Oshawa Daily Times, 13 May 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 13, 193. PAGE FIVE | 'omen's Interests in the Home --- and the Community . } a ™ my rev Fy , A, Embree, Beach, Miss Josephine Dreyer, of Toronto, was In town for the Golf Club Dance on Saturday evening Mr, and Mrs, Fred Carswell, of Oshawa, who spent the winter months in the Southern States re- turned to Canada recently and have taken an apartment in Toronto for a few months, ' Mr, and Mré, Ross Perry, Brock street and Mr, Herbert McCabe, King street, were suddenly called to Napanee on Sunday on hearing of the death of their mother, Mrs. William" MeOnbe of that town, Mrs, Willett VanAlstine, who is returning to her home in Napanee after ding the winter in Flor. ida visited, with Mr, and Mrs, George E, Bull, Simcoe street north, wo don't Aspirin tablets oor heuralgle Relieve . ins Buy the 100:tablet bottle money, " YRADE MARK NEG, SPIRIN SPECIAL ORDERS TAKEN FOR BRIDAL OUTFITS at the THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St. 8, J Ab "a h gt point Mbt SAL Onkviilgy In Hy ,, 0% VanWagnor over. the week-end, | Weddings PHILLIPS=CHOATE The marriage of (ladys Alleen, daughter of «Mr, and Mrs, Jewso Chonte, Elena street to Haroul Beymour Phillips, son of Mr, and Mrs, Phillips, French street, Osh- awa, took place on Saturday af- ternoon at the King Street United Church parsonage, the ceremony was performed by Rev, C. E. Crags. The bride looked very preity in her wedding dress of blue chiffon with becoming hat of sand colored straw, There were no attendants ot the wedding, The bride and groom left immediately after the ceremony for a short trip east, and on thelr return will reside in Osh- AWA, WHITE--VARNUN At the King oot United Church parsonage, hawa, Ruth Edna May, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Edmund Varnun of Newcastle R.R, No, 8, and Norris Russell White of Clarke Township, Dur- ham County, where united in mar- ringe on Saturday afternoon, May 10th, Rev, OC, K, Cragg performed the ceremony, The bridal party was attended by Mr, and Mrs, ©, Russell McNeil of Rosedale Avenuy Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, White wil reside in Oshawa, | | Young People's Meetings CALVARY BAPTIST The Calvary Baptist Young Peo- ple's Union held their regular week~ ly meeting last evening with the president presiding. A very interesting program' was given in which the following took part, A piano solo by Miss Gladys Bly, » reading by Mrs Reddick en- titled "How John Cout Got Peace," Mr, A, Beck rendered a solo ac- companied by Mrs, Williamson, The minutes were read by the secretary, Miss Thelma Storks played a piano solo followed by a solo by Master Jack Lockwood, Mr, Lockwood gave A reading after which a quartette of girls sang. Light refreshments were served and a pleasant social evening en- Joyed by all, rr ---------------- KING STREET YOUNG PEOPLE The weekly meeting of the King Street Young People's League was held on' Monday, May 12, 1930, Hverybody particpated heartily in a short song service, after which the President, Ed, Kietaber, conducted the worship service, The seripture passage was read by Mas Winter, There were several items of busi- ness to be brought before the Lea gue. During the winter the League has been divided into for groups and an eftictency contest conducted, The winner was to be announced nt this meeting, sbut the contest was #0 close that it was announced to be a tie between Group "C" with Al, Horton i leader, and Group "DY of wh Art Wood is the leader, There in to be a banquet on May 36th, at which the winnin, sous' wil receive' sOmpe recogn on, The talk for the evening was given Mr, Brag Ste ahose as his subject "One of the Most Re- markable Women, Suzanna Wess ley," and dealt with it in such a way that we all received {nspiration from the lite of this noble woman, he' meeting was closed with & hymn, and benediction by Mr, Orage, after which the groups met in individual meetings. CHRIST CHURCH A, Y. P, A, The activities of the Christ Church: A.Y.P.A,, were brought to a close for the season last evening with the annual banquet, The din. ner was provided by the Women's Auxiliary and about seventy-five people were served, The arrange. ments were: most complete. Rev R. B, Patterson acted as toast master and master of ceremonies, Toastdsto the church, the AY,P.A and to the visitors were proposed by W. G, Corben, Kd. Jeffery, and Mr, J. H, Rigg and responded to by, the Rural Dean D, B, Lang ford, of Port Whitby, Mr, Scovell of Agincourt and W, G, Barton, The speaker of the evening, Rey, R. J. Shires of Bowmanville, sounds ed a clarion note to the younger layity of the church for a deeper and more vital interest in the work of the parish and diocese, He urged a growing ecucational and. intelli time you're hungry, enjoy é Kellogg's Corn Flakes and milk For breakfast, for lunch, for supper=--for a late snack, They're great, . . between meals and at any lll Kellogg sien desig orem TPR , London, To dh on \Mesyed or sleevel ' Ont. The photograph here shows Johanna Preisinger, 24-year-old daughter of the postmaster, who plays the role of "Magdalen" fin the Oberammergan passion play. gent intevest in its, affairs, "The AY. P.A," ho sald, "was being re- cognized an a more and more effec. tive means to that end." Therefore that each member should grasp more firmly the spirited - pledge and purpose of its fellowship with Christ the great head, and there- fore with one another showing {tself a more unselfish service for one another, His speach sparkled with trite and practical applica. tion, "Let the A.Y.P.A, mean for the church the Anglican Youth Power Applied." It was altogether a message of inspiration and uplift, During the evening solos wore. sung by Mrs. Nicoll and Mr. G., Walsh, Mrs, 8, \G, Carnell was the accompanist for the solos and for the community singing that '| was led by Norman Ibbotson, STALTER YY" The Stalter "Y" neld its month- ly meeting on Wednesday, May 7th, at the home of Mrs, A, Stal tor, 162 King ntrest canst, Mins Voi- ma Harris, president of the club, presided. Mrs; Ashley oponed the meet- ing by leading In prayer, A group Yonsisting of Mrs, Davidson, Mrs, MoGovern and Misses Hautoheson, and Dearborn, then favoured the club with some very beautiful Hawallan music, The business wection of the meeting consisted of a report from Mrs. Burns of the Medal Contest and the election of officers for the coming year. The following wore elected President, Velma Harris; Vice-President and Press Reporter, Madeline Tooley; Re- cording Secretary, Trudi Gomme; Corres, Secretary, Zella Lander: Treasurer, Miss Laphan; Planist, Mrs. Herancourt; Superintendants ot Flower, Fruit and Delicacies, Mrs, Morrison; Superintendints of Medal Contests-=Mrs, Burns and Miss D, Lander; Programme Sup- erintendant--Miss L. Phillips; So- olal Supeintendents, Mrs, W, Logue and Miss D. Lander, The meeting wax closed by a story, "The Monk's Consecration', told Ly Madeline Tooley and re- peating the Mizpah Benediction, TOILET SUGGHSTIONS There are some oxcollent ways of lengthening the life of avbur! or wave. When the bath Is taken, « towel should be tied around a mar- ool wave, and when cleansing cream is used, the hair should be pushed back and the hairline bound with a strip of absorbent tissue, Your wave will last longer, too, it you will arrange your hale carefully before retiring. Place the waves as they should appear the next day, anchor them with a fow hadr-pins and wear a strong hair net or amall gap to bed, Tight hats are death to all waves, so choose your hats to fit well, but not to constrict the head, AUSTRALIAN BRIDE London,--A picturesque Austra- Man doctor bride, Mias Verna Hack- ott, of Weaminster Hospital, who chose to walk across the Strand to Australia House after her wedding at the Church of St, Clement Danes to Wallts Kendall, the assistant re- strar at the hospital, set the poe & pretty little problem at one of busiest hours of the day, The reception was held at Aus tralia House, ~ But for the eavefully laid plans of the squad of traffic men on du i thingy ht have been more oun than they were. As it Was, - le he pride: in her duchess ei robes, ¥ A procession of blue-clad esmalds, was poss ing in the road for a group of pho- tagraphors, omnibuses, taxicabs, commercial vans, and private cars ware held up as far as Somerset House. in the Strand, and up Alas wich to Kingsway, No attompt was made to hurry bridal party across the Strand, the guests who sauntered the police. -------- '0 PASHION TIPS |, The knitted suit must have a jacket this spring but it may be \ ¥ feetived many admonitions | | 1 FASHION TIPS i dipelofrdeodrdpdrdodedpinipdop odd h , CORAL BEADS Large wads of coral are atirage tive for summer wear, especially when they ure covered with flaw carving, These coral beads set with alternate beads of crystal make a charming nocklace, COLORED PEARLS To wear with either a black or a pink frock there is an amusing necklace composed of two strands of pearls one of black beads ana the other of pink ones, White lace is the preferred brand on new lingerie, Also white lingerie In washables Is Dheing used by some of the most meticus lous drofsors, WHITE FLOWERS It you wear long white gloves with your evening dress by all means wear white flowers to em» phasizge the gloves. Wear them at the waistline, In good, old-fashion. od manner, FITTED JACKET A gray a¥d blue tweed sult for spectator sports has a tightly fit ted jacket that flares Into a pep. lum below the waist, The skirt is gored, Off<th=halr hats are very new, They have shallow crowns and are to be worn poised carefully atop one's shining locks, Lace straw, full-akirted dresses are recent additions to the debu- tantes' dancing clothes, One of the big houses of the Rue de la Paix tulle foundations, Accompanying the quaint stiff skirted frocks are eriap litle jackets of bright colored taffeta, SENDS PHOTO HOME T0 SHOW BENEFITS "T was terribly weak, nervous and rundown and finally I left Eng. land and came to Canada for a complete change, Nothing 1 ate JARS, J, BEAN agreed with me, I seldom plat more than a few hours at night ani felt perfectly miserable day and night too, en started Sargon. I've gained ten pounds in weight, I am eating breakfasts for the first time In 10 years, and never have a trace of Indigestion, I am full of new strength dnd energy and am going to send my photograph back 80 my family can see what a mars velous change this medicine made ume, "Sargon Pills got my liver acts ing normally and ended my cons stipation,"~Mra, J Bean, 33 Earl Gray St, Toronto, = ' Sargon may be obtained in Ost: awa from Karn's Drag Store, (Advertisement), ARAAA | KITCHEN A CORNER SIMCOE ST. SOUTH ARRRKRASA LEFT-OVER POTATO Mix one cup of left-over potato with two tablespoons of tapioca, one cup cooled, scalded milk, two Loans grated one cup crumbs and one slightly beaten egw, mold Into croguettes and fry in deep fat, CRACKED WALLS Before you paint your rooms, mend the cracks, f'here are several kinds of mending plaster on the market which, when mixed with water, will do the job easily ana beautifully. NTIFF OMELET A little tapioca used in making an omelet makes it much less likely to fall when taken out of the ovew, COHEESE TARTS With left-over bits of ple crust cut thin, small, round little tarts and fill with cream cheese and jol- iy when they are baked, TIME SAVER If you fold up the towels, sheets and other household linen when you take it from the lne, it will save many minutes and effort in ironing. FRUIT JUICE Save all juices from canned fruit, It Is excellent in gelatine or to make fruit sauce for cottage pud- ding for the children's supner, BRITISH AVIATRIX ARRIVES IN INDIA (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Attahabad, India, May 12-Amy Johnson, British girl who is flying from Croydon to Australis, arrive od here this morning after covering safoly a 940 mile route from Kar- uchi over the Indian desert, consid- ered one of the most dangerous stages of her flight, Miss Johnson left shortly before noon in contiuation of her fight to Calcutta. BRITAIN CLINCHES DAVIS CUP SERIES Torquay, England, May 12, Overwhelming thelr opponents in the doubles today, Great Britain's Davis Cup tennis players made it three straight victories over Poland and clinched the series. Gireat Britain thus advances to the third round of European sone competition where its next oppon- ent will be Australia or Ireland, pubis works URGES WOMEN TO AID London, May 10-A stirring call to women to take part in the pres- ont Conservative Party's "Home and Empire" campaign was made by Mrs. Stanley Baldwin, wife of the party leader, speaking to the women's branch of the Wandsworth Conservative Association, "Merrie England' was fast dying out; "Doleful England" was taking its place, Mrs, Baldwin said, It rested with the womenwhether the benefits of safeguarding of home industries were to be serapped of not, and women were rapidly real- izing the Iimpotance of this meas. ue, she declared, "Remember Kve noticed the apple before Adam," Mrs, Baldwin concluded. 'Go out and preach the gosvnel" The campaign, bringing to the forefront the Conservative platform of protection for key industries and economic unity of the Empire, will continue until Empire Day, May 24, U5. SETS A NEW BUILDING RECORD Quarterly Report Shows Gain That Establishes Five-Year Mark Washington, -~ Commerce Secre- tary Lamont has announced that contracts for the first three months of 1980 In public works and utili tien copstruction set a five-year ro- cord wit a total of $303,000,000, Contracts for private residences, and commercial and industrial buildings, however, foll far below the mark set in recent years, and more than offset the gain reported, statistics showed. Residential contracts totalled $242,000,000, a 48 per cent des orease under the first quarter of 1929, and only a little over one- third of the high mark of $707. 000,000 set in the first quarter of 1028, The great gain in utilities and construction was pointed ta by Lamont as showing concretely the results of President Hoover's business stabilization con ference and his appeals to aNte governors and other officials for "energetic, yet prudent pursuit" of public construction, Awards for publig buildings for the quarter aggregated $32,337. 000, Contracts for hospitals and institutions were valued at $30, 364,000, 'n' 74 por cont increase over the same period in 1980, Res liglous and memorial building cons tracts aggrogated $26,176,000, a 40 per cent increase over last year, Public works and utilities con- tracts, at $308,240,000, represent. od : B5 per cent incroase over last year, In addition to the big drop In residential contracts, commercial bhufldings wera 15 per cent below last year and jndystrial bullding Oe And then a half-day for our salespeople to relax, to enter into summer sports and past-times, then to come back on Thursday morning with minds clearer and bodies stronger, eager to courteous and a pleasing manner, We respectfully bespeak your co-operation in making our Wednesday half-day holldays possible by shopping as early in tho morning as you conveniently can, Du Several small mills enger to get the cheap class trade are a full fashioned silk hose to sell at 08c pair or less, The woman that buys it 1s never satisfied, the merchant that making polls it has his own troubles, When you want the best in full-fashioned hosiery choose Supersilk, It's a branded make favorably known in every city in Canada, THERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY TO BUY SUPERSILK FULL HOSIERY for as low a price + market, 20 DOZEN SUBSTANDARDS IN THE REGULAR $1.50 AND $1.95 QUALITIES In a good range of colors, and in all sizes. For 98¢ Pair Dread Silk . HOSIERY 9 There's a lot of cheap Trash in full fashioned Hosiery on the market, but its not made by Supersilk Hoslery Mills, as the cheapest to forget work and 'worry and attend to your wants with a ©, ON WEDNESDAY MORNING FASHIONED THREAD SILK trash on the A GREAT WEDNESDAY HALF-DAY SALE OF CORTICETTE STAMPED GOODS We bought them for haf price. We are selling them to you For % Price Luncheon Sets, Dresser Scarfs, Buffet Scarfs, Pillows, Crib Covers, Crib Pillows, Vanity Sets etc. A great selection of the hetter quality stamped goods that is really worth while coming for, 17 per cent lower, Commercial bullding contracts wore $206,060, 000 as compared with $244,237, 000, and industrials §146,008,000, as compared with $170,088,000, Social and recreational buildings also dropped from $34,301,000 last yoar to $28,400,000 this year, In the public works construc: | tion Lamont pointed proudly to a 249 per cent increase In. contracts for lighting systems from 805,864. 000 in the first three wonths of 1920 to $20,468,000 for the same period in 1030. Rallroad construe tion dame next with a 128 per cent, Increase, from $30,073,000 to $70,648,000, The Federal Reserve Board in its monthly report spoke optimistically of the easing of the money market, a trend which it was predicted will help other factors of the economiay machine, AMATEUR BANDIT SOON MEETS FAILURE Tonawanda, NY.--A new use has been found for a whisky hot. tle besides concealing fllieit liquor, Walter Fox, having quarrelled with his wife, decided to hecome a bandit to raise enough money to go to New York, So, according to police he put an empty whisky bottle in his right hand pocket and entering an apartment house in Tonawanda with a handkerchief tied over his face, held up and robbed one man of $10 before encountering J, Min- ard Conrad, owner of the building, Conrad grappled with Fox when the latter shoved an empty bottle, concealed In the pocket towards the landlord and commanded him to "stick 'em up." With the ald of other persons in the bullding, Conrad subdued ox and turned him over to the police, ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs, BE. T. Lumb, Tam- pa« Florida, announce the engage- ment of thelr daughter, May Estel- la, to Willlam James Leask, the only son of James Leask, Ryland Farm, Oshawa. The marriage will take place In June. A SHE KNOWS HIM An old lady who had just. lost her rather aggressive husband, was being consoled by the viear. "Don't grieve, my good 'friend, sald the clerical gentleman, *No doubt your late husband is now striking his harp with the angels." "The old tartar!" exclaimed the widow, 'He's more likely to be strikin' the angels with 'is 'arp! HE MUST HAVE BEEN Friend (visiting hospital tient): "Do you know, that's a swell looking nurse you've got!" Patient: "I hadn't noticed," "Good Lord----I had no idea you were so sick." PUTTING HIM WISE "You know, dad, he always sald he'd never marry until the righ girl came along." 'Well, how degs he know you ar the right one?" "Oh, I told him I was." AS PLEASANT 70 TAK CONTAIN NO NARCOTICS hm 1 butter loup sugar dogg } teaspoon salt baking powder, then drop in the egg bake 10 to 15 minutes. Took ay Recipe Jor Oatmeal Macaroons bo Maglio Baking 1 teaspoon vanilla 24 cups rolled oats Rub together butter, sugar, rolled oats, salt and vanilla, mix well with wooden spoon. © Deop about the sie of a bagelnut in buttered pans and : for hs mer oe fein wink ingredient, Perhaps you've never made Oatmeal Maecaroons.. this delightful recipe. = They're a ins, Melillo AY MAGIC BAKING POWDER The Kind that 3 out of eve 4* Canadian housewives, who bake at home, say they use because it baking results. *This fact oo } ES | MAGIC BAKING POW DER unbeaten, add mixture TORONTO RAL Branches in all the principe! gives consis revealed in a recent Dominions de in vesti gation. If you bake at home the New Magia Cook Rook will provide you wih dosens of practic ae attractive a ora On request, STANDARD BRANDS LTD. 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