Oshawa Daily Times, 8 May 1930, p. 11

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PAGE ELEVEN Premier Vorguson and the Ontario provincisl government at luneh The visiting publishers snd the wives were suterinined hy organirations during the after~ noon, the program including » ve~ aoption by Mrs, Irving ¥, R tuon and tes hy the Toronto Women's Dress Club, Last night the members of the pafty sitended a dinner in thelr henot by the Toronto mem. hers of the Empire Press Union, Today he party will visit Ham iiton, Bt, Catharines and Niagara Palin, entratuing In the evening for Ollpwa, THE OSHAWA DALY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 8, EE what they called "ile Brontont hue min problem of ony Pte Aste! Copeland Now York, FA bei of of (he whe commities, charged thers are thous wands of people dying of * eanesy who might be releved hy proper treatment The cancer experts, including roma of the nation's leading autus orities on the disease, were oalled before the sub-commition to Lowi) fy on the Harris Bill, which would authorize un $100,000 appropriation for eresting a commission to des vise means for Government aid In siudying cancer control, 80 Var Cont, Gain Dr, Ellice MeDonuld, director of oancer vesearch at the University of Pennsylvania, was authority for the siatement thers are 100,000 al. logad "cures for cancer, We mid thers has heen a 20, per esnt ins CIVIC RECEPTION FOR NEW ZEALAND EDITORS, TORONTO (By Canadian Prose Lowssd Wire) Toronto, May B=~Mombary of (he Now Zonland and Austratfan press party on the way to the Imperial Pros Conference at London in June arrived In the. ely yesterday They were tendered 8 elvis vecep- tion hy Mayor Wamp on behalf of the eity council and were guests of the Throne, ¥ 1) en i td o in pt Tove ont fo rls over Premier King's cable a his Maj esty's reply " Ra Bucking "To Lord ham Faisce 0) or 6 1980, vey 10 is Ma: wy ¢ Tollowing Ayrd "lon thi iwentieth ann y bases and amity i west noses THANKS CANADA FOR GOOD WISHES": niversary of to the ems over | Thrones may " permitted yespaets i! mars (he hot tol nd to fond or th . | greetings fon. 1 p tli " kk of to ner sand at Poop! to! much it owes Hun ine. - - uh) Buzza Line of MOTHER DAY CARDS' Best in Art and Literature elt Bros. The Leading Jewellers 12 SIMCOE. ST, SOUTH Buy Where Satisfaction is a Certhinty. y the Po tion and per | No doubt, the Hon, W, 1, member of the western Auralia loginintuve, has his own tron but his chief diMenlty at the mom. cheer up at breakfast pep up at lunch Pur slp in your erniag appetite, Heap wp er Bran Flakes in your bowl, Start your 'the matchless flaver «the welcome pp TIL vim 1 Deter BA eben \ Or treat yourself to extra sont by ordering Kellogg's Pop Bran Flakes foe lunch, ' Theyre a wonderfully balanced food with milk or ~« aveam, Here's. quick energy in crispy, tasty flakes = ont seems to he avoiding heing mis. taken for Premier a peing and having to explain some Intricate MEMBER OF NEW TEALAND IRENA PANTY PYERYWHERN MISTAKEN FOR MON, md Cmbariassing weak point In the government's policy, The fhetasraphe here show, LEM wemier Howard Veovguson, and, RIGHT, Hon, W. 0, Mann, whe Is with the New Zealand press dele. gation, A glance at theses two a, nN photographs 1s suMiclont explana ton ax tg why My, Mann suffered the surprise of having his hands wrung. hy western (own eltisons, whe exclaimed: "Why, Vergle! What ars you doin' way out here?" vonmliey. of its reigning Sovereign In the Great War your Majesty stood as the symbol of the common affors of all your subicets, the rally ing centre of all the forces that ought In the name of British liberty, In the diffeult postwar period of reconstruction your Majesty's under standing and steadfastness have heen an Indispensable factor in the sely tion ef the many problems which arose, The Canadian people offel thelr fervent hopes for the health and happiness of your Majesty and her gra lous Majonx the Queen lo Mackeneie King Prime Minister "Buekingham Palace, London, "May 0, 1030 "The Right Hen: W, L, Mackenzie King, hawh, Ont, warmly thank you, the Govern ment, Parliament and people of Can ada for your greetings and good wishes on this the twentieth anni versary of my accession. 1 heartily appreciate the sentiments of grail tide and devetion which inspired th terms of your message "George R, 1" NEW CHARGES LAID AGAINST BARRISTER Ey Listowel, May K~Seven eltigen vester Tatd 'some twelve addition al ehatgos of intent to defraud a galnat . Ceell Hamilton, local law ver, in veal estate deals with Hubba & Hubbs on highway properly near Toa This action hy the Crown aame A8 A Aurprise, as it was believed that all charges had bean laid several months age, on several of whieh Mr Hamilton 10 he tried next Tuesday before Judge Clements in Stratford SPAIN'S POLITICAL STATE PRECARIOUS Three Major Groups. Fight. ing to Assume Reins of Leadership Madrid, May? Tom Thres major olitlonl groiips are smerging from he present uncertainty following the dictatorship. of the lata Cen Primo de Rivera, it is painted out in wellsinformed quarters in Ma- arid, These are: 1==The Monarehinl tives, -="The Constitutional Monarehy, with the King's power somewhat ourtatled and mare authority vest: od In Parliament, f==Republieans, posnibly tnholud: ing minorities in a Left Wing Res publiean mroup favoring an even more radienl, posaihly a Noolalint Gomerament, A survey of the political tendons oles, Indicates the Monarehial Cons SOrvatives apparently are nearer tn power than the ethers, An effort ia bainx made to unite the various Monarahist factions, with a fair des free of sucoeas, In the avent aoe cord could be reached, it In gener Ally agreed the Monarehist group would onary considerable weight nn the coming political = afalye | of fpain, Premier Upheld Nowaver, in the event sueh fas ord were attained, a ohange Hy the present cabinet was not eons sidered imminent, Several Moh. arohist teaders bhallava that Pram. for Damaso Rerenguer should eon tinue until the elections, The second sroup the Coenatitue tonal. Monarohiats, Hmiting the power of the King, ia far fram nows or, the United Press Correspondent 16 ANA towar attention has oould only Connerva: turned, assume office The aneation te siden in, do the SROuEN ba ranath : move Many in touoh Ww! a of the pi They ex heard dn all ubioans Lave volt and rey fully? h the! vapid ware pkentis Shine n that would made a n ims the ithout ih X rn \ 0 RAN on WILY in ite Jha rahin, Nh HE Activities of Wo rane NONSD. Came no first group have oaused | a onnsiderahle interest vecontly, ne hate Are etopk ramory that he RE --_--_-- may he pinged at the head of a Monarohist government, succeeding Fromier Berenguer, €ambo, noted ehiofly an a fAnancier, but develops ing & politlinl following recently, has confervad with leaders in the Monarchist movement and has be coma an Important Agure In thelr group Mantiagoatha, Tihera! Leader, In another whose name Is often men toned He hay assumed some of the leadership held hy Hepohes Guerra, former Premier. and now Liberal spokesman The Nght, apparently lew ha fwaen the Extremes Absolute Monarehists upholding the rule of King Alfonso and the audeclous Renublioans demanding the King abhdlents, In the meantime Pramisr Roren guer's Government gontinies to oling to» precarious sxistence and to promise elections and a» Parlin: ment by the fivat of next year, | TRACT SOCIETY HONORS OFFIGER -- J, M. Robertson Retires Af-| tor 36 Years us Book | Room Manager Taranto, May 7. Pre ontarton | | an luminated address fo J Robertson, who Is retiring , B60 years perviea an hook ln manager, and the election o ors marked the annual vn | here of the Upper Canada Relig oun Tract and Wook Rodiety Captain B Lambert, chaplain of Christie Bieeet military hospital, addressed the mesting and told of the tiresome hours that had been made mora pleasant for war vel orang at the hospital, as the result of the hooks presented them hy the noelety Arthur Jnuram, secvalarystroass prosented his report, whieh showed mora than 1,000 visits had heen paid ta varlens vessels on Canadinn waterways and that nine new Hbraries had been established on various eraft, RN, Parson Harling was sleeted president, Vigespresidents inelnd od Judes Mackay, Ottawa, and W (. Bronson, Ottawa, His Hxeel toney, Viscount Willingdon, Gover norsGeneral of Canada, was again elected patran of tha roelety, London Cadi Ponders Chewing Gume==ls It Food, Drug or Worry London, Ont, MayTMagis trate TW, Hoandrett has found Rimaalt stuck on the ehewing gum problem, and not for a week will he duteriiing whether the celahrats ad muscla developer In a drug to he sold in drug stores or a food tn he consumed on the premises under A PeAtaurant Hoense, London has a hyslaw compelling Aru stores to clone at & pom, Reve orl ol me fen have Jamained open yacent or that I A bub, pana olaim that pres why . m were made aver the lupeh eaunter, tN 0, Meal 3 solloiter for dvugaintn Wha support the eavly oloalng Wi maintained that a restaurant osnse only empowers the company to sell faoda far oons si ption on the premises, He plated that chewing sum Ia nat consumed, hut only worried, AT ------ SEGRAVE TRYING FOR LAURELS IN MOTOR BOATING Building New 4,000 HP, Craft, To Go 130 Miles Por Hour Ml Cowes, 1, O, We LLB Ja now under es tore Ihe Rin Henry moter wow in " Veoht ol has of Great Rritain tion in to wre ho 0 "on haha "offioial ohaliange to the Yachts a Asvneiation of Ameviea, The actual stengels, the ment \rer, 8 | Mongrave himuelf, will he forbidden nd, haetle fn the history of motorboat raoing, takes place at Detroit in August This will he the seventh attempt to vacapture (he British Interna- toni! Trophy from the United Mintes, Prance having made two als temnts and Great Britain four, In two weeks' time two Rolls Nove engines, each developing something Nhe 2,000 hp, will he dropped Inte da somewhat fralt looking craft These, IL 1s est mated, wit! hurl tha hoat along the siplace of the walar at a speed of from 100 to 120 miles an hour The present vecord 18 Just aver no miles an hour, and is held hy Commodora Gar Wood, of Ameri oi The angines ara on the alr min i8try's neovat Hat, and may. vamain wo until nftap the event, as they are still helng improved They will ia guarded hy mechan lof day and night, and (hess meah Anton will travel with the boat to Amerien to sen that ne one pries into iis meoretn Kven Nir Henry to touch the engines he 1'nited Bintan 1x replying to the challenge with a host Also | onuipne d with engines developing | approximately 4.000 horsepower, | In her ease, however, four engines will ha naed EE RAIL MOTORCOACH NEW DEPARTURE FOR THE TOURISTS Will Run Either on Ralls or on Highway, British Say London ='"Hee the country by all motoreoach," may wall ha a new slogan of tha vallway eompans log If the experiments with this type of veahiole prove snecessfyl, Barly In the summer rail motor coaches, designed (0 run slither on the vallraad or an the highway, will ha tasted over a special rall track wet aside for experimental work hy one of the leading RAritish Railway companies The following are stated to he the reasons that have lad up to the exnapiments, which are of consid erable Interdwt to the travelling publi 1, The arowing popularity af the motorcoach as a means of travel, 2. The very law coat of a motors coneh eamparad with a train, A, The fact that hundreds of miles of vallroad passing through very heautiful eountry fn not used to anything Hike ita full capacity, 4, The very high spends possible with this type of velilee, i Traftio demands do not always juntity the rurning of a train, hut Hght speedy motormoonches could he run at a very low cost and at frefuent intervals, or some time past the rallway companies haye heen acquiring an Interest In mototcoach eoncerna throughout the country, They have had the vidon ta forsee the popular tanta In thin divection, TH >motors oopches are papular on the roads, why should they not be equally popular on the vallvoads, which, tn effect, are the finest roads In Mls tain? The will he interest 200T OF 100,000 TREATMENTS FOR CANCER HELPFUL 20 Per Cent Increase in Disease in Last Two Years Washington, May Too=There are only two reliable treatments for OANCAT an against 100,000 "quack ouren a mroup of lsading oanesr oxperta told a Renate Commeres SubsCommittes during a discussion AF ways and means hy whioh the fartheoming experiments watohed with the eloseat cronse in the past two yes, The physioians agresd thers are only two reliable treatments for cancer, and they are affective only In the early siages=surgery and radium treatment, Manator Copaland said that many physioians are ignorant of what cancer is, Tack P "There are thousands Bh ionts under the ears of physicians," he mid, "who with proper treatment might he velieved, but are fated to death heeause of lack of proper treatment," Many treatments whic are calls od GANGAT CUTAN ATS WOINS than se. loan and increase tha divesss, he physielans sald, "They emphasised no serum, medieine, Arug ar Inter nal medicine of any kind is proper treatment, They also agresd cancer In on the fnarease and thers "is evidence (to suggest there in no reason for It If proper redium and surgery treatment were available tn all" Dr, Joseph Weodgood, of Johns Hopkins Hospital, vecommendad 4 survey hy the public health servies of methods and resulis in various cancer treptment aenipen, ICE OUT OF GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Halifax, NA, May B,~Rhips in tering the Gulf of Saint Lawrence from the Kast or West may take any denired course through Cahat Niralght and up the gulf or up the north coast of Cape Breton, states a report from tha Covernment fee patrol RBhips for Cornerbrosk or any part of western Newfoundland wil) have fea diffioultion at pressnt, The western edge of the pack Is now 17 miles north east magnetie from Capa Andulille, ) This fee a closely packed and heavy on the western edge hut Wore open as ships proceed east, Morning, fiody oY they're theyireigiovel Jato you Ch t wi " Za holesome licious Coolsies for yous, chile dren, abwa ful ayors for Daa a Si, wig ONLY. GOOD THINGS ARE SOLD LEGS ih, 33 LOINS 1b. 27. Flanks of L AMB, 1b. 12e¢ Crisp, crunchy ' Three = Young Ontario Lamb Fronts Lanh Chose ib. 1 8e FRESH Shoulders» 18e | PORK LA "ih Pally WETHEY'S Strawborry, 40 on, jar FEETPRT OR. | | Raspberry, 40 on jar We wisn 390 Et ant 16 ox jar vin, Bde Pineapple Marmalade). ale WETHEY'S Marmalade WETHRY'S GreengageJam 40 oulu 370 SHIRRIFY'S : Marmalade LITTLE Clip Marmalade 22%" L™2§e Tea and Coffee ARNOLD'S RED LABRL THA, ARNOLD'S DINNBR BLEND vn 49c |». 4c 40 on. Jar 28 4 1b Tin §30 Government can ald (n controlling if AS 'ThickRib Roast "260 | 'Blade Roast »28§e | "290 #80 | puck Ross 121s GRANULATEE Sugar 10: the. § ps 10 foo 8 suo 3 MeCORMICK'S Jersey Cream Sodas . y 8 ou, Pankege 30280 Sunera Cereal Package 280 . Jello Aworted Flavors 3 for 230 X Rie. AN Red | Cherries 3 an bol 140 wo FISH = Frosh Fillets of Haddock, Froah Fillets of Flounders; 1b; Fresh Fillets Lake Trout, 1b, 38¢ . Fresh Fillets of Cod Bass 1b. 20¢ + Smoked Fillets Haddock, 1b, 220 | Arnold's All Canadian Markets Wl Wl ¥ vy y 3

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