Oshawa Daily Times, 10 May 1930, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, % SUE APPEAL FOR OUR OL Ld fir $74 #! Londen, May 1 he srehbishops 'of Canterbury ork have Lue for & (bout on behalf of the Lurch in India Wurman and Ceylon, Tt Is apnounced that £36,000 of the amount Is already promised, 1" Fhe wppeal was launched Tn ve sons 10 the plea of the Most Rey: oss Westeott, Dishes p Caleutta, 'and Metropolitan of India find Coy. fon, 6 Indian Metropol an Boke ed th ome ureh to provide the £ #5 "a dowry to her daughter Church at the time of te daughter's ceoming of age, and' at a time when "she is faced with the most difficult period," Donations Include one of £100 from his Majesty the King, The largest subscribers are the Colonial Bisho- pris Fund, £15,000, und the Socloty for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge, £5000, Purther geners ous gifts have been promised, CAPONE JAILED IN FLORIDA CITY Three Henchmen Also Lock: od Up--Gang Ordered to Leave Town Miami, Fla, May 10~=Scarfpce Al Capone, Chicago's roving ganglead- ar, wis baok in jail for a short time Inst' night, Jess than two months after he had completed a prison term In Philadelphia for carrying concealed weapons, Alphonse and three of his henach men, includiny his brother, John, were taken in eustody as they droyp a Inrge sedan along Biscayne Poulevard, They were lodged in olty Jail 'for investigation, Capone and his'guards were released after more than an hour's angry argus i t, most of it from behind cell DATE, Mayor Roeder declared his gov: erpment had adopted Chicago's poliey toward Capone and that the Chioagoan would be lable to arrest every time he is seen on the streets of Miami, Capone was booked as 'an une desivable oitizen walking the streets of Mismi," necording to the Miami police department and Mayor Reed. or, ; WHEAT WEEVIL 18 FOUND IN GRAIN 'Science Waging Relentless War Against Post at Port MeNicoll May 10-=For the found, Ma, yr heel waging a relentless battie A scourge which Is report. od to have assailed grain stored n the seven-milllon bushel grain elevator at Port Moltieoll, Ont, 'According to adylooy . received here a parasite, described as n species of weevil, has developed in the stored grain, while the problein of overheating of wheat in the huge bing, has also heen encounter. ed, In. an effort to eradicate the more serious menace of destruction through the inroads of the para. site, the resources of the United States Department of Agrioulture have been enlisted, During the past fwo weeks the Washington experts have been Applying a wecret pro. cons in a fight against the pest, the treatment heing a secret, and it. 1s being utilized for the five! time on the American continent, Among the experts are Loral Duval, ohief inspécior of the New York produce department, and James Lucy of Buffalo, Dry fee, formed by carbon diox- ide, 18 the principal substance used, With it Is placed ethylene gad and the two are sprayed on the gram a% it runs Into an empty bin, One and a half million bushels have already been treated in the 14-day old war against the weevil, A striking example of the cool ing properties of the dry fee was afforded hers today, A pan of water was placed out In the warm Aly and under a burning sun, Then It was rested upon n block of dry lee and within a few minutes it was frozen solid, 0) wu) quietly AEAINSL ET ----c-- The only possible voason why they call them "weather men' 1» they eall them 'weather men" must be because, they never know wheth- er It's golog to rain or net, aboufih « « « « INTERNATIONAL FIBRE BOARD LIMITED WI Beaver Hall Hill Montreal, Que, 7 7 F / i' 7 wU / Oshawa L Keep your home cool this summer, whrm next winter, by Insulating now with TEN/TEST, Save money on your fuel bills, Ask your architect, contractor or nearest TEN/TEST Insuletion representative Nol USHA A Shaan hs d vy « Co. Lt VA, UNT, | CALMONT OILS, LIMITED " Calmont No. is Producer At a d th of 133 feet in the lime No. 2 well came into production with an enormous flow ef very wet gas, independently estimated to be the biggest flow in Turner Valley, . The an unday, April running wild since 27th, and one week been ater was still cleaning itself out, rocks being blown through the four flare lines. Four separators are being in- stalled and storage tanks to take care of production, Arrangements have been made with the Imperial'ON Co., Ltd, to take the entire output. As soon as the well has cleaned itself, a production test will publ be made and Wall No. | iu at/'8361 or 107 footiin the limestone, No. 7 will soon resume dfiug a8 soon to the separ. as No. 1] connected up ators, well is at a depth of 4339 feet or about 700 feet from the lime. " No. 4, 3,700 with casing cemented at feet, resumed diilling this nt week, e last two well are on the same lease aa No. 2. : "By ) teat shows Eng 'We advise the purchase of oil "wity of posting a p ™ 40 pleces of fire apparatus wore rushed to Staten Tsland from Man. hattan (New York City), on coms mandeored ferry boats, after 200 ---- FISHERIES TREATY SIGNED BY CANADA AND UNITED STATES (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, May 10.==A treaty between Canada and the United States ror the purpose of securing the preser vation of the halibut fisheries In th Northern Pacific and Bering Sen was signed Friday In the office of prime minister Mackenzie King, Mr, King signed on behalf of Canadn, while BR, Riggs, United States charge d'affaires, signed for the United Stas EMPIRE AS ONE ECONOMIC UNIT SEEN BY BALDWIN British Conservative Leader Opens Campaign For "Home and Empire" ShelMield, Eng, May 10."There is not a single duty of which Mr, Snow den 1s now depriving the manufactur ers of this country, when he removes the safeguarding duties, that we shall not have the greatest pleasure in putting on again the moment we re turn to power," This was the mingled threat and promise made here last night by Ri Ton, Stanley Baldwin, Leader of thi Conservative party, when ho opened his campaign for "Home and Em pire, ' "It Is to he doubted," declared My Baldwin, "if we will ever see fre trade throughout the world, but Lm pire free trade we might see. But as long as we keep this country as the world's dumping ground, we shall ne ver see nixpence taken off any duty of any foreign country, "My ideal tor years hat been the vision of our Empire as one economic unit, and it is toward that ideal that we have ben worlngk, The one neces sary. preliminary is the step wo shall take in safeguarding our markets Phis will enable us, in pursuing the ideal of Empire rationalization, to hold the Empire markets for Em pire industries, When we come into power=which 'will he whenever the present Government goes to the country==our first task will be to ap- pl the great principle of safeguard. ng with a free hand according to our best Judgment of the industrial conditions of this country." BRITAIN TO REOPEN LEGATION AT KABUL (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Peshawar, India, May 10.=The Bri tiah legation 'at Kabul, captain of Ahan tan, closed since PUATY, 1929, will be reopened shortly in view of the restoration of a stable regime in that country. he Indian staff lett Peshawar for Kabul today and the néw minister with the British officers attached to the legation will leave tomorrow, SUSPEND RULES TO HASTEN ELECTION -------------- (By Canadian Prose Leased Wire) ttawa,0 May 10.=To expedite pro. ceedings in the House of Commons 20 there may be an early dissolu- tion the parliamentary committees on standing orders today recommended the suspension of two rules, The ei- fect of one would be to permit first and second readings of private billy at the same Wing inat fd of allowing veral days to pe be Ww them, o other would suspend the neces te bill for se- ven days after it has received second oor m---------- | committees reading and before being discussed in ohert Lh hy 0 tell me what "Tea an Indian's wite is called : Tommy: "A squaw" -------------------- bungalows had been destroyed at Oakwood Beach, recently, Mouth Beach, on Miaten Island, peemed doomed as flamos fanned by i stiff PLEASE DELEGATES AT CONVENTION Joined Pupils from Clarke Union in Singing at . O. E. A. Sessions Orono, May 7.-For the the Ontario V.dueational Convention In was entertained by trained in Twenty pupil school and a sindlay Clarke Union and Provic und girls, motored to Toronto by on Tuesday afternoon, where they | were entertained by the Toronto Sta on i trip through their modern new | plant and afterwards, at Junch In the | | | first tim Association nt Toronto a choir of forty rural Ontario of the Orono number trom | | session voices schools journal's Whrary Me, Ji Eo Atkin son, President, a distingnisehed Dur ham boy, was host on this occasion, and replied briefly to the ol thanks expressed by the visitors, '1 he | cholr favored the newspapermen with | one number before leaving for Cons | voention halle Mrs, Donald Lobb, the capable in structress of singing, addressed th members of the Ontario Educational Association at Convocation Hall in the afternoon, outlining the work un dertaken In musical education in th rural schools of Durham County, and in the evening, under her direction, this splendid choir of forty appeared before that assemblage a convincing demonstration ol markable accomplishment, Musical erities and educationists expressed much surprise and dmiy atlon, pronouncing the tone as sing ularly vibrant, clear and. fresh, that of the boys blending perfectly with that of thy girls In a composite ton rather more brilliant than is Gsual in school choirs | I'wo, two-part songs were heaut| fully sung by the pupils of the Clarke Union school, The tone was in good volume with splendid enunciation, ex cellent phrasing, perfect blending of parts, The little choir made a wond. erful impression, Miss Helen Pows ers furnished piano accompaniment Many parents and friends aecom panied the singers, The entire party were later served refreshments by the ©. KE, A, at an uptown tea room, and at the close journeyed back by bus, Miss Cassie Hallett hay returned homie from spending the winter with her brother, Mr, James Hallett, To ronto, Miss Marion Dickson and friend Miss Betty Ratz, of Toronto, Mis Dorothy Rowe, of Toronto, and friend Miss Guasle Dale, Ont, Ladies College, Whitby, Miss Kathleen vole volees in Ie Tencher: "Fine, Now ab Indian baby's called? Tommy: "A ssuawler," Sea AA what is »n Staples, Port Hope, Miss Viela Gil titlan, Toronto, Miss Mary Knox and friend Miss. Snell, Kineardine, and Messrs, MH. J. Lorriman, Toronto, and Kenneth Hall, of Hamilton, were among the student and' teacher visit ora in town over the week-end, Mr, and Mra, Lawrence Savery, of Newtonville, tent the week-end with hee aunt, Mrs, Clarence Cain, Messrs, Rennie Foster and Wyven Reld favored the congregation' with two very fine solos on Sunday even: ing at Centre Street Chureh, Mr, and Mrs, Martin Linten, of Orono, celebrated the silver anniver: sary of their wedding day, on Sat wrday Jagt, Children, grandschildren and immediate friends gathered at thelr home and extended congratilas tions, A most enjoyable time was spent by all present, Mr, and Mrs, Austin Campbell and daughters, Maria and Francine, of Toronto, spent the week-end atthe Campbell farm. May Carson, former teacher of the Continuation School here, was in town Sunday, Miss Carson is now on the teaching staff of the Castleton Continuation Sehool, Mw, and Mrs, Feed H. Junker and san spent the weeksend with rela tives at New Hamburg, f, and' Mrs, Crease, of Toronto, spent Baxter with her parents, Mr and Mex, Fred Cowan, Medsrs, Nett MeMullen, of Gordon MeRay's and Clavense, of the A, & P, Toronto; and Miss Doruthy Kendal, SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1930 ORONO STUDENTS sn nmr wooo meter em uu wind raged through the grass and brush and threatened to burn over much of the southern part of the borough. This alr view shows visited thelr aunt, Mrs, J. A, Green, Faster week Mero and Mrs, HG, MacDonald and daughter, Mrs, O, W, Ralph, at tended the funeral of his nephew ut Wellington, Ont, recently, Young People's League of Maple irove 'visited the Orono League last week, Desides recitations and musi enl numbers by the visitors, Rev, Mr. Stuinton gave an Mustrated talk on the "Crucifixon and Resurrection," Previous to the program, an. address wus rend by the President, Mr, John Buekley, and a presentation made of i beautiful gold wrist watch and white gold necklace to Miss Nan Ew Ing, one of the superintendents of yy ---- aa burning cottages nt omky, 000 aseach Niaten Iuland,==Copyright, 1080, Pacific end Atlantic Photos Ine, the Orone organization, who is leave. Ing to make her home near Cinein atti, Ohio Flo: "The man 1 marry must' be rieh, brainy and good." Dot "Bo you. expect three hushands." to have WARNING A correspondent assures us that the following notice has been posts tion In Donegal: ""Dewnre To touch these wires is instant death, Anyone found doing so will he prosecuted." Manchester Guard. DAUDET ATTACKS SCHOOL AUTOGRAT Fiery Monarchist Discovers Instance of Browbesting of Teacher Paris, Vreance, May 10~Leon Daudet, fiery son of the French Dick. ony, has discovered a "Petit Chose d'Alsace," more Lragle, more path. etic even than the "Petit Chose" (Little Mr, What's His Name) which was his father's masterpiece, Raymond Heinrich is an. Alsatian, An orphan, penniless, he wis i teach. er in lycee some miles from Varis, Every morning he rose in his fire. less room at four o'clock to study before his day's work began, For his work he received board, lodging and a pittance which enabled him to follow the classical studies in which he had shown brilliance, His poverty, his timidity, made him an object of ridicule to the scholars, He suffered so many insults and ty- rannies ut the hands of the princi. pal that he wrote to the Ministry of Education, He asked a transfer, "I will prevent you getting your de- gree, | will have you dismissed," the principal stormed, The notice of transfer came but the principal kept it in his desk. It was followed two days later by a robust Norman who had come to take Heinrich's place "Does it mean | get ay transter," Heinrich asked anxio "Nothing of the kind," pal returned, "I'hien 1t is the end,Y Heinrich said, He gathered his few effects togeth« er and wandered into the fields, Two of his colleagues, fearing suicide, fol« lowed and found him dt night, There wis a scene with the principal, But the principal revealed nothing of the transfer, It still lay in his desk, A second night the parish priest found Heinrich wandering aimlessly in the woods, He was taken to the hospital, completely prostrated, Brain fever ensued and Heinrich, his reas son temporarily gone, was moved to an insane asylum, His colleagues pressed his case furs tirer, And ut Jast the story of the transfer came out, The Minister of Education has ordered a special in. quiry., And in the hospital "Le petit Chose d'Alsace" is again conning the metres of Horace und Euripides--far from the tyranny and ridicule which haunted his sleeping and waking the prineis lan, hours. . COLUMBUS Columbus, May 6 -~Miss Mair spent the week-end jn Toronto, forry to report Miss Margaret feott under the doctor's eare, Mrs, Jas, Ashton spent Sunday with friends In Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, Norman Heddon und won Merlin, Los Angeles, Calif, and Mr, and Mrs, lloy Heddon, To- ronto, spent Sunday with Mrs, Fred Heddon, Mr, West, of Ashburn, had charge of the Church services here und at Kedron, last Sunday. Mrs, Wm, Purvis is visiting Miss Margaret Seott, Mrs, J, Sutherland and boys and Mrs. Sonley, Utlea, visited at Mr, RN, Sutherland's on Sunday, Mrs, L, 1, Guy spent Sunday with Mrs Wm, Guy, Oshaws, The drama, "The Kentucky Bolle" was given at Kidad on Wed nesday night of last week to a full house, It was well received, Mrs, Cassady, Sr, Ashburn, visited with Mrs, O, Hayes. Mr. Wm Farrow, N Oshawa, calls od on friends on Sunday Mrs, Doolittle Is visiting In Tore onto with friends, Mrs. Chantler from Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr, Wm, Mount Joy's, , and Mrs, L. Elleny were in Toronto Tuesday afteroimiwypypq Toronto Tuesday attending the fu- neral of their son-in-law; Mr, Wm, Robson, Mr, and Mrs. H, Bunday at Plekering Mrs. A, Murison and son Steware spent Saturday in Toronto. Mr, 4 Traves spent Sunday at his home In Ashburn, Mr. and Mrs. West, from Ashe hurn, spent Sunday at Mr, and Mrs, Roy Hall's, Mrs, 1. Richardson burn spent Sunday hore, Mr, and Mrs, A, Murison Stewart spent Sunday at ham, Miss D. Clugston spent Sunday at Oshawa with friends, MIXED CELEBRITIES Mrs, Smith--This. 'ere fellow thinks he can sing like Caruso, Mrs, Brown--Woell, they do say as 'ow Caruso 'ad a heautitul yolce, but 'ow could they know with 'im stranded on that island. wih no- Jods but Friday to 'ear 'Imes-Tid ts, Wilson spent from Ashe with friends and Mark. Motorist here? Native--Naw, you fellers can't got through here any too fast for rm ---- ~I8 there any speed law us, I ha, SPECIAL SHOWING Of the NEW FORDS On May 9th and 10th NEW FORD TUDOR-~FREE daily except on Saturday, May 1 am. to 12 noon. , The car that is being given away by the Oshawa Lacrosse Club to the member making the closest estimate of its mileage in one week, will be on display in our show rooms and will be run from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. 7, when car will run from 8 Membership Tickets May Be Purchased at Showroom PLACE SAYWELL & JOHNSON'S BA R SHOP MOFFATT MOTOR SALES ' or MOTOR CITY ST. 'DRUG CLOTHING "RY & LOVELL'S (Sons Toh store) MUSIC BY SNELL'S ORCHESTRA Cox Motor S § 10 BOND ST, W. Phone 924

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