La Jad Co; THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY, 3, 1930 PAGE TEN AAVER PAIR MUST - FACE FRAUD TRIAL / famiiton, May 8==Charles / B, to tober. MeXnight of New ' Bruns Crete NJ, with: making false en. ries and with conspiragy, were ommitted for trial by Magistrate ¥ yostorday, Pleas of not | ad iy i 1nld under : against, h rity Frauds Act HODAIr Will bo heard, ntic City "is always f'in season" if oi . week or a week-end enley the Tunney of LL ftheut Toukleb Wii Nr tof Fave vAtIOnE: me BAY 4, ANDREW, Pow, LOCAL CLINICS ---- 10 MAKE SURVEY OF WENTAL GAS Premier Announces Also In- vestigation Into Immigre. "tion Methods Toronto, May B-~Organitation of a system. of local ¢linies which will make a general and Intensive survey 'of the provingial problem in mental ficiency , and Insanity wider the leadership of Dr. BT, MeGhle, mp: erintendent of 'the Ontario Hospital at Seite was announced Inst night by remier G, H, Ferguson in sn address delivered at the annual ban. gust of the Canadian Conference on otis] Work liere, Premier Ferqtaon sid 8 two weeks' session i been Arranged 10 convene May 18 at Orillia, Medical men, university professors and pay. to of au fs Mirig RR BABIES GET HUGH BETTER GHANGE Social Servics Work Adds Greatly to Probabilities "For Life (By Conadian Proms Lonsed Wire) Toronto, May B= Présentation of three papers based on the wiudy of ohild development hy Dr, H, H, Murphy of the Canadian Medical Association, Dr, Leg H, Forguson, Cleveland, and Dy, D, § Vufter, Toronto; sn comprehensive paper hy Rev, Dr, C, W, Gordon, Winni peg, that presented a survey of the steel producing Industry in Cans ada with its human relations to the social mperviee council and an ad- dress on "Periodic Health Kxamin= secs | ation," by P, A, MacVarlane, Mont. New York City, chistrists' will thaln themselves and organize local elinies during the sce slon, the speaker sald, Mental Institutions 'In Ontarlo House a vast population for whieh the provincial government should not be responsible snd an investigation into immigration methods will be conducted to prevent mentally, defee tive people from entering the coun. try, Premier Ferguson sald, "Conditions In the Queen Street Mental Hospital in Toronto are ap» wlling," he sald. "There are today n that institution 50 er 60 people who are awaiting deportation and who should never have heen allowed MOVE T0 EXTEND TEXTILE STRIKE Other Allied Unions Asked to Give Week's Notice Bradford, England, May §, to enter the country," An effort was made yesterday to von, wore high spots of yesterday's sessions of the Canadian woelnl hy« glene counell convention here, Dr, Murphy said owing to the work of organisations like the eouncll, a baby horn today ean ex- pect to live 15 or 80 years longer than one horn 60 years ago, "Nut this saving of Hie is concentrated inte the first five years," the speak. or sald, "It means, veslly, Instead of adding materially to the life of a mature Individual, we are ane sisting an much greater number to reach the age of five, Life's span in still measured In the same mans ner as did the old vomadie He. hrows==threescore and (on YoRya---= despite the fact the selence of sans Be -- TE TR 'jand fault Ble tation and medical knowledge had progressed far beyond thelr ken, Dr. Gordon weld the man ment and divestors of the Dominion Iron aud Mieel Company, are syms put ails with the Jurbese of slim. ng the 12-hour shite, ' Ho was gonfident they would do wo ss goon ne thelr sompany gotten haek on more substantinl ground, I Is Just emerging from the hands of a receiver, Bteel plants at Hamilton arle had framed working conditions suitable to thely employees, the speaker seid, rim-- TWO MEN WOUNDED, FARM HAND IS HELD Hired Man Drives Stirling Youths Off Farm With Shotgun' Belleville, May B--Mistaken for ehioken thieves, Howard Holden and Clelland Reid, young men who live near Btiriing, received guns shot wounds in the neck and head, and are recovering at thely homes, Thomas MeDougall, Iahorer on the farm of ©, U, Clancy, AR, No, #, Biiviing, is under arrest, charged with the sheoting, According to the stery teld po Hee, Holden and Reid recently bought a hograck from Claney, and last night drove to his farm to collect thelr purchase, In the abrence of the Clency family, they were met at the door hy MeDougal) an immigrant hoy who has heen but a short time in Canada, The two young men explained thelr business, but apperently MeDoug wll was not satisfied with the story, #6 he went into the houss and res appeared with us shotgun, He ore dered them off (he farm, It vi.# siated, snd. to enforce the order discharged the gun, The visitors made fov thelr cer started 16 and drove away with nf possible speed, MeDougsll, it was sald, fired after the any, Two slugs ontered Holden's head, and a num- ber struck Held in the naps of the neck, The beck of the ear wan riddled, ; BENNETT DEMANDS GENERAL ELECTION People Should Have Oppor. tunity to Vote Before Imperial Conference (By Canadian Prove Lossed Wire) Ottawa, May O-Referonce to a general oloction was made by Hon, HR, B, Bennett, Conservative lead. or, in his speach on the budget yesterday, Chavging the governs ment neglect and delay In protec ting Canadian interests, Mr, Bon: nett etated that the question wan whether the administration des perved the confidence of the Can sndian people or should he denied it "For my part," he declared, "1 helleve the Canadian people, hes tween now and the date of the Ime perinl Keonomio Conference, should have an opportunity to des cide," The Very Best Remedy for Rheumatism Sarkarchowon Men Praises Dodd's Kidney Pills A ---- "Suse a note to tell you of my great faith in Dodd's Kidney Pills)" bh dy Arinhig 714 Welimer ad, Baskatoon, Hof , Aly using several boxes o Jou poids Pb was entirely relisved of my Rhous matiom In my right arm." heumatiom is wholly dus to the presence of pain ot i blood hh t 8 should have removed, Dodd's idnby Pills srongthen weak Kidneys and pus om in condition to do thelr full work of sisining fhe impurities out of the bigod, | No AL athe medicine olds 6h A recor ay 4 ing Fons " Dodd's Kidney Pills, d A 50¢ Al WEB: Cl Vom, 48 Canadian Ships Seized Since 1922 by Prohibition Mer (By Canadian Prose Lonsed Wire) - Regine, Bask, May b= Reulne 8 w= Poriy-cight I howt to the very younk man who have heen selsed y ont flyer ] 4 hy 8iiad to ba the Toilbgm hi AA hy United Htates prohibition ens weeks' old Arthur Leslie Kirby, | forcement officers since Jan, 1, son of Mr, and Mrs, J, Kirby, A | 1088, according to n return tabled in the House of Commons yess Baskatoon, Little Arthur snd his mother | Levaay, One boat was destroyed hy gunfive, Protests had heen made flew from Baskatoon to Moose Jaw on Tuesday evening ahonvd one | In four cases hy the Canadien of the Fokker monuplanes of the | Government, and in two Instances Western Canada Alrways piloted | the Government of the United over the prairie wirmil) express | Btates had apologised, ' route hy A, N, Aectorganrd, Ate Ona cane wan stil) "sub judice," cording to his mother, Arthur was No Canadian Vives had heen lost wide awake throug) at the tHEht, [und no Canndions wounded hy pros Ho did not seem hotherad In the | hibition enforcement officers dups least by the noise of the engine | ine the period, the return stated, TOE KIODNLY PILLS in Kip! REGINA 15 HOST TO YOUNGEST FLYER Ottawa, Muy Canadian ships bil ------ ---- r---------------- make complete and thorough the stoppage of vork in the woollen and textile Industries, insofar as the firms which have joined issue with the reduction-resisting works ors are coneerned, The executive committes of ihe woollen and textilo trade unions docided to ask other unions, as sociated with and orking with, the two Industries, Lo give a week notice of termination of employ. ment, the notlee ov go to those firms which have posted the so called cut rates, These unions Inelude engine mon, firemen, slectiical and other Workers necessary tn, hut not actu Ally a part in the trade sense, ol the woollen and textile factories, EXPENSES MAY BAR HER WAY TO SENATE | Mrs, McCormick Spent Quarter Million to Win Primary Washington, May 8 A quarter of a million dollars of her own money has arisen aw a prospective obstacle between Ruth Hanna Ma Cormick and her dearest ambition Lhe THihols menatorship Nefore a committed of the Hen ate which looks askenes on such large expenditure, the daughter of Mark Hanna disclosed her expens ditures, the exact total of whieh ahe hovgelf doesn't know, In wine ning the Republican nomination from Renator Denson last month, The Nya primary investigating commities found her total listed campaign expenses from last July I were $300,678, of which $234, P71 wan spent after she filed for the nomination, She asked for ne contributions, and only a few small sums from relatives augmented her own bank acgount, Her expenditures make some of the righ men who have been epitl clued for spending large sums ia Henate races, look lke misers, als though her total Is far loss than those of Henator Pepper and Wil llam 8B, Vare in Pennsylvania and Frank L, Smith in her own state, Vare and Smith were barred, and Papper failed to get the nominas tion despite expenditures of §1, KK; PRISONER | Let the Wise Old Hen | Tell How to FEED BR (eet at nn i a. Ni Netep Chicks to he hasty strong, like you must do as [ say i : ye in Biwy Town in Canede LTD, 318 Carlaw Ave, TORONTO Sold in Oshawa b COOPER SMITH CO, : ™ PRATT FOOD CO. OF 14 Colina Street Phone 8 That is your reward when you use British American Gasolene, Power to take you where you want to go, at the speed you wish to travel , ,.. with unfailing smoothness, Power to get away, power on pickup, power without the penalty of excessive carbon, pitting. . or any of the troubles caused by gasolenes of less than the highest quality . ... and there is no price penalty. A Profitable Habit REGULAR sting soon becoraes a habit--one that is just as hard to break as any other==but one that is profitable, for it increases with interest and leads straight to greater comfort and happiness--to assured « independence ac atime when you will' desire this, above all things. Save regulirly---a a/Bank, 'where your money is safe, steadily increased by inter est, and always at hand to ° help you if you heed it, I. ON HUNGER STRIKE ; Dr, Ww. A, Phillips, Hamil. ton, Has Refused Food For a Week Milton, May 3.==Dr, W, A, Phi ipa of Hamilton, sentenced to serve three months fn Nalton Couns ty Jail here for masking duving a KKK, demonstration in Oaks ville a few weeks ago, when Ira Jdolinaton, colored, was separated Ma white sweetheart, now his % jfwite, 1a on a hunger atrike,. which he began a week amo Thursday, Phillips, who . appeared to: be oheerful on' entering the Jall, has since heoome dewnhearted, and de. olaves he intends to continue the hunger atrike, The guards provide Phillips with his. meals daily, but the prisoner refuses to partake of them, Phils {p's meals will he brought to Mm fx lonm as he 1a a prisoner, and it {8 up to him to eat them or leave them alone, River Claims Life of Gananoque Lad Cananogue, May 8.»= Harold + Dakeny wi rg a, aon » Mt, an W, or, Was drowns or CANADA ) od Jonterday afternoon: With a hg Amall companion he was playing n the k of thd Gananoque Var, when he fell, The hody was "800 Branches in Canade," ted, Dr, J. N, Mackie, Coron. A GRADE FOR EVERY CAR TRACTOR AND "wm | The BRITISH AMERICAN O11. CO. LIMITED | (7000 RCE Peerfess, Super Powe and BroashedAmencan FE1LHYL Gasolenes «© a ----_--_------------------------ ---------------------------------- : ; A OF Lansdowne, wan summyned, -------- wom y : a Hi Mok deem An ------ --- ' i