call this| 9; Nov, esses, 1,177; May butter, morning with receipts well in ex-|24; June butter, 1; Noy, butter, cons Of those a Year ago, Buyers | 359, exhibited practically no interest, so| Two market receipts-- Butter to- that the decline was generally with- | day, 10,158; last year, 20,642, Ngee out opposition, Losses were also |to-day, 71,610; last year, 61,068, chalked up against the futures, No-| Chicago spot market--Dutler, ex- vembers touching 27%, & new low | tras, 34%; tone weak, Eggs, grad. for the season, The decline on to-|ed firsts 22 to 23%c; tone euwy. day's spot butter market was some-| New York spot market----RButter, what greater than anticipated and |extyas 36c; no tone, Eggs, firsts, there appears to be a feeling that | 24 1-4 to 24%¢c; tone unsettled, quotations mignt react, An easing | Street stocks--Butter to-day, 94, tendency was also noticeable on |G18; last year, 86,061, Kegs to-day, He gute nih, Novembers polling | 128,700; last year, 109,769, own to ' 0 glove, however, -- TH witnessed some racovery or ot least | 0" Joie TN" LET 00 in, 420,081, EB i" net in, 71,000; last year, net in, 48,400, Pour Add on hand--Butter, 10,784,841, Bees, 2,622,614, Bix citles--Butter, 8,868,101, Eggs, 082, Lg TORONTO GRAIN | QUOTATIONN Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the fol» lowing quotations for ede lots: $1,11%; No, 8 do, $1.00; No, #, $1,86% : No. 4, $1.08; No, b, V6¢; No, 6, 760; feed, 70¢ (cif, Coder~ feh and Bay ports, Manitobn onts--No, 1 feed, 52% cents; No, 2, do, BO 1-4e, American corn--No, 3 yellow, 02. 1-4¢; No, 8 do, fle, Milifeed, delivered Montreal frelghts, bags included--Bran, per ton, #30,26; shorts, per ton, #34, 26; middlings, $86.20, Ontario grain=-Wheat, #1,10; oats, 44 to 4be; barley, 60 Lo Bie} rye, Nominal, buckwheat, 80c. » better market tons. B44; last yoav, 3,360,860, Cheese, Government report----Buttar, 42. | 98,708,687; last year, 33,070,288, 048,000; last year, 5,883,000, Eggs| Movement at ten markets---But- 5,751, 000; 5,068,00 0, ter, net in, 808,680; last year, nu: ST ov A June Lake Trip last year, TORONTO PRODUCE AATIONN ) Toronto w Wong dealers are buying produce at the following prices: Eggs~=Ungraded, canes returned, fresh extras, 88c; fresh firsts, 800; seconds, Ble, Butter=-No, 1 Naaman. solids, 80% to 81%¢ei No, 2, 800, Churniog cream--Spacial, 84g No, 1, #8ei No, 8, 80e, Cheese==No, 1, large, colored, RATAOned and government graded, 18% to 10e, Poultry Alive Rrevtd Hens, over 6 Ibs, ,,,, 84 Do, over 4 to B Ibs, ., 22 i Do, under 4 Ibs, each 20 2 fprine heollers, over § Ibs, i i Manitoba wneat--=No, 1 northern || © Zoronto and New York biock Biggar and. Crawiond, | ™ 1 Stock Market ¥ Markel Summary by Cansding V'pess Ventures wr. Hr, t Prices, LET) 14h 15 080 Iho 108 Ig | Ha (LL 150 198 Toronto Stock Exchange High Br, A, OIL'19 Brag, BO % Low Close 18% 0% New York Exchange Can, Com, 281% Can, Hrd, 16 Cockshutt 18% Cty, Dry, 61 Dis, Bgrm, 11% Dm, Stes, 25 Gypsum 24 Hr, Wal, 11% Int, Nkl, #4 Int, Pet, 21% Imp, O11 26% Lob, "A" 14% Ms, Hr, LER" Mt, Pwr, 188 Btock Alleg Alli Amn, Amn, Amn, Borg Roth, Can, Can, Com, Ps, Hr, hi Bhaw, 76% #8. Btation 440 Standard Mining Exchange 7% 146 5% 46% Dav, Good Ken, Liq, LL 1h 75 146 Abana Ajax Anaconda Baldwin Borden Chrysler » Klee Low 20 h% ['H] 44% 71% 240% 09% 8 Ll) HE % 0 02% 200% ie 04% ah hav BOW 48% TE" Tin 6814 High 37 h 4% 0% 78% 2MH1% 08% 28 5% KO % HEE 00% 60% 200 an 8% 65 (HL LY 0 8 8h% 40 00% hany Chal, Inter, Amel, Tel, War, Heel Dry Pac, solv, Chem Mot, year Copper Carb, Close 20% 64H 448 78% 247% (HLA un 86% HER 06 4% (FR 206 HE] 86% hig '¥] 4 40 Kh 48% 60% LL] 4h 465 iho 450 id [1] HY) 465 0 ano 40 ho ho 46H iho anh 40 Amulet Big Mis, Ch Res, Pe, Mns, Maleon, Holl, vol¢e his nominee, " and initial the slip The member shall report the trans- action to the presiding officer who shall ring bell, announce the details in a clear or the at the time a buysy at or above or a seller at or below the price; seems that Jt. was & rule of the exchange then, and with a slight amendment since, 8 a rule of the Mtandard Ixchauge at the present time, that any member hgving buy. fu or welling orders in the seme seeurity may proceed in the follows ing manner, nroviding there is not The Judge further finds (hat ""Huhbs had hoth a buyer and a seller, He had orders to buy and soll the same wecurity and these were 'put throughs' In conformity with this Section 0 of the rules or the Exchange, The evidence {In this ease shows, 1 think, that the plaintiffs made no money out of the defendant with reference to these transactions other than the ordinary commission of hrokerage," "1 further find that the plamtife have net been dealing for them selves in the defendant's steek, hut have been dealing purely and simp ly. aw brokers, and are entitled to the commision charged, Thess transactions for the defendant all took place hefore the end of March, 1020, long hefore the stock mar- kot orash in October and Novem har, If the stocks had heen ears ried muh longer' the defendant would have lost considerably more money." This case wan tried before Judge Denton in the York non-jury court and was being watched by most of the brokers and 'Is of great In terest to the public generally and nocording to Judge Denton's judg ment all the transactions hetween Stohle, Forlong end Company and thelr cellent, Dr, Pollack, were regu. Inv In avery way and the brokers completely exonerated the charges made hy Dr, Pollack an to the none VARIED SPEED LAWS IN STATES Different States Have Wide- ly Divergent Opinions as to Rate of Travel -------- Washington, == Obeying traffic laws In your own community may be easy, hut a motorist desiring to observe faithfully all the Araffie regulations he would encountsy on a tour of the United Miates, would have his hands full of trouble, On such a trip he would encoun ter both extremes in traffic laws, in Massachusetts, for instance, he would he allowed to go only 20 miles an hour, When ha entered New York this lmit would he raised to 40; In Pennsylvania 7h; Ohio 46; Hiinols 45; Utah 80, and in California 40, In Massachuselts it Is nol per missable to go more than eight milds an hour In business sectioys where (here tw no traffic. control, In Mississippt it is permissable to go ten, In residential districts of Massachusetts a driver {4 allowed 16 miles an hour, In Maryland and Mississippl the restrictions are the name, Nome Met No Kpeed Limit Home slates helleve that tlere should be no restriction on speed, This Is based on the theory thar slow traffig 1s a greater menace to traffic than fast, Notable among these states ara Michigan and Kane san, The former males no resirie- tions on the open highway hut sets limite of 156 miles an hour In bus! ness sections and 20 In residentins destrigts, Kansas has no state law regard- Ing speed with the exception of one clause In ity traffie code that limits to 16 miles an hour vehigles drive Ing ncross rallrond ovossings and intersections or turning curves, Other states which have open speed limits on country highways are Montana, Tennessee, Vermonty dnd Wisconsin, Nome Laws Conflict Two tnstances of antiquated trafe fie laws that haye 'been passed and forgotten are the following: Missouri law says thet speeds in oxcons of 25 miles an hour are une fawful for passenger oars undey any conditions, Net 40 miles an hour 18 permissable for huses, Mississipp! provides that anyone driving an eny who falls to come to n full ston when passini a chureh, fu school house, an Animal or peus entrian, 1% Hable to he fined or give en a Jalil sentence or both, EXPERIENCED A father had heen in the habit of warning hig Vittles daughter re- garding hey conduct during the day uu he left each morning, Gne morh- ing as he left he kissed the little girl and sald; "Now he a S000 girl," With an expectant smile she added: "And don't what?" OBLIGING DEMONSTRATOR Prospective Tenant-=Tut if the house has been vecontly occupied how were all these windows so badly smashed? Housa Agent (resoureefylly) se well, it's like this, sir; my partner 8 a very conscientious man, and ne will insist on demonstrating to Bv- ery client that It 18 only a stone's throw from the station, Is elightful FIVE DAY CRUISE Do, over 4 to 6 lbs, ,. 16 Georgian Bay Toronto waslyas) dealers are Manitoulin Island oftering produce to ol dealers at S.5 we " au ims coh teas, ls, Sago H via 9. 9. Manitoulin #0¢; seconds, 870, ' Meals and rou TRE B32 err Butter == No, prints, 88e¢; No, §, prints, 88e¢, Cheese==New, large, 23 to 2840, htful time for a lake trip than the he scenery is at its best and there's execution of the order, He, Ol} 660 Hy, Gold &) Ah Hd, Bay 080 U1 11 Kt, Flr, bh [|] Lk, Bh, 28560 2240 Nrnda, 2075 2387H Bh, Grd, 108 ino Bd, Ds, 24H 250 676 2045 2075 190 246 Creamery M0 creamery, one 010 Leal * attuec, three for oven 028 Head lettuce, two for Parsley, per bunch .., Cress, threes for Oranges, per dos, Honeydew melons, each Strawberries, pt. Grapefruit, each Potatoes, bag 1+ Cucumbers, each Lemons, per dugen , Hunanan per dowen ,, Abples, o-qt basket reen peas, 6-qt, bets ' id LT ET |) | Green beans, 6 at, , varies whl Green peppers, 81x (08 vos 0.235 Sraubeiries. eT RIT] twins 88% to 84c; triplets, 3344: stiltons, 870, Old, large, 280; twins 200; triplets and cuts, 30c; old stil tons, 81e; Poultrys= Dressed Chickens, 5 Ibs Up 11ers Do, 4 to b I1bA sane s Do, 8% to 4 Ibs, shiv Do,, § to 3% 1bs, Doi BIDS, shrrvnrnrin Hons, over b ID8: 4 vovenye Broilers occ nentnnne Ducks ,.. mt i------ TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Wholesale dealers in hay and There's no more deli glorious month of June not a great crowd, The best trip of all Is a five days cruise to Manitoulin Island points and Sault Ste, Marie on the splendid steel Hteame ship "Manitoulin," Brief stops at all the Interesting ports = Killarney, Manitowaning, Kagawong, Gore Bay, Thessalon, Bruce Mines and many other interesting places on the Manitoulin Island and North Bbore, Then up the St, Mery's River snd a full day at the Soo, where the steamer is your hotel, The. 5.8, Manitoulin is the largest aud most modern ship on the route, Large comfortable staterooms, all with hot and cold running water, Observation galoen on the hurricane deck, Steam heating throughout, ole Round trip from Owen Sound to Sault te. Marie, Ont, and iraw are quoting a tot tor | Euraips, Rib etl g ae LOU HY qt ARERR TRNAS i jees for garloa berth while nn the trip and while owing pr on nn 1. OO i , Snack, Torte 8,00 hy strnsenamnis 1.28 180 Steamer loavés Owen Sou ory hens h or Yr ae 14.50 rien Sith, ¢ he 0 ermiiy vee Oil At] [# W eirernane Jl Mae ' Thursday evening during June ' HHA Out ra } 1.50 ORE v1 sesnrnsrs 0.29 0.98 Pineapples, arriving back id Tumdar A Rhubarb, bunch IE 0.4 He sro a during tourist | | FORONTO FARMERS" MARKET The following are quotations, ve: Radishes, four bunches .. feat lass service as during New carols three bunelies aon. steamor tall, in effect on the St. Lawrence include 4 id During July 'And August New bests, wo bunches .. Produs Lg with, ry ori Jn M0, Market, Toronto! Galery, doen sousgesnsers 12 230 |X uly per JORen iv ovis Por So or domen +s. 03 WINS JUDGNENT ¥or reservations and further infor. mation ask railway or * steamship Bn +r, dairy, per i. ! + 04 0.4 creamery, per 42 0, Feults aad Vegotab - M ---- Court Upholds Action of Brokerage Hous, and agents, or write Asparagus, - 1b eg "ee Awards $1,428 Judge Denton has just rendered Judgment in favor of N, IL. Martin, Trustees ih Dankruptey for Stobie, Forlong and Company, stock hrok- ers, In an action hy them against Dr, DJ, Polack for the full amount y of claim by the hrokers amounting y to Ma with "interest and Attention! Our Store Will Be Closed All Day Wednesday To ' Mark Down Prices and _Re-Adjust 7 Stock. lack, Judge Denton in his Judge ¥ ad ¥ shaven sold to him and did not exe 'Watch T REE EERE LANE 'afurn, luding mea AHO TIE RA Owen Sound If you haven't yet attended this great Opportunity Sale, come in te- day. The wide seloction--=the good condition of the care--the ex tremely low prices will astonish and please you. You will find that saving that will buy your y/ Ww ' Ww 30 DAY GUARANTEE 30 DAY you can get the car you want==now==at a gas and oil for months to come. & § Vv AND REMEMBER---This Sale celebrates the introduction of our new 30-DAY GUARANTEE USED CAR POLICY, If you want ta play safe, select a used car with this remarkable Guarantee, Why not, when you pay nothing for the Guarantee? Come in at ence, and find out about this new Policy=--~and see these real big values. CHEVRO : JAN | PONTIAC CHEVROLET SEDAN SEDAN small mileage Lo nly] driver, 1928 Model== in extra fine - $635.00 condition every way, Reduced from $675.00 to Pontiac Landau Sedan ' 1927 Model == hie ear ia a real $575.00 - bargain for v 4395.00 ESSEX SEDAN % 1927 Modelw=this car ia listed at $500-=Wa will aell this car for Chevrolet $295.00 Coach 1929 Modelw=if you are looks FLINT SEDAN ing for a bargain see this one: 1926 Modul :mfine. 3 nearly new tires, $328.00 Bway Tors: Arranged. $425.00 $51 5.00 ONTARIO MOTOR 'SALES Spinach, peek sv vvvveey ushrooms, per pound vv «vs 060 A Chevrolet Coach 1928 Modelw=in wlendid cons dition every way, Price $415.00 Overland Sedan da Medel | Burtect every rice Oakland Sedan 1928 Model == a powerful smooth riding care. No a mark on paint or uphelsteving: $675.00 Chevrolet Sedan 1927 Model Only driven small mileage. Sith great care, fact that the name of Hteble, ors long and Co, has come more or lems into the publfe eye In recent months I doubt very much if the action would have been defended at all, Owing to that notoriety which the plaintiff firm has come into I have taken great ¢are to see that they have not dohe anything that has deprived them of the right to recdver what in owing to them by the defendant." This case Ia a very Important one at the present time in view of the bankruptey of the brokers and of the proceedings that have heen tak: on against them, The defense of Dr, Pollack was that he had net given instructions for the male of certain shares Ana that the brokers werg actually interested in the has no substantial defense at all te this action and were it not for the in N Justineation, for the denfense and he says in his judgment = "What has concerned me moat In this case, and what most of the evidence has heen directed to as: certain, fa whether Stobls, Porlong and Company did anything more than act as brokerh for the defen. dant, or, in other words, did they In any way deal In these securities for themaelves rather than as agents only? A few of the trans notions, both sales and purchases, were put through in. the name of one Hubb, * Hubba is the man whe Wad con the exehangp fér Stoble, Forlong and Company, and was | their representative or agent there, or 'broker as you may eall him, Hin name appears hecause these few transactions were what are {known as "put throughs It "In my apinion defendant od, Judge Denton finds that there a rae dE ment says: the § Bisa eoute some of the orders as claims te by Ph Ss em ul

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