Oshawa Daily Times, 8 May 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1930 PAGE FIVE | Women's Interests in the Home -- and the Community Social and Personal | Notes for the Social Column and other items of news for the Women's I" and should 85, Lady Piavelle accompanied Sir Joseph Flavell on his visit to Osh. awa yesterday to formally open the new Collegiate and Vocational In- stitute, Mr, and Mrs, J. 'T, Althouse, of Toronto were guests at the formal opening of the Collegiate and Vo- cational Institute yesterday, Mr; Althouse is a former principal of the Oshaws Collegiate, Mr, Arthur Archibald B.Sc, prin- cipal of Whitby High School was present at the formal opening of the new O. C, V. I, yesteray after noon, Mrs. (Dr) R. Jones, of Cobourg, was in town yesterday. for the for- mal opening of the new school, Mrs, Norman Gay, of Detroit, Mich,, is in Oshawa visiting her sister, Mrs, Walter Lott, Brock wireet, Allan Williams left a fow days ago for Ottawa where he will be doing research work in the Gov ernment Laboratorice during the summer months, Miss Dora Gray, RN, of Detroit, and Miss Annie Gray, RN, of Watertown, N.Y.,, who have been spending the past week with thelr parents, Mr, and Mrs, D. Gray, 634 Yront Ht, left yesterday to visit friends in Napanee and Kingston, Messrs. Charles aud 1", J. Ballus and W. A, Coad, of Oshawa, and Charles Kaeding of Toronto, are at Lake Weslomkoon for the brook trout fishing, Mr. Thomas Monoypenny, To- ronto; Treasurer of the Canadian Manufacturers' Association was among the guests at the offielal opening of the Oshawa Collegiate and Vocational Institute yesterday afternoon, Miss Eleanor McLaughlin and Mrs. Erig Phillips, of Oshawe, were glests at the luncheon given by KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 370, NEXT TH POST 04110 Sheer Chiffon Wull Fashioned HOSIERY Ar ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor, King & Nimeoe St, SPROIAL ORDERS TAKEN FOR BRIDAL OUTFITS Al the THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe 8t, N, = should bear the name and address of the addressed to the Nocial Kditor, or phoned to No, || Kindly avold writing on both sides of the paper, ait | Mr, and Mrs, Harry Sifton at the Eglinton Hunt yestorday, Mr, ¥. W, Sims, Bimcoo Bt, 8, is loaving this evening on a business trip to Western Canada, Mr. Ross McKinnon, Masson street, loft last evening on a husi- ness trip to Montreal, Guests of Mr. and Mrs, A, B. O'Neill, King street east, for the opening of the Oshawa Collegiate and Vocational Institute yesterday were! Mrs, EB. V, Brown, Port Hope; Mrs, A, Darch, Port Hope; Mrs, J. Massie, Port Hope; Mr, and Mrs, Paul O'Neill, Miss Olive O'- Nelll, Mrs, Appalbe, Mrs, J, O'Nelll, Mr, and Mrs, Murphy, Mrs, Meshan, all of Lindsay and Mr, Jackson, of Hamilton, Vollowing the ceremonies of the official opening of the 0.C.V.1, yes terday afternoon, the visitors took the opportunity of viewing the building, Among those noticed were Mr, and Mrs, Ross McKinnon, Mayor T, B. and Mrs, Mitchell, Mus, Prank Chappell, Miss MoWilliams, Mrs, J. C. Young, Mrs, R, 8, Me. Laughlin, Mrs, Cornwall, Mrs, Me Addle, Miss Hislop, Mrs. B, Meyers, Mrs, A. E, O'Neill, Mrs, George 1, Norris, Mrs, J. MeGibbon, Miss Col- ver, Mra. A, F. Annis, Mrs Leo Gray, Mra. A, 'W, Bell, Rev. A. Small, Mre. T. Rapson, Mrs, Max Evans, Weddings * CGLAYTON==WILSON On Saturday at 3 pm, 8t George's Anglican Churoh wan fhe feene of w pretty wedding, when Eileen. CGecolla, oldest danghtor of Mes. Wilson and the Iate Robert Wilson, hacame the bride of Rober! Arthur Clayton, only son of Mr, and Mrs, A, Clayton, of Toronto, The bride entered the ghureh on the arm of her brother, Mr, Arghlo Wil. son, to the straing of the wedding march. Hhe looked heautiful In A vowder Blue goorgette dress fa- whfoned In period style, with hat to matoh, and beige shoes and hose, 8hé carried a houquet of pale pink roses, lilies of the valley and maid. onhair, Her only bridesmald was Miss Dora Wilson, sister of the bride, who looked lovely in. a dress of maize georgetie, and black hat, She carried a bouquet cf yellow rosew, The best man was Mr, M, Wilson, youngest hrother of the bride, After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride, 220 'Division street, to about 44 guests, her mother who looked lovely in a dws of Independence blue lace, Mra. A. Clayton, mother of the groom was charmingly gowned In nile green: georgette. For travels ling the bride chose a bolge en semble, with matohipg hat, purse, shoes and hose. The groom's gift Was a brown fox fur The happy couple are spending thelr honeymoon in Detroit, and on their return will vealde in Tovento, Out of town guests included: Mr, and Mrs, . Clayton, Mr, and Mrs, J Clayton, Miss B. Clayton, Mrs "It is a recognized fact that perfect cleanliness is essential to the preser. vation of health. I bring comfort and | satisfaction to millions of house wives because I keep their homes spick and ed nd span and protect their For greater economy Old Dutch ie cando N he Bo it so well, The bride was nssisted ny! EPONSORN ART EXmimr Mes, I, W. Cowan of Oshawa, who Is apohroring the exhibition of the pl work of Albert Gos, eminent Bwiss painter of the A met in Murope last year, Fifty of hi Merritt Malloney Galleries, Toronto, ne sohool, whom she s paintings are now on exhibit at the Kierstead, Mr, and Mrs, I, Brown, Mrs, Tratin, Miss M. Tustin, Misses Grace, Ruth and Maudie Tustin, My. and Mrs, P, Chestnut, Mrs, ¥, Chestnut and Mr, A, Amary, all of Toronto, Mrs, Amery and Mrs Paul, of Ottawa, | Noun People's Meetings CENTRE STREET LADIES BIBLE OLANK The rexular meeting of the Cen tre Btreet Adult Ladies' Bible Class wan held at the home of Mrs, Hug- gine on Tuesday evening, The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer, The president, Mrs, James, conducted the meeting. The min. utes were read and approved, Four. tean members were. present, The businesy part of the meeting wan making final arrangements for the sale of homemade cooking, candy, and fancy work, This sale will be held on Thursday, May 15 at 8,30 o'olovk, "Tt 'wan not decided where but the next meeting will deter mine this matter, A very pleasant evening was spent In Mry, Hugging' home, Dainty refreshments wera served and a hearty vote of thanks extended to the hostess, TREN AGE BRANCH OI' W. A, The teen age branch of the W A. of Holy Trinity Church held ita meeting on Friday, May 2. The pinging of a hymn and prayer opened the meeting, During the business session it was decided to hold a social evening during the month of May, The remainder of the meeting was spent in sewing and a large amount of work was completed, A hrief prayer brought the meeting to a close, Who will chop the wood tn future for all the lawyers, doctors, states. men, and the like? Who will wash the dishes for all the girls who lay the plano, or paint, or go In or noclety or polities?--H, W Howe's Monthly, A LL BRAND ye ND EN! 20 MT LR WOMAN SENATOR COMMENDS TEA AND DISH BUDGET Ottawa, May 7.~-The Dunning hudget, bringing with it lower duties on tea, British-made dishes nnd other houshold necessities, should enable Canadian woman hood to make a much better ime pression on thelr husbands, be Hoven Menator Calrine Wilson, The Dominlon's first, woman Sen ntor commends the Liberal budget to the electors of North and South Oxford, In a communication ex- pressing her regret at being un. able to attend the nomination meeting for those counties being held nt Woodstock tonight Through an error, Mrs, Wilson had been given to understand the meet ing was to be held on May 8, She had previously arranged to attend A meet'ng here tonight of the Federation of Liberal Women of which she is honorary president, "Our Ldbera) administration has given us a good Government,' says Honator Wilson's communica tion to be read ct the Woodstock meeting, "and the women especial ly should appreciate the Dunning budget, By it we shall be able to purchure tha tea which we all use the Knglish dishes which we all value, und the enamelware for our Kitchens, sewing machines," wash- Ing machines and a great many ar ticles which we use every day, at a lower price, We shall thus be able to make a much hetter im: pression upon our husbands, who should, we feel sure, commend our more skilful handling of thei money," KASKAAAKSAKNK KITCHEN CORNER HAKRRRKSARK Fish oan be kept fresh longer by boiling together three quarts of water and a pint of vinegar, When It Js just on the' boil, put the flah in It for about two minutes Ars terwards dealin the watar off and hang the fish in a cool place in the larder, To take some of the salt out of fish which has too much, soak It in milk and water in propor tion of halt and half for about thirty minutos hefore cooking, Re sure, though, to place the fish flesh side downwards in the basin, and Also that it lu entirely covered by the liquid, If you buttonhole all avound the edgen of a hole In your gloves and then draw the buttonheling togeth- or, it will wear like iron, To mend broken crockery use white lead, as it |& one of the few cements that will resist both heat and water, Apply it thinly to the broken edges, press them tightly together, tie In place, and set aside two or three days to dry, Condens aed milk, used as above is also ox- oollont for this purpose, er --------r------ BIG HATS AND NO NEES VOGUE NOW Expert Draws 12 Rules For Women of Fashion This Year RBerlin--Captain Kdward Moly. neux, the Baglishman who makes Paris fashions and 1a staying herve, hat given the women of Berlin the following twelve 'rules to observe If they want to be faghionable this summer: 1{ The elegant woman has ne kneas, She oan only, have them when she hathes. 2, The dresses of the Berlin wo- | men are far too short, n. Most 1 had to lie down for ree hour, 1 of the adverdsing Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable pound so 1 went to my druggist and bought a bottle, My nerves are lots better and au? now on my feet again doing all my own work around the farm, The Com. pound 'hi's certainly done me ood and can help others.' -- rs, Willie Lafleur, Route 3, Hemmingf ord, Quebec, E. Pinkham's ble Compounl 8, Ankles are only allowed dur. ing the afternoon, 4, The "Eton hoy" type belongs to the past, with the crinoline and the powdered wig, 6. The re-birth of the quite short skivt 1s out of the question, fi, Big, bigger and very big hats will shade the elegant woman of the world, 7. For morning, belge tweeds with pleated skirts and mantles to go with them, 8. Black-and-whites dominate the afternoon in georgette and oth. er supple stuff, 0, In the evenings a riot of col. or in Greek lines 10, With the evening gown very PRETTY SOCIETY GIRL HAS MADE (i00D ON STAGE In Spite of Reproaches So- cial Register Beauty De- termines Own Career New York, May B{~~About six months ago, Fifi Laimbeer, 14 year-old New York Social Register beauty, determined to go oh the stage, Her mother, the late Mrs, Nathalla Laimbeer, president of the American Women Banker's Asso: olation and one of the most promi- nent women in the financial world At that time, was more than slight. ly disturbed, Fin was quite too young; she couldn't possibly know her own mind; It was far from certain she had any talent, and sim. flar practionl observations were made, Nevertheless and notwith. standing the name of MA Lambeer appeared on the program when "Fifty Million Frenchmen' opened its Broadway engagement It now develops that mother and daughter had entered into a "pro- bation agreement' which stipulat- od that If, at the end of half a year, the young society girl display- od talent and still found herself Interested in the stage, all objection wollld be removed, A short time later Mrs, Laimbeer died and Fif found her brother and sister, who had heen appointed her guardians, insisted on renewing this agree- ment, A few days ago the time limit elapsed, The brother and sister finding their aspiring rela tive more pevsistent than ever, checked on her progress through the show's manager, They were told that for a girl without past experience, she had shown real ability, Good sportsmen about thelr bar gain, they assembled the cast of the show and Invited them all to a banquet at which the compact was oolled off and the curtain descend- od on the "bless you my ohild" theme, Our country prospers only hy the dally round of small expendi- tures of millions of families, -- Ernest imo Calkins, ---- Two colleges | an IMinols town are about to complete p merger, Re. taining, we hear, the best half elegant flesh-colored gloves, backs of each, Detroit News, [v] pont lot an old timpplece spell your appearance, Trade I In for a watch that's as modern as the airplane, as ac- curate asthe tides, as rugged as an oak! Trade It in for a BULOVA---world fo. mous for Accuracy and Dependability, A watch for every taste , . . and pocketbook, From $24.75 yp, LONE EAGLE Handeomely engraved, y. radium dial, 15 jewel Buleve movement, bond + 33750 Listen In Nightly for BULOVA Radio Time Announcements fexible bracelet to 15 lows! Bile BRUNSWICK Popular square model, radium | hands and dil, Nexible mesh band, $2075 18 lowe Bulova movement , « + HURRY! This sale positively ends on Saturday'. . . Bring In your old watch . . . today! BASSETT'S On Oshawa's Main Corner This new producers have faithful to the performance, been accomplished in the instrument The famous REAS w= Music from Air or Records with equally wonderful tone-qual- Hy, Price, complete with tnbey == $375.00, makes absolutely no compromise with purity of tone... Hear it play broadcasts or records . . . op He tremendos energies of the world's largest and greatest musical instrument been bent toward one goal -- duce an instrument that should have a tone so vivid, so wonderf that all comparisons must fail: 'This has perfecting of micro-synchronous balance, 0 so With this new instrument, you move an indicator and the full rich music of your favourite broadcasting station floods the air. You touch a button, and in an instant you may Ploy your latest record. Whichever S you play -- broadcasts or recor -- the fullness of the music is ) yet you may subdue it to a mere whisper if you wish, Victor Micro-synchronous Radio with Electrola, or Victor Micro-syne ment all Vicror dealers. MICRO.SYNCHRONOUS it in your home, Co chronous Radio alone, has no rival at any price, A small first nvenient Kratais are wonged by: VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY. OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL ; :

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