Oshawa Daily Times, 2 May 1930, p. 12

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/ " THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1930 HECTOR INJURED Belleville, --Rev, €, ©, Clarke, revtor of Christ Chureh, is sanhn. od to his bed as a result of injurls #5 sustained in an secident when Ne had the mistertune to fall down the stairs al the rectory, ATTN © REBUILD OVERHEAD BRIDGH Trenton ~Work has started in earnest at tha Overhead nage over the UPR, NR tracks no Abia and Trenton thin the nest few days n' hoth skilled ie nN GOnsty ne new Rh will be a vast Im- provement aver the ald one, ------ ' VIN MUSELM Traptons=Principal Vateman of (the Dufferin gtreet Publie Behool here has one of the finest school museums in Canada, In which stuf- fed birds and animals of all des oviptions predominate, 1t 1s his intention tn held "Visitors Day" gome inte in the near future, a ---- PIG PLAYK ON CITY STREET Belleville ==A young porker vunnipg #t large on Pinnacle ut, ona night vegently not only vaused some amusement, but interferred to 8 considerable sptont with (vaf- pe. Vor upwards of an houy it opt running up and down (that thoroughfare between Campbell street and Victoria avenue and ef forts made' to capture it proved futile, until at last It was guided down the gangway adjoining (he Salvation Army barrpoks and wan aught by Charles Brown, Durs ing its wild career it escaped neve eval Limes belpg hit by autos which were compelled to slow up and stop the impeding trafe, SPRING EFFECTIVE TO-DAY PRICES EGG SIZE STOVE CHESTNUT PEA IERIE EGG SIZE STOVE NUT PEA SIZE THE ABOVE PRICES JEDDO PREMIUM COAL SEMET-SOLVAY COKE FIFTY.CENTS (50¢c) PER TON FOR CASH ON TON LOTS OR MORE. wn $18.00 wwnsssrs 918,80 wma 315/00 -- Wi $12.80 wns 911,00 WILL BE REDUCED DIXON COAL CO. TELEPHONE ROR Five Direct Lines Our vegetable seeds are all : tion the Kin Guam. HE 'measure up to government test, ' We carry a full line of vegetable seeds in TE I Iw A-- Y N CHANGE rk of ITB oad Abi 4 5 0 age '} inhinh 2 " Hubiraat fond, alles 0 AGGUISd WAS TeSPONEY info for a double fire fri al his residence, tt NEW MILK PRICES Corawn)=Corowall milk dis~ tributors have returned to sume mer prices when milk will be sold AL 11 cents per quart and six 'cents per pint, he rate Is (he same a6 that in effect Task year, Under the Winter seals milk sold at 19 gents per quart, MEKK MISSING VARMER Cornwall =fearch parties com: posed of Aimost 100 farmers ure combing the Dalkeith distriet for traces of Matthew Watson, farmer fesiding near here who disappears od, ORDAINED AN PRINSTS Cornwall, ="F'we young men of will known Cornwall families are to ba ordained into the holy priests hoot" of the Oblates of Mary Im- maculpte, The erdination will be conferved upon Lovenso MaeDon- ald Danis, son of the late Police Magistrate Daniel Danis and Mes Danis, and Rens Lavigne, son of Mr, and Mrs, P, A, Lavigne, ON BUMMER TIME Peterborough By general eon went the employees of the Dominion Woolens and Worsteds 'Jd, are working according to summers time pohedula an compared with the rest of the eity whieh is still on standard time, The remainder af the elty will Eo on summer time commencing AL midnight June 14, NTOLE CHICKENS Brookyille, = James Shaw, of tha township of Bastard, and Marl Cond, of Kitley, ware convicted in police court here of stealing ohiok ons, under the value of #30 and were sentenced to one month each In the counties jall, "They were alan convicted of two other oharges of stealing chickens to & greater value than #30, and were sentenced to one year determinate and one year Indeterminate each in the Ons tavio reformatory to he commenced At the expiration of the sentence In the counties Jail und to run coneurrently PULPIT PILL VACANY Kingston The vacanoy nl Princess HBiveet United Ohuroh caused hy the vesignation of Rev CW, Barrett who has accepted a enll to nu eharge at Brighton, Ont, has not yor heen Alled, Rev, Mr Barvett, 18 leaving for his new charge the latter part of June NEW CURATH Kingston. «The Rev, J. (1, Apar ling, who has been incumbent of the Mission of Bannockburn has arrived in the elty to syeosed the Rev, N. R. Burke as curate of Ni, George's Cathedral ON SUMMER TIME Gananoque Uananoque goss on daylight saving time on Mons day May Bb, and will continue un til on Monday Nept, 1; PREFER CENOTAPH RelavillowHxaorvice men ors prosand themselves al a publle menting herve that they did not wish memorial arehes placed at the ene trance of the new bridas, but pre. ferred a cenotaph, The mesting was called by Mayor Reid for an expression of apinlon, Home years ARO AR Amount of money was col lected for the bullding of a cenos taph, but nareement could not be redched as to the site, A commits EEDS BULK or % PACKAGES tested Rupee 'of not L wion, ov and suceoured by hacome the subjest of devotion Lo a enuse, soted by Dr, Healey Willan, tes will ba formed, and (he question of a venotaph disovussed INSURANCE SUIT VALLN Kingston The oawe of Mrs Gertrude Meott versus the I'ruden tial Insurgnce Company, alleging that $000 Insurances. money had bean wrongfully paid, which was heard before Judge J. 1, Madden, han heen dismissed, Mrs, Meott al leged that the monies has heen wrongfully paid to ona Matilda Laird, who, under the name of Ma thida Beott, had presented two pol feles amounting to 608.75 and res onlved payment from the Prudential Company Documents were pro duced In an effort to prove that Mrs, Gertrude Heott was the lawful beneficiary of Charles Ridnsy Reotr, whe died In Montreal In January, 1000 WORRIES NELY INKANE , Kingston Worrving over his mother who was killad In an upris ing In Wig native land, Argpin Mor! gory, Ukraintan, went suddenly In sane and was committed to Rocks wood Hospital, He was rescued by polices at Kingston Junction when he van out In front of an approach ing train, The sole romantic spisade in the sordid, unhappy story of "Bonpis Prince Charlie", the h tan 0, fleeing from the arm of after Culloden had wrecked his hopes, wan concen) Lady Mora MacDonald, has many a song and story, a romante lightful not enly to those whose hesrts are faithful to the memory of the Btuarts, but te all who treasure stories of 8 woman's courage, faith, and Musieal arrangements for the produetion of a ballad-opera entitled "Prince Siatlte and Flora" And written around this romantiae LJ] Conservatory of Musie, and one of the best known of Canadian. composers, and "Prince Charlle and EE EE ERY BLAST RESULTS IN FLEXIBLE RECORD FOR PHONOGRAPH Are Hard Enough to With. stand Hammer, But Bend Like Paper An explosion han shown how ta make phonograph records that bend like paper, This blow-up, in a Colambia University ohemioal laboratory, came gueerly ennugh not. from expansion hut sudden contraction, It led to the discovery of a new substance, durs lum, that produces a phonograph record an flexible an paper, but sn hard It does not serateh op break under a hammer hlow The "aceident" was nea lucky break, but the elimax of years of work that hegan with the idea of a New York manufacturer, Joseph Reilly, Reilly's business fneluded electroplating, the process that hardens a thin Alm of copper Into forms that print words-and plotur on, By some singular process he dreamed of making phonograph yecords, After spending $200,000 without success he consulten vr, NH, 1, Reana. professor of chemin try at Columbia, Weans sald the scheme waa all. hut "impossible", but he was willing to experiment with it, He believed (he secret of the process to be in certain synthetle vesing that harden when haated, He cooked nearly ROO tubes, but none hardened fast enough, Then, a8 heat penetrated another tube one day thera was A sharp hiss, and some of the lgquor shot to the calling, The resin had hardened at exploaion apeed, The yiddle wan solved, Heavy paper in conted with this resin from three to five thousand: tha of an ineh thick, "The touch of a hot form instantly transforms It into an indelible record, ED FORMER CANADIAN INFRANTRYMAN 1S OLD MAN SUNSHINE Sings Sentimental Ballade To Large Radio Audience Miami Beach Plain Bill Wil Hams, a Canadian Infantryman dun ng the war, with a mental library of 1,200 Ivrien and weores, is "OW Man - ine! 6 te Tain sudh ane Ww " ot on Heo liken to, plays fashioned, timenta 10 ae, Js et sal ate He was plain Bin Witam an \ taiivoad telegrapher, structural New York Jeon werker, Capadian vw | Vlory"' Bunday, an Broadeasting Com from 9.16 to oung Pre. Cumberlan [] pode have been of the Toronte | Campbell; man during the World War, dirt truck automobile racer and licen: wed pilot, Me gained his wobriquel when he answered the request of A Birmingham, Ala, tot to sing Hoverel doys ater the youngster called him "Old Man Sunshine" in a letter of thanks, Before he wan bh radio entertain or Williams lost his right leg In the battle of Ypres as a member of the 136th Canadian regiment, Leaving army hospitals to rebuild hin health, he alse bulit his per sonality as mn conveyor of cheery messages and songs over the radio, "I'm un sort of radio _ ancestor Bill explained "1 sthrted wt WHAC, Lansing, Mich,, when our equipment wan a HO-Walt pel serewed on a kitchen table" During the 1088 election Wil lamas hroadeast returns for nine hours steadily, When results ran out he adlibbed with pongs and plano playing He now holds a permanent berth at WIOD hers Droadeasting, however, Is not all of R's radio work, He likes to tinker with the apparatus that throws hin "whispering baritone" SOREN over the south Further, the one-legged artist recently ponled the 250-goof towers that anchor WIOD's aerial and painted them "Just for the fun of 11." NEW NAME PLATH London he world's moat famous eriminal court, "OM Batley", In so unknown te Londons orn that a name plate has been twelve associated pany A pi me, under the auspices of the Canadian Pacifie allway, with the Alfred Iesther Light Opers Company, singing the paris, The above pleture Is of. a sesne from "Prince Charlie and Flora", In the broadonst Jesnne Dus soau will sing the part of Flora MacDonald, and the other parts will he taken as follows; ranald, Beatrice Morson; Captain MaeNell, ¥inlay a servitor, Charlie, Stanley Maxted, The part of the Prined's slde-de-camp will be sung by Herbert Hewsison, I ------------EH PO Prince Charlie and Flora will be broadeast for first time on ay 4, from station WIZ , Now York stations of the National The hrosdesst will ba m,, eastern wiandard Lady Clans Allred Heather; Priges r-- ---- -- placed on the side of the main ens trance of the bullding, In shiny brass it announces that the build. ing Is the "Central Criminal Court of London," The diMeulty nvose when ¢ltisens insisted upon 'using the old desig. nation of "Old Bailey", although the name was oMeially changed hy an aot of parliament, Centuries ago the bullding wus known aw "ha Justioa Hall In the Old Balley', Inter an "Tha Bossions House, Old Balley", and finally to Try our Orange Pekoe Blend the next time you buy tea the shortensd "01d Batley", "OM Bailey" is the name of the short ithe street in the heart of the ety where the court is located, When the present, hullding. was opened in, 1907,.1t hesams ofl ally the contra) eviminal court, but the public chose to call it "The New 01d Bailey', When the build. aged un bit, the title "Old Balley" came back Into ume, om------ som------ NEAL WILD VINK Lincoln, Neh,-=Bomething new in Ash slovies, and this one 1s vouched for hy Frank O'Connell, A state game warden, Black bass, brought from the sand hill reglen of western Nebraska to the recelys ing station operated by (ha sists game department ave so wild that O'Connell has ordered packing places around the edges of the gonerete tank to keap them from injuring thameslves as they strike viciously against the tank's sides, BEETLE TRAPPING CHAMPS Brisbane, Australis, + The world's beetles hunting champions ship Is elaimed hy two Brisbane residents who have sarned more than 81,000 In ten days by catohs ing 'water grubs or gray-back beetles, The government pays # bounty of 25 cents nu pound for the bugs which do great damage to sugar plantations In one dis trict alone ast year the pasts cause od a million dollars worth of dams ge, T. & N, O, Reaches : Blacksmith Rapids (By Canadian Press) Toronto, Muy 1.~Premier Ver~ guson has officially announced the northerly extension of the Timis~ kaming and Northern Ontario Ralls way has reached Blacksmith Rap ids, contre of the Government's now lignite conl fields, and that it should reach the Moose River withe in threes weeks, With stes! down as far us Black smith Rapids, the Government will now be able to bring out the large test shipments of. lignite which were mined during the past wintar and dumped along the 'T, and N, 0, extension right-of-way, -------------- ------------_ Gets Five Years For Robbery Attempt Toronto Hospital (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Toronto, May 1,~Clarence Cook, 40, appeslod to the court last week for a three months' sentence ip or« der to cure himself of the drug habit, Today howaver he was iden- titled ns the masked intruder of un local hospital, last week, and was sentenced to five years in Portsmouth Penitentiary on a ohargs of attempted robbery while armed, } rT ----. Phone 1000 The Arcade Oshawa THE QUANTITIES ARE SMALL »~ « Figured Rayons beautiful shades and very suitable Minnen In rolourings, for Women's drones, Wa arn cleaving our en tire mlock fine Ray ons AL thin low price, Rex, upto $1456 yard 49¢ Per yard and English Voile These Volles aimost cons pare with Georgelis in (ox ture and fineness, Just a few left choose patterns tn from, Reg, up to §1.0H Npecinl for Mat, $1.39 Only , SATURDAY'S SPECIALS Girls' Straw Hats 12 Only Girls' and Children's Straw Hails, Reg, §1.°H To clear, Fach a -------- GRAMAPHONES In Beautiful Burl Walnut Cabinets Regular $295.00 - Special $69.50 Regular $249.00 - Special $56.75 30 RECORDS GIVEN FREE Other Fine Values in Brunswick Gramaphonc: Electric Panatrope, Regular $700.00 Special UKE FURNITURE CO. Phones 78 & 79

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