Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Apr 1930, p. 12

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1930 MUSKRATS SCARCE © Cornwall,--Muskrats are not numerous this spring, Some 'who usually have a catch of ove hundred or more have a of about twenty at the pre- 'ment time and the season closes in H fow days. The average price is $1.50. MAN PARTLY BURIED Kingston, ~~ While working at # steamshovel . Leslie Hartwick, Mountain Grove, had the misfor- tune to be covered with a quantity of sand and small rock, After be ing. extricated, he was found to 'have an injured leg and minor injuries. He went to Kingston for an X-ray and treatment, TO LAY CINDER TRACK Cornwall, --- Reconsidering {ts fon of a week ago, Cornwall ity Council at a special meeting granted $600, to Cornwall Branch 33 of the Canadian Legion, B, E, "8, L. for: the construction of a ginder running track at Cornwall Athletic Grounds. STRANGE COINCIDENT Cornwall,--WHhlle a priest at Bt, Columban's Roman Catholie Church was pronouncing the words which made Alice McMartin, Cornwall, the bride of Wilfrid Villeneuve, East Cornwall, her father, Edward McMartin, passed away at Hotel Dieu Hospital, It is believed that the death of Mr, McMartin was almost simultaneous with the marriage ceremony, J NO SCHEDULE CHANGE Cornwall, -- Oficial announce- ment has been made by officials of the Canadian National Railway that schedules for now fast trains, running between Montreal and foronto on a six hour schedule will not be altered to Include Cornwall as a stopping place. De- finite promise was given, however, that, when new timetables are isued on September 25, Cornwall will be named as one of five stops for the high speed trains, ADOPT DAYLIGHT SAVING Port Hope.~~Daylight Saving Time will be introduced in Port Hope at midnight on June 30th and will last for two months, INJURED IN VALL Port Hope.--~J. Jamieson, Tor- onto Road, an employee of Messrs, Thos, Garnett and Sons, local con tractors, who are erecting the New Capitol Theatre on Queen Street, sustained severe head injuries when he fell seven feet to the ground. TALL TORONTO PLANT Cornwall,--If a tomato plant growing at the home of Mrs, Frank Aubin, 625 ShefMeld street, de- velops ripe fruit. a step ladder would be necesary to pick them, Towering above a small pot, the plant extended a full seven feet above the root. The phenomenal plant grew to the present height in a 'few months. For the past month, it has been in flower and now, small tomatoes may be seen on several stems, FLEE FIRE IN NIGAT Brockville,~~A two-story brick residence, owned and occupled by William Miller, in Mallorytown, was destroyed by five, with its con. tents, Mrs; Miller was awakened by a smell of smoke In the house and called to her husband, who discovered the ktchen in flames, Mr, and Mrs. Miller were foreed to make a hurried exit, partly dressed. DAYLIGHT SAVING Cornwall,--Daylight saving is to go into effect in Cornwall on Sunday, May 25, and continue in force until Sunday, Aug. 31, SUPERINTENDENT NAMED Plcton,~~John B, Dunley of To- ronto has been appointed Road Superintendent, succeeding E, P, Cox, Mr, Dunkley, who ie a native of this town, will take over his duties on May 1 CIUB NAMED OFFICERS Brockville.~At a meeting of the directors of the Brockville Golf and Country Club the fol- lowing officers were elected for the current year: President, J, Gill Gardner; Vice-President, C. 8. Cos. sitt; Secretary- treasurer, Miss Mary Hall; Captain, F, I. Ritchie; Greens Committee, A, G. M, Main- waring (Chairman), George T. Fulford and D, R, Fowler; House Committee, R, J, Driver (Chair- man). Allan Gilmour, J, R, Mac- Laren, H, R., Roode, XK, McCallum; Handicap Committee, ¥, 1, Ritchie, E. C, Comsitt, L. V, Fitzpatrick, MYRTLE Myrtle, April 22-Miss Pearl Vance is sepnding the holiday sca son with her parents at Bancroft, Mrs, Jack Kirklam has been con- fined to ber bed and under the doc- tor's care, A speedy recovery is hoped for, The Missed Chisholm, of Toronto, syent the week-end with: their grand- parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Chis. 0! Mr. Schyler Porter, of Brooklin, has engaged with | and is moving onto his south farm. Mrs. Campbell and daughter of To- ronto, spent the holiday with the former's mother, Mrs. J, Todd, . The interior of the old Tentper- ance Hall has been torn out and reparations are being made to have t re-modelled and made into a mod- ern Community Hall, Phe 'Women's Missionary 'Society hid» quilting at the home of Mrs, . Hodgins on Thursday afternoon. Mr, Joe Claughton, who has been foreman on Mr, Wolfe's farm, east of the village for the past cight years, has had to resign his position on account of ill health, Mr, Norman Hughson, of Raglan, has engaged with Mr. Wolfe as anager for the ensuing year: Mr. Calughton is un. decided as yet what he will do but we hope he may reamin in this coms munity, Mr, Jim Lawrence, of Guelph, is holidaying with his parents Mr, and Mrs, J.C, Lawrence. Rey. Merriam delivered a splendid Easter message here on Sunday even- ing.. At the close 'of the service he showed some very interesting slides dealing with the Life of Christ, A new mixed choir has been organized and made their first appearance on evening. Their selections were much enjoyed, It is very en IK to see thicse young men andiwomen helping with the church work and, giving of their time and talents in this great cause, Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Rosswell Dobson, of Oshawa, upon Mr, H, Roy Bright | the gift of a daughter to their home, on Monday April 21st, Mr, Lou Vernon, who drives for the Brooklin Bakery; sports a fine new Chevrolet truck and Mr. W. Medlin, who drives for the Citizen's Dairy, Whitby, also sports a new outfit, even to the cream cans. These are jobs that need good vehicles as they have to go through all kinds of roads and weather so that unless they have the best means of trans. portation, considerable time is lost, NORTH OSHAWA 22 North Oshawa, April 22 The Easter services at the church were both well attended. The table was gay with Easter Lilies and a bouquet of carnations and Calla Lily, and two baby tear plants, Mr, Fergus- on preached nt night as usual, The Scripture wag a chapter of Matthew and the Text was Matthew 28 and the 6th verse, "He is not here for He is Risen" Mr. A. Phillips play ed a selection on his Bass Viol, ac. companied by his daughter, Mr, and Mrs, Kennedy sang a duet accom. panied by Mrs, J. Alexander, On Monday evening the pitcures of the Passion Play were thrown on the screen by Mr. Keonedy, Mr. Ferguson gave the lecture, Mr, Chronic sang a fine solo, "At the Time When Jesus was Bearing the Cross." The program was much ap» preciated by the audience, The Ladies' Aid of Albert Street Church, Oshawa, presented their play "Strictly Business," at the School on Thursday evening, Mr, and Mrs, Knox had a number of relatives here from Ottawa for Easter, Mr, A. Solomon attended the Gold- en Wedding celebration of his moth. er and father-indaw, Mr. and Mrs, Ashton, at Columbus, on Monday, We add our congratulations to those extended to the bride and groom of halt a century, Mr. and Mrs, Ash. ton are well known by several North Oshawa people, Mrs. Killen gave an Easter party at her home on' Good Friday afternoon -- | COAL ¥ I's The Best 4 v Cl 4 Jeddo Premium in America Produced ----_--_-- ------_ ke La o At Usual Coal Prices IN CO; ees L C0. | p= to the Jr. Christian Endeavor, Ganies were ed and a happy time spent, Mrs, en served them a nice sup- per, Miss Hazel, Pogson was at home for. Kaster Sunday. r, and Mrs, family and Mrs. Wilson spent East. er Sunday in Toronto with Mr, and Mrs, Young, Glad to report Mrs, Fred Conlin home 'and anuch improved, Mr. W. A Gerry is on a business trip to Hull, ENNISKILLEN BRIEFS Enniskillen, April 23~Mr, and Mrs, Frank Spry, Rochester, intend mov. ing into Mr, J. Cowling's house in Hampton in the near future, Mr, C. W. Scott spent the holiday at_his home in Whitby, Miss Myrtle Brunt and Mr, Frauk McGill, Toronto, visited the former's parents, My, and Mrs, Levi Brunt, Sunday, Mr, E, Aabm, Mr, and Mrs, A, Wilson, and. family, of Burketon, spent Sunday at Mr, and Mrs, Shackleton's, Miss M, E. Virtue, Toronto, spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs, Philma Mountjoy, and other friends, Miss Maud Ashton, Toronto, Mr, Ira Trayelle, Oshawa, Mr, and Mwy, Stuart Rodman, of Scugog, visits ed at the home of Mr, and Mrs, E, C. Ashton, on Sun. day, Master Harold Ashton retury- ing with Mrs, Rodman for a visit, Miss Dorris Griffin and Mr, Jack Herriod, Toronto, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. Griffin, Miss Laverne Orchard, of Bow- manville, spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Or. chard, Mr, Charlie Stainton, Oshawa, spent a few days Mn and Mrs, W r Glover and J. Stainton Hope, visited the latter's sister, Mra Jan, Bradley. Mr, John Slemon Jr, spent a few days in Toronto recently, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Annis spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Slemon's, Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Kendal, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. J. Freeborn, On Monday evening, Rev. Mardld Stainton, of Ebeneger, gave a very interesting lecture with lantern slides on the land of India, relating many thrilling experiences while there, The Young People's League met Wednesday evening with 34 in at. tendance, Miss Dorland conducting opening exercises, Rev, Mr, Whyte leading in prayer: The Bible read- ing was taken by Edgar Wright, The devotional chapter was taken by Miss Annie Oke, inutes were read, Mrs, Harry McGill then took charge with a reading by Miss Verna Pethick, The topic was taken by Miss A. Dor- land. After hymn B83, Miss Muric Moore gave a reading. Then Rev. Mr, Whyte favored with a guitar solo. A reading followed by Miss Grace Smith. The regular monthly collection was taken after which the meeting closed with the league bene diction, Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Herring and | son Bobbie visited at the home of | [| Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Herring Sunday The continuation . class of school gave their play "The chant of Venice," and also drills, readings and choruses, which was all well given and much enjoyed. Their teacher, Miss Dalton, spared no pains in the training of her pupils, The proceeds will be used to their equipment, Mr, ). Dalton, East Templeton, spent § few. days the guest of his sister, Miss Margaret Dalton, and while here they got word of the death of their grandmother, Mrs, S. Pethick and Miss Verna, are spending a few days in Toronto, Mr, Gordon and Mrs, H. J. Werry and Mrs, A, Tamblyn spent Sunday with friends in Orono, Miss Evelyn Fletcher, spent the week-end with Mrs. Russell Armiston's, The Sunday services were well ate tended on Sunday, 96 being in at- tendance at Sunday School and prac. tise was held after the session. In the evening the church was well fill ed when Rev. J. M, Whyte gave u fine Easter message of atonement with. God, also,the Christian's hope of eternity. The choir also sang two splendid selections, The weather has been very cold and backward for any working on the land as yet no one is doing any spring work, RAGLAN NEWS NOTES Raglan, April 23. ~Miss Rose Brent Toronto, spent the Easter holiday with Mr, and Mrs. N. Hughson, Mr, and Mrs. A. Luke and son, of Michigan, spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mra Charles Luke, Mr, I'Yed Pierson and Miss Hazel Pierson, Toronto, spent the holiday at their home, Rev. J. R. Merriam delivered a very impressive Easter message here on Sunday. Th choir also sang a very appropriate anthem, and Misses Allie Avery and Lorene Miller sang a pleasing duet. Mrs, D. Thompson and Jean, spent Monday in Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Carl Avery and daughters and Miss M. Henry spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Chris, Wilson, Prospect. - Miss Violet and Gordon Thompson, Toronto, spent the holiday at their home here, Misa Twilla Turner, Toronto, Jhemt the holiday with her friend Mr, Lloyd Hughson, Mr, Thos. Hall, Brooklin, snent the holiday with Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Av erv. Miss Mary Wales, Oshawa, spent the holiday with her friend Mr. Or- ville Lyle, Miss Hazel and Frank Grose, To- ronto, spent the holiday with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. I. Grose Mr, Arthur aroma or, Toronto, snent. the holiday is. parents us and Mos Irvin Ormiston." r. and Mrs, Charles e, spent Sunday with friends in Toronto. he sacrament of the ne rwill he observed here on Sun. day evening, (April 27th, at the close of the regular service which is held at 7 pm, . our w Toronto, Mr. and Mr. Irvin Ormiston has purchased w'new Chevroletcongh, © = oo oo J Of Hamilton the new first vice. NEW VICE-PRESIDENT tr w ¥. M, MORTON president. Industrial Accident Prevention Associations who was clected at the annual meeting in SEEK MISSING Police Trace Report Cather- Beouts, Fire Department and a party ore ganized by the Kiwanis Club comb ed the rural sections County in a search for Miss Cath- erine McHugh, missing from her home, Ouellette Avenue, afternoon, every farmer in the outlying dis- was not available, but no informa tion as to on information received from two sources, the city says he woman answering Miss McHugh's ing and took up the topic which was Laster," The Watch-Tower was vesponded to by Miss Xdith Balson, Irene Grills and Kvelyn Wade, Readings were given by Miss Mary Found and Miss Pear) Flintoff, At the close of the meets ing an Waster lunch was served by Miss Evelyn Wade's group and o social time. enjoyed, On Sunday the services were well attended. In the morhing the pastor, Rev, J. H, Btaluton preach- ed an Laster sermon and reception service was also held when several young people were received into the Church, The cholr sang special Yaster musie nd a solo was sung by Mrs, WwW. R, Courtice, In the evening our pastor gave an illustrated talk on "The Nesurrection," Miss Frav- eis Hancock, Bowmanville, sang "Phere Is A Green Hill Fer Away' which was {llustrated with ple- tures, Sunday afternoon at the Sunday School session after the lesson period a short Easter pro- gram was presented, A selection by the Primary class under the di- rection of Misses Hattle Oshorne and Sadie Muir, a voeal duet by Miss Hazel Rundle and Mrs, W, R, Courtlee and a springtime story by GIRL AT WINDSOR th th ine McHugh Was Ab- ducted Monday RAIL A' Windsor, April 26,~= Boy members of the Windsor of Essex who has Ween Windsor, since Monday The Kiwanians visited iets, where radio communication the missing girl's hereabouts was obtained, The Windsor police are working t! A prominent resident of BAW BR Young Apsinibola The three vessels which made Soo Wednesday, the LE, Block, and Leopgid are also num. bered among the seven above, rowed it badly do that passage i» practically impossible until the shifts to the southeast und loosens up ASK INJUNCTION Toronto, Ratepayers . Take for un injunction to restrain the city finance commissioner from acting on the city council, April 7, increasing the salaries of the mayor, controllers /high arrived yesterday, Block, Jos, The northwest winds have driven e fee into Whitefish Bay and wind wind LL e ce. IN"GALARY GRAB Action Against Council Salary Increases rr r---- ¥ Toronto, April 25.~An application 1e terni¥ of the by-law passed by people about the remarkable ve HAS TOLD FULLY 100 PEOPLE OF I1 "I think TI have told at least 100 ' Its Burgon gave me and many oi them. hove started taking i." Toronto yesterday, TEACHERS TIRED OF FERGUSON'S LIQUOR PAMPHLETS! with his parents, | Mr, and Mrs. Williamson, Hamp- | ton, Mrs. H, C, Hockridge, of Port | PA, Catheart, | Tell Government It Would | Be Better to Remove | Temptation Toronty, April 25.~Teachers are weary of receiving pamphlets {ron the Department of Education urging them to be examples to their pupils and practice temperance Yesterday, at a session of the O11 they "got up on theirshigh horse" | and presented a resolution suggesting | that: "The Depurtinent of Education | either desist from sending out pamph lets urging teachers by precept and example to inculcate the habit of tem perance or remove the temptation" The reading of the resolution was greeted by a round of applause, RK, L. Murray, of Dundas, Ont, presi | dent of 'the Teachers' Association, | came forward and announced that | teachers werd sick and tired of being | told by the Minister to teach temp erance by precept and example, "They are doing it," he declared, "and they are tized of being told a bout it so often, so someone has got on his high horse and said so." | The protest was tabled | CHICAGO STEAL er« | improve | s Sup | be LOWERS LEVELS | OF GREAT LAKES Capacity of Cargo Boats Di-| minished by 3,000,000 - | Tons Per Year Toronto, April 25, the Great Lakes have been The levels of reduced the capacity of cargo boats on those waters by J000,000 tons a year, as & result of the water diversion of 10, 000 cubic feet per second from Lake Michigan by Chicago for sanitation purposes, said Attorney-General Hamilton Ward, New York state, in an address at the Empire Club lunch. con yesterday The speaker said the shore line of the Great Lakes is 8300 miles and there are 400 harbors, The tonnage in a given year is the largest in the world, including more than 500,000,000 bushels of grain and 50,000,000 tons of ore, and he did not think one city should be allowed to hamper the transport#gion of such a large ton- nage by the drainmg of so much was ter from the lakes. Mr, Ward spoke of the legal bat. tles between the sanitary district of Chicago and the various lake states that culminated in a recent order of the court by which the sanitary dis- trict must build its own disposal plants at a cost of $300,000,000. ACTRESS KILLED IN CALIFORNIA Chicago Woman Also Mur- dered by Same Slayer's Weapon Laguna Beach, Cal, April 25, Mrs, Guy Bates Post, noted as an actress and sponsor of art, and Mrs, Dorig Murray Palmer, form. erly of Chicago, were found shot to death' here last: night in the elaborate home of Mrs, Post, Their deaths, according to the first impressions veoceived by of {icora who wero called hy a maid, came from shotgun wounds fired by: a third party. ¥ Ri Mrs, Post. was about 50. years of age and at one time during her stage 'career as Adele Ritohie, ap peare In a number of Lillian Rus sell's prouctions, . She was div. orced from her husband, a noted actor, who recently went te Hou. olulu "after appearances on Loy Angelos stagos, - Mrs, Palmer, sald to have heen the wife of a Chicago physician, was about 30 years old, . "Ten thousand tons of steel will used jn a bridge to be built over the Irrawaddy neur Mandalay, Upper Burma. More than $800,000 worth ot golf balls were imported into the approximately six inches, diminishing || Unitod States last years. ... deper' s'on dragged into an auto- mobile at Onellélie Avenue and Wyandotte Street late Monday night, The license number of the Car is in the hands of the police. The other lead came from a woman vosident of the West Side, She told the police thut she saw # Young woman boarding the Wind- sor-Detrolt Bridge bus on Londen Street Weet a little before § o'clock Monday evening. COURTICE BRIEFS | Miss Vera Vanstone is visiting at the home of Miss Mabelle Wal ters, | Miss Lyla Oshorne, Toronto, is sponding the holidays at her moth | or's, Mrs, EIl Oborne, | Mr. and Mr. Jack Brooks and | Master Orland, Oshawa, were Sun- day guestsgof Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Found, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Courtice, Miss Mabel Cleveland and Miss | Sadie Plunkett, Ottawa, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. BI. Courtice and Mr, and Mrs, K, KE. Courtiew, Miss Bessie Braund, Oshawa, | spent Sunday. with Mr, and Mrs, | Frank Worden, Mr. Rooald Courtice, was home on Sunday, Mr. Lee Webster and Mrs, Tur. ner, Toronto, were holiday guests of Mrs, A, ¥. Rundle, Miss Aura Brooks, Ladies' Col. lege, Whitby, is spending the holl- days at home, Miss Louise Kemp, Hamilton and Miss Britnall, Toronto were recent visitors of Miss Mabelle Walters, We are glad to note that Mrs, Geo, Penberthy Is home and doing nicely after having her tonsils re- moved In Bowmanville Hospital On Saturday afternoon the regu | Ar meeting of the Mission Cirele | was held in the Sunday Schoo! room with Miss Evelyn Wade's group in charge, The president, Miss Beth Gay was in the ehalr, Misk Annie Holt was In charge of the devotional part of the meet. Toronto, ! | | H | | Mr, Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto, Next Sunday evening our Pastor will give an f{lustrated lecture on "A Tale of Two Cities," Dickens, Mra, ful wle on Tuesday afternoon, dis posing of her household goods, Al though the weather was very cold, un large erowd gathered there and' Wm, nwa, kept things lively and articles | wore sold at falr prices. Reveral tonded the funeral of the late Mr, George T | day SEVEN STEAMERS IN TIE-UP AT THE S00 (By Canadian Press Loessed Wire) Sault Ste. Marie, Mich, April 25, | The ling for an opening through White fish into creased to Anna Minch, Jenkins and Maritana | arriving last night and the steamer | or to seek other legal redress nun and aldermen, has' been fyled by J. M. Bullen on behalf of Trving E. Ro bertson, editor of the Evening Tele gram, and threats of legal action a gainst the Telegram hy members of the city council either individually or : in a group are the high lights of city "When I started taking Sargon wolitics here I was hopeless, My kneey were . fie , | swollen twice thelr normal size and Fhe application for junction Is |r guffered torture with rheumatie made an a ratepayer by Mr, Roberts pains, 1 could hardly walk up # son, The controversy over the sal-| piieht of stairs or get on or off u ary Increases has plunged ciy le poli-{ stveet car, Everything 1 ate disus ties into the highest pitch of feeling greed with me, my kidpeys were Boon. hy vats and Charges and coun: oversactive, und not medicines | ter charges are being flung around | no gave me lasting relief, Sargon | daily, reduced the swelling in my knees An emergency meeting of the coun| oo" whore it iy hardly noticeable, «il has been cilled for Monday, the rheumatic paing are practically At the meeting of thel gone and my digestion is perfect, Central Council of Ratepayers in the | My kidneys seem all right, my sleep damning the action of the city coun-|!s undisturbed and I got up morn= cil in connection with the "salary-|Ings as fresh and strong as 8 roe secure it. The resolution requested | bust girl, Even the busiest day grab" and the methods employed to] doesn't fag me out now' -=Mrs, N, city hall a res passed con=| C. Plrrle, 58 Rose Hill Ave, Tor. the ratepavers associations of the eity i onto, contribute to a fund wi the object 'rior had a most success MRS, C. N. PIRRIE Sully, auctioneer, Osh- relatives from here at 'erkins, Oshawa, on Mone emergenry wher of steamers now waits lution was Lake Superior has heen in seven, with the steamers Sargon may het abtained fn Osh+ of moving to quash the salary grah|awa from Karn's Drug Store, (adv,) EE FOR THOSE WHO WANT AN INEXPENSIVE EGG MASH WE RECOMMEND SCHUMACHER $2.20 rer 100 1s HOGG & LYTLE LIMITED 54 CHURCH ST. PHONE 203 The FR model ing circuit. Combination Brunswick PANATROPE WITH RADIOLA MODEL PR 18 17-8 Brunswick Panatrope with Radiola is a combination 'instrument which incorpor- ates a Brunswick Panatrope (Electrical Type) together with a Seven Tube, Tuned Radio frequency Radiola, which is designed for operation from the house light- With 25 Records Free, Secisl $295 Combination PANATROPE AND RADIO Electric Combination Radio and Phonagraph in a Beautiful Walnut Cabinet, using. the latest type Dynamic Spcaker, and Screen Grid Tubes, Complete with Tubes, + 25 Records Free, Regular $475.00 Special $279 Reg. $675.00 A Few Exceptional Bargains in Electric Radios Left -- Will be pleased to demonstrate and and quote prices . on enquiry LUKE FURNITURE CO. Used Battery Sets These Used Battery Sets Are All Equipped With NEW TUBES AND BATTERIES and Luke Furniture Co. Guarantee Ranging in Price $25.00 up King Street, E Phones 78-79

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