Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Apr 1930, p. 8

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Ee ---- DT Tay Sl Shwe Se PAGE EIGHT THE DSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1930 ESR Fi BAI FHL OSHAWA NATIONALS OPEN LEAGUE SCHEDULE HERE TOMORROW 0.A.LA. Convention Votes Rigid Enforcement . Of Th Players 'Must Be "Bonar fide" Residents of the Place Where They Play-- Five Teams Enter Local Senior Grouping--F, Le Roy Is Appointed to Exec utive Council pev------ Toronto, April 25,~The decision of the O,A.L.A, convention when delegates voted on a rigid en- forcement of the residence rule by Killing attempts to alter it was evident ut the first executive meet ing held in the Prince George Hor tel Inst night, when the clause wis analyzed and the usual-loop-holes, which have permitted players every privilege were blocked, One word "bona-fide" inserted in the rule gave the executive power to stop the usual traffig of players, and in future a man wil have to be & continuous resident the distriet he intends to play in or his card will be cancelled, in the past players moved to A town just previous to May 1, and after registering as a resident veturned to thelr regular homes and then just visited the lacrosse home for games and practices The residence yule which reads as follows could not be altered by the executive, but the word bona- tide was defined to make a player an honest resident of 'the place where he is playing lacrosse, Hestdence Rule Kvery player in each series shall be # bona-fide and eontinuous vesident of the eity, town op Vvils lage in which his club Is situated, from the first day of May in the year in which he plays, except where & player lives in a ely, town, village or rural district where there is no club, in which case ho may play for the nearest glub that has a team in the Ons tario Amateur Tae spe Associa tion, and for no ' A bona-fide and continuous resi dent shall also include a player who may make a bopa-fide change of residence after 'May 1 of the year in which he plays, but who shall, nevertheless, he eligible to play for the club of the city, town, village or rural district of whieh he was a bona-fide resident on May 1, and for no other elub whatever, The word bona-fide was defined ms follows: (a) A player who in good faith makes a change of residence hefora Muy 1 to secure employment with pity, town or rural distriet will be considered a voua-fide change in residence, (h) It a player changes his resldence after May 1 he will not ho Meligible to play unless given COME TO THE OLD TIME REVIVAL ut First Pentecostal Holiness Church #11 CELINA NT, Commencing Sun, April 97 REV. LEWIS SAWGALSKY Noted Hebrew Evangelist WILL NPEAK Horvices Every Evening at 8 o'élock (except Saturdays) Sunday 11 a.m, and 7 p.m, 'Don't miss the opportune ity of hearing this great man, i Ntarts Tomorrow Joan Crawford A Gorgeous Boauty A with the Instinots | of a Jungle Cat--in "Untamed" Residence Rule fre CAREW LUMBER (© special permission by the 0.A L.A, executive, (e) If a player has his abode in one city, town or vural district and is working in the same place and moves prior to May 1, for express purpose of defeating the spirit of residence rule by not living cons tinually in the town, city or rural digtriet, he will not be considerad A bona-fide resident and his cers titieate will be cancelled, (b) Players who live questions able distances from lacrosse clubs must apply to the O,A.L.A, before & certificate ean be granted, Burgs Reinstated Wallaceburg was reinstated to good standing on condition that a cash bond of $60 Is posted as security of good faith, which will be returned at the end of the sea. son, providing all regulations of the O.A L.A, are complied with, Bt, Simon's were admitted back in the senior series by both the executive and other elubs, Weston Also returned while Oshawa, Brampton and Torentos re-enters ed, Hamilton first applied for « senior rating and were accepted but when the suggerted groupings of the new senior B series wers announced they decided to play mu the lower division, A committee composed of A, ¥ Lyon, Dr, W, Holmes, key Warr and Gene Dopp was appointed with full power to deal with the boost ing of lacrosse, The following judicial commits tee was appointed by the presi dent, W, J, Bialney, Dr, Holmes, W. Dedriek, I, Warr and Gene Dopp, D, ¥, MoIntyre, of (jeorge- town, and ¥, LeRoy, of Oshawa, were added to the executive coun ell by President Warr, It was decided to close all en. irise on May 10 with Hecretary Gene Dopp, at 72 Parkway Ave, Hunter and Lott Both Lose Out White Sulphur Springs, W. April 25. ~Francis 1 "nv Rochelle and George Chicago, Davis Cup stars, saw their hopes of gaining permanent PORSESS- lon of the Plaga Bowl, emblematic of the Mason and Dixon tennis cham- plonship by the youthful Davis Cup doubles combination, John Van Ryn of South Orange, N.J, and Wilmer Allison Jr, of Austin, Texas, Both Hunter and Lott held two legs on the wophy, The veteran Hunter never played a more courageous game than he diss played on the Casing courts yester- day afternoon, enly to bow eventual Kl the sheer brilliance of Van Ryn n Va, Hunter of New M, Lott, Jr, of 10 BOCTeR were! 6-2, df yA a ee y 46, 0-3, 3:0 , Lott's. Lead Overcome Tn the other semi-final contest Lott after starting ugRressively and win. ning the first two sets, was unable to withstand the inspired Allison, and walked from the court with a heavy heart after having vietory wrested from his hands, The score in this mateh was 46, 6-8, 6-3, 6-3, 0-4, Abbie Cox, Windsor Goaltender, Is Up and Around Again Windsor, April 26-~Abble Cox, goalle for the Windsor Bulldogs, is out of hospital after belng beds ridden for nearly seven weeks, On March 14 he sustained a fractured pelvis aud injured vertehrao ag res sult of a collision with Bobby Cone nors, of the Detroit Olymples, dure ing a game In the local arena, Foy #lx weeks he was in a plaster cast, He walks now quite freely and eas ly and In a few weeks will be his former self, Attending physicians are surprised by his vapid recove ory. Max. Schmeling' Sails For US.A, Berlin, April 88-~Max Schmels ing, with a small dashound in his arms and the cheers of friends and fans ringing in his ears left last night for New York, where he battles Jack Sharkey for the heavy. June 13, . "The German Dempsey," declar- Lod that the longer the bout lasts even If it goes the full 15 rounds the better for him, as then his outh would tell over Hharkey, ohmeling is 94 years of age and Aharkey 87, Max alse pointed out that he is used to long bouts, whereas most of the Boston box- er's more recent matches have been of brief duration. Concerning rumaras here that Jack Dempsey and Gene Tunney would challenge him if he heatw #harkey, the big German remark. od! "That would ge good business the finest aver, Hohmeling added that he highly pleased at receiving the chance to meet aSharkey after a walt of more than a year, and is ah full of hope" of beating WORSH ARBOCIATION PRESIDENT New York, April 85, =-John Mes Enotes Bowman of New York wan Talend president of the Nas tional Horse Bhow Association of American, 14d, at the annual meeting here yesterday, Formal invitations have asain ox tended to Canada, Trish Free State, italy, Poland, Hweden. and the United States Army to partioipate iu tha international military Jump. ng ¢ tion at the annual show PARTS & SERVICE INTERMEDIATES TO PRACTICE rerm---- The Parts and Servige intermedi- ate softball team will hold a practice tomorrow afternoon, at Alexandra Park, The practice in called for 2 o'clock, All players wishing to turn out with the P, and 8 Intermediates, are asked to be en hand, Adanacs Get 3-Point Lead 26-23 Wolfville, N.8, April 25 ~New Westminster Adanacs last night gal: ned a J-point lead over Acadia when they defeated the Vastern Canada champlons, 26-23, In the first of their twosgume series for the Dominion haskethall champlonship, and are now favorites to retain the title they won Inst year from the Windsor Colleg: inte Alumni, Acadia played a wond- erful game last night but the West erners played hang-up basketball and thoroughly deserved their vietory They did not appear to he the least tired from their long train ride Kast Acadia, although defeated are nov downhearted, and are confident they ean overcome the Adinacs' lead and win the coveted title in the second game here tonight, Alter being behind 15:12, at half time, the New Westminster quintet showed thelr championship lass hy coming hack In the second session and outscoring the Ineals 14:18, « take the game 26-23, The winners last night were not the brilliant hall handlers that the Windsor Alumni outfit were, hut they played a faster type of haskethall German Players Win First Game London, April 25.~Germany won the first and was well on the way to winning the second game of the apening Davis Cup series with Eng land yesterday, i BA had light cau sed postponement of play, Alter the victories of Britain's two star tennis players on the Continent, the day's re sults were disappointing here, Heinz Landemann of Germany de. feated H.W "Bunny" Austin, 6-3, 8 6, 5:7, 46, 6-4 Daniel Prem, Gers many, and H, GN, Lee of England stood at 64, 7:9, 6-3, when play was postponed Austin had delented Borotra in Pa ris and had shown brilliant form te defeat J. 71, Gregory in the trials lust Mondgy, while lee had defeated Prenn on the Riviera, so English tennis enthusiasts had bright hopes of vietory, Instead there was gloom in the English tennis world last night Landermann defeated Austin after a brilliant und bitter struggle lasting two and a hall hours, Ho owed vies tory to his re narkable speed and re- trieving ability, whieh brought gasps of astonishment from the crowd: Aus tin had the misfortune to be attack: ed by eramps In the final set when he was leading 4-3 and was severely handicapped in the rest of the mateh, Cramps had caused his retirement a- wainst Prenn in the European zone final last year in Berlin, when vie tory for Austin would have give Bris tain the right to meet the United atates, Chicago Cubs Bow Chicago, 111, pril 25-~George Fisher, Bt, Louls outfielder, con. tinued his sensational hitting streak yesterday and led the Car dinals to a 0 to 3 vietory over the Chicago Cubs in the odd game of the seven the teams have played this peanon, : Fisher Wit ive doubles and a single In three ofelal trips to the plate and sacrificed on one other ooonlson, driving in fouh of the 'oard's rus, Sheriff Fred Niake was driven from the mound in the seventh and was charged with his firat defeat of the season, Hylvester Johnson was nicked for nine hits, but kept them soatt: v fit, Louis 000 013 BOO-H 11 2 Chicago 001 010 000-2 9 1 Johnson and J, Wilson; Rlake, Moss Osborn, Nelson and Taylor, res------ Ken. R. Mallen Veteran Hockey Player . Is Dead Morrisburg, April 25+=Ken R, Mallen, 48, veteran pro hockey player, died at hig home here yes: terday from double pneumenia, Ken was assoolated during his career an professional heokey player with the world's most famou men and teams having avd at various times with the Montreal "Wander ora" when they held the Stanley Cup, Calumet, Mich, and pro, teams in Toronto, Quebec, Renfrew, Ottawa, New Westminster, Vane oouver, Pittsburg, Seattle and many others, tha pla ong the players he was in ho with 'were Hod Stuart, rude Stuart, Joe Hall, lone ylor, way Lalonde, Frank Nighbor and many others well known to the sporting world: Among the many important posi- tiong held by Ken were instructor of wportd at the Ottawa plays grounds, sports fnstructor at Lake Placid, N.Y, professional figure nkater In London, Ont, and of late he was coach of the Morrisburg Maroons and Cardinal 8t, Lawrence PUT cer wah big : "in More visburg on Saturday at bh N 4 PORT SNAPSHOT First League Game Tomorrow Afternoon Ihe Oshawa Nutionals, 1929 Major Lesgue Champs, will start their 1030 campaign tomorrow afternoan ut 300 o'clock, when they play thelr o first league game of the season, with Canadian General Electric, The following players are requested to ve 3.20 paw, sharp! Smith, Conners, Boyd, Coll, Brodie, Hurst, Vasey, Stureh, MeLean, Davidson, Sathrang and' Mule (captain), Fullerton, Fyons, McGregor and "Gow, The Nats, have lined pp » strong team for this season und th games will be of the best, The tea citizens who attend these ganies ar their money's worth, if The Oshawa City team, also k . # league schedule on Saturday afternoon also, when they meet the Crys saders, of Toronto, at Greenwood the First Division this year and they also expect to make an excellent showing, LJ . Team Plays Away port at the Motor Clty Stadium at Resdrves, eo soccer produced in theses league ms deserving of support and the o asured of seelng more than Ll Ld nown as the Maroons, start their Park, Toronto, The City are in * * Anglers' Meeting Tonight The Oshawa Anglers Assocluth the Genosha Hotel, ut 8,00 o'clock interest among the Anglers is at fe a very Important one and a full atte ed, A special speaker Is expected ' » » m will hold a meeting tonight at Muy the First Is almost here and I'he mee ting tonight Is guest | ver piteh ndance of the members Is | games with a penalty . * | Fittings Js, and Juveniles All members of last yenr's Fit are asked to turn out to a practic noon at Cowan's Park at 200 pm out with these led to Anyone whe will be to ut cobl, Phone 8901 ERs are wu unable v Parts and Service Parts and alternoon ut Al All Junioy and Ja, wre asked lo be Morrow Bervice Junioy andra P o'elock sufthull player with I "Lizzies" Win The Dominion Championship loging one Toronto, April 25 of the greatest rallle # local floor in the flual stuneas, Elisabeth Playground Juvenils overeama their 10-point defieir of the first game aguinst the Glebe C0, of Ottawn to capture the Canadian Juvenile basketball title, The final count of the game Was 26 to 13, and on the round db to 87, Overtime was necessary before the "Lissles" managed to gain the decision, After heing down half-time on the game, the gles" unleashed a furlous attack that could not be stopped, They had all kinds of speed and went a shower of leather at the basket iy an effort to ellmb into the lead Led hy Tuthy, sterling contra play er, they notehed. a palr of field goals soon after the rest period, and the erowd, sensing a differs ence in the team's play urged them on with deatening oheerin The lead of the visitors was grad ublly sinking, and Tathy put the ball through the hoop with four minutes to go to glve the "Hisries the lead for the first time, L, An) bord wunk a foul shot, hut Glebes tied up the round when Gowley (al Hed hin squad's only basket in the aver seen on one point & "le 8 played Ki Junior and Juvenile, which will he held tomorrow after All softball players wishing to try tgs te Wis, he on hand tomorrow afternoon nd, | "Chick" In asked ta notify * y | Juniors Practice will hold thelr initial prielee te | wrk, (weather permitting) wt 2.00 | | wishing to turn out | of the eity out to this practice | | {rere m-- | veond half, and overtime had to] " Win Overtime he Ottaws five wceounted for foul shot at the start of the over Ime, hut Tuthy eame right back ith anohter major score when he as able to pivot away from his cheek and aimed at the basket with good effect The Liesle players were a changed team In the second half, when they sent Inst year's cham plons tumbling from thelr throne They were awful in the opening period and could rot ger going and very few supporters conceded | them a chance to overtake thelr opponent Hoh Abate was absent In the opening half, as he was out of town and was late In arriving, He told his hivellngs plenty in tha hroathing session and it certain: Produced results, FO Tr ------ HAROLD EADY TO MARITIMES | Renfrew, Aprit 36,-~Harold Kady, sub-goalor of the Hamilton hookey toam which reached the Kastern Allan Cup finals, will play In Mussex, 1, next winter, Kady, nfter spending Easter at his home here, left for the Maritime town, | where he has been offered a posi | tion, It 1a rumored two or three | other Renfrew players also hie) | | | | take up residence In Bussex, whicn In endeavoring to bulld up a team capable of winning the Allan Cup, | -- Bae | A woman Kgyptologist has sum | gonted that a pyramid be erected in London to velleve the unemploy- ment sltuation, | governs | elubs | After assistant secretary, WILLIAM CROCKER DECIDES TO PLAY Toronto, April 26 «= Willard Coreker, of Montreal, Cankdu's No, 2 vanking tennig player, has recons sidered his decision Lo retire from tennis this year, and will leave his gorvices ayallable to the Canadian Lawn Tennis Association if the Da~ vis Cup committee selects him to play ngpinst the United Slates, Word to this effect was received today by Garnett HW, Meldrum, Prosident of the C, 1. 1. A, from Crocker, who recently announced is retirement after the sudden death of his two-months' old haby in Montreal, Myr, Meldrum vojeed the mssociation's appreciation of Crocker's action, Crocker will arrive here Tuesday with Dr, Jack Wright, Canadian ehamplon and No, 1 ranking player, and will participate in the Davis Cup trinle, He has been practicing indoors with Wright, and both play. ors Ara repovied to have eached mid-season form, New Rules Made | At Ont. Baseball | League Meeting Bi, Catharines, Ont, April 26 | Aursoment to carry five Canadian | horn players onenoh team as a nine | imum, punetuslity in warting of $100 fine for tardiness and hettlemant of the umpire question with Jm Griffin, tormer interntionnl Jeague arbiter wpointed wmpire-in-ehiaf, featured the meeting here of the Ontario hasohnll league 4 An evident desive to satisfy pub demands is responsible for the Inte starts Offending will he faved with a $100 fine for boing Inte und this rule will he strietly enforeed Appeal can be made to the league op this question hut mood canes he shown to have the fine rescinded Hamilton suggested that owing tn the searcity of Canadian horn talent the numher of native horn players he vadueced on: each elub some discussion, whieh Knot ty Ime, the organiger, stood pat for the original number of six, the magnates pereed on five as the min imum number A rough draft of the proposed schedule for the new loop was Arawn un hy secretary treasurer W H, (Dusty) Rhodes and presented to the meeting, Fach eluh submit tod {ts ground dates and the sehed- | ule with the opening date May 20 Instead of Ma) 14 an originally planned (MOTHERS DEFEATA BURNS IN BOUT AT PORT HURON Narnia, April 26 Hobbie Croth ors pounded out an casy tensround vietory over Bobby Duras, of De teolt, in the main hout of the ring show In Port Huron yesterda) evening, winning every round by a wide margin, Me had burns in a had way In the eighth round and in the ninth he floored the De trolt hoy twice with hard rights to the Jaw, the bell paving Duras from a, knockout Crothers, despite the handicap of & sore nose and a sore mouth, outclassed his opponent hut eouid not put him away, Tonight's fight marked Crothers' twelfth vietory in 14 fights winee he turned pro after winning the Dominion amat- our title in Tort Arthur, Ha KINGNTON NET OFFICERS Kingston, April 28. Robert H, Chambers was oloeted preaident of the Kingston Tennis Club, Dr, P.M, MacDonnell, vice-president, Colin BE, MacPherson, secvetarys treasurer and Misa C, MacDonald, a -- ho de EE & Nt, Lous, Ma," Appl 81 loft to vight, Jim, Bottomles, stugking YR a a valuable player on his team, and Rogers Hornsby, second baseman of the Chicage "Oubx', chosen as the wost valuable on the "Windy Oly" team, meet before a recont game in St, Louis, | (home), Referee Chosen for Cup Final London, April 26==Veverish pro parations were going forward you terday nt Wembley stadium for the English Football Association Cup final on Maturday helween Huddeors field Town and Arsenal, Varaphers nalla used in connection with grey- hound racing was all removed (or day, The invasion of Yorkshire soccer fans will begin on Vriday night, when special trains will be. gin to arrive, Arsenal players today golfed near Brighton, while the members of the Huddersfield team took it easy In thelr seoret retreat, Announcement has heen made that the referse will he T, Crew, of Loncestershire and that in the event of a replay being required It will take place on Wednesday, April 30, at West Bromwlieh, The cup tie records of the two clubs this season follows! Huddersfisld Town-=Bury, 4-1 (home) after 0-0 tie; Bheffield Un ited (home), 2-1; Hradford City 2:1; Aston Ville (away), 2:1; Bhefliald Wednesday (neutral) 3-1, Arsenal -=Chalsen (1 7): 8:0; Bir mingham (away), 1-0 after 2-8 tie; Middlesbrough (away), 2:0; West Ham United (away); 2:05 Hull City, 1:0 (neutral) after 2-2 tle, BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost PS Bultlmore oovvviins RS7 Bufnlo siesriesies Toronto Rochester Newark ,oevvrnnrie Montreal voivivnins Reading ,.. 004 Jersey Clty THURSDAY'S SCORES Montreal 12 Baltimore | Other games postponed =cold wea ther 600 00 00 A383 «200 L000 ILE] TODAY'S GAMES Toronto at Jersey City, Buffalo at Baltimore Rochester at Newark, Montreal at Reading, AMERICAN LEAGU. Won Lost Po Philadelphia ooviinee | 800 Chicago ' Washington severe Nt | | 750 ) ! 714 | SN | J S00 | AN ) Creer WIE sa vnnnnin Cleveland ' Hosten ,., ] Detroit PERE REE New York ' we THURSDAY'S SCORES St. Louis J3 Detrolt ,........4 Other games postponed==cold ther 4 | i (KA § 000 TODAY'S GAMES Chicago at St, Lolus Detroit, et Cleveland Philadelphia at Washington, Boston: at New York NATIONAL LEAGUE Von Lost New York covvvvene 4 0 Pittsburg . | Chicago ELIT Philadelphia saves es J Roston : Ste Louis saravannenn Cinelnnbtl vevasorene 2 8 Brooklyn viinannne 3 THURSDAY'S SCORES St, Fouls viii i® ChicARO soveves Other games postponed==cold wea: ther, pe 1.000 SITLL LAN] 00 S00 Wn Al 280 Je? PAAR RRRY L TODAY'S GAMES Brooklyn at Boston, New York at Philadelphia St, Louls at Pittsburg, Cinelanatl at Chicago, AMERICAN /SSOCIATION ' Won Lost PC Toledo sessiviperrss 8° 3 Ji The Store With a Friendly Atmosphere - The oheerful, friendly service you get here immed= fately makes you feel "at home's and that's jum how we want you to feel, Make our store headquarters for all drug store requirements, Come in often, but If you haven't time for a viait, be sure and look in our show windows enol time you pass. We fill prescriptions promptly, accurately, and with the best and purest ingredients our Hoo | Oxford-Cambridge Lacrosse Team Wins From Bruins, 6-0 | Providence, 1, 1, April 46=="I'he combined Oxford-Cambridge iw arose teum wdded drown Univers pity Lo Wu Jong list of vietims by shitting out the Bruins 6 to 0 yene tardny attarnoon, A, #, Hulws, 1, Lo VV, Atle and 6, Alnsworth share od the weoring honors, each with two gonly, The Invaders weve In full come mand throughout, leading 5 te 0 al half-time, Al Cornsweet, capialy of the 102% Brown football team, figured prominently on the defense nEninst his former teamatos, To« day's game brought to a close the Oxford-Cambridus team's Amerioan trip, leaving n record of twelve vies tovien, two defeats und one tle In Ntteen game fp Punt Lowlsyille | Kansas Cf Mwai ee Columb Indinnupo! wed | | | | Bring in a Used Victor Record for each new one and get them for STEIN SONG | FRED CULLEY ond Ais ROYAL YORK ORCHESTRA KARN'S Drug Store Next I 0. «Phone 88

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