Oshawa Daily Times, 5 May 1930, p. 8

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4 IHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MAY 5, 1930 ONT. REGIMEN AND PHILLIPS IN SOFTBALL OPENER TONIGHT | "Oshawa Nats, Play 1-1 Draw ighlanders With 48th Nationals Score From Corner Kick in Latter Part of Sec~ "ond Half -- High Wind Makes Good Play Prac tically Impossible , © Oshaws Nationals journeyed to 'foronto to meet the 4th Highs fanders in 8 Major League gama on Saturday in rather windy weather, but a large erowd turned out to wee the game, Nationaly started off against the wind, and were soon round the 48th goal, but McLeod brought oft # grent save, from a header hy Sathrang, The ball was playing some funny tricks, and Was ve ry hard to control, owing to the wind being Ko §LYong, The Highlanders weve dunger- ous when they got going, but the Nats, defence wus solid and was glving nothing away, ftureh, wno was Laying outside vight, was serving up some nlee stuff, and he rattled the crossbar with the Goultender beaten, Nils fonals nt this stage could do every: thing but seore, Coll was injured and the game was stopped for ! fow minutes, hut he gamely played on though limping hadly, A break , Away by Highlanders and the Nats, were a gonl down, This was tough on the Nate, and a bad decision by Referee Mitchell, as the scorer was yards offside, The Nate, became desparate and shot after shot rained on MelLeod but all to no purpose, In a meles round the Highlanders goal, Mu: phy, the hemesters back fisted na hall out below the lar, hut the jeferee stated he did not ses it, and halt time arrived with no further scoring, Ye CARI W UMBI R (0 SAVE MONEY ! "Roll Your Own" CIGARETTE PAPERS 120 Leaf Book + 5¢ The automatic book, One leafata , Nowaaste, 120 leaves S¢ Demand ZIG-ZAG refuse imitations | resent the | Burgoyne, a former Helleville Hult time-«48th Highlanders 1, Natlonnis 1. The second Jnlt started off with Natlonals pressive again and they never loft the home goal for near. ly 10 min 'but there shooting was oft the mark, : Another bresk uway saw Smith bring off & great gave and a clonred with a big punt down the flold, Mtureh enughi on to 8 pass, and forced a corndy, Placing the hall piesly, Muir ruened it into the net, 1t was all Nationals now, and Vighlanders were all playing on the defence, Maeking into safety, #mith was a spectator nearly all the game, bul wis safe when called upon, The fina! whistle blew, with Nationals prossing hard, and Bathe rung rattled the crossbar Rosult--Nationals 1, 48th High Innders, 1, Nationals have been Instructed by OJ5A that thelr team has been rolected fo play Kilmarnock, (Pouring Meoteh Team) on May génd, They arrive In Oshawa on May 204" at 4.10 pm, und they will be entertafned to & banquet und dance at the Lake On .ny 21ct they will probably apponr in the Regent, and vish the General Motors On May 22nd, wo will ses them in action nt the Motor City Htad- Tum, and the place will be packed KO secure your tiekets early, Belleville A.A.A. To Control All Sport in That City Belleville, May 4i=TIn order to stl mulate Interest In amateur sport los enly, the Belleville Amateur Athletic Association has heen formed, a char ter taken out, and a membership drive pit under way, This new or ganization will eontro!l all local sport. | fol | Several prominent local sport lowers have already affiliated them selves with the association: The di- | rectors have heen named un follows SR, Burrows, J. H, Legate, Dr, V Blakslee, J. B. Ryan, 1. V. lsey, Joe Shortt and M, FV, Duff, Lach di rector will have charge of one branch of sport and will supervise and as sist the various clubs, Mr, Bryson C, Donnan 18 acting as ehaleman and C. C. Fraleck us secretary, Belleville enjoyed a prosperous hoes key season lust year with a new a rena and an effort will be made to build up two first-class teams (0 reps glty next winter, Stan andi prominent as conch of ehamplon ship teams, has been engaged and | will Hkely have charge of hoth junior and senior squads, It Is reported that i number of expert hockey players arg mow making thelr home in the city and early indications are that Belleville will go un long way in quest of the O.HL.A. titles next year, The association will alse have di regt Jurisdiction over the loeal | ball team whieh will he one of the hLest 10 represent the city in some years. Altogether it appears as though the ¢lty Is due tor a great boom in all branches of athleties, Vegetable «Seeds We specialize In hand ling vegetable weeds of first quality only, ---- EE ---------- Our vegetable seeds Are bought direct from flependable growers which enables us to offer better value to our ous tomers, To further ensure the quality we offer our seed are tested by the Dept. of Agriculture tor purity and germination, Our prices are reasons Able and we know that you will he pleased with the results obtained by planting our Quality Seeds, We Sell hy HOGG LYTLE, Ltd © $4 CHURCH ST. PHONE 203 We Deliver boy, Trainmen Win From Railway All-Sters a ---- An exibition game was played on Saturday afternoon, "Duke" Dalnty's Tealnmen and an All-Star team from the Rallway, The game resulted in n 7 10 5 victory for the Trainmen, The appe the Tealnmen were too fast, The ffi wis fairly eyen, the on. Iy highlights being a home run hy "Sonny" Claus and a three-hagger by Clarence Parish, two of the young er players of the league, Both teams tiled off some smart double plays, I'he following is the fine uh: Tralnmen All-Stars Pat, Young N. Whinfield Leo, O'Connor Ross Currle Jos Fair Joe Stureh "Duke" Dainty Dusty Claus Reg, Smith Ray Oldrey Bob MeDonald Stan, Gates Ed, Sim.ions Harold Sheridan "Sonny" Claus Chie, Miner Juek Foote Clarence Parish | O.CLAA. | Standings Intermediate Softball Schedule May S=Phillips v. Ont, Regiment, «Columblas v. Oriental Tex tiles Times v. Parts & Service Regiment v. Columblas, Parts & Service v. Phillips Textiles v, Times, Parts & Service v, ment, b=Phillips v, Textiles Times v. Columblas Lextiles v. Regiment Times v. Phillips, Columblas v. Parts & Ser vice, Regiment v, Times, «Phillips v. Columbias. Parts & Service v. Textiles, Regiment v. Phillips, Parts & Service v. Times, Parts & Service v, Times, Columbians v, Regiment, Phillips v, Parts & Service, Times v. Textiles, Regiment vo Parts & Ser Reg! vice, Textiles v. Phillips, Columbians v, Thnes, Regiment v, Textiles, Phillips v. Times, Parts & Service v hius, Thnes v. Regiment Columbian v, Phillips, Toxtiles vi Parts & Service Phillips v. Regiment «Lolumblas vi Textiles, Times v. Parts & Service 7==Regiment v, Columbina Parts & Service v. Phillips Textiles v. Times, Parts & Service v. ments w Phillips v. Textiles, Times v. Columbias, 17==Textiles v. Regiment, Times v, Phillips, 2l=Columbias v, Parts & Ser vice, Rogiment v, Times i Phillips v, Columblas Parts & Service v, Textiles, The teams standing second and third playoff sudden-death gume for right to meet the first team, for the champlonship of the league, best two out of three games, All double headers beginning on May 15th, first game 7 innings, sec ond game, 7 Innings if possible, Games on May § 8, 12 to start at sharp 645 pm. First game of double headers start sharp AL pm, Second game, 215 pm, Junior Schedule First Series Duco Boys v. Parts & Service, Oshawa Bakery v. Duco Boys. Parts & Service v, Oshawa Bakery, Parts & Servieg v. Duco Boys Duco Boys v. Bakery, Bakery vi Parts & Service, Second Seri Duco Boys v. Parts & Service, akery v. Duco Boys, arts & Service v. Bakery, Parts & Service v, Duco Boys Duco Boys v. Bakery, Bakery v. Parts & Service, Winner of first series play winners of ascond series, best two out of three games, Games start sharp on time, Colum 10 Regl put up a game fight but | National League STRIPP DEFEATS GIANTS Cinginnatl, Ohio, May §.-"Jersey Joe" Strip; triple, double and two singles in four times at bat here yesterday and the Reds dereated the New York Giants, 8 to 4, making it two out of three in the series, New York ...... 000 020 Oll=4 71 Cinelnnatl ,.... 010 250 00x==8 12 | Benton, Parmalee, R. Lucas and Hogan; May and Sukeforth ROBINS WIN DOUBLEHEADER St Louls, 'Mo, May 5=The slug: ging Brooklyn Robins extended their winning streak to seven juitordey hy taking a double header from the St. Louis Cardinals 2 to 1 and 11 to 10, the night cap going 13 innings. The Robins swept the four-game series here, ' The Robina seven-game winning streak in the longest the club has sta aed since 19M according to statis oN Brooklyn ....... 002 000 000-2 7 1 Ste Lonis «you 100.000 000-1 7 1 Phelps and Lopes; Hallahan and Wilson, ' : Second HAME t= d Brooklyn 300 030 200 000 3=11 14 1 St, Louis, 100 002 014 000. 210 14 6} Chi Riliott, Moss, Clark, Morriso v== oy Hill, Rel, Erabon. ski, Haines and Smith, Wilson. drove in six runs with a Andsay, Grahows PORT SNAPSHOT 5 By Gao. Canvama, Sports Bditer Intermediate Softball Starts Tonight The Oshawa City and Industrial Athletic Association's Intermed» Inte Softball League will get under way tonight at the Motor City Stadium when W, 1, Phillips clash with the Ont. Regiment, The brand of softball in this elty has been Improving steadily and in 'a few weeks' time, the local fans will be seeing games of 4 calibre equal to ny In Ontarlo, ' Ld 1 LJ 0.C.LAA, Meeting Tuesday Night The Oshawa City and Industrial Athletic Association will hold thelr regular weekly meeting on Tuesday nights from now on first meeting will be tomorrow night, The The intermediate schedule has been deawn up and if will be discussed and approved tomorrow night, All teams are asked to have their representatives on hand, Other important business will be discussed, * \d Md v To Entertain the Shriners The following elipping was taken from this moming' Empire: Mull and As an added attraction to the alveady lengthy sport program planned for the Shriners' visit, an international lacrosse series will be arranged, Prof. Cox of Syracuse University, and Joe Lally, the the tests which will be Cornwall stick-maker, are or between stars of American Colleges and Oshawa Canadian champ: fons. Joe Lally will present a trophy and it has been suggested to make the series an annual event with games here and in the States every other year, One big obstacle to overcome for the games, which will most likely be held June 12 and 14, ls locating a park to play in, Zven the Toronto senior clubs have not secured grounds for their scheduled fixtures and they may be left without a home as most of the stadiums have been leased for the summer and the university bowl will not be opened until after July 1. While on the lacrosse subject it might be mentioned that a radi eal change in the government of the senior seriesmay be expected before next year with a powerful force organising to form a new major league, independent of LJ . the O.ALA . LJ "Dutch" Osborne Trys Out with 8t. Kitts "Datel" Osborne, well-known Bowmanville boy, who lust winter played his first season in pro, hockey, is now (rying to crash the pro, buseball racket where he will try friends wish him every success " "Duteh" journeyed to St. Catharines this morning, out with the St. Kitts' pro, buseball team His many 4 4 Oshawa City Lose The Oshawa City soccer team lost again on Saturday this time on thelr home grounds, team of Toronto, The locals had a arind the nets spoiled several excellent chances to score alternoon, Thele conquerors were the CPR, margls n the play but loose work The City seem to be having some difficulty In getting going but with a few more games under thelr belts, they will be back in their old stride. * \d * Oshawa Nats, Draw The Oshawa Nationals managed to draw in their first away game of the season The Nats, were visiting the 48th Highlanders The locals tled up the score with about ten minutes to play, when Muir scored off a corner kick, Sturch took the kick, It has been announs ced by the OFA, that the Nationals will play the Kilmamock, (tours ing Scoteh team), on Thursday, May 22. The Scotch team, will ar« rive In Oshawa on May 20, at 4.15 pm, They will be entertained in Oshawa by the Nationals and likely by the City Council The Motor City Stadium will be packed for this game, so get your tickets early On behalf of the Sporting Fraternity of this City, we extend deepest sympathy to Geo, Munroe, well-known lacrosse and hockey eoach of this City. Mr, Munroe has been bereaved by the death of of his father, EDMONTON GRADS ARE DEFEATED BY CHICAGO TEAM, 34-29 Edmonton, May 4.-Chicago Tay- for Trunks, claimants of the world's ladies' basketball championship, han. ded local fans the biggest surprise of the year Saturday night, In the first game of a twosmatch series the Chicago girls defeated the Edmonton Commerelal Grads, Dominion cham. plons 34 to 29, The second game will be played Monday night, RING PATRIARCH During the twenty-five years as sociation with the ring, Leon See, manager of Primo Cagnera, has ma. naged nine different French boxing champions, He refereed Georges Carpentier's first fight when the lats ter was fourteen, FAMOUS STREET ; Jack Berg, the English lightweight boxer, whose real name is Judah Bergman, was born on the same street in London as Ted "Kid" Lew is tormer w®lterwe'ght chmnplon, WHAT'S IN A NAME? The Canadiens hockey club, known as the Aine I'renchmen," are com goted of Morens and Joliat, who are Swiss, Wamie an Germany, Burke an Irishman, Mantha an. Italian. 1S THIS A NECK? Ference Holuban, Magyar wrest. ling ehampion whose name is spelled "Holuban Ferenctisateletere" in his native tongue, has a neck measuring 28 inches around, Hainsworth, and WILD PITCH LOSES GAME FOR PHILLIES Chicago, May SA wild pitch by Koupat in the ninth 'inning, which permitted Dunny Taylor to score, gave the Cubs. their third straight victory 'over Philadelphia, 8 to 7, yesterday," Forty thousand spectas tors watched the game, Pat Malone went into the ninth inning with «7 to § lead, but blew up for two runs on a walk by ¥ RANSON and hits by O'Doul; Klein and \Vhitney, Graver Cleveland Alexander pitehs od only one third of the ninth ine ning "but was' charged' with the de» feat, yy Philade! hia 1.1, 003 020 00287 11 hicago 140i 400 DIO 0218 11 3 Sweetland, Colling, Alexander, Kou pal and McCurdy, Malone and Harts nett Maple Leafs Win and Lose On Sunday Baltimore, Md,, May §~Honors wore even in a double program yes terday afternoon, the Leafs win. ning the opener from the Orioles, 6 to 4, and dropping the seven-in< ning nighteap with a coat of white wash, 10 to 0, Guy Cantrell, former Bird, dom- inated the situation in the first game by an unusually clever dis play of effective pitching, Sam Gib- son was way off form in the sees ond, and Billings, who followed to the slab, wasn't anything to write home about, Harrison hurling the fifth and sixth frames in dandy fashion, Cantrell yielded only four hits fanned seven and allowed no more than a single safety ih any inning. The Birds were absolutely helpless against his fine brand of finging. The husky right-hander by all odds deserved a shutout, only 'miscues by McHenry and Burke in' the sees ond frame presenting the Birds with a pair of runs, Good clubbing in the Afth and sixth frames ac: counted for the Leafs runs, Good clubbing in the Afth and sixth frames accounted for the Leal runs, Chambers was erratic on the mound for the Birds, Jim Weaver relieving him in the sixth Hearn pitohing the ninth, Richard. son played a great game at third, digging grounders out of the dirt and making porfect pegs to the bases, Gibson failed to last three ins nings In the abbreviated contest and seemed to have little on the ball, On the other hand, Werte was stingy with his hit, and snappy work on the part of the Oriole infield aided and abetted thelr cause, A slugging orgy In the third in ning gave the Rirds seven runs, and after that the game was a pros cession, Leafs Leave for Home The Leafs and Birds broke even in thelr werien;, esoh club winning two games, Toronto left for home at at 8.18 pom, to perpave for the invasion of the Southern teams, The orioles delayed their departure until tomorrow night, The Orioles have released Pits | eher John Hollingsworth outright to the Chattanooga 'club of the Southern Assoolation, Outfielder ant [' Britishers To Try For Motorboat Record London, May §~Two Britons al- ready famous for thelr speed records ure planning, to attempt to lower pre sent marks in motorboat and motor car records, it was learned yester lay, Sie Henry Segrave, holder of the automobile speed record of 231 miles per hour, was understood to be plan- ning for the motor boat speed title, He was reported o have designed ou new motorboat, secretly, the "Miss England," which he hoped would he cpible of 100 miles-un-hour, he report said the 'boat would be propelled by two RoMs-Royee engin. es of 2100 horsepower each, Capte Malcolm Campbell, auto speed driver who so far has been unable to better Sir Henry's mark, was reported completing design of u new racing car, IHs attempt at the Verneuk Clay Pan in Africa last year way not successful, His $100,000 ra- cer, the "Blue Bird" failing by sev« eral miles an hour to come up to Se- wrave's record, International League READING DEFEATS BUFFALO Roading, Pa., Muy Bb-----Roeading overcame an eight run lead with rallies in the Kight and Ninth in. ings here yesterday, and punched | over the winnings run in the Tenth inning to defeut Buffalo H to § In | the series final, The win gave Read ing un 8 to 2 edge in the series, Buffalo 600-000 200 0-8 11 3 Reading 000 000 063 1-9 12 3 Buchanan, Parks, Willams, Mangum and Murphy; Welch, Woolfolk, Pitt and Greece, ROCHEETER BEATS SKEETERS Jersey City, May b~-Rochester took the final game of the series from Jersey City yesterday by a score of 7 to 6, The Bkeeters overcomo a large Rochester load, batting four runs weross the plate in the Eighth ine ning, In which Lefty Irvin was pounded from the mound, Rochester 000 203 100.7 Jersey City 001 000 041.7 Irvin, Carleton, and Flornce; Henderson, Grant, Hopkins and Jorgens, ROYALS WIN FIFTH FROM THE BEARS Newark, N. J., May 6~The Mon- trenl Royals made a clean sweep of the five game series with the Nowark Boars, pounding out 19 hits yesterday to take the final conflict by 14 to 6, Five Newark pitchers labored through the lond contest, and the Royals combed thelr offerings for five home runs, Lee Head, Mon. treal catcher, had a perfect day nt bat with five hits in five trips to the plate, One of his blows was un homer, Montreal 111 B10 250114 '0 3 Newark 100 023 000- 6 10 0 Bucklow, Grifian and Head; Roney: Touchstone, Peery, Priteh- ard, Harvin and Munn, American League CHAMPIONS WIN AGAIN Detroit, May 6--George (Mule) Haan, slugging centre flelder broke up a pitchers' duel between Geo, Uhle and Bil) Bhores yesterday with a Seventh inning triple that soordd three runs and started a rally which gave the World Cham« fon Athletios their fourth victory The three runs broke a 1 to 1 tie. which had existed since the Fourth innings. The Tigers failed to score again, but the Champions made runs in both the remaining innings, winning the game by a score of 7 to 1. p Philadelphia 100 000 312.7 11 0 Detroit 000 100 000-1 9 0 Shore and Sohang, Uhle, Wyatt and Hargrave, OLEVELAND TOPS LEAGUR Boston, May b--Cleveland came from behind once again here yes. torday, making five runs in the Ninth off Danny MacFayden and one in the Tenth of Bd Morris, to win 8 to 7. Cleveland has now won aix straight, three in St, Louis and three here, Cleveland 000 011 005 1.8 14 1 Roston 200 030 020.0+7 14 3 Harder, Brown, Holloway and IL, owell; MnoFayden Morris anda feving. SENATORS LOSE Washington, May O--=Washing- ton fell oft the top of the league yesterday by losing to the St, Louis Browns by a score of 88, The do- feat was the second of its series with the Browns, A foursrun Wash. ington rally fn the final inning fell short of victory by three runs, St. Louis 070 001 00-8 7 2 Washington 200 000 0040 10 2 Coffman, Manion; Thomas, Burke, Hadley, Tate, RUTHS HOMER WINS Now York, May 5==A near oapas olty erowd of 60,000 saw 'Babe Ruth hit his third homer and gave the ¥ankees thelr second victory gra the Red Sox. The score was to 4, Bd Wells pitched shut-out ball for Bix of but the Sox got to him in the out In the Righth, od up and held the Sox scoreless for the remainder of the game, Chicago 000 000 300-4 New York 003 000 23x-7 Kddie Wilson goes to Elmira, N.Y.» Pa League ou optional agreement. ! Thomas, Welsh and Autry; Wells, Pipgrass and Dickey, Rn a row over the Detroit Tigers, oe AGNEW-SURPASS venth and drove him | {she Oshawa City Lose First Home Game to C.P.R. 2-0 Locals Have Margin on Play But Fail to Capitalize on Scoring Chances--C.P.R. Score Two Goals Within One Minute--Fair Crowd Attends Game Played at Alexandra Park and resulted In a win for CV.N. by 2 gomls to 0, The following temms Hined wp, Oshawa City: Brown, Veoltch, Lappin, Grant, Lobby, Cunlitfe; Dunstall, Balley, Saxby, Fairley and Purdy. CPR,» Nellgon, Wigs, Johan- son, MeCalllon, Brown, Dalle, Creasy, Tyndall, Rowley, Ramsay, and Stronach, Losing the tows, the home tenm pleked up facing the wind which was blowing hard wtralght down the piteh, The ball was soon down the home gonl and a corner forced This was cleared and free kick against CPR, for hands helped the City to advance hut offside spoiled the momement, The hall was again down the home goal but eyentually Dunstall received and made a good run only to shoot hehind, The vis- ftors then pressed and foresd a couple of corners but these were both cleared and Dunstall again made progress, The ball * ones uguin came in front of the home goal and the visiting centre missed i chance when nicely placed, The City boys then had a spell of ate tacking and Purdy missed badly. A moment later Saxby was pulled » »v up for offside when right through ~tie yeferce glying a throw down acknowledging his mistake, This wis a bad break for the City as it looked Nke u sure gon). The visl~ tors. again attacked and after Brown. had saved several, o seramble in front of gos) produced wn weore, Ramsay shooting through ga crowd of players Into the net, From the kick off Creasy received und, made a good run end went acrons Lo Stronach who scored with a first time shot leaving Brown no change to save, The whistle came with the vistors leading by 2 goals to nothing, The home team now had the wind and during this half had enough chances to win the game, the inability of the inside forward to put the finishing touches lost, the game, For the first twene ty minutos It was one succession of shots at goal, gonl kicks and core nerg, Lobban and Dunstall put in some good efforts but they found a goalle In good form and well supported by a couple of spoiling hacks, The O.P.R, broke away nice or twice, hut thelr attacks were not fustalned, the ball soon travelling tho south end, The end came with the homesters trying hard to put the 'ball pass the goalie but all thelr eNovts were In valn, The Clty defense played an good game and the forwards whould, when more in practise, blend well together and win many games, It way Hard to judge the merits of the team on Ratyrdavy as accurate foots ball was impossible in the terrifie wind, DOG-RACING KING Emile 86, Godard, of Le Pas, Ma nitoba, youthful dog-sled racer, wu» lone holds the distinction of haying won three world chamionships, TWO POLO ACES Only two polo players today hold the top handicap rating of ten goals, Thomas Hiteheoek of the United States and Lewis Lacey of Argen- tina, a hl A, 15 Smart Styles © Blacks or Browns Young Lady: "Youterday 1 saw your Lyother kiss my sister," Naung Man "It would have haen hotter if his brother had kisse ed her sister." Father: "You've been calling on my daughter rather frequently of late, Ave your intentions serious?' Youth: "Yew, Indeed! I'm trying to' persuade her to buy the make EU i a A AA of car I'm agent for!" i MEN WhoAre Shoe Wise Demand ACNFW.SURPASS SHOES They Are Leaders In Style, In Service, In Value SELECTED quality calfskin uppers on new approved lasts, Extra weight welted leather soles, § wear with pride and satisfac. tion, Sizes 6 to 11, Investigate these values, AGNEW-SURPASS MAKE $5 And $6 BUY QUALITY YOU'LL FINDHARD TO EQUAL ELSEWHERE AT $7 AND $8 Shoes you'll Ever welcome savings | Oshawa . these fine oxfords in black or brown calf} styles, all welted oak soles, Complete Size Range. $4.00 Our Price. covvprasnnnne VALUES THAT STAND ALONE MEN'S GOODYEAR WELTED OXFORDS await the man who buys J "10 | f } SHOE 'STORES, Limited ! "Canada's Greatest Chain Shoo Stores" 2314 Simcoe Street South |

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