Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Apr 1930, p. 2

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Bowmanville Daily Times adverts ad subearipions will be ecived 4. he ET SE, Werk Sterted | "it. was noticed that AREA Li undariak en by the. "Bowmaavill ortisultural Society, Grest progress is with the new citadel 'ton Army In Bowmanville, The Houtdations | are com luted and, the po up. It appears id ind Ww. I have the build. ne ished by Juno the first, Hon, Charles McCrea There should be a capacity crowd 'at the Men's anadisn Club tomor~ yow night to hear the Hon, Charles MoCrea, Minister of Mines in the Provinelal government speak on the mining industry of Ontario, Mr. MoCres is one oft he finest speak. ors iu Ontario and was heard on two occasions during the last pro- vinclal alection, Present Ope Operotta 'The young people of Ebenezer "will be n town tonight to present their operetta "Gypsy Rover' at St, [rib program for te sae Sales ciated by the large number present Soom, bis ¢ have in' hie on many om i $have always received a kindly wel-|w ome, ' ia 2 0 ee---- White Shield Club The White #heleld club hei a ne Sajcpasle eve evening at the home hell, on Lovers' Lane on: Huosday night, The en- te jament took the Hy of an he MOA of the club presented. the am which was much appre- At the conclusion of the entertain~ ment & vote of thanks was accord, a Mry, Gatehell for the use of her ome, ------------------------ BOWMANVILLE BOY SCOUTS All members of the Bowmanville Troop Boy Scouts are urgently re- quested to be present ai their re- organization meeting Thursday ev- ening at 7.80 in the gymnasium of the public school. "Come on Seouts all out together for a real good tme this summer; camps, hikes, oto." Special news for this 24th, Come on Scouts, let's go. Any new boys wanting to join also welcome, English' SHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1930 i SUIT IN COBOURG DAMAGE ACTION _ 4Co nued from os hird iiness fi was Ad Wotstlon father of one of boys and one 3: the claim- ants in the .actions, He explained I loss the. death of Ils boy at to him as he expected the ad would be living with him for next ten years and would con- or te a rout desl fo the family oxohequer. While giving his evid- ence his wite who sat In the eourt broke down and wept bitterly, Mr, Murray, another of the pase songers in the American car, was the next called and he told of the injuries sustained as a result of this accident, He had, he said, been nearly deat previous to sthe accel dent bat for two weeks following was stone deaf, His hearing was not even now back to normal and Jo suffered fits of depression and nervous prostration which prevent od him carrying on his work as an artist, He had in fact, as a result of this' crash, beame a nervous wreck, he claimed, Mrs. Schulk, wife of the drive or of the American car testified' as to the condition of her husband since the accident, She told that he was nervous and irritable and in answer to the judge asking for a definite state of her husband's health, she said: "When I speak to him, he flies off the handle." Mr. Justice McEvoy: "Did he not do this before?" Mps. Schalk: "No." Mr, Justice Matver: "Then he must be an sugel,' her witnesses examined 'um ing the morning session fucluding Sgt, Wtory of the Provinglal Police who took ou statement from Abate, snd Mr, Fisher, an employee of the Goodyenr Tire Company of Bowe manville, who was on the scene shortly after the nceident occurred, 'Most of the afternoon was taken up with the idency of 3 r, 5 3 Arméirong, Sh f supervisor and rector of p! nds for the pro of Toronto, 'This time maine ly taken a when some ents made by My, Armstrong differed to those which he had made in n fore mer hearing. In tho former hears ing he had stated that Abate was driving' bis car at the Instance of the city o nthe day of the accident and today he stated that once the ball team which Abate was drivin, was out; of the Toronto league 8 into the provincial league they did not come under the city but play- ed in these games under thelr own option, The Amerlean doctors who had tres some of the injured brought to a close the long drawn out 'evidence for the plaintiffs, The first casé on the docket that of Wetstien vs the City of Toronto and Abate was then argued and Col Geary put a motion for a von sult, Mr, Justice Me- Evoy, however, thought that this was a matter which would require careful consideration and therefore loft his decision for today st nine thirty, Should the learned judge decide for the city of Toronto, that will moan the disposal of one case, but should he do other wise then more than dozen witnesses will have to be examined for the defence, If as stated previously he allows the mo- tion of non-suit for the city of Tor ng of statements of ronto he will then have the case An AYLMER meal brings him ome | ina Bird is hangs Canadian Mothers to Vv EEE da of the year yepiabies ove vey doy of sh 120+ An "AYLMER" OT oar bio. in "ATL. am ania ae Fruits and £3 in slid elle vision, + Sond Quality, Groen lall fox Fancy. - Pere ted 'Would Reduce Price for Abate to decide. In uny case | the proceeding will be u long one and a decision on all cases is not expected until Jute tonight, Jt may oven steering to the length (ime taken by counsel In examination Iast woll into Friday and, possibly Saturday, Following these actions there are two more on the st in which the town of Cobourg figures, Pie is the own of ohours w Domin, nada Guarantes i«| and the Sha is Plllsworth vs the Town of Cobourg, In hoth eases the town of Coboyrx will'be repre- sented by ¥, M, Meld, K.C, NEW ST. LAWRENCE PLAN WOULD BRING 1,000,000 WORK " of|¥ Power and Mean Free Navi- gation Says Sifton m-- Toronto, April 24="Premier King Is not ing many idle words, Those Nrar a h dle words shot out the er day have a lot of Meaning in Shem." sid T. M, Cayley, M.P., South Oxford, addressing the final session of the annual meeting of the Ontario Women's Liberal Association here yesterday, The speakers pald great tribute to Premier King for his treatment of the Maritimes und the many millions granted -that part of the dominion to help re-establish prosperity and the wellare of the people of the ease tern seaboar Harry Sifton spoke on the St, Lawrence Waterway, He deplored the waterway from selfish motives, He charged Premier 6, Howard Fer. guson had changed his mind on the scheme from favoring It at the start to Hing it and hampering Pre. mier in the Istter's efforts to got the i eme underway, With the developnient of the waters way, power would he available at $1354 per horsepower and free nayi- aston #8 against the present price 15 and no navigation, Mr, Sifton dee ared, IH Mr, King is returned with a mandate for the making of a treaty, Mr. Sifton predicted that there would be $650,000,000 spent in the next ten years and the 4,000,000 horse-power made available would provide 1,500,000 new jobseten times the number of unemployed in Can ada today, Thomas Bheridan who was plek. od up in an intoxicated condition over the week-end, pleaded gullty to the charge. He was sentenced to serve three months In fall, IGNORING RECORD OF ACCIDENTS 13 UNPARDONABLE SIN Denton Massey Tells Acci- dent Prevention Conven- tion His Views 24=Tndustrialists who consider only profit. and loss sheets, peg A not those who contribute with their hands to those sheets, are "morally no farther ad- vanced in thelr own civilization than the caveman was in his," declared Denton Massey of Toronto, address» ing the convention of the Industrial Aceigm Prevention Association yes» terd: Tgronte; April I Tebing as his sub jee Krad dduatiys fl ln Sin," Massey oa d; "If your civilization § led to impress us with the sense of human values and human feelings, then we might Just as well hie ourselves back to the neolithis age," Industry, he suid, commits an unpardonable sin when its industrialists Will look upon the accident record and dismiss it with a "sardonic laugh." High accident frequency impais efficient plant operation, said K, Morley, general manager of the oi dustrial Accident Prevention Associus tions, "Accidents are mistakes--mis- takes on the part of someone, und the fewer. the mistakes the more contented will be your staff from the president down and the more effece Wve Jour organization," Mr, Morley said in his annual report, Last year there were 87,103 acci- dents reported to the Ontario Workmen's Compensation Board, in- cluding 510 fatal cases, the report said, OHIO CONVICTS BECOME UNRULY (Continued from Page 1) Sensational Evidence Columbus, O., April 24,~Sensation- al charges. that prison officials could have saved all the 318 prisoners who died in the Ohio Penitentiary fire on Monday night, and an admission from Warden Preston E, Thomas that no genera! fire precautions are taken at the institution, were read into the record of the Board of In. quiry yesterday. Charges that the prison officers were lax In their consideration of the value of human life were made by A, E, Nice, Columbus Fire Chief, The Warden blamed the State for overerowding the prison to almost ce ity capacity, Chief Nice derlared that all the victim could have been saved if they had been released from thelr cells as soon us the fire was discov. ered, He told the bosrd that there must have been undue delay, be. cause 'the first alarm came from a box outside the prison walls, Warden Thomas, recalled to the witness stand after Nice finished his testimony, was questioned in detail us to whas precautions were taken wealnst fire snd why he went oute side the prison walls to prevent any escape when a serious situation pres vailed inside, , He replied that he did aot provide feneral fire protection ut the prison because Columbus fire companies can reach there in two minutes, and that he did not po to the scene cf the fire becaure he had given orders and expected them to be carried out, WAS "FOUND IN" Joe Racalla appeared in police court this morning to answer to &» charge of being found In a common gaming house, The police raided the house in which he was and found, Racalln, asleep, In a back room, The defendant claimed that he was tak- Ing no pert in the gambling and that he went to the house to collect a debt, The court maintained that cone well known to the pollee he shoild have picked & pebief place . 1, sleep, Raculla was charge eats, with the option ol % ye in nil by the court us a reminder to lead a straight course, YOUTH REMANDED . John Melnyk, one oi<the boys whe appeured in court some time go In connection with the theft of insulated copper wire from the Public Utilities Sommisslon sane up this merning, The four bo: y volved in the affair were, ordered to pay for the wire or take the consequences, Two of them paid up, but the other two failed to put In an appearance in court last week, A bench warrant was issued for the apprehension of John Melnyle and Lloyd Chryk, Melnyk was taken into custody and came up today, The court remanded Him for a week in custody, It Is believed that arrange~ ments are belng made to have the Children's Ald Soclety take over the care of Melnyk, Diner-"Can't est this soup," Walter--"1'l| call the manager." Diner (when mepager arrives) ='"This soup=1 can't eat it." n Mapager~"1 regret that. fetch the chet," wr "What's the matter with Diner~"Nothing, I ain't got a sidering the fact that, the house was spoon!" ET. ee, AYLMER VEGETABLES, FRUITS and SOUPS ARE SOLD BY SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES OSHAWA WHOLESALE LIMITED OBHAWA Sy -- uw Ma The famous REAS wee Music Jrom Air or Records with equally wonderful tone-qual- ity. Price, complete with tubes == $373.00, This new instrument ...1is unrivalled at any price...you never heard such. glorious tone N Radio, as in other things, you may buy at various prices, For each price you get something = usually what you pay for, Here is a new Victor inscrument which is uagivalled at any price, yet you may have it for a moderate outlay. In this new instrument, the creative staff of the world's lasgest and finest musical instrument producers have striven for tone. quality that should be mirror-like in its fidelity = and have obtained it, through a new discovery == micro-synchronous balance, Now you may touch a button and hear broadcasts as they sound in the studio) ouch another, and hear from records exactly that beauty which some great. singer has put into them. One instrument == beautiful in its truth to musical Ideals -- gives you every thing. Nothing compares with it, We ask you not to take our word, but to hear it yourself. MICRO .SYNCHRONOUS Victor x Radio wilh ELECTROLA. VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED

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