Oshawa Daily Times, 3 May 1930, p. 2

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» og ) Op Vi YIN PS es od A ge dS a aaa x a THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1930 pi two principal speakers were M, Meo- Intyre Hood, Provincsl Executive district representative, who is al- ways u welcome visitor ut Post meetings, and Mrs, Ginn, Provinelal Hocrotury 'of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Legion. IL was shown that in Legion hranches everywhere La die' auxiliaries had done mush not only in standing behind the re« turned men but In promotion of the Interests of the Legion, more partigularly the social side. Prosident Marry James, of the Whithy Post, stated that while there wos no suxilisry here, the veterans had always received the warmest support of the ladies' or. gundrations, Others who spoke ware Comrade Dan: Douglas, Oshawa! Mrs, Foot, president of (he Oshawa Ladies' Auxiliary, Rev, A. 1, Richards, B, D., vhaplain of Whithy Post, and Mrs, Richards, the latter relating her Interesting experience as a V, LADIES NIGHT AT "WHITBY LEGION WAS BIG SUCCESS The first annuul Indies' night ot Whitby Post No, 12, of the Cana dian Legion, held on Thursday eve oning In the club rooms, proved to be a fine succoss, Members and their ladies came early and stayed late, and there was never a dull moment. Quite a number eanie from the Leglon branch af Osh~ awn, The programme was featured by a number of brief but appropriate addresses In which the work of Jae dies' auxiliaries In connection with Leglon branches was stressed, The placa, On behalf of Rev, Dr, Van Wyok, of Whitby, seven hundred books were presented to the minis torial members, On behalf of the Mission Board of the Presbytery, # vheque for one hundred dollars wis presented to Dr, Thonne, for. eign minister who has been In charge of the Churel for All Nas tions at Oshawa, Dr. Thonne is leaving tha Presbytery and the Donrd took this means of expres sing appreciation of his work, It wan reported that a oall would shortly ha presented from the units od congregations at Plokering, Ree cently St, Andrew's and St, Paul's songrogations united, and the mine {stars have resigned, seeking ap« poiniments elsewhere, i 4 " 4 i ' | The Whitby Daily Times REPRESENTA MES f A feature wth the fesslon w the A FINE REPORTS FROM: files ron ws eonfinen, UNITED CHURCH An interesting address was give £ tl Lon of the United Cured Hostel ¥ 7 oo Ld FR #4 Norvilin, whe told : aved in bringin THIS PR \T Y from the old nnd to work on or My, MoLaren sald, wore nd i thelr than they HY rom YW Whitby Thursday, With ae Afton and twenty thoussnd Over 100 Delegates ent gommended this work very) ging reports were pir to the ne Gomera. ¢ for OUIS, 4 onfer resented. from all sourines at 106 | 00 of the United Chureh to be I] ror) 'ory 0 fhe United Chureh |p 1, Jull, Brooklin, Rev. J, R. g nithy on Thursday, with | isk, Cannington; laymen, Mr, hundred ministerial and wade), Port Perry, and 1. C. laymen delegates in attendance, | Young, of Oshawa, 1K. Blok, of Cannington, presided in gates by the Ladies' Ald of ra aL Soniiaple ny avs, Wilts United Qivura, Stories it , | Whigh everyone apprecisted, Brookiin, Dunbsrton, Plekering tieh » ia ADpre A places, " eoting opened at ten 0 hh " Sevotionsl period cons 'ducted by the president, and with Miss athteen Leask, AT.CM, ol Ailing, subuuriptions aud news wll b: soecived 44 ihe Adal Bt UB {Uy nd Uhronielemielophoss SiborA flor Houry = om, on by Alex Malaren, superintends the Tarme, Ninety-five per cent, of ; Spring Meeting Held in dollars, The Wosiel superintend- Onhaws | 01d fn London ares Ministers, Rev. The ehairman of Presbriarr. Nev At noon dinner was served to the Drougham, Cannington ng. aed two iuteresting persentations took Whithy, at the organ, Muth of (he foremoon was taken up with youtine business, the recelvin of pall and panorts And This ma ing of Presbytery appointments, a AA. Cholee Lawn Grass Seed Hogg & Lytle, Ltd. | | evening that the membership : 42, iu the Hospital st Hustiogs, ne, during the war, / I sum neiuded muses) sumbers 'a ied 4 comis song Gibby, Oshawa; somedy number by Comrade Smith, Oshawa; and a comedy by Comrade Powers, These numbers . added much to the en. Joyment of the 'evening, Vollowing this pert of the pro- were arranged for many keen contests ,; The prive winners 1st, Mrs, Lesh, Whit. 2nd Mve, GHbson, Gentlemen's 1st, Don 14 + Whithy; End, Mr, Leah, Whitby, Not the lesst im nt and en joyable item on ¢ programme was the refreshments served just before Lhe happy gathering broke Ul Ladies' night, it was unanimous. Iy decided, will be an annus) event with Whitby Post, It was announced during the oam- paign meeting with great sue- sens, and at the nest legion rally to be in Whitby on May 0th, there will be a Jong initiation 1st. COMMITTED VOR TRIAL His worship Mi te J, NB Willis has committed, for trial in the next court of competent juris. diction Kdward Swan, charged with 8 serious offense ageinet' & young #irl residing in Brooklin, Accused is out on hail of 98,000, The court the evidence Against Swan a wesk ago, but re- served judgment in order to look over the evidence, His worship has now found thet there was sufficient ov in the ease to send Swan on for trial, it 1s presumed that Swen wil! qaing before the Supreme' Court in une, A passenger on & Jerk-water train became Impatient at the slow pace, At one of its interminable stops he said to the conductor, "You know I could get to Jonesville mueh quicker if T got off and walk. od." "Why don't you?" suggested the conductor, "1 would," replied the passenger, 'but my friends are not expecting me until train time." A | The New Durant Four Durant, Pour Cylinder, Shandord Soden Model "407" A Striking Example of Modern Car Building Tie new ultra modern Durant "Four" steps to the front to maintain the Durant reputation for sincerity in appearance, performgnce, com. A ig pp ee You il be oud of i» fipearohes, ia ssh ands goominm 'ees you w hood. ts performan uv new and larger motor pe gs Ls comfort of its wide bur finely fees will TRO ld and proud of its chasis and spring construction that makes riding ble . . . . you will marvel at the value offered in this new t "hous" Go now to Durant dealer for details which he will supply without i Sow it your il supply, DURANT MOTORS of CANADA LIMITED TORONTO (LEASIDE) CANADA Rugby Trucks, Fours and Sixes--}j-ton and 1:ton capacities & Oo 0 IKSON MOTOR SALES OSHAWA, ONT. PHONE 833 ANT | | OWING TO THE ACT DUTY ON GOVERNMENT IN ABOLISHING THE BRITISH GROWN TEAS AND A LOWER MARKET FOR CER- TAIN GRADES OF TEA, WE ARE PLEASED TO GIVE OUR CUSTOMERS THE FULL BENEFIT OF THIS SAVING TO THE RETAIL GROCERY TRADE AS USUAL, WE WILL PROTECT YOU AGAINST LOSS ON SALADA TEA BY REBATING YOU FOR YOUR STOCK ON HAND SO THAT YOU CAN MAKE THE ABOVE PRICES EFFECTIVE AT ONCE, FORMS ARE BEING MAILED TO YOU FOR THIS PURPOSE SO DO NOT SHIP "SALADA Reduces Price 15am. BROWN LABEL NOW 60c a Ib Yaslb. PACKAGE NOW 156¢ 2.02, PACKAGE NOW 8¢ JAPAN GREEN BLEND IS UNCHANGED AT 70¢ LB. ALL OTHER LABELS REDUCED 5¢ A LB, TO THE PUBLIC - These Prices Are Effective Now - Do Not Pay More UNFORTUNATELY THE MARKET FOR THE FINEST QUALITY ION OF THE | AT ONCE. TEAS HAS ANY TEA BACK TO US, SALADA TEA COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. QUENTLY WE ARE UNABLE TO RE. DUCE OUR OTHER GRADES MORE THAN FIVE CENTS A POUND, ADVANCED, CONSE. Bowmanuille REPRESENTATIVE-B. | | NEWS ABOUT TOWN | Vixing the Town Fountain A number of men wers yesterday making repairs to the town foun. tain on Temperance Street outside the police station in preparation for the number of people and ani. mals It will serve with a cooling and safe beverage during fhe hot summer months, This pump fs fargely used in the summer and has been badly in need of repairs for the past two or three years, Chosen Friends Dance The Chosen Friends of Dow. manville gathered In large num aa bers at the Balmoral Hotel lust evening for the final dance of the season. A real good time wan had by all and the many who jounney- od from Oshawa for the event were | well repaid. Mason's Dance The new High School auditorium had its fivst big social functivs since it was placed at the disposal of the public on Thursday evening when the members of the Jerusa. lem Lodge AF, and AM, hald their annual At Home and Dance, There was a large attendance and the hardwood floor of the new halt was found to be admirably suited te dancing. Lights. Out Again Once in last night when the bigh wind was blowing about 10 o'olock the hydro falled and How. manville was in darkness for a apace of about 10 minutes, Practl- oally every time a heavy wind sor blows the lights fail but the olenoy of the local hydro men t this regular ocourrence from being very much of a nulss ance. GETS 3 MONTHS SELLING LIQUOR Albert Bowen Sentenced by Magistrate Floyd of Cos bourg in Bowmanville Albert Bower of Orono pleaded ullty when ptiaigned before Mag- strate Floyd of Cobourg, in How. manville Police Court yesterday | Afternoon to a charge of selling liquor in contravention to section 74 paragraph 1 of the Liquor Cons trol Act, Mowen who la 08 years of age wap sentenced to three months in tho county jail at Co. bourg and was ordered to pay th cats of the prosecution and in deta ting these costs will have to spend an additional two mentha in the jail, Another charge of wells ing to a migor waa withdrawn when Crown Attorney Kerr of Co- Jouts: sae mat thin was covered the charge of selling. id : For Thott Frank Kilgour of Clarke Town. ship an immigrant boy from the oud Country was also brought be. fore the magistrate charged with stealing $34 from his employer, NM wl, ld n Telit, Me stated Ih brought out at t he wa the Cossar Farms of Gatestown, By, and the trown a AA AAAAN AANA sas AL aaa Daily Times 1 " 4 b News, advertising and subscriptions will be received ot Lhe ' Bowmanville Office of Ibe limes. | elephones--~Oftice, 687 4 4 A HERBERT MORTLOCK ies aseanaemaaatiodiiitt YS asked for a vemand until! May 10, #0 that the authorites in Gatestown could he got in touch with and en quiries concerning he boy made, He will therefore be lodged in Co. bourg jail until a week today when he will appear again, TELEPHONE WILL BE INSTALLED IN CENTRAL SCHOOL School Trustees Advised That Cadet Inspection Will Be Held May 30 A new telephone will be lostalls od in the public school it was de- cided at the regular monthly meet. Ing of the Public School Noatd held in. Contral School last evening, All members of the board were pre- sent oxehpt Trustees Nelles and Kehder with C. ¥, Rice, chairman presiding. The installation of this telephone has been » jong felt want at the school and Trustee Dustan stated that there should be one there if only for use in case of fire, No long distance calls will be allowed however and the phone is not to be used except at recess, this lat~ ter clause being made to prevent Just social calls being made. The report of Mrs, Warnica, the attendance officer, was received und filed and sreounts were passed totalling $431.70, at | Communications were read fram Albert G, JI engineer asking for permission to make plans for the new heating system, He will be in- formed that the board have now chosen their plans and that tenders will shortly be called for the work, C. A, Dunham Co, also wrote stating that they have forwarded the plans for the heating system making the final step before tend- ors are called which will be as soom as tender forms arrive, Notice of Cadet inspection was given and will take place on Fri. day, May 80, at 11 a.m, This will be Immediately following the in- spection of the High School cadets, The eadots of the Boy's Training School will also be Inspected the samo day but at 1,30 in the after. noon, Council adjourned the regu- Iar meeting at nine o'clock and went immediately Mito a special meeting for further discussion of the heating project, A dentist calls his ofce a "dents al parlor" because his patients would feel too bad If he called it a "drawing room." blue, Garden time should find you equipped to assist Mother Nature in her annual task of covering the earth with edibles and floral love. liness, clouds dissolve into infinitudes of flower kingdoms call, with a seeds, When the first thunder and the vegetable and answer yi e, and Cooper Smith solutely the finest, by Garden Seeds We have a large assortment of Tested Garden Seeds in stock. Flower Seeds encer's Mixed Sweet asturtiuma, Zinnias, ete, in bulk from Jo werth up. Pens, Asters, Coamos, Cooper Smith 16 CELINA 3T, PHONE 8 ORHAWA

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