Oshawa Daily Times, 12 May 1930, p. 7

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. THE OSHAWA DAILY JIMES, MONDAY, MAY 12, 1930 PAGE SEVEN 0S AWA NATS. WIN AT HOME--GOLF CLUB OPENS FOR 1930 SEASON Sathrang Scores All Goals When Oshawa Nats. Win From Toronto Irish 5-0 _ (By Geo, Campbell) Chris, Sathrang, clever centre for ward of Oshawa Nationals, gave a brilliant display of his soccer abil- vA on shorday afternoon at the otor City Stadium, when the Nats, entertained the highly touted Tor onto Itish team and' administered a five-goal whitewash, On Saturday afternoon the Nats, showed the fans who attended, a real fast soccer Joie, The major league champions did not make a very im- pressive showing in eithér of their first two games but on Saturday, they showed that hex will make more that a gallant fight to retain the Dunlop trophy, EL] Shines athrang Every member of the Oshawa team must be given a great deal of credit for the splendid victory, particular mention being. made of Connors, Boyd, Brodie and . Frankie Sturch, However, Chris, Sathrang gets the spotlight for hfs brilliant display. Chris scored every one of the five tallies, The first from a penalty kick, the second on a pass from Sturch, the third on a pass from Muir and the fourth and fifth on in- dividual efforts, It was Sathrang's day and he certainly made the most of it, The Nats, started right in to play brilliant football and aided by a fast field, they uncorked some brilliant passes that had their opponents bot- tled up, Petterson and Sturch were especially effective. Shingleton, the visiting centre-half, was undoubtedly the best for the Irish, His playing in the first half bordered on the sen- sational, Time and time again, he seemed to spring up from nowhere and save what looked like certain tallies, The Irish soon found their feet and then they began to press, Smith made a nice save of a har shot, Brodie, for the locals, was in fine form, He bored his way through the opposing defence and scraped the bar with a hot shot, The visitors' forward line were dan gurols at all times, but Connors and d presented a stubborn brick-wall defence. Muir fed Sathrang several pretty passes, but the centre-forward was watched too well, The Nats. e & raid on the Irish goa! and Sathrang took & nice pass and broke th the defence, Shingle- ton handled the ball when he tried to stop Sathrang and the Nats, were given a penalty kick, Sathrang took the kick and put the Nats, one u with a terrific shots The Irish took on new life and swarmed round the locals' net but the Nats' defence was firm, Half time saw the Nats, press. ing hard. 0 alitime=Nats, 1; Toronto Irish, The Irish kicked off and were im- mediately pulled up for a foul, Sturch gave a flash of smart play, beating man after man and then centring a perfect pass to Sathrang, who head ed the ball into the net. A few min. utes later "Jocks," Muir and David. son exchanged passes and then Muir sent a nice pass to Sathrang, whe scored again. The visitors now gave 4 hope and the play was all Oshawa. he Nats, increased thelr speed and in a few minutes' time Sathrang went right in all alone and banged in another pretty goal, The Nats, cased up after this and the ball was kept in mid-field for most of the re- maining time. Just before the final whistle blew, Sathrai coasted through the opposing defence and beat the goalie with a hard shot to make the total five to nil The teams i= Oshawa Nats, ~~ Smith, Connors, Boyd, McLesn, Brodie, Coll, Sturch Petterson, Sathrang, Muir a Davidson, Toronto Irish -- Brown, Quinn, Davidson, Thomson, Shingleton, Hewett, Ashe, O'Connor, Somerset, MeNulbty and Crewe, Schmeling in Training for Bout With Sharkey Endicott, N.Y, May 12~Max Schmeling, German heavyweight, yes. jerday began training for his champ. jonship match with Jack Sharkey at the Yankee Stadium, New York, on June 12, : Schmeling boxed four rounds in all, He warmed up for two rounds with d| Andy Wallace, belabored Vincent Ba bin for & round, and wound up with a round ainat Sylvan Aderlite, He floored Aderlite in the first round and had him groggy and out on his feet at the final bell, N.H. L. Annual 'Meeting Toronto, May 12---~The meeting of the bhard of governors in the morning and the annual meeting of the National Hockey League in the afternoon at the King Edward on Saturday occupied the time of re- presentatives of the ten clubs in the circuit from ten o'clock in the morning until almost seven in the evening with less than an hour's recess for lunch, At the conclusion of the annual meeting President Frank Calder informed the press representatives who had walted throughout the day that six players had been drafted by as many clubs, that all the governors had been ro. elected and that several other items had been on the agenda, but appar. ently as the hockey season was ove or the need of publicity had been greatly lessened until some time next Fall, National League moguls claim that the players provide hockey which is the "fastest in the world" but the governors and representa. tives to the annual meeting, judg. ing by the Information that could be. pried out of the president, are away bohind the players in the mat. ter of speed and accomplishment, American League Coming Tour of Kilmarnock Team Atrrouses Interest in Ontario Soccer Circles 'ocal City Officials. and Oshawa Nationals Soccer Club Are Planning Big Re- ception for Scottish Visit. ors--May Play in Oshawa Twice 1 Toronto, May 12, = The, Ontario tour of thé Kilmarnock team of the Scottish League, winners of the Scot+ tish Cup in 1929, promises to be one of the most successful of any of the visiting tedms from across. the pond, The team and officlaly leave Glas: gow Saturday on the' 'Duchess of Athol and are due td arrive in Mons treal on either May 17 or 18, There are 22, in. the party, consisting of seventeen players: and five officials, The phiyers are: Goal, Clemie: bac Robertson. and, Niblge, half hy Irvine, Stewart and MeEwan, fors wards, Wales, M. Smith, Cu ing ham, Ramsey, Williamson and Ait. ken; reserves, Leslie, Smi Clark, Walters and McGowan, officials with the party are President, MeCulloch, Vice-President Dick, di- rector, Wylle, Secretary Hugh Spence and Trainer McWhinnie, The Cunningham on the team is a brother of the famous Andy Cunning= ham who visited Toronto with the F Scottish Association team and with the Glasgow Rangers, The tourists will be met at Quebec. by Bobby Muir, the popular secre- tary of the Ontario Football Associa tion, who has been instrumental in having them visit this country and who will manage the tous. The tour will be a strenuous one, the team playing no less than fours teen games in less than six weeks, They will open against Carsteel of the National Lesrve in Montreal on Monday, May 10th, The complete itinerary is: : Monday, May 19th, The complete Carsteel, R & vv a over the: Paci Th May 22-Oshawa -- vs, Oshawa tianals, " y Saturday, May 24=Toronto == vs. Ulster United, Monday, May 26~London. hweadey, May 29 == Guelph w= vs, Ulster United. Saturday, May 3l-Hamilton «= vs City or Thistles, ednesday, June 4--<Kitchener, Saturday, June 7-=Toronto=ys, T. D. club, Tuesday, June 10-St, Catharines vs. Niagara Pen, Wanderers, Saturday, June l4=Hamilton == vs, Thistles or City, Wednesday, June 18-Brantford «= ws, Cockshutts, Saturday, June 27-~Vacant, Monday, June 23=Toronto=vs, Na- tional League Club. Thursday, June 26: -- Oshawa or 'Montreal, It will be noticed that June 21 has been. left open, It is probable that Kilmarnock will meet Glasgow Rang- ers in Toronto on this date and re- roduce the 1929 Scottish Cup final, The sponsors of the Kilmarnock tour have been approached with regard to this game, but felt that it "would hardly be fair to make any arrange ments without the consent of the Kilmarnock officials, Mr, Muir will take the question up with them when he hoards the boat at Quebec next riday, The team will arrive in Oshawa on May 20 and "will be the guests of Mr, R: S. McLaughlin at a dinner and dance at the Lakeview Pavillion that evening, On the 21st they will visit the plant of the General Motors, The Toronto Ayrshire Association are planning 'a big welcome for the visitors from thelr own county and have arranged a reception, dinner and dance nt the Sovereign Hall for Fri. day, May 23rd. It is expected that the mayor and members of the city council will be there to welcome them, B.C. Rugger Team And Montreal Play Scoreless Draw Montreal, May 13 (CP)=-The invading university ot British Col umbia English rugby team and a fifteen ploked from. the various Montreal clubs, battled to § score- loss draw here Saturday afters noon. Sea bon neu 0 ster! okling of the local backs and excellent handling and kicking by J. B, Roe, Montreal full back, Montreal also had adv in weight 0 0 undergrads. While the first halt was even as far as territorial play was ed, the last half belonged to the nw tors, with Montreal baving the backs to the wall on a score with Gaul and 5 carrying, carried the ball cons A into Montreal's territory where Roe mates were hard pw sed to koop them out, While the visitors had an |f£On . WAS i CHAMPIONS TROUNCED Cleveland, May 182.-~Bcoring in every inning but the eighth, the Cleveland Indians yesterday wal loped the World Champion Phila- delphia Athletics, 26 to 7, before an overflow crowd of 20,000, The Indians who lead the Am erican Loague in hitting, smashed twenty-five hits oft four Athletics hurlers, including nine doubles, Philadelphia 000041200 7 7 Cleveland ..38172630x--25 26 Liebhardt, Mahon, Mehaffen, Rommel and Schang, Ghitton, Fer- rel and L, Sewell, a - 9 - YANKS DEFEAT TIGERS New York, May 12.--Charley Ruffing made his debut as a New York pitcher, and lasted through nine innings, as tho Yankees de« feated the Detroit Tigers, 7 to 6. Babe Ruth started the pro ceedings by hitting his fifth home run of the season in the opening inning with none on base, Detroit ....s 0120210006 10 4 New York ....30401000x--7 1 0 Wyatt Sorrell and Hargreave, Renss, Ruffing and Dickey, RED SOX WIN AGAIN Boston, May 12,--~Boston's once Humble Red Sox won their fifth straight victory yesterday by de- feating St. Louis, 2 to 1, bohind the two-hit pitching of hig Ed Morris, Regan's home run off Lef- ty Walter Stewart in the sixth gave the Sox their one-run margin, St. Louis .....001000000--1 2 0 Boston .. «00001100x--~-2 8 3 Stewart and Ferrell; Morris and Heiring. WHITE S0X WIN IN TENTH INNINGS Washington, May 12.--Chicago scored two runs in the tenth in. ning yesterday to win from Wash. ington § to 3. Chicago, :,..2000001003--05 12 1 Washington 10020000003 11 4 Lyons and Autry, Riddle; Mai- berry, Hadley and Spencer. THISTLES DEFEAT TORONTO SCOTTISH Hamilton, May 12.=Thistles opened their home engagements in the Na- tional Soccer Aajye Saturday, with a deserved 3 to 1 victory over To- ronto Scottish, The game was well contested, clean and cleverly played at all stages, At the start it foo od as if the visitors would walk away with the points, For the first ten min. utes they were never far away from the Thistles' goal and ultimately Ross cored, Gradually the Thistles settled t their efforts to score were pi until Lefty McDonald rushed the ball with right toot into the To- ' fet, making the count 1 to I. combination play, Monroe Millan to Tennant, resulted in rs scoring Thistles' second & net beader, three minutes la. d shortly afterwards Tennant a great chance to mak) it or the Thistles by shooting Qup tennis tie with Egypt com- yesterd Already leading he series clinched the Italians won both of the conclude ng singles matches, Baron H. L. 0 Morpurgo defeated Grandguillot, 6-6, 6-1, 6-3, and Glorgio de Ste!- ani conquered Riches 6-0, 6-2, 8-0 oi GQPORT SNAPSHOT By Guo, Caxrami, Sporis Editor. Oshawa Nationals Win at Home The Oshawa Nationals played their third league game of the sea- son on Saturday afternoon at the Motor City Stadium and were successful in defeating the Toronto Irish, by a score of 5 to 0. A good crowd of fans attended the game, the fact that Chris, Sathrang scored all five goals for the locals, cer is rapidly gaining a place of prominence among the sport fans of this community, If the Nats, turn in a few more brilliant performances like the one on Saturday, the Stadium will be packed for their games, w * Interest Quickens A great deal of interest is being shown by the sporting fraternity of this city, in the coming visit of the Kilmarnock soccer team. The Kilmarnock is one of the best known and most successful soccer clubs and last year they won the Scottish Cup, now held by Glasgow Rangers, The tickets for this game are now on sale and judging by the advance sale, Fred Luke and Art Hambly are going to have to move the walls of their Stadium, This game will be one of the best soccer games to be scen in this eity during the season of 1930, their stride and right now the Oshawa Nats, are onc of the best soc- There should be at least five thousand people on hand to sce this game, Tickets may be obtained at Mike's Place, Mit- chell's Drug Store or from any member of the club executive. The tickets for the dance, which is being * cer teams in Ontario, * Oshawa Golf Club Opens The Oshawa Golf Club was officially opened for the 1930 season ' on Saturday afternoon, "Old Sol" favoured the club and the ideal wea- ther conditions attracted a large number of followers of the "Fore" Some fine scores were tutned in during the day's play and judging from Saturday's results, a number of the local course records are very liable to be shattered before the season is concluded, game, » * Oshawa City Loses other game on Saturda The Oshawa City lost they were forced to bow to Beaches United The first half ended with the score Oshawa 2, Beaches 0. Beaches scored three goals in the second half, With only a few minutes to play, Dunstall scored for Oshawa, The opposing goalic picked the ball out of the net, but the referee claimed that the ball did mot enter the net and the goal was not allowed, will likely be protested. Lobban and Dunstall scored for the City. * was very unsatisfactory, » Parts and Service vs. Times Tonight The Daily Times and the Parts and Service meet at the Motor | City Stadium tonight in a scheduled intermediate game, Both teams possess a number of heavy should be well worth seeing, The highlight of the tilt was Soc * » The Nats, have hit at the lake, are also on sale held » LJ LJ] LJ s afternoon when The ending of the game The game » » This game hitters and the pitchers can expect plenty of trouble tonight. * N M | Lacrosse on Indian Reservations The originators of Canada's National game, the Indians, are going | to do their share in keeping the game well up in front, Plans are being made to have lacrosse games played by teams representing the various Indian reservations, create a great deal of interest, : | This phase of the lacrosse revival should Canadian Davis Cup Players for Singles Chosen Philadelphia - May 12-Dr, Jack Wright, captain and Marcel Rain- ville, both of Montreal, will repre- sont the Canadian Davis Cup in singles, and Wright and Willard Orokeg, also of Montreal, will play in doubles in first American zone Davis Cup tie with the tennis repre- sentatives of United States at the Philadelphia Country Club next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, This announcement was made yostdrday by Captain Wright atter a workout on the "mew Davis Cup court, Dr, Wright explained his position in a statement in which he praised the members of the team for their co-operation and also expressed pleasure because of the friendly spirit displayed by the Philadelphia Davis Cup committee, headed by Frederick R, Kirkland, and Joseph W. Wear, chairman of the Unitea States Davis Cup committee ana Captain Fitz-Eugene Dixon, | Defeat of Jackie Fields | Is Surprise to McLarnin | Vancouver, B.C, May 12-Young Jack Thompson's degisive victory ov- er Jackie ields in Detroit Saturday night was a complete surprise to Jimmy McLarnin, Vancouver's con- tender for the title, which changed hands in the battle, "1 had no doubt but that Fields would win," he said, "though Thomp- son is certainly a tough boy. I guess I'll have to box Thompson now." MecLarnin seemed rather pleased than 'otherwise at the prospect of fighting the negro for the title in New York, "Fields," he said, "has been beaten a couple of times in New York, and he isn't ag much a card as Thomp. son, especially' after the close bout the latter gave me a few weeks ago, I think it will draw a better gate than if Fields were in there TOWNSEND AND SNELL DRAW Seattle, Wash, May Townsend, Vancouver, B.C., walter: weight and Doc Snell, of Tacoma, fought a vicious whirlwind six. round draw in the main event of & boxing show here Friday night. Townsend weighed 146 pounds and Bnell 141, iii AND GERMANY DRAW 5 ha, } 48 (CP Cable) Endiand three-all ams representing Germany "ylavea a wb Saturday, Frank Wykoft, U.S.C., sprinter, was clogked by four timers in the world's secord time of 9 2-6 seconds for the gentury dash at the Souths ern California AAU, track and fleld championships Saturday, He did not use starting blocks, Say what you will about Chicago, more killings are made on Wall Street.=-Kingston Whig-Standard, 18--=Billy, GLASGOW RANGERS WIN CHARITY CUP BY TOSS OF COIN Glasgow, May 12~Glasgow Rang- ers and Celtic were unable to gain an 'advantage in an overtime soccer match tor the Glasgow Charity Cup s0 the two captains agreed to toss a coin, The Glasgow Rangers captain won, and the cup will be held by his club for the next year. Glasgow Ran- gers left after the match to board the Cunard liner Andania for Mon. treal, While the game was in progress the Cunard liner Andania, which will carry the Rangers to Montreal, where they will set out on their Ca- nadian and United States tour, was held at Greenock, At the end of the normal playing period with the score two all half-an-hour's overtime was played. This prevented the Rangers catching the boat train, and finally they had to be rushed, many of the players finishing their dressing en route in motor cars to the dock , Belanger Meets Young in I0-Round Bout ° Tonight Toronto, May 12-The popular Frenchy Belanger, Canadian fly. weight champion comes back into local action to-night for the second time since he lost to Eugene Huat of France in the Shamrock club's elimifintion tournament and it will be the first real opportumity the fans have had to see how he shapes up as his last bout in this city last. od less thay two rounds when he stopped Kid Lenchio of Mexico, Be. langor tackles Franklyn Young of Detroit in a ten rounder at 114 pounds at the Coliseum and as this {8 two pounds over the class limit a good idea of Belanger's chances in his comeback will be secured, He has taken his time in working down to the weight not rushing himself as ho did for Huat and judging by his work in the gym he is back to his old time form. He will have to be at his best as Young has a win over Steve Rocco to his credit and is a dangerous opponent, In the semi-final Sammy Hackett, Toronto's featherweight hope, meets I'reddie Dawson of James. town, N.Y., who replaces Yammy Katz of Buffalo, Dawson was sign. ed up for a bout against Hackett some time ago but. it fell through, He has had draws with both Kate and Billy Kowallk and should ex: tend Haskeott, The Naval Academy's crows. made a clean sweep of the Severn in the dual regatta with Syracuse Satur. day. Yale's 160-pounders defeated Harvard and Princeton lightweights at Derby, The Weetamoe and the Yankee yachts built to compete for the hon. or of defending the America's Cup against Sir Lipton's Stamrock V., were launched Shturday at Bristol, R.I, All four boats which will com. | _-- To Begin His Training | ged Imeby the Leafs on Saturday as | of fagt, they didn't do any hitting } New York Sharkey at Orangeburg Orangeburg, N.Y, May 12+Jack Sharkey, Boston heavyweight, arriv ed here late yesterday to begin train- ing for his world's title bout with Max Schmeling at the Yankee Stad- ium, in New York, on June 12, Sharkey weighed 203. after a siege of training at Boston, and will work off about seven pounds before the night of the bout, Light workouts are on his schedule for the next few days and he plans to begin boxing on Thursday, The heavyweight was accompanied by his wife, who will remain with him at the camp during the entire train- ing period. Leafs Lose Both Games By Same Score Toronto, May 12.~For a team with pennant aspirations, the hitting indul- they dropped the doubleheader to Jersey City was painful, As a matter at all, At Icast, not when it was need- ed, Apparently the pitching as served by the two Skeeter right-handers, Army Bill Henderson and Jack Al- fen, was a trifle over the heads of our boys, They made seven hits off Army Bill and five off Allen--but none at the right time, Both dcfeats were shut-outs and in each one the Skect- ers scored two runs--2 to 0 and 2 to "That means that the Leafs were given some mighty good bowling, too, lowed only two hits in the eight in- Excellent Weather Helps Make Annual Opening of Oshawa Golf Club a Success - v Large Number of Golfers Take Advantage of Ideal Weather Conditions to At- tend Annual Opening Day of Local Golf Club--Miss L. Bascom and R. McNab Turn in Low Gross Score nn -- Contrary to their usual habit the weather gods smiled benignly on the opening day of the Oshawa Golf Club which took place on Saturday last, and the members showed their ap preciation by turning out in record numbers, Play was in mixed four. somes and, from 1,30 onward through out the afternoon, the beautiful fair- ways and greens were thronged with an cager crowd of players, the la- dies holding their own valiantly with | the reputedly stronger scx, and the | men striving with might and main to| demonstrate their proverbial superior | ity=but making, for the most part, rather a sorry job of it, We wonder how many weird exca- scs were brought forth to explain a- way some of the terrible shots pro duced by those same superior males, the while their long-suffering part. ners smiled sweetly, just as it they believed them. ¥ It is a woman's nature to forgive, but some of them must have had their capacity for forbearance taxed to the uttermost on Saturday, Just picture a lady stepping up on the tee and, with a faultless swing, driving one far and sure down the middle of the fairway, and then her partner, (poor, miserable worm) dubs the next one ten feet when he should have | had it on the green, or tops the ball unmercifully with his niblick, or sis ces it into the creck. These things happened, not once, but many times on Saturday afternoon, yet, strange to say, all the men came through with out injury to partake of the tea which awaited them in the clubhousé aften the round. Everyone did full justice to the excellent purvey, Later in the evening a dance was held and was participated 'in by a very large gathering who enjoyed themselves to the full, This brought to a close an opening day which, from the interest and enthusiasm aroused, would scem to indicate a most sues cessful season to follow, Prize winners on Saturday were i= Low Gross Score 1.--~Miss L. Bascom and R. McNab, 90, Low Net Score v. ~-Mrs, N. Daniel and R. G, Mills, 91.27 4, 2~Miss M, Millichamp and MH, Millichamp, 94-22-72, J--~Mrs, H. J, Begg and J, Hold en, 91-18-73, Mrs. 1, R. Caldwell and F, Sto« rey, 93-20-73. Mrs. R, McKay, 100-2 J. Will the male members of the club kindly note that the annual pre- sident versus vice-president match js scheduled for Saturday first," May 17th. Keep the date open, S. Morphy and Dr, A, 3 Guy Cantrell was even better than Henderson in the first game. He al- nings of toiling. He did not pitch the ninth because Art Ruble batted for him in the Leary' half of the cighth, Two Gift Tallies Both of the Skeeters' runs were mor eor less gifts. Cantrell did not 1 hit for fiv~ iv ings. Hender : racked him + double in the sixth, but Shannon, Gillis and West, the next three batsmen, were just so much putty in the hands of the Leafs' big boy from Oklahoma. National League GIANTS BEAT CUBS Chicago, May 12.-The Giants defeated the Cubs 9 to 7 yesterday in the third game of the series to strengthen their hold on firat place in tbe Nationa) League, The game was played on a slip pery field and 29 Luits were regis tered. 1111200309 17 0 ve 0100601417 12 2 Hubbell and Shealy; Moss, Chicago Fitzsimmons, O'Farrell; Oshorn, Root and Hartnett, ROBINS TAKE PIRATES Brooklyn, May 12 --The Robing | took their third straight game | from the Pittsburgh Pirates yester- day by a 10-to-2 score and weit into third place in the National League. The Robins Altes. Frederick Lome rans Dazey Vance gave his best ex- | hibition so far this season, holding the Pirates to four hits: | Pittsburgh ...000110000--2 4 0 Brooklyn ,..30001106x--10 18 1 French, Stoner and Hemsley, Hargraves; Vance and Deberry, hammered out 18 and Herman hit CARDS TAKE TWO GAMES FROM BRAVES St. Louls, May 12.--The St Louis Cardinals ran their consecu- tive victories to six yesterday when they took a doubleheader from the Boston Braves, 6 to 3 and 7 to 6. Jess Haines pitching his first full game of the season, won the game by holding the Braves to six bits. In the nightcap Bill Hallahan was pounded for 15 hits after making a good start, and was knocked out in the ninth inning, but Lindsey came to the rescue and nipped a rally that threatened tc tie the score, It was the Braves sixth straight defeat, Firat game: Boston Bt, Louis .. Siebold and Spohrer; And Wilson, Second game: Boston 0010010226 15 1 St. Louis ,,..11008011x--7 15 1 Smit and Spohrer; Lindsey, Hal. lahan and Wilson. 0000020103 6 2 ..00211100x--3 10 0 Haines * FREY WINS FOR REDS Cincinnati, May 12.«~Bennie Frey, recruit .pitchor for the Cine cinnati Reds, was credited witn his fourth straight vietory in takes jug the third game of the series rom the Philadelphia club, 6 to 4. rey has not lost a game, Philadelphia 0003000104 7 0 Cincinnati ., 0004000015 13 Elliott, Koupal, Alexander and McCurdy; Frey and Gooch, CHOCOLATE TACKLES TAYLOR Now York, May 12--Jess McMa- lion, New York promoter, announs ced to-day the eigning of Bud Tay. lor, of Terre Haute, and Kid Choco. late, of Cuba, for a ten-round bout at Ebbets Fleld June 18, } MISUNDERSTOOD "Willie," said his mother, * wish you would run across th street and see haw old Mus, Brow is this mforning," , ) A few minutes later Willie res turned and reported: 'Mrs. Brow: pete in the trials now are in the Water, ; J - . says it's none of your businéss ho old she is . - . ~le 3 ptal Toronto Leafs Break Their Losing Streak By Win From Skeeters LJ Nick Harrison, Leafs Lanky Right « hander, Pitches Good Ball and Also Aids His Teammates With Some Timely Hitting Jersey City, May 12-----A gather- ing of 12,000 fans including Mayor Frank Hague, saw the Toronto Maple Leafs grab the third game of the series from the Skeeters in there one-day stand here yesterday afternoon, winning a dramatic bat- tle 3 to 2. Nick Harrison, the lanky right- hander, was in great form today and held Jersey City to six hits, Harrison was a mystery, He improved with every session and only three men faced him in five of the last seven rounds, Shan- non and Selkirk punching out singles in the seventh and ninth to spoil the record. Harrison struck International League BISONS TAKE ANOTHER Buffalo, May 12--The Buffalo Bisons took another fall out of the Reading Keys here yesterday when they batted Dick Donnelly, one of their mates until a few days agu from the box and took and 8 to 4 decision, Thomas had a perfect day at the plate for the Bisons, ramming a triple and a double and drawing three walks, Reading 000 120 010-4 8 © Buffalo 201 020,12x-8:12 1 Bonnelly, Green, Lautenbacher « Grace; Mangum, Dailey, Fussell and Susce, ROYALS DEFEAT, BIRDS Montreal, May 11---Herb Thorm- ahlen turned in his fourth straight victory of the season yesterday by defeating the Baltimore Orioles o 2. It was the Big Southpaw second win of the season against} the Birds and Montreal's second straight victory of the current ser- fes, . Thormahlen hit a home run in the second with none on to give the Royals a lead they never re- linquished, Baltimore 100 000 100-2 9 2 Montreal 110 430 00x-0 12 2 Richmond, Hearn, & Danning; Thormahlen and Head. ROCHESTER WINS Rochester, May 12--Rochester and Newark waged a game of shift. ing fortunes here yesterday heforg the home team won out in the reighth when Papper hit a home un, for the Wings with Lucas on ase, The home run clout gave the champions the game 10 to 8. Newark 300 002 500-8 9 8 Rochester 013 100 82x-10 15 2 Boney, Touchstone, Mamaux and Stahiman, Munn; Carleton, Irving, Foreman & Florence, ' -- HOME RUN RECORDS HOME RUNS YESTERDAY Ruth, Yankees, 1; Regan, Red Sox, 1: Herman, Robins, 14 Frederick, Ro- bins, 1; Hafey, Cardinals, 1; Meusgl. Reds, 1; Seibold, Braves, 1, \ A THE LEADERS Wilson, Cubs, 7; Klein, Phillies, 7; Foxx, Athletics, 63 Jackson, Giants, 64 Terry, Giants, 61 Herman, Robins, 6: Ruth, Yankees, 5: Simmons, Ath. 'letics, 5; Hafey, Cardinals, 5; Bisson. nette, Robins, 5 \ LEAGUE TOTALS National 115; American 91; grand Nil i out three batters and walked two, Dusty Rhodes, the New York Yankees' farm hand, opened his first assignment in a Jersey unis form, but barely lasted two innings, the Leafs punching him for all then tallies in the first half of the sec- ond, Bream Stops Leafs Maurice Bream, criss-cross ex- pert; then came on the secene and checked the Leafs promptly, allow~ ing four hits in seven innings and fanning seven batsmen. In addition to pitching magnis ficently it was Harrison who won the game in the second with a double to deep left, scoring Cote with the third run of the inning. It all started with Rabbitt drop= ping a single to right, Burke ad« vanced Rabbitt to third by pus ing a single into centre, Rabbitt scored on Petrie's grounder to Gills, Burke taking second, Cote's double to left centre brought in Burke, while Cote advanced ta third on a passed ball by Jorgens, Phillips grounded out, Cote hold- ing his base, but he scored a mo- ment later on Harrison's double, Posts Come Diack With Two Jersey City retaliated with twa guns in the last of the second, amassing four thumps and sending the crowd into mild hysterics, Veach opened the Skeeter halt of the inning with a single to cen tre and advanced to second on Wera's single to right, Selkirk beat out an infield hit and Manger pop- ped to Cote, But Jorge. sent a sinzling double along the left field foul line, scoring Veach ond Wera and sending Selkirk to third base, Nick Allen at 'this point decide on Outen as a pinch hitter fol Rhodes, However, O'Neill counte ed by having Harrison pass Out intentionally, again' packing t cushions tight as a drum, Th strategy worked, because Shanno raised to Richardson at third a Gilis grounded out to Harrison, Bream then came in to peg tho third and the. game set down to a tense interesting aff with neither pitcher permitting a batting. orgies, Leats' Best Hitters ¥ Harrison, Cote ano Ruble wars the heavy hitters for Toronto with twa hits each, while Selkirk collects ed two blows to lead the Jerseys, The defeat broke Jersey City's three-game winning streak and pre- vented the Skeeters from reaching the 500 mark in the averages. he CARIW JUANG 'New Martin | Now Playing HOOT Mounted | Stra nger" | COMEDY DESERT SUNK N «The » " Bonny Rubin

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