Oshawa Daily Times, 13 May 1930, p. 11

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Bo neers, new Alger Building, Opposite uf Commerce J A EL veyancer. if On King St Fraser, Barristers, Conveysnsers, Jo ries Publis, ste, Office over dard Bank, Rutrance Simone Hy Phone 18, ). I KC. 7, K, Nreighten, B.A, [LX Fraser, -------------------------- LOUIS 6, FMaN, BA. RISTEA chon aan fe a in wig ie , Residence ALEX k BARRIS: oy ote, ng Rad ganersl rection, ' Klas Phone #387 [{] i) A ete. Money to loan. Alger Bid, opr posite Post Office, Phone 1614, a v--- Medical DIE, TAZLEWOOD - TTA li, Disney Block, Phone "0560, Orfise hours ® a.m, to 8.40 pm, Ur, B J, Haslawood, special atiention to surgery and X-Ray, Jr, B, H, Har- per, special attention to children's Diseases and Obstetrics, Sunday and night calls "416 or 132 bun 144 mo) | Engineering and Surveying i I 19 King St. wes est Mire Awengy In Ob 1 | soneuls R.[N, Johns, 0 Simcoe Your insurance 'Wants Atr tended to and your . tected, All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ete. ne rr eas This rls has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling » large number of small arsounts of this nature. For thy convenience of customers wha find It inconvenient' w come personally to The Times' office, » telephone eall will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement and collect for same. "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT | Apply 148 Patricia Avenue, re ------ EE ---- Work Wanted Holden 92 Simcoe N OARTAGEH AND §TONAGS, COLE man's, 86 Bond West, Specialists in furniture moviag, storage ware house yo moving van equipment, be MOVING, da tte i, Phone 034, 10 Bond Bt, West, DR. MeRAY PHYS CIAN, SUK fence. law SE 1) some: wo gh Phone wT PH [SI 5h nando 8, TEE TE feferences roity work on A Hh a 5g denen 17.8 pele N. (eor, Broek) phone 30¥ } a PHYSIC IAN oie, Ged fice and RCHER, Po ff Bo R oa oN snd 8 Edinb oie 14 Surgeon and Que yg eo hae Av Ave: "Nort w siden | eg $166, x ATSO DR, CO, W, CARR, Bea 3 NLL Re Office ad . () Simcop street north, Phone 2416, iw clan, 8 gon and Sbatericlan, office MA Simeoe Street, OY a 07, fallat Diseases Domestic Anis bl ln Ch und do dou hospital, $03 Ring, Tol 0 (May 1-1 mo) DR WoT TFOREYTHE, VE EA modi 17 yours e treatment of iy dor. co of ear, nose and threat nts mav be de | at ¥ Drue $ : arn) diay offce yenines by ap car ex DR. L. E Hpk Ten T Jr Bice Row Crh 4 rot g gs XSi by WA'S OLDERT ES furt ure movers, J A gi de PERMANEN WAVE marcel waving Ward at Betty Lou Perman: er ob o Marcel and han nt hn ent Wave Sh RBER D 9 Colina St. We - les' hair cutting, pr shampooing, Jachals. y ments - APPTAD rll 18. 1 Ko 147 Agaes street ¥bons la, Pr au and used plasc er fom Hr od, ADDU o, Trolh Pleas serve ERT 0. TRENGER, OR hat ta Pay a Bio. ar partioula William street ne, a CFONARDRICHEN. DIRECTOR oe 0 Clips for ' driveways, Meek Limited, Phone | and | sery Dros, 839.1 1h FOR FALE=CHIOREN HOUNE vont supplied, sh Phove v. and rum; suitable fer. brooder « Charles hy 7 46 FA] ave wank guarans cnarged. 760 called livered, Radio service, airinle erect, ed. Platt. Phone 15004, (Apr, 20:1 mo) Li Br Te ed ol Srre from ane RY 2] Simega Sow ro tient; 129 oor awa, AATIERIES C HALE. CALLED or and dsl Jus .. 1) gw {fone BL ghd. fH GE JEEAW, Apr 6. 1 red A and garage floors, sidewalks and roadways, sa Chris Oraham; Phone 2081IM, gravel, cinders, (Apr, 20-1 mo) 5 automobiles and furniture, The best in ormapenlp at at the lowest prices, Note new addres bos Bouth, Or A. Conatable. BONS 8428W, (Apr, 26-8 whe) 461 Bim --=HOTARONS, KNIV: * Lawn Mowers, Saws, Phone 431W, Woe call and deliver, 130 §+1mo,) AN OWRR Celipa-Bty J, Bottan, aur YOUR sharpened, Thane 1456W, We call for and deliver, Prive rensonilo le) TARR LAUNDRY DONE, for Rent KPATTTMENT=" MOLLE HONE lke suites, Home furnished, lau. dry, conveniences, elec dryer, oto, flog stoves, elec refrigeration, Lot water year round, Fhone 1660 or baw, (Wen FOUR AND VIVE ROOMED MUL eru suites Including electric retrig- oration, stove, laundry, conven erces, ele, continu' 8 hot water supplied, Apply Bupt, 'phone ¥471, oF The Trusts und Guarantee Co, itd, manager for owner, Toronto. (B7L0 FOR RENT = PIVE ROOMEL brick house, conveniences, bards wond floors, new) deborated, paved street, { Phadt I May first, Apply 81 Bigin east, phone au. (111) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL Allsconveniences, hardwood floors, Apply Bradley liros, (BOLT ™Oo PARTLY FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping, Phone 410W, (110¢) '| FTRET ¢ Phong 1384M, (111) is H i DREBSMARING, LAs die"s dresses, ' Engemble . sults, ohildren's Low and alterationn, Mra; Connell East, Phone a 287 | Richmond, AApr, 83-1mo,) RP ID 030 pr na, § Meek re dr new and used planos, STONE «Waterous- Apr, 80:1 mo) INT VIR. 0 | {shes Wo have the largest assort- ment of paints, varmishes, eto, in in the eity," "The Paint pr ii hi Ki Stone-obips an ad 1778, J, Formals % 210. Alige A i] loam, §1.60 per yard, For quality and service phoile Ee (May an , cheap, Apply 841. Shi Als nearly new, A bargain, Apply HT) 4 Olive Ave, after alx.. (1114) 1) APARTMENTS TQ LET~THREK end five large rooms, modern, prices reason: le Ideal loeation, Apply 161 King Kast, (110¢) "w= UNPUHNIEHED rooms with use of kitchen, 36 Divi. sion street, Phone 151, Lobia hy (1100) FURNIWHED TWO OOM FOR light hogsekeeping, suitable for young couple, hone 8838, (110e) V IRTOAT APANTNENT, URN: tral building, four rooms, newly decorated, hardwood floors, elegs trie refrigerator and stove, Janitor service, Phone 1400, (110¢) TO MENT=TOVRLY TURNIFHED 4 room apartment, Every convents ence Himeoe Manor May 15--0OQet, 1 Phone 2008J, (1102) NENT FRVEN™ KOON Wriek house, all conveniences, Very contral, Apply 138 Church street, (1110) FOR WANT TWO SANG HED: reoms in brivate home, close to GU, N.C, Apply 201 Jarvis street, corner of Alice or phone 1531M, (111¢) KP ANIMENT TO SUR TET FU0- ulshedt oF unfurnished, lmmediate possesmion, two hedvo dining room, living room, ioe h: break. st nook, elvinator, Apply SBulte 'Mmeoe Manor, (1130) TOT ] Orn: tral, four rooms, bath, eleotrio slave, navy decorated, Mrdwaod , esalon June 1, A Hox 460 Times, (1 Ye THER UNFURNISHED {OOM Phone 1386W, (1110) TWO NOONE TO! er Tu VII | ladles or gentlemen, Roard sible. baby carriage and stroller, nearly new. Apply Dox 703 Oshaws L087 Daily Times, \ (1Mel f Fane P She 114, 574 Slmoos 118h) AR neas, Phone 203 r 2 (118) CONT $75, Al 'conditien; $10 takes it, New. refrigerator, cost $21 for #15, Call at 074, Simcoe street south, (118a) aloal culture. | ot dancing Ly physical juloal cultity, rt aa dn | terma ca or pune. kh Ay above ha Apr, 20 1 mo) rat ot Rr ate tional, 2065 Celina street, 8 FA (1111) Age for vont on Mi Phone. Holden hg iidon Avia JDVERTIRN WAN Rr ly furnished six room | rant. Close. ta Motors, i Jou to 4 ouretul hs Pox 042 Timon, (1 11b) Rates for | Classified Ads, Flt {880r10n w=1 vor words © W ad Minimum charge 30¢, Bach p. subsequent hin hy Tar set, tiaras fim a word arge fr three 60 oents, Pp 10e additional or Buslnem al y paborh mt 1 tons baled ED D SECTION, ¥ ROSE NN0 3 RE Doctor or yooming house, vent ren- sonable; Phone 308 or 500, (1120) LL Tanin through Balson's Var, ih Von Gunten, North of i era Mi SO bungalo, 08 iii Avenus, Hardwood throughout, # plese bath, laundry tubs, couple only, (1126) on bath flat, heat, water, light, telephone and electric . washer, Phone 1680), (1180) sitting room and kitchenette, Gas or electric, AH conveniences, Phone s4esw, (1180) VOR KN er rooms, all CONVeRIonces, Apply "106 Albert Bt, (1180) Ek five room home---1088 Chevrolet Coen and lot first payment, Ape 185 Albert Btreet, (1180) WANTED BUY TYE ORY room house, all. modern conveni- ences, In good locality, possession June first, Apply Box 678 Times, (118¢) WANTRD--G000 URED PTAND, eash, Nell Yellowless, Bowman. ville, Phone 243, (1108) Wanted to Rent FONNTRARD HOUR] for summer months Ew Ey man and wife, No children, Apply Box 064 Times, Phone T61M, (1100) oh or FOR WATH--ORNEWAT, ~ WTONE with large foe cream trade, Locateg at Intersection of two county high ways, Property includes three quarter acres of garden land, Hix room house, ice cream hooth, barn and lee house, Gond location for gasoline station, Immediate sale required to close an estate, Fur. ther particulars, N, J, Holmen, 184 Nassau St, Oshawa (1101) FOR HALE --RTONT NOOMED house with sun room, hardwood flbors, all modern conveniences, ii select residential section, Immedi- gle possession, Box 667 Times, (111e) -- Palmist MADAME WENA, PALNTHT, 373 Bouna Vista, Appointments, Phone BAW, (Apr, §1+1 mo) - Motor Cars AAVEYOUR TAR OI TIUTR repaired at 49 Uond Ht, West, Body and fender work done st shortest notice, also repairs to motor boats ang general wood work, Phone W, Fry 8305, ADE 80:1 mo) THI OLDR TANDAU WILL TARY AMAll car as part payment, dem onstration, Phone 1840W, al FLL] At; Klol street, x3 (11M) =TV HRV, CUXUN, Must be " nto be Appreciated, Phone 717 (112 WANTED 8 MODEL oR, subatant oash payment, Apply Box A an oF (1780) 1 roe LS dan In Al condition, Cheap for oash sale, Apply Box 071 Times, (1130) be good enok and tidy, Ap hn stat. lug wages to , IO, Box Cow | fixe hours. Yi WANT = EXPERTRNCRD stenographer; must be speedy and AcoUrate, Apply stating salary ex ted, Box 601 Times (111b) Commercial Hotel, Tim) an EXPERIENCED "TARM HAND Wants work on farm, Apply 148 atreet, py 111 Cona wants pasition. Apply Box Times, (1140) For samples Shane 181 attains, oa " a kinds-of canvas goods, QUome @ CAmp equ t for rent, Vox ware, phone 23 or 20, A a for J, J, Turner and Son boro, Ontario, (Apr, 2h1 mo) rom carefully selected lan heavy layers, after May lat, Al ales from registered wtoek, "Hatohing egas, Visitors welsome, Geo, Reon, Conti 00, Apr, 20-1 wo.) Ives, DERE with helter valves nen Room and Boord ate Home with or without board, Phone §481J, (1100 on, Alexander street, Phone 1801, 111h) -- a Tn a $A terials, Buy at low Vaetory Dis tribytore prices, Doors, Ready Glaged Windows, Vrames, Hard- wood Flooring, Wallboard, Every. thing for new buildings or repairs, 06 page ontalogue of Builders' Bargaing Free, Halliday, Box 16, Bar, ey roe, Halliday 0, Limit- ed, Box 16, Hamiito (108 100-109-111" on 128-126) Collegiate Chatter Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were, without doubt, the greatest days in the school's history, We have put the names "Oshawa High School," "Oshawa Colleginte Thstitute." he~ hind % and. we are naw officially, "The Oshawa Collegiate and Voea tional Institute," Sir Joseph Flavelle officially op ened the doors of the scheol Wed nesday afternoon with a gold key, [rasshisd by Rev, P. J. Bench, The mal opening address was given by ie Joseph 4 pid the dedication by Rev, J Burke, The commencement on Thursday afternoon was ene of the most en: Joyable features of the three day' program, The presentation of the various prizes and scholarships re- enlled LI activities of a year ago, and we feel that the students re celving these awards are the real tradition builders of eur pehool, "Joe" Marks received the Murray Johnston eane for being the most popular hey in school and Nona Armstrong received the Misses Gla- dys and Mildred Kdmondson award for being the mest popular girl in school, The choice was a just and popular ene, and the school has a worthy Princes _ Alumnus and an equally worthy Principa Alumna, Sir Henry Thornton ald a fying visit to the school en Friday afters noon, Of all the honors heaped up- on the school in the last three days, Sir Henry's visit was perhaps the wreatest, Principal O'Nelll at the conclusion of Sir Henry's speech ex pressed appreciation and thanks on behalf of the school and presented the students' sentiments aptly, when he said that he regretted Sir Henry could not rolong his visit, The Frolic en Friday evening was something unusual in the way of fre lies, The entire program was pre: sented in the auditorium at the be- Ainnin ol the aye ng, and then the anding stavied he boys' gymnas slum, "The danging in the fyninasium stopped at 11.30 and again the ste dents assembled in the auditorium, where a pleasant surprise was in store for them, Principal O'Neill presented the sehool with a goat mas cot whieh Mr Comrie christ ened "Oliver Twist" And now we have a mascot, "God Save the King" brought to a close the most exciting and enjoy. able three days in the school's hiss tory, We have a sthool of which we are proud and a staff to whom we are very grateful, The Guides have had a very busy time the past few days showing the visiting public through the school Theirs was not an easy task and their services are greatly appreciat ed, TRAVELLED 32 DAYS TO VISIT DENTIST ITE Vancouver, Man 18-=F, Jacobson, trapper, Eh ard ved here from Cores nation Gul do Loam, aeroplane, train and Meamer to have his teeth Toothache drove Him to start far a dentist in Vancouver early in Ail bu He made the 790-mile run frond his camp to Aklavik, through the dark: Na of of an arctle winter night, in There he wirelessed Mayo, Yukon, for a plane, and was wafted from Aklavik to, Mayo.in 4 hours, and from Mayo to White Horse, Yuken, in 3 1-2 hours, At White Horse he took train for Skagway, Alaska, boarded the 8.8, Princess Alice, and came out, He made the entire trip in 32 days, Jacobson is a veteran Atel trap per, having first Aone in in 1909, He went in last in 1925, He will return 'North on the 8.8, Bayehimo, leaving here early in July, GRAY COACH LINES SUED FOR $25,000 Oy Sundin Press Leased Wire) a May 18-=Amon E, Dea. ver of inte N Xu tommented Pr 880, amagen aAgaing A Grey Coat Linon Tommie, 'ot Toronto In court here, The action ht the sequel to a car erash here ant fall, ver'a car and another | tiemotile collided and when the Jaintift alighted. to ' survey the damage, i he Wan struck by a moter testimony arming that plaintift's Taabiniy to Toa ork Wan large ly due to iy ition and ex cessive wor oase ia being heard hy ig Mr, Justice Jeffrey '1 and a jury in the assizes, It you think that people have lost thelr sense of humor, aotige the ann YOu get when od ak one to a twenty-dollar Ge Meroury, ame Wedern i in not at all at or indinoreet," way a bish- port of statement a tor a 2 he pry ing to the modern Oe defence submitted mediog) CUFFE APPOINTED R. C, A. F. DIRECTOR Otiawa, May 18-Tha appoint ment of Squadron leader A, ly Cuflte to be assistant to the diveetor of the Royal Canadian Aly Fores, is announced In orders Isbusd by the Air Service of the Department of National Defenge, quadron Leader Cuffe is al present conneot- od with headquarters staff hers on the R,C.AY, Wing Commander Lloyd 8. Breadner, is Divector of the Force, Communist Party May Name Candidate -- Sudbury, May 18, == Bir Thomas party Is conjemplating running a candidate in this constituency, Nipiss- ing, In the approaching federal elegs tion, it was learned this morning, As yet no definite decision has been reached by local party leaders, hut they did admit that the matter is res celving serious consideration, No in timation Is given as to who will like ly be the "Red" standard bearer, It Is admitted that a Communist ean» didate will. have a slight chance of election, but they are anxious to make a test of thelr strength, Here and There (612) As a politieal greed communism is practically discredited in Ching to-day," said Colonel G, W. Birks, in charge of ¥Y. M, C, A, work In the Far East, intorviewed as he passed through Winnipeg recently en route to Montreal after a six« months stay in the Orient, Colonel Birks thought that China would shortly split into Independent parts, North and South China. Seeding has become gener:! in some Saskatchewan points and in many farming centres 'of Alberta, and is expected to be general shortly if favorable weather condi- tiens continue, according to re. ports coming in to the Winnipeg offices of the agricultural departs ment of the Canadian Pacitie Ralls way, Seventy head of finest thorough« bred stock arrived at Saint John recantly to =o forward by Cana dian Pacific Railway to the Prince of Wales ranch at High River, Alberta, It is the first shipment of the kind to the ranch in the past four years, The majority are pedigree shorthorn cattle, "There in at present in Great Britain a decided awakening of interest in the Canadian universis ties," sald Dr, Oyril Norwood, head. master of Harrow, one of the most famous of English public schools and Alma Mater of lord Byrom, Dr, Norwood Is chalrman of the delegation of British headmasters here on a tour of inspection of ten Canadian universities, He arrived At Haint John recently abonrd 8.8, Duchess of Bedford, w-- ada's first ranking tennis star, Dr, Jack Wright, tigures lon shooting, elephant baiting and an- tolope JViting Is just the kind of aport to keep a tennis player in trim, Arriving at Vancouver re. cently aboard 8.8, Bupress of Cans ada, Dr, Wright says be feels in great shape for /the forthcoming Davia Cup matohes, Retirement of le, B. MeI'herson, Asaistant passenger traffio manager Western Lines, Canadian Pacltie Rallway, after more than 60 years of rallway service, and promotion of six other officials of the depart. ment from coast to coast of Can. ada, has been announced, effective May 1, Promotions are: H. W, Brodie to he overseas passenger manager; RG, MoNeillle to be Mdathnt passenger traffic mane Tr, eastern lines, Montreal; HN, R. Dealiviany to be assistant passenger traffic manager, weatern lines, Winnipeg: E. F, L, Sturdes, gen eral passenger agent, Vancouver; H, R, Mathewson, general passen- ger agent, Winnipeg; and George R. Carter, assistant Joooral passens gor agent, Montrea The annual production of honey in Canada is about thirty million gle, While a great deal of y 1a used in the home, the principal commercial users are cons tioners, bakers and bottlers, At the World's Poultry Congress to be held at the Crystal Palace near London in July, a feature of the Canadian exhibit «will be a model of the Rae A Wales WAI sotupy 100 sauce feet of Apacs I ofa and will be fitted wi wy eleotrie ak pliances and .Jghting: that w fhow the ranch in a nove] and Ko tractive way, IN JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS An agtress who wes ot one time tamonw for 'her love afiaits js Dow a cook, Now whe hes to be content mashing potitoss,-=Otiawa Journsl "Wives don't tell thelr husbands everything," says Judge Crawford, After all, there are only twenty four hours in each day London Punch, Tailor-made $25.00 Suits v0 0 | Scotland Woollen Mills 8, ROTINM, Manager Before placing Automobile Insurance got my special rates, Bargain prices for lots in Dearborn Park, subdivision west of oy ft, North J, H, BR, LUKE Regent yg Ait Bldg. Boys' Broadcloth | Wash Suits, Special Dominion Clothing Co. | | 68 Xing Ht, W, Phone S141 [I Kara Coffee Always Fresh at Superior Chain Stores 1'hovsands Now Eat 5 bh A Delighttul Broakfost Food |) = Good Weather Ahead!' weD0 NOS 1080 JOUR CAP Let me finance yous-Addls tional Oash Given, Roow 6, 14} King 8t, Ean | EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop | Here Always

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