Oshawa Daily Times, 10 May 1930, p. 1

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=] The Osh VOL. 6~NO, 110 News in Brief j (By Conadisn Proms) A To Be Light London, = The western Outsrlo apple crop will be light this vear, eports from fruit growers through out the district who are busy spray- ing at this stage, indicate the long dry autumn last year had a detriment al effect, A record yield, however, Is expected of cherries, plums and the few varieties of early apples, Aute Thefts Cleared Up St, Catharines==The mystery of the wholesale thelt 'of automobiles that wecurred throughout . the Niagara peninsula last February has heen solved by loeal police, John Clark, resident of Niugara Valls, N.Y. con- fessed to some of the thefts and po- lice secured enough cvidence to link other thefts 10 his lengthy activities, Yesterday he was sentenced to 1wo years in the Ontario Keformatory, Guelph, when convicted of stealing his 44th ear, The other 4) he had disposed of, hil Killed by Train Cobden=Stanley Graham, employs ed In surfacing the highway between Pembroke and Petawawa, was killed when the tractor he was driving yes. terdny was struck by a Canadian Pacific Railway train, He had stop. ped at the fevel crossing to allow the train to puss, bot apparently lost control of the machine whieh seems ed 0 leap ahead and onto the tracks Boy's Body Recovered Hamilton, ~The body of 10-year: old Roy Jaggard, of Normanhurst, has been recovered from the waters of a local beach, Ho was drownad Inst Monday fishing during the noon hour, He had been to school and his parents 'were unaware of his whereabouts until he failed to return home M ight. ¥WeMaglstrate Cohen Dies Toronto, ~Jucoh Cohen, 81, one of the oldest and best known mag. {strates in local police rourt elreles who retired from notive service a few months ago, died early today, following an illness of several months, . + LJ Triples World's Tocord Chieago,~Looping the loop in n 'motoriess airplane, or slider, is so ensy for Lyman Voelpel that he tripled the world's record here hy pending his flimsy ship through 13 complete convolutions, LJ + LJ Noted Architect Does Ottawa, ~=KFrederick J, Alexans der, well-known Otiawa architecy who, designed. the gnteriap fittings and decorations of the Parllamens tary Hbrary more than 40 years ogo, died suddenly at his home yesterday in his Sist year, Ld LJ . Dush Wireg Destroy Tulldings Shelburne, N.H.~Three forest fires, racing through dry timber, destroyed eleven buildings, includ. ing dix houses In Rhelburne County yesterday, The flames have subs slded and no further damage to structures wan feared for the time being, Tokyo House Passe Votes For Women Tokyo, May 10=The House of Representatives today passed a bill permitting women of 25 vears 'or older to vote in elections for muni« cipal and prefecural assemblies, Although the measure likely will be defeated in the House of Thy advoeates of women suffrage hall it as a victory presaging full enfran- chisement for women in a few years, ------------------------ er 47 CHINESE ARE KILLED IN FIGHTING (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Palping, China, May 10, = Forty. seven civilians have been killed in Shelifcha, and many others injurs ed during an aerial bombardinent of the northern troops by government oreon, Several buildings werg destroyed, Hontilities are continuing along a 20 mile front near the Lunghal Rails way, : DENIES 'RESIGNIN AS STATE SECRETARY FOR DOMINIONS (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Londen, May 10e=RReports that Lord Passfield, better known an Sid. ney Webb, is relinquishing: the post of secretary of state for the dom inlons, are unfounded, it 'was offis clally announced today, report was circulated a fow days ago, linked with apeedation on a successor, Rt. Hon, Vernon Harts shorn, former Labor postmastersgens eral, being mentioned in this connec tion, . over the east | pi he awa Daily Tones Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TURDAY, MAY 10,1930 18 Cents 8s Weel; 3 Cents a Copy OWN IS REPORTED D Raging Texas 'Crowd Causes a Reign of Terror IR HENRY'S VISIT MOB BURNS COURT HOUSE ROASTING ALIVE A NEGRO THAT IT COULD NOT LYNCH Efforts of Police Powerless to Save Negro From Awful Death, . Imprisoned | Vault While Building Burns BLOCK BURNED IN NEGRO SECTION Mob Ignited to. Frenzy by Negro's Confession That He Had Assaulted White Farm Woman of the Dis. trict (By Canadian Press Losssd Wire) Nherman, Texas, May 10-=A rolgn of terror by a raging mob which burned and wrecked three blocks of negro bulldings after kills Ing un negro who had mttacked a white woman, was ended here fo- day with the arrival of 500 addi- tional National Guardsmen who promptly arrested twelve alleged leaders of the riot Burn Courthouse The struggling remnants of the mob which last night blasted open a vault in the rained courthouse it bad burned earlier in the day and then paraded the town with the body of tesorge Hughes, negro, wore standing around watehing the members of numerous incendiary fires when the additional troops arrived, They soon seattered, The negro had been imprisoned in the court house vault by officers whe gought to save his lite, A quotaiel #0 or 20 guardsmen rom Dallas who earlier yesterday had heen helpless to stem the otgy of violence was given a respite from gruelling hours of battling with the infuriated citigens bent upon re~ venge upon the negro who confess od assaulting a young farm wile near here, Negroes Kvacunte Not a negro had heen seen In the town since: 3 p,m, yesterday Although Sherman claimed a negro population of 1,600 one of the maddest mobs In the history of the southwest had continued its orgy of destruction early today after taks Ing the life of the negro, Not satise flad with the negre's death, the mob burned the body of the 41-year-old offender, set fire to a prominent building in the negro weetion and threatened to destroy every negro bullding in this eity of 16,000 pop- ulation, The toreh was abandoned in favor of physteal destruetion, The negro was held prisoner in a vault on the second floor of the courthouse, and the mob, unable to reach the prisoner, mob leaders des gided to burn him even though thelr vengeance const the county a $60, 000 courthouse, | NEW FEDERAL LAW WOULD FACILITATE DIVORCE ACTIONS Wife May Start Proceedings in Province in Which She Is Deserted (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, May 10--An act which would enable women who have been deserted for two years ot more by thelr husbands to institute divorce proceedings in the Pros vince in which the desertion took | place received second wading by the House of Commons last night, and, approved in Committee of the Whole, now stands for third reads ing, The sponsor of the bill, Wil Tam J, Ward (Liberal, Dauphin), explained that there was no intens Miboras: Tus. tABt 1h para | of , bu 0 pur the bill 'was merely y band and wite, As the law now stands a deserted wife cannot in stitute divorce proceedings except in the Provines where the husband | is domie fled, \ Opposition to the bill was exe pointe, | rested by' Hon, Ernest La inlster of Justice, He admitt that the bill did not go an far as |" ono whieh dealt with divorce and was rejected hy the Senate last night, This, sald the Minister, wan one of the rare vain he [Aan o ine hn bond existed there o ma one domicile, he contended, and that was the domicile of the hus to establish | equality of status as between hus | TORONTO YOUTH REAL HIGHWAYMAN 13-Year-Old Boy Robbed Messengers, Police Charge (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, May 10,--A modern Dick Turpin has been brought to light here following extensive in- vestigations by police, He is hut 18 yours of age, and, although he does not use a horse and gun, he socomplishes his purpose just as successful as the highwayman of story fame ever did, The 18-year-old youngsier will face 10 charges of plain highway robbery when he appears before Judge Hawley B. Mott in juvenile court, He was caught last night in the act of despoiling his Intent vie. tim, most of whom have been mes senger boys, SCENES FROM § These photos show scones from the foursome played on the Oshawa Golf Club's beautiful conrse yostor. day during the visit to this city of ay and genoral mansger of General Motors of «nada, Limited, inking his putt he rst with Sie Henry looking on. (8) is the party, Nie Henry Thornton, presid of the Canadian National Rallways, (1) is NH, A: Brown, vice president prising W. A, Kingsland, gener. ol manager, ONR., #ir Henry Thornton, R, 8. McLaughlin, pros. COURSE Ident of General Motors of Canada, and MH. A, Brown. (8) is Sir Henry preparing to drive at the second tee, (4) in Mr. McLaughlin and Sir Henry, and (8) is Mv, Laughlin driving off at the first tee, s OTTAWA YOUTHS GO T0 REFORMATORY Sentenced For Crime for Which Two Others Are in Penitentiary rs sm---- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, May 10-=Eugene DNar- nabe and Duncan Laroque, who pleaded guilty to robbing James Himpson of $260 at the point of a revolver, a erimo for which two other Ottawa youths are now ine carcorated In Portsmouth Penitens | tlary, were yesterday sentenced to | terms In the Ontario Reformatory, Judge XK. J. Daly sentenced ench of them to serve two years loss one day determinate and in addition to un similar period indeterminate, Iione!l Tontaine and Ernest La- oasso had previously drawn peni- tentiary terms of two and four years respectively for a crime which they did not commit, They ware found gullty of the hold-up of Simpson, milk wagon driver lar- gely on the vietim's identification of them as the bandits, 0. ©. Guibert, logal representative for the innocent pair, announced that he will appeal for a new trisl for his clients, : Toronto Youth Killed, Two Injured in Gang Fighting Three Nominees In By-Election Conservative Empire Trade Candidate Thought Likely Winner (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Nottingham, Lngland, May 10 Three-tornered contest is in pros pect 1p the central Nottingham by- election necessitated by the rotire- ment of Bir Altred Dennett, Con. wervative, With the safeguarding duties on lace expiring under las bor government's budget, the con servatives are expected to make all the running In this great lace makes ing contre, Captain Reginald Derkeley, well known playwright, was today adop- ted aw the Liberal eandldate, = He in a former member of parliament, The Conservative fs T', J, O'Connor, whq 18 an empire free trader, and the Labor candidate is A, 18, Waters mon, Captain Rerkeley, author of "French Leave, and other plays, and former member of the League of Nations secretariat, represented Central Nottingham in parliament after un sensational vietory in 1039 by 23 votes, He was re-elected in 1088 with a greatly increased ma- Jority but retired In 1024, In the general elections Rir Al fred Hennett wan elected for the division with 14,571 votes, Mrs, KE. Barton, Labor, received 11,87) and A, Brampton, Liberal, 8,738, -------------- ---- Sarnia ~~=Kast Lambton Consers vatives late yéaterday nominated John T. Sproule, of Oil Springs, as their 'eandidite for the coming federal' election, There were four nominees, lt Tostmaner-Gengral | that disteict. for that par BE eg (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, 10g organited rv 4 io Bg ay youths yangingfrom 16 to 31 years of age, resulted last night in the death of one 10.year-old youth and movers Injuries to two others who were rushed shortly hefore mide night to the General Hospital, Doth attacks took place in Riverdale Park, Pwo youths face charges of manslaughter this morning in po« Heo court and, it is expested, others will be apprehended today, The dead youth is Walter James Elson, 16, 10 Vgyatt Street, who succumbed as the result of a kiok during the fight, Injured: Robert Granton, 17, 200 Humach Street and Sidney Parrish, same address, Poth were attacked while walking through the park by unknown assailants, Both are In the General Mospital, Arrested shortly after midnight: Morris HBilverstone, Sydenham t,, Norman Ryokman, Sumach Street, William Fell, aged 80, Deana Street and Agnew Durley, aged 33, Dune dan Street cast, Silverstone alleges Nilson spoke to the girl with whom he was walk« Ing and a fight followed his remons Atrance, Mo sald Wilson was kicked by an unknown youth while lying on the ground, Elson died just afta reaching Bt, Michael's Hos pital, A ------ Kills Children Then Suleides (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Chicago, Hl, May 10-=Mrs, Albine de Porre, two months a widow, slew her three children today and coms mitted suicide, ee MINIMUM WAGE FOR MAIL WORKERS All Future Contracts Will Contain our. Day Clause (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, May 10=Protest against he low Salles pid to aon ord wis Mne in the M; 5 bread a ad "| entitled to h tribute to the work of and said. that it was only ji the Government and the: Postma General should take astion about 'increases. Hon, Peter spect to the complaint Hw Pp ostal workers b n Toronto, 'the providing for minimum wages, The would be the customary rates paid of 'work, - Indians Urged | To Overthrow - British Troops Patel Tells Natives to Stop Paying Taxes Until Gandhi Released (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Poon, India, May 10.--Pamphlets written in red ink urging the people to fight and overthrow: the British were found posted throughout the city this morning, The posters were signed "Commander in Chiet of the Hindustan. Army" The inhabitants of the city starts ed destvoyling them as soon as they were noticed, but the police managed to retain some, Non-Payment of Taxes Gujerat, Bombay, India, Muy 10. Nonpayment of taxes and social boy cott of government servants us long as Mahatma Gandhi, leader of the eis vil disobedience campaign, in impris soned, was urged by V. J. Patel, re- signed speaker of the Indian Legis« lative Assembly, Celebration Passes Quietly Bombay, India, May 16~Ceremo- nial prayers ushering in the Moslem feast of Bakrid, a celebration of A braham's sacrifice of the lamb, were attended by thousands of Moslems today, They passed off without uns toward incident, Leaders decided net to organize any processions to avoid possible cla shos, Wer -------- rr -- Noted Wroker Dies Montreal, ~=W, R, Milter, former ohalrman of the, Montreal Btock Exchange, and prominent in the goolal and nporting fe of the oity, dled here today aged 65, tcular claw wid, iw onl bert H, MoGregor (Conservative, York South) several days ago in con nection with the low wages paid to » mail contractors . to, the initer ni hat Wi " ture all contracts would 'contain the eight-hour day clause, and one " 0) ' IR DMAS LIPTON © | h Challenger for the . Aniehiea Oupy L) 5 who WeARon One Out of 25 Canadians Enter. Mental Hospitals (By KEN CLARK, Canadian Prsss "Indians Near Stall Corvesy ndent) ne NY Th Ci War Lngton, D.C May 10--'0One out of every twenty-five people in Canada will enter mental hospitals and more Canadians will become pa- tients than will graduate from the unlyersities of the dominion." This estimate which has been used in Canada to stimulate. interest. in mental hyglene was offered this mor ning to the First Inmtetnational Cons gress of Mental Hyglone by Dr. Clae ence M, Hincks, director of the Ca nadian National Committee, The site uation in Canada is by no means pes cullar to that country==for example in New York State one out of every twenty-two people become inmates of institutions, Dr. Hineks paper lad reference ta the education of the public with re« spect to the importance of mental hy» glene, This had been done in the dos milnlon he said by reiteration of a tew significant facts as the above and as "mental disorders have made insidis ous inroads into practically every fa mily connection in Canada, There are more occupied beds in Canadian men tal hospitals than in all general hos- pitala; mental and nervous disorders are responsible for a greater lack of national efficiency than are physical disabilities," Dr, Hicks estimated that every case of mental disorder preven. ted saved the dominion $7,000, Mental authorities. in Canada are trying to do away with popular mis. conceptions in the public mind, he sald, Sone of these are that mental disease are always due to bad heres dity, that atl insane persons are dan: gerous and that insanity is incurable. Nr -------------------- HAMILTON MEN CAPTURE BANDIT Citizens Aid Police in Cateh: ing Man Who Held Up Candy Store (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Hamilton, May 10==Cjtizens ald- od police last night in capturing Sidney Mills of 28 Oak Avenue, 2 who faces a chapge of attempted robbery whole armed, Pursued 10 blooks after ho ats t od to hold up at the King and MeoNab Streets Laura Secord candy shop, Milla was caught on. James Street between Bay and Cols borne Streets, An ty revolver was found in his \ Mills entered the store at nine o'clock and, drawing a ' revolver, ordered the clerk Phiyllia McGowan of 178 Duke Street, to stand away while he emptied the till, police were told. Instead, she for help, and a dopen oatriaus paw him from the street, The bandit abandoned hia ats soma to reach the cash 'register and ran out the front door, a anAwered the oall for help, a they: were fast closing .in on Mills when Constable Sullivan, walking awards him on Jamies Street, trap: ha. tugiive and 'the ped t ! ®t Starvation Ask Government to Supply Emergency Rations to Natives (By Canadian Press Leased' Wire) The Pas, Man, May=10-<Aceord- ing to word brought to Tha Pas to- day, a settiement of about 160 Ine diane are on the verge of starva« tion in York Factory area of nor thern Manitoba, Scarcity of wild animals this season making recent hunting sorties almost futile, Is blamed for the situation, York Faoe« tory is located at the mouth of tife Hayes river on Hudson Bay about 20 miles from Port Nelson, 1t is reported the Indians are al ready breaking in on fhe reserve supplies held in case of severe ill- ness among the natives, It is ex: pected the Dominion movernment will be asked to purchase emer~ gonoy rations to tide the Indians over temporarily, W, G, Tweddell Indian agent here, would make no statement, pointing out that York Paotory does not lie within his jun indiotion, Five Killed as Plane Crashes (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Monevideo, Uruguay, May 10m Five persons were killed when an airs plane' belongingg to the French come pany La. Tecoera fell into the sea today while flying from Montevidep toward Rio' Janeiro, The accident occurred early this forenoon off Ramirez Beach in a dense fog, TOM WN Kowmep Station and law yer, wanted' by olive 'tor' thet was Io. Toponan ta ava died yn Mexlgo City TRATFORD ABSCONDER, MISSING AFTER THEFTS, ° REPORTED DEAD | Stratford Alderman and Fors mer Mayor, Wanted for Thefts Totalling $200, 000, Said Dead From Heart Failure « ' 7 WAS PENNILESS AT TIME OF DEATH Identification Believed Al- most Certain--Body Will Probably Be Brought td Canada, Despatches State (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Stratford, May 10, British au~ thorities in Maxico City have now been given charge of the body be~ loved to be that of Tom Brown. ox-mayor and prominent lawyer of Stratford, who disappeared last Now Yomr's Kve, and for whom warrants are out for the theft of about $200,000 from his g¢lients, Despatches this morning from Mex« leo Indicated the body was being hold in a mortuary pending definite identification and word from relas tives, The man died on Thursduy of heart failure, Following rumors hers yesterday the Stratford Beacon Herald ged in touch with Mexico City and ass cortained that the clothing on the body bore tha name ¢ "'T, Brown' and was made in Stratford Ontario, The man had been living in Mex loo City four months under aliases of "John Thamas' and "Eric Han« ner," Under the Impression the body was that of a United States citizen the Amorican consul in Mexico City was notified and until this morning had charge of the in vostigation. The fact that the mates for was turned over to the Britisls authorities js thought here to in- dicate the Mexican officials are now practically contain the man is Tom Drown of Stratford, ' Mrs, Brown Shocked \ Telegrams from Mexico intimate the body will be released on the authorisation of relatives in Cans ada. Brown's relatives are in' Tor onto at present. A Toronto report says Mrs, Brown has been located with friends there and told a re- porter the prass despatches were the first intimatton she had receive of her husband's death, She sald she had heard nothing from him since. he Jeft Stratford and knew nothing about him, Mrs, Brown was shocked by the news. i Some weoks ago there wers rus mors that Brown had been seen in Mexico City but police had no des finite information, The provineiat police have the case in hand and an officer loft Stratford for Toronto this morning to confer with heads quarters in regard to the case, Jt in understood the matter of the disposition of the body will be eons sidered by the police in consultation with relatives, The disappearance of Tom Brown and the subsequént revelations re garding his shortages in persona and trust accounts held the Tront pages of the new a for days last January and ary, Brown had been three times mayor an threo times alderman of Stratfo He came of a well known Port county family and was trus d all who knew him, After his depa ture hin viults were opened by th police and th ofaloations d covered. Thousands of dollars § stocks, bonds and mortgage seou rities wore missing, Brown's dow! (Continued on Page 3) GANADIAN TROOPS SAID SLANDERED INNEW WAR BOOK Cowardice Insinuated, Loots ing Charged, Declares Daily Mail Xx (By Canadian Press Leased i London, May 10-The Can p troops are slandered and the hit ation of cowardice is brought agai British and Dominion generals by new war book, according to a Dail Mail editorial published yesterday u dor the captions "A Slanderous Wi ook. \ The volume fs by Charles * Hale Harrison and is entitled "Gener Dic in Bed" It will be published Monday, THe Daily Mail in its In« terview, declares the book exploits the "looting" of Arras by Canadisn troops, slanders the action of the Dos minfon's soldiers in France, generals. ly, and imputes base connie tothe 'wenerals of the regular and Canadian: rE TI at "Particularly monstrous," sayy Mail, "is the accusation which brings against the Canadian and tish authordties "when she ways Llandovery Castle sunk by the Gers mans, had arms and ammunition as board." x GN Nn Ving ¥ hy)

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