Oshawa Daily Times, 8 May 1930, p. 12

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Cari ci Sr Ty eh (ii Al AA) ald i th THE OSHAWA DAILY IMES, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1930 Killy orem by Thornton and W. Burgess Who wisely plans ou out every day win make Wily he. for somo pinay, ly the 1g fipsrrow Hawk, Mrs. Killy he ols Prarrow Hawk ned been gossiping with Peter Rab: bitt, much to Potor'n delight, But presently she shook out her feath- ers and prepared 0 leay &' : a ossiped long enough," su ) fa better pk a meal and then Kot hae H those precious eggs of nine. X Ki hy hr wondering what ot ep . or A and Peter then wal ant her fly up snd pre- sontly begin to circle about over the Green Meadows. Now and then he ¥Aw her plunge down and he was pretty eertain that each time she caught sumething, Just what ah caught he couldn't be Hit wasn't. gone A groat Sal 'whor when she returned and flew straight to her nest, which as you know was in a hole high up in the tren nesr where Peter was sitting, Out came 'Killy and in wont Mrs, Killy, Kijly flew to the top of the dead hranth In which his home was and 1ookéd 1his way and looked that Yay With those keen eyes of hig #0 keen that from 'way up in the fir they could see a oricket in the grass, Me maw Vplay gt once and flow over to the fancepost near which Péter was sitting, "Hello, Potor!" said he "Haye you seen any fat | Meadow Mice around here?" "Mo," said Peter, "not around hore,' "I thought you might have seen Dansy Meadow Mouse," said Killy, "It {som long time. since 1've seen alther Danny Meadow Mouse or Nanny Meadow Mouse, The last 'time I saw them they, Were so fal that they made my mouth: Water, Fo 1 hoped you could tall me where I could find one of them." "I wouldn't toll you If I could," retorted Peter, "They are friends of mine, IT should feel very bad tu have Danny or Nanny Meadow Mouse caught," Killy shickied, "Well," sald he, "any other Meadow Mouse would A as well, The all look alike to thep al a Alike," ooke up suddenly, - #, iret ou, hi have a shoo hia head, "No," sald He, wy wouldn't, When I eateh a bird it 4 because I have to, It Is because 1 am very hungry and ean Bot nothing elas, Give: me my choles between a bird and a mouse and I will take the mouse every time, 'Why I haven't had a bird BAL winter, Pretty soun will he plentiful and Killy and I wil live ' vid And then we eateh a pial sake or a hig 8l8 Are good, Mo are tins All of which reminds me HONE 221 tiffor Your Drug Needs MPSON'S BB == We Deliver 8 TT | Maclin, Diamonds! asset's See FEN TOF AUTO a \ Bik "Hello, Peter, "said he, "have you seen any fat Meadow Mice around here?" that 1 must go hunting again, for already I am hungry. He launched into the air and for tome time Peter saw him out overs the Green Meadows, Kvery now and then he saw Ruy shoot down ward and he knew that Killy wns hunting, What he wes (nt! Peter couldn't tell, until at last Re saw Killy conning big wi, +o something in his claws. Killy alighted on the fencepost once more and Peter saw that he had 8 small snake, "There," sald Kiliy, "I feel bet ter now," when the sfiake had dis appeared, "There Is nothing like « good meal Lo make one fowl Buvu, Now I'll get a little exorcise,' Up went Killy and then he be- gun Lo cut up all sorts of antics in the wir, He did a lot of plain and fancy flying, He was plavine, He was playing and g/ting his nr oise, Perhaps bo wus showing bit for Peter's benefit, However, lia in in the habit of doing thie, for be dearly loves to use his wines, nnd both he and Mrs, Xilly play toe P, Uli Bh J wl aly (Escopt Sunday), a cesae es << ally 3: (Except Sunday) Ce hy vr td Sunday --mwe aa a 2X =a ws Lb TO 3333 2 § Bi SITs as nL Eacept Sundey pe Saturday s238=z3w sman-omm . 3133 nf thy oly o Eacepl Senlley WEEK DAY SCHED A pg in the alr. They know that 1] is as necessary uy work to make ite what it should he, (Copyright, 1930, T. W, Burgess) Hex story: "Nanny Meadow Mouse Docidon Matters," RESERVOIR BREAKS, STREETS FLOODED London ~Considerable parts of lower High street, Watford, were flooded when, recently, a "goon" at the, Colne Valley Water Company's reservoir burst its banks, A jottent rushed through the main line LL.M 8, viaduct, known as Bushey Arches, knocked down & hrick wall, and swept through a public-hotise, and into High street, before finding its way into the river, Several business premises and houses. were temporarily cut, off by a flood which it h estimated, caused # loss of 120,000 ggalons of 'water, SHAW TURNS DOWN HOLLYWOOD OFFER Plays Will Probably Never Be Filmed in United \ States ' Londoha=The plays of George Ber- nard Shaw most Dichably never will be filmed In the United States dur- ing his lifetime, It was learned after 1iis Tatest refusal to desl with Holly- wood, Horace Liveright, American pub- lisher, recently visited London and on hehalf ofa F {ollywood producer, of- fered the deamatist $100,000, each for the film rights of "The Devil's Dis- ciple," "Ari and The Man, "and he sesar and Cleopatra," Shaw, it was learned, replied that he was not flattered at the offer, which he considered good, but 'was nevertheless not interested, "I could not think of having my plays made. into films unless three conditions were met," Shaw sald, "First, 1 would supervise the work myself ; second, even if the produce} door ers allowed me to supervise the work I would not go to the United States a to do it; third, 1 don't need the money, The playwright thus disposed of the hope of some American producers] | that the advent of the talkies would change his opposition to films, It is known, however, that Shaw has made many vigits to leading Bri. tish studios and clrefully studied the technique of filmiwork. Tt Is there- fore regarded as, possible' that some of his plays mayabe filmed in Bri. tain pH his sopervision, THIEF STEALS FROM SECRET SERVICE OFFICIAL"S ROOMS don ~During the absence of Sir Warren' Fisher from his flat at Treborough street, Woodstock street, London, Tessntly, # thief forced the door with a Wi my and ransacked the fom, Sir Warren missed his badge 4 sectotary of the Order of the Brit- fo mpire, fine gold chain, pair of Zeiss opera glasses, gold neck chain with {wo pendants attached, one be- ing of gold and green enamel in the shape of a bunch of grapes, lady's wold dons rim ring, two pairs of mother- of-pea ions Detective « inspector Burmby, of Marylebone, Lane, in- specte the flat shortly after the dis. covery of the robbery and it is under. stood that finger prints were found, Sir Warren Fisher is permanent secretary of the Treasury and has been: "head" of 'the Civil Service since 1919, He is the Visher of the Treabury notes whicli were in circul- ation before the present £1 and 10s banknotes, ENGINEER KILLED IN LONDON BUS MISHAP Ena CR Londen ~One man was killed and another seriously injured outside Devonshire House, Piccadilly, in London, by a bus, Both were engineers on the 8.8, Hadrian, berthed at the Free Trade Dock, London, The dead man is Thomas Pringle, of Hedley street, Newcastle, and the injured man ip John Blacklack, Lans- downe Crescent, Newcastle, Blacklnck had recovered sufficient- Iy'to leave St, George's Hospital, $260,000,000 IS SPENT ON ADVERTISING New York. hy" total of $26000,000 was spent for newspaper advertising in 1929, aecording to a review of the year issued by the Bureau of Advers Hsing, American newspaper Publishes crs' Association, The automobile Industry showed the largest volume of expenditures, twenty-three manufacturers of cars and trucks paid $64,245000 for adver tisements in newspapers during the year, According to the bureau 1929 was 8 record year for newspaper advertises ing, some. classifications showing lines age increases ranging from Wot per cent, We lay claim to no special diag= nostic skill, but offhand we'd sey that Chicago's trouble 1s gangs greene ~Border Cities Star, ELLA CINDERS--A Dog's Life »" Wy "I 18 oui YY TELLING TOMMY HAS ANYBODY EVER MADE GLASS THAT WOULD BEND, YES TOMMY, A NEY KIND OF GLASS 1S BEING MADE IN AUSTRIA, THAT ¥iILL, BEND . fii i g) MADE BY CONDENSATION PROCESSES, UST LIKE BAKE: LITE OR OTHER SYNTHETIC RESINS HAS MOST OF THE GOOD QUALITIES OF GLASS, AL AL 1115 PERFECTLY TRASPARENT, CASTIC, HAS MUCH STRENGTH AND A FAIR DEGREE OF Al MESS, IT WILL NOT SPUNTER HEN BROYEN, 713 TAAMSPARENT T0 THE UTRA-VIOLET RAYS. 17 TAKES A BRILLIANT POSH AD MAGMIFIES WHEN MADE INTO A LENS | ' IT MANES AN 108A} \ WINDBMIELD / HAPPEN 10 BE SO INTERESTED & IN THAT NEW © 1900, King Tontanys Symes, tae, Orest Britain rights resirond ---------- Co BRINGING UP FATHER | CLOTHES THAT TRA PART | JUST LOCKED MAGGI E'S ES Solid HID THE NEY Rad iE Wii! 1% RTS -- "fie AF TERNOOA) ® 1999, Tat" Ponture Servies, Tne, Oren! Pritam ngs sessrved WITHOUT DRLAY. NES THE ONES ' WAD LOOKING AT YESTERDAY BEND THEM RIGHT OVER TWO DREVORS TWO HONORED DOLLARS: COLLRCT: AN WHAT: COMBY WAS VERY SCARED. 5] |"TWIRL YOUR THUMB WHEN Doves one) Y AND COMPY BECAME INVISIBLE = i 4 SARRLY: ACROSS, THR BRIDAR 5000 GRE | HE VZTLE 7 BilLYy WANTED ME To @0 TO LUNCH WITH HM | WASNT DRESSED Woy = AM § BOLO uP SOAY. TILLIE THE TOILER--Just an Old Shoe ANT LEE A J] Cini You Ay Bly A EER» WON'T | Br BACK UNTIL ®YER 0 TWO Hr WW ae a TO LUNCH rola pol DROP | THAT WORK AND TAKE

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