Oshawa Daily Times, 13 May 1930, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE | EASTERN ONTARIO NE "Mise Luotte Valin, Ot onary NEW THACHEL NAMED Hope ~B, C, Roberts, teach, rly B; Powers hoo} . month} mepting of the ope Public fohool Board and tha appointment of Tews Nolieris ot Roboneath, wig made, * / OLDEST MOTHER 18 90 Kingston,=--=A survey of the eity on Mother's Day, revealed the fact that "Kingston's oldest mother, Is now Mrs, Ann Townsend, Vietorin J aged® 00, Meveral others In / fos wore revealed in the 4 ' PRET EL -- fi ING 18 INDICATED "oars, containing ton bottles pir found drifting in the Bt, Lawrence River, has been {dentified as belonging to a native of Byra- cuss, Tha owner, & disabled solr dier who lived on lonely Little Cor- an Island, was ast Keon willing Against the river ourrents with one 1y one oar in 'an effort to roach his home. Police believe he Vas drowity od, but no dragging operations wil po undertaken hecause of the swift ness of the river, CUSTODIAN 18 MT a wee Thomas Smeaton, now in his olghty-sighth year, in préparing for the summer open ni of Kingston's museum in the wr tello Tower, Macdonald Park. 0 witich he is custodian, Mr, Smeaton is yemarkably setive, Ho saw he workmen, in 1846, pullding } Martello Towel, whieh' the Domin~ men dr he Kingston Historioal fos cloty for a museum, HEALTH OFFICER NAMED +Penalon . Falls=Dr, ©, @, Grae ham, of Fenelon Valls, has been appointed Health Officer of the town, Na han resigned As A Town Counsillor, after porving pevera YOArH, MECHANIZE ARTILLERY i , wn Mochanisation o Ci batteries and the urd madium battery of the Royal Cann. dian Horse Artillery in rapidly nears ing completion, Nine Cronsey staf oars hath arrived, thesa new Cars be sauipped for the eompleto Damaporiat on of all stores requir od by the head-quarters staf, There will be three staff cars attached to each unit, ¥ive new Laylands hava also arrived and will practically complete the entird motorization of the battery, LIGHTNING KILLS Sows tone=Two valuable cows, PRL ob) Philip Sevenpiper, who lives on the Lake Shore a fow {ios east of Brighton, were killed when struck by Hghtning, -- TO CLOSE MITT Almonte, ~The textile mills of ans Lad, which has been in continuously for & quarts or of & century, will close down nt the end of this month, H Als is mill is the smallest in the Penman oivouit and the polloy of centralisation in the reason for the olosing down of the plant here, \ e.-- 1 WOMEN MRM tawp.~The Ottawa, Bt, Lawr: my Liberal Women's Association elected oMcers an follows: © Honary presidents: Honorable Ihe Mackay Wilson Ottawa; Ming ertrude Rankin, Stratford, President: Miss G, Von Doran, Morrisburg, Vicespreaidents; Mra, Harry Bnet: singer, Cornwall; Mrs, M, N, Cum- mings, Ottawa: Mr, R, A, Gals hraith, Carleton Place; Mrs, Al ards wa; Mra, T, A, Low, Ren. } Mra, C,H, Thorburn, Ottawa; Mrs, W. Purkis, Prescott; Mrs, Harold Msher, Ottawa; Mrs, W, G, Anderson, Kemptville; Mrs, D, D, Finlay, Carleton Place; Mrs, M, MoRaX, Pembroke; Mra, A, Belang. er, Olarkstown, Treasurer: Mrs, W, R, Caldwell, Carleton' Place, orresponding secre. ries! tary, P, Molvoy, Ottawa] ans secretary, nistar't corres ry Rg Helar pearetary, Mrs, James Drums Westboro! travelling neora« 8, A J, Major, Ottawa, -- -- wN HE a uni Bp hs in Tol he held at Christ urch, on the Indian reserve, Pity KA AN Inte Shetes will be Rev, Dr, John Stuart 'will be in the Mo« no of Ontario o a | the dom ue Arifing rowhoat! some YOArs aku, (EE yours of age, who has been ut the anvil B7 year, ------ AXE WOUNDING CHARGE in em dohn Irwin 1s i ount- ody in Lindss whatied with at. tacking J, Lobb with an axe in finowdon Township, Halliburton, and striking him on the head, ne flieting serious injuries, Lobb Is now recovering, ---- BIG CIGAR THERY 4 Belleville, Wholesale (heft of olgars from the hotel at Marmors owned by J, GO, Polts, was tempors arily ohecked in poles court hes Yore Magistyate Casement of Madoo, When Thomas Emigh, aged 10 years, alleged to he of simple mind, wan charged with the theft of over $600 worth of cigars over a long period and four others were e¢harg- od with recelving stolen goods knowing the same Lo have been stolen, The boy pleaded guilty and was given over as a ward of the Children's Shelter, - LAMENTS INCREASE IN JUVENILE CRIME Gang Rule and Racketeering Also National Menace, Says Whalen -- New York, May 13,=Crime Is bes goming mare and , more difficuls to curb because of two disturbing phe omens, Police Commissioner Grover Whalen declared In the annual report of hip department's netlvities, The first factor baling authorities In the vast inercase in the numbers of vise of gang rule and racketeering that will become un national menace of args proportions within a few years unless unceasing vigilance and coneerted action Is exercised by the law enforcement agencies throughout the country," The cormissioner's semi-pessimistic utterances in regard to these two ase pects of grime were in sharp contrasts to the remainder of the N07 bake ree port, There was, for instance, an res ported decrease of 11 per cont, In erimes of violence committed In the nation's largest ely during 1929, There ware 487 murders as compared with 330 in 1928, but this excess was more than compensated by redyctions In assaults "l robberies, burglaries and felonious assaults, Regarding "the appalling Spectacle of ther presence of extreme youth" in the criminal world tosdny Whalen sald "The past records of this departs ment testify that the majority of our criminals were of the adult classes of our population and the average minimum age was JO years; but now the great majority of eur eriminals are recruited from the juvenile class» en and in a great many Instances are in the adolescent period of life" I, LONDON NAVAL TREATY 'EPOCHAL STATES STINSON Will Remove Competition Between United States and Britain (By Canadian Press Loased Wire) Washington, D.C, May 10-=Halls Ing the London Naval Treaty as "epochal" aeeretary of state Stimson told the senate foreign relations com mitten today that ratification would end British and United States naval competition and set a notable exams ple in the cause of world peace, Appearing as the committee's first witness at a public session the sece retary related that he and his colleas foo of the US, delegation fo Lone on were in agreement on all major subjects and did thelr work without instructions or Interference from pres sident Hoover, He had been explaining the pact section by section, for. more than an hour: before the first indication of hostility interrupted him, Senator fohmaa, Republican, California, who an sald he wanty several things as bout the irouty fully investigated, ask ed whether the time had come for questions, Mr, Stimson replied that he' hed not yet completed his states ment, Heo waa still on the stand when the committee adjourned until tomorrow, DOMINIONS AGREE WITH BRITISH PART IN NAVAL PARLEY London, May 18-=¥vidont agree ment of the British dominions wit! action in the recent Lonodn Nava Sinfoonce Wai Made noww 14 Pres acDonald in they House © onions Tha prime min: ister declared that no dominion had exprosped disagreement with the re. sulta of the parleys, Lord Wolmer asked if any coms mu Ale had den received from nfons criticizing the governs Monts reply was an emphatic "No Virtue be foreed an people, T pr ER pod LA Ae 10 miles an hours=Robert Quillen, s American novelist nN Ame OVOliat, {definitely w rink his hipspocket, we Humerist, London, Selentists | who are looki be RT to m he Tbbev os try mixing i the avs § J an conscience ~ Arkansas & T el i His farm ithe site of an Indian of the Alex Wallneo, for Norfolk, Indian the fields. The latest discovery was n skelo encampment, presumably A win tribe, LL y Ont, ox bas for yoaws tuned up relibs while working ) ; wy PARITY MEL I SEA 30 its ARAN 5 sa po er Wi A RIEL: | ton of n sixtool brave, judged by some to have been huried shout 1,000 Jeary ao The hove » 1) Gordon. Wallace, 10eyonr-0ld son, who made, the dis coverys (3) grave of ancient. sav» nage, showing members of Norfolk phe | museums, and Hivovient preparing to ves move the Ion fo the loewl (B) Alex, Wallaee, who av a Pi lve, vopresented the capnty in the Dominion House from 1081 until 1085, FARMER PARTY RISES IN FRANCE, REPORTED STRONG Purpose Is Political Organ. ization of Peasant Suys Its Leader ------ (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Paris, May 18==¥rom the tangle of French polities a farmer party In 'omorging, It aiveady showed iis It pro- Jie| Posen to put a wide list of eandis dates In the fleld when the genera! olegtions come vound In 1062, The hand In some hyseleotions, a youthful criminals, The other Is the}! Jor the chorus always starts on time, and we have several blacks to walk" These were Mary's parting words he night before, so Bob had to do sama hustling == homo from work, dine, shave and dolt up for the big dale, Bob made the grade and on time for he cut his shaving time hy many minutes, thru using KLENZO SHAVING CREAM Its Instant lather and softs ening effect made his day's growth onsy prey Tor his blade, Me botght a tube Tast Spring nt the Rexall Store and has been a hoosts or for It ever since, GIANT SIZE TUBE 30¢ THE REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell King NB, Nimooe WN, Phone #8 Phone 08 pos "Measo Rob, don't be late, | A-- now party's president, who bears the appropriate name of /Viorent Afirioo i, declares Lhe green pariy's alo ip to earry into, the politica! wrens the claims which the farm- workers has beon makiug In the geonomie feld, "Iin purpose," he says, "in Lhe polities) onganisatdon. of the phas- angi The peasant hold to jndividus) Urosperity, Ho vhprosonis an elem. ont of social peace and stabilisation, Wo are taking. cpre not.to. Ko AgAIN- ut thin sentimant of good sense, pol. Itienlly wa are Republicans, Demo: arais, men of social progvess, 'All #0 laws of third republic ave Jaws in favor of the urban worker voted under pressure of the mass 0 workers, Wo Intend to press' for A counter-balance In faver of the peasant," The new party will have a diffi oult vow to hoe, In agricultural areas, It has already made much headway, . But the old« line parties are turning on it the shafts of thely eriticlsm, STUDY MILLING OF WHEAT IN EUROPE Washington, D.C,, May 18, Tha Bureau of Agricultural Feonomies of the Department of Agrienlture which leaves very little undong + In the way of research to assist the producers of the United States, Is sending Professor C, 0, Swansan to Great. Britaln and Europe to find out what practices are used in the milling and blending of wheat, Pro fessor Swanson wi who discover what qualities of wheat are used and how in the United Kingdom; the Nes therlands; Germany, France, Dens mark, Belgium and Switserland, In sending Professor Swanson to Furope the department in eco-operps tion with the Federal Farm Board has apparently heen moved by the decision of the British Government to require a certain amount of homes row wheat flour in each loaf of rend, NEGLECT OF FEVER RESULTS IN FINES ek PL P 6 Owen Hound, May 18, »= V, A, Road, chiropractor, of: Owen found, wan fined 850 and 'costs and Henry Ford of Derby, $465, for failure to report the case of Ford's won, who died of poariet fever, Magistrate Hpereman asserted that this should be a stern warning that all such cases must he reports od to 1 proper health authorities, pointing out that the fallure to re: port thin case might easily have resulted in a serious epidemis jn the distriet, TEASING CHILD 1 FOUND HARMFUL Functions of Infant's Mind Explained to es on Mental Hygiene Washington, D.C, May 18, When you were born you had six physiolos functioning trends, two attitudes gent {| and two.emotions, The physiological trends were hung r) thirst, sex, vest, change and eliptination,' Your attl- tudes were those of acceptance and rejection, and unger, This was explained to the Wiest International Congress «on Mental Hygiene by W. KE, Blate, director of St, George's school for ehild study at Torento, In the course of a paper JuRkesting un plan for analyzing the behavior of Infants, Dr. Blate found two motives Infly- eneing behavior from birth: the ten dencies toward sell-nssertion und self -negation, The "infant, he continued, must soma day tdke his place in society and it was necessary that a basis for his behavior: in society he Iald down evon during his first days of life, In these days the equilbrium . between the self-assertive and sell-negative tendencies wan established, Anything whieh tended to exaggerate self ne: gation such ws teasing, corporal puns Ishment, undue suppression; eft a permanent Influence upon the child's development, On. the other hand the child was given ne opportunity for development of selfsnegative tens deneles he was bound to have serious difficulties when he had te himself in the outside 'world member of society Dr, Blate recommended as a works Ing and not a permanent system If child study the considerations noted shove, Hy following the system out: Hwed, he sald, ene might examine a child of any age and evaluate the re Mite of 'whatever training he had had, Your emotions were fear adjust TH] Four inches of rain fell in 40 min. utes Sunday In the western section of Kansas, which had been showing up dry vight along In the Digest poll, «Detroit News, It In stated that there Is no legal obligation on the part of a pedestrian to see that he is not run inte from hehind, But it Is his own funeral if he doesn't, all the same. ~The Pass. ing Show, After all a rumble seat In Just a breakfast nook on wheels, ~Life, | PARIS ASKS THAT "AX BE REMOVED Levying of Duty st City's Borders Declared s Nuisance Paris, May 39,~-Whon the ity of Paris finally abolished the halting of sutomoblies at every gate to ses if more gasoline were brought buck than was taken out, the councilmen thought thelr troubles were over, But it was only the beginning ef thelr grief, for newspapers have taken up the job of having the whole octro system abolished, The Romans are blamed for devis- ing this levying of Import duties on merchandise brought into the cities, New avery comtry in Hurope has abandoned the method except rance, What strikes even the French as strange Is that since the time of Clos tire 1, King of France in 500 AD, the octrol has been 'condemned hy & long succession of rulers and minis ters of finance and by about all the people hut It never dies, It was nhos lished during the French Revolution n 1781, but was restored promptly when the colintry grew quiet, Some towns have discarded it, but Parls, where It causes the most criticism, has hung on to It as a tax producer, Theoretically the octrol is supposed not. to put a tax on the main res onirements of the common people, Wheat, for Instance, is free so as to keap down the price of bread, The tux hud spread, however, to many r= ticles so that today it admittedly ine orenses the cost of lying in a hune dred ways, Even bullding materials pay duty as they are brought Into the elty, hen automobiles, January 1, were relieved from getting a little green slip, or export certificates for their gab, when leaving, the city still retained the tax on gasoline In quan tities, At all the gates of the city, day and night, guards stand in little frame bulldings often hardly more than sentry boxes, f@ming a customs ring around the elty, There was much smuggling hefore the war hut there Is supposed to he but little now, At one time It was popular to hide all sorts of things in londs of hay or sacks of grain, The oetrol guards made a practice of ramming these with long slender pointed rods and stopped the irregular trafic, I -------- BURIED TEMPLE OF NEBUCHADNEZZAR DISCOVERED AT UR Excavators Make Important Find in Insignificant Mound Philadelphia, May 11, The Univers sity of Pennsylvania has announced a report from the Archaeological Kx» pedition in Mesopatamin by the Un. iversity Museum and the British Mu. seum, stating that ene of the best preserved temples had. been discov» ered {if what appeared to be an In- significant mound, | Found Accident The report, by €: Leonard Woolley Director of the expedition, states that the temple was built by Nebuchad- nersar about 600 B.C, and was added to and Yestored by Nahonidus 50 years dager, It was found In the nor thern harboryat Ur and was conceals ed by'a mound whose excavation was tea y Juicy, flavor Ma on buds Ev ou can IuywRed Rose Orange Poko led leaves--thres days ht ery, package guaranteed, TEA: good ted RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good yndertaken for topographical reasons, "The walls of the temple stand 20 feet high und the whitewash remains In good condition," Woolley sthtes, "In all Jraq there Is no ether temple so well preserved, Onee Inside, one obtains an astonishing effect of com pletencss, It Is the only place In Ire aq where one ean stand In un Baby-~ lonlan temple and forget for moment that It is a Yuin" The excavation of this temple nir- ked the final activities of the expedis tlon's eighth season at Ur of the Chaldees, The antiquities found have been divided between the Trag Gove ernment und the expedition The expedition's share fills 53 cases and Includes many of the oldest ol» jects unearthed In the Mesopotamia Valley, Woolley reports, ------------------ GORDON C. WILSON MAY QUIT POLITICS Hamilton, May 13-=Ctordon C, Wilson, veteran parlismentarian of Wentworth: County, Is shout to re tire from the House of Commons on account of Il health, it was announs ced lust night, He has represented the Wentworth riding at Ottawa for 20 years, and for three years heforg eptering Federal politics sat in the Provinelsl House His successor, It 1s helleved, 1s Vike ly to he I, J. Mahony, at present representing the riding In the Pro- vineld Legislature, YOUTH SETS NEW FLYING RECORDS Now York, May 18, Nineteen-year: old Frank Goldshorough yesterday sot three transcontinentsl Nyiog re cords, The son of Bryce Goldsboroug! whe lost his life with Mrs, Flerene Grayson In the plane "Dawn," some where In the Atlantic in 1927, week ved here ut 218 pm, (LST) fron Los Angeles He completed the transeontinentd Journey in 28 hours and 18 minutes flying time, setting a junior record for West-1last flight, He had stopped overnight twice and six times for gu und fuel, AR Your Eyes and Our Service W. A. Hare, 8 Bond St, East He Couldn't See As well as others, He knew it, He supposed he missed some things oth: ers enjoyed. But his EYES did nol bother him, so he had done nothing about it, That Is a rather common experionce, And how unnesessary A short examination here, a props equipment, and what a different story there would be to tell, Continued Next Tuesday He hl a i ee... 1. Che CO SEMET - WE ARE SOLE AGENTS KE-- SOLVAY POCAHONATS SCREENED AND CLEAN CANNEL SIZED FOR FIRE PLACE DIXON COAL CO. TELEPHONE © 2 Five Direct Lines RCADE Ltd. Wednesday All-Day the last day of our 41st Anniversary Sale, we are featuring bargaine in every department of the store, including Remnants ed. You will be sure to save many, dollars by, ji ET -------- Te Rg Wonderful avort ment of novelty ba Ree 9 to 95¢., for ous 'sh ens A nie of men's ties, vari: ale at'dy : clear 'at, Each 11%. aR 2 ¢ ¥ y CER Being wonderfu and Oddments specially p a visit to our store tomorrow, 1 Ladies' House Dresses \ \ i ny Hoover style, as: sorted colors in prints, Sizes 16 to $1.25 a. -Veyella Flannel "Pink and blue' shades, 32 inches "wide, guaranteed little * lot A On pme To a oy rd 9c Any correct number Yard Length enter this contest, your guess in early, Guesing slips may be departments, ors, Width Yard (ELAR REE value for the money. FREE! parson *auiebing nearest the Bh vindow wil 0 in 8 Thre None of the employes allowed to As. the contest closes Wednesday "at 5.30 pum. sharp, be sure and get had in all of patterns and col-_| gH (Rohe Fine, new English lace net in ecru _shade, 40 in. wide, . Wonderful Yard SR EREEN THAN BRNNL SES, 18 Only ' Serge and Coats Ladies' Coats. Sizes 14 to 40, Tweeds, other materials. Assorted colors, HALF Wool Jersey Circular, 20c Silk and 54 in. KAYSER Hose A fow pairs of regs , ular $1.93 Hosa in size 814. Black and white only, me bar Ole Width Yard ye $1.00 Silk Net Very attractive d , 42 in and ivory shades, ns with lace es, Cream 98¢ [ETE ILE BTR)

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