Oshawa Daily Times, 6 May 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY §, 1930 PACE SEVEN ews o] Stock Markers Grain and Produce Exchanges Produce Prices in the Commertial Markeis | rn Hi my Ly Jams, i ow Kd bio fi breakfast H pra us + poe Bt be Ides, to Jou of #! hu ors, 820 | butts ured a wo 50 10 70 bs, Jay 2 0 to 110 Ibs, 21 a #2 rolls Lard=Purs, fons [3 AB ube tub. Ger] A pails, 176 prigs 1 Shortening w= Therees, ek tubs 13 jes oils. he a dual Yorontg wholesale dealers are quo- 40g 1 lnht-welght rails, he, ERT ung " de, Dayan "ns: 4 TORONTO FARMERS MARKET Ah following ure quotations, re jh n effeet un the Bt Lawrence he To Torontai Kas apis, per Josen ooo o00e O00 0, Nests, per dosen ivi Bot wv, duly, per pound ,o 0.85 0.08 [i py Re per id ve 02 048 s ond Asparagus, | ib | labios ver yr wAEPOLR, DUS soon prininins naan De : qt "er sen ut Duets, bus, 1.78 Des, 6 '] "ne Brussels sprouts, ab ove wren Us Oclong, dry, 1leqti basket, +000 000 Do, Get, basket' Cabbage i vivivieriinrinine Cauliflower iii ie Endive, dusen Spinach: POEM sir inrenirine ushreams, per pound «is oreo 000 ern sever vane Wa 0.38 New carats t 8180 38 jE i i , GREEN 100 WY 02 EERE EA NAR] soveeine 0 iii eneny seenveer Wi MH oernnnrnn a Potato: Cuenml {| ljemonte per nana par on, Brat, " et 0.46 basket oh ed Cal poem be 8, Oct, White oo ). 0 ap Akon i Ti ireen Rh nats EIT 1, 0.2% Green h #iN " 0, Cranhutiny + Apa ul Sirniph p i po CORRERRRRNL HAR Hd arsn rasa nana ie Avpieh, Dik ba oe i peas, 6 " Toma bh, RT TE Pineap aneh oionnri 088 on IKhubarh, huneh huis 4 Cireen [adishas, four pe van res bunches nelied (..) of ¥ Now beefs, two TONONTO PHRODUCK Hi Torp! to dealers buying produce Hy the following Lg gpl) evaded, canes ruturned, 0.45 | fresh extras, TT fresh firets, ¥0ei | TO 20| seconds, § He, Rttorastits 1 orenmery; solide, | Wh 0 81%ei No, §, B04 Churning eream==Hpecial, Noi 1, 88¢i Ne, 8, 800, ia ChesssswNo, 1, Iarge, colored, parafined and gsoverament graded, 18% to 196, Poul Pym Hons, wer he I 1, Creamery ¥ 9 pris, tei No. 2, oreamery, NeW, flivge, 44 to 88 Chet 25 14 to 840i trip We 4 wl stiltous, 870, OM, fares. her (wing 20a; triplets and cuts, 50¢; old stil tons, fle, Poultyyss Ohilokons, B Ibe, Up +000 0, § | ron, over § livollers BUCKS ivi iiiieiaan Turkeys FERRER RRNA T 0 10 WAY AND § AND nn re ede Er pg tmothyy vavesniis Haat Straw serena nne at siraw Winnuum Ud nn anene HL IDEM ven FERRER ThA To nA To, GRAIN QUOTATIONS ord of "I'rade wre making the fol low or quotations for yor lots Manitobs wheat=No, 1 #100 1:4; Neo, 2, do, $1.00 1-3; No, 1. HESUMES SERVICE LL 1B" LEE iA Fast Theough Service TORONTO-=VANCOUVER every doy Time 'G TVERYWH Equipment adie equipped [ERE IN CANADA LYONS' TEA Prices Reduced as follows: RED LABEL Tihs. 7 gibuti.+ .38¢ Eg 3 a Se ba 5c | 11b BLUE LABEL ODE % 1b. .....33¢c Xb, .....17c $2 oz... ..9¢ We are pleased to pass on ta our customers the saving by the elimination of the duty on Bris tony perfeck cup of tea, buy a pack: Northern, 'onting 18,8 and 118 States ourveney. 3 dA No, bi W 1de; Noi b, u jor No, "i 1 peed, 000 (01, bi y ports) ron tobi "ono | 3 ood ab 1-2 conte Neo, 3 40 hing 3 fi 7 yellow, Vide § oh Hh od Mobitreal ; ge fir Whe eo | Prop 1 MUR # Lg i nth market win pr wer and easier on spot ews this morning slthoy colpts wre Jess than expected, Vutures were thd lower In & AA ib trade, it being apparent that many fyermtors wer goment to have the markets report be domed before Hew dominant, te: Lower mir! i ih against he entire or hitter Ist this itloris ng, which barely Hond y at the degline, Del rb on the future call ut 30 1d were Indicative of 0 desire to move butter quickly and to take wdvantage of the premiums obtaine able on stealght ears of extras, Noe fear were down 13 from Suture a makin quotations wer ds Ni cominiiiments, Ml ley 4 November REN, ny butter, 201 June butter " Ry butter, % hi mirket recelpte=Butter to: dry H last year, aa Lge 1 lust year, 05,084, dy, 06 8p0t market utier, ext: Pith ho] standards, 5 tone wenk: graded firsts, 221 tone oasler, yr" ork oMclale=butter, exis 1-d¢) no tone, Kgs, firsts, 4 i 14301 tone Irregulur, 'FPwentysix eltlos=Butter, 16,601, G0 lust yeur, 4550822, Ligys, J 804, 75); lust year, 283,45. Cheese, 31, 2117) lust yenr, 33,437,360, Hiroet stocks=Hutter, 90,000: lust your, 76,208, Eggs today, 121, 008; fast your, 124,340, Movement ut ten marketss=Butter, net In, 337,126 lust -yenr, net in, OB, 902. Eggs, net In, od AHl 4 last your, net In, 47,98, Your markets on hand S11. 828, Nga, 2,479,982 Six eltles=Dutter, 3,304,981 Dy Butter, 9, Lig, CHICA GRAIN Chisago, 111, May 0. Responsive te stock market rallles, wheat scored a brisk advance eatly today, Previ oils speeuintive sellers who "attempts ed to reverse thelr position as to wheat found gferings seare until quo tutions had scored material gain Opening 7:8 to 1 3:8 higher, wheat plterward continued upgrade, Com and oath were also Armer, with corn starting at 3B to 1 advance, und sub sequently rising still more, Prov slons tended to [IT CANADA FORGETS WORRIES AFTER LOOKING AT PERU 8 South American County | Putting up Fightto | Stabilize Money There are faw countries which have escaped paying AL 10ast a por tion of the Anan al penalties of the sagging commodity wave, Can: ada has itn wheat, the United Hiaton has'wheat and cotton, Japan has its silk, Cuba has sugar, Nrasil has coffee, Australia han ita wool, and wo it goen down the line of the world's leading commodities, Put it in doubtful if there Is any | country which finds itaelf no near | the focal point of the drop In com moditien as does Peru, The touns try in, an It were, the pivet of the evelone, and this in all in the way of cheering up Canadians who | fancy they have worries on the hands because wheat is not all they could hope, Canada has a stray worry here and there, but, according to the Intent review of (he Investment Rankers' Association of Amerien, Peru has them staring in at every window, Cotton and sugar are Peru's ohisf agrioultural products, repress per cent of the country's total exports, aogords Ing to the latest returns, Cotton and sugar have both joined the Seg ing commodity wave, ool 1s another important agri oultural erop, Wool tx now quoted around 10 cents a pound, compar. od with 256 cents a year ag, In 1028 Peru passed a law pros yiding that In the future 10 per cent, of the lands granted for wets lament Ahold ho planted to cof. 0, the Alm beloy to increase cots fon exports 00 has wince de. olined materially on the markets of the world, Peru produces three leading mins arala for export, copper, silver and old, Copper hus just recently had th hoary drop, While allver hans been slipping tor many months until now It In at ita low for some years, Gold Ia holding, but Peru's production of gold in declining, Peru han another important ex. port==petroloum and ita products, th the latest year for which figure a are available, the v ort amount. sd to 86 per cent o total, but he Rodin are not oy the hands ot Peru, meraational Petroleum In a big facto! That is the. broad background wainet whieh the Peruvian How arnment {8 putting up = stron H nite ourrency A for the Peru: pou 8, Tatil Fehru- ary in year the monetary unit of Peru was the Peruvian pound, With & par value of $48,685 United In february the Paravi currency, took ita place, t Mito jb on to hold it ta 40 cents Stock Market Prices Markel Summary by Canddian Veess Toronto aud New York Wioek Biggar snd Crawford, A Toronto Stock Exchange Closy 0% 11% 41% Low ah 10% IR 1 High a0% 11% 3 Y Hook Bri A, ON Braz, Can, 2nd Cookshutt Din, Wgrin, | Dm, Hrs, Gypsum Hr, Wal, Int, Nk int, Pet, Ind, Aleh, Imp, Ol Lob, "A? Me, I'et, Mt, Pw HA Hr, Khaw, ] M. Miation ih RES 3 BD 2 ------ -_ a Tewwme=is = DTA = aa - - N iy Standard Ming Eschang | 11] 140 70 42h Koh Hoe 00 a60 ho foo 2800 2700 150 bi 140 70 440 K10 aon gia0 Oi coo told 91 Hd, Bay 010 000 Lk, Wh, 2460 4460 Nrnda A 100 2650 Bh, Grd, 185 1¥ 1} ha 108 LU} 140 Koh Hoh hao ino Ha Ahina Alnx Amulet Oh Now, De, Mun, Faloon, Holl He Hy, RALLY CONTINUES ON MARKET TODAY No. Spectacular Gains Are Aten, Klee, Recorded at Toronto, However The rally which hulls were uble' to bring about in whternoon trading on the I Stock Vxchange Monday earrled o foronte, May ( the ronto A Bullding, od 0 108 060 1p wh 1% Hd, Bs, 199 Th, Mg, 660 Vonturey 131 Wr, Hr, 188 Wainwell 4% steadied around 45 1:2 where it was unehanged trom last night, Interna tional Nickel we,' up-to 33, then i too eased back 10 the same price ny the close last night. Vord of Canada moved slowly aheud to show a gain of nearly # point at midday, Vam ous Viavers advanced to 51 3d, Wal kere strengthened fraetionally, CV IL walned u point, Bell Telephone wa unchanged, the Steels firmed Ie than a point, The oils group, weak from (lic of ening yesterday, uve a better im pression today wit registering gains of a point or more FOREIGN EXCHANGE New York Exchange New York, Muy G=Prime mercan tile puper 3 34 to 4 per cent, Vor tes (Groat Britain In dollars, other Low "M% 40% 06% High 20 bv 44% 61% 448% ho % #1 M% nh 4% $0014 TEA HERA M% Hook Alleghany Amn, Inter, Amn, #mel, Amu, Tel, Annconds Baldwin Borg War, Hoth, Kteel Can, Dvy Can, Pac, Com, Roly, Chrysler bay, Chem, 07 a1 ih 00 fox (lon, Mot, Al Coodyenr .. 77H 1 Ken, Cop, Lig, Carb, Mt, Ward Nt, Ch, tg. Pen, Rall Radio i. Hem, Nand Mm, Hed Win, QI a Mt, of NJ TH % Niudebaker 07 Th, ILI, Boar 77 UMN, Bteel 174 U.N, Rubber 24 Money J per gent, had % 8% ha an% 40 70 1711 4% 00 er this morning snd the market toc on un healthier complex wl Importanes udvanced on a declining turnove which would Indicate that beurs rush ed to cover when the decline was u bruptly halted yesterday, Price mains were hot speetacul this morning. Some wed slowly upward but the and selling, which w dratiips until New York took on definite trend Drdellian wu a i ae Close 4h Ah 246% hil he 1% He% TL a1 hy HER n'y 80 by 49% 07) ti | Did You lon, A Tule wis that the leader stocks contin lenders suld at thele best shortly wulter the | opening, Little disorder attended th inltin! buying | qulekly cleaned up us traders on the | local. market were withholding op quoted nhove 46 for a short time the first half hour, then! in cents Great Britain 485 7.8; Cu nudian Dollars at 9:10 of one pes cent discount, MY LOWED Pl6ase, will you tuke my Hhe's Jot! Willie sister home, sir? b {hort "1m lost as well" h nearly sll issues eign Voxehunge Irregular; demand ra NORANDA ACTIVE ON MINING MARKET Firmer Trend Noticeable To day, But Most Issues Change Little we Torontu, May, 6=Qwing to the continued aetion of the majority of stocks on the mining market during the enrly period today, the renewed strength could not be ealled a rally hut was rithet the result of a cessine thon of selling, Some stocks regists Polleoman==Why don't you (nke A GS ered Interesting recoveries, a big por thon of the list merely held frm | with lust night's closer or moved up for unimpartant advances Norandp was again the most age tive issue, anh met fair demand, gains | ing 81,10 to $26.30, Internationa! Nie« kel was fractionally above last night's ¥ nnd Hudson Bay held une chimed at $9, 7 I Yesterday, Forget? Wk 1] Did you forget to order your FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE yesterday? Then pick up the phone now and tell us how much of this finer fuel we can put in your bins at the lowest prices of the year. JUST CALL... McLAUGHLIN COAL and SUPPLIES, Ltd. Phone 1246 «+ OSHAWA JTS hard "to find a lower- priced tire than the Good: ar Pathfindes=but nd onl the All. usky and one u'll better tire -- eather Tread Good. ear. Pathfinder is "big and handsome. And it's built of SupScwist cords. And it carries he You u ive En Tires ond Selected Dealer GOOD ftfiswlt the full Goods ewe year lifetime guarantee. MADE \ EAR V CANADA

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