Oshawa Daily Times, 13 May 1930, p. 1

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Former CPS, Head Dies Montreal, Que~A, H.'B, 1; formerly general superintendent ol the Canadian Pacific Steambipsv dled yesterda, ourfier ut mouth, England, ed 15 year, Te Canada Quebec ~Cardinal rehbi- shop of Quebec, will leave the an- cient capital in a few days for Rome, where he will represent Canada at the canonization of the Canadian Je- suit martyrs, ¥ LJ Operation on Self Fatal New York~Louis: Capetta, 42 years-old, owner of a candy store and pastry shop, fast night in Line coin hospital of peritonitis caused by his attempt five days ago to remove bis own appendix, Five missioner Dies Montreal, --Fire Commissioner Nodolphe Latulippe of Montreal, died today at the Hotel Dieu hos- pital, LJ Nd . Youth Drowned Gananoque.~~While standing up paddling in a boat on the Ganane oque river, about six miles north of this town, Fred Ashby, 17, fell overboard yesterday and was drowned. Ld L] Moros on Warpath Manila, P.L~~Warfare similar to that of last week in which some 50 persons, inleuding five con- stables, were killed, appeared pos- sible with reports from Dapsalan to the effect that the Moros were on the warpath again, . . » LJ Noted Explorer-Writer Dead Abuguercgne, NM, --- Harvey Wilson, of Middletown, N.Y, poet, adventurer, explorer and writer, 1% dead here of pneumonia, Wilson is qredited with establishing the first trading post in Canada north of §6 degrees, at Sturgeon Lake, * L ¥ * LJ \ Fourth Jallbreaker Caught Toronto.~~Police headquarters received word yesterday that Fred Kemp, the last of the four prisoners who escaped from the Don Jail on the night of March 21, had been recaptured in Montreal. Broker Charged . ' Pembroke,~J; ¥', Perry, Ottawa, investment broker, charged with obtaining $2,000 trom a Ross town whip farmer with intent to defraud, was remanded for eight days when he appeared Vefore magistrate MacGregor here today. it, i Jlronsh the a pot Ha ies. post: | Touts, HAIL, WIND AND. RAIN DO GREAT DAMAGE (By Canadian Prose Léssed Wire) Oklahoma City, Okla, May 18. Hail storms and torrential rains, doing great damage to crops, have accompanied devestating winds in- 10 parts of the southwest, LEAVE TOM BROWN'S BODY IN MEXICO (By Canadien Press Leased Wire) Stratford, Ont, May 13-=Mrs, Tom Brown, widow of Stratford's ox-mayor who was buried In Mexico Clty on Saturday last will make no attempt to bring the body of Brown back to Canada, this effect was received here today by friends of Mrs, Brown who Ik still residing in Toronto. Miss Annin Brown, sister Jate ex-mayor is undecided whether she and her m endeavour to friends here have algo learnea. U5. FLIERS BOMB HONDURAN HOUSES in Fight With Nicaragban Rebels Bombers Hit Hone' duras Territory (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Teguol , Honduras, May 13. «The government has made: fons to the United States against an al violation f Hondu y by United p! ® fight with uan rebel forces last week, rt here said that of the today wall ing the body back, | {last year, But t aL a a r 4 - Succeeding The. OSHAWA, ONTARIO, = ESDAY, \ oS will Daily Reformer Times Y. 13, 1930 4 18 Cents 's ATTEMPT OF NATIVES 10 SET UP SELF-GOVERNMENT SOON OVERCOME BY TROOPS Although Hindu 8 Had Taken Over Reins of Government, They Fled on Arrival of British Forces EIGHTY ARRESTED IN RAID BY POLICE Gandhi's Lieutenant Gets Six Months and Follower Three Years--Four Killed When Moslem Peasants Clash (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Sholoapur, India, May 13-~Gov« ernment troops today took control of Bholapur under proclammation of martial law 10 suppress an attempt at Swaraj (self-government) by the native populace, The troops proceeded to Invest the city, Strong reinforcements ar- rived to support the military com- mands already on the scene, Rioters Selre Clty The civil disobedience leaders had seized control bf the city in the face of determined offorts by the troopd and police to subdué thelr notivitios, Various Hinau lendérs met this forenoon and conferred upon theme wolves the dignity of petty wagly- trator in order to deal with matters of routine administration of the eity's affatry, Troops agting under. orders fo oxert «drastic measures filed od machine guns and established fokets at strategie points, erecting Parrioades 4n the streets and hold- ug wp traftie, PE Wan short 14 The attempt to put Rtgovorn: ment inte practice was exceedingly shortlived, Soon traffle was sup. pended and the natives vanished hy thousands into thelr homes, The gity took on a deserted Appearance; All shops were closed. .Sholapur's many cotton mills had been shut dowh, As a result lawlessnoss which had been showing its hand for sev. oral days almot completely disap. peared today. ty Arrested Calcutta, Bengal, May 13.-~ Highty porsons were arrested this forenoon by police in a raid on the headquarters of tho Bengal presi. degey of the All-India Naglonal Congress. committee and on a branch camp of the organization. Tyabjl Sentenced Bombay, India, May 13.~~Abbay Tyabjl, who sugeeeded Mahatma Gandhi as leader of the oivil Gls obedience campaign after Gandhi's arrest, wah sentenced this forenoon to six month simple imprisonment on a conviction growing out of his activition against the government, MAY COOPERATE 10 LOWER PASSENGER TRAFFIC LOSSES C.N.R. Ready to Pool Re- celpts With C.P.R. and Help in Other Ways ox Shatin Press Lonsed Wire) Otte ay 13=The Canadia Nationat Railway is reudy to a erate in every respect with the Can Pacific in the way of reduei the passenger traffic losses, declare Sir Henry Thornton resident of the CNiR,, to. the specia parliamentary committee on. railways and hip ng here today. The CNR. would be wills ing to pool Teseipts aud in other lower 0 ann fick cu YA bh nial do ho b Vg) he said, « o. drop in the revenues of the dy way due, he said to the fail of the normal crop Noro indications lan every effo expedite it, Sir He: the hope that given favors) "final report of 'the' wits Sarhing hy = I] taken San eS being Vii, vg movement of] FARMER MEETS A TERRIBLE DEATH James O'Neil, Hay Bay, Horribly Mangled by Tractor (By Canadian Prose Leased Wire) Belleville, May 18, ~~James O'Nell, farmer At Hay Day, iv Prince Wdward pounty, was fat ally injured late yesterday when seized with a heart attagk, while working with a tracter and plows. He fell between tie tractor and the plows and was terribly man- sled, When found, the tractor wis going about the field in a circle, the body being rolled up and un- der the plows. Coroner Dr, J. M, Galbraith of Napanee along with provincial constable Chisholm, of Ploton, investigated the mecldent and decided an inquest upneces- Mary, IN COMMAND MME, 8. NAIDY Former president of National Con. gress, who, following the arrest of Abbas Tyabji, now Becomes leader of the Tudian independ. ance movment, Sarnia Girl Killed Sarnia ~~Jean Scarlatta, aged 24, daughter of H, Scarlattn, wehlthy fruit merchant, died In General Hospital yesterday - afternoon of injuries received to her head when she fell out of the front of one of her fother's trueks, Which wan being driven by her brother Jack, (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Rio Janeiro, May 13,~Bringing with them the first trans-Atlantic air-mail to South America, Jean Metmos, French aviator, and two companions landed at 6.12 am. (4,12 am, E8,T.) at Natal, near the northdastern tip of the coptia- ont: The lapding completed 'a flight of sbout 1,700 mit from nw Benegal; Ww! near for eastern tip of Afric, 1¢ took 21 hours and 13 minutes, more than an hour longer than the aviators had expected the trip would take, due to a severe storm, The plane, a postal sekplane, left Perpignan, France May 2 for St (Continued on Page 2) Arabs Return Dissatisfied od by Jews They Can not Get Justice (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, May 13--The Arab dele getion that came from tine to Hftesmnt their © in the ish govern 's faquiry into the Arab-Jewish disorders of Inst August have annotnced they are leaving for home dissatisfied, A statement sald they were re- turning "with the impression that the Arab case In Palestine will not be justly solved by the British gov. ernment, with whom the Zionista have such great influence as to Mader it from aolng injustice ov from removing injustice In Gu' case," \ The delegation q'eclared thelr Just demands had n rejected, They believe that the Arabs in Pal. estine will ight British polloy "Iwth all. the non-viplent means in thelr power." SHOOTS WIFE THEN SELF AFTER QUARREL (By Canadian Press Lenstd Wire) Battle Creek, Mich. May 18. Stewart Rogers, 45, shot and kill od his wite then Rmgelf last al i in Spelt ¢ Shane out- skirts of the city, ate alleged to have quarrelled all day, pres viohs to the t Ye re, Rogers 40, in a former Saint John, New lrunswick resi dent. The couple Lad been mate ried for two yours. 4 1d 1 itions with. . TR ivi! ablo to retrieve last" year's sue up| a : REVI LTE HE " t rod A gan on & © tent to kill, the " n town French Fliers Reach Brazil And Break Seaplane Record f ¢ . . r, t im Asin : harge © Ontario Bush Fires Serious Fifty New Outbreaks Report. od in 48 Hours--Hazard in Quebec * (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Toronto, May 13,~While forest fires throughout. Quebec and the Maritimes were gradually being brought under. control. today, the Ontario Government was taking action to fight the five hasard In northern Ontario that assumed serious proportions with the reports ing.of 50 new outbreaks within 48 hours, In the House of Commons at Ottawa yesterday, Hon, Ernest La pointe, minister of justice, promis. od consideration of velief for sett) ors In New Brunswick and Nova Seotia whose homes were prey to the serious fires that swept through the bush in those provinces last week-end, The damage will amount to more than $500,000, it fa re- ported, Near Chicoutdml, Quebec, settlers are preparing to flee before a wall of flame advancing on a wide front, 89 Now Fives at Sudbury, May 38~Fire harerd in the Sudbury district &t the pres sent time Ix the Worst it has been at this time of year since the Suds bury Inspectovate was organised seven yoars ago, according to the local foreatry branch, Thera have been 70 fires by May 11 soattered all over the inspectors ate, none of which resulted in any sorious property loss, They w soon brought under control, Durl the 48 hours ended at 6 p.m, you~ torday, 42 fires, most of them in Krass, wore , ten of whigh were within 10 miles*at Sudbury, Since the local force 1s not yet up to summer slee, it wan necessary to oall on other districts for men and equipment, X ' DR. NANSEN, NOTED PURER Death Cuts Short' Plans For t Dash to North Pole in Zeppelin At S-- Oslo, Norway, May 18--Dr, Frid. tjot Nansen, us explorer and humanitarian, died here today, The death. of Dr. Nansen, who wat widely wh a8 an Aratle Rn goologist, diplomat, hu Atarian and uthor, at the age of 68, - shot new plans that hig A m ng to make a d pri \ a . Pole next year in n planning & ! Pole trip this yea but because of the, ble onomie situation . 4 on 4 wen | 00s 'suddenly that neither hia tor wis tives nov any curred RAGE fab a : bh Fr Po! i ¢ vf ater eG bi Cons, oo M oe} 0 : ! A] Waser [Budget Votes | Unlikely Today, DIVISION "TOMORROW EVEN CONSIDERED DOUBTFUL Whole Activity of House Now Centres Around Budget Debate (By. Conddisn' Press Leased Wire) . Ottawa, May 13.~+The budget debate will continue in the House of Commons today, with Hon, R, J. Manion, (Cons, Fort William), leading off, It the same procedury is followed with the opposition there is small Mkelihood of a vote being: reached today; In faut there is some doubt whether the debale can be wound up tomorrow. The house will sit tomorrow night, Usually the commons "take Wed: nesday night off bul with the rusn to end the business of the housy this has been cancelled, The senators come back today and will resume sitting this even. ing, Karlfer in the day the Libera) senators will discuss the selection of a speaker, It in understood the goyern ent in prepared tq be suided by the recommendation of its followers in the senate in mak. ing the appointment, Nine Speakers on Budget The House of Commons yester- day took up the budget debate in earnest dnd by night nine speak- ers from both sides of the cham- ber had taken part, Won, Charles Stewart minister of the interior, headed by the Liberal forces, in (Continued on Page 3) DEFENDS LONDON NAVAL TREAT! Secretary Stimson Maintains "to Senate That U.S. Made No Sacrifice (By Camplin Press Leased Wire) Washington, D.C,, May 18,=De- fending the handiwork of the Lone don Naval Conference against a pelting succession of questions, Seo retary Stimson maintained stoutly before the senate foreign relations committee today that the United States made no hazardous sacrifice by reducing wer bullding program of big cruisers, The provisions of the Londen treaty, he sald, were based through. out on the advice of tha U.K, naval experts, Not only did these experts sgree that parity was established with Great Britain, he sald but It wan after an expert study that the delegation deciaed to include some smaller orulsers in its program, TE STUDY MIGRATIO! CONDITIONS HERE (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, May 18,&Lord Middle ton, chairman of the Yorkshire Emigration Committee, is sailing for Canada on June 10 to study migration conditions on the spot. At the same' time he announces he ia selling his Yorkshire estate of 15,000 acres, though there iy ne connegtion between this action and his jourmey to the dominion. rrr---- Communists To R in Winnipeg Ridings (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winpipeg May 13--Communist candidates are to be named in two Winnipeg ridings it was virtually decided last night at a gathering of the Communist party of Winn pox considering thy coming Doms inon election, It stated that names of the candidates would be definitely announced. Friday North Winnipeg and North Centre Wintipes are the two seats it de planned to contest, The seats are now held by A. A. Heaps (Labor) and J. 8, Woodsworth (Labor), IN PARLIAMENT | Ottawa, May 18=Toduy in partias ment, The Senate will sit at 8 pm, In the commons budget debate will continue. with Hon, R. J. Manion ana ort Williun) Misaking Wh 'the | 0 proce 'the: ollo ho Stowart i on, J.D, Chaplin, ( t uliat, (Lib, Temiscouata) " Norah k ( IN 4 UR ht ie (Lib. EC : f Wb, Te North) A. Fraser, (Conte yi hy © ov) ang CE Fetland, (Lib, Jol FREDERICK NEWMAN Ex-mayor of Pieton and president of the associated boards of trades of Ontario, who has been appoint. od one of the three delegates to represent Ontario at the congress of fedevated boards of trade and chambers of commegce of the Iviisn Empire in London shorts ye Labor Exeminister Dies Glasgow, Scotland, Night Hon, Jokn Wheatley, minister of health in the 1024 labor government, died here yesterday, He wan one of the best known of Labor's left wing leaders, and had been a member of parliament since 1033, "All the News While It Is News" ook 3'Conts » SRR, oF TWELVE PAGES IDEN HIGHWAY INTO TORONTO Martial Law Is Proclaimed in Sholapur, India LAKESHORE RIGHWAY NOT FEASIBLE, DELEGATION IS TOLD BY HON. G. PICTON MAN SAID FATALLY INJURED Driver Arrested on Intoxica- tion Charge After Crash Near Belleville (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Belleville, May 18,~Bamvel 'Burns, Pleton, was admitted to hospital early today, .sustaining a erushed chest and head and facia) outs In an automobile ¢rash which occurred on the Bay Bridge road, Prank Smith, owner of the. car, was also injured and severely cut while William Brickman, driver of the car, escaped unscathed from the completely wrecked car, which struck a telegraph pole, af- ter making a sharp turn at a fas rate of speed, Bergeant Booth, of the local police, city officer ¥rink, accompanied by the provincial po- lice, 'attended the. scene and al- rested Brickman, He appeared in court today, charged with intoxication, while In control of a motor car and Was remanded for one week on ball, Money Dispute Ends Fatally Woman Dead, Man Serioue- ly Injured, Police, Seek Neighbor (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Hamilton, May. 14==Miss Marian Tweetdle is dead and her cousin Em» ery Tweedle Hes in hospital in a sees lous condition while police are sears ching for William Topp, a neighbor, following a + dispute and shooting which occurred early today at the Tweedle home between Elirida and Hannon, east of Stoney Creek, Police state that Tweedie and Topp had been arguing over money mats ters since 9.30 last night, the shoot» ing occurring at 230 this morning, According to information received by police Topp, who is J0 years of age, owed Tweedle a considerable sum of money and called on Tweedle last night. Topp 'remained at the house until 2.20 this morning when he left, returning ten minutes later, Mr, Tweedle was fired upon when he op ened the door. Miss Tweedle who was in bed, got up and hurried to the tel ephone to call the police; When she was at the telephone she was shot and died shortly "afterwards, CANNOT REFUND DUTY PAID ON TEA (By Conagian Press. Leased Wire) Winnipeg, [May 18.--No law fa in effect to permit the Dominion government to refund duties paid on teas In stock at the time of the budget tariff changes Ane nounced May 2 according to a ets ter received frém Ottawa officials by the shippers' bureau of the Win. be A Board of Trade. The board had reguested vefund on «the ground that when. the duty. on. tea wan imposgd in 1918 it was made applicable "to all stocks held cat that time, : i I ------ IMMIGRANTS WADE "1S, PROGREROLS Canada and U.S, Monuments to Immigration, Says' Judge _ | (By Comadian Press Leaved, Wire) Toronto, May 13~"The theery oo American standards of living ean resorved by shutting the doors n tg, 1s false theoretically als ald. ude. Jato for ers ta 'and jscientd nkin, New York City, attorney the Amalgamated Clothing '\V of Ametica, In speaking to 'mem oe ut organisation, gathered A hege their annual, convention, 29) \ "Every man conting: into Cana fequires a home, transportation fac. 1 on and the necessition of life while Ae iv engaged. in creating a deli 'gontribhition to the tations JUHA \ kind of canteibution from men of oths er nations which "is re le for he prosperity of the United States, ada and the United States: a) today monuments to inunigration," aka oe ho ABC. In tion Bri py Asgrogating $25,000 (By Canadian Press Loensed Wire) London, Ont, May 13-=Ten lo. eal plumbers, former members of the Amalgamated JDullders' Coun- el), faced Magistrate T, B, Bean. drett, K.C,, yesterday, as the result of the recent Waldron investiga- gation, Fines amounting to $14,000 wore imposed on the ten men in ads dition to the one fine of $10,000 which was collected from the lumbing fivin of Pennett and right at the morning session and n additional ¥1,000 on Robert D, ton, manager for the firm, The local plumbers who faced the gourt and who pipaded gullty to five ohargen of violating the Coms Bines Act were Henjamin Noble, Ham L. Partride, ' C, Rumell Wright, Christopher Teale, James NH, Dull and A, WH. Pope, each of whom was fined $1,000 or alx months in jail, and John Kggett and William Skelly who were fined $2,000 or six months in Jail, U.S. Tariff Is Strife Breeder Will Cause Bitterness With Canada, Says New York World (By Conadisn Press Leased Wire) New York, May 13--The now United States tariff bill will serve mainly to inject an element of bits terness into relations between Can. ada and the United States, the New York World states editorially to- y. The newspaper comments at npgth on the analysis of the Cana. an tariff changes veleased : for bllcation yesterday by the Unit. Staten department of commerce, The world notes Canada has been the bept customer of the Un- ited States and says! "Surely such a good customer in worth keeping. And we could re- tain' Canada's good will it we made ven halt an effort to do wo, There rd many reasons Why she should prefer 'to buy moods offered at her c very doors rather than purchase from markets on the other aside of the ocean, dnatead of oultivating good commercial relations with our northern ' neighbor however, our belobbied and log-rolling 'congronss men have beep purauing a course which can have no other result than to alienate and offend. "Canada's new tarift is "hey an. awer to the Hawley-8moot bill, She plans to repay ua in kind not only by imposing retaliatory: duties: on Amqrioan: goods but by granting new trade favors to the British ri- vals of American exporters. No secret is. made of the retaliatory purpose of the measure, "On a long series of articles, of which, this ntry produces an exportable sur , the Canadian government pros pores to imposes so-called counters valling duties, that is, the Canadian ate will be fdentical with the rate by the American tarvift whenever the American rate is higher than the regular Canadian rate, Canada in abort, proposes to Join ua (b gAWS of tit for tat. It will p Iy¥ be'a shock to some of ua Mgh protectionisty, to dias cover that another country intends to «do anything fo outrageous. as (Continued on Page 8) abd 5. HENRY Tells Mayor Mitchell of Osh awa That No Plan for Als ternate Roadway Is Being Considered st Present Time / MINISTER FAVORS 40-FOOT ROADWAY This Provision Would Pers mit of Two Lines of Trafe fic Travelling in Each Direction, Widen Near Toe ronto First (Special to The Times by Staff . Reporter) Toronto, May 13, Hon, G. S. Henry, Minister of Highways, told i deputation representing all the mus nicipalities along the lakeshore from Foronto to Oshawa, which waited up on" him at the Parliament Buildings this morning, that his department would consider the widening of the Kingston hij hway from Toronto to Oshawa 'he minister pointed due that his first consideration would be the widening of that portion of the highway fram Toronto to Westhill where the street car tracks end, Las ter the widening of the highway to Oshawa would be considered ay the traffic congestion Increased, The min« tster made it plain, however, that ne action along this line could be taken this year, He did say, however, that consideration might be given = next year to. the project, , Lakeshore Route Not Feasible I'he deputation was told by the mis ister that in his opinion the Lakes shore highway, duplicating the Kings Son highw Wy Broth Toronto te Ole Wit, wits not feasible, owin diMcultios' in the Wa. wisn Mayer Mitchell of Oshawa, as the Minister of the ighways sed partment had any policy with regard ta relieving congestion on the Kings ston highway, The minister replied that until the people' driving motor cary learned to travel on alternate routes, particulars ly 'on' Sundays and holidays, . they would have to put up. with the cons gestion on the highways. He added further that if people continue 'to take only the one road and not use alternate routes in an around Toron« to, there was no hope of de de the traffic congestion, 40 Foot Highway He pointed out that on Sundays three-quarters of the motor car owns ers of Toronto wanted to use thelr cars because they could not do se on any other day and this wds bound to create traffic congestion which second road, parallel to the prose one, would not, in his epinion, rg lieve, The minister told the deput tion, which was introduced by M Bowman of Whitby, that in consi ering a program of widening he fa ored a 40 feet highway so that t lines. of traffic could travel eith Way, Oshawa was represented by M or Mitchell and Alderman Geo Hart and Thomas Knox, CHURCH PRELATE ADVISES BIRTH CONTROL ADOPT Congregational President Al 30 Tells of Hope For Unity of Church (By THOS, T. CHAMPION, ndon, Tay Le vey ondon, Ma -'We al of disruption as a method," Reve ; F, W, Norwood, president of th Congregation union, declared at opening of the 98th confe of the union today, "We are for greater 'unity of the thursh, bit will never confuse unity with anical union, We de prepared: ta consider an episcopal system as possibly an efficient method of Srament, hi we hall never 1 consent to the proposition that out the laying on of hands the api of God himself has no right to cons secrate' a peophet." 3 ev. Dr. Norwood declared the church should impart birth conti information to those entitled to ceive it "Thousands have taken guidance as they could find while! church is still making up her m he said, "Why net tell them it legitimate to te the time: condition of their offspring as it to delay or hasten mariage. N : should 'insult a baby by receiving with. an unwilling heart® pa Divorce, he also remarked, sho be impossible between two Ch 1 people," "But why waste time t to. enforce Christian inhi where there never was any sh Clyistian. principle, he asked J, oe \ & ¥q

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