Oshawa Daily Times, 8 May 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1930 PACE SEVEN test News of Stock Markets, Grain dnd Produce Exchanges | - Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTO PROVISION Ss pel medium, am 3 ting the folowing vg to ae trade to 4 ne, 48 to smok- ed rolls, 28; breskfast Jocon, 30¢ to 40¢; 5, pes-mesled, Je; do smoked, 46 Pork loins, 26c; hams, 26 to 28¢, 50°40 70 Thee She 7 Bo H 90 to 110 Ibs, 2fe. Lard==Pure, tierces, pails, Ve: prints 17 ¢ 1+2¢. Shortening = Tierces, 13c; "tubs 13%c: palls, 14¢, oronto wholesale dealers are quor 40c; light-weight rolls, 25. clear bacon, to 90 Ibs, 22c; ight roll Ag fo 0 TORONTO FARMERS MARKET ia following are quotations, ree tail, in effect un the St. Lawrence Produco~ Market, Toronto: Celery, dozen ,..iovviiiiney 125200 , extras, per dozen ) firsts, per dozen Butt v, dairy, per pound ,. 0.35 0.38 Do. creamery, per Ib, ... 042 0.48 ruite and Vegetables ~ Asparagus, 1 1b, bunch ,.,, 0.25 Carrots, bus, sere ene 200 Do, 6 qt, + 0.38 Beets, bus, Do, 6 qt, Brussels sprouts, gt... Onions, dry, 11-gt, basket, Do, 6-ct., basket Cabbage .iisirvnsrrsinisiie Cauliflower siveeerstrninies Endive, dozen cieriiiine Spinach, peek veoviiiriiiene Mushrooms, per pound ,.. Leal ' »ttuere, three for Hea! lettuce, two for reley, per bunch ress, three for ranges, per dos. iieene oneydew melons, each ... Suwawberties. | ) rapefruit, eac PPA otalons, bag «i oiie fa each eeee 0.35 vere 0.60 eens 035 0.25 0.50 soces Ter Rane EERIE he a = 38: co--oc an - Sms Ta mons, per dozen ananas, per dozen , Apples, 6-qt. basket oocen siete & to 32; shoulders, 22¢; butts | G al, green peas, 6-gt, bkt, ;, 090 gEplant, eagh vi iveiniin ane 0, reen beans, 6 qt. coven vs reen peppers, six for ioe 0.25 ranberries, qt. urnl 5 bus PRRRRRRIANNY Hine Parsnips, 11 at, covnvernnene : Apples, bus, 25 1. een peas, 6 Gt severeee 0040 0 Tomatoes, ID, voe000v0v0rere 01 Pineapples, each ...0vvvvv,, 0.25 0.35 Rhubarb, bunch .iivsrre 1000 0, Radishes, four bunches .. ,,,, 0.25 New car-ots three bunches 0.25 New beets, two bunches 0.25 Arr RRRIRINS TORONTO PRODUCE, QUOTATIONS (Buymg) Toronto wholesale dealers are buying produce at the following prices: Eggs~~Ungraded, cases returned, fresh extras, 28¢; fresh firsts, 20¢; seconds, 2c, : Butter--No, 1 creamery, solids, 80% to 81%c: No, 2, 20%. Churning cream-=8pecinl, No. 1, 88¢; No, 2, #00, Cheese~=No, 1, large, colored, parafined and government graded, 18% to 10¢, Poultrye= Hens, over 6 Ibs, ,,,, Do, over 4 to' 5 Ibs, ,. Do., under 4 Ibs, each Sprine heollers, over 2 Ibs, Old roosters, over 6 Ibs, Do, over 4 to b lbs, .. (Selling) Toronto wholesale dealers are offering produce to retail dealers at the following prices: Eggs-~Froah extras In cartoons, 84c¢; fresh extras, loose, 32¢i Arsts, 80¢; seconds, 270, Butter += No, prints, #0¢; No, prints, $e, Cheose~~New, large, 23 to 23 %e, twing 28% to S4c; triplets, 28% stiltonm, 27¢, Old, large, 880: twins 29¢; triplets and cuts, 80¢; old stile tons, dle, HLTH Alive Dressed 24 U6 22 20 2h 10 10 25 22 23 10 1 4 Creamery greamery, No $jii--he suger required. Just add milk, Quickly. made--nourishing reerssnre sore OBR] Is Your Child | Stock Mar Marke; Summary by Canaan Press Toronto and New York Stock Quotations Supplied Biggar and Crawford, Toronto Stock Exchange ket. Prices Alger Bullding, liad ba 170 106 HW Ventures 180 Wr, Hr, 108 Wainwell © 4% Close 0 47% Flock Br. A, Oh Brag, ., 41% Can, 8nd 22% Cockshutt 18 Cty, Dry, hit Dis, Sgrm, 11% Dm, Strs, 23 Gypsum 28% Hr, Wal, 12% Int, Util, 45 Int, Nkl, 838% Int, Pot, 21% Imp, Ol 20% Lob, "A" 1h% Ms, Hr, 84 Mao, Frit, 84% Ve 2M Mt, Pwr, 124% 12494 Pg. Hr, [TE IR Shaw, 4% 744% B, Btatlon 44% it Standard Mining Exchange LL) 146 71 an 460 LLL 806 LLL) 700 ho Nd 262H 180 106 675 High Low 19 18% f LL} 148 71 an 460 LLL 806 636 706 0 1458 73 Abana Alax ,, Amulet Big Miss, 89 Ch, Ren, 460 De, Mns, 860 Falcon, 306 Holl, ,, 63H He, Of1 710 Hy, Gold 94 Hd, Bay 040 Nrnda, 2710 Bh, Grd. 185 Kd, Bs. 200 Tk, Hg, 000 040 2710 182 200 675 flock | Gen, Elec, || Gen, Rin, ON) ,,, 1 B LL Btudebaker Fam, Money 8 per cent, New York Exchange Clase |, 26h 00% 48) (1) High 20% 0% 4% in% Alleghany Allis Chal, Amn, Inter, Amn, Bmel, Amn, Tel, 246 Anaconda 11 Baldwin=,, 28% Borden ,., 8% Borg War. a7 Beth, Hteel 04% Can, Dry 62% Can, Pac, 208 Com, Roly, #1 % Chrysler ALN Dav, Chem, #4% Fox ,., hay Mot, Goodyear Grt, North, IKen, Copper Liq, Carh, Mt, Ward Nt, Ch, Rg, Pen, Rall Nadio Rem, Nand 1 Bim, Bed LRT 26% T4% LL M% 166% 27 66% t, of NJ, ne Tk, Rl, Bear 75 U8, Steel 140 I"8, Rubber 2714 Plys, 68% Dressed us 346 HE 20 20 HE dhedl) 4.80 | I Poultrye Chickens, 6 Ibs, up Do, 4 to b Ibs, ,., Do, 8% to 4 1bsy v4.00 Do, 8 to 8% Ibs vi i0 Do, 8 1bs, ,\., Hens, over 6 18, +4001 Hrollers ,., Ducks .., ERLE Thin and Weak? 'Colt LIVE Extract In Sugar Contell Tablets Puts on Flesh and Builds Them Up In just a few days-quicker than you ever dreamt of-=these wonder: ful health building, flesh creating tablets called McCoy's Cod Liver Extracts Tablets will start to help anv thin, underweight ttle one, After slokness and where rickets are suspected they are especially yaluable, Most people know that from the Ilvers of the lowly codfish: vitamines of the first elass are extracted---the kind that help all feeble unders wolght men, women and children, Try these wonderful tablets for 40 days and If your frail, puny child doesn't greatly benefit--get || your money hack, i A very slekly child, age 9, gained |} 12 pounds in T months, Ask Jury & Lovell, T, B, Mitchell or W, H, Karn or any druggists for MeCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tabletd ~ah oany to take as candy and 604 tablets; 60 cents, t t straw are quoting shippers the fol. lowing nrices for carload lots, livered on track, Toronto jm No 2 timothy viv vvines No. 3 timothy, ., Wheat straw ,,., Oat straw , | CHICAGO much as one cent, Figures did not respond except with a quarter cent Advance on the Mays, the Novem: bers holding about steady with the range of prices about in line with yesterday's close, market was steady and unchanged November contracts was even great. er with considerable be mostly on resting orders and fairly scattered, TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Wholesale dealers in hay and der $14.50 $15.00 1300 14.50 11.50 « 11.50 TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the fol. lowing quotations for car lots! Manitoba wheat-=No 1 north. orn, #1,10; No 2 do, $§1,07%: No, 8, $1,04% ; No, 4, §1,00%: No, 0, Wa% 0; No, 6, 740; feed, 67¢; (o.if,, Goderich and' Bay ports), Manitoba oats~No, | 48% ec; No.2, do, 40% American corn-No, 2 #840; No, 8 do, 08, Milifeed, delivered Montreal freights bags included--Bran, per ton, $23,286; shorts, per ton, 34.85; middlings, $26.25, Ontario grain ~~ Wheat, 81,10; oats, 44 to 46¢; barley, 60 to 63! rye, nominal; buckwheat, §0e, PRODUCE FUTURES | Chicago, Mal 7-~The spot egg market was higher and grm this morning with top grades up an feed, yellow, In general trad- ng was quiet with moat activity n evidence during the frst half hour of trading, The cash butter hin morning, The decline on the pressure te ell thrown inte the market after he first hour, Buying seemed to { Open commitmenta---May eggs, || of warture in Oshawa be found worth. your leals", will not be served, he sald, "the standards te whieh while, Mr, Brigden .itaced the technienl and v | A iy yar 1 the first technical sghool ed in the St be owen the St.* dawg, arket," of |i when 'open I, mow htt attendance of 192, which dwindle during the year to 125, { ix. thousand dollars had been' set aside tor this new form of educas tion by the ity counell and half of this was aiken in 4slaries to teachers, In 1901 the + Arst uation were apened in the Old Athletle Club on College Street with an attendance of 151, In two years this number had risen tor 271 and in the same year the importaneg of this education bes came apparent and the night classes were commenced in conjunction with the duy classes, The first fully squipped school to be built for this purpose in that city was the Central Technical Sehool and following this the fecognition of the Importance of vocations! training was becoming impressed upon, the minds of the eitizens of Toronto and more schools were built, The speaker in telling of the great strides made In vocational education in Toronto com. pared the building of the New Cen tral Technical School at a cost of approximately two and & quarter mil lien dollars which was huge com- pared with the money expended here in Oshaws, He also stressed the point that the department of Educa tion of the province had helped Osh- awa to the extent of 40 or 50 per cent, while when Toronto first start: ed this help was not forthcoming, In 1916 the speaker added, two schools with a combined attendance of 2500 was needed to cope with the growth of the system and finally a new school was built en Danforth Avenue which accomodated 1100 pup. ils and at which on registration night 68 had to he turned away as they could not accomodate them, He felt confident that the spirit of the value of vocational education was growing on the students of our collegintes and he predicted that the vocational de: partment of the Oshawa school would soon be filled, He gave further history of the ad vance in the werk in Toronto and spoke in glowing terms of the help given by Mr, Ferguson as Minister of Education, "Mr, Fergusen has never fallen down on a Job yet and he never will," the speaker added He compared the number using this form of education in 1901, a class of 151 and in 1929 a class of 10,119 with & total attendance at all collegi- ate institutes in the city of 25426, The increase in this work had heen 1000 per cent, during this period of vime, The city of Toronto had in- vested the sum of nine million del. lars in vocational training and was spending yearly a sum in excess of one million, In concluding his ade dress Mr, Brigden stressed the im: portance of co-operation hetween the student hody and the teachers to make a success of the school, He urged the teachers to take every op- portunity to inspeet the local manu- facturing plants on several occasions 50 as to keep abreast of the problems with which their students will be confronted and which will hetter ens able them to impart the knowledge which is so esential to suecessiul teaching, \ "Just remember," he said in eon. rlusion "to utilise the opportunities God has given you and your vocas tional school' will be looked upon with admiration and respect," The dedication addvess was de. livered by the Rev, J, RB, Burke, CHP, of Toronto, who in his opening remarks apoke of the visit to Canada of the Headmasters of English Publis Seohools whan have left the Dominion enamoured with the facilities for students in day classes for vocational this country but still elaiming that the center of culture still rests in Old England, "This. school," he added "ia a ribute to the sound values of It these ideals are not in the halls and classrooms the ideals "I want to bring before you", Jrosemy; Including Sir Joseph Vine Sy 4 Lad this platform and too long to wish to say much," said Principal A, 5, O'Neill when called upon to speak, "On hehalt of the sta body 1 must say, however, that we opening, Mr. O'Neill wished to ex- press appreciation for the exeellent Aanisiante which hed 0 press an : ' a | ian" [1 nm particular Times' special souveniv number and sale in the corridor, J an many an possible would (ake vantage of the opp: apact the school Lo! wo ong would be cordially welcomed, Praises was voiced hy Chalrman Io, He was glad to note um ph was accompanied hy Flavell, "I have spoken tee often frem and rtudent re gaa to have so many here vue In nonnection with the forma) een render~ He rolorred to The pointed out that co unity to og yt days and claimed that sverys Aan Praise for the principal ha sift 1 Buw ng the past year he said they had oon working under a handioap on account of the construction ag the new addition but in spite of tmw had been able to maintain the stan. dard of the school at a high leve), Mr, John Althouse, former prin- cipal, was noticed in the audience and he was requested Lo rise to hin feet by the chalrman while he received applause from the student body which was less only to that|, which had been accorded Principal O'Nelll, Thus was opened Oshawa's great composite secondary edueation insti tution, the Oshawa Collegiate and Vocational Tustitute, It had heen al great occasion, one which placed he« fore the students a sense of the priv ileges they enjoy, and presenting to the citizens present a picture of the agency to be used in the training of | ¢ their sons and davghters ror eitigen ship in this community and this do« minion After the ceremony, hundreds of these present inspected the building, and marvelled at the wonderful pro: mress which had been made in the designing and arrangement of med ern. educational equipment, They marvelled at the wonderful classe rooms, the gymnasium for hoys and girls, and all the other features which make the Oshawa Collegiate and Vo- cational Institute one of the out: The La province finish off the proceedings in fal cafeteria by staff of students, thus giving to the "Leaves NO BrushMarks' A Canadian Product Better Made' Nao Brosh Mark PAINT Flo-Glaze is sold by MUFFIT schools Then, secondary of Ontario tanding ted was served willing and « manner, " isitors a wonderful concept the utility of that most modern sec tion of the equipment of the school It had been a highly suc afternoon, reflecting only the great st of credit on those resp for the arrangements, and presenting | h to the people of the eommunity opening ceremony tor the institution that will net readily he forge The schon! was apen in the ing fram 7.30 until 9.30 o'clock dur ing whieh time visitors had the op portunity of viewing the huilding and also seeing the students of the even ing classes at their work guides composed cadets and ten girls, all in the ches en uniform of the school, hand to conduct parties through the sa of ten Co were nn kr ey & PARK huilding and explain the. werk of the different departments, These guides were kept busy, as the number af visitors inerensed as the evening wore on, Mr, O'Neill and Mr. AoW, Bell and other members of the Board of Education were present, Although anly a small per centage af the stus dents of the evening classes were Th attendance last evening, an on-loek er eonld not escape heing impressed the earnestness of thase. students present at their ghosen tasks, The wood working room and the domes tic selenge department seemed to ats tract the largest numbers of visitors Only hy paying such a visit to the school while the evening classes are in operation ean the public realize the splendid opportunities and ad vantages that are available to those wha are sufficiently interested in broadening thelr education and fit ting themselves more efficiently for their daily works in the Just to BO nthe apahle lon al cessfu onsille ten evens I'wenty Hegiate nL TR NE RR Extr SPECIALS imo, a-k Sag i a te xtra! BL LS Friday and Saturday AT THE Dominion Clothing Co. 10 DOZ ONLY CHILDREN'S WASH DRESS SUITS, Regular $1.40--Special 18 DOZEN MEN'S BUTTONLESS BALBRIGGAN COMBS, 69¢ Sises 34 to 44, Regular 9c--Specia volt ALL SIZES PW a, Vera haa Eee eA 29¢ CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS : 2 Prs. 25 PY 79¢ LEE EE TE NE I SII SSR MI I IE IE I your school should be dedicated, These standards are found in the words of Shakespeare's' Hamlet, 'All the ends thou almest at, by thy Gods, thy country and truth,' The aim of the school should he ite greatest avent, ita most impressive event and its moat beautiful and sublimest event, "Pupils would be better he sald for having inatilled in their minds the words that fell from the sacred 8, Nov, eggs 1,008, May butter, 36, June butter 1, Nov, butter 260, Two market receipta~--Butter to. day, 20,607; last year, 24,474, V Kage tosday, 71,440; last year, 08, h Chicago spot market-- Butter, ex. LBRNNERERREE LE EN tras, 360; standards, ae; tone steady, Egge, graded firsts, 23% to 280; tone firm, New York spot market----Rutter, extras, 36% 0; no tone, Hage, first 24 to2dl40; tone steady, Atreet stooks--=Hutter, 87, 687; CHILDREN'S JERSEYS, Regular 49c--Special That Save You Money Ford 1928 Sedan Pontiac 1927 Landau Ford 1929 Tud lant year, 823,120, Kags, today, 198,086; last year, 126,117, Movements at ten markets w= Hutter, net in 332,113; last year, net in, 107,608, Eggs, net in, 84. 449; last year; last year, net in 74,083, Four markets on hand--Butter, 0,061,227, Egan, 2,408,517. Six oities==Butter, 3,382,406, PLEATS AGAIN Paria sends word that daytime costumes are often straight with loats, otherwise a moderate flare a introduced, The pleated theme in also advocated in evening dress on, several skirts being covered with inch-wide hax pleats that fly loose below the knees, Thin is one of the newest avening treats ments yet seen, RAYON PAJAMAS Rayon pajamas ave a lively item In smart shops, These are eapecs lally liked by the traveling element who find them moat convenient, D.C... OPENING BRILLIANT AFFAIR (Continued from Page stenned into the limelight as a eity emulating the great work of techni: cal education started by the city of Toronto. He felt that as the accom: plishment of his city had heen found worthwhile so would this new des pe of Christ, Lessons should be filled with this spirit and the res niembvanee of him should be in the mind of every sen of every mather, 'Instinotively we are reared." the speaker continued, "and are devoutly attached to this spivit of sncrition which has prompted our rents and citizens to build this school," the sacrifice which gave birth to this burst of patriotism, This school 1s a temple dedicated ' Ab Hist demonstrated of agoritice ri [ ce" the speaker ® spoke of Pastuer whe sald, "All my investigations have AHO te halt the faith of a Breton Peas: ant' and took the moral that there In an exalted humility in soarohs Ing after truth, "Lut me dedicate bd Wading, ae due in_oconelus i) and to Pres Sod, our Country, Oshawa had reason to feel fled upon the o pat ning of the new Collexiate and Vocational Institute His Warahip, Mayor Mitohell stated when called upon to say a few words by the chairman, His Wore shin humorously alluded hat ind Sttended the oerem wit NE to worry about, content that hia only duty would be te ra A 0 LN \ when Mr, Rell had asked' him to x and alio to introduce the visitors Lt ES EE ENR NE NYE ULAR ER «Ah BOYS' BLOUSES, ASSORTED PATTERNS, Regular 89c.-- Special BOYS' NAVY BLUE AND TWEED KNICKERS, w Regular } I AREER RRR ERAN EER EER EE EE . gi LI | SEER : Regular a8¢ pair--Special . RATA IE ATR ee ay BOYS' TWEED SUITS, 2 PAIR KNICKERS, ' Regular $8.06 Spach! © | $3.95 29¢ L.58% { AE ARE NESE E EE EAE RN EEE TEEN EE RE SL BOYS' TWEED SUITS, 2 PAIR PANTS--Golf and Longs Regular $7,95-- Special BOYS' BALBRIGAN COMBINATIONS, MEN'S FINE DRESS OXFORDS AND BOOTS. Regular $4.80 Special MEN'S SUITS, 2 PAIR PANTS Regular $19.80 Special We Carey a compl EE SH EE RUE REN EN SE MY FARA ARREARS ™ LOE RE EEE EERE TER ER CR SAL BER MINER line of Men's and Boys' Running Shoes, ate, Caps, SHIRTS, ete, : Dominion Clothing Co, to the audience, although at the same time it afforded him pleasure, Mayer Mitehell then Juetended) to introduge the guests Who were « 68 KING STREET WEST . « PHONE 2141.-W¢" . 5 a = Re cS St Cc ft HL me eV)

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