Oshawa Daily Times, 8 May 1930, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1930. ns PAGE NINB "The. Whitby Advertising, Whitby Wrancu Lb Alley iptions and nows will at Uns D7 und Uhronielem=Tolophons Hours ~ (hone BH), i Daily T imes be, received as the REPRESENTATIVE AMES H, ORMISTON Chief Gunson to Resign Special Council Meeting Discusses Police Affairs Local Garage Owners Complain to Council of Discrimina. tion by Chief in Hauling of Wrecked Cars--Clitizens Complain Local Boy is Unfairly Dealt With in Police Investigation---Local Police Matters Debated--Chief to Put Resignation in Writing Herbert Pham Chief Constable of Whithy for over three boas, told the Town Counell on Wednesday morning ut & special meeting, at which police matters werd discuss od, that he would resign. The Ohlef was asked to place his resig- nation In writing and while he at first declined he promised the Couns ell that he would do so. Coun, W. 1. Davidson moved that the verbal yesiguation be accepted, Deputy-reeve RB. M, Deverell seo onded the motion, When, however, a majority of the Council opined that the resignation should he In writing In order that there would be a proper record of same, the mo- tion, with the consent of the mov. or and seconder, was withdrawn, Chief CGunson's announcement he would resign during the heaging of charges made against him by representatives of the Davidson Motor Company and the Ontario Motor Sales that thelr firms were being discriminated against in fave or of Jones' garage. This firm, it was alleged, was receiving all the wrecked oars ploked up at acels dents attended by the Chief, ¥, H, M, Irwin, representing the Davidson Motor Company, told the Counoll that the Chief had refused to lot representatives of that com pany comply with a request from the owner of a car which was wrecked on the highway in Whithy Tuesday night that it be taken to their garage, The ear owner, a wo- man, it was stated, after the wreok, specifically asked that the Motor League garage, owned by the Dave idson Motor Company, be notified, The Intter went out their wrecking outfit and when it arrived on the HEREAFTER WE WILL BE CLOSED FROM TWELVE O'CLOCK NOON ON SATURDAYS We orders for " respectfully request that Saturday delivery be placed on Friday Oshawa Lamber COMPANY. LIMITED "28 Ritson Road North Telephone 2821-2820 Don't Starve The Teeth a FE PRR ta Fo Teeth have tobe built outol foods that are rich in phosphorus und calcium, Many children take into adult life teeth that are defective, unfit for the job that nature intended, Shredded Wheat with milk helps develop sound teeth, good muscles and good bones. Itis rich in the bone-making salts. The. * okisp, crunchy shreds make chewing , necessary and that develops healthy | dent yan hag Le 11) b 1 od blk | it was found that the Chief head notified the Joho arent. tor the wreck, Ohlet Gunson emphatically de- nied that there had been any dis. Ho aid had been 18id Ssmat the woman the car had been placed in the Jones Saige under seizure, int that after the case was disposed of any other garage in town could have it, The Oblet also dented a charge made by Mr. Collins, of the On. tario Motor Sales, that his firm had not received s wreck in two yours, notwithstanding the fact that their truck had many a time been first on the scene of an accident, The Chief admitted that the Jones gars ago had received quite a number of wrecks in the past two years but denied that there had been any dis- orimination, J, H, Perry complained to Coun ell that a Whitby boy, son of & widow, had been taken in hand by the Chief and the officers investi. gating alleged thefts from the Hospital and' for several hours at a time subjected to wu severe crows examination, with the result that both the boy and his mothod had suffered in health and had appealed for assistance and protection, Mr, Perry contended that such actions on the part of the police were un- warranted and very unfair, and in his contention was strongly up- held by the Counsell, Chief Gunson is reply to this charge wanted to hava the boy come before Councll and tell just how ho had been treated. The Chief contended that he was work ing under instructions of Inspector Boyd and was simply carrying out his duties, Later on in the meeting, when thie hospital investigation came in for some unfavorable oriticlem on adoount of the wide publicity given to ft thd the fact that several re- putable oftizens had been thrown into gaol and thelr names sent broadoast, Chief Guuson stated it was a painful duty for him to have to arrest these men, some of whom were his best friends, but he had his duty to perform, A -------------------- COUNGIL RULES ALL POLICE FEES BELONG T0 TOWN Report of Special Committee Defines Position of Chief of Police The bylaw passed by the Town Council of 1929, in the month of Des cember, fixing the salary of the Chief Constable at $2,000 per annum, and requiring him to hand over to the town treasurer all fees earned by him in the discharge of his duties, was the subject for discussion at the Council meeting on Monday night, when a special committee appointed three weeks ago to investigate 'cers tain Provisions of the bylaw submit- tod} {] Sport, The chairman of the Committes, Reeve Albert W. Jackson, submitted to the Council the following report, which after some discussion In come mittee-of-the whole, was adopted: Your special committes appointed to consider and investigate the mats ter of the Jayant to the Town of Whitby by the Chief Constable of all tees collected by him while acting as Chief Constable, beg leave to re: port as follows; Your committee has taken adviee and has made considerable enquiry from the municipalities, and we have come to the definite conclusion that under our present bylaw the Chief Constable. must pay over to the town treasurer all fees collected by him in discharge of his duties, less any personal ex nditiites for which he produces paid vouchers, Your committee therefore recom. mends that Chief Gunson be requests ed to pay over forthwith any fees now in his hands, less expenditures, and also all fees which he may col- lect in future, All of which Is respectfully submit. ted, Albert W, Jackson, chairman, It will be recalled that when the bylaw was under discussion a few weeks ago Chief Gunson contended that he was entitled to retain cers tain foes earned by him for prosg- Surion under the Criminal Code, and Jor County work, The Council ag- y Sordiugly laid the matter over until the special committee had made an ine vestigation and submitted a report, The Sunil, ontention was that the bylaw had been drafted by the wh solicitor in accordance with the provisions of all statutes. and that She ch ot Nn therefore required "to | oF inal fees earned by him whe the n or out of the town SUNDAY GAMES IN THE TOWN PARKS. BANNED BY COUNCIL Sunday in Whithy's. Le dr NEW CATALOGUE OF LOCAL INDUSTRY PRAISES . WHITBY | Town 'Cound E Expresses Its , Appreciation in 'Resolution Reeve Albert W, Jackson brought to the Town Council's attention on Monday evening a reference to Whit- by's advantages as an industrial i tre appeatin in a fine new cata jt 4 sued by the Whitby Mallea ble ron & Brass Company, Limited, suc~ censors to the Hatch Manufacturing Company, now. operating Whitby's largest industry, The reference to the town describin ing the location of the factory as read by the reeve is us follows : "Located in the old Couty Town of Ontario, Whitby is + a splendid manufacturing town, ideally situated on the shores of lake Ontario, thirty jin east of Toronto, It is served the main lines of the Canadian Nate Railway and the Canadian Pacific Rallway, and a network of commercial trucks operating in every direction" Reeve Jackson opined that this satsloghe b being distributed through out 'Canada to leading business houses, would result in much favor- ablg and. valuable advertising for the town, and he thought that the Coun- to the Company for what it had done. Council unanimously passed the fol- lowing resolution, moved by Reeve Jackson, and seconded by Coun Ormiston "That this Council has noted with pleasure the very fine new catalogue Just published by the Whitby Malle- able Iron & Brass Company, Limit. ed, successors to the Hatch Manu- facturing Company, in which an ap- yropriate reference is made to Whit. bys advantages and location as an industrial centre. Inasmuch wus this catalogue will have a wide circula- tion among the trade all over Can- ada, the Council appreciates the value of this favorable advertising, and hereby desires by resolution to place its appreciation on record. The clerk is therefore hereby instructed to for- ward a copy of this resolution to the President of the Whitby Malleable Iron & Brass Company, Limited." Councillor Ormiston remarked inci- dentally that the catalogue had been Sted in the local printing plant at Whitby, giving employment to Whit. by men, Coun, W. M, Pringle n remarked that the catalogue woul sent to all leading harness men in Canada, FIRE CHIEF ASKS WHITBY CITIZENS TO PREVENT FIRES Urges Clean-up of All Yards. Chief Making His Annual Inspection ' i This week hap been set apart b Firg Chief Smith as Clean-Up Wee for the town, Clean-Up Week only comes once a year, so that the peo- le of Whitby should make every ef- ort to make the city as presentable a Sasible, rogram for the 'week calls for y thorough cleanup of cellars, backyards and fence corners. The citizens are advised to burn ail thelr rubbish and place cinders and other indestructable matter out for the pa 'collectors, Merchants in the usiness district are warned that no fires are to be started in that sec. tion, other arrangements must be made for the disposal of rubbish and waste paper, The Joarly clean-up is an excellent opportunity for ll the residents of the town to do their share in making the town a model of beauty and clean- lines, The cleaning-up of the back yards in the business areas will be a step toward fire prevention, A dirty ard is an invitation to the "Fire lend" Every effort should be made to make the town presentable, The tourist season has almost begun and thousands of people will pass through the town this summer, All citizens may make the town a credit themselves and to the Dominion of which they fotm a parts No better investment can be made 'than to have a clean pin ng ¢ AW No tourist is favourab ly impress dirty, un. en town; ny clean, tidy Street wi A dist newly painted store are-an invitation to he CA v. res submitted to the Statistica rtment of the p verntaent show that the towns and 8 that are doing the best bil. no are those that are taking to make their localities, be in 'every respect. It in surprising what a little effort kept, ap will produce, in the line of business, speaker at a meeting lately, state ed that' she Rego of money spent ntarid he rists last year Son to 40 1he hunt hun v of millions ing 'ih ® town of by 8 Andie surely it can share in this prosperity, FIRE IN JOB PRINTING PLANT During the thunderstorm which passed over the town Wednesday ovening trouble developed the five horse power motor which sup- jin Jowst top the largest n the Mun 0 fellow y at Dune das and he trouble, which 8 Rtv a short oirouit, is be. lieved to have been due to lights The motor burst into flames were ky aningyished in the hkuds of Hh trom their mon- yh fire hall, made Au au Tatponse Thea fire alarm urned in, 0 damage was confined almost entirely to the motor, NATIVE COMMANDER IN INDIA commander of the British forces in India, is looked upon as a man who will be able to cope with the situation arising from Aemonstrations followers of Gandhi, the staged by the IN THE CHURCHES OF WHITBY Bt, Church, ister. Sunday, May 11, services ap- propriate to Mother's Day both in church and Sundsy School, 11 a.m,, morning worship; day School; sh ip Whitby Andrew's Rev, Baptist John Lindsay, Presbyterian min. 2,80 pm, Bune 7 pm. evening wor- You are cordially invited, Church, T, V. Best, pastor, Sunday, 10 a.m., Bible school, classes for all ages; 11 a.m,, divine worship, 'Son, behold - EL, aa AL _,... thy aaa : "God Knows", otis 7 p.m, special men's ral a bid om. BAPU fii 80 3 yi tathey and son bandon | Men's Club « i Thurs 487, . iy i M praise meet of Stanley Jones "The Christ of Every intent' bos i cordimtty avited, pel lout Chureh, 3rd Sunday after Easter, Holy Communion (corporate AY. V.A.), 8 am, morn ing prayer, 11 a.m, Sunday' fichool 3 pm, evening bid snd sermou, pm. #t. John's, Port , rector, Rov. D, B. Langtord, . Prd Sunday after Hostels » 11thy services at 11 am, and pi not T.pm.; 3 pm, LA Sohool and" Bible classes Owing He help 1 meet~ ings of the W.A, will be no touchers' provaration'" class this weok, Whithy United Church minister, Rev, A. L. Richards, B.D), Jundar, May 11, "Mother's Day'l, 11 a, morning worship; 7° p. ®. ow, OVD! ning J pry k at con, 0 session of the Sunday Modal az day, 8 pm. closing session of Young People's Vellpwohtp, or, Mev, Roy Rickard, of Viskoring, Tubsdsy, 3 p. m., women' ] Asoo. tion, CASTLE CHAPTER MEETING "The regular monthly meeting of the Castle Chapter Alumnae was held Monday afternoon in the Col- lego drawing room, the president, Mrs, Leo Gray in the chair, The nominations for election of officers are to be sent Miss Cope- land not later than the 24th of May, Mrs, H, Alger sang two songs delightfully "A Birthday" and "Wake Up." Miss Kisby the piano. Miss Maxwell gave a very eritical and convincing talk on the New Biography, illustrating with two of Browning's poems, House" and "You are Bick, that's Sure, they Say. Mrs, Carseallen poured ten, asgisted by the faculty, at ! Sr ioon, h Mondas, 7 » 7 pm, Junior a YRrU or , COUNCIL EXPRESSES #Y AMPA The Cou on hu evening instructed oi to send a letter of condolence to Mr, and Mrs, Tho- mas L, Rowe, of Toronto, and forme er well known and highly esteemed local citizens, who last week lost by death thelr little son who as a baby brought high honor to Whithy, The occasion in question was 8 contest conducted by s Toronto newspaper when the little lad was declared hy es to be the Jud est baby In ithe tish Empire, ere were 60000) entries, DEATH OF MRS. J. 0, GIROUX At the family home on Dundas Street East on Wednesday, April 0th, the death occurred of Fliza- beth Ellen Hickey, beloved wife of oseph O, Giroux, in her 52nd year, he deceased, although in failing Health for about two years, had been in bed for a month, with an illness of serious nature, The end came peacefully, and the news of her pas- sing caused genuine regret among her many friends, The late Mrs, Giroux had been a resident of Whithy for fifteen years, coming here with her husband and 8 | family from Mattawa, Sle was born in Quyon, Que, The family spent some time in Nova Scotia, Embro, Parry Sound and Mattawa before taking up residence in Whithy, 'De- "| ceased was known as a kind neigh- hor and one who loved and was de- voted to her home, She was also a faithful and active church worker in connection with St. Bernard's Church of which she had long been a mem- her, The funeral service on Saturday morning at St. Bernard's Church was largely atterided. Requem high mass was said by Rev. Father Ryan, and the choir included Mr, and Mrs, Stewart Lee, and Mr, J. J. Callagh- an, of Oshawa, with Miss K. O'Neill, of Gananoque, at the organ, There were quite a number of floral and spiritual offerings, Interment was made in the R., C, Cemetery. Deceased is survived by her hus- band, and eleven children, four sons and seven daughters; her father, aged 82, of Quyon, Que, two sisters and one brother, The children pres Sons, Joseph Pi of Toronses Johw W. of Bridgeburg; Wilfred O. and' Jumes L, at home; daughters; Lilkiny Dorothy, Kathleen, Peggy, Antoipetts and Adelaide at home, Mrs. Harold Mann, of. Toronto. The sisters sre Mrs, Joseph Vallee and Mrs, Fred Riviere of Quyon, and the brother, My, Joseph Hickey, of Quyon, Bath hotse walk is ready at Port Btatiley, Now we are convinced that all bathing suits are not don ned for taking a dip, but rather for the purpose of lamping & Pip. Stratford Beacon-Hersld, "ig But the western tornado appar~ ently was not strong enough to blow the export debenture scheme out of the grain belt.~Bufialo Buffalo Courier<xpress, Rose Bushes From y Holland Hogg & Lytle, Ltd. Phone 203 Satistied Not only that, but those who have given us a trial have sont other johs to us, It means, our customers Aare satisfied, WILSON & HOLLAND GARAGE 168 King St, W, Phone 3292 '22 King St. West, Phone 26329 Simeoe St. South, Phone s170° SMORYD Cottage Rolls' > ii tirm. Je BACON mua 7a wm 40e BACON mun HAMS mv MAM». 20 Fillets of Veal ir mw. 28e Leg of Veal ..W:. Shoulder Roast of Beef 1. 22¢ Blade Roast of Beef wv. 24¢ Brisket Bolling Beef wv. 17. Froeoh Pienic Hams w. 21 MEATS eed iv. 4 Ro FRESH CAUGHT WHITEFISH .......Ib, FRESH FILLETS HADDIE ............Ib FRESH SEA HERRING ..............I5 FRESH COD, by the Piece ........... Ib, 14¢ SMOKED FINNAN HADDIE ..........lb. 38¢ 20¢ 10c 14¢ -- DELIVERED FRESH POTATOES BANANAS--Large, Ripe * Frat vevvn 3 Tbe, 18c FINBAT FLAVOR CUBAN PINEAPPLES COOKING ONIONS CANADIAN HOTHOUSK-GROWN CUCUMBERS GREEN CABBAGE oe ANTI Vo vB Ib 100 CALIFORNIA . - VALENCIA ORANGES: VEGETABLE or FLOWER SEEDS FERS ye ol LOREERER CO bd FRUITS one VEGET. A Peck 48¢ ¥ 20 OUR STORES » gL Riles 1 - 2 1 390 SEL 8 How 28e sn 19 iY AeA f He PRE We Dox. 46¢c FLOUR SALE A 3440, Bag 18 3b. Pall 490 BON AM 1448. ooh 650 24+. Beg $1.05 | -- SHORTENING | 20-b.Pail 43,13 3 140. Prints 2 Ge Potatoes r=: 15.u43e J SOTENTIFICALLY RIPENED IN. OUR, OWN RIFENING PLANT Bananas Whe. 3 ous 19 4 mn Segara" mt oi 344 | sib. Pall Sle | 4 a pee Bhoks _Ll lS & Bs 3 BABBITT'S Sommer 4 re 35+} Groot Twenty-Five Gomi Vatids or Powder LURE ERE Seite imal 3 er --------

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