Oshawa Daily Times, 10 May 1930, p. 7

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GAME MONDAY Oshawa Publi Schools -- SPORT -- defeat will put them place, In the Central Division, Ritson Road reversed the procedure of lust wonson und shut out both Centre Bt, teamw; if, however, the boys from the big school can turn tables on Ritson when they get them on thelr home grounds tho leadership of the group will be tied up, / In the south the old rivals South Simooo and Cedardale are oul for blood und plenty of it sad boy, bh boy, when they get together next Wednesday night it will be a prets Ly tough pill that las n cover on it after the game, senior Ntanding==Northern A Toam Won Lost P.C, y |B Gregory's 0 1,000 | North Simcoe 0 1,000 | Mary Mt 2 000 THE OSHAWA DAILY .IMES, SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1930 TS AND SERVICE MEET TIMES IN INTERMEDIATE pveny | SUSSEX DEFEATS NORTHAMPTONSHIRE IN CRICKET MATCH London, May 10-~fussex defestr od Northamptonshire in an English County cricket matoh, completed yotsorday at Brighton, by the hig margin of an innings and 200 runs, Soores were: Sussex, 621 for seven wickets, declared; Northants, 147 and 1206 (Tate, seven wickets for 40 runs), Lancashire administered a bad beating to Gloucestershire, at Glou. oester, winning by ten wickets, Lane oashire scored 213 and 47 for no wickets and Gloucester 04 and 210, Track and Field Meet Dates Set By Ont. AAU. Toronto, Ont, May 10.~The 1930 Ontario Track und Field Champions ship will be held at Orillia, it was decided at a meeting of the officers of the Ontario branch of the Ama tour Athletic Union of Canada here last nights No definite date was de- cided upon but it Is expected the championship will be held on hd 1, West Taronto Athletle Club will hold the Canadian wreatlin champlon« ships, the officials decided, They were allotted to Ontario meeting of the AAU of C An application from Kingston for approval to hold track and field ga. mes in that city on July 1 was grant. ed upon the understanding that outs stand athletes would not be Invited and that the meet be confined pure. ly to athletes of Kingston district, Ottawa Valley and the executive com mittee approved of the holding of the Canadian boxing basin Jom at Hamilton on August 11, 12 and 13, und of the staging of the Canadian track and field oS himplonshipe at the University of Toronto Stadidm on August 9, ntario Athletic Commission Scholboy Track and Field meets will be held as follows District Ne. 17==At London, aStur- day, May District No. 2 day, May 22, District No. 3=At Joronts, Varsity Stadium, Saturday, May 2 Reading Takes Final Game from Leafs 7-2 Bell Holds "Leafs Well in| + Chock Until Final In nings -- Reading Gets Jump on Leafs in First Three Innings LORD DERBY'S HORSE WINS HISTORIC RACE Mewar, & rionl, May 100m In one of the most thrilling fine Ishes in the jong, history of the classle, Lord orby's Yair Tele yesterday won the one thousand guineas, Fair Isle beat out Tor~ ohare by a short head and Sister Clover erowded into third place only a neck behind, Valv Tale Mtavted As Favorite Falr Isle lived up to her juven. {le reputation by trouncing 18 of the best fillies in training. The raoe was over the Rowley Mile and was worth about #85,000, The SE uh other Slane for fillies on the nglish turf 1s the Oaks, to be run at ¥psom a month hence, The winner is a daughter of Phalaris, by Scapa View, snd she was ridden by Lord Derby's vet. oran Jookey, Weston, Torahere, n Pomme de Terre-Torchlight filly, was ridden by Perryman, and Firett had the mount of Sister fer, a Friar, Marcus-Sainfoln PORT SNAPSHOT By Guo, Oaurnms, Sports Bditer Infermediate Softball Game Monday Night On Monday night at the Moter City Stadium, Mon ut 645 p, m, the Parts und Service Intermediates clash with The Times' team, A res! snappy softball game is assured. Both these aggregations have smart teams and the baste will be Worth seeing, 1] Give. Tham a Harid Starting on May 12 and continuing until May 17, & Ford car will be run in the showroom of A. ¥. Cox, Bond street. This car will run for four hours each day and the person guessing the closest'to the toe tal mileage tor the week, will get the car, This is sponsored by the Oshawa Lacrosse Club, and Is one of the means they are using to raise money In orddr to earry on with the lub, Last year the Oshawa Lacrosse Club's Intermedintg team went to the Ontario finals, losing out to Maltlands, This year they Intend to do even better, In order to make a guess for the car, It Is necessary to purchase a ticket, These tickets entitle the purchaser not only to u guess, but also makes the buyer, & member of the club, The price of the tickets Is one dol- lar, I you are asked to buy one of these tickets, remember the cause and then "dig" followed, failed to get the ball past Harrison, Boll Effective After Sheedy had fled out In the pinth, Joe Rabbitt took « toe held und Just purrouly, missed getting a couple LZenton's sults, He jolted the hail well over the right Held barrieade a few Inches only from the bis glove sign, It was Joe's sec ond home run of the series, Bucky Burke tried to duplicate the feat but his hit bounced off the fence for a double, Art McHenry transported him home with a single to left, his second of the game, Joe Harris and Eddie Phillips were brought In to do seme pinch hitting but they falled to achieve the desire ed result, Both were easy outs, It was Ladies' Day but the cool wind kept the attendance down to ne bout two thousand, ------------ BASEBALL RESULTS Sr INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost P.C Buffalo «ioe 11 7 611 Toronto ,.. 600 Baltimore +iviviie SN Montreal iver A74 Rochester vivvviis 474 Reading Jersoy Clty +4 For the first time in history, » in second city-wide organisation of girls' : softball teams hag been made in the Oshawa Public Schools, All teams commence play next woek on a lightning double schedule of home and home games In competis tion for the penant donated hy Mr, A. M. Robinson, of Centre Mt, School and Becertary-Troasurer of the O, P, 8B. A, A, The schedule: Northern North Himcoe at May 18th, King at Contro--"Tue,, May 15th, Mary at King=-Wed,, May 14th Contre at North Simcoe=-Thur, May 16th, North Simooe at King-=1'rj, May 16th, Contre at Mary=<Mon,, May 10th, Mary at North Simeoe=Tus, May 20th, Contre at King 20rd, King at Mary--Mon,, May 20th, North #imcoe at Centre--"Tue, May 27th, King at May 26th, Mary at Contre = 0th Toromto, Ma y 10 101 he Leafs didn't gor ong in ft place; Against the Tiger Jong George Bell, who - did ini ~ for the Keys yesterday, the men © olll were forced to how to defeat. It was the first vietory the Reading erew were able to take in the fivesgame series and they made It decisive the fun wis 7 to 2, Ly tons re pu 1 n by beatin fs are now rest p ' fow points beh ed help, Ball came to the Keys from Mobile, ny oo Southern Astociation, He had of pace an d a tricky curve tod, hee doublesplny ball caught the yond ree ocgasions, There were six ia AHF, oh ays In the game and each teats made three of them, Pell didn't have much opposition In the Pitching line, Joe Samuels starts od for the Lears but the coal mine chap lucked, Sontrol and several othe or things, The Keys landed on him for three runs In the opening frame after two were out and the fans start od to yell "take him out" soon after, He faried until he walked the first two batters to face him In the third thing and then hastened to the show Isher had barely tine to up when he wes introdus Samuel's ined frst awark, " hy In second nd Clymer's Mary-=Mon,, Oshawa Sunday School Softball League S Schedule The following is the playing sohedule for the Oshawa Hunday Nohool Softball League for the | week uf oy 14, A Boction May 14, visiting team, Bimeoes; grounds, Alexandra; homo team, ,.2|Northminster, May 14, visiting Jersey Clty ....8 Montreal ,iiii 3] toam, King St, UX.I; grounds Bufale .... Newark .. 2| Alexandra; home team, AY M.C, Rochester Baltimore ,....,0| May 16, St, Andrews, Alexandra, King St, Benedicts; May 16, North. minster, Alexandra, King St, Y.P.L, 0 Nectinn May 13, 1st Paptist, Alexandra, Knox; May 18, Albert St, Cowan, Holy Trinity; May 15, Centre St, Cowans, Cedardale, American League * LJ * "i Ladies' Softball League At last! We have been receiving a large number of enquiries us te when the Ladies' Softball League Is going to get going, and now we ure able to make an announcement, The grand opening night for the Ladies' League will be held on Tuesday night, May 27, All teams will take part in the opening ceremonies, The ladies' games will be play+ ed on Tuesday and Friday nights this year, On Tuesday night of this week, & softball gathering will be held at Rotary Park, This iv prime arlly to encourage Junior Girle' Softball, All gels of the age of fif- teen or under and who desire to play softball this year, are asked to be at Rotary Park on Tuesday night at 7.00 pm, Any men who would be willing to coach wu junior girly' team or who are interested in this league, are also asked to be on hand LJ LJ . TITLE | tee vr avoiail Contenl ) 1000 1.000 W000 IR Ritson Nd 0 King Ht 0 Contre Bt, 4, , vial 1 southern vere 12 11 0 Fri, May 28r¢d, i] 0 ER REE Cedavdale 0 South Simcoe 0 Albert :, 1 Junior Btanding==Northory Team Won Lost PC, Gregory's...» 01.000 vena 13 B00 U] 1 000 1,000 1.000 000 North Bimcoe~Wed, FRIDAY'S SCORLS Reading «iv..ii?7 Toronto ,... Thur, May Bt, Mary Bt, North Simeoe , ,,, Central Southern South Himcoe at Mon,, May. 18th, Albert at Ritson - Oth, South Simeoe at Albert May 14th, Ritson at Cedardalo- 16th, Codardale at Albert--JI'rl, 16th, Ritson at May 10th, Cedardale at Tue, May 20th Ritson at Albert 0rd, Albert at South Simeos~=Mon, May 26th, ree i] Cedardalo--~ GAMES TO-DAY Jersey City ut Toronto, 2 and 4 pm Newark at Rochester Reading at Buffalo. Baltimore at Montreal, inrry ¥ get hoate ced Into the pastime ns succestor, It was his misfortunite Tue, May noon non 000 Ritson Nd, 0} | King St 0 Contre St, , ) Chosen Friends The Chosen Friends' girls' team will hold a practice at Alexandra Park on Monday night, at 7.00 pan. sharp, All players are urged to he out to this workout, - Wed, Thur, May | Abert . .. 0 Mouth Bimeoe , ..,., 0 000 Cedardale 0 1 000 During the hoo key FOARON Wo Ye- oeived woveral telephone calls from interested boys telling us that the standing In the paper was wrong as thelr school had won an addi- tional game, In order Lo clear up any misunderstanding woe wish to say that this standing is made up from the umpire's reports ay. re- Re -- 000 AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost "Philadelphia 14 6 Washingion FA | Cleveland «oivivie ChieBEO iss viin t Louls (AREF RRR] OMON i iairirree New York «ovev vie May LJ . LJ Parts and Service Juniors The Parts and Service Juniors will hold a practice at Alexandra Park on Monday night at 6.30 o'clock. All players turning out with the team, are requested to be present and to be on time LJ pC 704 667 632 South Simooe, Men, South Mimcoe-- «At Hamilton, Thurs ri, May 4 3 H 9 0 7 that George Quellich and Bobby Jo nes were coming wp and after Couns try Davis had advanced the runners Samuels had loft on the bases with a satrifos, Quellieh and Jones progeed to drive them home. Loftus and Krasov 'eh counted on Juellich's' sin le and Bebby Jones brought Quel fe home With a triple over Joe Ra bitt's head, he Keys ot only tho hits after that, bu the damage was Jone Quel- leh and Jones performed pA tan am hitting not n in the auth , alded Dy an infield out, Quelll ch ne able to score the Keys' final run Quellich and Jones It was & great day for this pale, They made six of the Reading hits, and cach had a perfect afternoon ut ba. Quellich had a double and two le | while Tones sandwiched a e In between his two singles: 'hey each drove in three rans, hal } they leh 4ounted three himself, bh first innin 6 ter Samuel wihed Wat and C, Davig had singled Kran Jaume, on (Sel 'y Joubl wd to brin "Bot Jones fuled bo Payer Bobby t he might have orp, P. A on Rabbitt made a plate in the thi 7! on third, to Rabbitt, tor the cat walting wih not even a After F ched « fai og) out in or © Harrison (ING ST, BAST Falke 5! Aubrey W. Small ueky B 'Aberdeen La on the n For conveni THIS YEAR the Canadi Louise, only Through the light. Canada's premier trans-contte will serve you for the twelfth yeason, PLAN A LONGER STAY AT BANFF Detrolt «ivivrvinen ae 8 FRIDAYS NCORES § New York , Louis Philadelphia Washington ,. p " "=k . w. Phony A006 A St. Liv » 'S DAY 11 am, ~'"The Genius of Motherhood" 3 pom.~funday School, Special Program 7 pme="The Ar'stocracies of Wealth, ieacter and the Cross.' Mon, 8 pin: Young People's there yertoes, RED SOX WIN Boston, May 10=Danny MacKay. den, Boston's beespeciacled pitcher, held the St oeuis Browns to six hits Tad the Red Sox won stituenecy in the fi the series from 618 persons, theo told, During 198inud merrily on 41,018 persons, 10% ghting two sin. with 1.484004 un€onslcutive games care {8 afforded | charges, Inoluding Nom 010.2 6 | "Vo Thorsen in Romie lo] Mad neresse (an files Is 83,880. Mn a numbered 860,603, x Ne of the Iatost year 401,704 sons not in families, but ungIN toral oversight have Inereasdiyhhing 00,708 to 82,178 In the htlf-€)) (he More Money Ralsed shone Money raised for all purp®iyy hy congregations has gone up , "the ENE 860 In 1088 to 8167 yin, n 1930, 'The total wan 4 ye ah. 2 fn 1086.8, which wa jj, Auancial yoar of more than ,, f Wed. 8 p.m, Prayor Meeting Evangel Tabernacle I Assembly) Moved to 900 King St. W. iJ. T. BALL, Pastor Sunday, May I! 10 amr iunday School 2 TR | {acing Service aeliatic, ence and trasyers trom in ioten Salaries have Inoremd's fn the aggregate from 84,60 $s as fn 1085-96 to 85,348.876 n 10, a net gan of $811,600, Arrear of niinlaters' salaries have decreas, from $108,923 five years ago 4.000 for 1080, Arrears we a 5,887 in 1088, when finanef 2 condi tions In the company wep better, The value of congregational pr perty has grown from #76,78%,1 4 $00,665,005 tn five years, De on propertyl has grown from §.0s 108,780 to $8,447,200 and $36. 306,863 Insurance has grown ty $44,019,134 since 1026, HEN DIEIPAEN INNAVAL TREATY. . . « summer social centre of an Rockies... and Lake forty miles away. Canadian Rockies in day: -~ pure. PY OEM, 81 New York 002 020 000-4 8 0 Uhle and Renta 1 Wells, H, John. son, Pipgras and nd Diekey. wiiNATORS Wii tly Je Jagd wal ith th first 2 Bis J ult w " ihe ¥ ind Solin ta am Wash homers oh ce i BANNAN ILY winging lus away with Ohi Washing ow hh. i Morgan Aver), 1} LE (Athol ¢1 Simmons 'CAthletion Terry (Giants), a) J Fa A rr h of ben OCKEY "BAD MAN" h te hod, hi of onal player Warm var #8 ia S30 A BACHHIAND A FOREHAND Il, HOW TO FIT STROKES TO SCHEME OF COURT PLAY Concentration upon each shot fs the vital point of tennis, Keeping your eye®on the ball is the soul ot successful play, Gradually set your concentration upon the other eles ments of the game until each thing becomes a habit or second nature Be sure that you form the right ha bits, Court play means, What to do with the ball, "What to Do" and tH "How to Do It" are Siamese twins, Each must be practiced and studied separately to get Peper perspective and relationship and consequently function, When playing your shot, you do not need to know where your Phachent is or what he is doing rer watch him: Your eye should always be on the ball, Your oppos nent is nothing ever more than a convenient maching for returning the ball to you 0 you can make another perfect shot, * Detetitine to put every ball with purpose to a chosen spot, Decide iy spot before your opponent hay hit the ball back and no matter where the ball comes, stick to your +| choice, You have from the back court four shots to choose from: on the fores hand, 1, the crosscourt shot and the straight sideline shot; 3 on the back. hand also, the erosscourt and straight sideline shots, Use these tour shows Yo Inanqeuvre your of bonen out of position so you may finish the point, op willing to play many shots be fore your opening comes, but be ready your opportunity to tlic the point $v sacrifice speed of shot for steadiness, "At any, keep the ball in play Y International League op Buffalo, AE Ney Joh iy uk a "at oore, Susee and ni ome rune in the Thompson Is Welterweight Champion Olympia Arena, ents Detroit, May 10 «There Is a new welterweight champion of the worlde--a dork. skinned negro Jad of Oakland, Cal, named Young Jack Thompson, In one of the most startling up- wots in years, Thompson, with the heart of a lion, and the boing skill of Joe Gane, decisively defeated Jackie I"lelds, the titlehelder, in a blistering fifteon-round battle in the Olympia Arena last night, After the last punch went flying through the alr, Bimer ("Slim") MoClel- land, 'the referee, unhesitatingly raised the negro's hand in. victory, The crowd of 15,000 roared its ap: praval, Flelds, champion of less than a year, buried his head (n his hands an he sat in his corner, crushed in defeat, und oried like a baby, It was the first time that he had de fended the title since he won it July 85 last year when he defeated the tottering Joe Dundes on a foul in two rounds, "Twas Long Ago Thompeon, the new champion, is the first negro to win the world's welterweight title in twenty-nine voars, since Joo Walcott won the honor from Rube Ferns by knook- ing him out in five rounds in Tor ont, Ont, in 1901, Thompson won the bout decisive. ly and cleanly. He took ten of the fifteen rounds with Fields takin three, and two-~the ninth an twelfth==being even, Thompaon, a master hoxer, with the ring erafti ness of the old master Gans, boxed a olever, oagey battle, He Ma Fields so tired and leg-weary after the tenth round that the champion hardly had sufficient strength to fight back. three innings each time with a rate on the bases piling up a tre mendous lead, Newark 000 101 000. 2 01 Buffalo 242 001 BOx-14 140 Hunter, Touchstone, Boney and Leggett; Williams and Susee, OOHESTER REPEATS MRDy gk NY, home run olout 'over the XU id fonce, 16 the second inn Jimmy "Rip" Collins, Roc ».. rat sacker, was plenty enough to defeat the Baltimore Rirds here yestord The nn final soore was 8 to 0 an Co lina ove home a tally in the fourth session on an infel out, Rnitimore 00 000 000-0 6 1 heater 010 100 00x-2 4 2 Werte, Coumbe and Linton: Me. Grew and Florence, ; SKERTERS WIN Montreal, May 10-=Joraey Qity won the final game of a thresscon- toast visit here yesterday, ncoring, a 5 to 8 victory and w nning the one, Juok Hopking pitohes super lative ball for the Cats and Maine's homer inside the In the Bight by him - vals | and 8 bid gy hd he pv tH Beis ss A Nitta Si Allg and 3 Claaet, Buckalew, Wapie and Nead. Nw - District No, 4==At ry aria, a yi. 27th. Distriet No; 5--=At Oshawa, Tues: dag, June 3. bi day, June District Xo. 7==At Ottawa, Satur day, June District No. 8=At North Bay, Sat. urday, June 7, Distrlet No, Sr At Fort William, Tuesday, June 3 Final urovineiat ehsmpionship in meet for schoolboys at Hamilton, Friday, Aug. 22, during the British Empire games, National League Pittsburgh, May 10-=The Brook. 4 Robins opened their. visit to Pittaburg, yesterday by defeating the Pirates 7 to 4 in a game mark. od by late rallies. Jess Petty of Pittaburgh and Bil Clark of Brookiyn staged a great duel through the first seven In. nings, Clarke holding the Pirates to four hits, Brooklyn Pittsburg Clarke, Du Stoned and 000 002 041.7 11 3 000 000 040-4 9 0 oy and Lopes, Meine, emaley, Tor Chica hy Ro tind No Chidago Cuba, redched the top for the first time "nis year yesterday by beating the New York Giants, § to § drop ped to second place, A three run rally in the Bight ins pings enabled the Cuba to win afs ter they had trained almost from : the atart, Extra base hitting featured the d | game, Nine of the 25 hits made by the two teams were doubles and one was a triple, Hack Wilson: led the sluggers with three hita in four times at bat, 0830 110 000-5 14 A Chicago 201 000 08x68 11 0 Pruett and O'Farrpll; Carlson and Hartnett, Taylor, CARS BRAT ARAVES St, Louis, B.C, M Woe Willie? Sherdeli toned esi yosterday after Sylvester Johnson bad been driven from the mound and the Cardinals defeated the Boston Braves, 10 to 6 in the first A | game of the series. Burleigh Grimes, who iy eed for the Ry wan toied the game by Umpire Mi because he ro by Donohue had oa elke in the hiv inning, Sint k off his hat and sataatie [} hired him, but the umpire, u ton of the fans, saw no dh N 001 500 00-8 10 1 00%-10 Pd ~ tw ang save the RL silon over the v 1008 3 } FY, hiiade hia 030 3 Compo RE ath ny TARDY, JARO wd \ 010 00 agin na ores "be. Sime. mean EY fhe omy gt outs u 10 retall dor. He just got hia tail ent bya WY ran T Rah, v strict No. 6=At Kingston, Fri. " Cedardale at Ritson--Tue., May Albon at Codardalo-- Wed, May South Jmive at Ritson--Thur, May 20th With the advent of the Girls' Softball League the number of scheduled games requiring the ate tention of the teachers after four o'clock stands at sixty. This is exclusive of the finale and any tie games that may have to be replay: od, Through the generosity of the teachers it is possible to provide supervision to allow almost three hundred boys and girls te partie ate In healthful outdoor athletios, urely a far ory from the days of "Reading and Writing and 'Rith me Learn Lin the tune of the hickery R has been sald that tha battle of Walteloo wap won on the playing flelds of that fine old Fnglish schoo! Eten, Wow much better it fs then that the children in our publie schools of today are learn. ing to win the great battle of Life on the school playground and that this is due to the unselfishness of the teaching body, Oshawa Public Schools' Athletic Asociation League Rules | 1,Two series in each school Junior and Senior, 1) Any hoy attending sohool may play senior, a yd boy atond ] 1 une Joi of ant of age or whose 13th rita bitthéas has | het ai oo Sept 1 mn soni A Junior san 3 play one game of It Hy than d the Sa " m refuse to tor § 4 ™ cabo ty a A pei to t apponen 1H home hn taken the field " Tach captain wh shall--(1) mand [I lo the Principal a list ot all plays with. b for ha ready at Ache led time; b, for the conduct of the 0} 0 for appornwe fag a ong are final, 10. players atter the opening of the 'season must be approved by the executive before p lng, 11, Wik on ries of Mr. KE G, Nichol Mr: A, M, Robinson, Givly Except an in the following girls will play the same rules as boys: , One series in each school, , Bach game to consist of five OA [eninge 8, In case of rain three complete y | nuligs constitute a game, . oipala Gay st gums. vv 0 Roi on of game. Um- pire to be chosen from staf of home team school, Here we are all aot for the seo ond big week of Public School Softball and all deing well we Sash ole Xai Ai plok Ng aroup ders at time, presen North Simcoe and 8t,. Gregory's Seniors are tie for first place and whichever team wins the game on tender n night should be in a fale way to take the sroun In the tie on Junion, St. Gregory's | Liam = the RpD ARG only. A doubly oelved up morning and of course any games played Friday night cannot he ins oluded in the standing. unless wa receive the umplire's re port the game cannot he included in the week's report, to ten o'eolek Friday flimHarly, LAWN GRASS SEED Lawn Fertilizers HOGG & LYTLE, Limited Phone 203 ART W poi 2 (0 Satisfied Not only that, but those who have given us a trial have sent other johs to wus, It MOANY, our customers Aare satisfied, WILSON & HOLLAND GARAGE 168 King St. W, Phone 3302 Roger L. Corbett Limited 1) 1 1926 Buick Coupe - 1925 Buick Coach | . 1929 Essex 5-pases enger Sedan, 1929 Oldsmobile Busi- . ness Coupe * 1926 Chevrolet Coupe I! 1928 Oldsmobile Busi- ness Coupe 1927 Chevrolet Coupe | I 1925 Flint Sedan 1926 Star Coupe | These cars are all in first | class condition Open Until 10 p.m. Roger L. Corbett + Limited Athol Street West

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