Oshawa Daily Times, 12 May 1930, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MAY. 12, 1930 | PRR TR py TTeTY | REBUILD MIGHWAY Kingston, A start will be made May 21 on rebuilding Kings 1igh- wiy No, 2, between Kingston and Gananoque, The contract has been fet to McGinnis and O'Connor w local firm, ard they are now mak- ing preparations for a start, The award calls for six and n half miles paying this year with the halance to he completed Inter, VINDSAY BOYH' BAND Lindsay ~Tindsay Boys' brass band, 40 strong, under Bandmaster Shunk hes made its first appears ance. 'The hoys range in age from 12 to 16 yesrs and Bandmastey Shunk expects to have them playing in Vietoria park before the summer is over, CONVICTED OF NEGLIGENCE Peterhoro,~Ydward 1, Morden, of Millbrook, wis eonvicted before Tudge O'Connor in county eourl; here of criminsl negligence as the result of an automabiie aceldent on the Port Hope-Peterboro highway in which John J. Clavke, Millhronk constable and fire chief, was in- fured, He was fined $200 with th alternative of two months in jail, WOMAN ORDAINED Cornwall,==At the annual session of the Wesleyan Methodist Confers ence, held in Inkerman, Mrs, H, V. Higginson, of Cornwall was elected tn receive elder's orders and he or« dained to the Christian ministry, Ney, T, I", Naker, of Wheridan, Ine diana, preached the ordination ser- mon, Mrs, Higginson was former: Iv Miss Winnifred Parker of Brockville and later spent seven years in mission work ip Nigeria, West Africa. he ally i EASTERN ONTARIO NE DIES AFTER RUNAWAY Teen frew==Vollowing - injuries sus. tained when his horse van away on the King's Highway near Renfrew, Daniel Campbell of Renfrew, a well known cattle drover, died in Ren frew hospital, BARN BURNS Kingston,--~With the flames fanned by a strong wind, nu large barn, owned by Martin Snider, wits totally destroyed at Verona, The fire Is supposed to have started from a bon- fire which was burning some distance away in the farm yard, REEVE'S BARN BURNED Kingston==John Pickett, reeve of Howe Island, suffered an unfortunate loss when his barn was destroyed hy fire, Lightning caused the fire which destroyed the stock of hay and equip. ment in the barn In very quick time, A cow that was In the barn was ta- ken to safety, The barn was a com= plete loss and damage Is estimated at $2000 covered hy insurance, CREATED KING'S COUNSEL Cornwall ==Announcement Is made in the Ontario Gazette of the ap- pointment of John Graham Harkness, of Cornwall, to be a King's Counsel, HOUSE STRUCK BY LIGHTNING Trenton==During a severe electric storm a frame house owned hy Jo seph Gibson at Stoney Point, and the contents were totally destroyed, the house being struek hy Nehtning, The loss Is estimated at $5000 partially covered hy Insurance, MILK SCARCITY I'renton-=Although us vet no seri ous effects have heen felt here there is a distinet scarcity of milk through the district, it is stated on good au- thority, - At this time last year, cows ot ey . vent, or park in the street? otest your car with » PEDLAR'S "MAJESTIC" GARAGE Rr dion and Resting. Fanelied doors LALLY te two lights of glass in esch ws door, We erect and arrange for building permit in Oshawa district The PEDLAR PEOPLE Idmited, 'PHONE 050, OBHAWA, ONT, $85.00 Erected in Oshawa Why Loy AN INEXPENSIVE, FIREPROOF GARAGE Travel The King's Highway Daily Coach Service OSHAWA - TORONTO FARE 85¢ | LEAVE OBHAWA AM, nM, 6.00 1.40 f.30 2.100 7.90 4.40 8.40 4.00 0.80 5.20 10,80 wu 8.80 7.40 "R30 w w v-~Sunday only, g~Haturday, Sunday and Holidays only, Se -------- Coach connections at Torentd for Barrie, Orillia, | Rrampton, Schomberg, Hamilton, Brantford, Niagara i Falls, Buffalo and intermediate points, Coach connections at Buffalo for all U points, Fe ---------- Tickets and Information at | GRAY COACH LINES OSHAWA Genosha Hotel Kastern \ Standard Time LEAVE TORONTO AM, 6.10 7.80 8.80 8.80 10,80 : 11.80 PM, & 13.80 1.30 PM, 2,40 4.00 4.30 6.00 6.20 i 7.40 8.30 a0 10.80 t wv w-=Daily except Sunday. : 8 A ware merchant, has | years selling goods on the main street with the late DD, F tering into a partnership with the late Lumber are: I. G, Carker, more; dent, Carleton Place; A, 8. Laird, Ot- tawa, Secretary, 'Garden of Canada Bursts Forth in Halo of Glory to Herald Blossom Sunday motorists who Joined in the Blossom HNunday parade yesterday declared thet this year the Niagura peninsula Thousands of FRUIT BELT ABLAZE IN SPRIN has surpassed iteelf, Always « thing of beauty at this time of year, the garden of Canada, under the unusual warmth of the season, has G DLOOM==NIAGARA ORCHARD § AND VINEYARDS JOIN IN RIOTOUS VERNAL PAGEANTRY st Into simultaneous blossom, shreading a gorgeous pageantry of solor and fragrance over miles of vineyards and orchayds, (1) Hoene on the road to Niagara, near Grimsby; (2) Girl holding magnifi- gent bunch of blossoms; (31) Behool ahildren on way to school through lanes of surpassing heauly; (4) another garden child with a how of sweet blossoms: (5H) other schoo) ehildren wending thelr way were producing almost a third more milk on an average than they are ut present, "This condition is due for the most part to the late Spring, and the scarcity of good pasture land, INCENDIARY FIRE Trenton=Another allegedly ineen diary fire occurred here which was only subdued hy hard work on the part of the fire department, before it had done heavy damage, As it wits, the loss to. the Whitewear Clothes factory will be about $200 TO INDUCT MINISTER Cornwall ==The Presbytery of Glen garry will meet in St, Andrew's Church, Lancaster, Tuesday, May 23, when Louls I, Fowler, recent gradu ate of Knox College, Toronto, will be ordained and inducted as minister of that chureh, was established in 1787, and is sald 10 he the oldest Presbyterian body Ontario, The congregation #4 YEARS IN BUSINESES Gananoque James Donevan, hard wompleted 64 of this town, He started as a clerk Nritton, later en W, H. Britton, In 1896 he became sole owner of the business, which he has conducted ever since, van Is at business every day, and is energetic and scarcely knows what it Mr, Dones i to be ill, LUMBER DEALERS MEET Smith's Falls=The annual conven fon of the Kastern Qntario Retail Dealers' Asgeciation was eld here, Many representatives of lumber firma of Easterp Ontario were n attendance, Therd 'was a general liscussion regarding the trade out wok, trade ethics, trade extension and wceident prevention, The officers President, Ken W, A. Nichals, Viee«Presi- Phone 28285 Body Har Hard Slabs Soft Slabs Cut to Stove Length and Guaranteed No. 1 Dry 'DIXON COAL CO. "Telephone 202 Five Direct Lines For Furnace or Fire Place For Cook Stove or Heater For Kindli or Cooking Te The Fourth Ace -:- Qur properly equipped presoription department is likened unto a& band holds ing the Three Aces! Quality » Service Reliability What we ara seeking to make this hand complete la Your Confidence 1. Pregoviptions are dls ' pensad hy graduate Pharmaclats ONLY, | Only the Highest Qual-. | ity Drugs and Chemicals used in our Diapensary. Every prescription bears our double. check label, your guarantee of acouts acy, No waiting, We call for and deliver at any time FREE to all parts of the olty by Hpeclal Messen. il © Ask your doctor to sond your next Prescriptions to: THE REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell King RK, Phone 28 ' Phone 6d f CAR FERRY OPERATING Cohourg.~~The car carrier Ontario No, 2 Is on the route again between Cobourg and Genesee Dock, Port of Rochester, after being lald up here for several weeks while being Atted up for the summer traffic, Fhe exe curslon season between here and Ro» chester will begin this month, ELECTRIC STREET LIGHTS Rrockyille Flectric street lights have been installed in the village of Delta, DIES AT AGE OF » Prescott =A, W, Ferguson, aged Prescott resident, passed away at his home on Henry street death being due to the infirmities of old age, The late Mr, Ferguson was born near Madrid, N.Y., in the year 18M, 18 OLDEST RESIDENT Kingston Joseph Gardner who wis a former resident of Bath but who for many years now has resided in Toronto, has returned, Mr, Gard. ner, who is now in his ninety«fifth year believes he is the oldest resis dent in this district but Robert Mott, who is now ninetysone is running him a close second, MILK 18 SCARCE Kingston, The Wolle Island cheese factories ure all running, Ow- ing to the shortage of milk they only make cheese every other day, PRESBYTERY FOR LINDSAY DISTRICT MAKES CHANGES Ministers of Many Churches Are Moved This Year The Lindsay Presbytery within the United Church of Canada met Pueaday In the United Churol, Oakwood, Rev, R, M, Patterson, Chairman, presided over a full ate tendance of 'members; every cons gregation within the bounds of presbytery heing represented, Calls to Ministers A' call from Princeton Pastoral Charge, Oxford Presbytery, Lone don Conference, was presented to Rev, W, G, Rose, Nreohin, Mr, Rone Intimated his acceptance of |§ same, Appreciations of (hin 'work Ad a Minister and Preshytery pore expressed by Reve, C, D, MeLellax, Co KN, Dyer and Mr, Wm, Newman, A oall was presented to Rev. J. Jo David, Queen sireet, Lindsay, from the Balimora Charge, Cos hours Preabytery, Mr, David intis mated hin acceptance © of 'same, Kxpreaalona: of appreciation ot Nr, David's work tn his congrogas tion, in the town of Lindsay and an Neeretary of Presbytery, which office he has held for the past four 'oars, were made hy Rev, Dp, T\ ", Holling, Dr, J, A, White, Revs, C. C, Washington and ©, I. Dyer, A eall was jitasuied to Rev, A, K. Bdmison, Little Britain, trom the charge of Queen Street, Lind. " A call wan presented to Rev, J, G, Motes, Haltimere, from the charge of Little Britain, A letter waa read from Mp, MoKee Intimate Ing hia acoeptance of same, A call was presented to Rev, Reve NH. Rickard, Plokering, from the charge of Oakwood, A letter Wal read 'trom Mv, Rickard intis mating hue acceptance of same, An invitation to hecome the pas tor of Nreohin Pastoral Charge on Ruperannnation baste, was extends od to Rev, Asher 1, Latter, Qnks Woods : All the above wars concurred In by Preshytery and pent on to the Mettlement Committee of Confers ence, Tocommended for Ordination Mr, Wesley ©, Smith, B.A, B. Paed.,, Woodville, having com« pleted his course of studies, hav« Ing satisfied Preshytery as to nis dootrinal heliefs, was recommends od to conference for ordination, Mr, Bmith han this year completed his third yoar in theology with first class standing, winning the Joy Wallace prise (New Testament Study 111), sharing the Necond Rowell Boholarship (Chureh Hise tory 111) with another student; and also sharing equally the ost. Graduate Mellowshily, $800.00, AR Nettlomont. Committee The following members wore elected by ballot, without noming tion, as members of the Conference Nottlement Commitice for 1030- a1; Rev, C, BW, Dyer, Greenbank, and Mr, Newton Bimale, Lindsay, with Rev, C, ¢, Warhington, Fene« lon ¥alls, and Dr. J, A, White, Lindsay, as alternates Commissioners to General Councll The following: members wore elected by ballot, without nomina tion, as Commissioners to General Councll, which meets in London, Ont, In September of this year, Reve, C. D, MeLellan, Heaverton and R. R. Nigholson, Cannington, Meonsrs Wm, Newman, MPP, Lorneville, and A, Judson Mark, Oakwood, Proves Acquittal on Charge Laid at Montreal in 1912 Montreal. ==An acquittal which was never registered in the oMelal records of the Court House was res ponsible for the appearance of Wils Ham Cowan before Judge Marin in the Court of Bummary.Convle tions on an 18-year-old complaint, The error was detected only after Cowan had given a aworn statement to the effect that he was nequitted in 1918, On March ¢, 1012, Cowan was ar- rested for the theft of a coat from the store of Willlam Kasner, 410 St, Lawrence boulevard, The coat A EL through blossom-laden countrysid( on way to school house, and (6) thik ehild is happe In her blossonw bower, was valued at #1.50, Cowan was defended at the time by the late J. 1, Dubreull, a veteran lawyer, who later hecame doputy=shorifl of the Montreal district, In due course, Cowan Was Aw quitted by ex-Judge Bazil, Noth ing wan contained in the record, however, (o attest to his acquittal, He was rearrested recently and Kastner was summoned to court, but as the authorities were unable to locate the merchant the sums mons was nover served wupon him, rr ------ It's the way of the world, At twenty a young man's springtime thoughts gently turn toward love, At forty they turn toward BOIfi== Toronto Saturday Night, EE -- Verandah & Porch Furniture Verandah Rockers Natural shade maple Rockers with cane seats sturd- ily constructed and nicely finished. Special, each RL EE CLR RR RSS RSE $2.95 popular. Specially: priced , , Natural Shade Cane Rockers Woven of fine round cane, these rockers are very strong, but light to move which makes them very $11.75,,,$13.50 Natural Reed Furniture Smart reed Chairs in combination colors that are bright and cheerful, The reeds are dyed separates ly before weaving. Priced very low from . . $11.65 $15.95 Aerolux Shades Enjoy the hot summer days on your verandah made nice and cool with Aerolux shades, These make your verandah private, but allows the air to eirculate through the spaced slats, Each piece is: dyed separ ately to ensure the colors standing up-well, They are real value and will give many years of 'wear, We have them in the following sizes in green and brown combinations, Width Drop 5.3 x 7-6, Special RR RR Rr PT Te 11) $6.88 6-0 x 7:6. Special LIL RUBE BCR LEE $8.18 8.0 b 7-6. Special RIC IS TIT I Ty .$10.28 10-0 x 7-6, Special LR RET $12.98 Extra Special Green Bambo Shades Split Bambo Verandah Shades in plain green color, They are very nicely constructed and make a good looking shade at a remarkable low price. Size 6 x 8. Special LEN) ve van $9.98. Size 8 x 8. Special CIR TER ST $5.28 Size 10 x 8. Special. , ; vues vr $5.08 Luke Furniture Co. Phone 78-79 63 King St, E,

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