Oshawa Daily Times, 3 May 1930, p. 5

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-» THE OSHAWA DAILY IMES, SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1930 PAGE PWY ny fs v 4 TO FLORIDA IY E55 4 ¥ tm home of John Ringling, 0 ted and connoisseur of art, is to be opened to the public newt ter, hile lions roar at the winter arters of the ecireus In one sees ol f Sarnsols, over the way along ¢ shores of Barasota bay, # majess the ing presents t other side, The building and its art esr stimated to have eost orm the nucleus of what ay beconie the United States' greate vis art " { ot Yet Open Only art erities and distinguished tors from America and Europe have been admitted to the John and abel Ringling art museum so far, inghing has riluted to allow general inspection of the treasure house until it is complete in every one of the niceties he finds hacstnry from that side of his nature which is art, Near the museum. the circus mags aly plans a ph art school where students will be enly a few hundred ards from works of the masters, The museum. takes its name from Mr, Ringling and his late wile, whose death intensified his determination to wild what, he has told intimate riends, will become the art centre of the United States, ' Art Treasures There are; for SAMuple, four great paintings of biblical subjects and two tapestries by Peter Paul Rubens, the Flemish artist, which with ether of his works fill two rooms, This Ru- bens collection is sald to be unequ- alled in the world, Then there are Rembrandts, Including his "Descent From the Cross," and works of Van Dyck and Frans Hals, Velasques, wrillo, El Greco and Riberas, the Spaniards, are represented in anoths of section Haged by Velasauer's pore tmit of Philip IV and his queen Works of the great Itallans--Titian, aphael, Dd arto, Veeelo, Useelle, «to mention enly a few, are grovped in another section, Knglish galleries repent works by ainsberough, eynelds, Ramsay ,and others and Shere is a collection by French art. sts, The museum Is of striking beauty, a reproduction of the Doges' palace, The entrance is a great archway, Wings extend 400 feet on either side, Eighty-eight sculptures adorn the space. between the rim of the build: ing and the patio, Here are sunken ardens, statues, -fountaing and fine Carribbean pines, Columns of the patio are of the twelith and fifteenth century, brought irom tal h Hast [1 5 of Fathe or All ie yeSai the Vi chi o Angelo statue and close the elols- er from the southern end, Beneath the dome of this quiets neuked museum thére is being built 2 erypt in whieh will be laid the bodies { fo patrons=--~Mabel Ringling whe os preceded her husband in death and the one=time olreus wagon driver whose shrine is beauty, PROTECTED BY GROUP ; LIFE INSURANCE mA att om 1 oropeTative rn MR lite insurance is now in force in its various of- thi hout Canada, Female - voy ot the staff are insured flat ount . amount, while male members receive Increasing pro tection with each year of service during thd liad of ten years grou by e Confed Life Association dnd includes the staf of the head office for Canada, located in Taron- to, branches in Montreal, Winn oe Sahtouvgs and At, John, and follow! HY assole gompan~ : nd ire Quake Ll The n underwritten A and Aceldent Company, te Insurance -------- ! 'Myrtle, ADH Eb--Mr. Gordon HY : ¥ i i attending cols been holi- rents here slendid 0. Ad os! At Sarasota a wa =o 1" a b 0] SL world el Io oe on Tend Acie Pie ¥rosteld, Toronto, was pro- Sooaing sont hon Hh way. sOPUOk ky CYOIINE ACB DIED 8 in the o te direction, = Ford spun around on the His 0 8 standstill on | 8 he north side of Mrs M Fi Mrs, neg heard the nolse and were onan! ender ' ashis 08 Be he in of ha Hd to, tinue Prot, ¢, H. O: and Mrs, Wright, of Toronto, visited with friends in the village on Sinday. M, 8 and Mwy C ApMSH, ore in Toronto on Munday, attending the yearly mesting of the P sive Friends, Lorne and Mrs, Ravin and son, Kenneth, spent Sunday with rela. tives in town, Norman Mechin, of Oshawa visi | ted with his parents, Hugh and Mrs, Mechin on Inturdey, Miss Meryl Hall, of Torente, iy the week-end at her home ore, Mr, and Mrs, A, Boyes and son, spent the week-end at Port Perry with Mr, and Mrs, Franklin, Miss Pearl Toms of Toronto, was & visitor In the village Runday, Charles Baker and family, of Toronto were week-end visitors In the viliage, Mr, A, L, Law and family, mov. ed to Kinsale on Monday where Mr, Law has taken possession of the blacksmith shop, We wish them every success and happiness in thelr new home, The pulpit of the United Chureh wan ocoupled on Bunday morning by Rev, ¥, H, Russell, a mission ary from India, who is home on furlough, It was the occasion eof the Easter Thank-Offering of the WMH In the avening the preach. or was Rev, W, J, H, Smythe of Wellington, We are pleased to report that Miss Mabel Stephenson, operator at the local telephone exchange, who has been confined to the Osh- awa Hospital In making a satistae- tory recovery, A quiet wedding wan solemnised In Bt, George's Anglican church on Saturday afternoon, the Rev, Mr Robinson officiating, when Mary Blisaheth, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs, A, Gordon, became the bride of Mr, Christopher Fair, The bridal party was preceded up the alsle by the surpliced cholr who sang "The Volee That Breathed O'er Eden," The bride whe was given away by her father, was als tired In a brown costume with shoes and hat to mateh, Nhe wan attended by Miss Thelma Mansfield who wore a blue gown, Mr, Thos, Juniper acted as hest man, Miss K. Fawkes played the wedding musio and during the signing of the reg-|. ister, Mrs, Theodore Tanner sang My, and Mrs, Fair will reside on A weather i marked influence on Xa the Kingston Highway and bh theveby Increased the husiness of the traffie court, This was shown on Monday evening when twenty: saven cases of defective lights and speeding were dealt with in the lo- cal court, At the evening service at Mt, George' Anglican Chureh on Hun day, the Bishop of Toronto was present and dedicated the new ehaneel furniture, whieh recently veplaced that which bad been dep troyed by the fire, During the past week the old Aunglioan. rectory has been demel: ished and will shortly be replaced by & new residence, The meeting of the Young Peo- ple's Noelety was of an {nteresting ature, as it took the form of an election for munioipal officer, The nominations took place a month 0 and since then the members who were intending' to rum, had been carrying on a campaign, he tollowing counell waa returned: Reeve--(larnet Crawford: Deputy Reeves Chrissie Munre, Betty Mur Counelllora-=Gertrude Law: The voting was carried on In the most corrept manner and besides Jroviding oh tertainment, served fo give the n Ma of how munh and during the counting of Ae ballets, readings were miven hy tw members of the commities, f annual Grandmather's Dax of the Komen Institute wan hel thirty ladies re present to hear he program Which hee \ by the Co Rd Mew oy Cah mikey te dor th SEE mes in oo. Li) of Mrs, at Mr, LU 3 oh Mountjoy: LL t 8 fow Aoyy with Mrs, Ross n Cin J of the on t wh lidayn od ation et Hii ha Hh i i ' I} LL] nd Mre , Neshitt, Oshawa, resents Hy vi ™ vis, mm. Wm, ov, Columbus, spent ho onl i her daughter, and Mrs, Wn, Batty, Mr, and his Werr or pt guests of Mr, and Mrs, Ha Ernest. Rundle, Dorls and W I whit lhuwa apes and Mr, an Tuesday In Miss Ethel Warne and Mrs, Evers are, nen's Wl Seder and. family | spending. a few Mrs, Clarence Batty, Newsast Miss Dell § kin, and Ms, Charles Alin family, Providence, were Mr and Mrs, Ross Lee on " fn Ad Mrs, sy, Crassman rene at, Mr, Ji Naylor's, Selina, vr, and Mrs, W, N, Hoskin children were recent visitors with and Mrs, L, Parsons, Vheneser, Mrs, Ceell Oshawa, were re: Tuesday with rh Hoskin Mrs, C.F, Worry spent Toronto, Mrs, Harvey Crossman, Park Rd, Oshawa, visits "one eT 4 ki fli" with Mr. and Mrs user Jon Ly a at Was" Dien doys. with My. md we, spent Friday wilh Ov Lo Hop sts of hursduy Crossman. and Jean, North Oshawa, spent Tuesday with Sorry to report Mr, Bruse Allin Mr, and. Mro, Wallage Seotl, held, 1 James Neots, My, and Arthur Rows, Columbus, at = My, Wiledh + HAMPTON NEW HAMPTON NEWS Hampton Fo) wi Min ond al wi i hd om as WY, A #0nd, Mm, NH, (ole played rumental 0 | froshments weyrved muse Ww the bers were | Mis fashoring: vosidont, Mus, | visited thelr Aunt Mrs, lok ooon the ehaly during last week, tars were vend' WS poten' wou 4 for Japan in place of M Warlase who mat moved to 7 ihe Miss Reeves took shar HUNE, thy Mrs, siworihy, Mrs, (ind Martyn reading, "Our yy Chapman wd diction and and Mr daughter Kantor h mis wore Prog; : ouoh had mw oo Ww charge of the devotions! period, Yiavegy wore offered by Mm, ry . Ming Reeves, he Mission id save " Sheri rosding on Inds, ovioks Afries, Deva Cowling; Temperance, neds, Vi Koren, Gertrude Pettit; Thenkofering, Mr, Byken; after which Mis Wis Pronounce od, Ursila snd Ruth MoNeil Congratyiations to Mr, and Ms, Charlie White on the arrival of u dann Reynolds visited at the home of HW, 1, Tink, Solina recent y, Misses Muth MoKessock and Evelyn Tink, Solina visited thelr grandmother Mrs, Margaret 600 on Sundsy, mouth ear having sold his old one We had a slight thunder storm | to ¥, Kerslake, on Thursday with soaitersd show«| Our young people enjoyed thely om, in the park on MN. Horn ds guest of Mrs, Wm, : Joftvey, Toronto, Tr in James Miainton, Toronto, visited "yy Ww hey his parents on Bundey, daughter, Mrs, Gerirude Virine, B®, Horn unloaded & oar of ois rv, and Mrs, Wallace Stainton Tronouth hd nh bhene~ nd rer ut Tyrone Miation this week, and daughter, Klean Lavae Brown renewed nequaint- | visited at the home pg 47 ances, while oh ing # short visi | ton on Snudey, rim to Mw, W, our, Miss Brown Wallace Her deck i do was siending Missionary Conven~ | in an seroplane, while visiting Puls + Manton | tion In Bowmanville this week, filo relatives, with his mother 78 Miss Campbell resumed her | contly, tenching on Monday, sfier spends I's earlier to hed, and seriier ing Laster holidays st Wimyale, | to rise, for our high Shee wud. Keith Billet, Xileon Wray, Kvereit | onts, And those of Whom the days Robbins and Harry Mariyn being tin among the new beginners, Arthur Clarke has rented pari of 0, J, Xorsiake's South Acres, R, Avery ix driving a new Ply. Highiv saving' time sffdoty, ro, Ferguson has been suffers ing from tonsilitus, vivited hey ts, Enosh May doughter, Mrs, If, Burgess, Tyrone mm snndav Pans a nk FRI 0 5 Rr ttt res RRR or tn RA | A aT _------ dt alent the most complete Service Policy in the Automobile Industry roclaimin ENERAL MoTORS WNER Service PoLicy ¥ FUNDAMENTALS of General Motors OWNER SERVICE POLICY A of 90 days or 4,000 . Aid, 8 defects in material or workman. p. This applies to every part of the gray i epi ae, NERAL MOTORS or CANADA LIMIT (GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED, has always realized that no matter how much value it builds into its cars, the final satisfaction of their owners depend upon the service provided by factory and dealer, Inspired by this realization, General Motors of Canada, Limited, has consistently led the way in broadening the scope of owner service, It pioneered in the establishment of service schools for dealers' mechanics, in the inauguration of "preventive ser: vice", and in other equally important developments. The service leadership of General Motors of Canada, Limited, has never been more evident than in the General Motors Owner Service Policy the most complete ever made available to Canadian auto. mobile purchasers, This policy now in effect for the benefit of of General Motors cars. Not oaly does it anticipate the quality of service an owner expects after he has Houglivhis ay but by combines with General Motors' stan of sound engineering, rigid supervision and thorough testing, to completely protect your investment in a Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Marquette, Oakland, Viking, McLaughlin-Buick, le or Cadillac, : As exem this broad service policy, one pro- vision in particular merits the attention of all pros. pective new car purchasers. It is the clause entitling every owner to the free replacement--by any aA A A dealerinCanada or the United States handling the same make of car--of any part (except tires) that proves defective in material or wor ip, withia 90 days after delivery, or 4,000 miles of driving, whichever may occur fiest, This applies to labor as well as to material, The policy itself takes the form of a written and signed agreement, presented to the purchaser by the Geoentl Motos dealer, when the car is delivered. t states in plain understandable the Satie service to which the owner is he Jor 8 policy, and assuring its successful operation, is the most complete and efficient service organisa. tion in Canada, There i more tian swo thousand authorized General Motors parts and service outlets throughout the Dominion, Pars distri warehouses are maintained by General Motors at Oshawa, Sains Jobn, Winnipeg, Regina, Saskatoon, Edmonton and Vancouver, No matter where you travel in Canada you are not more than a few hours away from a General Motors parts depot, Visit your nearest General Motors dealer today and = ask for full details regarding the Owner Service. Policy, Read over its complete provisions. Together with General Motors unsurpassed standards of manufacture, the Owner Service Policy assures your lasting satisfaction with whatever General Motors car you may prefer. CHEVROLET:PONTIAC+OLDSMOBILE+MARQUETTE+ OAKLAND VIKING * + McLAUGHLIN-BUICK « + LASALLE + « CADILLAC" Ra All with Body by Fisher "a @ AL LAL \ : Bi. ws Adio Factories at Oshawa, Walkerville, St. Catharines, Regina FO ge ;

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