Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Apr 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1930 PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community Social and Personal SCL WI ---- Notas te 1 the Boga Sots and Atif flems of Ns ae social ddrass ut She, to Ko, | Kindly avold writing on both sides of the paper, Mr, snd Mrs, W, J. Collins, 245 Bruce Street spent thely Waster | la holiday in Windsor visiting their on and daughter-in-law Mr, an Mrs, Chas, Collins, Mr, and Mrs, fury, Athol Street also motored with them and spent the holiday with friends, The Bons of England held thelr weskly whist drive on Tuesday eve ming with the usual good number In attendance, The prise winners were Mrs, G, Ladder, Mrs, 1, Nich- plas, Mrs, B, Morgan, Messrs, C, Rendell, W, Brooks, George Lakes and the winner of the special prize was Mrs, Whittaker, A most delightful alfalr of yesters day afternoon was the tea glven at Bimeoe Street United Chureh pure sonage by Mrs, Harston's CGT, group, Miss Ollwen Ward was res celving, and was assisted by Miss Zellinor Davidson, In the drawing room a delightful programme eons tinued during the afternoon, Miss Pearl Stirling and Miss Lillian Jones played n plano duet, Plano solos were pr) by Misses Ollwen Ward, Maedyn Powell, and Helen Henderson, Misses Sylvia Clarke and Kathleen Harper gave recitations Adele Darlet sang a solo, Little master Darlet played a violin solo, In the tea room Miss Norah Mundy and Miss Kathryne Luke poured tea at a ten table decorated with pink sweet peas and yellow daffedils, Misses Nellle Johnston and Mildred Edmundson were among those who assisted, The ten was well attended, and the girls of the group were high- ly pleased with the results of the afternoon, The Ontarig Temple No, 1 Py- thian Sisters held thelr regular meeting on Thursday evening, Mis~ ter Emma Larke, N.I.C, Was pres siidng, After the meeting refresh- ments were served and enjoyed hy all, The degree staff then," under Ql a ai S------ d | visit of the D.D.G.C, sister Clara NEW SPRING COATS AND DRESSES Many styles to Shouse. Joon: THE FASHION SHOPPE Simcoe Bt, §. fon Vall Fashioned HOSIERY AL ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor, King & Nimeoe Bt, on the skin soft and Ey red redness oR "and groom were attended by Miss Bt at wows for the and address of the sender, | the, " taaanly of Mister Ada Gi)- Cy ond GO, §, had a good de. rd: practice in preparation for thy Britton of Hamilton who 1s eoming to town next month to pay her of- fielal visit to the local temple, The celebration of the forty-nine th birthday of the Oshawa Rebekah Lodge no. 8, 1.0,0.F, was held Inst evening and about four hune dred members of the various lodges of the distriet, including Port Hope, Bowmanville, Whitby, and Sunshine Lodge of Oshawa, were present, The guests of the evening ineluded Bistor Margaret Kerr, District De. puty President and Brother Clar« ence DeGuerre District Grand Mas- ter of this district, ular weekly oe presentations wefe made, Brother Will shemilt and Mister Annie Shemilt were presented with a sil vor ouserole by Misters Disney and Rohwartz, Histor Ina Vollest was presented with. a small gift by His ter ¥Kthel HWoldéworth and it bore the directions that it was not to he opened until Baturday which is her birthday, Rister Hannah was presented with a silver meat fork by Wisters Branton and Saunders, After the meeting Sister Muy Bunk. er presented the following program, Sister ¥iossie Moynes, N.U., of Osh awa Lodge, No, 3 acted as chalrman and was ably assisted by Nrother Will Kivans of Phenix Lodge No, 23, The first number was "The Maple Leaf Jorever," Messrs, Dalson, Biaffer, Lee and Dennett gave | mouth organ selections, Mrs, Trow gave a delightful reading, Miss Millicent Eleson rendered a solo, The bean contest that afforded a great deal of fun was won by Mrs, P. Wilson, The programme con tinued with vooal solo by Mrs, Mar. acle, Mister Kerr, I, D, VP, sald a fow words, Then followed a flower contest, the prise winners of which were Risters M, Hannah and Edna Canfield, The Heard brothers gave mouth organ selections, Miss Isobel Macdonald also sang a second solo, The foe contest wan won by Miss Dingwall and Mrs, Maracle, A short speech by Brother Deliuerre DOM, was the concluding num her on the programme, The guests then repaired to the dining hall wore a dellolous supper was served under the capable supervision of Plater Frankie Branton, During the reg. ng the following Weddinsg CONBOY--BEECROFT | On Wednesday afternoon at 2.301 e'clock at Knox Church manse a quiet wedding took place when Jeo bel Deacroft formerly of Argyle, Ontarlo, heeame the wife of Freders lek Norris Conboy of Mountain Grove, The ceremony was performed by Rev, Duncan Munro, The bride Annle Deecroft, sister of the bride, and James Conboy, brother of the groom, After the ceremony a recep tion for the bride and groom was held at the home of Mr, and Nr, William Fleming, King Street West, at which enly the immediate friends and relatives wero present, After a short wedding trip, Mr, and Mrs, Conboy will reside in Oshawa on Brock Street, Nearly $470,000 worth of fishes Ing equipment was exported from this country last year, ny ER "A PERFECT PERSONAL SERVANT she enters Into the spirit of things! ¢ cleverly she improvises your costume ASCANIA for the Fancy Dress Dance! She is always helping you to extract the utmost pleasure, from your Cunard croming! She Is your, own faithful retainer! Nothing Is too much trouble for her, For she is a Cunard Dt Stewardess , , | therefore a perfect from April 26h onwards penonal servant, whether you travel Tourlat Third Cabin or Cabin Clas. Now low rates for Cunard Cobin - Clow Tourist Third Cabin vals alo adivated, Ak for informations 'Book through The Guard line, Corner of Bay and Wellinglen Streets, Tarante, (Tel, Eighh 247) or any sleamihip agen CUNARD : CABIN & TOURIST THIRD CABIN & THIRD CLASS HIER Miss Margaicr 1 the Hon, Peter Heenan, who miss« ed the train in Ottawn, April 23, but finally caught it after a furious ---- - | er of A -- ------------ I" ---- o_o th the might, so miss the organization meeting of the Fwentieth Century Liberal Assoclas | tion in Toronto, \ rive throug WOMEN'S CORNER] APRIL MORNING Life han 6 happy tune, This April hour, On this soft treet all white With morning snow! The graceless creak and seresch, A robin shakes The codur snows about him Twittering there On the white tufted boughs Of the tall biroh A EBay song-sparrow flings His airy notes Against the dull plane's Murmuring Blended with softened ferape Of shovelled snow, LAfe has nn happy tune And my heart Hits With certainty of good, Joining the song ! A ---------------- VBGETABLE SAUCE wOne tablespoon butter, 2 tea spons flour, 1 egg yolk, 1-8 eup eveam, 4 tablespoons water In which vegetable was cooked, 2 tablespoons lemon jules, 1-2 tea spoon salt, 1-8 teaspoon pepper, * Malt butter, stiy in, flour, and when bubbling, add vegetable water and lemon Jules, Ntire une th smooth and add cream, Cook and stir until thick and smooth and remove from fire when mix ture holls, HBtir In egg yolkw, salt and pepper and keep hot over hot water until wanted, Care should be taken In cooks ing green vegetables to preserve thelr green color, Noda never should be added, altho it does keep vegetables beautifully green, Experiments have proved that the addition of soda In cooking vego- tables in dostructive to the vita. mine, Rolling water, uncovered kettle, short cooking period and an little water an possible to pres vent! burning, ave the best means of keeping the vegetables appetia. ingly green, Kew, butter fat and fish olls are leh" In vitamin A, Liver and kidney nlso come under this clan. sifloation, Milk and cheewa are classed an "good" along with the vegetables EE ---------------- 1%, N. MacDonald, | | colored green and the root tables with a yellow pigment |. When these articles ure served | You may be sure that you are pro viding a food which promotes growth: and affords protection against some of the everyday nil ments of mankind Vegetables sorved in cream fur nish much nourishment and food value as well ns mineral and vita min content, Yogo- Following revelations that Om agh, Ireland, had butlt 40 munis cipal houses far from any water supply, the council has decided to employ a water diviner (0 ase certain if any is available Prisoners sentenced to hard Inbor in England will net under | the proposed revised prison rules, | have to face the 14 days solitary confinement now enforeed, Minister, Run-Down in Health, Gains | Rev. Ww, a 7 weeks entirely rapidly, Yenst a 3 weoks' telal, I found my the tired feeling gone gained 7 lbs, was myself again Imagine Just 3 woeks to change from a "skinny" tired person to a strong, well-flled-out man or woman Ugly hollows vanish, Broomstick limbs become round and chubby Tired feeling disappears skin clears "Alter Wits] H avis whites, revival campaign I decided 1 give hronised After 3 woe more effective bring out the weight-building strengthening values of Yeast, ant=tasting tablets, Safe for body, Never cause gas: or no harmful drugs Go to any drugkist teday a full size treatment of overy are not delighted, instantly from manufacturer, _-- WHAT NEW YORK I8 WEARING By Annebelle Worthington Musteated Drossmaking Losson' Furnished with Kvery Pattern A chlo tallleur fn Paguin tonn ita banque bodies at centres front, The lingerie collar and flared ouffs are white linen, The plalted Jabot repeats the linen and trims odge in the red shade, The elroular skirt hugs the hips with rippling fulness at hem, Riviera blue ailk orepe with Joush embroidered batiste trim ana end fn green coloring smart, Shantung plague prints and linen appropriate, Style No, 3374 comes In slzos 13, 14, 10, 18 and 20 years, Patton price 30 cents, to fll In sine of pattern. Address Pattern Department, - Our Spring Fashion Maganine, In 10 conty, No, 3374, Size Ho sure RARE ERE ET . 5 8 \ PAE ARRAN ay Name Street Address Clty Rate PATTERN Ng gr COUPON fe hi She we ally times etter Ineloned And ovina Pease oud. LAH ied Solow oH Nii LEARNS NEW IDEAS | FOR TEACHING MUSIC| With all sorts of new ideas for | developing the teaching of music! In the Toronto schools, Miss N. | ¥imily Tedd, musie supervisor, has | returned from the Music Bupervis ors' National Conference i Chicago, Fhe reports that 1h Chicago schools ure now function | ing smocihly, all the teachers hav ing received thelr nrrenrs of salar) | from the Bonrd of Education, { After weing a demonstration o plano claws teaching, with eight | pupils playing simultaneously on | eight grand plonos, Miss Tedd Is | hoping to try out the same system in the classes which are being con- | Coated after pehool hours hers by | the Canadian Bureau for the ad~ vaneement of Musle, Dealers lent 146 pianos to the Chicago schools for these classes this year, Miss Tedd states that music in conwidersd an regular subject in the United Mtates High #chools, and ns not to! 7 Lbs. in 3 Weeks run down and losing flesh | strength returning and| In J weeks | Blemished Only when yeast is Troniged in It for Tron is needed to and Pleas. bloating, and pet Ironieed Yeast, If after this generous trial vou your money back red wool crepe for street or sports, huts that It {sg accepted for university ontrance requirements, "That's {the way It should be here," com- mented Miss Tedd, As hoys' voleew chunge, they are moved from wo- prano to alto, and then to "hoy tenor," finally baing put into either the tenor or hoss groups, Misn Tedd agrees that this system In Yotter than the Knglish one of not Mowing a boy to wing while his olce In changing on GOOD HEALTH==FRUITH EAT 1'00D THAT WILL PRO- DUCK STRENGTH, The substance | that is found in food for this pur. | pune is called VITAMINE A, Found {In raw ogee, ood liver ofl, Lutter, - | Orange Jules, ron] fresh or canned beans, cabbage, corn, peas, spinach, toma toes and turnips ARE YOUR NERVES OUT OF ORDER? Eat foods containing VITAMINE 1, Pound In raw cab. hl bran, yeast, either real fresh oither CRrrots, squash, lor canned apples, hoans corn, car | rots, peas und tomatoes | | Youn nLoobn | CONDITION? If not, | eolls. by eating food containing VITAMINE C Found in orange, tomato, and turnip Jules, also In fresh or canned apples, beans, enhbage, carrots, peas, raspberries, spinach and tomatoos, VITAMINE D. FOR. HRONE BUILDING, » found In butter, yolks of eggs, lettuce, also in real fresh or canned apples or spinach VITAMINE KE, FOR PEP, ATING NEW CELLS FOR OLD ONES, Is found In cream of wheat, gorm meal, red moats, vegetable olls and canned soups, IN 00D and build up the { CRE. | Po Special Selling of 8 SILK HOSIERY SATURDAY ONLY 1000 PAIRS Women's Full Fashioned, Pure Silk, Service and Chiffon Hose 3 PAIRS 10; For $3.75 Wo have taken three of our host mukes of $1.00 Full Fash. foned Nervice and Chiffon Hose for this great One Day Bale ov nt, The manufacturers have cos operated with us In shipping AN extra roserve supply, so that oolors and sizes can he had at any time during the day French and pointed heels ean bo had in both the Service and Chiffon welght In sizes SW, 0 0% ang 10 Colors RIFLE CLOUD MUSCADINE MOONLIGHT, CRANE FLORIDA BEECHNUT BISCAY NUDE SUNTAN ONION SKIN NUDE FLESH NOTE-Tomnatoen, frosh canned, contain VITAMINS A, which purify the blood, the nerves and supply WATERCRESS OF ANY KIND IDEAL | TONIC IN SPRING | Dandelions, "Marsh Marig olds, Tender Milkweed, | Excellent for Greens { | Many of the foods which were quite legitimately eaten when we needed to supply energy for resists ing vold weather are now out of place in our diet Rich, heavy foods have jaded the appetite and healthful stimu lants to a natural hunger are need. od in the spring, There are many friendly weeds that are delicious and healthful and are nature's own tonle tor the lassitude of the now weasnn, Dandelion greens are available on the markets in the eities, while they may be had for the gathering in the small towns and country, The cowslip or marsh mavigeld must he gathered for eating before the blossoms have formed, When it has matured it becomes slightly hitter and tough, Young tender aprouts of milks weed, fornhrakes, lamb's quarter, sorrel and wild mustard are some of the "greens' that are excellent in the early spring. \ Whenis aTRUSS? Not a TRUSS (1) When it falls to hold the rupture in place at all times and under all cireums tances, (2) When it falla to give abrolute comfort to the wearer, If you are wearing a BRUSS which faily in either or both these cases you are taking unnecessary chanoon, A poorly: fitted Truss does more real harm than the wearer oan lmagine, Our large stock of mods ely and sluon, and our years of fitting experience ia youn guaranten of patety and comfort, It you aie in need ot Proper suppurt, pay a visit to yur Private Fitting Room =<now, Consultation FREN, n, ¢, plrength, wae Slee wre ae AARRARLRARRIERRA ANNA The Medical Supply Store REXALL: DRUG STORE Jury & Lovell Ltd, King B. Nimooe N, Phone 28 Phone U8 rejuvenate | | A Remarkable Value, BLACK SUN BRONZE Te ou dl FIR a GR 5 A, A ET Is A AS hounewife, loaves Extreme care must be taken in looking over greens, A long sojourn | In n good salt water bath In essen tial, "Thorough rinsing under runs ning water insures perfect cléanli- ness, Another simple precaution is to lift the leaves from one pan of water into another, The sand and grit settled to the bottom of each pan and is ont distributed back | through the it they an lifted out, After thorough washing, all louly greens are cooked like spind ach In the water which clings 3 Cross In a Tonle Cress, no matter what knd ft may be, Is vieh in sulhur and ideal for a springtime tonie sour dock comes early hefore garden greens are plentiful and many people think it rivals kale or spinach when properly cooked, All these wild greens are rich in mineral salta and yvitamine and are well worth recognition hy every «a thelr leaves. Tender hprouts, Mk milkweed, are cooked and serve Ike aapavagun, Lemon juice or vinegar addy much «0 the seasoning of thesq groens that are not naturally tart : A A Ld You may know them as a wonderful breakfast treat that you enjoy, » every morning. But you are still missing something if you haven't tried Kellogg's Corn Flakes for lunch. . +. Full of i flavor and refreshing crispness--they, are ideal for the mid-day, lunch-- for any meal! LJ CORN FLAKES KetLooe's are he Suri vanut SRISe Sof Salat eeutn fay the largest selling af all roadysto-eat cereals, Always ervisp and Ceeah Extra cory to digest. Sih wif or cream. Add sugwr, Cruits or honey for variety. Look for the redund.green prckige at olf qrecens. Served by hotels, restaurants, on diners. Made by Kellogs: in. Londen, wer

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