Oshawa Daily Times, 5 May 1930, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY 'TIMES, MONDAY, MAY 5, 1930 PAGE ELEVEN C Weil" where BRORNLED. SECTION. J A) Legal CONANT | ALINIS, , BARRISTERS Solicitors, Now les Publis, Yeviaethe asad Jou, x gy A aw, O 0 40, bd, LLB alr ay TT 1 "Oppose , WARR fs i wid 0, 4 Ay + ¥ o ho Nolleitse, Notary Publ ancer, Wloney 1 yew Aller Build i rivter, Brilelior, ory veyaneer, tr. Money f | ot, Vraser, Barristers, Notaries: Publis, # Slandard Dank, wt. Rhone 18, 4, relufte on, LOUIS 8. fi TA so gitar, Notary, over alants I' tore, Mceney to loan, | IH north, Vhoue 67. Residences ih on ols oy Wis Br N. Phone 101 ),_ Money to log hon] Th ¥raser, B ALEX U, ra TBA ter, oto, Conveyancing and praction, 88% K'ng St Phone #387, wR1S, ord, Mnlieitore, otu, 41 vide Oehawa and Porgy Perr Phones 760 Cshawa, Pore Perry P4801 71 0 Ms (Apr, 4-1 mo) AT SARRHILL, "DANRISTER. | by ete, Maney to loan phiger Ridg, opr kl tl i a abd posite Past Office, Phone 1614, Medical ith, HAZLEWOOD & HARVEN, Disney Block, Phooe "0560, Office hours § am, to 8.00 pon, Dr, B, «Jd. Haslawood, special atiention to surgery and X-Ray, or. B, H, Har per, special attention to children's Uissases and Obstetrics, Sunday and night calls 2416 or Hh DR. MeKAY, i CIAN, goon, Accouch or, co An dence, King St, es gome GLor 1, Oshawa DR, HAROLD W WL TRIC PH (81. clan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Specie! references \o matern'ty work aod seasss of apperii'0 0 2 years raduat fr! din Yimeoe su he Coon. hon DR, GRA Surgeon, infants «nd _chl 1e8lden ond PR. FAP AR a EM. P, and . dinbyur Re Jurston [| Qh ie Bos & iy megaatiec Ave, "Nort ' one #8166 DR. C. W. AN, HR " LL vosidence, 613 Bimeoe street DOME Phone was 4 eon andd stotrlclan, on. clan, Su . Simeos Street, anl residenie, ort! Eel Surgeon PIC THTREEY, VETERTNANTAN Specialist Diseases Domestio Ante rg A dog hospital, 203 King W, Tel, 020, (May 14 wo) a Soe dren, o And Offes" aod of' ast, P |B eed 2040 opening barber Athol Bt. West. May §, 1080, " i o Bare fe. and Its on ney Wow : Dare Pho juke BURIAL 008 siren BON Crling street, rue , o'r 082. | " Epa bret males * otties (Apr. 14+] mo) Al Ag He 9, Fiat By Wh, sot. Ambulance, FAR~ > it hone URL ann ND SON; WHEN PLA QING 1 ANC eonsult KR, N, Jokes, 60 Himeoe Your Insurance to and your .nterests Prov north, on tected, Transportation UAWTAUR AND VIOIAU 6 CULE: Bond West, specisiiels moviag, slOrANe Ware ng ven equipment, foetus 1, Panne §9, ARTAC - nd ard Hehe Phone 024, 10 Bond Bt, West. OSHAWA'S OLDRsT £8 pu ESTAD, [ d| and garage Lioors, sidewalks aud lished furn ar age, ran South, Gi |___ Beauty Parlors Sr fon 6 Vark Lge ang ude Ait Ii. "4% ture movers, long (Apr, 10- wants ate Ry Be | oon Ra. 1 mo) BETTY LOU PENMANENT WAVE in' permanent, Hpecial.ate fioger and marcel waving, manent wave prices 85, $7.00, 810 and $15, All other lines of Neauty Apply wb flulture, Phene 2008, Himeoe treet vorth, i 1k) at i Pearman. Shop reel and sham ont Wav | ON'S uty Shop, 9 ge in ladies' hair sulting, ng, shampooing, facie " on For anpolntma musle, FF William » ik shop at R Che Bt St We nts phone 15:1" mo) 08, MK¥ rh A harks, 141 \ street. Yhoue 20-1 mo) ver: AND 0. 3 All Classified Advertislig Coming Events, Etc, STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE his rule has been found necessary because of expense wd loss avieing from handling 8 large number of small arcounts of this nature, For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient 0 some personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring » messenger who will receive the advertisement ond collect for same. "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT ---------------- LR BL Work Wanted GED, GALL of and cents, If rene divers ¥ ev suggtee 3 atte ries repaired. trig on 0 Mill Bt. Phoue Apr 10:1 mo) LOORT--TLOOR="TiAVE YOU old hat cleaned and blocked 10 look like pew at The Hub, 15 King Ctreet West, Shoe §] Shine and Hat Eleaniog. Worl guaranteed, Phone, a, ctor Cols lop, Apr, 4 = 1 mo) CONCRETE WORK. CELLAR gravel, clnders, Puons 8091M, (Apr, B0:1 mo) ON automobiles and furniture, The best in workmanship at the lowest prices, Note new address, 451 ime coe South, G. A. Constable, Phéne Jessw, (Npr, 20-0 why) roadways, sand Chris Graham, N » and cellars white washed, houses and barns painted, Phone 1806, (1080) "Satinfaotio SUAPRIY Alles street, Phone (10b0) (RU ANH RES romoved and cartage of all kind, Prices reasonable, Phone 1001W, (1000) able prices, teed, 18% 1808W, ing ARNOT TE die's dresses. Ensemble sulle, ghildren's clothes, and alterations, Mrs, Connolly, 287 Richmond, East, Phone 505) (Apr, 83<1mo,) (1041) Muse HERBERT C. TRENEER, OWN: anlst and choir master of Klug 4 United Churoh will scoept pupils in plano, organ "d vooal 'or particular treet ats Phone (ADF, b+ shawa nhs Apr il" Radio Service Se ft {lor i 2 cli A 5 USHAWA RADIO WERVION, A osasorien for sale, repairs on eles | Ki and battery fod. on is Hi hares "wo 14 Sigh Pr, § REPAI = 4 ri 16. Ro "4 Ph Big 3 word or Sus he iy SS a 1 mo) gharged, 780 called for and de livered, ed, Plate, RS, ative, nor nd east METER 108 Vredoriek nis lo servive, Alriala hone or ernity or eneral Re LL oh py oreo - nurse intormation phone 320W, (ADR de mo) on smo) Rk electiie 01 alierations, |p "[Bhtaa 38 fan REEL thy Week, For samples Rion os Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SLi SOFT WOOL v ba oad, rhe 1 I 4 PIANOS, NAW ABA Used PlanDs, Also radios, lates , adels: Brus arranged. A Trall, p ther ly (1 L) Fy or driveways, _ \Vaterouse 18, Ph A rh mo) Clips Meek Limited, le ers uin and b 'k loam, Phone 17780, J. Forrester, #10 Alice street, (Abr, 30:1 mas dors, black loam, $4.00 per yard, For quality and *akVice phone Ma sery Broa, ae rh (May 81) YEN for sale, cheap, Apply 817 Division street, (104b) Stroller in. good repair, FELLA "Phony (1080) tables, Apply 10 Centre St, : (1080) 3 on arriage, Good gondition, 108 Roxborough Ave, (1082) Auto Accessories | rors = x i re pans Pa oes, Motor Inoue 36 20000, (Apr, 20+1mo.) "Money to Loan pe vailable for IR Vimioe So South (upsta , o | Lg » apply A J) Pe g Has, shone 1614, void Co 41 King west, of dancing and physical culture, 169 Church Street, ons given oy) vaning from § pm, and on Saturday vom © 1,40 pm, For terms oan or phone 874M at above ours, (Apr, 20:1 mo) down, 2be {Ape 3 o fiveplnces and electric ranges, Ape 0} rooms and bath, nicely decorated, For Rent ATATUINUNT="Mou uN" HONE like suites, Home furnished, Isune dry, conveniences, elsg dryer, eto, 0100 stoves, ele refrigeration, hut water your round, Vhone 15060 or bUATW, (oth FOUR AND VIVE ROOMED MOL orn suites Including electri retrg. eration, stove, Inundry, convenis ores, et, continu' 8 hot water supplied. Apply Supt, 'phone ¥¥i\, or The Trusts wud Uuarantes Uo, Ltd, manager for owner, Toronto, (87th FOR RENT = FIVE ROOMED brick house, conveniences, hards wood floors, newly decorated, paved street, Possession Muy first, Apply U1 Elgin east, phone 1080J, (104h) Aran TMNT TC T0 LET, CENTRAL convenle Avgly Wradley row oC (Nott TO RENT w= BEAUTIFUL APs Jartinent over Karns Drug Miore, re 24 spacious living room and semi-private entrance, Fossession May first, 10080, Apply Dr, PF, |. Henry, 301 King East, Phone 14, (1008) TORENT OUST ANT ATH, All. medorn improvements, Ure ohard and garages, 280 aud ¥¥y Nuswau Bt, (1008) CARA LOMA XA PEWINIRN YS," 10 King street east, Oshawa, Three and five rooms with bath, very modern, Apply to Apartment 2. (1040) TT nished rooms, 2 plate electric, une 0 All conveniences, In next GMC, offices, Immedis Qn, 4080 Richmond St, K, Phone 1400, (1080) T= EVEN™ 00M brick house, All gpnvenience, very central, Apply 133 Church street, (108¢) FOR NENT==FUM NERC" tages, at Bonnie Hrae Point, Osh. Awa, All conveniences including ply to G, D, Conant, tario, [i bert street to reamt, conveniences, Tmmediate possession, Phone 208 r 4, Bowmanville, (1080) TORENT" URNERY UNTUT: nished heated apartments, three Oshawa, On. M- May 41) hardwood: floors, . Idea! business ladies. Mm, OC, lowe, 255 Bruce street, 241M, for two W. Mar "hone 4 (104b) Yenienoes, Contral, Apply 150 Cee lina Street, (108¢) FON RENT = TINT UNTUR- nished rooms, . gholind floor, three blocks from four corfers, All cons venlonces, 43 MoMillan Drive, (103) TO NENT "THIET R00. house and. garage, good garden, $18 per month, Apply 214 Gibb 0 Atreet, i 5 (1080) TWO ROONE "TOR Hght housekeeping, suitable for young couple, I'hona 8308, (1049) Rates for Clasaified Ads. Three eonsen tive tnaers tions Cor thy price of two first tmpertions (three vanta a word), Minimum charge for three . lmaertions, 60 eexts, os abe He sailed Huslnems ards, Sha "oar moni) WW word a OF lone a "i a additional Ne BY CLASSIFIED a. WITTER AG £75 UNMIS MUCH © TELRPHOND Ww Lo ARR for (larsined AQ ; Department { HOUR AT 750 AL: | FO For Rent TIVii ROOMED MUUAR TO LET, All 'modern gonveulonees, Modes» ate vont, Central, 287 Bimorw sireet south, (104b) 17% Bloor W. Conveniences, 1 per month, Apply Lox 048 Time, partly turnished, for Jight houses keeping, All conveniences, Phone 1408M, 08 Gibb street, (1080) TON to one or two business girls, Board If desired. Apply 833 Kingedale Avenue, Vhone 1387M, (1060) i ERY =" CONMODIOUS house at 100 Albert Bt, Very cons tral, Terms moderate, Vurther par. theulays at house or phone 071/J, ' {1040) phone (1040) FXHOONUD HOUSE VOR RENT, 216 Church Bt, Phone 1287, (1040) i ' rent, Also gas rudd beater for sale, wood ns new, 86 Colborne streel east, Phone 086, (1040) NIOEEY™ VUNNTOARD VF HONT bodreom, Five minutes walk from business section, Nuit business gontieman, 78 Bond street west, (1060) FT IRTOWT WOOMA TURNTRA RY or unfurnished, All conveniences for housekeeping, Onarden If de Phone 10487, (10060) ply 18 Pisher Strost or 2100W, sired, Central, Phone (106b) IA Garden, garage, water, light aud gan, Apply 10 Centre street, (106a) 0 RENTON CARUY rooms, Three minutes walk to U, M.C. Apply 78 Patricia Ave, evens rooms, Centrally Joonted, F11¥ Motor Care TRUCK repaired at 40 ond KB, West Body and fender work done st shortest notles, aise repairs to motor bouts and general wood work, Phone W, Fry 84006, (Apr 28-1 mo) VI YONI AC FOUN DOOR Wis dan, ran 5000 mies, Kxcellent con. dition In every way, $876 for quick silo, This Is nearly 2400 under Vint price, A real buy, Vhone 1502W, (104¢) "Pets and Live Stock WHITE THaHORN™ TH solectod large h After May 1st, All Visitors welcome, Ueo, Reynoids, Courtige, (Apr, 26:1 mo,) WITTE THORORN WATCHING eggs for sale, Darou Strain, Phone 200 W, (108¢) v Hackeys broodey, #5, and wetting (106m) d i' sale, B18, One holds 65 ohioks, hen, Phone 4016M, Awnings WINDOW AWNINGS = PORCH awnings, verandah curtalng, canopy tone tulle. aa 40, Toronto Jahawa phone 0A ar, Jet AWNTNUS -- CUWFATNE FLATS, #ll kinds of onnvas goods, Comes plete camp equipment for vent, Vos Hardware, phone 25 or 20, Agents for J: J, Turner and Bon, Veter horo, Ontario, (Apr, 201 mo) Auditing and Accounting XUDITING™ ANG" AUOCUNTING AOrviee mt reasonable rates, ine COmMe (hx veports and. Annus statements prepared, i, A, Holden, P3 Blmeoe street north, phone iw, (Apr, 11+1 mo) Building Supplies CEMENT TLUURE TON VAT =~ "1'Yo insure prompt délivery, piace led, suitable for summer camp al Bowmanville beach, 4 mile oant of harbor, Apply to W, J, Hender- son, Base Line, Bowmanville, (106¢c) Rouse, All conveniences, 866 Court street, Phone 1786M, (1060) 70" RENT=RIR Ni ) ¥nlo, garage, hardwood trim, Cone voniohees, 178 Cellege avenue, Phone 1017W, (1060) FOR MENT=NTCY TOMA Y, 4 rooms, clothes closets, ete, Large lot at 85 Cromwell Avenue, $18, Apply Gene Goodell, Phone 548 » i", (1060) TO NENT IT ONOr AVI, Nearly new 6 rooms and gare ame, Dlintn and fixtures Included, §U5 per month to mood tenant, Apply owner 84 Monareh Pack Ave, Toronto, (106¢) FOR ENTIRE House, 1ooms, All conveniences, Apnly 106 Albert Mt, (106¢) ont --T1VE bungale, hardwood or 0) " room, one floor brick (ladatone Avenue, floors, chestnut trim, French doors, 'built In ocabingt, 8 plece bath, laundry tubs, "electric fix: tures, small; paymont down, $i) monthly, Phone 3310W, (105e) Nix, Bixty eycle motors sixth 10 half, Cheap, or will exchange for twenty five eyole, Phone 201 Whitby, (104h) ""Real Estate For Sale LOT FOR BALM AT SACRIFIQK on very easy terms, Apply #33 Centre street, (Apr, 28-3 wha, ) TOR SALE--HOUSI AND TEN acres, also vacant land, Kawy terms, Close to Oshawa, Apply 140 Agnes St. Oshawa (1011) Al from town of Uxbridge, 37 acres, ¥0 acres under cultivation sandy loom, |... first class potato or strawberry D | land, good alx room frame house, bank barn, apring Apply W, J, atroet, (1000) well at door, creek, $2,600 cash, MoNavney, 318 French Phone 11117), of (100 10 ACRES 10 acres standing timber, 14 acres cleared, running water, good pas ture, good building alte, lot H0, Con, 4, Daviington, Apply Wm, Brown, R, R, No, § Ownwe, \ 0 FR rick house, hot water heating, pumwood Arm, oak floors throughs out; Phone 3718W, (1040) - ACH with 1 acre land or more, Reasons able terms, Phone 12 Or 2 WU ' 0 4 house at owmanyille Reach, Splendid beach, safe and sandy, Kleotrie stove and iights, furnishes od, accommodate from thirty to forty, Posnession at once, Phone Bowmanville 207, W. J, Derry, (104g) "Help Wanted--Female WANTHED="% NESTON TITE woman for general housework, Muat be good with-vhildven, sleep in. Phone 435K, 1040) » | Pro oral, one willing to work out of Hed Hig atating salary, a ty Pox. 433 Tes, (1080 of ly tare Unnards for ua, hs mus X A booklet i) np Canadian Mushrooms Ca, 141 dander Ave, Toronto, LE ONE MILE | « orders In advance of delivery date, W, Borrowdale, Fhone 1614 Personal CRAVING IN YEW TAYE, WINNT: peg, drivieg, could take two pas sengors, Apply Box 640 Times, a (1040) WANTED = PANTY aoe T0 Toronto dully with ear, Phare 1107M, (1080) Palmist MAUI WENA, PATNI, 518 Houna Vista, Abpointments, Plhoue Hagiw, LT 21+1 wo) "Room and Board Wanted AN WINER TOM ron fhle Yoom with hoard In private family, Near G.M/C, office, WMox 608 Times, (106m) oom and ROOME TO NENT=LADTER™0N outs, board if desired, or two Arges rooms for light housekeeps Ing. Apply 164 Agnes wireet, Phone 810J, ! (10%) CONTTORTATIY ROONM™ AND board for lady or gentleman, 158 Alice atreot, Phone 1838W, (1060) Agents Wanted XOONT" WANTED To™ HANDLE Vibro-Bhave electrie safety rasor, Attractive proposition, Big money, Sample vakor wil he sont-at 1.8 of rotall price of 30,60, Nleetrig Ras por Hales Company of Canada, Ame herst Building, Montreal, Canada, (108a) Wma Painting and Decorating I QUTROTE FIR CLAN PA perhanger, painting und gratning Prices right, work guaranteed, N40 Pine Ave, phone 3066 or 200Tw, : (180) FIT ARADY, IT AOU TRENT east, painting, paperhanging, deus orating, sign writing, Estimates given on work, Phene 1347), (May 6-1 mo) "Help Wanted--Male hoy, 1 TH OR 17, 17, 10 "WORK "ON markpet garden, C, Ganley, Pleken ing R, 1, (1040) ------ ------ GRAND MISTRESS HONORED a hint John, N.D.==Mra, Joseph Taylor of Balut John, while ats fon the Orand Lodge Ladies' Orange Nenevolent Association sonslons In Halifax recently . was honored by The Grand Mistress of Nova Hootla, Mra, Melba Ruther land, who on behalf of the mems bord, presented Mrs, Taylor with an address of appreciation for have ing brought honor ta the Maritime Provinces in her being elected Grand Mistress of British Amerls ea, The Frovineial Deputy Mins tress, Mya. 1 johnston, on behalf of the grand lodge officers, present. od Mra, Taylor with an amethyst ving and brooch, re ------ ADVIOR Be good-natured ladies, 1 pray you A sloppy complexion men dread: Laugh, oN the world laughs with ow Ween, and your nose wh red, ---------- REGRETS Joan == Oh, You needn't think your so wonderful, The Rik you 10 me you looked ponis|¥ tively silly, JaoK== ANA 1 wan vo absolutely silly! a THE CHARM OF NAIVETN Gontlaman passenger in crowds tramear == Take my seat, mas an, Lady (having stood up for over A mile)e=Thanka! 1 got off at the NeXt stop, ton, poaltively, OBJECT SELLING OF OLD WORKHOUSE Dikensian Societies Would Preserve Original of Oliver Twist Scene EA ---- A] London ~Membhers of Dickensian societies here nro raising a cry over the proposal to well the bulldings of the old St, George's Workhouse In Southwark, on he Surrey side © the river, The Dickensidns dec le this workhouse is the place where Oliver Twist startled the Workhouse Master by "asking for more," Some time ago, when the buildings were dismantled, the big copper boll, er in the kitehen, out of which gruel was in the oid days undoubtedly ladle ed 1o the paupers, was put Inte Bales keeping of the Cummings Museum of Dickens mementoes, Me kitehen to this day Is certainly very like the drawing with whieh Crulkshank jl lustrated the scene when Oliver asks ed for more, but spare from this i In rather difficult even for u close reader of "Oliver Twist" to appreci- ste why this werkhousa should he identified an the very place of Oli» ver's sufferings, Certmin It ls that the beek iiself lends no suppert to this contention, The workhouse, so far as it Iv iden. tified at all, lay many miles fram Londen, and when Oliver ran away und made his way to London he ape proached it "by the little town of Barnet," Barnet Is well to the north of London, whereas §5t. George's Warkhouse Is harely a mile to the south of the Mansion House, However, If the Dickensian fans Insist on. the identity they will prob ably be allowed thelr ways=but it Is not likely their pro'ests will save the old worl house from demolit sink demolition, GIRL'S HOAX HAS BOTH BAD Vathor-«What do you think of a man that throws a hanens skin on the footpath? Hons=I don't know, What do you think of a banana' skin thet throws a man on the footpath? re -- There's many a slp "twist the toe and the heel, Drink Deliclows Kara Coffee Always Fresh at Superior Chain Stores HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid by expert mechanics, Old floor Anished like new, Geer | Contractors, mW. HAYNES 101 King Bt, West Phone 481 « Hesidence B8078W GOOD USED CARS Are Nol by THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Simcoe Nt, §, "hone 900 Order Your Spring Suit Now from the DOMINION CLOTHING 00, 68 KINO BT. W, Ehone 8141 We Deliver AMAZING RESULTS South African Miss Wrote For Letters and Got Them By the Ton on o-- Cape Town, 8 Alriea~"Twelve thousand mall articles, letters, post Cards, ilustrated papers und parcels hive wrrived" during one fortnight from England In response to a short letter inserted by a South African kirk in the "Daily Mail! The lets ter read: Sir==For_ the last 19 years my sis» for and I have been living on a lone: ly, God«forsaken farm in a forgot» ten corner of South Africa, and we would be grateful to anyone whe would be kind enough to write us a letter or # post card once in & while, (Miss) Kathleen Punt, Mud River, PO, Mamre, Malmesbury, S.A: When the first bateh of letters are glyed at the one man post oMee at Mamre the work of the postmaster was disorganized, Three men had to he called in to work for three and u half hours sorting the mall matter, The following week the mail was still heavier, and it was quite beyond the capacity of the Mamre men tv handle so many bags, The lonely "South Afriean girl" turns out to be Kathleen Punt, whose parents are well known in Malmess wry, where they do much entertain. ing. Kathleen, so far from being a lonely girl, has hundreds of compans ions, for she is sent te school at Ellerslie, Sea Point, She in a popu+ lar and vivacious girl of 17, She wrote the letter as a prank and wan delighted with the huge number of people the "ook in" her hoax, But when "the second week's mail arrived she was: overs whelmed and rather frightened, It appalled her to think 'that so many oarnest people had spent time and money Vip ta & girl who was not deserving of thelr aympathy, She has received many proposals of marriage, She has not been able to open all her parcels of expensive drapery and sweets from her wouldshe benefags tors in England, The post office has discontinued sending her gigantic wall out 10 the ttle Mamre post office, 1t is now handled in the eles culation branch of the General Post Office, NOBODY HOME BUT THE PARROT Haverhill, Mass=A census. onums erator wearily elimbed the stairs to the third floor of a three-decker apartment house in this city: At the top of she stairs he pounded on the door of the last apartment in the building, "Come in" said a veice, The enumerator turned the kneb iy pushed, The door was fastened, o hammered again, "Come in" shouted the veice, Again he tried the door==and with the same result, A third time he bralsed hia Ruucke lea "tla he panel, third tim the oie sald: "Come in" A thin time the door refused to Angry, ho walked own to the ground, At the first apartment he Rha Kind of a family & that up thera? he queried, "There's nobody home, he told, "except the parrot" "why don You Rn Patt Yai is would find it oe foie a and forth ta your work, was Yat," sald Pat, wi As goon walk atoot as vide afeot," HA bWoob VLOORA In Bleotrio Pi) and Finishe od Complete Wo 3, TRICK CO, 11D, 85 Albert Street Phone 880, 881 » Oshawa Burial Co. successor to NisneyCott AMBULANCE 87 Colina St, "hone 1088 LUMBER 7. L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber ang Wood | Yard "hone Oshawa 844 J Whithy 19 FOR BALE=On aecount of health, ood 100 sere farm, plowing and seeding done) complete with horess, sows, pigs, fowl, implements, ote, Lot go at $6500,00 half cash, Bal 4%. Neo exchang We have dthers to sxchange for Oshawa property, See DISNEY REAL ESTATE, ala 1'hovsands Now Kai (*BaRrLEY A Delightful Breakfast Food AVRIGHY SPECIALIST Speeinliaing exclusively in wussle ovenight and glasses, Disney Blosk + o a Good Weather Ahead! wD NOE 1088 YOUR OAR Let me finance yous=Addis tional Cush Giyen, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS Roow 6, 14} King St, Bas bpd ----- eu. The Carew Lumber Co. 74 Athol Bt, WV, Oshawa Phones 181111

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