Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Apr 1930, p. 8

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A HAT Samy THE DSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1930 IAWA WILL HAVE A SR. BASEBALL TEAM THIS YEAR Oshawa Decides to Enter Senior Team in C.O.B.L, Much Enthusiasm ls Shown at Well-Attended Organ- ization Meeting -- W. J. Bradd Is President of Club--Strong Team Is Expected 5 Last night at & well-attended meeting held at the local ¥.M.C.A, it was practically definitely deeld~ ed that Oshawa would agein enter p Senior team in the well-known Central Ontario Baseball League, The following is the list of cap~ able offers who were elected to operate the club, Honorary Presi. dents, W. A, Cond, D, W, Milll- champ, J. J, Callaghan, Alex, Storie, B, D, Drow, Honorary Vice Presidents, "Joe" Walsh, Dr, Phils ps, Dr. Trowin, Mike Bouckley and Ernie Marks, President, W J. DBradd, Vice-President William Gamble, Becond Vice-President; J. UB, Kilduft, Treasurer, C, Cums ming, and Secrotary, Beott Hubbell, In the choles of these well known baseball enthusiasts as members of the executive, the club got off to an excellent start, There were nbout 35 present st the meeting and everyone Was mor than enthusiastic, At the pre~ pout time 1t Jooks as if the C.0,B» 1... will be composed of four teams this year as last, with Kingston taking the place of Deloro, Peter- bore, Belleville and Oshawa are the other three expected entries, At the meeting last night it was decided that the local elub would pond representatives to the annual C.0.0,L, meeting, which is belug held In Belleville on Baturday. Every omber of last year's team, with the exception of "Dutch" Osborne, Bowmanville's Pro, hockey player, will be avail able this seuson and in addition ft is fully expected that a menber of last year's Aarabs will make the jump, It has been rumored that the Anrabs have signed up a mems ber of the Benfor players, and whether they will release them, or not, remains to ho sgen, There 18 no friction between the two ¢lubs wo there is little doubt that an agreement will be reached, Av far as it known at the present time, there fs no new material in the city, No transfers were made to Oshawa this season, Oshawa should be able to fleld a strong team when the umpire oalls "Play Ball" and there is no doubt that if the team produces good basebull, they will be well supported. Another meeting wil) be Neld In the near future and furs ther plans will be discussed, Bell Collapses H unter Wins White Sulphur Springs, W. Va, April 24 ~Francis Hunter, of New Rochelle advanced to the semi-finals of the Mason and Dixon tennis cham jonship hy elalming a default from erkeloey Bell of Austin, Texas, when the youthful Texan collapsed when he wis within ene point of the mateh, The startling finish was not satis- factory to the large gallery of spece tators, hut the 'committee was unas nimous in supporting the decision of the referee, 8, Howard Voshell, to whom Umpire Beals C. Wright ap. Jhbuded for final ruling on the ques: tion, a A | umBi R (© NEW MARTIN "Now Playing Alice Joyce "The QU ALL" SPINE SPEAKS" (And How) MOVIE TONE NEWS a Members of Toronto Lakesides Team Are Injured in Crash Calgary, April 24.~"Three members of ihe Toronto Lakesides, ladies' bas- ketboll champions of Lustern Cans ude, were slightly Injured in an autor mobile nceident on the Calgary to Banff Wfhway, while making 4 short trip to the mountain resort Wednes- day afterneon, Two flocs! women se- companying them were also gut up when the car crashed over tHe road near Exshaw, ; Proceeding to Banff about 1.30 o'- clock yesterday afternoon, the car rounded a curve about four miles west of Exshaw: / large rock was in the middle of the road and seeing this suddenly, the driver of the nse- dan car bounced over it, skidded In loose gravel and skidded across the road and crashed against two trees, where it came to a stop, Two members of the team and Fanny "Bobby" Rosenfeld, {former member of the team and Olympic star whe Is chaperoning the team were slightly cut about the face and arms by flying glass, The other two were Dot MeNell and Athol Wesley, both of whom scored two haskets each In the game against Central Grads Tuesday evening, which the Lakesides won 31 to 26, The other two persons Injured were Mrs, G. M, Todd and a Mrs, Daggs, who were but slightly eut hy flying glass, Mrs, Todd fs the wife of G. M. Todd, loeal manager of D, 8. Pat. erson, Dominion brokerage concern, Jack Dempsey To Hunt in Africa Agel 24~Jack Dempsey Africa to hunt big game, postponing whatever plans he had of a ring comeback ut~ tempt, the "Manassa Mauler" has ae. cepted the Invitation of George F. Getz, Chicago millionaire sportsman and big game hunter, to try his aim st lions and tigers in the African wilds next Winter, Dempsey plans to take boxing gloves and other ring accoutrements along, however, . for conditional workouts and to teach the savages the manly art of defence, "Maybe I'll find a new heavyweight champion on one of our safaris," Dempseey bantered, *Who can tell? Anyway, I hope I don't miss my aim at any lion, It's tougher to aim und miss at a Non than it is to miss fire at some heavyweights, you know." Many of the former champlon's friends believe his trip to Afrea will definitely close his ring career if It has not already ben closed, M-------- Corporal Izzy Schwartz Takes Another Lacing Cincinnati, April 24=Harry Fierro of Chicago scored a technical knock- out over Corporal Iszy Schwartz of New York In the ninth round of a scheduled ten-round bout here last night, The former New York Athletic Commission nominee for the world flyweight championship took a terri: fire beating, but managed to remain on his feet until the referee stopped the bout, Schwartz claimed to have broken his right hand early in the bout ana [} that he would retire from the ring. He made a similar announ- gement when he lost to Eugene Huat of France in a flyweight tour. nament last Fall, but returned to the, Fing to take another beating last night, Chicago, is going to Apnarently Hostesa----""Won't you get your wile to ding for us, Mr. ner oo Wi I" » pemore~--"1'll try to, I think she'll do it." "Ah, you'll ask her to, then?" "No, I'll ask her not to." Primo Carnera Wine Another Easy Victory Portland, Ore, April 24. Another easy vietim was on the knockout re« cord of Primo Carers yesterday, Sam Baker, Los Angeles negro, last ed only two mniutes of the first round against the glant Italian here last night, Carnern floored Baker six punches before the Negro was count times with crulshing right hand ed out, The welghts were: Carners 278 1-4; Baker, 28, ¢ The knockout was Carnera's six» teenth stralght vietory on his United States tour, His fteenth win, a tech nical knockout o or Leun Chevalier, negro, ut Oakland, Calif, recently re sulted in bis beipg barred from Call- fornia rings, Lacrosse League Organized Brooklin, April 24=A lacrosse lea ue to be composed of Brooklin, Pt, 'erry, Pickering, Whitby and Clare- mont was launched at an enthusias: tic meeting held here lust night, Rep. resentatives were present from these places and with Fred Waghorne, Sr, OALA booster, Mr, LeRoy of Oshawa and several other lacrosse boosters In attendance and address. ing the gathering, Canada's national game received considerable support, W. Scott of this plage oeccupled the chalr, and one of the festures of the speech-making was a statement made by TI. Hall, who declared that his first acquaintance with lacrosse dated back some 50 years ago when he witnessed a game played In England between two Canadian teams who were touring the country at that time, They were the Caughawaga In: dians and the Torontos, The officers of the league were el ected as follows; Honorary Patrons, Mr, Lueas, Port Perry; an Moore, Pickering; A, Jackson, Whit by: Dr. James Moore, Brookling Honorary . President, WW, H, Dryden, Brooklin; Honorary Vice-Presidents, A. Moore, Plekering; W. Parrish, Port Perry; TI. Hall, Brooklini A Nixon, Whithy; President, WV, Scott, Brooklin: Viee-Presidents, EK, Bow- man, Whitby: Mr, Levere, Port Per: ry: Mr. Wallace, Pickering: League Secretary, J. 1 MacDuff, Brookling Treasurer, C, Hanna, Brooklin Exe. cutive Committee, Lavery, Whithy Davis, Pickering: Jepson, Brooklin; J, Legard, Pickering: MeGregor, Port Perry: and M. J, Walker, of Claremont, Orioles WinA gain Baltimore, April 2welichind the alrstight pitching of Stewart Bolen, the Orioles rode to a O+t0<0 victory over the Montreal Royals here yess terday, Bolen allowed only five hits, and fanned four, Montreal ........ 000 420 000-0 § 1 Baltimore vivo 011 110 2086 10 0 Smith, Pomorsky and Nlebergall; Bolen and Danning. BUFFALO BISONS 'TAKE SKEETERS IN Jersey City, April 24The Jersey City Skeeters suffered their fifth con- secutive setback hee yesterday in a weird battle that yent to the Buff. alo Blsons by an 8 to 4 socre, Nick Allen, fighting Jersey City leader, was banished from the game in the sixth for vigorously protesting Umpire Derr's decision, Buffalo +. 102 500 000-8 10 1 Jersey City 012 Q00 001=sb 12 2 Dalley and Murphy; Bream, Doyle and Daly, Serdar m------------ 384 LADIES' BOWLING TEAMS Loulsville, Ky, April 24=Feminine bowling teams from every section of the country will begin competition today jn the thirteenth annual wom en's interbowling congress tournas ment, aA | NEILL'S THE STORE OF BETTER VALUES | Nurses Attention! Our White Rain I | Cloth Tie Oxfords will assure you Comfort and Satis- faction. Men's calf work boots in' panco is solid | Men's and Boys' Shoes in all sizes, $1.10 to $2.65 'When your fest || hurt come to Neil's for sa Aaicugo II: Lout (]| weather. PORT SNAPSHOT i... rr es Ul at ltt we A By Go, Oaxcrams, Bporis Bditer Oshawa's Senior C.0.B.L, Team Mthough there is no doubt that baseball does not enjoy the prom« inent position among summer sports, that it once enjoyed in this city, there is alse no doubt that it is far from dead. This fact wes made quite evident at the enthusiastic meeting which was held last night, It was practically decided that Oshawa would again enter a tesm In the CO.B.L, and at prasent it looks as if this city will be represented by & strong aggregation, It may be possible to make a very Interest: ing announcement before the week has passed ', LJ Ls A New Lacrosse LJ] League Last night a lively organization meeting was held at Brooklin and it was decided that & lacrosse league would be operated this Summer, with Plekering, Whitby, Port Perry, Brooklin and Claremont entering teams, This Is something new and entirely different for these places and & great deal of interest will, no doubt, be aroused, This is just a start, but maybe some day the Mann Cup will be won hy one of these teams, i Ld » Softball Teams Active There is a great desl of setlvity among the softball teams of the city at the present time, A good many of the team managers have ob» tained thelr certificates and the scramble for players is on In this case it Is, "First Signed, First Served) LJ] '» \. Ld Oshawa Nats, Practice The Oshawa Nationals will hold their regular practice tonight at the Motor City Stadium, The Nats, open thelr league schedule on Sate urday afternoon, here, when they clash with the Canadian General Electrie far In thelr quest for soccer laurels LJ LJ The Nats, have a smart team this year and they should go ' ' Snooker Tournament The Snooker Tournament, whieh has been In progress for the last two or three weeks at Mike's Place, was concluded on Tuesday night, Jimmy Quinn defeated Bill Joyee and met J, Thompson in the finals, The games were close and well contested, Jimmy won the title, Bes sides the first prize he received a medal from Mike, This is the sec- ond in a month fer Jimmy, er (Lo get opponents, » » He will, no doubt, now find it mueh hard. \ Poor Weather for Baseball The cold weather is playing havoe with the baseball schedules A great many games have been postponed this week in the big leagues and the sandlot teams have to practice, suffered also, as they have been unable St. Louis Browns Beat Detroit 5-1 St. Louis, Mo, April 24. =Dick Golf man was wild, but the Tigers could do nothing with his delivery when hits meant runs, and St, Louls dee feated Detroit § to 1, here yesters day, Coff, an Issued ten bases on Balls Detroit's two pitchers, Herring, who started, and Joe Samuels, his successor, were nearly as wild, giving elght walks, The Browns worked a double steal in the seventh, Shulte scoring on the play: Detroit 001 000 000-1 6 1 St. Louis ,oiovviyi 000 021 0x57 2 Herring, Samuels and Hargrave, Hayworth Coffman and Manion, Phillies Defeat Robins 16-15 in 3 Hour Tussle Philadelphia, Pa, April 24=The Phillies and the Brooklyn Robins shattered all of the young baseball season's slugging marks yesterday as Philadelphia gained its second straight victory 16 to 15, in a weird game that lasted almost three hours, The two teams first one leading, then the other, got J8 hits for their 31 runs, but it took an error to de. cide the issue: Jack Flowers, Robiny' Second Baseman, booted Thompson's | grounder with two out in the ninth and let Spotty home from third, Chuck Klein, 1929 National League | homerun leader, hit his third four: bugger of the year in the eighth to put Philadelphia within striking digs tance after Brooklyn had scored six runs in the seventh, Thompson alse contributed a homer to the Phillie sooring. Brooklyn ....., 002 430 600-15 17 2 Philadelphia ,,, 503 005 202-16 21 J Faulkner, Dudley, Phelps, Moss, Morrison, Clark and Deberry, Lopes? Speece, H, Elllott, Collins and Da- vis, McCurdy, Spotts, BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUR Won Lost P,0, Baltimore 1.000 Butfalo iv nnnnend S00 Foronto vovnnnavas 400 Rooboster vives seid NOWAK svvsvnnnnerd Montreal vs vanve ld Roading + vvonned Jorgey Clty (syria Wednesday's Scores Naltimore («8 Montreal ,.,.\0 Dutfalo ,..,.,8 Jersey Clty 4 Other games poatpoued, cold weuther, veri 8 0 's Games Toronto at Newark, Montreal at Baltimore, Dutfalo at Jersey Clty. Rochester at Reading. AMERICAN LEAGUR Wou Lost P.O, Philadelphia , vv 8 1 00 |! RY | Wash Olovelan 8. Louls Aran roit Other gems ~postioued, sold Today's Games 'Dutra bX Souin: at New Yorks NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost PC, Now York ' 0 1.000 Pittaburg Hu Chicago NS AIEY 4 R11) H J ) EEE EERE Philadelphia sos 8 A000 Boston St, Louls Cineinnatl ira rah 0 Brooklyn vi isveveld b JA67 Wednosday's Scores Philadelphia 16 Brooklyn ,...18 Chicago cvs 8 Bt, Louis , vs: b Cinolunat! at Pittsburg, called Bow storm, New York at Boston, postponed, cold weather, Today's Games Now York at Boston, Hrooklyn at Philadelphia, Bt, Louls at Chicago, Cincinnati at Plitsburg AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Won Lost Toledo L) 2 BEL Paul ene neaed Louisville ,., { Kansas Clty e040: Milwaukee vie nesld Indianapolis soveesed Columbus ssvennensd Minneapolis ,,vevvs 8 Wednesday's Scores Loulsville .,7 Minneapolis ...8 xB, Paul 0 Indianapolis ..b xCalled in 106th, darkness, Other games posptoned, cold weather, B00 B78 Bill Po, M47 407 488 itasraa ld Today's Games Milwaukee at Columbus, Kansas City at Toledo, Ht, Paul at Indianapolis Minneapolis at Loulsville, THE STILLER THE BETTER Mrs, Chuttorton==Love me still? Her Husband--Certalnly! In fact, I prefer you that way, A Healthy Baby Is a Happy Baby! Duby Dootors agree that there 1s a vital relationsinl between Baby's Health an Welght, It baby is gross and | irritable maybe it ia because he in underweight, which might be due to undernours Ishment or one of the many onunes of which your doctor oan advise you, Mothers for' your knowl convenience wo odge and have a Baby Scales that you may have baby weighed FRER once a week, We supply you with a welght card on which the entry will be made and "Wateh Him Grow," "Best for you and baby too¥ TINY TOT BABY SOAP a for Wo WASH OLOTH FRER When in need of Drugs |Cold Weather Keeps Leafs Idle ~~ Major Lu Clubs Want O'Neill Players Are Right in Behind Their Manager -- Clove. land and New York Amer. Get O'Neill -- Team Has Visitors ------et Newark, NJ, April 24~1t was too cold here yesterday for baseball} too cold for almost any sport played outs doors, so the fourth fame of the ser~ les between the Leafs and Bears was abandoned before It was started, Snow was in the alr for a few min. utes early. this morning, flakes of the heautiful being carried along on the crest of a biting northwest wind, Steve O'Neill and his athletes wel- comed the postponement for to play in such weather would only be invits Ing colds and sore arms: As Eddie Glebes Win First Game Toronto, April Sé-~Glebe Col: legiate of Ottawa secured a firm hold on the Canadien juvenile bas. ketball title last night when they defeated Elizabeth, Playground re- presentatives, 2 84 to 14, In the first game of the play-offs, being held at Central YMCA, Glebe Collegiate showed a powerful offen~ | wive In the second stanza when ats ter being under a four-point des flelt at half time, were able to secure their teuspoint lead on the round by one of the most brilliant last-minute finishes that has been seen In minor circles locally in yoars, With a little over two min- utes to play the Capital City quin- tette were ahead by only three points and it seemed 1fkely that the Liszles would be able to hold the defending champions, Hows over, in loss time that it takes to tell they counted three field goals and a foul shot to secure an ad- vantage that will be decidedly dif. ficult to overcome 1dssies' Lod Early By the middle of the first half Abate's Lisgles were ahead hy elght points and were showing the form that carried them undefeated to the Ontario champlonship. From this time on the loeal five has marked the mareh to the Dominion finals, The ball handing became ragged, thelr passes went astray and individual efforts were not able to plerce the sturdy team de- fence that the students provided, From this time on Lizsles were held without seoring a basket, their other points coming on foul throws, -------- NEWARK GETS PITCHER Philadelphia, April 24Connle Mack in New York yesterday an nounced that Alfred Jones, youns right-hander of the Philadelphia Athletios, has been released to the Newark International League Club, A former Gettysburg College pits oher, Jones was with the Athle. ties In 10248, but was farmed out to Martinsburg of the Blue Ridge League last season, His home Is in Philipsburg, Pa, ' i ican Clubs Would Like to| « Ea ---------------- Phillips, Leaf catcher, said this mor: ning: "The players have lost through the cold weather they have exper enced this past two weeks, most of the condition they obtained in Viofr Lo It was not exactly an ides! afters noh for the pilot of the Leafs, He took time off to explain why he thinks his men will bit In keeping with any team that has pennant sm- bitions, He admitted that so far Hare ry Davis, who is endeavoring to the best of his ability to fill the position 80 ably held down in the past by Mickey Heath, Dale Alexander and Bill Sweeney, had surprised him, O'- Nell! declared last night that if Da. vis Is able to continue the baseball that he has played since the league season opened, that he has no fear as to what the 1930 campaign may bring him, Players Solid for Bleve We are not going to predict 8 pens nant for the Leafls, but this must be sald, if loyalty to a manager will get i team anywhers, then the Leafs are heading somewhere worth while, Even Tris Speaker admits that the Leafs have championship possibilities, "Spoke" sald yesterday afternoon, In a fanning bee, that the Leafs have a pennant possibilities if ever a team had, He said that the Leafs had ta«] if ken the wind out of the sails of his men, "Spoke" shares the opinion of other critics who have seen O'Neill's | Ill men nerform, and who gannot pass up records of the past, that the Leafs boast one of the finest pitching staffs in the league, that they are one of the greatest defensive ball teams the International League has known, and they have a leader who hasn't 8 supe erior in the International when bases ball knowledge and personality are taken Into consideration O'Neill May Go Up It may not he common knowledge, but right now both the New York and the Cleveland American League clubs are closely watehing O'Neill in anticipation ef obtaining his leaders] [if ship for next season should Bob Shawkey and Rogers Peckinaugh not make it a go this summer, O'Neill has been asked not to tie himself up for 1931 until he hears from the Cleveland and New York clubs, Lionel Conacher and Mrs, Conachs ar were visitors to the Hotel Douglas here: yesterday, They were paving a visit to Manager Steve O'Neill and his team Conacher Was A team-mate of O'Neill's when the Leafs won the International honors under Dan How ley in 1926, Conacher is still carrying a cane, and will be doing the same stunt for at least two more weeks It is seven weks since he was Injur. ed in a hockey game, and the Injury! | has turned out te be a more severe] || one than at first thought, The Rig Train still has a draining tube in the wound, Brotherly lave hetween Lione! and || Charlie is still much in evidenges Lio- nel carries on his watch chain the | |fi]| OHA, and CAHA, junior champ. fonship medals that Charlie wen in 1920, Charlie is wearing the same laurels that Connie won as a member of the Torente Canoe Cluh in 1920 The manager of the New York Ame | || ericans ix not afvaid to hoast that] Brother Charlie iv destined to heeome one of the greatest hockey nlayvers the N.H.L, has ever known, That is unless Charlie ohtains an inflated op+ infon of himself as Connie puts It, TR RES TH | LG 1 it I I YQUICKLY" 'phone THR REXALL DRUG | Jury & Lovell Li. holes howe os SPRING DAYS : are new-life days Now that the body is bounding into new life after the shut-in.days of winter--don't load it down with SHRE heavy, indigestible foods, Shredded Wheat is the energy-food that supplies the vital food elements of the whole wheat grain in a digestible form -- vitamins, mineral salts and proteins, Eat it with milk for breakfast and see how it carries you through the fore. noon without fatigue. ¢ DDED HEAT! WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT Pps | f: \ lube (rown In "A iy Wme Is imons lime SIMONS MERIT mn lybe 1 GANADIAN SUREDDED WHEAT SOMPANT LTE

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