ddl a i Ca UG WHR OW 4 RR PAGE SIX " (FHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1930 he ---- 'omen's Interests in the Home --- and the Community "Cortainly." Dr, Kaiser, Wel, {| Hyery package of Red Rose Teas prepared with DR. KAISER I$ wat Yar t Coul shan 1 he oi Al pit if our reputation wore 10 stand or In bis speech of mseeptance Dr | all upon that single package, ; 1] NOMINATED BY Kaiser said that it was the third time that he bad been so honored, Loysl tribute was paid by the y wpenker to the standard bearers who had served the party so well in the yesrs gone by, Vr, Kaiser me---- continued by saying that the talk Continued from Page on everyone's tongue today wa ' : -~ -- wn wosk-ond with (hele parents. Mr, | Mary who loves "Laddie" the Mg Fit S0ClI AL and Mew, bi, Nieholln, Toronto, wollle, wd, rinse da the Bt. Der. 3 nard"; and Barry who searches dil ; 4 y Miss Viste MoLubun and Miss 7% " x ..PE NAL || Auto. Maamer wore: the suonts | win" sonpurds sak ™ orioh: on rid di Of Mow, Le Vy Disney this week | 4iiiusonmireyteinrs Bobby, \ , . _--" The story of a devoted little Ander former) Wht a fir ani Hrs FINE BOOKS AT BOYS' Yooteh tervier and his master, Auld yf #0M, BS AT aatis, i AND GIRLS' LIBRARY | Puker O~Dusty Star, Mustrated her rihday on the Tu p-- - by val Manson, Keopo, the wolt |, mh, y of May. With the arrival of the lovely ri A unite of sty 8 Ae spring weather & good many of hoy were like brothers and the Sut brougnt down In the House of he nevil-aanousest Budese | t These from Oshawa who went fo] 0 boys and girly gland turned In | yovy" iy of thelr adventures in the Commons on Thursduy was the [asked what he thought of it, he ; [aronta ei libtate, the Bs fay thelr cards for a while but the Lyiidernens, : y ohfef target of the various speake| would say It was good in spots, All on Downey, Mrs Cd son, rp roils uy un ¥ Dartiottedpunk, louder of the at ol |X ys rin tate Ti And foot ho atl both fogs is ood ted ; y "I Dog Team, The at | ; ng's now famous statement that | from the Conservative party, he ™ o wtory of a dog ' he would not grant un nickel for | continued, The Liberal party had vr rice Anderson, and Plrs, Are ! HY thur Tamblyn, Wile _18 ha Dopulde. hare ol Si he Non a Plate " te hand of 8 unemployment relief in the elght |stolen very things that the Mrs, CE. McTavish and her | ngs, and to Judge by the enthusle | wie wight uy i ion Conservative provine y } vousti : wh provinces, was never | Conservatives had been advocating gua, Ao re ora, 8 ot Tis ht eH Jo bk 110°" "eb Ty is man, so apr he go er to | RED ROSE ORANGE TRKOE: I extra ggod pond he ' A punk, rankly discuss ore * three son to a sponding a fow weeks holiday, of May until next fall the 1oys| "paynes, M, J.--Animal Heroes and the audience gaye the speaks | situation, Kafver nald, In | merated and It had only been when | should end jis term of office, the in, Cif iB min i party held a caus] that policy was disturbed by the |wpeaker said, It wus up to the | a A and Girls Library will not be oben | of the (reat War War, Dogs, horses, Many fine tributes wore paid by [cum In wi they passed a numi« (foes of the Conservative party and | people of Canada to terminate its his colleagues to Dr, Kaiser in the | ber 'of resolltions, At that time| protection, that the country has|life as soon as possiiile, They they pledged themselves to reduds | known periods of depression, Mr. |eould do this In no more worthy tions In the eustoms duties, Kver| Bell termed the Liberal Budget as manner than by hacking Dr, Kaiser wince that time the Conservative |a petty imitation ef the grand old |in the forthcoming elestion and in arty had be@n striving to get the | National Polley, The leaders oi|wo doing rolling up a majority for fberals to ae8de to thelr da-|the Conservative party had always| him that would make history in mands without Avail, Then the | adhered to the polleles of the pars the viding of Wouth Ontario, said other day the Liberals came out [ty no matter what it cost them In Mr, Bell In conclusion ! with nn Dudget that contained the [personal sacrifice, The speaker! very things that the Conservative (rated. the Liberal leaders ns souk { Alex, Fdwards of South Water loo, spoke for only three minutes, Mr, ¥rank Cole, of Vert Wil Ham 1s vibiting with Mr. and Mrs, | 7 SOCIO WHLOTIOONL orig | Sonkers, vuitaln, oxen und pigeons [HN M, J, Wright, Oshawa Bivd, for a [ars perhaps the best loved of alt |" Fianchard, Ln Siring the wa - Hous, tov tam, fl POOR Tr MD 06, i, wary ot a owing gaan | Me VIGRO WITHERS | estas, fhe fonction wa} y L { on Lhe ont | oh, * [Lhe large number o fos, Misses Marion and Kunieo Nio=|the apes available, might - held | Ghioo sepyes his iy it fomes, Yor vA one Le Fi 4 FR hy of nd " " holls, Drew Street ave spending the | Johnny, who likes "Peter Rabbit"! [pack news of Yictor I" High aveist, whose marrige | Week of the mon nomin ) y | ) to r Fon i Austrians, ¥ against the place 18st week in London, | called upon to declare Nod wore Gank, LOUAR = True Stories ne regards standing #8 the poms About Dogs, Vifteen or more stor- -- | maa of the genvention, [fon tolling of the endurance, dévo- Por different reasons he was not tion and fafthfulness of horss po Wild animals 1 have known, la candidate stated John Aloay, party-had been stflving for for the Ink only personal glory and thelr Howell, A~-Disck Véauty dogs, | former Mayor of Oshawa, He eg. | ost ton. years, Mr, Dunning had [policies us "enteh penny' devioen | (Continted on age 14) Green, A, D.~Creylight, The Baundery- Beautiful Joe pressed hin confidence in the Con-|*tolen #11 the brieks from Arthur ito lure good Conservatives away | see... ie SEE i TPE TITIES. story of a silvery white Shetland |, Terhune, A, VP, Lad, a dog. |servative party and its platform, | Meighen's brick piles AY the polls | from the national polis Promier | A ------ pony and his Jittle mistress, The story of m Munnybank collle| He did not see any reason why the | eles that the Consgrvative Party | King was no exception to all the y Hooker, ¥', C,=Prince Jan, St, |®* told by bis master, party should not win the fortheom. had, fouliht tor for Sars wero ine other loaders, continued the speaks || NEW SPRING SOA TS AND Bernard, A fine story of a dog who : Reig ng election, The people should | elude n that Budget; the very er, eo was In office for his own has been trained A Save a Wo SILK STOCKINGS look forward to the election ns one | Policies that the 1Aberal party had [glory and did dally oheslance to Many styles to Choose from, [ives in storms In' a country of In which they would redeem Can-|voted down so many times were the {dol of power, Mr, King wan Our prices are right, [ snow, but who does not forget his | ARE AN ODDITY IN (ada, He expressed his every con. brought In, The first principles of [striving ta keep himself In office THE FASHION SHOPPE training when brought to Oslifor. | protection helong to the Conserve. [to matter what agonles Canada #4 Blmcoe Bt. § { idence In the future of the Do- nin, PARTS OF ONTARIO! inion 3 % |tivos, continued Dr, Kafaer, Tho | suffered, The speaker character ! James, W--Smaky, fhe. Cows Regine, Mask, Milk stockings Albert We dnckson, of Whithy, | 14beral party has stolen those prin. | ized the present budget as another to allow | effort to camouflage his real pur-| does not disturb the ten cent gens horse; Won the newbery Medal in and high-heoled shoes re in oddity | stated that he was very proud to ciples, "Are we going 1087, The story of hin eolthood, hin | Bt lonely. trading posts in northern | linve his uame brought up but that | the child to continue In the carve [pone, He declared that notwithe| apal tariff vate and nourishment of 1t7" he asked, | standing what happened In Kurope meeting with Clint, who masters Ontario, states Mrs, WN, Green, | he would gracefully retire In fa- film, of his harsh treatment hy a After a soven-months stay at Re- | yor of Dr, Kaiser, He pledged |*dding that it is the sacred duty of Suriog the war, Mr, King was the nventor of eamouflage, half-braed, and his final return to Yiijon Freres host, Lanstowne himuelt to do his utmost for the|a!! Conservatives to bring protee- m ---- the only master he will own, ako, in the wild country west Of (payty and whoover was given the |tlon back to its natural mother | areny people have heen taken in ||| ™ eof Chiffon Vall Fashioned Kipling, R.---The Jungle Dook, | Jomes Bay, Mes, Green fs baok at | nomination to carry the banner of | Who will take the hest caro of It fy, tye paliy-ho of the Liberal par HOSIERY Contents Mowgll's Brothers; her home " Reina, Wad ever bo. | 'Me IATL. "It in the whole record of the King \yu oripmed the speaker, But have ||| At Kaa's Hunting; Theer Tiger; The t NO white When in . ar Dr, 1, EB. Kaiser wus greeted by Government that we have to de«| oq waniiy geen the true conditions | ATKINS HOSIERY & White Sent; Rikki-tikki-Tavi: Tor.| 1070 visited Lansdowne Lake ' |....00 0a" haoring when he apese | £081 not what they did in ene aay: lin Canada today? he asked, The Y omal of the Wiephants! Her Mae Atates oh Sen, Jha Jot 4 to give Wis decision, --. Dr. Kafsar, |1t 18 the record of that gover: | ..ooiovment problem has only LINGERIE SHOP jostys Morvants, All. dearly loved | on "ons" Albany River "Baus ws "Can 1 spenk again?" Dr, Moors, hon, fn! Ye ire to Aefonte 1A one cause and that is the present | || Near Cor. King & Simece 6t and harmless an the recipe reads, 7, the boys and Gril ol from the nearby Indian aommunity a ed, or (he next aleciion, Hon, | overnment and its policies, Con- (The wrapper tells you just what Wolves The story of a Hal showed great curiosity at the pres R. Rk, Bennett would take over the Sitiony ou be 168 timer Wig - Castorla contains.) breed hunter and Tour, hi sence of a white woman They foh now held by Premier King and 16 present regime continued, he YL] 's cry warns of colle, deserves a place in the family iv, hi8 won: | yuad to come and peep In at the : ' | nststed. The real truth "behind n iy Lah Castorla has Bim medicine cabinet until your child qeptul huiky. Xhieh ea halt wolf, | window and grin, and some timos HEADACHE $ wid CaDAdn ON Ihe Balt 10 DRAG, the surplus in last year's budget soothed, asieep again fn a JINy, is grown. He knows it 8 fe for | 0 Nar Ti the Wlephiant, wonld venture inside the house to hh Wiggs he wan the fact that Canada had so "Th l . nf ts, Nothing {s more valuable in diar: the tiniest baby, effective for 8 in eaptivity, eared for and trained lok ut Ime. the outpost the more the mreatest political pentecost In ng Bp Ag ay nei e co or may rhea, When coated tongue or boy in his teens, With this spec od by a young Indian boy, completely off from elvilizsation, nes the history of Canada, Tt Wan 8p 0ne"that bad brought them here breath tell of constipation, In ch dren's remedy handy, you mead Ramee «= A Dog of Flanders, | cording to the Regins Woman, cane of avery Liberal being con: | ion od the speaker. The reason " ita gentle ald to cleanse and regu= never risk giving a boy oF girl | The story of an orphan boy and | There was little te do but play verted to the CONNERRALIVE CAUSE | ou shat (he Ontario Government not e gone over night, He told Wik andlenee | yoy ny y Gopservative administra: Tate 8 child's bowels, In golds or medicine meant for grown-ups. hin faithful 1ittle dog, onrds, rend NOne-L0O-nNOW Magan children's diseases, use it to keep Castoria is sold in every drug Beton, KE. T.-Bannertall, the | ines, and Maten into radio broad that they were erusaderfiin a Breat | yon hyiit wonderful roads, which catino, "Your palghbor 68h bo COR | oeipnot American tourists, The Children Hate fo take medicine rule, but every child loves the of Castoria, And this pure wegetable preparation Is Just as good as It tastes} Just as bland Very often eustomers sending us washable rugs, bath mats, the system from clogging, Your doctor, will toll you Savioria store; the genuine always bears Chas, I. Fletcher's signature, story of a grey squirrel; Biography of a grinslyl Lives of the Munted: _-- ---------------- "TOURISTS Re casts from Toronto and Chicago, principally, Mrs, Green camo bagk from the pest recently after having left Regiua Inst August Journey from Fort Hope to the post and back was made by dog team, Mrs, Groen explained, Vroom Fort Hope to the railway, the snow. tractor provided means of transe portation, Bhe mentions emphatios ally that Hie in the barren lands is gonduetive to the best of health« yarted to our fause,'"" he mid, While the lamp of hops Still burns the vilest Sinner may feturn to the fold, The Conservative party will he successful at the polls, Dr, Kal wer prophesied, in conclusion, Charles W, Bell, X.€, of Ham {iton, affirmed that the members of the party Bf Ottawa Fealize the true Worth of such a Man ns Dr, and As AR advisor, He said that majority of Amerioans eame to On. | tario and Quebec because it wan fn | thoso two provinces that they could | get a drink, The speaker wished | to be understood that he was not | boosting the Jighop traffie, hut he | sald that the peliciew.of the Fergus HON govern ware responsible | for the large tix of tourists, | There are millions of dollars com: | come If the policies, among them ote, are delighted to find that our soft water aystem ol washing brings back the orig. inal cory to & surprising dee kree=and today color plays very Important part in houses furnishings, In your spring housecleaning plans, keep this fact in mind and allow us to take the responsibility of re- newing these heavier articles that are so hard to manage Kaige both @n a puble servantii. vo Canada' that would never | it was Ho ordinary, situation that | nat of Hauor control of the Forges | il ] ) . in the home | fry, W ; ) a confronts the party today, Nots son Government were not in foree, | Bagh dg 4 3 aie BIG WOMEN'S CONVENTION | Withatduding ig i Sptimiet tos The new budget wos only & make: | wash service, all moderately Halifax, ~~ Women of the Mari. Ottawa, the true state of affairs 1a | Aiea Io nued My, Bell, On an- | priced, ~ Phone 'and get full mon a ace | WO, ch avast ark gn | At, Line FB nat (RI ty Seu ts | at terested in the Annual Meeutf of | you can always got relief The speaker painted a grim PIOtUr® | fwenty of the things, that the y ; the Dominfon Women's Auxiliary | Gumering! "A "tablet of the unemployment situation 88 [uountry had been asking fer and he Md pan 3 an Tar ante. 10 he needed most, The tariff board was Phone 788 k termed an a ludrierous piece of ma- 1031; The Invitation for the Jasts prescribed by thousands offioo for ten years longer the atu: | cuinery, that did net lsten to the F. Roberton of Saint John, when ih aTtive antidotedor aan Sian tn Canegn wh) hee beyord delegations which owme to present " ' ' LL win she attended the Dominion Execu- | whenever they've a phy headaches | characterised the Budget as an 1m their onn hefore It, Much of the tive meating In Quebec, neuralgia or neuritis; rheuma I t tical matter that eame to ita notiea wan Se-------------- " lymbago, sore Joints, oe. will put Doltlenl Buipeses vk ny a he bait basket, and roi J 1c \ re ine MEADS NEM, SIUNAWICK. | She, DIOR, Stott ow way | £4 R0rk lh AS lets, th ulid "Nr Boi dociaed. ON Hy p, am painting, the speaker insisted, Prodoriotan, Nolh=-Mrn HJ | suffering these tableln qv fie You, a8 electors, have the dooiding | ' WOA time the 'Liberal party pick the concrete Braise, so 1 ven inadvisable vs | roads because... of the Anglican Chureh, which is to meet {n Saint John, N.B, In Appia, wi pon | n : MoLeod of Fredericton, was efeét- | wou, Aspirin endorses | ey help od president of the New Bruns [ ment, It doesn't depress the heart, Yate "30 la retisation a" de- Ti wf shaper af 'the ODE Ut | Yo know What Jou are taking: | 4 | M0, Pa, bd leguent, ik the annual meeting in Saint John he % bears the word genuine tion and especially to Sir John A. take strain recently, A committeo was auth- | pe Macdonald, the founder of the Nas mem» orised to act in purchasing a mem tional policy which has stood as TRADE MARK REQ. and expense out of moloring Sieduont gl ten ge » + » Safety , + « pleasant driving, No wonder Naeriats sos and contentedly wels come each stretch of concrete highway. tween localitios. Euch concrete mile is a permane ont mile . .\ so communitics Stalidardising in this type of are to devote each year's budget almost en bloo to needed now mileage. Advocate conorete paving « « + and wider highways . « . at every oppore Limited Company Monreal Toronto Winnipeg Gelgey orial tablet to he placed by the Chapted on the boyhood home of Plies Carman in Fredericton, DELEGATE TO VIENNA fit, John N.PMo=Mrs, BH, Atherton Smith, of Maint. John, han been | ohosen an one of the delegates of | the International Council of Wo- | mon at the quingquennial mesting | of the International .Council of Women in Vienna this summer, May 10, WINS HONORN IN Halitax,==A young girl from thé Maritimes, Misa Kathleen Harris, who is residing with her parents inTrall, B, €., han won her second oup nince Jotos to British Colum» bia, in the recent international muaioal teatival, an annual affair staged by Trall's Excelsior Club, Among the countries ropresented at this year's festival were Norway, Hywedon, Holland, Russia, England, Sootland, Ireland and Spain, Scots land won out, © Miss Harris dane. ing the Highland Fling and Stenn Trihaln, Miss Harris is a former pupil of Plpe-Major Wilson, of Westville, Nova: Scotla, Refare leaving Weatville she won more than twenty medals and has won many more sinee going to Trail, Bt GERMAN nwt 4 ENGLISH R, ©, Sheriff, of London, author of 'ourney's End," the play whioh pi been Jtpauced in all parts of the world, han given the pain for the best foreign conception of Captain Stanhope to a German actor in Berlin and ts enthusiastic over the magnificent acting of a French actor as Raleigh, the seo: te nt, An Farle. In a uteh production Raleigh is played a ) Ing customary in Aan 0 Eh charaot por was surprl the German cons ' : of his German prisoner and i 4 not sea why the character. should a represented an an ugly, 3 man, with long hair and trousers which would "scarcely pass the copaoty' SPIRIN the polioy of the Conservative Pare ty ever since, Canada began to prosper when this policy was eny- What New York Is Wearing he Canadian delegation will sail | tod Drossmaking Lesson Furs nished with Every Pattorn A black and white printed crepe silk endorsing new silhouette with smart peplum Jacket, fits snugly about the hips, It emphasizes higher walstline through tied gir« dle, The surplice closing detracts trom breadth, The eapelet sleeves make the arms appear very alim, The straight skirt adds a olrou- lar flounce which gives sufficient fulness and flare to hem, Style No, 8362 comes in slwes 186, 3 Jon 30, 88, 40 and 42 fnohes ust, 1's a dress that may be worn now and all during the Spring and Summer, Navy blue wool crepe, black cans ton orepe, lanvin green orepe Maro. oaln Butlisbige orepe silk are exe olusive ideas for ita development, Pattern price 20 cents, He sure to fill in sige of pattern, Address Pattern Department, Our Spring Fashion Magasine {8 10 cents, No. 8383 BBB «i eatnrvirnninany ARERR EEE ERE BRN ATER ERES ARERR NY Name Amt AAA TAN Arann aia Street Address ARAL ALAAAY SRY Raa LEE) City Prov, FATTERN PURCHASE COUPON A WR Ry Ry Fa hand ot ay JR. an be le A " " Ladd) Towa Provingd save astasnnensssnnsssnaenisne aap Mh ------ AN Ne mw, DISON ous Avenue ng Boarchenik and Ocem 4 A Hotel Distinctively Different® 7 TY row the Best, i Lada | FY {he Le | q™ } 4 NR Halen PICT 4 | £6 I : Pa | 4 fi NI bh) { ! Lt BRIGGS wl sow the a Best. eek STEELE, BRIGGS SEEDS FVERYWHERE IN STEELE. BRIGGS