Oshawa Daily Times, 12 May 1930, p. 8

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MAY 12, 1930 The Wisdom of ea By Thornton Ww. Burges They're fortunate who feel they | "know 'Just when' to 'stay and when to go. ~Nanny Meadow Mouse, " ' The old can in which Nanny Mea- dow . Mouse had cscaped from Ilip the Terrier was a gallon can whieh had 'once contained oil, It was square at cach end, or top and bottom as you please, 'In one corner of the top was ie round hole by which Nanny had entered, You see, the can was lying on one side, - She was a badly Irightened Meadow Mouse when she went in-therc, She went in because it was the only place that offered safety, Once inside she simply lay there panting, her little heart going pit=a-pat, pit-a-pat with fright, She could hear Flip sniffing around out- side, He hadn't seen her when she darted into that hole. Of course, he saw that old can, but he didn't give it thought. Finally. he went away, Nanny remained right where she was for a long time after Flip had gone, She kept expecting Danny Meadow Mouse. Danny didn't come, Finally Nanny ventured outside, She would go look for Danny, But when she got outside she didn't know which way to turn, You see, she had been so confused by Flip that bs had lost her sense of direction: So finally she went back to that old can, "I'Il stay here a while," said Nan. ny to herself, "Danny is sure to come looking for me, so the wisest thing to do 1s to remain right here," This was a very sensible thing to do, especially as she had no idea in which direction to look for Danny, Having the usual + .ount of feminine curiosity, she whiled away the time by very carefully examining that old can, She went all around it, She jumped up on it. She went in and out of it a dozen times, Presently she forgot all about Danny, Yes, sir, she. forgot all about her Dan- Ay, She had become so interested in that old can that all thought of Dan- ny left her, "This would make a wonderful home," said' Nanny, "I could build # hest inside this thing and it would be a regular castle, 1 believe I'll make a bed in there just to try it, That's what I'll do--I'll make a bed in here and just see how it goes," So Nanny straightway began 'cutting grags and taking it into that old can, She was a very busy small person, Forgotten was all her fright, For. gotten was the tact that Danny was lost, She was just happy in what she Wis doing and that is a fine way to Be | Tn and out of the old can Nanny ran, Every time she went in she had a mouthful of soft grass wsoft dry grass, that would make the ery nicest Kind ol 4 bed. "By and i v she had enough in the end of the old cap to curl mp 1a comfortably UL By this time Nanny was tired, She So - For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8, «= We Deliver ywas tired enough to want a nap. Machinery Repairing , NOTHING T00 LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St, W, 'hone 1214 In and out of the old can Nanny ran, she curled up in the bed of dry grass and no sooner was she nicely curled up than she fell asleep, You see, as | said before, sh~ was tired, She vel asleen inside the old can and while she slept Danny Meadow Mouse went straight past the old" can You sce, when Danny finally es. caped from Flip, the Terrier he at once started out to look for Nanny By that time he could no longer find her scent with his nose, so all he could do was to g in the direction in + hich he had last seen her g.- ing. He knew what that general di- rection was and, although he didn't follow her footsteps exactly, he was near enough to the direction to pass that old can, "le didn't' pass the end where the entrance was; he passed the other en! So, of couse, he had no idea that he was so near Nanny, He kept on going and with evary. step he felt more and more lonesome, (Copyright, 1930," T. WV, The next story: "Danny Fight," Burgess) Has a TIME TABLES PIA, abi TIME TABLE d rr West ity y (Escept Sunday), 08 mm, M 0.3) pau, 0.50 a.m, 4.05 pom, 5.20 p.m, 10.10 pm, 12,05 a.m, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Change in Time, affective April 27th (Se tanda rd Time) 23 am, Daily, Eseeps Sunday . Sunday only , Daily batty, Eascept + Dall y , Lat) I, Except Sunday "aly 11, Ah "Daily 1 pom, Daily' 201 am, Daily Daily Daly (Eacept Sunday) Daily Duly: © Sunday Except Saturday Except Sunday + Except Sunday 2.02 nm, Daily! Eacept Sunday 4.00 pm, Daily 02 pam, Daily ® pom, Sunday only / pm, Daily 3 pom ily , Except Sunday 'hitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and after April 27, 198.) Savi ime) (Our dt Te Arrive Whithy i fs Arrive te Diamonds ! Bassett's ' Ou Oshawa's Main Corner | COAL COAL Phono 198 UR SPECIALTY v aleh Fr uot giving . can repair om ake 1] tn hy correct De J. BROWN THE JEWELER 1 Official Watch Inspector for Vo Nattonal ia ai 3 ta SIMCOE ST. "sou: ™H ~ > = 2 - 2 2e0=Z Smam sE3=582 333az3 St 885353 > #332 mocme 2332 o> 3237 os eas F E --Smama loom 333233 PY > SB2a3Bganel oe =3Peees fA Wp a 2a 33 23: 23333 > = ? 5: TITTITTOISssa 3 E3323 at 3, 333 bd B3 £82 23:3 33323 ES rman_LSmes SRBRRLBRVS3: ---- Top PPToTToalksss E-3 23233 35 1LIDAY SCHEDULE West i | oma B8s233s8 -- =P Fy NP ns tet gitraeaney Zaz 10.5% E=~Sundeys only. Die and Holidars oaly, in FOR JUIGESHIPS pensions for of A appoint roviding fw pay ral Supreme Court ¢hequar Colirt Judges prior to March, 1927, This bil, which received third reading, draws a distinetion be tween "Federal "Supreme Court' of Exchequer Court judges appointed broadcasting situ ion, in Canada, pen ding ii ration of the report of the Aird Commission, T want to give the assurance that as Tong as | oce eupy my present positon 1 will take gvery precaution not to do anything which might complicate this present situation and prevent Parliament PUBLICATION OF | Foowing the doth last want NO COMPLICATION i dh, PAPER SUSPENDED RADIO SITUATION the paper for 61 years, the Record. or was advertised for sale, The time for receiving tenders has ox plred and no announcement of any offer was made by the executors. The Recorder has been published by the Blackadar family since 18587 matter as il ARE HARD T0 FIND Third Reading. Given to Bill Providing Full Pensions for Certain' Judges Ottawa, May. 12-~"If you were head of the Department of Justiie you would know just how difficult it is to secure the proper men for judgeships"', Hon, Ernest Lapointe, Minister of Justice, Adshead told East Calgary) when the House of Commons was (Labor, ft was felt a full pension thent If they were obliged 75, when they must H, B, [sary to make a deposit That keeps preachers, lature,~--Meaford Mirror, before and after March, 1027, former were appointed for life and BL the age of 75 years, aj, In an net.of that date, Ju pointed since tien have begn given office until they reach the age of retire on a pensfon of two-thirds thely salary, To be a candidate In provinelsl | je elections hereafter it will he neces editors and unskilled laborers out of the legls- Minister Indicates" Licences May Not Be Issued to C.P.R. ------; Ottawa, May 10,~A brief statemem on the attitude of the Government re specting radio broadcasting licenses was made in the House of Commons session by Hon, P, J), Arthur Cars din, Minister of. Maring and Fisheps The was die fo retire et forth 08 A- i "Ihe member for Bow River (Eds ward J. Garland) wanted (0 he as. sured vesterday," Mr, Cardin stated, of- $200, ment created in regard to the radie from. dealing with the might see fit when it comes up for consideration," Mr, Garland in his question said he hoped. that the situntion would not he complicated by the issue of radio broadeasting licenses to the Canadiun Pacific Rally ny Many u man is worth on than the insurance he carvies,~Chicago Daily News One of life's little fronies is found in the fact that a fifty-dollar tele. phone pole ean so completely de molish a $3,000 motor car.--Poston Transcript, AFTER 117 YEARY Acadian Recorder Passes In. to History After Death of Proprietor Halifax, May 12 On Saturday, Janusmyy 16, 1814, the Acadinn Ne corder ety, and on Raturday-, 1940, It announced publiention, Muy tial In the province and Dominion for 117 year, was first published in this 10, suspension of The dissolution of the Recorder silenced an voles Influens All 'the type was set by hand and the original form of the paper was maintained, €, ¢, Blackadar would not install, modern machinery bee cause "so many old employees would loss their jobs," He always issued the TNecorder on Dominion Duy nn an expression of his opposls tion. to Conte de raton, IN THE VLFEA CIRCUS In amazement 1 watched the trained flog do hig stunts, "Did you edueate that flea youre welt?" 1 asked the man, "You," he replied proudly, "2 raised Wim from a pup" committee disenssing a bill Pow there would be no embarrass. ELLA CINDERS--Without a Clsw - YOURE SO SWEET LLL. I GIGGLES, YOURE A MONEY! BET ad Re -- SS SE > * | viHaT ENGLISH KING HAD SIX § WIVES, DADDY © WERE 15 AN OLD JINGLE WHICH DESCRIBES THE VIEDDED LIFE OF WENRY III, WING Mery THE LIGHTH T0 SIX WIVES WAS WEDDED, ONE DIED, ONL SURVIVED, THO DIVORCEL AND THO BEKEADLD. CATHERINE PARR HAT WOULD YOU THINK OF A MAN THAT HAD 91% QUEENS, BETTY ? E ---- I'D THINK THAT HE DEALT THE CARDS HIMSELF, Morey ~ JANE SEYMORE ye - o 1] NATHAYN WOWARD SLJHE NAMES OF HENRY THE EIGHTH WIVES IN THE ORDER HE MARRIED THEM ARE =CATHERINE OF ARAGON; DIVORCED ANNE BOLEYN; BENEADED- JANE SEYMORE : DIED "AMHE OF CLEVES DIVORCED KATHRYH HOWARD," BEHEADED = AND CATHERINE PARR ¥iHO SURVIVED HIM, fy (© 1000, King Vestures Srndiene Ine, Great Beitatn rights reserved Ra -- BRINGING UP FATHER rr MAGEE DEED he TICKET TO DOLAN'S Y_--- BALL. LL NOT amr | BO LL Hom \T AA A ii By Geo, McManus OUT THID MIGHT: ) BY HANGIN OUT OF "THi1% | WINDOW" "1" bb N | GT ME DRASD ST On) Va ------ ® 10, Ph Foature ---- hy Great Bri in right Haerved Kl AML HALL OP ME TICKET AN! THEN BE ON ME WAY TO "THE | ®iG PARTY: 1 Nt ---------------- pa A ( Si 2 i 2] { ia aU In WA | As' pcs 5M hts { bere w % die made ons thes Aeconel [| flout ' 0 A 'oop ¥ & h IM PRETTY SMART, L AM rr TT N N AT OF on fitit ii fT Wy Bt : Ani i @ 0000, Ring Pasturnn Byndionia, Tong Gront BAAN ghia eased S03 SHOWS FOR DOLLY [ONE BAY COMEY WAS SITTING MINDING | AND BOBBY ew A GREAT SWARM OF FLIES CAME ane BUZZED AROUND HIM = AND MY! How HE HATED FLIES TEN COMRBY oR A GIRDLE» AND © 3] PAINTED ON (T= "HATHATHO HO TEN AT ONB BLOW" [SO Hi THREW ONE OF THE GHORS AT THEM AND FOUND HE HAD KILLED TEN FLIES AT ONR BLOW TILLIE THE TOILER---Dressed for the Occasion £Y d M -~ S| A CHECK wor W 1X0 WE GOT BACK FROM IKLOTZ , MARKED LRSSerel NT ™UND THATS FUNNY ALL! \We HAVE > \ 1S % LO Ww Tue BANK AND THAT SMIGN'T Cover Ww) KNOW WHERE TIEN Gonna Iv GOES, BUY \ | HAVE Yo MEgT BUSINESS MEN © 'GET ORDERS, 1% HAVE To LOO ATTRACTIVE AND THAT DRESS) | CERTAINLY

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